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糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)目前已成为获得性失明的主要原因之一,早期发现、诊断、及时治疗被认为是减少糖尿病造成视力损失的有效手段。基于数字化成像的远程医疗在DR的早期发现及诊断中起到至关重要的作用,其准确性及可靠性研究也日渐完善,也是目前DR早期筛查中快速的检查方法之一。随着远程医疗数字化成像的发展,使用人工智能协助DR诊断也成为未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

糖尿病性视网膜病变是目前的主要致盲眼病,对糖尿病患进行糖尿病性视网膜病变筛查的必要性已毋置疑。远程医疗在糖尿病性视网膜病变的筛查中的应用有着巨大的应用前景,本就目前糖尿病性视网膜病变远程筛查的研究现况加以综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨使用远程筛查方法指导糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)患者治疗方案的应用价值.方法使用自行设计的 DR 远程筛查程序在基层医院进行单视野的眼底彩色图像采集,通过网络即时将结果发送到眼科中心,由眼底病医师进行诊断,建议患者进行相应治疗,并对所有病例进行荧光素眼底血管造影检查(FFA),以 FFA 结果作为诊断标准,再次指导患者进行治疗,比较2种检查方法对指导治疗的一致性.结果根据 DR 国际临床分类法将患者分类,通过远程筛查方法及 FFA 检查方法所指导的治疗建议有良好的相关性.结论 DR 远程筛查程序能方便偏远地区糖尿病眼病患者进行筛查,对早期指导糖尿病患者进行眼科治疗具有积极作用.  相似文献   

目的 观察标准方位眼底摄像技术在早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)远程筛查中的应用价值。方法 将2016年11月至2018年2月通过我院ROP远程筛查阅片系统筛查的早产儿1402例2804眼纳入研究,男711例1422眼,女691例1382眼。所有早产儿均使用双目间接眼底镜检查和广角数码视网膜成像系统完成眼底标准方位摄像,并将图像上传至远程阅片系统进行远程阅片。统计远程阅片系统检出ROP发病的阳性率、假阴性率、灵敏度、特异度以及ROP总发病率,评价标准方位眼底摄像技术在ROP远程筛查中的价值。结果 1402例2804眼经远程筛查系统阅片,84例168眼发病,阳性率为6.0%;因图像模糊或方位不佳导致阅片困难,可疑病变,而双目间接眼底镜检查确诊的ROP患者5例10眼,假阴性率为0.3%,灵敏度为94.4%;所有患儿总发病率为6.3%,需要激光或抗血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)治疗的重症ROP患儿28例56眼,占2.0%,其中急进型后极部ROP患儿5例10眼、阈值期患儿14例28眼、阈值前1型患儿9例18眼。重症ROP患儿中,26例52眼经一次激光或抗VEGF治疗后病情得到控制,2例4眼急进型后极部ROP患儿经抗VEGF治疗后4周病情复发,再次给予激光光凝治疗后病情稳定。所有患儿无一例漏诊、误诊、贻误最佳治疗时机者。结论 标准方位眼底摄像技术是ROP远程筛查的有力保障;ROP远程筛查阅片系统对ROP病变检出灵敏度高,可以有效解决目前ROP专业防治人员相对缺乏的困境。  相似文献   

目的 探讨糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)筛查及早期治疗的意义。方法 采用矫正视力、散瞳查眼底、眼底照相等方法对54例(108眼)糖尿病患者进行筛查,根据结果进行早期治疗。结果 14例非糖尿病视网膜病变(NDR)患者继续内分泌科治疗,2年后复查1次。DR1期12例患者眼科随访观察,每年筛查1次。DR2期10例患者随访观察,6个月筛查1次。DR3~6期18例患者转上级医院激光治疗并长期随访。结论 糖尿病视网膜病变筛查应成为治疗糖尿病常规的一部分。应早期发现、早期治疗,可预防糖尿病视网膜病变盲目地发生。  相似文献   

