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目的 探讨乳腺钼靶定位体表标记在触诊阴性乳腺钙化灶开放活检中的临床价值。方法 2018年9月~2023年8月,对63例临床触诊阴性而乳腺钼靶显示有可疑钙化灶65个,采用自创的乳腺钼靶定位体表标记方法,行开放活检手术,分析可疑钙化灶的完整切除成功率及病理结果。结果 65个乳腺钙化灶经定位后均完整切除。其中一次完整切除钙化灶64个(98.5%),1个病灶2次手术完整切除。术中钼靶可见切缘>2 mm且<1 cm。病理诊断良性病变47个(乳腺增生16个,纤维腺瘤14个,硬化性腺病6个,导管内乳头状瘤3个,乳腺黏液性囊肿1个,非典型增生5个,小叶原位癌2个),恶性病变18个(导管原位癌15个,导管原位癌伴微浸润2个,浸润性非特殊型癌1个)。结论 对于触诊阴性乳腺钙化灶活检,乳腺钼靶定位体表标记可以满足定位要求,简单易学,且花费少,安全性高,对早期乳腺癌的检出具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的评价影像引导真空辅助空心针乳腺穿刺活检(vacuum-assisted breast biopsy,VAB)在诊断乳腺微钙化中的临床应用价值。方法 2012年12月~2014年8月,对42例钼靶诊断乳腺微钙化行VAB,美国放射学会乳腺影像报告与诊断系统(BI-RADS)分级3级5例,4级34例,5级3例。其中31例钼靶引导,11例超声引导。结果 42例活检标本在影像上都能观察到钙化灶并经病理证实,24例簇状钙化灶完全切除,2例簇状及16例非簇状钙化灶部分切除。病理诊断导管原位癌13例,浸润性导管癌5例,浸润性小叶癌1例,均行手术治疗,其余23例病理为良性。钼靶微钙化及超声微钙化诊断乳腺癌的阳性预测值分别为45.2%(19/42)及70.0%(14/20)(χ2=3.337,P=0.068)。超声微钙化诊断乳腺癌的阴性预测值为77.3%(17/22)。术后并发症包括穿刺部位渗血1例,皮下瘀斑4例。随访时间6~26个月,平均13个月。19例乳腺癌均无复发,23例良性患者切口愈合良好,乳房外观满意,未发现恶性肿瘤。结论钼靶能发现超声不能发现的乳腺微钙化灶,钼靶及超声发现的乳腺微钙化灶在乳腺癌的诊断中有重要价值,VAB诊断乳腺微钙化准确,微创,术后并发症少。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺X线三维立体定位真空辅助乳腺活检在可疑钙化中的应用价值。方法2016年1月~2018年12月对242例临床不可触及且超声检查阴性,乳腺X线可疑钙化,在乳腺X线三维立体定位下采用EnCor真空辅助乳腺活检系统旋切取活检,利用乳腺X线0°导航位和±15°立体定向确定病灶位置后,从该位置插入旋切刀进行微创旋切取活检。结果242例顺利完成活检,活检病理诊断良性病变205例(非典型病变16例),恶性病变37例(导管原位癌30例,浸润性导管癌7例)。37例恶性病变手术治疗,7例为浸润性导管癌,其中5例钙化完全切除,手术时无肿瘤残留,2例有残余微钙化和残余肿瘤;30例为导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS),其中28例钙化病灶完全切除,2例活检术中有肿瘤残留[手术切除标本示导管内癌伴早期浸润,DCIS升级率为6.7%(2/30)]。11例非典型性病变手术治疗,10例术后病理诊断为腺病,1例升级为DCIS,非典型增生升级率9.0%(1/11);5例非典型病变在3年的随访中无可疑发现。结论乳腺X线立体定位下真空辅助乳腺活检可以较好地应用于可疑钙化的微创活检,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨钼钯引导下导丝定位在乳腺微小钙化灶切除术的临床应用价值。方法选取2012-06—2015-06间在郑州大学第三附属院经钼钯X线乳房摄片提示乳房微钙化灶的126例住院患者,彩超检查和扪诊均未发现肿块。在钼钯引导下导丝定位后,手术切除钙化灶。回顾性分析患者的临床资料。结果本组钙化灶全部定位成功,均一次性完全切除。病理结果显示乳腺癌17例(导管原位癌11例、浸润性导管癌2例、导管内癌微浸润4例),良性病变(乳腺腺病、乳腺不典型增生和乳腺囊性增生)109例。结论对于彩超检查和扪诊均未发现的微小钙化灶,钼钯引导下导丝定位切除病变,定位准确性高,手术创伤小,手术时间短,有很高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨钼靶下不能行导丝定位的18例NPBL患者,通过临床体表标记定位后予以切除,推广乳腺癌的早期诊断,明确改善患者的预后.方法:钼钯引导下临床体表定位后手术切检.结果:18例患者钙化灶中有3例经过两次切检将钙化灶切除,其余均一次就将钙化灶完整切除.术后病理结果:导管内癌伴早期浸润3例,浸润性导管癌2例,囊肿伴微钙化3例,小叶增生2例,导管内乳头状瘤1例,乳腺增生症伴微钙化2例;纤维腺瘤形成趋势2例,慢性炎症1例;脂肪坏死1例;1例是乳腺腺病,伴局部导管上皮中度非典型增生.结论:采用钼钯引导下体表定位活栓方法简单实用、定位直观、可提高定位阳性切检率.  相似文献   

