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Isolation of Mycoplasma genitalium strains from the male urethra.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Mycoplasma genitalium is a human mycoplasma species which, on the basis of detection by PCR, has been incriminated as a cause of nongonococcal urethritis. Previously, only two strains from the urogenital tract and five strains from extragenital sites have been isolated. We have developed a method for the isolation of this fastidious microbe. M. genitalium from PCR-positive urethral specimens was initially propagated in Vero cell cultures grown in serum-free medium supplemented with Ultroser HY serum substitute. Growth was monitored by PCR. The M. genitalium strains grown in cell cultures could subsequently be subcultured in modified Friis's FF broth medium. Several passages in broth medium were required before growth on agar medium was attained. A total of 11 urethral specimens positive for M. genitalium by PCR from male patients with urethritis were investigated. Six strains were adapted to growth in broth medium, and four of these strains were cloned. Three specimens were overgrown by other mycoplasmas during propagation in the cell cultures. In only two PCR-positive specimens was propagation of M. genitalium unsuccessful. The use of cell culture combined with PCR monitoring of mycoplasmal growth may prove to be more widely applicable for the isolation of other fastidious mollicutes.  相似文献   

Isolation of Mycoplasma pneumoniae from the human urogenital tract.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common etiologic agent of lower respiratory tract infections in humans. However, it has been reported previously that the organism has occasionally been isolated from sites other than the oropharynx and respiratory tract. We report the isolation of 24 strains of M. pneumoniae from urogenital specimens obtained from 22 female patients. Most isolates were of cervical origin from patients attending several local gynecological clinics over a 2-year period. Strains were also isolated from the urethra of one of three healthy male sexual partners of female patients positive for the organism. Single serum specimens obtained from three female patients and three different male sexual partners showed antibody levels suggestive of either recent respiratory infection or genital tract colonization with M. pneumoniae. Although there is no apparent definitive explanation for the localized outbreak of the organism at these unusual sites, the possible transfer through sexual and/or orogenital contact remains the most likely mode of transmission. The occurrence of an organism with obvious pathogenicity for human epithelial tissue in the urogenital tract suggests such transfer could play a role in genital tract infection.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma genitalium attaches to human spermatozoa   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: Mycoplasma genitalium causes urogenital diseases in men and women and is presumed to be sexually transmitted. We wanted to investigate whether spermatozoa could serve as vectors for M.genitalium in order to cause upper genital diseases in women. METHODS: By use of Nomarski light microscopy and transmission X-ray microscopy, the attachment of M.genitalium to spermatozoa was studied. Semen was incubated in vitro with M.genitalium. Purified, motile spermatozoa were examined for attachment of M.genitalium by immunofluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: Mycoplasma genitalium was shown to adhere to the head, midpiece and tail of the spermatozoa. The spermatozoa became immotile when many M.genitalium were attached. However, the motile spermatozoa were demonstrated to carry M.genitalium and in this case the mycoplasmas were seen to attach mostly to the midpiece or neck region. Occasionally, M.genitalium was seen at the head but not at the tail. By X-ray microscopy, it was possible to observe the diffentiated structure of M.genitalium, and the attachment seemed to be mediated by the tip. CONCLUSIONS: Mycoplasma genitalium can bind to human spermatozoa and thus could be carried by motile sperm. This ability may be important in the process of causing female genital diseases and infertility.  相似文献   

