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Summary. In mammals the composition of milk changes during early lactation, with a rapid decline of fat-soluble vitamins and a continuous increase in total lipids. The mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are not well understood, but might involve selective mechanisms related to mammary uptake or secretion into the milk. Since carotenoids are specifically distributed among the lipoprotein fractions in plasma, the simultaneous determination of carotenoids in plasma, lipoprotein fractions and milk might offer an opportunity to gain insight into this phenomenon. In 21 healthy mothers carotenoids in plasma and lipoprotein fractions were investigated at day 2 and 19 and milk on day 4 and 19 after delivery. Plasma levels of -tocopherol and cholesterol as well as lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin were significantly lower later in lactation (day 19) than shortly after birth (P < 0.01). The stage of lactation had no effect on the distribution of carotenoids and -tocopherol among the plasma lipoprotein fractions. In milk, triacylglycerol increased (P < 0.01). In contrast, levels of carotenoids, -tocopherol and vitamin A were highest in colostrum and declined (P < 0.01). Because the magnitude of decrease was not the same in all carotenoids, the carotenoid pattern changed substantially. In colostrum the carotenoid pattern resembled those of plasma and the low-density lipoprotein fraction. In mature milk it was similar to the pattern found in the high density lipoprotein fraction. Based on these observations a selective mechanism might be responsible for the transfer of these components in milk involving different lipoprotein fractions at specific times of lactation.  相似文献   

Effects of tomato juice supplementation on the carotenoid concentration in lipoprotein fractions and the oxidative susceptibility of LDL were investigated in 31 healthy Japanese female students. These subjects were randomized to one of three treatment groups; Control, Low and High. The Control, Low and High groups consumed 480 g of a control drink, 160 g of tomato juice plus 320 g of the control drink, and 480 g of tomato juice, providing 0, 15 and 45 mg of lycopene, respectively, for one menstrual cycle. The ingestion of tomato juice, rich in lycopene but having little beta-carotene, increased both lycopene and beta-carotene. Sixty-nine percent of lycopene in plasma was distributed in the LDL fraction and 24% in the HDL fraction. In the Low group, the lycopene concentration increased 160% each in the VLDL+IDL, LDL and HDL fractions (p<0.01). In the High group, the lycopene concentration increased 270% each in the VLDL+IDL and LDL fractions, and 330% in the HDL fraction (p<0.01). Beta-carotene also increased 120% and 180% in LDL fractions of the Low and the High groups, respectively. Despite these carotenoid increases in LDL, the lag time before oxidation was not prolonged as compared with that of the Control group. The propagation rate decreased significantly after consumption in the High group. Multiple regression analysis showed a positive correlation between lag time changes and changes in the alpha-tocopherol concentration per triglyceride in LDL, and a negative correlation between propagation rate changes and changes in the lycopene concentration per phospholipid in LDL. These data suggest that alpha-tocopherol is a major determinant in protecting LDL from oxidation, while lycopene from tomato juice supplementaion may contribute to protect phospholipid in LDI, from oxidation. Thus, oral intake of lycopene might be beneficial for ameliorating atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Searching for economical, nonconventional sources of iron is important in underdeveloped countries to combat iron deficiency and anemia. Our objective was to study iron, vitamin C, and phytic acid composition and also iron bioavailability from 4 species of marine algae included in a rice-based meal. Marine algae (Ulva sp, Sargassum sp, Porphyra sp, and Gracilariopsis sp) were analyzed for monthly variations in iron and for ascorbic acid and phytic acid concentrations. A total of 96 subjects received rice-based meals containing the 4 species of marine algae in different proportions, raw or cooked. All meals contained radioactive iron. Absorption was evaluated by calculating the radioactive iron incorporation in subjects' blood. Iron concentrations in algae were high and varied widely, depending on the species and time of year. The highest iron concentrations were found in Sargassum (157 mg/100 g) and Gracilariopsis (196 mg/100 g). Phytates were not detected in the algae and ascorbic acid concentration fluctuated between 38 microg/g dry weight (Ulva) and 362 microg/g dry weight (Sargassum). Algae significantly increased iron absorption in rice-based meals. Cooking did not affect iron absorption compared with raw algae. Results indicate that Ulva sp, Sargassum sp, Porphyra sp, and Gracilariopsis sp are good sources of ascorbic acid and bioavailable iron. The percentage of iron absorption was similar among all algae tested, although Sargassum sp resulted in the highest iron intake. Based on these results, and on the high reproduction rates of algae during certain seasons, promoting algae consumption in some countries could help to improve iron nutrition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study had two objectives. The first was to evaluate the possibility that, in a previous study, a soup preload augmented the reduction of food intake in a test meal induced by an exogenous infusion of cholecystokinin (CCK) because the soup also endogenously released CCK. The second was to compare CCK release by soup between men and women to determine whether the increased satiating effectiveness of soup in women as opposed to men could have been partly attributable to differences in CCK release. METHODS: By using a bioassay that measures all of its known isoforms, we determined plasma CCK levels at baseline and at several times postprandially in eight healthy, non-obese men and women (four of each sex). Each subject ingested 800 g of tomato soup, which was followed 30 min later by 300 g of a yogurt shake. Appetitive ratings were also collected and related to CCK levels. RESULTS: Ingestion of tomato soup significantly increased plasma CCK levels by 3.81 pmol/L (+/- 1.21 standard error, P = 0.016) over baseline within 30 min in all subjects combined. When CCK concentrations at 5 min after soup and 5 min after yogurt were averaged, the women's mean averaged concentration was 5.58 pmol/L (+/- 1.994, t = 2.80, P = 0.0073) higher than the men's. The elevated levels persisted but did not rise further upon consumption of the yogurt shake. Hunger ratings declined and fullness ratings increased after eating, although patterns of ratings did not match exactly patterns of CCK release. CONCLUSIONS: A large quantity of tomato soup stimulates significant CCK release; therefore, some of the satiating effects of soup preloads could have been mediated by an elevation in endogenous CCK.  相似文献   

