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A false aneurysm is rare and underdiagnosed complication of intracranial hemorrhage. Objective of the study was to point out diagnostic imaging signs of false aneurysm and to determine frequency and diagnostic significance of these signs.

Materials and methods

Cerebral arteriography performed in our center from November 2007 to September 2010 revealed the false aneurysm in 8 patients (4 male, 4 female, mean age was 38 years). During the same angiographic procedure 6 patients were treated by endovascular embolization using coils, mixture of Histoacryl and Lipiodol or Onyx (liquid embolic material). Authors retrospectively analyzed preprocedural studies (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and angiographic findings to identify signs specific to false aneurysm.


Computed tomographic findings that are not specific but should raise suspicion of the false aneurysm include: enlargement of parenchymal hematoma dimensions, unusual or delayed evolution of hematoma and spot sign associated with acute hematoma expansion. More specific signs can be revealed in digital subtraction angiography that shows a globular shaped neckless aneurysmal sac, delayed filling and emptying of contrast agent and stagnation of contrast with regard to the head position.


Although preangiographic imaging studies findings in patients with false aneurysms are not specific, they should lead to angiographic validation, especially enlarging parenchymal hematoma and atypical hematoma evolution. Digital subtraction angiography makes it possible to diagnose the lesion and to use endovascular embolization techniques, which are currently the method of choice for treatment of pseudoaneurysms.  相似文献   

Bone tissue is often used for recovering DNA samples for the purpose of human identification. However, the initial cleaning and sampling of the bone specimen is a labor-intensive and time-consuming step, which must be completed prior to isolating DNA. Thus, it is difficult to adapt the current method for automation. To address this issue, we have developed a simple processing method using a trypsin treatment prior to DNA isolation. The use of the trypsin-based procedure potentially reduces the amount of labor required by a physical method such as sanding. By incubating samples with the trypsin solution, the soft tissue and outer surface of the bone fragment samples are removed. The processed bone fragment or a portion of the fragment can then be used for DNA isolation.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the efficacy of a radiological method to estimate stature from measurements of the first and second metatarsal taken from a collection of metatarsals of a Portuguese Caucasian population in which the measurements were made directly on the bone. The highest coefficient of determination and the lowest standard error were obtained with the physiological length of the second metatarsal (F2), using the equation S = 895.4803 + 10.7848F2. The linear regressions obtained show significant differences between the estimated heights from M1. In addition, we offer a simple method for sex determination based on the maximum length (M1) and width (W1) of the first metatarsal, where W1 = x1; (M1/W1) = x2; β0 = 55.4767; β1 = −2.5796 and β2 = −4.6898. Here we present a method of measurement using computerized tomography that enables population studies using live volunteers without incurring the difficulties of on the bone measurement.  相似文献   



To evaluate efficacy of oral antioxidant treatment given to patients before radiologic procedures in reducing x-ray-induced DNA damage.

Materials and Methods

In a single-center prospective controlled trial, antioxidant treatment with 2 g ascorbate, 1.2 g N-acetylcysteine, 600 mg lipoic acid, and 30 mg beta carotene was given to 5 consecutive participants before undergoing clinically indicated technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate (99mTc MDP) bone scans for cancer staging. These participants were compared with 5 participants without antioxidant treatment. DNA damage was visualized in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) before and after bone scans using three-dimensional microscopy and fluorescently labeled gamma-H2AX protein. Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference in the radiation received between the control and antioxidant groups, the number of foci/cell before and after bone scan within groups, and foci/cell after bone scan between groups.


There was a significantly higher number of gamma-H2AX foci/cell after ionization radiation in the control group compared with the antioxidant group (P = .009). There was no statistically significant difference in number of gamma-H2AX foci/cell before or after exposure in the antioxidant group; the number of gamma-H2AX foci/cell was statistically significantly higher (P = .009) in the control group after exposure to 99mTc MDP.


In patients undergoing 99mTc MDP bone scans, treatment with oral antioxidants before scanning significantly prevented DNA damage in PBMCs. Antioxidants may provide an effective means to protect patients and health care professionals from radiation-induced DNA damage during imaging studies.  相似文献   

