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Background : Dual‐chamber pacing is believed to have an advantage over single‐chamber ventricular pacing. The aim of the study was to determine whether elderly patients with implanted pacemaker for complete atrioventricular block gain significant benefit from dual‐chamber (DDD) compared with single‐chamber ventricular demand (VVIR). Methods : The study was designed as a double‐blind randomized two‐period crossover study—each pacing mode was maintained for 3 months. Thirty patients (eight men, mean age 76.5 ± 4.3 years) with implanted PM were submitted to a standard protocol, which included an interview, functional class assessment, quality of life (QoL) questionnaires, 6‐minute walk test, and transthoracic echocardiographic examinations. QoL was measured by the SF‐36. All these parameters were obtained on DDD mode pacing and VVIR mode pacing. Paired data were compared. Results : QoL was significantly different between the two groups and showed the best values in DDD. Overall, no patient preferred VVIR mode, 18 preferred DDD mode, and 12 expressed no preference. No differences in mean walking distances were observed between patients with single‐chamber and dual‐chamber pacing. VVI pacing elicited marked decrease in left ventricle ejection fraction and significant enlargement of the left atrium. DDD pacing resulted in significant increase of the peak systolic velocities in lateral mitral annulus and septal mitral annulus. Early diastolic velocities on both sides of mitral annulus did not change. Conclusion : In active elderly patients with complete heart block, DDD pacing is associated with improved quality of life and systolic ventricular function compared with VVI pacing. (PACE 2010; 583–589)  相似文献   

A review of electrocardiograms from 85 patients with atrial-triggered ventricular pacing (VAT, VDD, DDD) showed that various disturbances of rhythm were relatively common, and that the effects of an arrhythmia could be aggravated by this type of pacing. In certain circumstances even potentially dangerous ventricular extrasystoles were induced by the pacemaker. Abnormal triggering, sometimes with regular sinus rhythm, could also induce tachycardia. Our observations provided indications for a pacemaker design that would avoid such disturbing effects. The best available pacer for atrial-triggered ventricular pacing is the programmable DDD type.  相似文献   

The product of heart rate and blood pressure was tested as an index of myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) and compared with directly determined MVO2 during ventricular demand (VVI) fixed rate pacing and atrial synchronized (VAT) pacing at rest and during exercise. Systolic brachial artery pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure and MVO2 were similar in the two pacing modes and showed similar response to exercise. The correlation between rate-pressure product and MVO2 was closer with VAT than with VVI pacing (r = 0.74 and r = 0.64, respectively), and the latter value was not improved by using the product of atrial rate and systolic pressure (r = 0.61). The rate-pressure product was significantly higher during VAT pacing compared to VVI during exercise, although MVO2 was similar. The similarity of MVO2 during exercise indicated some other contributory factor than heart rate in VVI pacing, probably increase of contractility and/or volume. Because such factors are not included in currently used indices of MVO2 assessments must be interpreted cautiously, particularly in cases of complete heart block with VVI pacing.  相似文献   

Rate responsive ventricular pacing (VVI,R) has been demonstrated to equal atrial synchronous ventricular pacing (DDD) with regard to hemodynamics and exercise tolerance. Whether the two modes are also comparable, with regard to cardiac metabolic effects, is not yet dear. We assessed central hemodynamics, cardiac sympathetic nerve activity fcardiac norepinephrine overflow), and myocardial oxygen consumption in 16 patients treated with rate responsive atrial synchronous ventricular pacemakers (DDD,R), due to high degree AV block. The study was performed at rest and during supine exercise at two workloads (30 ± 12 and 68 ± 24 watts, respectively) during VDD and rate matched VVI pacing (VVIm). Ventricular rates at rest and during both workloads were almost identical. Cardiac output at rest tended to be higher in the VDD mode, due to a slightly higher stroke volume. Central pressures including right atrial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure were similar in the pacing modes. The coronary sinus blood flow, the coronary sinus arteriovenous oxygen difference, and the myocardial oxygen consumption did not differ between the two pacing modes. Cardiac norepinephrine overflow was similar in the two pacing modes, at rest or during exercise. Thus, we found no significant differences between VDD and VVIm pacing with regard to central hemodynamics, cardiac sympathetic nerve activity (cardiac norepinephrine overflow), or myocardial oxygen consumption either at rest or during moderate exercise.  相似文献   