由于全球2型糖尿病患病率逐年上升,糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)导致的失明和视力受损患病率也随之升高。DR筛查计划对临床前期及已确诊患者的诊疗至关重要,其中,筛查周期、成本效益、地区资源配置等均为筛查计划需要考虑的因素。超广角眼底照相设备、手持移动照相装置、基于人工智能的远程眼科诊疗系统等新技术使筛查策略与成本效益得到优化,本文将对其应用展开综述。此外,新的证据表明,视网膜检查能够早期识别有心血管疾病或认知障碍性疾病的个体,而DR筛查的价值将不局限于预防视力损害。  相似文献   

糖尿病已成为我国主要的公共卫生问题,糖尿病性视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)是一种严重的致盲眼病,如不及时治疗将会造成不可逆的永久性损害。  相似文献   

目的:评估人工智能(AI)辅助诊断系统在宁夏银川社区糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)筛查中的应用效果。方法:收集2020-07/2021-07就诊于宁夏银川两个社区卫生服务中心的2型糖尿病患者1 358例2 707眼的眼底彩照,采用Eye Wisdom AI眼病辅助筛查和诊断系统自动检测分析出血、微动脉瘤以及视网膜内微血管异常等DR的特征性改变。根据其国际分期的标准对眼底彩照检测结果进行自动分级,由人工分析组进行图像判读后反馈结果,分析AI辅助筛查系统诊断DR的灵敏度、特异度、误诊率及漏诊率,比较AI与人工分析的一致性,对AI筛查系统与人工分析的结果做Kappa一致性检验。结果:与人工分析相比,AI诊断有无DR的灵敏度为91.84%,特异度为99.06%,漏诊率为8.16%,误诊率为0.94%,对于二者诊断结果的一致性分析Kappa值为0.817(P<0.001)。与人工分析相比,AI组检测无DR的灵敏度为99.06%,特异度为91.84%;检测轻度NPDR的灵敏度为85.36%,特异度为98.52%;中度NPDR的灵敏度为81.53%,特异度为98.55%;重度NPDR的灵敏度为70%...  相似文献   

糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy, DR)是糖尿病常见的微血管并发症, 是成年人低视力和致盲的主要原因。筛查可以使DR得到早期诊断和治疗, 从而减少患者视力损害, 提高生活质量。在组织大规模筛查前, 国家医疗卫生部门通常会评估筛查的效果和筛查产生的社会成本消耗。近年来, 许多国家和地区在基层卫生机构应用远程医疗开展DR筛查项目, 并使用卫生经济学方法评价筛查的成本效益。通过对单个或者多个敏感性因素进行分析来制定筛查的个性化方案使成本效益最大化。近年国内外关于远程医疗在DR筛查领域的研究显示, 大多数远程医疗在卫生经济学评价上具有成本效益, 制定个性化筛查方案可将成本效益最优化。(国际眼科纵览, 2023, 47:36-42)  相似文献   

