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The pharmacology of calcium channels involved in glutamatergic synaptic transmission from reticulospinal axons in the lamprey spinal cord was analyzed with specific agonists and antagonists of different high-voltage activated calcium channels. The N-type calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-CgTx) induced a large decrease of the amplitude of reticulospinal-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). The P/Q-type calcium channel blocker omega-agatoxin IVA (omega-Aga) also reduced the amplitude of the reticulospinal EPSPs, but to a lesser extent than omega-CgTx. The dihydropyridine agonist Bay K and antagonist nimodipine had no effect on the amplitude of the reticulospinal EPSP. Combined application of omega-CgTx and omega-Aga strongly decreased the amplitude the EPSPs but was never able to completely block them, indicating that calcium channels insensitive to these toxins (R-type) are also involved in synaptic transmission from reticulospinal axons. We have previously shown that the group III metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist L(+)-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (L-AP4) mediates presynaptic inhibition at the reticulospinal synapse. To test if this presynaptic effect is mediated through inhibition of calcium influx, the effect of L-AP4 on reticulospinal transmission was tested before and after blockade of N-type channels, which contribute predominantly to transmitter release at this synapse. Blocking the N-type channels with omega-CgTx did not prevent inhibition of reticulospinal synaptic transmission by L-AP4. In addition, L-AP4 had no affect on the calcium current recorded in the somata of reticulospinal neurons or on the calcium component of action potentials in reticulospinal axons. These results show that synaptic transmission from reticulospinal axons in the lamprey is mediated by calcium influx through N-, P/Q- and R-type channels, with N-type channels playing the major role. Furthermore, presynaptic inhibition of reticulospinal transmission by L-AP4 appears not to be mediated through inhibition of presynaptic calcium channels.  相似文献   

Activation of a motoneuron pool is often accompanied by inhibition of the antagonistic pool through a system of reciprocal inhibition between the two parts of the neuronal network controlling the antagonistic pools. In the present study, we describe the activity of such a system in the isolated spinal cord of the lamprey, when a tonic motor output is evoked by extracellular stimulation (0.5-1 s train of pulses, 20 Hz) of either end of the spinal cord. With two electrodes symmetrically positioned in relation to the midline, stimulation with either of them separately elicited prolonged (1-5 s) ipsilateral ventral root activity. Activity could be abolished by stronger, simultaneously applied, stimulation of the contralateral side of the cord, suggesting that reciprocal inhibition between hemisegments operates when a tonic motor output is generated. Simultaneous stimulation of both sides of the spinal cord with a single electrode with a large tip (300-400 microm in diameter), positioned over the anatomical midline, elicited inconsistent right-side, leftside, or bilateral ventral root responses. A minor displacement (10-20 microm) to the left or right from the midline resulted in activation of ipsilateral motoneurons, whereas the contralateral motoneurons were silent. These findings indicate that a small asymmetry in the excitatory drive to the left and right spinal hemisegments can be further amplified by reciprocal inhibition between the hemisegments. Longitudinal splitting of the spinal cord along the midline resulted in reduced reciprocal inhibition between the hemisegments separated by the lesion. The reduction was proportional to the extent of the split. The inhibition was abolished when the split reached nine segments in length. From these experiments, the longitudinal distribution of the commissural axons responsible for inhibition of contralateral motor output could be estimated.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of morphine on the activity in ventrolateral tract axons was studied in intercollicularly decerebrate cats with and without spinal section. Activity was elicited by electrical stimulation of Aand C-fibres in the sural nerves. In spinal animals, morphine injected intravenously in a dose as low as 0.5 mg/kg reduced the post-stimulus discharge of impulses recorded in ventrolateral tract axons below the site of transection. The depression was not only abolished but reversed by levallorphan and naloxone. Pretreatment with reserpine did not diminish the effect of morphine. The effect of morphine was considerably weaker in decerebrate cats. Reversible block of the spinal cord produced by cold revealed that morphine reduced inhibition from the brain stem controlling the impulse transmission to ventrolateral tract axons.It is concluded that a spinal effect contributes to the analgesic action of morphine.This investigation was supported by the Sonderforschungsbereich 38 Membranen and the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk. The authors are indebted to Dr. Ferster of Endo Laboratories, Brussels, for the generous supply of naloxone.  相似文献   

Sustained potentials evoked by olfactory stimulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Application of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) to the lamprey spinal cord in vitro reversibly depressed the chemical component of excitatory post-synaptic potentials recorded intracellularly in motoneurons and evoked by stimulation of single reticulospinal Müller cells. The depression could be produced either by local application of small volumes of 10 mM 5-HT to the surface of the spinal cord or by bath-application of 1 or 10 microM 5-HT. No effect on the input resistance of the postsynaptic cells or their sensitivity to glutamate, the suspected transmitter at this synapse, could be detected, suggesting the possibility of a presynaptic action of 5-HT at this synapse in the lamprey.  相似文献   