The effects of ventricular pacing on left ventricular (LV) dynamic geometry, function, and myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) were measured in 12 conscious dogs using sonomicrometry, micromanometry, ultrasonic flow probes, and oximetry catheters during right atrial (A-) and right ventricular (V-) pacing at 150 beats/mm. Systolic function was quantified using slopes (Mw) and volume-intercepts (Vw) of linear relationships between end-di-astolic volume (EDV) and stroke work (SW) for data obtained during vena caval occlusion. V-pacing shifted SW-EDV relationships downward (Mw decreased from 97 ± 21 to 81 ± 21 Kerg/mL) and to the right (Vw increased from 14 ± 11 to 20 ± 12 mL) in comparison with A-pacing (P < 0.05). These functional changes correlated with altered contractile geometry manifest as early shortening in the septal free wall relative to anterior-posterior dimension (increased minor axis mid-wall eccentricity at end-diastole and begin-ejection). Steady-state LV power output decreased from 802 ± 213 mW during A-pacing to 514 ± 170 mW during V-pacing (P < 0.05), while MVO2 remained relatively unchanged during V-pacing (10 ± 3 mL O2/min vs 11 ± 3 mL O2/min during A-pacing, P = NS). As a result, overall LV efficiency decreased from 0.24 ± 0.08 during A-pacing to 0.16 ± 0.06 during V-pacing (P < 0.05). These data illustrate the impact of V-pacing on dynamic LV geometry and function, including impaired LV work output at all physiological levels of preload. Most importantly, the relationship between LV work output and MVO2 is depressed during V-pacing, emphasizing the interaction between LV mechanics and pump efficiency in intact subjects. As a result, measures taken to restore normal contractile geometry might improve LV efficiency and performance when V-pacing is necessary.  相似文献   