Lycopene, the predominant carotenoid in tomatoes, is hypothesized to mediate the health benefits of tomato products. We designed a study to examine the change in plasma lycopene and resistance of lipoproteins to ex vivo oxidative stress. Healthy individuals (n = 60; age >40 y; 30 men/30 women) consumed a lycopene-free diet for 1 wk and were subsequently randomized to receive 35 +/- 1, 23 +/- 1 or 25 +/- 1 mg lycopene/d from Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup (CS), Campbell's Ready To Serve Tomato Soup (RTS) or V8 Vegetable Juice (V8), respectively, for 15 d. Total plasma lycopene concentrations decreased from 0.499 +/- 0.044 to 0.322 +/- 0.027 (35%, P < 0.0001) micro mol/L for the 60 participants during the 7-d washout period. After intervention, total lycopene concentrations increased for those consuming CS, RTS and V8 (compared with the washout period for each group) to 0.784 +/- 0.083 (123%, P < 0.0001), 0.545 +/- 0.061 (57%, P < 0.01) and 0.569 +/- 0.061 (112%, P < 0.0001) micro mol/L, respectively. The concentrations of all lycopene isomers decreased during the washout period. As a percentage of plasma total lycopene isomers for the 60 subjects, all-trans-lycopene decreased from 44.4 +/- 1.2 to 39.6 +/- 1.2 (P < 0.0001), whereas total cis-lycopene isomers increased from 55.6 +/- 1.2 to 60.4 +/- 1.2 (P < 0.0001) during the washout period, a shift that was reversed by consumption of tomato products for 15 d. The ex vivo lipoprotein oxidation lag period, used as a measure of antioxidant capacity, increased significantly from 64.7 +/- 2.4 min at the end of the washout period (all groups) to 70.1 +/- 4.0 (P < 0.05), 68.3 +/- 2.4 (P < 0.05) and 71.7 +/- 4.0 min (P < 0.01) after treatment for the CS, RTS and V8 groups, respectively. This study shows that lycopene concentrations and isomer patterns change rapidly with variation in dietary intake. In addition, 15 d of tomato product consumption significantly enhanced the protection of lipoproteins to ex vivo oxidative stress.  相似文献   