GABA and glycine are excitatory in the immature spinal cord and become inhibitory during development. The shift from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) occurs during the perinatal period in the rat, a time window during which the projections from the brain stem reach the lumbar enlargement. In this study, we investigated the effects of suppressing influences of the brain on lumbar motoneurons during this critical period for the negative shift of the reversal potential of IPSPs (E(IPSP)). The spinal cord was transected at the thoracic level on the day of birth [postnatal day 0 (P0)]. E(IPSP), at P4-P7, was significantly more depolarized in cord-transected than in cord-intact animals (E(IPSP) above and below resting potential, respectively). E(IPSP) at P4-P7 in cord-transected animals was close to E(IPSP) at P0-P2. K-Cl cotransporter KCC2 immunohistochemistry revealed a developmental increase of staining in the area of lumbar motoneurons between P0 and P7 in cord-intact animals; this increase was not observed after spinal cord transection. The motoneurons recorded from cord-transected animals were less sensitive to the experimental manipulations aimed at testing the functionality of the KCC2 system, which is sensitive to [K(+)](o) and blocked by bumetanide. Although bumetanide significantly depolarized E(IPSP), the shift was less pronounced than in cord-intact animals. In addition, a reduction of [K(+)](o) affected E(IPSP) significantly only in cord-intact animals. Therefore influences from the brain stem may play an essential role in the maturation of inhibitory synaptic transmission, possibly by upregulating KCC2 and its functionality.  相似文献   

1. Synaptic potentials evoked by electrical stimulation of cranial nerves were recorded in giant reticulospinal neurones (Müller cells) of lamprey. A variety of patterns of stimulation was employed to explore further the functional properties of the pathways intervening between the cranial nerve fibres and Müller cells.

2. Simultaneous low intensity stimulation of two different cranial nerves produced excitatory short-latency synaptic potentials whose amplitudes summed linearly.

3. Tetanic (10/sec) stimulation of a cranial nerve depressed the evoked short-latency synaptic response, but following the tetanus the synaptic response was potentiated above control amplitude for several minutes. Tetanic stimulation of one cranial nerve had no effect upon the synaptic responses evoked by stimulation of other cranial nerves.

4. Low-frequency stimulation (1/sec to 1/20 sec) of a cranial nerve produced a progressive decrease in the amplitude of the evoked short-latency synaptic response. This phenomenon was termed synaptic habituation because its characteristics were functionally similar to behavioural habituation in animals.

5. Habituation of the synaptic response to stimulation of one cranial nerve had no effect on the synaptic responses produced by stimulation of other cranial nerves.

6. Synaptic afterdischarges lasting from several seconds to several minutes were recorded in Müller cells. They occurred both spontaneously and in response to strong electrical stimulation of cranial nerves. For several minutes following an afterdischarge the amplitudes of short-latency synaptic potentials produced by stimulation of any one of the cranial nerves were increased as much as twofold. This facilitation occurred equally well whether the short-latency synaptic responses had been habituated or not.

7. A theoretical cell-wiring diagram is proposed to account for the properties of short-latency evoked synaptic responses and synaptic afterdischarges and for the facilitation of short-latency responses by afterdischarges.


The reticulospinal (RS) system is the main descending system transmitting commands from the brain to the spinal cord in the lamprey. It is responsible for initiation of locomotion, steering, and equilibrium control. In the present study, we characterize the commands that are sent by the brain to the spinal cord in intact animals via the reticulospinal pathways during locomotion. We have developed a method for recording the activity of larger RS axons in the spinal cord in freely behaving lampreys by means of chronically implanted macroelectrodes. In this paper, the mass activity in the right and left RS pathways is described and the correlations of this activity with different aspects of locomotion are discussed. In quiescent animals, the RS neurons had a low level of activity. A mild activation of RS neurons occurred in response to different sensory stimuli. Unilateral eye illumination evoked activation of the ipsilateral RS neurons. Unilateral illumination of the tail dermal photoreceptors evoked bilateral activation of RS neurons. Water vibration also evoked bilateral activation of RS neurons. Roll tilt evoked activation of the contralateral RS neurons. With longer or more intense sensory stimulation of any modality and laterality, a sharp, massive bilateral activation of the RS system occurred, and the animal started to swim. This high activity of RS neurons and swimming could last for many seconds after termination of the stimulus. There was a positive correlation between the level of activity of RS system and the intensity of locomotion. An asymmetry in the mass activity on the left and right sides occurred during lateral turns with a 30% prevalence (on average) for the ipsilateral side. Rhythmic modulation of the activity in RS pathways, related to the locomotor cycle, often was observed, with its peak coinciding with the electromyographic (EMG) burst in the ipsilateral rostral myotomes. The pattern of vestibular response of RS neurons observed in the quiescent state, that is, activation with contralateral roll tilt, was preserved during locomotion. In addition, an inhibition of their activity with ipsilateral tilt was clearly seen. In the cases when the activity of individual neurons could be traced during swimming, it was found that rhythmic modulation of their firing rate was superimposed on their tonic firing or on their vestibular responses. In conclusion, different aspects of locomotor activity-initiation and termination, vigor of locomotion, steering and equilibrium control-are well reflected in the mass activity of the larger RS neurons.  相似文献   

1. As part of a continuing investigation of the organization of the spinal cord of the lamprey, propriospinal interneurons with axons projecting contralaterally and caudally (CC interneurons) were surveyed with intracellular recordings. 2. CC interneurons were identified by recording their axon spikes extracellularly in the spinal cord during intracellular stimulation of the cell body. The axon projections of Cc interneurons were confirmed after intracellular injection and development of horseradish peroxidase. 3. Intracellular stimulation of CC interneurons produced synaptic potentials in myotomal motoneurons, lateral interneurons and other CC interneurons that lay caudally on the opposite side of the spinal cord. Most CC interneurons were inhibitory, but some were excitatory. 4. CC interneurons were divided into three classes on the basis of reticulospinal Müller cell inputs. CC1 interneurons were excited by the ipsilateral Müller cell B1 and the contralateral Mauthner cell. CC1 interneurons were inhibitory. They were excited polysynaptically by ipsilateral sensory dorsal cells and were inhibited by contralateral dorsal cells. They were distinguished morphologically by having no rostral axon branch and no contralateral dendrites. CC1 interneurons were phasically active during fictive swimming with their peak depolarizations preceding those of myotomal motoneurons by about 0.15 cycle. 5. CC2 interneurons were also inhibitory, but they were distinguished from CC1 interneurons by their excitation from the ipsilateral Müller cells B2-4 nd by their thin rostral and thicker caudal axonal branches on the contralateral side of the spinal cord. 6. CC3 interneurons were excitatory, and they were inhibited by the ipsilateral Müller cell I1. CC3 interneurons could have contralateral dendrites and bifurcating axons, and they had lower average axonal conduction velocities than CC1 and CC2 interneurons. 7. Inhibitory CC interneurons may be important for motor coordination in the lamprey. Movements of the lamprey body during reflexes and swimming consist of contraction and relaxation of myotomal muscles on opposite sides of the body. By being coactive with ipsilateral myotomal motoneurons, inhibitory CC interneurons could contribute to the inhibition of contralateral motoneurons during these movements.  相似文献   

脊髓体感与运动诱发电位术中联合监测的应用价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨脊髓体感诱发电位(SEP)与运动诱发电位(MEP)在脊髓手术中联合监测的临床应用价值。方法:对18例脊柱手术患者进行术中SEP和MEP联合监测,并用日本矫形学会量表(JOA)对患者术后神经功能进行评价。结果:全部患者术中SEP的P1、N1波幅有暂时性波动,潜伏期无明显变化。10例患者MEP的D1波波幅降低,但经改变手术方向后恢复正常,另8例患者MEP无明显变化。术后JOA评分较术前明显改善。结论:SEP及MEP术中联合监测,其波形稳定可靠,有利于避免“假阴性/假阳性”结果及术后神经功能障碍的发生。  相似文献   

We assessed the locomotor capacity of the left half of the spinal cord hindlimb enlargement in low-spinal turtles. Forward swimming was evoked in the left hindlimb by electrical stimulation of the right dorsolateral funiculus (DLF) at the anterior end of the third postcervical spinal segment (D3). Animals were held by a band-clamp in a water-filled tank so that hindlimb movements could be recorded from below with a digital video camera. Left hindlimb hip and knee movements were tracked while electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from left hip and knee muscles. In turtles with intact spinal cords, electrical stimulation of the right D3 DLF evoked robust forward swimming movements of the left hindlimb, characterized by rhythmic alternation between hip flexor (HF) and hip extensor (HE) EMG discharge, with knee extensor (KE) bursts occurring during the latter part of each HE-off phase. After removing the right spinal hemi-enlargement (D8-S2), DLF stimulation still evoked rhythmic locomotor movements and EMG bursts in the left hindlimb that included HF-HE alternation and KE discharge. However, post-surgical movements and EMG bursts had longer cycle periods, and movements showed lower amplitudes compared to controls. These results show that (1) sufficient locomotor CPG circuitry resides within the turtle spinal hemi-enlargement to drive major components of the forward swim motor pattern, (2) contralateral circuitry contributes to the excitation of the locomotor CPG for a given limb, and (3) a sufficient portion of the descending DLF pathway crosses over to the contralateral cord anterior to the hindlimb enlargement to activate swimming.  相似文献   