Background: Atrial rate-adaptive pacing may improve cardiopulmonary reserve in patients with left ventricular dysfunction.
Methods: A randomized, blinded, single-crossover design enrolled dual-chamber implantable defibrillator recipients without pacing indications and an ejection fraction ≤40% to undergo cardiopulmonary exercise treadmill stress testing in both atrial rate-adaptive pacing (AAIR) and ventricular demand pacing (VVI) pacing modes. The primary endpoint was change in peak oxygen consumption (VO2). Secondary endpoints were changes in anaerobic threshold, perceived exertion, exercise duration, and peak blood pressure.
Results: Ten patients, nine males, eight with New York Heart Association class I, mean ejection fraction 24 ± 7%, were analyzed. Baseline VO2 was 3.6 ± 0.5 mL/kg/min. Heart rate at peak exercise was significantly higher during AAIR versus VVI pacing (142 ± 18 vs 130 ± 23 bpm; P = 0.05). However, there was no difference in peak VO2 (AAIR 23.7 ± 6.1 vs VVI 23.8 ± 6.3 mL/kg/min; P = 0.8), anaerobic threshold (AAIR 1.3 ± 0.3 vs VVI 1.2 ± 0.2 L/min; P = 0.11), rate of perceived exertion (AAIR 7.3 ± 1.5 vs VVI 7.8 ± 1.2; P = 0.46), exercise duration (AAIR 15 minutes, 46 seconds ± 2 minutes, 54 seconds vs VVI 16 minutes, 3 seconds ± 2 minutes, 48 seconds; P = 0.38), or peak systolic blood pressure (AAIR 155 ± 22 vs VVI 153 ± 21; P = 0.61) between the two pacing modes.
Conclusion: In this study, AAIR pacing did not improve peak VO2, anaerobic threshold, rate of perceived exertion, or exercise duration compared to VVI backup pacing in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and no pacing indications.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare DDD and dual sensor VVIR (activity and QT) pacing modes in complete AV block (CAVB). Eighteen patients (14 men and 4 women, aged 70 ± 6.5 years) implanted with a dual chamber, dual sensor pacemaker for CAVB with normal sinus node chronotropic function were studied. A quality-of-life and cardiovascular symptom questionnaire, and a treadmill exercise test were completed after a period of VVIR and a period of DDD pacing, each lasting 1 month. Overall quality-of-life and cardiovascular symptoms did not significantly differ, though three patients felt discomfort during VVIR mode. There was no significant statistical difference in Cardiopulmonary parameters. DDD and VVIR modes yielded the following respective data: maximum heart rate = 105.7 ± 21.8 beats/minute versus 107.6 ± 21.6 beats/minute (NS); maximum workload = 60 ± 33.4 W versus 59.3 ± 37.8 W (NS); treadmill duration = 10.1 ± 3.8 minute versus 10.1 ± 3.6 minute (NS); oxygen consumption at anaerobic threshold = 14.6 ± 4.1 ml/kg per minute versus 14.9 ± 4.6 mL/kg per minute (NS); maximum minute ventilation = 49.6 ± 9 L/min versus 46 ± 12 L/min (NS); and respiratory quotient = 1.08 ± 0.15 versus 1.08 ± 0.13 (NS). We conclude that, during a 1-month follow-up period, no difference was found between DDD and dual sensor VVIR (QT and activity) pacing modes in CAVB patients with regard to quality-of-life and Cardiopulmonary performance, though a trend toward an increased sense of well being was noted with the DDD mode.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of chronic ventricular inhibited (VVI) and atrial synchronous ventricular inhibited (VDD) pacing on functional capacity in 8 patients with complete atrioventricular heart block. Permanent VDD (Medtronic #2409, ASVIP) pacemakers were implanted in four men and four women (age range 27-76 years, mean 58.9 +/- 18.4 years), and randomly assigned to a three-month period of VDD or VVI pacing in this single blinded, crossover study. Functional capacity was assessed by questionnaire, graded treadmill exercise testing and radionuclide angiocardiography prior to pacemaker implant and following each pacing period. Following 3 months of pacing in each of VVI and VDD pacing modes, maximum heart rate (83.4 +/- 14 vs 134.9 +/- 16.4 beats/min, p less than 0.001) and double product (147.5 +/- 58.3 vs 218.9 +/- 52.7, p less than .001) were greater with VDD pacing. Although exercise duration on treadmill exercise testing (5.3 +/- 2.9 vs 6.9 +/- 3.1 minutes, p less than 0.1) was greater in the VDD mode, the difference was not significant. Similarly, there was no significant difference in functional capacity as measured by questionnaire scores (50.1 +/- 8.4 vs 46.9 +/- 8.9, p less than 0.1) or in left ventricular ejection fraction for the two pacing modes (.54 vs .55, p less than .5). Only one patient reported a subjective improvement with physiologic (VDD) pacing, whereas the remaining patients stated no preference. We conclude that VDD pacing offers improved maximal cardiac work during exercise compared to VVI pacing.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Noninvasive Doppler and M-mode echocardiography were used to: measure stroke volume (SV), left atrial (LA) size, left ventricular end-diastolic (EDD), end-systolic dimensions (ESD), left ventricular fractional shortening (FS), and for determination of mitral and tricuspid insufficiency (MI and TI) before starting and after 1, 3, and 6 months of rate-responsive ventricular pacing (RRP). The study group consisted of 13 patients (mean age, 75 years) who could be expected to benefit from an increase in cardiac output mediated by an increment of heart rate during exercise. In VVI + activity mode (RRP), the pacemaker was programmed to a basic heart rate of 60 and a maximum heart rate of 125 bpm. The SV at rest was 71 ± 5 before RRP, and fell to 57 ± 4 after 3 months (p < 0.05) and to 53 ± 4 ml/beat after 6 months of RRP (p < .01). The LA size and ESD were unchanged during follow-up. The EDD decreased from 6.2 ± 0.3 to 5.4 ± 0.2 (p < 0.002) during the first 6 months of RRP. The FS was reduced from 33 ± 4 to 27 ± 3% (p < 0.02) during the first 6 months of RRP. Four of 6 patients treated previously with a VVI pacemaker (mean duration, 9 years) had MI + TI, and 3 of the 7 patients not paced previously had MI hefore RRP. In the last group, 1 new patient developed MI, 1 new patient deveioped MI + TI, and 2 patients who had MI also developed TI within 6 months of pacing. Thus, of 13 patients, 9 (69%) had either MI or MI + TI.  相似文献   

