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Smoking cessation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W C Bailey 《Chest》1985,88(3):322-324

Smoking cessation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smoking is a risk factor for the four leading causes of death in the United States, yet 48 million Americans--24% of the U.S. adult population--continue to smoke. Approximately 70% of people who smoke visit a physician each year, yet only half report ever being advised to quit smoking by their physician. Smoking cessation is difficult due to nicotine addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Expert groups such as the National Cancer Institute and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research offer protocols for smoking cessation that primary care physicians can use in their office practice. Recent developments in the pharmacotherapy of smoking cessation has led the U.S. Public Health Service to update the practice guidelines for treating tobacco use and dependence. Pharmacotherapy, which includes nicotine replacement therapy, offers assistance to patients who want to stop smoking. However, the cost of pharmacotherapy may be a barrier for some. Other nonpharmacologic therapies, such as counseling, are also effective.  相似文献   

Gosney M 《Gerontology》2001,47(5):236-240
Smoking cessation has been shown to be cost effective, even in older individuals. It is therefore important that this health promotion is not missed in this vulnerable group.  相似文献   

Since it is a widely known fact that smoking cessation is beneficial physically and cognitively, efforts should be made to enable smokers to quit smoking through policy. Intensive care smoking cessation camps generally show a high smoking cessation success rate, but research is needed to determine which smokers should be admitted due to costeffectiveness. Although many studies have been conducted to find factors related to smoking cessation success, there is still controversy about the will and success rate of smoking cessation of elderly smokers. We performed this study to determine behavior characteristics and smoking cessation success rates in nonelderly and elderly smokers who participated in an intensive care smoking cessation camp.Heavy smokers participating in an intensive care smoking cessation camp at Chonnam National University Hospital between the August 2015 and December 2017 were classified into elderly (age ≥65 years old) or nonelderly (age <65 years old) groups after excluding missing data. Smokers were followed up at 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months from the start of abstinence by self-report, measurement of carbon monoxide expiration levels or cotinine testing.A total of 351 smokers were enrolled in the study. At the 6-month follow-up, 56 of 107 (52.3%) elderly smokers and 109 of 244 (44.7%) nonelderly smokers continued to abstain from smoking. Elderly smokers showed a higher smoking cessation rate than that of nonelderly smokers, but it was not statistically significant (OR = 1.36, 95%CI: 0.862, 2.145). The most common causes of cessation failure in both groups were stress and temptation, followed by withdrawal symptoms.Smoking cessation rates in the elderly are comparable to that in the nonelderly after an intensive care smoking cessation camp. Intensive care smoking cessation camps can help both elderly and nonelderly smokers who intend to quit smoking by providing motivation, education and medication. Smoking cessation should be strongly recommended regardless of age.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate smoking patterns in an elderly, low-income population and to identify predictors of smoking cessation, in addition to analyzing the importance of smoking in relation to other risk factors for hospitalization. DESIGN: The data were part of an urban health study conducted among 740 individuals aged > or = 60 years in three suburban communities of low socio-economic status in Beirut, one of them a refugee camp. A detailed interview schedule was administered that included comprehensive social and health information. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of current smokers was 28.1%. Almost half of the group were ever smokers, of whom 44% had quit smoking when they experienced negative health effects. Having at least one chronic illness and having a functional disability significantly increased the odds of smoking cessation. In addition, being a former smoker increased the likelihood of hospital admission. CONCLUSIONS: This study is of particular importance, as it has implications for similar low-income and refugee communities in the region and elsewhere. There is a need for more concerted efforts by public health officials to target elderly individuals as a group for smoking cessation interventions, particularly now that mortality and health benefits have been well documented.  相似文献   

