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The binding of immune complexes (IC) opsonized by serum complement (C) and IC processed by CR1 (CD 35) receptors on human erythrocytes (E) to purified CR2 (CD 21) receptors was compared. Soluble CR2 was prepared from tonsillar mononuclear cells and purified by antibody affinity chromatography. Solid phase CR2 as well as CR2 subjected to PAGE and blotted onto nitro-cellulose membranes bound 125I-labelled BSA anti-BSA IC which had been opsonized by C and processed by CR1 up to ten times more efficiently than IC reacted with serum only. Radiolabelled monomeric C3d also bound to solid phase CR2. The binding of IC to purified and solid phase bound CR2 could be inhibited by anti-CR2 antibodies or by preincubation of the IC with polyclonal antibodies reacting with C3d or C3b/iC3b. Thus, both C3dg and iC3b appeared to mediate binding of IC to CR2. Preincubation of solid phase CR2 with purified monomeric C3d did not inhibit the subsequent binding of E-CR1 processed IC. The data indicate that E-CR1 have an important role in generating IC which bind effectively to CR2 receptors on B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The modulation the specific, adaptive immune response by complement, particularly of by complement C3, is mainly attributed to its interaction with complement receptors on B-lymphocytes. The function of complement receptors on T-lymphocytes, in contrast, is less well understood, although expression of the complement receptor (CR)1 and CR3 on T-cells has been described years ago. In the present study we investigated the effect of antibodies to CR1 on T-cell lines and peripheral T-cells of healthy donors, respectively. Antibodies to CR1 profoundly inhibited the proliferation of the T-cells; of note is, that exogenously added interleukin 2, though enhancing proliferation, did not overcome the inhibitory effect mediated by anti-CR1. While anti-CR1 had no effect on the activation of the immediate early genes c-jun or c-fos nor on the early increase of gamma interferon- or interleukin 2-specific RNA, the protein synthesis of those cytokines was inhibited. Moreover, synthesis of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was reduced as was the expression of cyclins, particularly of cyclin A and cyclin D3. Taken together, the data indicate that triggering CR1 inhibits proliferation of T-lymphocytes by a mechanism operating downstream of the initial signalling events.  相似文献   

Intraglomerular expression of complement receptors (CR) was investigated chronologically in 22 repeatedly biopsied patients with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) type I by indirect immunoperoxidase staining using MoAbs. Patients were divided into two groups based on whether intraglomerular C3c deposition was decreased at the second biopsy (2nd Bx) (group A, n = 12), or not (group B, n = 10). At the first biopsy (1st Bx), the severity of glomerular injury and the degree of glomerular C3c deposition were compatible between the two groups. Four patterns of CR1 (CD35) expression on podocytes were recognized: normal; generally decreased; focally/segmentally lost; and completely lost. The numbers of CR3 (CD11b/CD18)- and CR4 (CD11c/CD18)-positive cells per glomerular cross-section were counted. At the 1st Bx, no significant difference was found in the number of CR3+ or CR4+ cells between the two groups. At the 2nd Bx, the numbers of both the CR3+ and CR4+ cells were significantly decreased only in group A (P < 0.01). The numbers of CR3+ and CR4+ cells were significantly higher in cases with moderate or marked C3c deposits than in those with no or mild C3c deposits. The intensity of CR1 expression in group B was less than that in group A at both the 1st and 2nd Bx (1st, P < 0.05; 2nd, P < 0.01), and chronological improvement of CR1 expression was observed only in group A. The severity of glomerular injury was increased only in group B (P < 0.01), and was associated with persistent massive proteinuria and hypocomplementaemia. Our results suggest that, in cases with an adverse outcome, a more severe defect of CR1 initially exists and the expression of CR1 is not recoverable chronologically. This irreversible decrease or loss of CR1 may partly contribute to the continuous C3c deposition and intraglomerular infiltration of CR3+ and CR4+ cells.  相似文献   