Forensic biological evidence often contains low quantities of DNA or substantially degraded DNA which makes samples refractory to genotype analysis. One approach that shows promise to overcome the limited quantity of DNA is whole genome amplification (WGA). One WGA technique, termed rolling circle amplification (RCA), involves the amplification of circular DNA fragments and this study evaluates a single-stranded (ss) DNA ligase enzyme for generating circular DNA templates for RCA WGA. Fast, efficient ligation of several sizes of ssDNA templates was achieved. The enzyme also ligated double-stranded (ds) DNA templates, a novel activity not previously reported. Adapter sequences containing optimal terminal nucleotide ends for increased ligation efficiency were designed and ligation of adapters to template DNA was optimized. Increased amplification of DNA templates was observed following WGA; however, no amplification advantage for ssDNA ligase treatment of templates was evident compared to linear templates. A multi-step process to utilize ssDNA ligase prior to WGA was developed and short tandem repeat (STR) analysis of simulated low template (LT) and fragmented DNA was evaluated. The process resulted in the loss of template DNA and failed STR analysis whereas input of linear genomic DNA template directly into WGA prior to STR analysis improved STR genotyping results compared to non-WGA treated samples. Inclusion of an extreme thermostable single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) during WGA also increased DNA yields. While STR artifacts such as peak imbalance, drop-in, and dropout persisted, WGA shows potential for successful genetic profiling of LT and fragmented DNA samples. Further research and development is warranted prior to use of WGA in forensic casework.  相似文献   

One of the most demanding DNA extractions is from bones and teeth due to the robustness of the material and the relatively low DNA content. The greatest challenge is due to the manifold nature of the material, which is defined by various factors, including age, storage, environmental conditions, and contamination with inhibitors. However, most published protocols do not distinguish between different types or qualities of bone material, but are described as being generally applicable. Our laboratory works with two different extraction methods based on silica membranes or the use of silica beads. We compared the amplification success of the two methods from bone samples with different qualities and in the presence of inhibitors. We found that the DNA extraction using the silica membrane method results an in higher DNA yield but also in a higher risk of co-extracting impurities, which can act as inhibitors. In contrast the silica beads method shows decreased co-extraction of inhibitors but also less DNA yield. Related to our own experiences it has to be considered that each bone material should be reviewed independently regarding the analysis and extraction method. Therefore, the most ambitious task is determining the quality of the bone material, which requires substantial experience.  相似文献   

Equivalent amounts of compromised bones were used to directly compare STR success of conventional and Rapid DNA methods. Conventional DNA extraction methods, including manual full demineralization and semi-automated PrepFiler BTA/ AutoMate Express (ThermoFisher Scientific), provided insights regarding the DNA quantity and extent of degradation of each compromised bone analyzed with ANDE 6C (ANDE Corp) and RapidHIT ID (ThermoFisher Scientific) Rapid systems. Full demineralization provided higher DNA yields than extraction with the AutoMate Express for quality control (QC) and environmentally challenged bones. The degradation indices ranged from ∼1.8 to 73. Both demineralization and AutoMate Express extracts benefited from additional clean-up with NucleoSpin XS devices, which usually resulted in more alleles being detected than without further clean-up. Complete “CODIS 20″ profiles could be obtained with bone QC1 with all methods. However, among the 14 compromised bones with low DNA content, complete CODIS 20 profiles were detected for 7, 4, and 0 bones analyzed with demineralization, AutoMate Express and ANDE methods, respectively. The RapidHIT ID was the least sensitive method, providing the fewest detectable alleles for the bones tested. Whereas extracted DNA of approximately 0.1 ng can yield complete GlobalFiler STR profiles, at least 30 ng was required for complete FlexPlex 27 profiles using the ANDE 6C Rapid DNA system. In addition to being less sensitive than conventional methods, the tested Rapid DNA approaches were less predictable when attempting to improve STR success and proved to be less reliable in genotyping accuracy.  相似文献   

An essential starting point when using molecular methods to identify bacterial biosecurity agents is an efficient extraction procedure that can extract DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, lyse bacteria and remove inhibitors. ChargeSwitch gDNA mini bacteria kit (Invitrogen), QIAamp DNA extraction kit (Qiagen) with and without bead-beating, and Isolate II Genomic DNA kit (Bioline) were assessed for DNA extraction from Gram-positive (Bacillus thuringiensis) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) culture and environmental wipe samples. DNA was quantified using fluorometry, spectrophotometry and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and correlation between methods examined. In general, ChargeSwitch resulted in the highest DNA yield, however it was more expensive, did not remove environmental inhibitors or lyse all bacteria. Silica-based methods were efficient at lysing bacteria, removing inhibitors and generating sufficient DNA for downstream applications. Bead-beating added additional time and costs but did not significantly increase yields. There was limited correlation between DNA quantifications determined using fluorometry, spectrophotometry and real-time PCR. Results show a range of methods should be considered when developing extraction protocols for biosecurity applications with the optimal method dependant on sample type and starting material amount. Isolate II is recommended for extraction from culture or wipe samples, particularly with small quantities commonly encountered in biosecurity scenarios.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe examined forensic serum toxicology and pharmacogenomics data from a woman on codeine shortly before she caused a motor vehicle accident.MethodsA woman driving erratically collided with a parked car of a highway seriously injuring 2 men working to repair the parked vehicle. The woman tested positive for codeine, acetaminophen and barbital. She had been taking these medications for 20 years due to migraine headache. Serum toxicology and genotype analysis for cytochrome P450, UDP glucuronosyltransferase, and other metabolizing enzymes were measured.ResultsThe woman was tried and convicted of driving under the influence resulting in bodily harm and was sentenced to 6 years. Toxicology results on peripheral blood showed a total and free codeine of 840 and 348 μg/L, respectively, and total morphine of 20 μg/L (17, 3, and 0 μg/L for morphine-3-glucuronide, morphine-6-glucuronide, and free morphine, respectively). She was heterozygous for CYP 2D6 *2/*4 (extensive/poor metabolism) and heterozygous for UGT 2B7 *1/*2 (extensive/ultra-rapid metabolism). The woman was also taking fluoxetine and bupropion which are strong inhibitors of CYP 2D6.ConclusionsBased on her genotype and phenotype and reports by the arresting officer, we suggest that the subject in question was not intoxicated by opiates at the time of her motor vehicle accident and may have been falsely incarcerated.  相似文献   