To evaluate the bioavailability of beta-carotene from plant foods, the serum beta-carotene response to a single ingestion of various beta-carotene sources was determined in 10 healthy men. Tested beta-carotene sources included stir-fried shredded carrot, stir-fried water convolvulus leaves, deep-fried sweet potato ball, purified beta-carotene in a capsule (beadlets) and beadlets with beta-carotene free oriental radish (beadlets + radish). The maximal change in serum beta-carotene concentration occurred at 24 or 32 h post ingestion. This response to beadlets was significantly higher than that to the other four tested beta-carotene sources (P < 0.05). The maximal serum response to beadlets + radish was also significantly higher than that to the three food beta-carotene sources (P < 0.05). The maximal serum response to sweet potato was significantly higher than that to water convolvulus leaves (P < 0. 05). The bioavailability relative to beta-carotene beadlets was calculated by dividing the maximal change in serum concentration to each test meal of each subject by his own serum maximal change in response to beadlets. Accordingly, the bioavailability was 65% for beadlets + radish, 33% for carrots, 26% for water convolvulus leaves and 37% for sweet potatoes. Concurrent ingestion of oriental radish reduced the bioavailability of beadlets to two-thirds of its original value, which partially accounted for the difference between the bioavailability of beadlets and natural foods. The relative bioavailability of beta-carotene from stir-fried and deep-fried vegetables was about one-third to one-fourth that of the purified beta-carotene beadlets. These bioavailabilities are higher than previously reported values.  相似文献   

The precise role that isoflavones play in the health-related effects of soy foods, and their potential for adverse effects are controversial. This may be due in part to a lack of basic knowledge regarding their bioavailability and metabolism, particularly as it relates to the soy source. To date, there is little information concerning possible differences in the bioavailability of isoflavones derived from natural soy foods consumed at physiologically relevant intakes and whether age- or gender-related differences influence that bioavailability. In the current study of healthy adults [premenopausal (n = 21) and postmenopausal (n = 17) women and a group of men (n = 21)], we examined the effect of age, gender, and the food matrix on the bioavailability of isoflavones for both the aglycon and glucoside forms that are naturally present in 3 different soy foods, soy milk, textured vegetable protein, and tempeh. The study was designed as a random crossover trial so that all individuals received each of the 3 foods. The dose of isoflavones administered to each individual as a single bolus dose was 0.44 mg/kg body weight. Pharmacokinetic parameters were normalized to mg of each isoflavone ingested per kilogram body weight to account for differences in daidzein and genistein content between the diets. Serum isoflavone concentrations in all individuals and groups increased rapidly after the ingestion of each soy food; as expected, genistein concentrations exceeded daidzein concentrations in serum. In this small study, gender differences in peak concentrations of daidzein were observed, with higher levels attained in women. Consumption of tempeh (mainly isoflavone aglycon) resulted in higher serum peak levels of both daidzein (P < 0.001) and genistein (P < 0.01) and the associated area under the curve (P < 0.001 and P < 0.03, respectively) compared with textured vegetable protein (predominantly isoflavone glucosides). However, soy milk was absorbed faster and peak levels of isoflavones were attained earlier than with the other soy foods. Only 30% of the subjects were equol producers and no differences in equol production with age or gender were observed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to determine the composition of postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL) after the intake of pomace olive oil (POO), which is a subproduct of the extraction of virgin olive oil (VOO) and presents a high concentration of minor components with biological activity. METHODS: Meals enriched in POO and refined olive oil (ROO) were administrated to 9 healthy young men and blood was extracted every hour during a postprandial period of 7 hours. Serum and TRL lipid composition were measured by enzymatic and chromatographic methods and apolipoprotein B composition by SDS-PAGE. RESULTS: POO and ROO showed a very similar fatty acid composition but differed in their unsaponifiable fraction. The content of phytosterols, tocopherols, terpenic acids and alcohols and fatty alcohols was much higher in POO than in ROO. Serum lipids were not affected by the administration of the oils but the triglyceride concentration in TRL and the size of the particles (p < 0.05) after POO was higher at time point 2 h and lower at time point 4 h compared with ROO. In contrast, the number of TRL particles was lower after POO, although the rate of clearance was similar. CONCLUSION: We suggest that the unsaponifiable fraction between the two olive oils affect the size and composition of postprandial TRL, which might have a relevant impact on their atherogenicity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Regular intake of plant sterol (phytosterol)-enriched foods enhances the cholesterol lowering effect of diets. One side effect associated with plant sterol consumption is a modest reduction in plasma carotenoid concentrations. This study investigated the effect of consuming a low-fat National Cholesterol Education Programme (NCEP) Step 1 diet, including a low-fat plant sterol ester (PSE)-enriched spread on cholesterol metabolism to determine if specific dietary advice to increase daily fruit and vegetable intake could prevent reduced plasma carotenoid concentrations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this randomised, crossover double-blind trial, 48 hypercholesterolaemic men received 21 g day(-1) of a low-fat PSE-enriched spread or placebo for 3 weeks, interrupted by 3 weeks washout. Individuals also adhered to a NCEP Step 1 diet and repeated 3-day food diaries monitored adherence. Specific advice was provided to increase dietary fruit and vegetable intakes. Fasting blood samples were collected at pre- and post-intervention for lipoprotein and carotenoid analysis. RESULTS: Plasma total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations were significantly (P <0.05) reduced, by 4.6 and 7.1%, respectively, after the PSE-enriched low-fat spread. Plasma apo B concentrations were significantly (P <0.0005) lower after the PSE spread. PSE consumption was also associated with significantly (P <0.05) lower total plasma beta-carotene concentrations, but this change was not significant after lipid standardisation. PSE consumption had no effect on retinol, alpha-carotene, gamma-tocopherol, alpha-tocopherol, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-crypyoxanthin or lycopene concentrations. CONCLUSION: Dietary advice to increase daily fruit and vegetable consumption may be effective in preventing a reduction in plasma carotenoid concentrations previously associated with PSE consumption. Further, PSE incorporated in a low-fat spread and consumed as part of a NCEP Step 1 diet are effective in reducing total and LDL cholesterol.  相似文献   