Background: This study aimed to describe and measure the health results of a Category 3 teleophthalmology screening project for diabetic retinopathy (DR). Implemented through mobile screening imaging units located within pharmacies, the project had the goal of reaching unscreened diabetic patients in urban communities while lowering barriers to screening and saving medical resources.Methods: Image capture of both eyes of 3505 known diabetic individuals was performed in the provinces of Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. A photographer performed fundus imaging, and a nurse used mild pupil dilation only when necessary to secure image quality. Screening was provided free of cost in the context of DR health days for DR screening. Through teleophthalmology, ophthalmologists proceeded with data and image interpretation, and timely referral when indicated.Results: This project allowed the resumption of screening of over 38% of the cohort of known diabetics who reported never having undergone any eye examination with pupil dilation, and an additional 30% who reported not having been examined for over 2 years. All known diabetics were under the care of a general physician, and their mean diabetes duration, when known, was 8 years. DR pathology was found in 22.5% (20%–28%) of the cohort, 1.8% requiring urgent referral (within 30 days) as a result of the severity of the DR and 0.6% (0%–l.8%) requiring urgent referral for other reasons. An additional 8.7% (8.1%–19.5%) required ophthalmologic attention within 6 months because of DR and another 2.0% (0%–6.3%) between 6 months and I year. Incidental findings were found in 23%, the majority of which were related to cataract and dry macular degeneration. Urgent or significant incidental findings were found in 0.6% of the screened eyes. Pupil dilation with tropicamide 1% was deemed useful or necessary in 33.7% of the cohort. For 0.7% of the cohort, the images could not be interpreted because of poor image quality and for that reason had to be referred for a traditional dilated eye examination. Ophthalmologists were relieved of the examination of 85.6% of the screened diabetic individuals who benefited from screening without requiring a traditional ophthalmologic examination. On the other hand, ophthalmologists were required to provide urgent (within 30 days) services to 2% of the cohort, either because of threatening DR or because of incidental findings requiring rapid ophthalmologic attention.Interpretation: This screening strategy for DR through mobile teleophthalmology imaging units efficiently lowered barriers to screening and created new screening opportunities for a large number of known diabetic individuals who were lost to the traditional health system. It has the potential to provide better outreach to diabetic populations while identifying individuals truly in need of the services of an ophthalmologist; at the same time it maximizes the use of limited ophthalmologic resources while favouring multidisciplinary collaborations. The significant incidental findings associated with screening highlight the need for ophthalmologic competencies during DR screening within a teleophthalmology approach. Further involvement of government health authorities is pivotal in embracing the opportunities provided by emerging technologies such as teleophthalmology and translating them into better outreach services to diabetic populations and thus better visual health results.  相似文献   

Vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy (VTDR) is one of the leading causes of impaired vision in the working-age population. Early identification, timely diagnosis, and prompt treatment of VTDR have to be tackled simultaneously to reduce the rate of blindness due to this condition. Considerable emphasis has been placed globally on establishing diabetic retinopathy screening (DRS) programs to enable early identification and referral of VTDR for treatment. However, there is an urgent need to shift from the common practice of opportunistic screening to a systematic DRS pathway to ensure that individuals with diabetes are screened at regular intervals and treated appropriately. While systematic DRS programs have been successfully established in countries such as the United Kingdom (UK), it continues to be a challenge to initiate and sustain such programs in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), home to approximately 80% of people with diabetes. Telemedicine is widely recognized as an ideal DRS screening program. Although it has resulted in an upsurge of opportunistic screening, systematic recall of screened patients remains a challenge. In addition, the link between referred patients from the telemedicine programs to treatment centers is often not established or has failed to deliver; so, there is minimal impact of these telemedicine programs on VTDR blindness at present. This review covers the various barriers of establishing and sustaining systematic telemedicine DRS programs, especially in resource-constrained settings, and the challenges in aligning telemedicine to VTDR treatment pathways to ensure patients with VTDR are treated promptly and effectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness. Studies have shown the value of screening and early, timely treatment. Our aim was to measure the effectiveness and degree of acceptance of community screening for diabetic retinopathy using telemedicine. METHODS: In this prospective, population-based cross-sectional study, diabetics recruited through a regional multimedia campaign were surveyed and screened for retinopathy using a nonmydriatic camera and evaluated through telemedical imaging. RESULTS: Of the 291 diabetics recruited over a 3-week period (37% by the regional diabetes association and 30% by the media), 49.4% reported having their most recent eye examination within 1 year, 30.7% between 1 to 2 years, 9.7% over 2 years, and 10.1% had never had an exam. 98.6% found our screening method acceptable, with 95.1% wanting to return for their next screening and 91.2% stating it would increase their compliance to annual screening. INTERPRETATION: Telemedicine provided a reliable and highly acceptable method for diabetic retinopathy screening. It can attract a significant number of people with diabetes and potentially recruit patients who would otherwise be missed by the current methods of vision screening.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) as identified by teleophthalmology in a sample population of people with diabetes living in rural Alberta and to identify the risks and benefits of a teleophthalmology program for these patients.Design: Retrospective consecutive case series.Participants: Three hundred ninety-four diabetic patients (788 eyes).Methods: Medical histories were obtained, following which patients underwent visual acuity and intraocular pressure measurements and stereoscopic, 7-field, digital retinal photography. Images were graded by ophthalmologists in Edmonton, Alta., according to a modified Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study scoring template. Diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up recommendations were communicated to local health care providers and data were collected for review.Results: Three hundred ninety-four patients (788 eyes) were assessed via 593 teleophthalmology visits over the 3-year period. DR was identified in 27.2% of patients (2.3% with proliferative DR and 24.9% with nonproliferative DR). A variety of other diagnoses, independent of DR, were also made. Recommendations for follow-up teleophthalmology and in-person referral were completed in 76.8% and 87.3% of patients, respectively, although many were completed later than was recommended. Teleophthalmology saved approximately 450 round trips from Edson to the nearest urban centre (Edmonton) over the 2-year period, equating to approximately 1900 hours and 180 000 km of driving.Conclusions: Teleophthalmology can effectively identify DR while reducing travel time and distance for patients with diabetes living in a rural community. However, many patients did not follow up or attend referral appointments in a timely fashion, underscoring the need for ongoing quality assessment.  相似文献   

