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目的:探讨直肠癌造口患者心理控制源、生命质量和应对方式的关系,为直肠癌造口患者的健康干预提供依据.方法:本研究为横断面调查.选取直肠癌造口术后患者135例,用多维度健康状况心理控制源量表(MHLC)、癌症患者生命质量测定量表体系之大肠癌量表(QLICP-CR)和癌症应对方式问卷(CCMQ),分别测评患者的健康心理控制源、生命质量状况和应对方式.结果:回收有效问卷131份.直肠癌造口患者的MHLC的健康内部控制分量表得分为(20.5±5.3)、健康权威人士控制分量表得分(23.1±-4.4)、健康机遇控制分量表得分(19.0±4.3);QLICP-CR总分标准分为(57.0±19.7),其中,共性症状和副作用维度标准分最高(61.9±24.1),躯体功能维度标准分最低(50.4±22.0);CCMQ的面对维度得分最高(2.8±0.4),发泄维度得分最低(2.0±0.6).直肠癌造口患者MHLC的健康权威人士控制分量表得分与QLICP-CR总分及躯体功能、大肠癌特异模块维度得分呈正相关(r=0.19、0.27、0.20,均P <0.05);健康内部控制分量表得分与QLICP-CR心理功能维度得分、CCMQ面对维度得分呈正相关(r=0.18、0.21,均P<0.05).CCMQ面对维度在健康内部控制和患者心理功能之间的中介效应不显著.结论:本研究提示,健康权威人士控制倾向明显的患者总体生命质量较高.  相似文献   

Little agreement exists on how attributional style and locus of control relate to one another. Some consider the two to be interchangeable; others say that they overlap but are not identical. This study of the perceptions of control (conceptualized as attributional style and locus of control) of 144 adults with epilepsy, measured via a mailed survey, lends support to the latter notion. Attributional style for bad events, but not for good events, could be predicted by length of time that participants had been seizure free. Locus of control could not be predicted. Differences in the nature of the two concepts and how they develop within individuals are examined to explain how changes in seizure control would effect one but not the other. Implications for other medical conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

慢性乙型肝炎患者健康心理控制源研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 通过调查慢性乙型肝炎患者的健康心理控制源,及与应付方式、社会支持、抑郁和焦虑情绪、生活质量的关系。方法 采用多维度健康状况心理控制源量表、应对方式调查表、社会支持评定量表、生活质量评定问卷SF-36、抑郁和焦虑自评量表进行调查,并检测肝功能及乙型肝炎血清学标记物。结果 患者内控性、机遇性及有势力他人三种心理控制源之间呈正相关;内控性和机遇性心理控制源与自责、幼想应对方式及隐瞒应对方式正相关;  相似文献   

Parallel to Frankl's theory of the search for meaning, which posits the separateness but intertwining of the psychological and existential realms, the Purpose In Life Test (PIL) has been found to have a low to moderate relationship with most conceptually related psychological measures. Extending separate correlational studies of the PIL with depression and locus of control the current study inspected the relationship of individual PIL items to groups formed according to Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and Rotter Internal-External Locus Of Control scores. One-hundred thirty-four Ss were split into four groups: Depressed external, depressed internals, nondepressed externals, and nondepressed internals. Although ungrouped correlational analysis of PIL items revealed only seven significant relationships with depression and two with locus of control, multiple discriminate analysis was successful in correctly classifying depressed externals about three-fourths of the time, and the overall „hit rate”︁ for the four groups was above 60%. In addition to further validating the interaction of purpose in life with related psychological and social expectancy variables, results indicated a compounding effect between depression and external perception of reinforcement control with PIL scores in general, and two items ( #4, 12) in particular, which appear to reflect the experience of current congruent involvement between the individual and his world.  相似文献   

Compared interrelationships of cognitive style, locus of control, achievement, and perceptual measures with intelligence in learning disabled females (N = 47). Cognitive style affected certain Ss albeit only in minor ways when the effects of intelligence were partially out. Locus of control had substantial overlap with intelligence, but not with achievement. Principal component analysis and analysis of covariance on performance levels sugests that cognitive and locus of control do not make an appreciable addtion to the prediction by IQ scores alone of achievement in second-and third-grade learning disabled females.  相似文献   

Alcoholic Ss were categorized into four subtyped based upon differetial levels of perceived locus of control and experienced control. The relationshop be tween generalized psychology, as measured by the MMPI, and subtype classification was investigated. Alcoholics with an internal locus of control and high levels of experienced control exhibited the least psychology. The greatest degree of psychology was found among Ss with an external locus of control and minimal levels of experienced control. The implications of these results with respect to psychosocial functioning and drinking and drinking behavior among alcholic subgroups were discussed.  相似文献   