The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the acute effects on circulating lymphocyte subsets, antioxidant status, and cytokine profile after consumption of EpiCor(?) (EP) (Embria Health Sciences, Ankeny, IA, USA), a dried fermentate produced from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using a placebo-controlled randomized crossover study design with 12 healthy adult human subjects. EP contains high levels of bioavailable antioxidants and strongly activates natural killer (NK) cells in vitro. EP consumption has been shown to increase erythrocyte hematocrit levels, boost mucosal immune protection, reduce cold/flu symptoms, reduce seasonal allergy symptoms and the need for rescue medication, and increase salivary secretory immunoglobulin A levels. This warranted further study on immune effects in humans. A within-subject analysis of data collected before and at 1 and 2 hours after consumption of a single dose of 500 mg of EP versus placebo was performed. A transient reduction in circulating T and NK cell numbers was observed 2 hours post-consumption, suggesting that homing and recirculation of these cells, as part of healthy immune surveillance, were supported by EP. The increased expression of activation markers on the CD3(-) CD56(+) NK cell population was significant for CD69 at 1 hour post-consumption (CD25, P<.07; CD69, P<.05), whereas for CD25 it was significant at 2 hours after consumption (CD25, P<.03; CD69, P<.15). A rapid increase in serum interferon-γ was observed at 1 hour post-consumption (P<.07; after removal of two outlying data sets, P<.05) and may have contributed to the effects seen on NK and T cell subsets. Significant increase in serum antioxidant protection was seen 2 hours after consumption (P<.04). Thus consumption of a single 500 mg dose of EP provides a rapid and transient effect on the trafficking and activation status of specific lymphocyte subsets, as well as increased antioxidant protection.  相似文献   

The consumption of polyphenols is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Avenanthramides (AV), alkaloids occurring only in oats, may have anti-atherosclerotic activity, but there is no information concerning their bioavailability and bioactivity in humans. We characterized the pharmacokinetics and antioxidant action of avenanthramide A, B, and C in healthy older adults in a randomized, placebo-controlled, 3-way crossover trial with 1-wk washout periods. Six free-living subjects (3 mol/L, 3 F; 60.8 +/- 3.6 y) consumed 360 mL skim milk alone (placebo) or containing 0.5 or 1 g avenanthramide-enriched mixture (AEM) extracted from oats. Plasma samples were collected over a 10-h period. Concentrations of AV-A, AV-B, and AV-C in the AEM were 154, 109, and 111 micromol/g, respectively. Maximum plasma concentrations of AV (free + conjugated) after consumption of 0.5 and 1 g AEM were 112.9 and 374.6 nmol/L for AV-A, 13.2 and 96.0 nmol/L for AV-B, and 41.4 and 89.0 nmol/L for AV-C, respectively. Times to reach the C(max) for both doses were 2.30, 1.75, and 2.15 h for AV-A, AV-B, and AV-C and half times for elimination were 1.75, 3.75, and 3.00 h, respectively. The elimination kinetics of plasma AV appeared to follow first-order kinetics. The bioavailability of AV-A was 4-fold larger than that of AV-B at the 0.5 g AEM dose. After consumption of 1 g AEM, plasma reduced glutathione was elevated by 21% at 15 min (P < or = 0.005) and by 14% at 10 h (P < or = 0.05). Thus, oat AV are bioavailable and increase antioxidant capacity in healthy older adults.  相似文献   