The C3b-binding receptor, CR1/CD35, supports CR2/CD21-mediated activation of complement by human B lymphocytes, possibly by associating with CR2 to promote or stabilize the binding of hydrolyzed C3 (C3i), the primary component of the AP convertase, C3i-Bb. To evaluate this hypothesis, we examined the uptake kinetics and binding equilibria for C3i dimer interaction with human blood cells in the absence and presence of CR1- and CR2-blocking mAb. C3i displayed dual uptake kinetics to B lymphocytes, comprising of rapid binding to CR1 and slower binding to CR2. The forward rate constants (k(1)) for CR1 and CR2, operating independently, differed ca. 9-fold (k(1)=193+/-9.4 and 22.2+/-6.0 x 10(3) M(-1)s(-1), respectively). Equilibrium binding of C3i to B lymphocytes was also complex, varying in strength by ca. 13-fold over the C3i concentration range examined. The maximum association constant (K(a, max)=109+/-27.2 x 10(7) l/mole) was ca. 9- and 6-fold greater, respectively, than those for CR1 or CR2 acting alone (K(a)=13.2+/-5.3 and 18.5+/-3.5 x 10(7) l/mole). The high avidity of the CR1-CR2 complex for C3i is consistent with its rates of C3i uptake and release being determined by CR1 and CR2, respectively.  相似文献   

Broadly neutralizing antibodies and appropriate immunogens are critical for preexposure prophylaxis and therapeutic HIV vaccines. In this study, we aimed to explore effective antibodies against the genetically diverse HIV-1 strains by investigating the roles of human CD4 D1D2 domain and nonvariable immugens. The human CD4 D1D2 domain and the chimeric protein of mouse D1 domain/human D2 domain were expressed in Sf9 insect cells and purified by gel-filtration chromatography. The human CD4 D1D2 domain potently inhibited the infection of 77.8% HIV-1 pseudoviruses, including the clades AE, B’ and BC, with less than 20 μg/mL of IC50. pcDNA3.1-mhD1D2m and pcDNA3.1-mhD2m plasmids were used for the production of mouse anti-human CD4 polyclonal antibodies. The neutralizing activities of the polyclonal antibodies were determined by using pseudotyped HIV-1 viruses. The antibodies induced by plasmids containing human CD4 D1D2 domain were able to potently inhibit all pseudotyped HIV-1 strains. The antibodies from mhD1D2m-immunized mice also showed strong binding capacity to CD4 expressed on the surface of TZM-bl cells. The potent and broad inhibitory activity of antibodies against the human CD4 D1D2 domain may be used to develop effective passive immunization agent to control the spread of HIV infection.  相似文献   

Measurement of erythrocyte [red blood cells (RBC)] complement receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35) has the potential to serve as a sensitive assessment of complement activation and immune complex clearance. All previously reported monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to the extracellular region of CR1 recognize epitopes within the long homologous repeats (LHR) of CR1 and the epitopes for the most frequently used MoAbs are repeated at least twice per CR1 molecule. Furthermore, CR1 exhibits structural polymorphism characterized by a variable number of LHR per molecule. Thus, accurate enumeration of cell surface CR1 using currently available MoAb would require that the results be corrected for the number of antibody epitopes per CR1 molecule encoded by each individual's alleles. To obtain a MoAb to a non-polymorphic epitope on human CR1, hybridomas were generated from mice immunized with recombinant soluble CR1 (sCR1) and MoAb were screened for those that recognized the full-length extracellular domain but failed to bind to all four recombinant LHR fragments. A single antibody, CR1-2B11, was identified and was found to recognize an epitope located wholly within SCR29-30 of CR1, NH2-terminal to an elastase cleavage site. Like other CR1 MoAb, the CR1-2B11 epitope expression decreased on old erythrocytes compared to younger cells and CR1-2B11 did not identify a CR1 'stump' on RBC. Importantly, CR1-2B11 immunofluorescence did not change with storage or handling of RBC, unlike the apparent decrease in immunofluorescence observed with other MoAb. CR1-2B11 should be useful for the accurate enumeration of RBC CR1.  相似文献   