Background: Much information is available regarding the possible negative effects of long-term right ventricular (RV) apical pacing, which may cause worsening of heart failure. However, very limited data are available regarding the effects of RV pacing in patients with a previous myocardial infarction (MI).
Methods and Results: We screened 115 consecutive post-MI patients and matched a group of 29 pacemaker (PM) recipients with a group of 49 unpaced patients, for age, left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction, and site of MI. During a median follow-up of 54 months, echocardiograms showed a decrease in LV ejection fraction in the paced group, from 51 ± 10 to 39 ± 11 (P < 0.01), and a minimal change in the unpaced group, from 57 ± 8 to 56 ± 7 (P = 0.98). Similar change was observed in systolic and diastolic diameters and volumes.
Conclusions: The study showed that, in post-MI patients, RV apical pacing was associated with a worsening of LV function, suggesting that, among MI survivors, the need for a PM is a marker of worse outcome .  相似文献   

To assess optimal hemodynamics in relation to stimulation site during right ventricular pacing, 17 consecutive patients who underwent cardiac catheterization were studied. In all patients, right ventricular apex and right ventricular outflow tract stimulation was performed at 85, 100, and 120 beats/min. Cardiac index at both pacing sites was compared using the left ventricular outflow tract continuous wave Doppler technique. Comparison of the two stimulation sites demonstrated that right ventricular outflow tract pacing resulted in a higher cardiac index at 85 beats/min (2.42 ± 1.2 vs 2.04 ±1.0 L/min per m2, P < 0.002) at 100 beats/min (2.78 ± 1.4 vs 2.35 ± 1.1 L/min perm2, P < 0.001) and 120 beats/min (3.00 ± 1.5 vs 2.61 ± 0.9 L/min perm2, P < 0.001). From a total of 51 paired observations, 45 showed an increase in cardiac index during outflow tract pacing as compared to apex pacing. Right ventricular outflow tract pacing at 120 beats/min resulted in a lower cardiac index than right ventricular apex pacing in patients with significant coronary artery disease and/or impaired left ventricular function (ejection fraction ≤ 50%), whereas right ventricular outflow tract pacing produced higher cardiac indices in the absence of these abnormalities. Right ventricular outflow tract pacing resulted in higher cardiac indices as compared to apex pacing in all other subgroups at all other pacing sites tested. It is concluded that stimulation of the right ventricular outflow tract offers a significant hemodynamic benefit during single chamber pacing as compared to conventional apex pacing, particularly in the absence of significant coronary artery disease and/or left ventricular dysfunction.  相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility of intrauterine transvenous cardiac pacing, the right ventricular output was measured during pacing in six fetal lambs. Under maternal anesthesia, the uterus was opened, and, under local anesthesia, the pacing lead (Medtronic Capsure SP4023) was inserted via the fetal left internal jugular vein. Right ventricular output was estimated using an Aloka SSD-730 ultrasound device, and tricuspid valve regurgitation was evaluated with an Aloka SSD-880 using the transuterine approach. The ultrasonic right ventricular cardiac output was measured under three different conditions: (1) with the tip of the pacing lead in the superior vena cava (control); (2) with the tip of the pacing lead in the right ventricle; and (3) with pacing at 200 beats/min. The right ventricular output decreased when the pacing lead was inserted into the right ventricle, as well as during pacing at 200 beats/min ([1] = 107 ± 13.2 ml/kg per min; [2] = 73.8 ± 17. 5 ml/kg per min; and [3] = 78.3 ± 23.6 ml/kg per min), Tricuspid regurgitation did not change under any of the conditions tested. Intrauterine transvenous cardiac pacing was successfully achieved. Insertion of the pacing lead into the right ventricle decreased the ventricular output without increasing tricuspid valve regurgitation.  相似文献   