Drugs and all medicinal products are in a special category. The manufacturing, marketing authorization and the distribution of them within the market, require fulfillment of particular conditions compared with other consumer goods. Additionally, the safety of drug use is an important issue for the public health, involving State and insurance authorities, physicians, pharmacists and drug companies. In today's health care environment, any authority involved in therapeutic interchange issues should be knowledgeable about the legal and medical issues associated with this practice. The aim of this study was to provide an analysis of Greek pharmacy legislation and an insight into the infrastructure of the Greek system that is responsible for the safety of the use of medicinal products from the Public Health Standpoint.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to assess the use of different positioning systems and sampling frequencies to measure spatial-positioning variables in team sports. Articles were selected when the sampling frequency was detailed. 2,194 articles were identified and 59 works were selected for the systematic review. The sampling frequency used to measure tactical behaviour differed considerably among studies. For Global Navigation Satellite System, the sampling frequency ranged from 5- to 15 Hz for raw data, the most commonly used sampling frequency being 5 Hz. For Optic-based tracking systems, the sampling frequency ranged from 10- to 30 Hz. For Local Position System, the sampling frequency ranged from 45- to 100 Hz, the most commonly used sampling frequency being 42 Hz and 57.7 Hz. There is no common criterion in the sampling frequency used to measure each tactical variable. Further studies should investigate the impact of the sampling frequency on the measurement of the tactical variables.  相似文献   

Sports, physical exercise and use of alcohol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a general population study comprising 994 women and 1000 men (aged ≥ 15 years), we investigated differences in consumed amounts of alcohol related to participation in sports and physical exercise. Compared with the controls, women engaged in sports drank significantly more beer and had higher total consumption of alcohol. The differences in consumption disappeared when controlled for age and education. Men engaged in team sports had elevated consumption of beer and liquor and had a higher total consumption. Controlled for age and education, only differences in total liquor consumption remained significant. Frequency of exercising, irrespective of type of sports, was related to increased use of wine among men and women. There were no significant differences in use of beer, liquor or in total yearly consumption of alcohol.  相似文献   

Sildenafil is the first internationally approved drug for erectile dysfunction. Unsupervised and non-prescribed use of sildenafil among young Indian population has increased in last few years. Sildenafil helps in erection of penis by inhibiting the action of Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) enzyme, present in the vasculature of corpus cavernosum muscle and lengthens the duration of erection. Documented adverse effects of sildenafil are headache, flushing, nasal congestion, dyspepsia, and slight decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.We present a rare case of sudden death due to cerebrovascular hemorrhage after sildenafil use and concomitant alcohol intake. The history is that a 41-year-old male with no significant past medical and surgical history was staying at a hotel room with a female friend; he had consumed 2 tablets of sildenafil (50 mg each) and alcohol at night. Next morning, he developed uneasiness following which he was taken to the Hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. The important autopsy findings include edematous brain with about 300 g of clotted blood in the right basal ganglia extending to bilateral ventricles, and in pons region. Other significant findings on microscopic examination were hypertrophic ventricular wall of heart, fatty changes in liver and acute tubular necrosis and hypertensive changes in the kidney.The findings are discussed in the light of the literature about the lethal complications of combined use of sildenafil and alcohol including cerebrovascular accidents. As a forensic pathologist it is the duty of the doctor to execute meticulous autopsy along with ancillary investigations including toxicological analysis and to correlate all these findings to determine the possible effects of drugs when present, so as to gather knowledge about potentially fatal drugs and further create public awareness regarding the same.  相似文献   

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