Pathogen-free C3H/HeN mice were exposed by aerosol to Mycoplasma pulmonis PG34(ASH), UAB 5782C, M1, UAB T, or UAB CT, and clearance of mycoplasmas from the nasal passages, trachea, and lungs was determined during the first 72 h postinoculation (PI). There were differences among strains of mycoplasmas in physical removal of organisms and in killing by nonspecific factors in the nasal passages and trachea. The avirulent strain, PG34(ASH), was quickly removed from the nasal passages and trachea. Physical removal of the other mycoplasmal strains occurred slowly, with 60 to 89% of the radioactive label remaining in the nasal passages and trachea even after 72 h. There were significant differences in killing among mycoplasmal strains by nonspecific host mechanisms in the nasal passages, trachea, and lungs. Strain UAB T was quickly killed at all levels of the respiratory tract. Strains UAB 5782C and M1 were killed at all three sites by 2 to 4 h PI. The most virulent strain, UAB CT, was killed much more slowly than the other strains. However, there was no statistical difference in the relative numbers of mycoplasmas present in the lungs at 72 h PI among strains UAB CT, UAB 5782C, and M1. These studies showed that the different mycoplasmal strains were cleared from the respiratory tract by different mechanisms and suggest that the differences in virulence among the mycoplasma strains can be explained, in part, by the differences in elimination of the organisms from the respiratory tract by nonspecific host defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Isolation of Mycoplasma genitalium from clinical specimens remains difficult. We describe an improvement of the Vero cell coculture method in which the growth of M. genitalium was monitored by quantitative real-time PCR. Four new M. genitalium strains were isolated from six first-void urine specimens of male Japanese patients with urethritis. In two of them, only M. genitalium was detected: one also contained Ureaplasma urealyticum, and one contained Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, U. urealyticum, and Ureaplasma parvum. In the specimens yielding isolates of M. genitalium, growth was documented by quantitative PCR after two to five passages in Vero cells. The complete isolation procedure from the initial inoculation to completion of single-colony cloning took about 1 year. Isolation of M. genitalium from urine specimens proved to be more difficult than from swab specimens. Due to the cytotoxic effect of urine, a procedure involving washing of the urinary sediment was introduced. Furthermore, prolonged storage of the urine specimens before culture was shown to be detrimental to the success of isolation, as shown by the lack of success in attempts to isolate M. genitalium from mailed urine specimens as well as by simulation experiments. High concentrations of penicillin G and amphotericin B were surprisingly inhibitory to the growth of wild-type M. genitalium strains, but penicillin G at 200 IU/ml and polymyxin B at 500 microg/ml could be used as selective antibiotics to avoid bacterial overgrowth in the Vero cell cultures.  相似文献   

In previous studies with hyperimmune rabbit sera and monoclonal antibodies against the P1 protein of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, we obtained evidence of a shared antigenic determinant with a single protein of Mycoplasma genitalium. Because of biologic and morphologic similarities between these two human Mycoplasma species, attempts were made to characterize this cross-reacting protein of M. genitalium (designated MgPa). The protein was surface exposed and had an estimated molecular size of 140 kilodaltons. Electron microscopy with monoclonal antibodies produced against either MgPa or P1 demonstrated that MgPa is located over the surface of the terminal structure of M. genitalium which is covered by a nap layer. These immunologic and morphologic findings suggest that the MgPa protein of M. genitalium could be the counterpart of the P1 protein of M. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

We analyzed Escherichia coli strains isolated from dogs with urinary tract infections (UTIs) in an attempt to determine if any of these strains were similar to E. coli isolated from humans with UTIs. Using genotypic and phenotypic traits, we identified four canine and six human E. coli UTI isolates that all appeared to be closely related or identical. All isolates shared similar DNA sequences for pyelonephritis-associated pili (pap), alpha-hemolysin (hly), and insertion sequence 5 (IS5), on the basis of Southern blot analysis. Similar outer membrane protein, pilin, and plasmid profiles were obtained for each of the isolates, although minor heterogeneity was observed. All of these isolates expressed a neuraminidase-sensitive binding phenotype in contrast to the majority of human isolates, which are known to express an adhesin that recognizes terminal digalactoside residues. Taken together, these results suggest that similar E. coli uropathogens may be capable of infecting both dogs and humans. To determine if the intestinal tracts of dogs were a reservoir for uropathogenic E. coli, eight paired rectal and urine pap+ E. coli strains were cultured from dogs with UTIs. By using the same genotypic and phenotypic criteria described above as a basis for strain identity, seven of eight urine-rectal pairs showed intrapair identity. However, each urine-rectal pair displayed a unique overall profile and could be distinguished from the other pairs. We conclude that the uropathogen colonizing the bladders of dog can also be the predominant strain colonizing the intestinal tracts.  相似文献   

A mycoplasma cultured from synovial fluid specimens from a patient with pneumonia and subsequent polyarthritis was identified initially as Mycoplasma pneumoniae. In retrospective studies, the culture was shown also to contain Mycoplasma genitalium. In this paper, the laboratory techniques employed in the identification and separation of the two species are presented, and evidence to implicate postinfectious autoimmunity is provided. An increasing number of reports of M. genitalium in human tissue sites and difficulties in isolation and identification of the organism in the clinical laboratory suggest the need for more extensive application of rapid and specific detection systems for both M. genitalium and M. pneumoniae in the clinical laboratory.  相似文献   