CR1 and CR2 are expressed as associated proteins on the B-lymphocyte surface. To investigate their respective contributions to the internalization of C3 fragments, transfected murine fibroblasts expressing human CR1, CR2, or both CR1 and CR2 were produced. CR1- and CR1-CR2-expressing cells bound C3b and C3b-dimer whereas CR2- and CR1-CR2-expressing cells bound iC3b and C3de. In all cases, maximum binding was achieved at low ionic strength. CR1-CR2-positive cells internalized two- to threefold more C3b and 1.5-fold more iC3b than CR1- and CR2-single-positive cells, respectively. Internalization of the anti-CR1 antibody J3D3, or C3de was at the same level, in both double-transfected and single-transfected cells. Furthermore, the internalization of C3b dimer by CR1-CR2 cells was impaired in the presence of OKB7, an anti-CR2-blocking antibody, but it was not altered in CR1 cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that CR1 and CR2 collaborate to internalize C3b and iC3b proteins. We suggest that the induction of conformational changes of the ligands enhances their binding to both receptors.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that the C3b receptor CR1 (CD35) and the C3dg/Epstein-Barr virus receptor CR2 (CD21) are expressed by 25% and 70% of normal human thymocytes, respectively. The expression of CR2 extends to both CD1+ and CD1? cells in the thymus. Two subsets of CR2+ thymocytes were defined expressing low and high density of the receptor. The CR2++ subset represented 20% of CR2+ thymocytes and co-expressed the CR1 receptor. CR2++ thymocytes expressed an immature CD1dull, CD3?, CD4dull, CD8?, CD7++ phenotype and included a subpopulation of large cells expressing CD34. Twenty percent of thymocytes expressed the CD21 epitope defined by monoclonal antibody BU32, which is involved in the binding of CD23 to CD21. These observations provide a basis for a role for CD21 in the proliferation and differentiation of thymocytes at early stages of maturation. The functionality of CR1 and CR2 on thymocytes was evidenced by the ability of the receptors to mediate infection of cells with complement-opsonized human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The results may be relevant to the immunopathogenesis of HIV infection.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood and tissue mononuclear phagocytes serve as major viral reservoirs in HIV-infected individuals. We investigated the role of complement receptors CR1 (CD35) and CR3 (CD11b/CD18) in mediating productive infection with complement-opsonized HIV-1 and HIV-2 of cultured normal human peripheral blood monocytes, the promonocytic cell line THP-1, the monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6 and the glial cell line U251-MG. Cells were infected with the HTLV-IIIB strain of HIV-1 or the LAV-2 strain of HIV-2 that had been preopsonized with fresh human normal HIV seronegative serum. Productive infection was assessed by syncytia formation, the MTT cytotoxicity assay and/or release of p24 antigen in culture supernatants. Using suboptimal amounts of virus to infect the cells, we observed a higher and earlier productive infection of the cells with complement-opsonized HIV than with unopsonized virus. The enhancing effect of complement was totally suppressed by blocking CR1 or CR3 function with F(ab)'2 fragments of anti-receptor MoAbs; while blocking of the LFA-1 antigen had no effect. The infection of monocytic cells with complement-opsonized virus occurred independently of CD4 since it was not inhibited by F(ab)'2 fragments of a MoAb against the gp120 binding site of CD4 and since infection also occurred with Mono Mac 6 and U251-MG cells, which lack expression of the CD4 antigen and of CD4 mRNA. These observations suggest that complement may mediate productive infection of cells of the monocytic lineage with 'lymphocytotropic' HIV strains independently of CD4.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes (E) from a cross-sectional group of 22 outpatients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD), the majority without active disease (n = 14), were analyzed for CR1 antigen expression and capacity to bind complement opsonized, radiolabelled immune complexes (IC). Furthermore, E-bound C3 fragments and the plasma C3d concentration were determined. E-bound C3b/iC3b fragments were not elevated in patients with SLE, whereas E from 11 out of 22 SLE patients had increased C3d levels which correlated with the plasma C3d concentration (Rs 0.73, p less than 0.001). E-fixed C3d fragments did not affect the binding of Mab or preopsonized IC to E-CR1 and were not correlated with disease activity or medical treatment. Antigen expression of E-CR1 measured by ELISA or agglutination showed positive correlation with the IC binding capacity of E-CR1 (Rs 0.92 and 0.72 respectively, p less than 001). The IC binding capacity of E-CR1 from SLE patients was significantly reduced (p less than 0.005), whereas the antigen expression of CR1 (ELISA) on E from the patients did not differ from that of E from healthy donors (p greater than 0.1). E-CR1 antigen was measured by Mab reacting with an epitope outside the IC-binding site of E-CR1. E-CR1 antigen expression or IC binding showed no correlation either with disease activity or prednisolone treatment. However, 4 og 5 patients with MCTD and 4 of 5 patients receiving Imurel were found to have low E-CR1 expression and capacity to bind IC. Thus, measurement of antigenic E-CR1 in a cross-sectional group of SLE outpatients by use of Mab reacting with an epitope outside the ligand-binding region of CR1 did not reveal a significantly reduced CR1 expression. However, an assay for CR1-mediated IC binding showed a clearly reduced E-CR1 function.  相似文献   