X线钼靶摄影与超声诊断乳腺微钙化灶的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:比较X线钼靶摄影与超声在乳腺微钙化灶诊断中的价值。方法:收集伴随微钙化灶(经X线钼靶摄影确诊)的乳腺良性、恶性疾病患者117例,分析超声对乳腺微钙化的检出率;比较X线钼靶摄影与超声检查对乳腺微钙化灶病例诊断的敏感性、特异性及准确性。结果:乳腺微钙化的超声检出率为66.7%,其中乳腺恶性病灶的微钙化超声检出率为87.5%,乳腺良性病变的微钙化灶超声检出率为33.3%,超声诊断乳腺微钙化灶病例的敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为69.4%、86.7%和76.1%,X线钼靶摄影分别为75.0%、73.3%、74.3%,两者联合应用为90.2%、91.1%、90.5%。结论:X线钼靶摄影与超声相比,前者具有较高的敏感性,后者具有较高的特异性,而两者联合应用可提高对乳腺微钙化灶病例诊断的准确率,对于乳腺癌的早期诊断具有较高的临床实用价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨钼靶、超声、乳管镜三种不同方法放置定位针在引导切除触诊阴性乳腺病变(NPBL)中的应用。方法 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院于2013年6月至2014年12月间对83例临床NPBL病人进行手术,根据检出病灶的影像学方法及病灶特性的不同,术前分别采用钼靶、超声、乳管镜等不同方法放置定位针,引导切除病灶。回顾性分析病人的影像学检查、穿刺定位方法、手术情况、病理组织学及综合治疗情况。结果 钼靶下穿刺定位并接受手术的乳腺钙化灶27例,术后证实27例钙化灶均准确切除,定位针均较好固定于病变附近,术后病理学检查证实恶性病变8例。超声下穿刺定位并接受手术的乳腺病变32例,病理学检查证实准确切除病灶30例,未见明确病灶2例,术后病理学检查证实恶性病变4例。乳管镜下放置定位针或联合亚甲蓝染色并接受手术的乳腺导管内占位性病变24例,术后病理学检查证实24例病人均准确切除病灶,除1例回形头脱落外,其余23例定位针均较好固定于病变乳管侧壁,术后病理学检查证实恶性病变5例。结论 钼靶、超声及乳管镜放置定位针引导切除NPBL,提高了临床中手术切除NPBL的准确性,有助于NPBL的定性诊断,促进触诊阴性乳腺癌病灶的早发现与早诊断,提高了乳腺癌的诊断水平。  相似文献   