DNA probes specific for Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma genitalium were selected from genomic libraries prepared in pUC13. The 32P-labeled probes could detect, by dot blot hybridization, down to about 0.1 ng of the specific mycoplasma DNA or 10(5) CFU. Biotinylation of probe decreased the sensitivity of detection and produced nonspecific background reactions with nonhomologous DNAs. Sulfonation of probe yielded a similar level of sensitivity with less background.  相似文献   

The history, replication, genetics, characteristics (both biological and physical), and factors involved in the pathogenesis of Mycoplasma genitalium are presented. The latter factors include adhesion, the influence of hormones, motility, possible toxin production, and immunological responses. The preferred site of colonization, together with current detection procedures, mainly by PCR technology, is discussed. The relationships between M. genitalium and various diseases are highlighted. These diseases include acute and chronic nongonococcal urethritis, balanoposthitis, chronic prostatitis, and acute epididymitis in men and urethritis, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and reproductive disease in women. A causative relationship, or otherwise strong association, between several of these diseases and M. genitalium is apparent, and the extent of this, on a subjective basis, is presented; also provided is a comparison between M. genitalium and two other genital tract-orientated mollicutes, namely, Mycoplasma hominis, the first mycoplasma of human origin to be discovered, and Ureaplasma species. Also discussed is the relationship between M. genitalium and infertility and also arthritis in both men and women, as is infection in homosexual and immunodeficient patients. Decreased immunity, as in HIV infections, may enhance mycoplasmal detection and increase disease severity. Finally, aspects of the antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance of M. genitalium, together with the treatment and possible prevention of mycoplasmal disease, are discussed.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae are morphologically and serologically related pathogens that colonize the human host. Their successful parasitism appears to be dependent on the product, an adhesin protein, of a gene that is carried by each of these mycoplasmas. Here we describe the cloning and determine the sequence of the structural gene for the putative adhesin of M. genitalium and compare its sequence to the counterpart P1 gene of M. pneumoniae. Regions of homology that were consistent with the observed serological cross-reactivity between these adhesins were detected at both DNA and protein levels. However, the degree of homology between these two genes and their products was much higher than anticipated. Interestingly, the A + T content of the M. genitalium adhesin gene was calculated as 60.1%, which is substantially higher tham that of the P1 gene (46.5%). Comparisons of codon usage between the two organisms revealed that M. genitalium preferentially used A- and T-rich codons. A total of 65% of positions 3 and 56% of positions 1 in M. genitalium codons were either A or T, whereas M. pneumoniae utilized A or T for positions 3 and 1 at a frequency of 40 and 47%, respectively. The biased choice of the A- and T-rich codons in M. genitalium could also account for the preferential use of A- and T-rich codons in conservative amino acid substitutions found in the M. genitalium adhesin. These facts suggest that M. genitalium might have evolved independently of other human mycoplasma species, including M. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

We investigated whether production of histamine by bacteria isolated from sputum of patients with infective lung diseases could be attributed to the presence of histidine decarboxylase (HD). Twenty gram-positive and 20 gram-negative organisms were studied for their ability to decarboxylate 14C-histidine in vitro over the pH range 4.5-7.5. Of the bacteria investigated, lysates from the gram-negative species Haemophilus influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa liberated 14CO2 and histamine from 14C-histidine in the presence of the cofactor pyridoxal phosphate. In contrast, results obtained in the absence of cofactor were similar to those of negative (lysate-free) controls suggesting that the HD enzymes of these species resembled those previously described in other gram-negative bacteria. No HD activity was detected over this pH range in lysates from gram-positive species. This finding correlated with earlier observations that these gram-positive organisms did not produce histamine in vitro.  相似文献   

The desert tortoise is listed by the United States government as a threatened species in part of its range. A major contributing factor in the decline of this animal has been the presence of an upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) which is characterized by a chronic disease which eventually leads to severe occlusion of the nares with viscous exudate and destruction of the respiratory epithelium. Electron microscopy of infected tissues demonstrated the presence of a mycoplasma-like organism attached to the respiratory surfaces. The mycoplasma was isolated and designated as a new species, with the proposed name Mycoplasma agassizii. The current study was designed to fulfill Koch's postulates and determine if M. agassizii was the etiologic agent of URTD. Clinically healthy animals with known antibody status were infused intranasally with pooled exudate (n = 8) from ill donor animals, with M. agassizii alone (n = 9) or in combination with Pasteurella testudinis (n = 8), with P. testudinis alone (n = 9), or with sterile broth (n = 12). The pooled exudate was culture positive for M. agassizii. Tortoises which received exudate or M. agassizii alone or in conjunction with P. testudinis were significantly more likely to develop clinical disease (P < 0.0004) than animals which received P. testudinis alone or the broth controls. Tortoises demonstrated a strong immune response to M. agassizii, and seroconversion was seen in all groups with clinical disease. M. agassizii was isolated from the upper respiratory tracts of clinically ill animals up to 6 months postinfection. On the basis of the results of these transmission studies, we conclude that M. agassizii is an etiologic agent of URTD in the desert tortoise.  相似文献   