The intestinal absorption of tocotrienols (TCT) in dogs is, to our knowledge, so far unknown. Adult Beagle dogs (n 8) were administered a single oral dosage of a TCT-rich fraction (TRF; 40 mg/kg body weight) containing 32 % α-TCT, 2 % β-TCT, 27 % γ-TCT, 14 % δ-TCT and 25 % α-tocopherol (α-TCP). Blood was sampled at baseline (fasted), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 12 h after supplementation. Plasma and chylomicron concentrations of TCT and α-TCP were measured at each time point. Plasma TAG were measured enzymatically, and plasma antioxidant capacity was assessed by the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity assay. In fasted dogs, levels of TCT were 0·07 (sd 0.03) μmol/l. Following the administration of the TRF, total plasma TCT peaked at 2 h (7.16 (SD 3.88) μmol/l; P < 0.01) and remained above baseline levels (0.67 (SD 0.44) μmol/l; P < 0.01) at 12 h. The TCT response in chylomicrons paralleled the increase in TCT in plasma with a maximum peak (3.49 (SD 2.06) μmol/l; P < 0.01) at 2 h post-dosage. α-TCP was the major vitamin E detected in plasma and unaffected by TRF supplementation. The Trolox equivalent values increased from 2 h (776 (SD 51.2) μmol/l) to a maximum at 12 h (1130 (SD 7.72) μmol/l; P < 0.01). The results show that TCT are detected in postprandial plasma of dogs. The increase in antioxidant capacity suggests a potential beneficial role of TCT supplementation in the prevention or treatment of several diseases in dogs.  相似文献   



To evaluate the effect of the daily intake of a fruit & vegetable soup with high in vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids on β-carotene and lycopene serum concentrations.  相似文献   

Forty adult subjects (14 male, 14 female omnivores; five male, seven female vegetarians) were given a daily fibre supplement of cereals, fruits and nuts ('fibre-filler', F-plan diet, Eyton, 1982) incorporated into their normal diet for twelve weeks. Various haematological parameters were monitored from fasting blood samples taken at regular intervals throughout the study.
Two-way analysis of variance of the data from the initial blood samples showed that habitual diet had no effect on any of the measured variables, but that there was a significant difference between men and women for all but % transferrin saturation. Mean Hb levels gradually increased during the course of the study, and there were fluctuations in plasma zinc. No other parameters changed with time.
It was concluded that the fibre supplement under investigation, which contributed an additional 12 mg iron and 2.6 mg zinc to the daily intake, had no adverse effect on iron or zinc status when consumed by subjects as part of their normal diet.  相似文献   

While the impact of food composition and processing on carotenoid bioavailability has been the subject of several investigations, the effect of meal patterning remains unknown. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the impact of select consumption patterns on the bioavailability of carotenoids from vegetables. On three randomized testing days, subjects consumed raw salad vegetables and 8 g canola oil over a two meal period in three meal patterns. Meal patterns included consumption of 100% of vegetables and oil in the first meal and 0% in the second, 75% in the first meal and 25% in the second, and 50% in the first meal and 50% in the second. Additional protein-rich “chef's salad” ingredients were distributed equally between meals. We hypothesized that carotenoid absorption would be highest when 50% of vegetables and oil were consumed at each meal and lowest when 100% were consumed at once. Blood was collected 0 to 12 hours postprandially and triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein fractions (TRL) were isolated by ultracentrifugation. TRL carotenoid concentrations were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography–diode array detector. Considering all carotenoids, absorption expressed as area under the curve was greatest when ≥75% of vegetables were consumed in a single meal (P < .05). Absorption of carotenes also followed this trend (P < .05 for α- and β-carotene). For xanthophylls, consuming all vegetables in one meal increased absorption compared to intake of 50% at each meal (P < .05). These data suggest that carotenoid absorption may be the greatest when daily recommended vegetables are consumed in one meal compared to smaller doses over multiple meals.  相似文献   



Bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids (FA) depends on their chemical form. Superior bioavailability has been suggested for phospholipid (PL) bound omega-3 FA in krill oil, but identical doses of different chemical forms have not been compared.


In a double-blinded crossover trial, we compared the uptake of three EPA+DHA formulations derived from fish oil (re-esterified triacylglycerides [rTAG], ethyl-esters [EE]) and krill oil (mainly PL). