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Bitton RR Kaye E Dirbas FM Daniel BL Pauly KB 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2012,35(5):1089-1097
To investigate magnetic resonance image‐guided high intensity focused ultrasound (MR‐HIFU) as a surgical guide for nonpalpable breast tumors by assessing the palpability of MR‐HIFU‐created lesions in ex vivo cadaveric breast tissue.Materials and Methods:
MR‐HIFU ablations spaced 5 mm apart were made in 18 locations using the ExAblate2000 system. Ablations formed a square perimeter in mixed adipose and fibroglandular tissue. Ablation was monitored using T1‐weighted fast spin echo images. MR‐acoustic radiation force impulse (MR‐ARFI) was used to remotely palpate each ablation location, measuring tissue displacement before and after thermal sonications. Displacement profiles centered at each ablation spot were plotted for comparison. The cadaveric breast was manually palpated to assess stiffness of ablated lesions and dissected for gross examination. This study was repeated on three cadaveric breasts.Results:
MR‐ARFI showed a collective postablation reduction in peak displacement of 54.8% ([4.41 ± 1.48] μm pre, [1.99 ± 0.82] μm post), and shear wave velocity increase of 65.5% ([10.69 ± 1.60] mm pre, [16.33 ± 3.10] mm post), suggesting tissue became stiffer after the ablation. Manual palpation and dissection of the breast showed increased palpability, a darkening of ablation perimeter, and individual ablations were visible in mixed adipose/fibroglandular tissue.Conclusion:
The results of this preliminary study show MR‐HIFU has the ability to create palpable lesions in ex vivo cadaveric breast tissue, and may potentially be used to preoperatively localize nonpalpable breast tumors. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012;35:1089‐1097. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献3.
Jiming Zhang MS Charles Mougenot PhD Ari Partanen MS Raja Muthupillai PhD Pei‐Herng Hor PhD 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2013,37(4):950-957
To estimate the local thermal conductivity of porcine thigh muscle at temperatures required for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)‐guided high‐intensity focused ultrasound (MRgHIFU) surgery (60–90°C).Materials and Methods:
Using MRgHIFU, we performed 40 volumetric ablations in the thigh muscles of four pigs. Thirty‐five of the sonications were successful. We used MRI to monitor the resulting temperature increase. We then determined local thermal conductivity by analyzing the spatiotemporal spread of temperature during the cooling period.Results:
The thermal conductivity of MRgHIFU‐treated porcine thigh muscle fell within a narrow range (0.52 ± 0.05 W/[m*K]), which is within the range reported for porcine thigh muscle at temperatures of <40°C (0.52 to 0.62 W/[m*K]). Thus, there was little change in the thermal conductivity of porcine thigh muscle at temperatures required for MRgHIFU surgery compared to lower temperatures.Conclusion:
Our MRgHIFU‐based approach allowed us to estimate, with good reproducibility, the local thermal conductivity of in vivo deep tissue in real time at temperatures of 60°C to 90°C. Therefore, our method provides a valuable tool for quantifying the influence of thermal conductivity on temperature distribution in tissues and for optimizing thermal dose delivery during thermal ablation with clinical MRgHIFU. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2013;37:950–957. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献4.
MRI‐guided high‐intensity focused ultrasound ablation of bone: Evaluation of acute findings with MR and CT imaging in a swine model

Matthew D. Bucknor MD Viola Rieke PhD Loi Do BS Sharmila Majumdar PhD Thomas M. Link MD PhD Maythem Saeed PhD 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2014,40(5):1174-1180
目的观察子宫腺肌病(AM)患者月经周期中病变肌层声触诊组织量化VTQ值变化规律与特点,探讨应用声脉冲辐射力成像(ARFI)技术提高该病早期诊断率的可行性。方法应用超声声脉冲辐射力成像(ARFI)模式声触诊组织量化(VTQ)功能分别于月经周期的卵泡早期和黄体中期观测子宫腺肌病患者病变肌层声触诊组织量化VTQ值,分析对比观察组2个时期间及两组相应时期间VTQ值。结果黄体中期病变肌层VTQ值高于卵泡早期VTQ值,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论超声声脉冲辐射力成像(ARFI)技术能实时、敏感检测子宫腺肌病VTQ值,而且可重复性好.同时能体现子宫腺肌病肌层病变随月经周期性改变,有望成为子宫腺肌病诊断手段之一,从而为提高该病的早期诊断率提供有效依据。 相似文献
Wharton IP Rivens IH Ter Haar GR Gilderdale DJ Collins DJ Hand JW Abel PD deSouza NM 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2007,25(3):548-556
To integrate a high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) transducer with an MR receiver coil for endocavitary MR‐guided thermal ablation of localized pelvic lesions.Materials and Methods
A hollow semicylindrical probe (diameter 3.2 cm) with a rectangular upper surface (7.2 cm × 3.2 cm) was designed to house a HIFU transducer and enable acoustic contact with an intraluminal wall. The probe was distally rounded to ease endocavitary insertion and was proximally tapered to a 1.5‐cm diameter cylindrical handle through which the irrigation tubes (for transducer cooling) and electrical connections were passed. MR compatibility of piezoceramic and piezocomposite transducers was assessed using gradient‐echo (GRE) sequences. The radiofrequency (RF) tuning of identical 6.5 cm × 2.5 cm rectangular receiver coils on the upper surface of the probe was adjusted to compensate for the presence of the conductive components of the HIFU transducers. A T1‐weighted (T1‐W) sliding window dual‐echo GRE sequence monitored phase changes in the focal zone of each transducer. High‐intensity (2400 W/cm–2), short duration (<1.5 seconds) exposures produced subtherapeutic temperature rises.Results
For T1‐W images, signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) improved by 40% as a result of quartering the conductive surface of the piezoceramic transducer. A piezocomposite transducer showed a further 28% improvement. SNRs for an endocavitary coil in the focal plane of the HIFU trans‐ducer (4 cm from its face) were three times greater than from a phased body array coil. Local shimming improved uniformity of phase images. Phase changes were detected at subtherapeutic exposures.Conclusion
We combined a HIFU transducer with an MR receiver coil in an endocavitary probe. SNRs were improved by quartering the conductive surface of the piezoceramic. Further improvement was achieved with a piezocomposite transducer. A phase change was seen on MR images during both subtherapeutic and therapeutic HIFU exposures. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献7.
Noninvasive,in vivo determination of uterine fibroid thermal conductivity in MRI‐guided high intensity focused ultrasound therapy

Jiming Zhang PhD John Fischer MD Lizette Warner PhD Aytekin Oto MD Pei‐Herng Hor PhD Raja Muthupillai PhD 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2015,41(6):1654-1661
Maythem Saeed Roland Krug Loi Do Steven W Hetts Mark W Wilson 《World journal of radiology》2016,8(3):298-307
AIM: To use magnetic resonance-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (MRg-HIFU), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathology for noninvasively ablating, quantifying and characterizing ablated renal tissue.METHODS: Six anesthetized/mechanically-ventilated pigs underwent single/double renal sonication (n = 24) using a 3T-MRg-HIFU (1.1 MHz frequency and 3000J-4400J energies). T2-weighted fast spin echo (T2-W), perfusion saturation recovery gradient echo and contrast enhanced (CE) T1-weighted (T1-W) sequences were used for treatment planning, temperature monitoring, lesion visualization, characterization and quantification, respectively. Histopathology was conducted in excised kidneys to quantify and characterize cellular and vascular changes. Paired Student’s t-test was used and a P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.RESULTS: Ablated renal parenchyma could not be differentiated from normal parenchyma on T2-W or non-CE T1-W sequences. Ablated renal lesions were visible as hypoenhanced regions on perfusion and CE T1-W MRI sequences, suggesting perfusion deficits and necrosis. Volumes of ablated parenchyma on CE T1-W images in vivo (0.12-0.36 cm3 for single sonication 3000J, 0.50-0.84 cm3, for double 3000J, 0.75-0.78 cm3 for single 4400J and 0.12-2.65 cm3 for double 4400J) and at postmortem (0.23-0.52 cm3, 0.25-0.82 cm3, 0.45-0.68 cm3 and 0.29-1.80 cm3, respectively) were comparable. The ablated volumes on 3000J and 4400J double sonication were significantly larger than single (P < 0.01), thus, the volume and depth of ablated tissue depends on the applied energy and number of sonication. Macroscopic and microscopic examinations confirmed the locations and presence of coagulation necrosis, vascular damage and interstitial hemorrhage, respectively.CONCLUSION: Contrast enhanced MRI provides assessment of MRg-HIFU renal ablation. Histopathology demonstrated coagulation necrosis, vascular damage and confirmed the volume of damage seen on MRI. 相似文献
Chen JW Huang TY Peng HH Chen WS Tseng WY 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2011,33(6):1474-1481
To combine temperature‐related information of phase images and magnitude images acquired from an MR spoiled gradient echo sequence using a postprocessing method referred to as PRF‐shift‐weighted imaging (PRFSWI).Materials and Methods:
Phase images are capable of detecting shifts in proton resonance frequency (PRF) caused by local changes in temperature. Magnitude images provide anatomical information for treatment planning and positioning as well as temperature‐related contrast. We used PRFSWI to produce a phase‐mask and performed multiplication on the magnitude image to increase temperature‐related contrast.Results:
Through MRI‐guided focused ultrasound (MRIgFUS) experiments (both ex vivo and in vivo), we determined that PRFSWI is capable of enhancing the contrast of a heated area even in the initial stages of transmitting high‐intensity focused ultrasound energy.Conclusion:
The PRFSWI images are sensitive to changes in temperature and display the heated spot directly in the magnitude images. Although the images do not provide quantitative data related to temperature, this method could be used as a complement to the phase temperature mapping method in the real‐time monitoring of MRIgFUS experiments. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;33:1474–1481. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献13.
Endorectal MRI and MR spectroscopic imaging of prostate cancer: Developing selection criteria for MR‐guided focal therapy

Stephanie T. Chang MD Antonio C. Westphalen MD Priyanka Jha MB BS Adam J. Jung MD PhD Peter R. Carroll MD MPH John Kurhanewicz PhD Fergus V. Coakley MD 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2014,39(3):519-525
Annemarie C. Schmitz MD Maurice A.A.J. van den Bosch MD PhD Viola Rieke PhD Frederick M. Dirbas MD Kim Butts Pauly PhD Willem P.Th.M. Mali MD PhD Bruce L. Daniel MD 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2009,30(4):884-889
To compare the accuracy of magnetic resonance‐guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) with MR‐guided needle‐wire placement (MRgNW) for the preoperative localization of nonpalpable breast lesions.Materials and Methods
In this experimental ex vivo study, 15 turkey breasts were used. In each breast phantom an artificial nonpalpable “tumor” was created by injecting an aqueous gel containing gadolinium. MRgFUS (n = 7) was performed with the ExAblate 2000 system (InSightec). With MRgFUS the ablated tissue changes in color and increases in stiffness. A rim of palpable and visible ablations was created around the tumor to localize the tumor and facilitate excision. MRgNW (n = 8) was performed by MR‐guided placement of an MR‐compatible needle‐wire centrally in the tumor. After surgical excision of the tumor, MR images were used to evaluate tumor‐free margins (negative/positive), minimum tumor‐free margin (mm), and excised tissue volume (cm3).Results
With MRgFUS localization no positive margins were found after excision (0%). With MRgNW two excision specimens (25%) had positive margins (P = 0.48). Mean minimum tumor‐free margin (±SD) with MRgFUS was significantly larger (5.5 ± 2.4 mm) than with MRgNW (0.9 ± 1.4 mm) (P < 0.001). Mean volume ± SD of excised tissue did not differ between MRgFUS and MRgNW localization, ie, 44.0 ± 9.4 cm3 and 39.5 ± 10.7 cm3 (P = 0.3).Conclusion
The results of this experimental ex vivo study indicate that MRgFUS can potentially be used to localize nonpalpable breast lesions in vivo. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2009;30:884–889. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献16.
The combination of the imaging abilities of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the ability to delivery energy to targets deep in the body noninvasively with focused ultrasound presents a disruptive technology with the potential to significantly affect healthcare. MRI offers precise targeting, visualization, and quantification of temperature changes and the ability to immediately evaluate the treatment. By exploiting different mechanisms, focused ultrasound offers a range of therapies, ranging from thermal ablation to targeted drug delivery. This article reviews recent preclinical and tests clinical of this technology. 相似文献
Andrew H. Chung Kullervo Hynynen Vincent Colucci Koichi Oshio Harvey E. Cline Ferenc A. Jolesz 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》1996,36(5):745-752
The parameters of a spoiled gradient-echo (SPGR) pulse sequence have been optimized for in vivo localization of a focused ultrasound beam. Temperature elevation was measured by using the proton resonance frequency shift technique, and the phase difference signal-to-noise ratio (SNRδ ϕ) was estimated in skeletal muscle and kidney cortex in 10 rabbits. Optimized parameters included the echo time equivalent to T*2of the tissue, the longest repetition time possible with a 20-s sonication, and the flip angle equivalent to the Ernst angle. Optimal SPGR phase imaging can detect a sonication beam with a peak phase difference of 0.55 radian, which corresponds to a temperature elevation of 7.3°C. The sonication beam can be localized within one voxel (0.6 × 0.6 × 5 mm3) at power levels that are below the threshold for thermal damage of the tissue. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to evaluate acoustic radiation force impulse imaging for cervical lymphadenopathy in routine clinical practice and to correlate the acoustic radiation force impulse values with the morphological signs and the pathological results, which were used as the reference standard. The virtual touch tissue quantification values were analyzed in 123 patients (mean age 40.8 years, range 1–81 years) with 181 cervical lymph nodes (87 benign, 94 malignant). The diagnostic performance of acoustic radiation force impulse values were evaluated with respect to sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve using a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. The mean virtual touch tissue quantification values of the benign lesions (2.01 ± 0.95 m/s) differed from that of the malignant lesions (4.61 ± 2.56 m/s; P < 0.001). The cutoff level for virtual touch tissue quantification value for malignancy was estimated to be 2.595 m/s. Using the receiver operating characteristic curve curves with the cutoff value, the virtual touch tissue quantification value predicted malignancy with a sensitivity of 82.9%, specificity of 93.1% and gave an areas under the curve of 0.906 (95% CI 0.857–0.954). Acoustic radiation force impulse is feasible for cervical lymph nodes and provides quantitative elasticity measurements, which may complement B-mode ultrasound and potentially improve the characterization of cervical lymph nodes. 相似文献
MR acoustic radiation force imaging provides a promising method to monitor therapeutic ultrasound treatments. By measuring the displacement induced by the acoustic radiation force, MR acoustic radiation force imaging can locate the focal spot, without a significant temperature rise. In this work, the encoding gradient for MR acoustic radiation force imaging is optimized to achieve an enhanced accuracy and precision of the displacement measurement. By analyzing the sources of artifacts, bulk motion and eddy currents are shown to introduce errors to the measurement, and heavy diffusion‐weighting is shown to result in noisy displacement maps. To eliminate these problems, a new encoding scheme is proposed, which utilizes a pair of bipolar gradients. Improved precision is achieved with robustness against bulk motion and background phase distortion, and improved accuracy is achieved with reduced diffusion‐weighting and optimized encoding pulse width. The experiment result shows that the signal‐to‐noise ratio can be enhanced by more than 2‐fold. These significant improvements are obtained at no cost of scan time or encoding sensitivity, enabling the detection of a displacement less than 0.l μm in a gel phantom with MR acoustic radiation force imaging. Magn Reson Med 63:1050–1058, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献