探讨钼靶引导钢丝定位切除乳腺内可疑病灶的方法。对260例临床触诊及B超检查均未发现、而钼靶发现的乳腺内可疑病灶,应用钼靶引导钢丝定位行病灶切除及病理检查。260例患者中右侧病灶139例,左侧病灶121例,均定位准确并予以切除。病理诊断:乳腺癌28例(10.76%),其中原位癌17例,浸润性导管癌6例,浸润性小叶癌2例,黏液腺癌3例;良性病变232例(89.24%),其中非典型性增生73例,囊性增生52例,硬化性腺病54例,增生伴导管内乳头状瘤15例,乳腺增生伴瘤样变27例,囊肿7例,慢性炎症4例。钼靶引导钢丝定位并切除乳腺内可疑病灶具有定位准确、创伤小、检出率高的优点。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺微小钙化灶的外科微创治疗。方法采用意大利IMS生产的GITTOHI—TECH高频钼靶X线机及其配套的数字化立体定位活检系统,对30例钼靶X片上乳腺有微小钙化病灶、无任何临床体征的患者,在X线定位下穿刺活检,进行病理组织学检查。明确诊断后采取相应的手术方式治疗。结果全部病灶定位准确,病变完全切除并明确诊断。浸润性导管癌3例(10%),导管内癌6例(20%),重度不典型增生2例(6.7%),纤维腺瘤6例(20%),导管内乳头状瘤3例(10%),乳腺增生病10例(33.3%)。无金属导丝折断现象,无感染、切口延迟愈合及气胸等并发症。结论对X线片显示有恶性可能的钙化病灶、而临床未触及肿块者,行乳腺钼靶引导下导丝定位活检,切除乳腺组织少,能确定乳腺微小病变的性质,对早期乳腺癌的诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨高频超声引导下Mammotome微创旋切系统在乳腺微小钙化灶切取活检中的临床价值。方法在高频超声引导下应用Mammotome系统对24例乳腺微小钙化灶施行微创旋切术,钙化灶切除后病理检查。结果24例病灶均被准确定位切取。24例乳腺钙化灶病理:乳腺癌3例(12.5%),其中导管原位癌2例,浸润性导管癌1例;乳腺良性病变21例(87.5%),其中囊性小叶增生9例,乳腺导管增生及扩张6例,硬化乳腺病5例,导管内乳头状瘤1例。结论高频超声引导下Mammotome微创旋切系统诊断乳腺疾病安全可靠,微创,是诊断乳腺疾病的有效方法。  相似文献   

乳腺微小钙化灶定位切除的临床应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang J  Wang X  Liang JW  Gao JD  Bai XF 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(13):881-882
目的探讨应用乳腺摄片结合立体定位系统对乳腺微小钙化灶进行细针定位外科切除术及B超定位金属“倒钩”选择切口的价值。方法对2000年5月至2006年11月收治的178例乳腺微小钙化灶患者行X线引导下细针定位外科切除活检术,其中62例经B超定位金属“倒钩”选择切口。结果全组178例患者中,发现乳腺癌58例(32.6%),其中导管内癌32例(55.1%),导管内癌伴间质浸润11例(19.0%),浸润性导管癌15例(25.9%),伴有淋巴结转移者4例。5年生存率100%。经B超定位选择切口患者较沿针道切除选择切口患者对术后乳腺外形的改变满意度高(P=0.022)。结论对乳腺微小钙化灶实施X线立体定位、B超定位选择切口的外科切除术是一种可靠安全的诊断方法。  相似文献   

During the first 2 years (July 1989 to July 1991) of the Avon Breast Screening Service, fine-wire localization biopsy was indicated in 213 impalpable breast lesions. A total of 144 lesions were benign and 69 malignant. Only four of 213 lesions (1.9 per cent) were not excised at the first localization. Factors influencing reoperation in the 69 patients with malignant impalpable lesions were examined. There was a significant association (P < 0.001) between parenchymal disturbances on mammography and invasive carcinoma, and between non-invasive carcinoma and microcalcification (P < 0.001). In 31 patients the localization biopsy was the only surgical procedure. Thirty-eight patients required further surgery: 12 underwent further local excision and 26 mastectomy. Reoperation was more frequent in patients with calcification than in those with parenchymal disturbance (P < 0.001). The most frequent indications for mastectomy were inadequate excision of widespread comedo ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive ductal carcinoma combined with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ. Fine-wire localization biopsy was a combined therapeutic and diagnostic procedure in 31 of 69 women with impalpable screen-detected lesions. The majority of patients required further surgery because radiological abnormalities underestimated the extent of disease.  相似文献   

