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The study focuses on use of different healthcare providers in connection with elevated levels of psychological distress. The study used a prospective design based on two waves of a national health survey. Participants were Icelandic citizens, age 18–75, randomly drawn from the National Register (N = 1592). Distressed individuals chose a wide range of providers. The choice of provider was based in part on the type of distress experienced, although most individuals turned to the general medical sector. Psychophysiological symptoms were primarily related to visiting physicians (other than psychiatrists). Depression was related to visiting psychiatrists, and anxiety was related to visiting psychiatrists, psychologists and nurses. Anger/aggression was primarily related to visiting clergy. Between 10% and 16% of distressed individuals did not receive any help from the formal healthcare system within 1 year. Studies addressing professional help‐seeking for psychological distress should closely consider the various factors facilitating and hampering use of health services for different forms of distress.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. To evaluate the effect of a group‐based multi‐professional educational programme for family members of patients with chronic heart failure with regard to quality of life, depression and anxiety. The secondary aim was to investigate the impact of social support and sense of coherence on changes in quality of life, anxiety and depression during the period of the study. Background. When a person is diagnosed with heart failure, the daily life of the family members is also affected. Design. Randomised controlled trial. Methods. A total of 128 family members were randomly assigned to participate in a multi‐professional educational programme or a control group. Analysis of variance and regression analysis were used. Results. There were no significant differences in anxiety, depression or quality of life between the intervention group and control group. Adequacy of social network was the only independent variable that explained levels of anxiety and depression after 12 months beyond baseline levels of anxiety (p < 0·001, R2 = 0·35) and depression (p = 0·021, R2 = 0·37). Younger family members were found to have a higher quality of life (p < 0·01). Conclusion. Improved disease‐related knowledge may need to be combined with other target variables to induce desired effects on depression, anxiety and quality of life of family members. Antecedents of depression and anxiety, such as sense of control, may need to be specifically targeted. Our results also suggest that intervention aimed at enhancing social support may be beneficial for family members. Relevance to clinical practice. Anxiety and depression did not decrease nor did quality of life improve after the intervention. An educational programme for family members with a component specifically targeting anxiety, depression and quality of life warrants testing. Furthermore, it is important that health care providers understand the influence of social support on anxiety, depression and quality of life when interacting with family members.  相似文献   


Aims and Objectives

To explore and describe the link between culture and dementia care with the focus on the influence of the belief in dementia as witchcraft and people with dementia as witches.


In South Africa, especially in townships and rural areas, dementia is often perceived as connected to witchcraft rather than to disease. Persons labelled as witches—mostly older women—may be bullied, ostracised, beaten, stoned, burned, even killed.


One strand of findings from a larger international study is presented with in‐depth qualitative interviews of one close family member and seven nurses caring for patients with severe dementia in nursing homes in Tshwane in South Africa. A hermeneutic analytic approach was used.


Two main themes are found, namely “Belief in witchcraft causing fear of persons with dementia” and “Need of knowledge and education.” Fear of and violence towards people with dementia are based on the belief that they are witches. Some of the nurses had also held this belief until they started working with patients with dementia. There is a great need for education both among healthcare workers and the populace.


The “witch” belief prevents seeking professional help. As nursing homes tend to be private and expensive, professional dementia care is virtually unattainable for the poor. Dementia needs a more prominent place in nursing curricula. Nurses as educators need to know the local culture and language to be accepted in the various communities. They need to visit families affected by dementia, give awareness talks in churches, schools and clinics and facilitate support groups for carers of people with dementia in the local language.


Improved nurses’ education in gerontology and geriatric care is needed. Trained specialist nurses may work as mediators and help eradicate the witchcraft beliefs connected to severe dementia.  相似文献   

妇科恶性肿瘤患者心理状态及相关因素研究与护理   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
目的探讨妇科恶性肿瘤患者心理状态及影响因素,并制定护理对策。方法采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)和焦虑自评量表(SAS),对妇科恶性肿瘤及良性肿瘤患者各52例进行问卷调查分析。结果妇科恶性肿瘤组抑郁、焦虑指数均高于对照组(P<0.01)。文化程度越高、化疗疗程越长(超过6个疗程)抑郁、焦虑指数越高(P<0.05);术后6个月内及7~12个月的患者焦虑评分均高于对照组(P<0.05),且以术后6个月内的增高程度更明显(P<0.05)。术后6个月内抑郁评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论妇科恶性肿瘤患者多存在抑郁、焦虑心理,根据其影响因素,采取必要的护理措施,以减轻患者不良的心理状态。  相似文献   

AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this study was to explore student advanced nurse practitioners' (ANPs) experiences of reflection. BACKGROUND: The implementation of a National Health Service (NHS) Executive initiative to develop a Master's Course in advanced nursing practice at Wolverhampton University provided the background to the study. The course was designed to enable experienced nurses to take on activities previously considered the province of physicians. The aim was to extend practice within a holistic nursing framework. Reflection was perceived as central to this process. A pre-entry degree level reflective practice module and a reflective component for the level 4 (Master's level) Practice Module were devised to enhance practitioners' reflective skills. RATIONALE: The rationale for the study was that it should explore student ANPs' perceptions of reflection following completion of these modules, to evaluate their experiences and inform curriculum development. DESIGN/METHODS: A qualitative methodology was used. The sample comprised 14 ANP students. Interviews and reflective learning contracts were used to collect the data. Colaizzi's (1978) seven-stage model guided data analysis. FINDINGS: The findings indicated that all but one of the students described the development of their reflective skills positively. Changes are described in students' thinking and behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions have implications for ANPs, for patient care, and for others seeking to develop the ANP role.  相似文献   