Smoking is one of the main risk factors for coronary artery disease and its complications, including sudden death. In smokers, smoking cessation is associated with improved 5-year outcome. Consequently, smoking cessation should be one of the main goals of the clinician in patients hospitalized for a coronary event. Any health professional has the capacity to deliver a simple message: "do you smoke?" and "are you willing to quit?". Such simple questions have a positive impact on the smoker who knows he has coronary artery disease. In addition nicotine substitutes and bupropion are particularly useful to help the patient: their efficacy has been demonstrated in several well-conducted studies. Last, treating tobacco smoking requires long-term follow-up of the patient who will be asked to consult regularly to this purpose.  相似文献   

Smoking cessation in methadone maintenance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aims To evaluate relapse prevention (relapse prevention) and contingency management (contingency management) for optimizing smoking cessation outcomes using nicotine replacement therapy for methadone‐maintained tobacco smokers. Design Experimental, 2 (relapse prevention)×2 (contingency management) repeated measures design using a platform of nicotine replacement therapy featuring a 2‐week baseline period, followed by randomization to 12weeks of treatment, and 6‐ and 12‐month follow‐up visits. Setting Three narcotic treatment centers in Los Angeles. Participants One hundred and seventy‐five participants who met all inclusion and no exclusion criteria. Intervention Participants received 12weeks of nicotine replacement therapy and assignment to one of four conditions: patch‐only, relapse prevention + patch, contingency management + patch and relapse prevention + contingency management + patch. Measurements Thrice weekly samples of breath (analyzed for carbon monoxide) and urine (analyzed for metabolites of opiates and cocaine) and weekly self‐reported numbers of cigarettes smoked. Findings Participants (73.1%) completed 12weeks of treatment. During treatment, those assigned to receive contingency management showed statistically higher rates of smoking abstinence than those not assigned to receive contingencies (F3,4680=6.3, P=0.0003), with no similar effect observed for relapse prevention. At follow‐up evaluations, there were no significant differences between conditions. Participants provided more opiate and cocaine‐free urines during weeks when they met criteria for smoking abstinence than during weeks when they did not meet these criteria (F1,2054=14.38, P=0.0002; F1,2419=16.52, P<0.0001). Conclusions Contingency management optimized outcomes using nicotine replacement therapy for reducing cigarette smoking during treatment for opiate dependence, although long‐term effects are not generally maintained. Findings document strong associations between reductions in cigarette smoking and reductions in illicit substance use during treatment.  相似文献   

Smoking during pregnancy is among the leading preventable causes of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Smoking prevalence among young women is the primary determinant of smoking prevalence during pregnancy. Smoking among women of childbearing age is associated with reduced fertility, increased complications of pregnancy, and a variety of adverse fetal outcomes. There is increasing evidence of lasting adverse effects on offspring. Guidelines for smoking cessation during pregnancy have been developed. This article reviews the epidemiology of smoking during pregnancy, the adverse effects of smoking on the mother, fetus, and offspring, and recommended approaches to smoking cessation for pregnant women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To document smoking cessation rates achieved by applying the 1996 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) smoking cessation guidelines for primary care clinics, compare these quit rates with historical results, and determine if quit rates improve with an additional motivational intervention that includes education as well as spirometry and carbon monoxide measurements. DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. SETTING: Two university-affiliated community primary care clinics. PATIENTS: Two hundred five smokers with routinely scheduled appointments. INTERVENTION: All smokers were given advice and support according to AHCPR guidelines. Half of the subjects received additional education with spirometry and carbon monoxide measurements. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Quit rate was evaluated at 9-month follow-up. Eleven percent of smokers were sustained quitters at follow-up. Sustained quit rate was no different for intervention and control groups (9% vs 14%; [OR] 0.6; 95% [CI] 0.2, 1.4). Nicotine replacement therapy was strongly associated with sustained cessation (OR 6.7; 95% CI 2.3, 19.6). Subjects without insurance were the least likely to use nicotine replacement therapy ( p =.05). Historical data from previously published studies showed that 2% of smokers quit following physician advice, and additional support similar to AHCPR guidelines increased the quit rate to 5%. CONCLUSIONS: The sustained smoking cessation rate achieved by following AHCPR guidelines was 11% at 9 months, which compares favorably with historical results. Additional education with spirometry did not improve the quit rate. Nicotine replacement therapy was the strongest predictor of cessation, yet was used infrequently owing to cost. These findings support the use of AHCPR guidelines in primary care clinics, but do not support routine spirometry for motivating patients similar to those studied here.  相似文献   