Two new human rotavirus (HRV) strains, PA151 and PA169, with subgroup I specificity and a long RNA pattern, yet with a serotype G (VP7) specificity different from those of any of the six well-established HRV serotypes (G1 to G4, G8, and G9), were isolated 3 months apart from two children with acute gastroenteritis in Sicily, southern Italy, in the winter season of 1987 and 1988. The HRV isolates were adapted to growth in cell cultures and were then characterized by neutralization and RNA-RNA (Northern blot) hybridization. Cross-neutralization studies with type-specific immune sera to RV serotypes 1 to 10 showed the antigenic relatedness of the two strains with serotype 6 bovine strains UK and NCDV. Monoclonal antibodies to VP7 of UK were able to recognize UK and NCDV strains as well as both HRV isolates. Cross-hybridization studies showed a genetic relatedness of PA151 and PA169 to bovine strains for all genes except gene 4. Gene 4 of PA151 appeared to be genetically related to that of AU228 (a human strain of subgroup I and with serotype G3 specificity that belongs to a feline genogroup), whereas gene 4 of PA169 appeared to be unique, yet it was related to gene 4 of two recently reported subgroup I HRV strains, one (PA710) with serotype G3 specificity and the other (HAL1271) with serotype G8 specificity. The new HRV strains must be taken into consideration when deciding strategies for the development of an effective RV vaccine.  相似文献   

Summary Three cytopathic rotavirus isolates were recovered from young rabbits affected by an enteric syndrome. The three isolates, when compared by cross serum-neutralization tests, were found to be of the same serotype. Cross neutralization occurred also between a representative of the rabbit isolates and one strain of bovine rotavirus.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

The mature MgPa-adhesin of Mycoplasma genitalium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A high molecular weight protein of Mycoplasma genitalium (MgPa-protein) was isolated by fractionated solubilization with 1% CHAPS, followed by subsequent extraction with 2% octylglucoside and size exclusion chromatography. The comparison of the N-terminal sequence reported here with published nucleotide sequence data revealed the existence of a signal sequence; the molecular weight of the mature MgPa-protein was calculated to be 153, 134 dalton. The protein shares antigenic determinants with the adhesin of Mycoplasma pneumoniae (P1-protein). Therefore the amino acid sequence of the MgPa-protein was matched to the P1-protein sequence. Five of seven computer predicted hydrophobic regions of both amino acid sequences were located in corresponding regions.  相似文献   

Two new isolates of Ehrlichia chaffeensis (designated Jax and St. Vincent) were obtained from patients with fatal ehrlichial infections. Patients developed characteristic manifestations of severe disease due to E. chaffeensis, including marked thrombocytopenia, pulmonary insufficiency, and encephalopathy. Primary isolation was achieved in DH82 cells; the Jax and St. Vincent isolates were detected within 19 and 8 days postinoculation, respectively. The isolates were characterized by molecular evaluation of the 16S rRNA gene, the groESL heat shock operon, a 120-kDa immunodominant protein gene, and an incompletely characterized repetitive-motif sequence (variable-length PCR target [VLPT]). The sequences were compared with those of the corresponding molecular regions in the type isolate (Arkansas). St. Vincent contained one fewer repeat unit in both the 120-kDa protein gene and the VLPT compared with corresponding sequences of the Jax and Arkansas isolates. 16S rRNA gene sequences from the two new isolates had 100% identity to the corresponding sequences of the 91HE17 and Sapulpa isolates of E. chaffeensis, and to the corrected 16S rRNA gene sequence of the Arkansas isolate. The Jax isolate grew more slowly than the St. Vincent isolate in DH82 cells, and both of the new isolates grew more slowly than the extensively passaged Arkansas isolate. Although specific associations between ehrlichial pathogenicity and genotype were not identified from these comparisons, recovery of this organism from a spectrum of clinical presentations remains an integral step in understanding mechanisms of disease caused by E. chaffeensis.  相似文献   

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