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Increased use of intraoperative fluoroscopy exposes the surgeon to significant amounts of radiation. The average yearly exposure of the public to ionizing radiation is 360 millirems (mrem), of which 300 mrem is from background radiation and 60 mrem from diagnostic radiographs. A chest radiograph exposes the patient to approximately 25 mrem and a hip radiograph to 500 mrem. A regular C-arm exposes the patient to approximately 1,200 to 4,000 mrem/min. The surgeon may receive exposure to the hands from the primary beam and to the rest of the body from scatter. Recommended yearly limits of radiation are 5,000 mrem to the torso and 50,000 mrem to the hands. Exposure to the hands may be higher than previously estimated, even from the mini C-arm. Potential decreases in radiation exposure can be accomplished by reduced exposure time; increased distance from the beam; increased shielding with gown, thyroid gland cover, gloves, and glasses; beam collimation; using the low-dose option; inverting the C-arm; and surgeon control of the C-arm.  相似文献   

A long stricture of the left main bronchus, which was resistant to the traditional methods of treatment, developed in a 992-gm twin who was ventilated for 114 days. The patient had two bronchial dilations with the Gruentzig balloon catheter placed under fluoroscopic control and inflated to 6 atm of pressure. The treatment was well tolerated by the patient, and one year after the Gruentzig balloon dilation she had a normal chest roentgenogram. Gruentzig balloon catheter dilation is a new technique for repairing bronchial stenosis in infancy without major intrathoracic surgical intervention.  相似文献   

目的 分析比较腹腔镜下胆总管探查术中逐级导管扩张与球囊导管扩张治疗胆总管下段狭窄的安全性及有效性。方法 回顾性分析成都市第二人民医院2017年4月至2019年4月收治的胆总管结石合并胆总管下段狭窄患者56例,其中行逐级导管扩张术30例,行球囊导管扩张术26例。对比分析腹腔镜下胆总管探查中行逐级导管扩张术(以下简称逐级导管组)及球囊导管扩张术(以下简称球囊导管组)的临床治疗效果。结果 56例手术均成功,围手术期均无死亡或其他严重并发症发生。两组术后氨基转移酶(AST和ALT)、直接胆红素(DBIL)、手术时间、术中出血量、术后并发症等情况差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组在鼻胆管拔除时间、术后住院时间、术后血淀粉酶值、术后胃肠功能恢复时间方面存在差异,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 腹腔镜下胆总管探查术中逐级导管扩张或球囊导管扩张均可保护十二指肠乳头及Oddi括约肌的正常生理功能,安全有效地解除胆总管下段狭窄,术后并发症少、恢复快。  相似文献   

目的:探讨输尿管镜下输尿管扩张导管联合高压球囊扩张导管在男性尿道狭窄治疗中的临床疗效。方法:45例尿道狭窄患者在输尿管镜直视下置入斑马导丝通过尿道狭窄段进入膀胱,退镜后沿导丝置入输尿管扩张导管扩张,从F8开始依次扩张至F14~F16。再沿导丝置入输尿管镜并通过扩张后的尿道狭窄段观察狭窄段长度及估计狭窄段离尿道外口的距离及有无偏离正道,观察完毕后退镜。F24球囊扩张导管沿导丝置入到达尿道狭窄段,并再次置入输尿管镜观察并调整球囊位置后固定球囊扩张导管,加压扩张后再用金属尿道扩张器扩张尿道。留置F18~F22导尿管8周后拔除并复查尿流率,拔管3个月再次复查尿流率。结果:45例患者均手术顺利,无严重并发症发生,术后8周时拔除尿管复查最大尿流率(Qmax)为13.3~29.9(17.7±3.2)ml/s,3个月后复查Qmax为15.2~30.8(19.8±3.9)ml/s,术后随访6~24个月均排尿良好。结论:输尿管镜下输尿管扩张导管联合高压球囊扩张导管治疗男性尿道狭窄操作简单、安全、有效,并发症较少,患者痛苦小、成功率高并可重复操作。  相似文献   