Many behaviour, psychotherapy and healthy life-style programmes require subjects to take responsibility for the control of the old unwanted behaviours or to be responsible for maintaining new desired behaviours after therapy has ended. A scale to measure the locus of control of behaviour would be valuable if it could predict persons likely to relapse following apparently successful therapy. A 17-item Likert-type scale to measure this construct was developed and shown to have satisfactory internal reliability, to be test-retest reliable in the absence of treatment, to be independent of age, sex and social desirability, and to distinguish clinical disorder from normal non-clinical subjects. Furthermore, change towards internality (a reduced LCB score) during therapy was shown to predict maintenance or, alternatively, change towards externality (an increase or no change in the LCB score) was shown to predict relapse 10 months later in treated stutterers. The scale was shown to be related to the personal control factor of the Rotter I–E scale but to be more powerful a predictor of relapse than this personal control subscale or the full Rotter scale.  相似文献   

初中生自尊与心理控制源、应对方式的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨初中生自尊与心理控制源、应对方式的关系。方法采用自尊量表、儿童控制知觉多维度测查量表、特质应对问卷调查293名初中学生。结果①积极应对、消极应对、未知方控制、内部控制在高、低自尊组上有显著的差异;②初中生自尊与积极应对呈显著正相关,与消极应对呈显著负相关;自尊与内部控制有显著正相关,与外部势力控制和未知方控制呈显著负相关;③多元回归分析表明,影响自尊的因子按影响力大小依次为:积极应对、消极应对、内部控制和未知方控制。结论心理控制源和应对方式对初中生自尊有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

Humans evolved in Africa, where climate would have required cold adaptation. Modern humans have housing which separates them from the environment. Metabolic disorders are prevalent in populations with excess Western diet and lack of exercise. A thrifty genotype has been proposed as an explanation for susceptibility. An alternative explanation is that cold adaptation is absent. But the human genome is complex, and there are many variations possible in the metabolic pathways. Behaviour which uses the circadian rhythms of metabolism may be helpful for fitness.  相似文献   

高职生父母教养方式与生命意义:自尊的中介作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:考察高职生父母教养方式与高职生生命意义感的关系,以及自尊在其中所起的作用。方法:采用方便取样,从广州市两所高等职业技术学院的高职生中抽取一、二年级学生316名,用生命意义量表(PIL)、自尊量表(SES)和父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)进行测查。结果:男生的父亲惩罚严厉、父亲过分干涉、父亲拒绝否认、父亲过度保护、母亲过分干涉、母亲拒绝否认、母亲惩罚严厉得分均高于女生,而母亲情感温暖得分低于女生(均P<0.01);城镇学生的母亲过分干涉得分高于农村学生,而生活目标得分低于农村学生(均P<0.05)。父亲情感温暖能积极预测生命热忱、逃避(β=0.21、0.29,P<0.05),母亲情感温暖积极预测生活目标、未来期待(β=0.25,0.14;P<0.05)。自尊在父亲情感温暖与生命热忱(β=0.15,P>0.05)、父亲情感温暖与逃避(β=0.26,P>0.01)、母亲情感温暖与生活目标(β=0.17,P>0.05)、母亲情感温暖与未来期待(β=0.09,P>0.05)的作用过程中起着中介作用。结论:高职生父母教养方式与生命意义密切相关,自尊在二者关系中有着中介作用。  相似文献   

Although research indicates that stressful life events commonly precede the onset of a variety of psychological disorders, reported correlations have consistently been only moderately strong. The present study examined the possibility that the health locus of control (HLC) mediates the relationship between life event stress and psychopathology. Subjects were 81 male volunteers between the ages of 21 and 62. The SCL-90-R was utilized to measure psychological symptom status. Subjects' perceptions regarding the desirability and controllability of experienced events were examined. Life events which were perceived to be both undesirable and uncontrollable were significantly correlated with the indices of psychopathology only for subjects who were external in HLC. Externals also showed significant correlations between events which were perceived as being undesirable but under personal control and psychological symptoms. The results suggest that externals are more vulnerable to life event stress than internals. Practical implications for health psychologists are discussed.  相似文献   

Sixty-two undergraduate college students completed a demographic questionnaire and the Rotter I-E Scale. They then selected their preferred seats in five seating situations that contained three, four, and five chairs in various arrangements, with one chair occupied by a stranger of the same sex, age and style of dress. Significant correlations were found between social distance (distance from stranger) and locus of control, and sex and locus of control. There was no relationship between sex and social distance, nor were demographic variables significant. Females were found to choose middle distance graphic variables significant. Females were found to choose middle distance seating, indicated by a t of 17.38, p = 0.001; males chose extreme positions.  相似文献   

Few studies have attempted to relate the locus of control (Rotter, 1966) variable to physiological activity. This paper describes the heart-rate and skin conductance responses of 40 subjects exposed to a series of auditory stimuli, in relation to their locus of control scores. It was found that those scoring relatively 'externally' on the locus of control scale gave less decelerative and more accelerative heart-rate responses and tended to give larger skin conductance responses when there was a change in stimulus characteristics, than those scoring 'internally'. These results may be interpreted to support Lazarus' (1966) suggestions that control over a situation lessens the threat perceived in that situation. They also indicate that internal subjects tend to seek information to increase their control.  相似文献   

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