Smoking is a habit sustained and amplified by dependency on nicotine. Despite knowing the risks to their health, smokers have great difficulty in stopping. The syndrome of nicotine withdrawal and the related complications when stopping smoking: depression, weight gain, are adequate justifications of the many failures to stop smoking. However, we have now come out of the empiricism, effective treatment is available and scientifically validated international recommendations have been established. They involve: the practice of minimal advice which consists of questioning every patient about smoking habits and encouraging them to stop; the treatments of nicotine substitution, patch, chewing gum, tablets or inhaler, used at effective dosage and sometimes in association with each other; more recently, Bupropion (Zyban, LP), a psychotropic inhibitor of Dobutamine and Noradrenalin recapture; behavioural and cognitive therapies, alone or in association with pharmacological therapy. The measurement of the score of tobacco dependency with the Fagerstr?m test enables definition of a therapeutic strategy. Of course, these treatments are only effective in smokers motivated to stop smoking. The decision to stop smoking should only be taken after a period of reflection during which the role of information and advice given by all health professionals is primordial. Also, the long-term follow-up and counsel are essential to prevent relapse, especially during the first year.  相似文献   

Smoking cessation and weight gain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cigarette smoking is the single most important preventable cause of death and illness. Smoking cessation is associated with substantial health benefits. Weight gain is cited as a primary reason for not trying to quit smoking. There is a great variability in the amount of weight gain but younger ages, lower socio‐economic status and heavier smoking are predictors of higher weight gain. Weight change after smoking cessation appears to be influenced by underlying genetic factors. Besides, weight gain after smoking cessation is largely because of increased body fat and some studies suggest that it mostly occurs in the subcutaneous region of the body. The mechanism of weight gain includes increased energy intake, decreased resting metabolic rate, decreased physical activity and increased lipoprotein lipase activity. Although there is convincing evidence for the association between smoking cessation and weight gain, the molecular mechanisms underlying this relationship are not well understood. This review summarizes current information of the effects of nicotine on peptides involved in feeding behaviour. Smoking was shown to impair glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and cross‐sectional studies have demonstrated that smokers are insulin‐resistant and hyperinsulinaemic, as compared with non‐smokers. Smoking cessation seems to improve insulin sensitivity in spite of the weight gain. Nicotine replacement – in particular nicotine gum – appears to be effective in delaying post‐cessation weight gain. In a group of women who failed to quit smoking because of weight gain, a dietary intervention (intermittent very‐low‐calorie diet) plus nicotine gum showed to both increase success rate in terms of smoking cessation and prevent weight gain. On the other hand, body weight gain at the end of treatment was significantly lower in the patients receiving bupropion or bupropion plus nicotine patch, compared with placebo. Studies with new drugs available for the treatment of obesity – sibutramine and orlistat – are warranted.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made in the research on smoking cessation and weight gain since the 1988 Surgeon General's Report, particularly on mechanisms and treatment methods. Smoking cessation results in weight gain in most quitters, primarily due to changes in caloric intake and to a lesser extent from changes in energy expenditure. Thus far, pharmacologic treatments appear more efficacious at preventing the weight gain than behavioral methods. And regarding who should receive treatment, preliminary research suggests that females are more concerned about postcessation weight gain than males, and it is the concern about weight gain-more than the weight gain itself-that appears to play an important role in relapse to smoking. Given the progress that has been made along the spectrum from mechanisms to treatment, those concerned about postcessation weight now have treatment options for preventing weight gain in the critical period immediately after smoking cessation. However, continued research into mechanisms, treatment methods, and individual differences will surely result in new and more effectively tailored treatment options.  相似文献   

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