CD21/CR2的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
补体Ⅱ型受体CD21/CR2是B淋巴细胞膜表面C3d/iC3b受体,在免疫应答中起重要的作用。同时人CD21/CR2也是EB病毒膜表面糖蛋白gp350/gp220、HIV-1等的受体,CD21/CR2以不同的结构域与这些配体结合,表现出多种生物学特性。弄清CD21/CR2的结构和功能,可以指导基础免疫研究,也可明确临床许多疾病的发病机理和治疗方向。  相似文献   

Normal human B lymphocytes are known to activate the alternative pathway (AP) of complement, leading to C3-fragment deposition and membrane attack complex (MAC) formation. The process is mediated via complement receptor type 2 (CR2, CD21), with complement receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35) playing a subsidiary role. In this study, we examine the relative contributions of CR1 and CR2 to the deposition of C3 fragments and MAC on B lymphocytes under circumstances where all complement pathways are operational. C3-fragment deposition and MAC formation were assessed on human peripheral B lymphocytes in the presence of 30% autologous serum. Blocking the CR2 ligand-binding site with monoclonal antibody (mAb) FE8 resulted in significant reduction (37.9+/-11.9%) in C3-fragment deposition, whereas MAC formation was only marginally affected (12.1+/-22.2% reduction). Blocking the CR1 binding-site resulted in significant reduction of both C3-fragment deposition (22.0+/-14.5%) and MAC formation (47.4+/-13.8%). Both the lack of CR2 influence on MAC formation and the promotion of C3-fragment deposition by CR1 are in striking contrast to the situation where only the AP is operational. The presence of erythrocytes (E) bearing CR1, however, markedly reduced both C3-fragment deposition and MAC formation. Our data suggest that C3-fragment deposition and MAC formation on B lymphocytes in vivo may involve both AP and classical pathway activation, with CR1 contributing significantly to the latter. On the other hand, the presence of extrinsic CR1, on E, may serve to limit spontaneous MAC formation and thereby ensure cell survival in the circulation.  相似文献   