陶然 《国际眼科杂志》2004,4(6):1154-1156
在中国,糖尿病视网膜病变已经成为主要的致盲疾病之一。大多数盲是可以避免的,因为及时的激光治疗在挽救视力时被证明是有效的。但是许多患者在早期没有症状,到出现症状时,对于有效的激光治疗为时已晚。所以做为糖尿病患者整体护理的一部分,对糖尿病患者仔细的和定期的眼部监测是非常有必要的。但是目前在中国对糖尿病视网膜病变的筛选还远远不够。作为将来糖尿病视网膜病变的干预基础,这篇文章分析了糖尿病视网膜病变筛查的重要性及执行问题。  相似文献   

Purpose:To assess the use of smartphone-based direct ophthalmoscope photography for screening of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in known diabetic patients walking into a general practitioner''s clinic and referring them to a vitreoretinal specialist for further evaluation and management if required.Methodos:The study included 94 eyes of 47 walk-in patients in a general practitioner''s OPD who were known to have type 2 diabetes mellitus and were already on treatment for the same.Results:The study included 47 patients with diabetes with a mean age of 56.2 ± 9.4 years. The Cohen''s kappa values revealed that the diagnosis related to the DR status made using a camera was in substantial agreement with the clinical diagnosis (Kappa value: 0.770). The Cohen''s kappa values revealed that the diagnosis related to the DME made using a camera was in moderate agreement with the clinical diagnosis (Kappa value: 0.410). The agreement between the findings of the camera and clinical diagnosis was statistically significant (P < 0.05).Conclusion:Direct ophthalmoscope-based smartphone imaging can be a useful tool in the OPD of a general practitioner. These images can be assessed for retinopathy, and patients can be referred to a vitreoretinal specialist for further evaluation and management if needed. Hence, the burden of vision loss due to complications of DR in the rural sector can be abridged.  相似文献   

With ever-growing prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its most common microvascular complication diabetic retinopathy (DR) in Indian population, screening for DR early for prevention of development of vision-threatening stages of the disease is becoming increasingly important. Most of the programs in India for DR screening are opportunistic and a universal screening program does not exist. Globally, telemedicine programs have demonstrated accuracy in classification of DR into referable disease, as well as into stages, with accuracies reaching that of human graders, in a cost-effective manner and with sufficient patient satisfaction. In this major review, we have summarized the global experience of telemedicine in DR screening and the way ahead toward planning a national integrated DR screening program based on telemedicine.  相似文献   

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