A subset of patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) reports psychological distress and poor quality of life (QoL). Gender is one of the factors that has been proposed to explain individual differences in these outcomes. In this viewpoint, we (1) review the evidence for gender disparities in psychological distress and QoL in ICD patients by means of a systematic review, and (2) provide recommendations for future research and clinical implications. A systematic search of the literature identified 18 studies with a sample size ≥ 100 that examined gender disparities in anxiety/depression and QoL in ICD patients (mean prevalence of women = 21%; mean age = 62 years). Our review shows that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that gender per se is a major autonomous predictor for disparities in psychological distress and QoL in ICD patients. Women had a higher prevalence of anxiety and poorer QoL in some studies, but there was no statistically significant gender effect in relation to 80% (26/32) of the outcomes reported in the 18 studies. Studies are warranted that are designed a priori and sufficiently powered to examine gender disparities in distress and QoL outcomes in order to establish the exact gender-specific effect. Due to a need to explore the complexity of this issue further, at this time, caution is warranted with respect to the clinical implications.  相似文献   

Strengthening the nursing workforce is core to health system reform in China. Patient experiences of hospital care have been recognized as important in this endeavor. Studies exploring the relationships between nursing workforce and patient experiences of hospital care, however, are scarce. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the associations between nurse education level, nurse staffing, and hospitalized patients’ experiences of hospital care. Participants were 1,582 nurses responsible for direct care and 1,305 hospitalized patients from 23 hospitals in Guangdong province, China in 2014. Education level of nurses was measured by the proportion of nurses holding a baccalaureate or higher degree. Nurse staffing was measured by the unit nurse-patient ratio. The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health care Providers and Systems Scale was used to measure patient experiences of hospital care. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that a higher proportion of nurses holding a baccalaureate or higher degree was related directly to better patient perceptions of communication with nurses, responsiveness of nurses, pain management, and physical environment, and related indirectly to overall hospital ratings and recommendation of the hospital. A higher nurse-patient staffing ratio was associated directly with better patient perceptions of communication with nurses, education about new medications given in hospital, and physical environment, and indirectly with overall ratings and recommendation of the hospital. Our findings add new evidence in the Chinese societal context about the relationship between the nursing workforce and patient experiences of hospital care. Upgrading nurse education level and increasing nurse staffing could potentially improve patient experiences of hospital care.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. This element of the larger Scottish evaluation aimed to explore differences between access routes, cohorts and higher education institutes (HEI) (universities and colleges) in levels of self‐efficacy, student support and self‐reported competence in a nationally representative sample of student nurses and midwives. Background. This paper reports findings from the National Review of Pre‐Registration Nursing and Midwifery Programmes in Scotland. Fitness for practice curricula have been the heart of many recent developments in nurse and midwifery education. Fitness for practice set out to map out the future direction of preregistration nursing and midwifery education with the aim of ensuring fitness for practice based on healthcare need. There have been no national evaluations of the effectiveness of this strategic objective. Previous major evaluations in the 1990s suggested that students may not have had the skills needed to be fit for practice. Design. The study design was a cross‐sectional survey of a stratified random sample of student nurses and midwives (n = 777). Data collected included demographic information, generalised perceived self‐efficacy, student support and self‐reported competency. Results. Students reported high levels of self‐reported competency. There were no significant differences between two cohorts or between students with different access routes. Students rated support from family and friends highest and support from HEI lowest. There was a significant difference in support levels between HEI. Self‐efficacy scores were similar to other population means and showed small‐moderate correlations with self‐report competence. Similarly, self‐reported competency appears to be at the higher end of the spectrum, although older students may have a more realistic perception of their competence. However, support from HEI was seen as less satisfactory and varied from one institution to another. Conclusions. This study portrays a relatively positive picture of preregistration fitness for practice curricula. Questions are raised about the relative value students place on support from educationalists and mentors and whether support from family and friends and from peers needs to feature more prominently in curricula. The study provides modest support for social cognitive theory. Relevance to clinical practice. The major drivers for changes in preregistration curricula stemmed from fears about the competence of students. This study did not provide support for this viewpoint, and students’ self‐reports suggest that curricula are, in this respect, meeting their objectives. Nevertheless support from mentors and from educational institutes may need to be improved.  相似文献   

The environments in which nursing work is undertaken can be highly stressful and complex with resultant harmful outcomes for the health of both nurses and patients reported. Undergraduate nursing students are particularly challenged when on clinical placement through having only partially developed work capabilities, with wide claims that these nurses remain underprepared for work even upon graduation. Over time undergraduate nursing education has arguably not prioritized developing resilience and other non‐technical skills required to respond effectively to these challenges. This paper reports findings from a qualitative study of student nurses who received training and coaching in emotional intelligence, a well‐established correlate of resilience, just prior to undertaking a mental health or medical/surgical clinical placement. Of that cohort, 12 agreed to qualitative semi‐structured interviews that sought to better understand how these students used the knowledge and capabilities from the training within clinical placement contexts. Four themes emerged from the thematic analysis of the interviews: (1) greater experiences of resilience; (2) responding positively to mental health consumers; (3) experiences of greater empathy and compassion; and (4) experiences of improved non‐technical work skills. Implications from these findings suggest that student and patient experiences of nursing placement, and mental health nursing placements in particular, would be enhanced by pre‐placement emotional intelligence training and coaching. Such training will support nursing graduates to be work‐ready upon entering the workforce.  相似文献   

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