《Molecular immunology》2015,68(2):584-595
The regulators of complement activation gene cluster encodes a group of proteins that have evolved to control the amplification of complement at the critical step of C3 activation. Complement receptor 1 (CR1) is the most versatile of these inhibitors with both receptor and regulatory functions. While expressed on most peripheral blood cells, the only epithelial site of expression in the kidney is by the podocyte. Its expression by this cell population has aroused considerable speculation as to its biologic function in view of many complement-mediated renal diseases. The goal of this investigation was to assess the role of CR1 on epithelial cells. To this end, we utilized a Chinese hamster ovary cell model system. Among our findings, CR1 reduced C3b deposition by ∼ 80% during classical pathway activation; however, it was an even more potent regulator (>95% reduction in C3b deposition) of the alternative pathway. This inhibition was primarily mediated by decay accelerating activity. The deposited C4b and C3b were progressively cleaved with a t½ of ∼ 30 min to C4d and C3d, respectively, by CR1-dependent cofactor activity. CR1 functioned intrinsically (i.e, worked only on the cell on which it was expressed). Moreover, CR1 efficiently and stably bound but didn't internalize C4b/C3b opsonized immune complexes. Our studies underscore the potential importance of CR1 on an epithelial cell population as both an intrinsic complement regulator and an immune adherence receptor. These results provide a framework for understanding how loss of CR1 expression on podocytes may contribute to complement-mediated damage in the kidney.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of the primary adaptive immune response to Coxiella burnetii are not well known. Following inoculation of the lungs with C. burnetii Nine Mile phase I (NMI), SCID mice developed pneumonia and splenomegaly and succumbed to infection, whereas wild-type mice cleared the infection by 24 days. SCID mice reconstituted with either CD4+ T cells or CD8+ T cells alone were able to control the infection, indicating that the presence of either type of T cells was sufficient to control infection, and B cells were not necessary for primary immunity. Similarly, wild-type mice depleted of either CD4+ T cells or CD8+ T cells controlled infections in their lungs, but these mice were highly susceptible if they were depleted of both types of T cells. However, compared to CD4+ T-cell-dependent protection, CD8+ T-cell-dependent protection resulted in less inflammation in the lungs and less growth of bacteria in the spleens.Coxiella burnetii, the etiologic agent of Q fever, is thought to be a widely underdiagnosed cause of pneumonia. Acute infections with this organism commonly result in a self-limiting, febrile illness with pulmonary involvement, reflecting the typical acquisition of the infection by the aerosol route. Complications associated with such infections include development of a chronic phase in certain susceptible individuals which presents as endocarditis and has a high fatality rate in the absence of appropriate treatment. Interest in this organism has recently been piqued by its inclusion on the list of potential bioterror agents. Notwithstanding the relatively low mortality rate associated with C. burnetii infections, this organism is highly infectious and has the capacity to cause significant morbidity (16, 23).Two phase variants C. burnetii have been found; phase I is highly virulent and is the naturally occurring variant, and phase II occurs following repeated passage through cell cultures. The two phases differ in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure. Phase I C. burnetii encodes a complete LPS with an O side chain, while phase II C. burnetii expresses a truncated LPS lacking the O side chain and some additional sugar residues (10). Andoh et al. (2) examined the comparative virulence of the two variants in SCID and immunocompetent mice using the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route of inoculation and demonstrated that some replication of C. burnetii Nine Mile phase II (NMII) took place in immunocompromised mice but not in immunocompetent mice. This finding suggests that an acquired immune system is required for control of infection with this organism (3).Aerosols are thought to be the most common cause of transmission of Coxiella to humans and other mammals. However, very little is known about the effects of this route of infection at the cellular level. To date, most studies using animal models of C. burnetii infection have utilized the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route of inoculation, and while these studies have provided important data, this route of infection may not entirely reproduce the pulmonary sequelae of most human infections (3). Studies of pulmonary Coxiella infection in guinea pigs (15) and in BALB/c and SCID mice (21) demonstrated that lymphocytes accumulate early during primary lung infection. However, the subsets of lymphocytes elicited in the primary pulmonary response and the role of each subset were not clearly defined. The availability of a protective vaccine against C. burnetii has enabled studies of the immune response to postvaccine Coxiella challenge, which showed that the adaptive immune response is involved in successful resolution of postvaccination Coxiella infections. Indeed, studies using vaccination models have suggested that the predominant immune response to i.p. infection is T cell mediated (12). Immunized B-cell-deficient mice are capable of clearing i.p. delivered C. burnetii NMI, although the mice exhibit histopathological changes, suggesting that B cells may be important for controlling inflammatory damage during a secondary response, possibly through production of interleukin-10 (IL-10) (3).  相似文献   