Single chamber rate responsive pacing offers many potential advantages over the more complex dual chamber atrial tracking pacing mode in children, and the preservation of atrioventricular synchrony could be unnecessary in selected groups of pediatric patients. Twenty-two pediatric patients (age range 9 months to 12 years; mean 6.5 years) had implantation of ventricular rate responsive (VVIR) pacemakers over a 2-year period. All patients had chronic third-degree atrioventricular block, and a normal ventricular function at rest. During the follow-up each patient underwent a 24-hour Holter monitoring, and ten performed a graded treadmill test in both ventricular fixed rate (VVI) and rate responsive (VVIR) pacing mode. Paced ventricular rates were found to be normal for age in all 22 patients; maximum rate did not reach the higher programmed rate during daily activities in any patient. Comparing the mean paced ventricular rate to the mean rates of blocked P waves, six patients showed a difference of more than 20 beats/min, which induced the pacemaker parameters to be reprogrammed. In all patients a significant correlation was found between variations of paced ventricular rate and variations of spontaneous blocked atrial rhythm (P < 0.05); this correlation persisted in the subsequent Holter controls in the ten patients with longer follow-up. Exercise tolerance resulted normal in the ten patients who performed a treadmill test either in VVIR or VVI mode, with increased maximal heart rates and maximal systolic blood pressure in VVIR mode (P < 0.0013). Rate responsive ventricular pacemakers seem to adequately respond to the physiological needs of daily life of this selected group of children requiring permanent pacing.  相似文献   

Three patients with symptomatic sinus bradycardia due to sick sinus syndrome were treated with permanent ventricular pacing for periods rang-ing from 2.5 to 4 years. All three patients had ventriculo-atrial conduction on routine electrocardiography. Although ventricular pacing was effective, they complained of fatigue, lightheadedness, and near syncope. Hemodynamic studies revealed the presence of regular cannon waves in the right atrium as well as in the pulmonary artery wedge pressure curves. Temporary atrial pacing resulted in disappearance of the cannon waves and a significant rise in cardiac output (32–48%). After narmal atrio-ventricular conduction was confirmed by rapid atrial stimulation and His bun-dle electrocardiography, the pacing mode was changed to permanent atrial pacing on demand. The effort tolerance of the patients marked by improved, and the previ-ously mentioned symptoms disappeared. Control hemodynamic studies 9 to 12 months affer impiantation of the atrial demand pacemaker showed that the im-provement in cardiac performance was maintained.  相似文献   