A 37-year-old female was indicated to have a non-mass lesion in her left breast on ultrasonography (US) and visited our outpatient clinic. Mammography showed no findings of masses or microcalcification. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a segmental enhanced lesion consisting of nodular and ring enhancement. A US-assisted vacuumed needle biopsy was performed, and the histological findings revealed sclerosing adenosis and apocrine metaplasia. After 1 year of follow-up, the MRI findings suggested both a benign lesion and ductal carcinoma in situ, and surgical excision was performed. We used a new device to evaluate the surgical margin on MRI. The non-mass lesion was excised according to the device-guided margin under local anesthesia. The histological findings revealed the features of mastopathy. Following excision, MRI showed no residual non-mass lesions, and the shape of the patient’s left breast was maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract: Introduction of mammography along with particular attention for the diagnosis and treatment of nonpalpable breast lesions has led to the development of nonresectional biopsies such as mammography-guided core needle biopsy, ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology, and localization and excisional biopsy. The Advanced Breast Biopsy Instrumentation (ABBI®) system, a recently developed device, has made it possible to remove a lesion completely under local anesthesia, thus providing a more reliable and rapid evaluation on an outpatient basis. We studied 159 patients with nonpalpable breast lesions from December 1996 to August 1998. Fifty-nine patients received core needle biopsies and 100 patients received excision with the ABBI system. The ABBI system patients had postexcisional mammography and specimen radiographs to confirm complete excision of the lesions. Pathologists examined permanent section specimens. In cases of malignancy, total mastectomy or reexcision was performed to secure a tumor-free margin. We collected malignant lesions in 23 of 159 patients, of whom 17 had ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Postoperative histopathologic reports showed DCIS in 11 and infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) in 2 among the 13 malignancies proven by stereotactic core biopsy. Among 10 malignancies proven by the ABBI system, there were 6 DCIS, 1 lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), and 3 IDC. In seven patients in whom mammography suggested malignancy but core biopsy showed benign lesion, localization and excisional biopsy confirmed DCIS in four of seven patients. The ABBI system is a more reliable and rapid method of evaluating breast lesions compared with stereotactic core biopsy. It is usually done under local anesthesia, minimizing the deformity of the breast. Therefore the ABBI system can be used as a preferred technique over conventional localization and excisional biopsy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the prevalence of occult breast carcinoma in surgical breast biopsies performed on nonpalpable breast lesions diagnosed initially as atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) by core needle biopsy. BACKGROUND: Atypical ductal hyperplasia is a lesion with significant malignant potential. Some authors note that ADH and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) frequently coexist in the same lesion. The criterion for the diagnosis of DCIS requires involvement of at least two ducts; otherwise, a lesion that is qualitatively consistent with DCIS but quantitatively insufficient is described as atypical ductal hyperplasia. Thus, the finding of ADH in a core needle breast biopsy specimen actually may represent a sample of a true in situ carcinoma. METHODS: Between May 3, 1994, and June 12, 1996, image-guided core biopsies of 510 mammographically identified lesions were performed using a 14-gauge automated device with an average of 7.5 cores obtained per lesion. Atypical ductal hyperplasia was found in 23 (4.5%) of 510 lesions, and surgical excision subsequently was performed in 21 of these cases. In these 21 cases, histopathologic results from core needle and surgical biopsies were reviewed and correlated. RESULTS: Histopathologic study of the 21 surgically excised lesions having ADH in their core needle specimens showed seven (33.3%) with DCIS. CONCLUSIONS: In the authors' patient population, one third of patients with ADH at core biopsy have an occult carcinoma. A core needle breast biopsy finding of ADH for nonpalpable lesions therefore warrants a recommendation for excisional biopsy.  相似文献   

目的:探讨超声检查及定位在中国妇女致密型乳腺发生的早期乳腺癌筛查中的作用。方法:对2002年2月—2006年4月来湘雅医院乳腺科门诊就诊及体检中心健康检查的5万余名女性行乳腺高频超声检查,筛查出乳腺肿块4 000余例,其中经手术病理证实的致密型乳腺患者乳腺癌142例(肿块最大横径均≤2cm),将患者的超声检查与钼靶片结果资料进行分析对比。结果:在142例致密型乳腺的乳腺癌患者中,超声发现微小钙化47例(33.10%),敏感性达74.60%,准确率为88.73%;钼靶发现泥沙样钙化38例(26.76%),敏感性60.32%,准确率为82.39%。钙化灶的检出率为44.37%。其中超声发现微小肿块110例(77.46%),敏感性88.71%,准确率为90.14%;钼靶片发现100例(70.42%),敏感性80.65%,准确率为83.10%。12例临床上未扪及肿块患者均在超声定位下准确地切除病灶。结论:(1)高频超声检查在中国妇女致密型乳腺的乳腺癌筛查中检出小肿块及恶性钙化的敏感性以及准确率要高于钼靶片检查。(2)高频超声检查可作为年青妇女、致密型乳腺以及扁平型乳腺早期乳腺癌筛查的有效方法之一,它不仅提高早期乳腺癌的诊断率也提高了保乳率,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