Complement and antibody contribute to infection-enhancement and possible expanded cellular tropism of HIV-1 in vitro through a process requiring complement receptors. Until now, however, the ability of HIV-1 to bind complement receptors has not been documented or characterized. We investigated whether antibody and complement permitted HIV-1 to bind to the B lymphocyte receptor, CR2 (CD21), in an effort to learn more about infection-enhancement, and also because CR2 can mediate B cell proliferation and antigen localization in lymphoid organs in other systems. HIV-1 incubated with antibody and fresh human serum as a source of complement bound approximately 10-fold greater to cells expressing CR2 than to HIV-1-permissive cells lacking this receptor. A similar effect was observed using cells which expressed CR2 but no CD4. This binding was minimal in heat-inactivated and C3-deficient sera, and was significantly reduced by the anti-CR2 MoAb, OKB7, but not by the anti-CD4 MoAb, OKT4a. Thus, complement and antibody acted in concert to facilitate the binding of HIV-1 to CR2 independently of CD4. CD4-independent binding of HIV-1 to CR2 was not sufficient to produce infection in Raji-3 cells. Titres of antibodies mediating CR2 binding correlated with antibody titres as measured by immunofluorescence (P < 0.01) and infection-enhancement (P < 0.05) but were discordant with titres of neutralizing antibodies, a result consistent with the utilization of CR2 for enhanced infection of cells. The ability of complement and antibody to facilitate the binding of HIV-1 to CR2 in the absence of CD4 provides new insights into mechanisms of HIV-1-induced immunopathogenesis and infection-enhancement.  相似文献   

Stable transfection of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) expressed as a fusion protein with the hormone-binding domain of the estrogen receptor was used to study expression of CD21 and other surface markers in different cell lines. Special emphasis was placed on cell lines with a normally low expression of CD21, especially on T cell lines. After induction of EBNA2, a substantial increase in CD21 mRNA was observed, as well as increased production of membrane CD21. This was found not only in cell lines of B cell origin, but also in the T cell line Jurkat. The amount of CD21 was quantitated by means of a fluorescence immunoassay, and found to correlate with the presence of EBNA2 protein. A decrease in EBNA2 abundance was associated with complete loss of cell-associated CD21. As we could also detect large amounts of soluble CD21 (sCD21) in the supernatant of the transfected cell lines, which exceeded the total amount contained in the respective cell lysates, this indicates considerable shedding of the newly synthesized receptor molecules induced by EBNA2, comparable to the situation described for CD23. It further provides an explanation of the recent findings of increased sCD21 levels in sera of patients with EBV-associated disease, and suggests a possible additional function of EBNA2 in vivo.  相似文献   

By analysis with a panel of CD21 MoAbs it is shown that a large part of the soluble CD21 in human blood plasma is of the long isoform (CD21L), as judged by comparison with antigen produced by mouse L cells transfected with CD21L-cDNA and reactivity with the restricted CD21 MoAb R4/23. This is compatible with the hypothesis that soluble CD21 in the blood is mainly derived from follicular dendritic cells (FDC). Cells from a human keratinocyte cell line transfected with cDNA from the Burkitt lymphoma cell line Raji also produced soluble CD21L (sCD21L), whereas the short form of sCD21 (sCD21S) was the major component of sCD21 produced by the B lymphoblastoid cell line LICR-LON-HMy and the T cell line Jurkat. Confocal studies of FDC isolated from human tonsil revealed that CD21 was present in the cytoplasm. On gel filtration sCD21 from untreated serum has an apparent size considerably greater than the 130 kD found by SDS–PAGE analysis. This may be partly accounted for by the non-globular shape of the molecule, but may also indicate, as reported by others, that in its native state sCD21 is complexed with other proteins. However, no evidence of complexing with sCD23 or C3d could be found.  相似文献   

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