目的观察具备心室起搏管理(MVP)功能的起搏器(Adapta)在Ⅱ度或间隙性Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞患者的近期效果。方法29例患者入选,分别置入具有MVP功能的Adapt起搏器(实验组,n=17)和其他类型双腔起搏器(对照组,n=12)。并分别在置入前和置入后1、3个月进行随访。随访中观察上述两组的右室起搏比例、心功能(纽约心功能分级、血脑钠肽)、左房内径、左室舒张末内径、左室射血分数等变化。结果置入双腔起搏器(Adapta)术后1个月及3个月,与对照组比较,实验组心室起搏比例明显降低(39.89%±41.21%vs96.48%±3.52%;40.91%±43.49%vs94.53%±4.62%,P均〈0.05)。其他指标两组间无明显差异。结论起搏器心室起搏管理功能可以在短期内降低心室起搏比例。  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that right ventricular apical pacing inherently alters ventricular contraction, regional blood flow, wall stress, and predisposes to diminished function. However, histological consequences of chronic apical pacing potentially contributing to the observed ventricular dysfunction remain conjectural. Previous canine studies have demonstrated histopathological cellular abnormalities with apically initiated ventricular pacing that may result in the observed diminished ventricular function. To determine if comparable adverse changes also occur in the clinical setting, 16 endomyocardial biopsies were obtained from 14 age-matched patients with congenital complete atrioventricular block (CCAVB) and otherwise normal anatomy, divided into two groups: eight biopsies (median patient age 15.5 years) from patients prior to pacemaker implant and another eight biopsies (median patient age 16 years) from patients following 3-12 years (median 5.5) of chronic ventricular pacing. In one patient, biopsy samples were obtained before and after pacing. Results demonstrated a significant (P<0.05) increase in histopathological alterations among the patient biopsy samples following pacing, consisting of myofiber size variation, fibrosis, fat deposition, sclerosis, and mitochondrial morphological changes. These findings indicate that chronic apical right heart ventricular pacing may adversely alter myocellular growth, especially among the young, on the cellular and subcellular level, potentially contributing to the diminished function observed clinically.  相似文献   

A recent study of de Jongste has demonstrated the lengthening of short R-R intervals in patients with atrial fibrillation by right ventricular pacing. We have further analyzed the data from this study and specifically looked at the effect of right ventricular pacing on the R-R interval instability and heart rate. At the cost of only a slight increase in mean heart rate, a major reduction of the R-R interval instability can be obtained by right ventricular pacing. Based on these findings, we have developed and evaluated an automatic pacing rate algorithm, which continuously varies the stimulation rate in order to stabilize the otherwise irregular rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨临时起搏在急性下壁心肌梗死接受急诊冠状动脉介入治疗术(PCI)患者中应用的适应证及时机。方法:回顾性分析我院2003年1月至2013年1月成功行急诊PCI的下壁心肌梗死213例的临床资料,其中行临时起搏治疗84例,未行临时起搏治疗129例。结果:临时起搏并不减少急性下壁心肌梗死的住院心血管事件发生率,且长时间使用(48 h)或保护性临时起搏在急性下壁心肌梗死患者中增加室性心律失常、感染、心脏破裂的机会,且延长住院日。结论:临时起搏在急性下壁心肌梗死中的应用应严格把握指征并尽快拔除。  相似文献   

Background: The increasing data suggest an association between chronic right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. We sought to determine the effect of temporary interruption of long-term RV pacing on LV function and mechanical dyssynchrony in children and young adults with complete heart block.
Methods: Twelve patients aged 20.0 ± 7.4 years with congenital heart block (group I) and six patients aged 22.7 ± 11.0 years with surgically acquired heart block (group II) with RV pacing were studied. The pacing rate was reduced to less than patient's intrinsic heart rate and maintained for 5 minutes. The LV ejection fraction (EF), three-dimensional systolic dyssynchrony index (SDI), two-dimensional global longitudinal strain and strain rate, and Doppler-derived isovolumic acceleration before and after interruption of RV pacing were compared.
Results: The LVEF and GLS increased while QRS duration decreased after the pacing interruption in both the groups (all P < 0.05). While SDI decreased in both groups I (6.8 ± 2.3%– 3.8 ± 0.8%, P = 0.001) and II (9.2 ± 4.1 %– 5.0 ± 1.6%, P = 0.032), it remained higher in group II than in group I (P = 0.046) after the pacing interruption. The prevalence of LV dyssynchrony (SDI > 4.7%) decreased in group I (83 %– 25%, P = 0.006) but not in group II (67 %– 50%, P = 0.50). The %increase in LVEF correlated positively with %reduction of LV SDI (r = 0.80, P = 0.001).
Conclusions: Temporary interruption of chronic RV pacing acutely improves LV dyssynchrony and systolic function in children and young adults, the magnitude of which is greater in patients with congenital than those with surgically acquired heart block. (PACE 2010; 41–48)  相似文献   

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