In the isolated lamprey spinal cord, a very slow rhythm (0.03-0.11 Hz), superimposed on fast N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced locomotor activity (0.26-2.98 Hz), could be induced by a blockade of GABA(A) or glycine receptors or by administration of (1 s, 3 s)-l-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid a metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist. Ventral root branches supplying dorsal and ventral myotomes were exposed bilaterally to study the motor pattern in detail. The slow rhythm was expressed in two main forms: 1) a dorsal-ventral reciprocal pattern was the most common (18 of 24 preparations), in which bilateral dorsal branches were synchronous and alternated with the ventral branches, in two additional cases a diagonal dorsal-ventral reciprocal pattern with alternation between the left (or right) dorsal and the right (or left) ventral branches was observed; 2) synchronous bursting in all branches was encountered in four cases. In contrast, the fast locomotor rhythm occurred always in a left-right reciprocal pattern. Thus when the slow rhythm appeared in a dorsal-ventral reciprocal pattern, fast rhythms would simultaneously display left-right alternation. A longitudinal midline section of the spinal cord during ongoing slow bursting abolished the reciprocal pattern between ipsilateral dorsal and ventral branches but a synchronous burst activity could still remain. The fast swimming rhythm did not recover after the midline section. These results suggest that in addition to the network generating the swimming rhythm in the lamprey spinal cord, there is also a network providing slow reciprocal alternation between dorsal and ventral parts of the myotome. During steering, a selective activation of dorsal and ventral myotomes is required and the neural network generating the slow rhythm may represent activity in the spinal machinery used for steering.  相似文献   

Summary Microelectrodes filled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were used to label single identified giant axons in the isolated lamprey spinal cord. Subsequent to the iontophoretic injection of HRP, the spinal cord was stimulated at repetition rates of 20–30/s and the activity in labelled axons monitored. Immediately following failure of the action potential, the spinal cord was fixed by immersion and processed for light and electron microscopy. Electron micrographs were taken of synaptic contacts made by the labelled axons. Several quantitative measures were made from each synapse using a digitizing tablet interfaced with a digital computer. These measures included vesicle number (VN), vesicle area (VA), length of differentiated membrane (DM), vesicle density (VD=VN/VA), vesicle frequency (VF = VN/DM), and a relative measure of the amount of vesicle membrane added to the axolemma during the stimulation period, the curvature ratio (CR). Measures from 106 stimulated synapses were compared with 134 synapses from injected but unstimulated giant axons. The results from these experiments suggest that measurable ultrastructural changes occur during transmitter release at identified C.N.S. synapses, which are consistent with the hypothesis of synaptic vesicle recycling.  相似文献   

Commissural interneurons in the lamprey coordinate activity of the hemisegmental oscillators to ensure proper left-right alternation during swimming. The activity of interneuronal axons at the ventral commissure was studied together with potential target motoneurons during fictive locomotion in the isolated lamprey spinal cord. To estimate the unperturbed activity of the interneurons, axonal recordings were chosen because soma recordings inevitably will affect the level of membrane depolarization and thereby spike initiation. Of 227 commissural axons recorded during locomotor activity, 14 produced inhibitory and 3 produced excitatory postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in target motoneurons. The axons typically fired multiple spikes per locomotor cycle, with approximately 10 Hz sustained frequency. The average shortest spike interval in a burst corresponded to an instantaneous frequency of approximately 50 Hz for both the excitatory and inhibitory axons. The maximum number of spikes per locomotor cycle was inversely related to the locomotor frequency, in accordance with previous observations in the spinal hemicord preparation. In axons that fired multiple spikes per cycle, the mean interspike intervals were in the range in which the amplitude of the slow afterhyperpolarization (sAHP) is large, providing further support for the role of the sAHP in spike timing. One hundred ninety-five axons (86%) fired rhythmically during fictive locomotion, with preferred phase of firing distributed over either the segmental locomotor burst phase (40% of axons) or the transitional phase (between bursts; 60%). Thus in lamprey commissural interneurons, we found a broad distribution of firing rates and phases during fictive locomotion.  相似文献   

Laboratory of Neuromorphology, I. S. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR M. M. Khananashvili.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 109, No. 2, pp. 186–188, February, 1990.  相似文献   

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