Controlled dilation of the internal thoracic artery with a balloon catheter has been reported to effectively treat intraoperative arterial spasm. It has been shown in laboratory animals that dilation of the internal thoracic artery at prescribed shear force levels will not cause intimal damage. Using scanning electron and light microscopy, we have examined the effects of calibrated balloon dilation on the endothelium of the human internal thoracic artery. In 10 patients with bilateral internal thoracic artery grafting, the artery was dilated with a Fogarty IMAG balloon catheter (Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Edwards Division, Santa Ana, Calif.) that was withdrawn at tensions of 20 or 30 gm. Arterial segments and nondilated control specimens were prepared for scanning electron microscopy. The intimal surface of each internal thoracic artery was evaluated by assigning a score (from 0 to 3) to 10 examined scanning electron microscopy fields; subsequently the arterial tissue was viewed by light microscopy with paraffin-embedded sections stained for elastic tissue. Arteries were obtained from three additional patients so that the microscopic appearance of the arteries could be observed after rough manipulation or removal of the balloon without shearing. The results of this study are as follows: (1) By scanning electron microscopy, dilated internal thoracic arteries yielded consistently higher scores than the control arteries, reflecting severe, tension-dependent alterations of the endothelium, which included marked desquamation of endothelial cells, with extensive areas of complete denudation and pronounced attachment of platelets to these areas; (2) endothelial injury occurred by inflation alone, without shearing by the inflated balloon; (3) by light microscopy, the internal thoracic arteries showed (a) fenestrations of the internal elastic lamina with occasional transmigration of smooth muscle cells through these gaps and (b) foci of intimal thickening without overt atherosclerotic lesions. We conclude that the endothelium of human internal thoracic arteries is highly vulnerable to balloon dilation, which can severely injure the intimal surface. For this reason we prefer not to include this procedure in our protocol for preparing the internal thoracic artery.  相似文献   


Background Context

Spine surgeons employ a high volume of imaging in the diagnosis and evaluation of spinal pathology. However, little is known regarding patients' knowledge of the radiation exposure associated with these imaging techniques.


To characterize spine patients' knowledge regarding radiation exposure from various imaging modalities.

Study Design/Setting

A cross-sectional survey study.

Patient Sample

One hundred patients at their first clinic visit with a single spine surgeon at an urban institution.

Outcome Measures

The primary outcome was patient estimate of radiation dose for various common spinal imaging modalities as compared with true dose.


An electronic survey was administered to all new patients before their first appointment with a single spinal surgeon. The survey asked patients to estimate how many chest x-rays (CXRs) worth of radiation were equivalent to various common spinal imaging modalities. Patient estimates were compared to true effective radiation doses determined from the literature. The survey also asked patients whether they would consider avoiding types of imaging modalities out of concern for excessive radiation exposure.


Patients accurately approximated the radiation associated with two views of the cervical spine, with a median estimate of 3.5 CXRs, compared with an actual value of 4.7 CXRs. However, patients underestimated the dose for computed tomography (CT) scans of the cervical spine (2.0 CXRs vs. 145.3 CXRs), two views of the lumbar spine (3.0 CXRs vs. 123.3 CXRs), and CT scans of the lumbar spine (2.0 CXRs vs. 638.3 CXRs). The majority of patients believed that there is at least some radiation exposure associated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The percent of patients who would consider forgoing imaging recommend by their surgeon out of concern for radiation exposure was 14% for x-rays, 13% for CT scans, and 9% for MRI.


These results demonstrate a lack of patient understanding regarding radiation exposure associated with common spinal imaging techniques. These data suggest that patients might benefit from increased counseling and/or educational materials regarding radiation exposure before undergoing diagnostic imaging of the cervical or lumbar spine.  相似文献   

《The spine journal》2022,22(9):1576-1578
Intraoperative CT imaging is becoming increasingly used, but often little attention is paid to the underlying radiation exposure to the patient. This work showed that the dosimetrically assessed radiation exposure for cervical and lumbar 3D scans with an intraoperative CT is considerably higher than with a 3D C-arm. Therefore, proper selection of the intraoperative 3D imaging system is essential, and further technological developments and dose-saving protocols are warranted to further reduce patient radiation exposure.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of 156 rigid ureteroscopic stone procedures in 145 patients revealed successful manipulation in 90%. The stone-free rate after adjunctive procedures was 95%. Access was achieved without balloon dilation in all but 18 patients. There were 24 perforations, occurring in 31% of proximal, 8% of mid ureteral and 8% of distal stone manipulations. Of the evaluable patients 63% underwent radiographic assessment for stricture disease, 75% at 6 months or more after the procedure. The stricture rate was 3.5% in all patients and 5.9% in patients with perforations. Of 37 patients evaluated for vesicoureteral reflux only 1 had reflux. Questionnaire followup was obtained for 74% of the patients (mean followup 2.6 years) and 32% felt normal within 3 days. Postoperative symptoms included flank pain (13%), renal colic (12%), pelvic discomfort (30%) and Double-J stent related complaints (49%). Of the patients 15% have reported recurrent stones. Ureteroscopy is effective and well tolerated, and it has minimal long-term complications.  相似文献   

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