Outcome of surgery for non-palpable mammographic abnormalities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four hundred and ninety-three women underwent 515 localization biopsies for non-palpable mammographic abnormalities. The mammographic abnormality was located with a hooked wire in 509 cases. Specimen radiology was performed on all excised tissue. The mammographic abnormality was visualized in the first piece of tissue excised in 402 (78.1 per cent) cases and complete excision was achieved in 476 (92.4 per cent). A palpable nodule was removed in 38 (7.4 per cent) cases and in 17 (44.7 per cent) was shown to contain a carcinoma. The mammographic abnormality was missed in 14 (2.7 per cent) cases or only partly excised in 13 (2.5 per cent). Overall 144 (28.0 per cent) localization biopsies were malignant. The mammographic abnormality was not visualized on the specimen radiograph more frequently in women aged under 55 years, in women with dense breast (Wolfe grade DM or DY) or in those whose mammographic abnormality contained only microcalcification. The 27 women in whom the mammographic abnormality was not visible on the specimen radiograph underwent repeat mammography 2 months later. Only two women required a further localization biopsy and the mammographic abnormality was recovered in the first piece of tissue excised. Women with a carcinoma underwent mastectomy or wide local excision, and residual carcinoma at the localization biopsy site was found in 64 (44.4 per cent) cases. Oestrogen receptor analysis by ligand binding assay was possible in only 71 (49.3 per cent) carcinomas. If the specimen radiograph does not show the mammographic abnormality within pieces of tissue excised and there is no palpable nodule it may be best to conclude the biopsy. In this series these missed lesions were usually benign. Only rarely is a second localization biopsy required and this is performed without difficulty.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the mammographic and ultrasound appearances in patients who have invasive ductal carcinoma with a central acellular zone (ring carcinoma), as this feature has been reported to be associated with a poorer outcome. MATERIALS: Eight patients were identified with ring carcinomas. Two breast radiologists reviewed their mammograms and ultrasound images. Patient records were reviewed to assess outcome. RESULTS: All patients had lesions deep within the breast, adjacent to the chest wall, five lesions were incompletely visualised on mammography. The appearance was of a circumscribed or obscured mass, without microcalcification. Five patients had ultrasound demonstrating a solid well-circumscribed hypoechoic microlobulated lesion. CONCLUSION: In our series of patients who have a ring carcinoma of the breast, mammographic and ultrasound appearances were similar in all cases and lacked the typical features of malignancy.  相似文献   

目的 观察术中标本摄片用于乳腺可疑钙化病变组织活检的价值。方法 对48例乳腺单发可疑钙化病变患者行X线三维立体定位引导活检术,对其中12例行核芯针穿刺活检(SCNB)、22例行真空辅助旋切活检(SVAB)、14例行导丝定位手术切检(SNLB),术中以标本摄影系统对组织标本行X线摄片,之后对标本中的钙化进行标记并送病理检查;评估标本摄片在3种活检方式中显示钙化的清晰度及组织学低估情况,观察SNLB术中标本摄片所示钙化数目及切缘状态,并与术前乳腺X线片进行比较。结果 所有标本均获得目标钙化组织。术中标本摄片显示钙化清晰度优于术前乳腺X线片,显示SNLB组织内钙化数量多于术前乳腺X线片。14例SNLB中,12个术中标本摄片显示切缘阴性,与术后病理结果一致;2个切缘阳性,且钙化呈多灶性分布,术中快速冰冻切片结果均为恶性并切缘阳性,手术计划由保乳手术改为乳腺癌改良根治术。SCNB、SVAB活检结果及SNLB术中冰冻切片结果与手术病理结果均一致。结论 术中标本摄片用于乳腺可疑钙化病变组织活检具有一定价值。  相似文献   

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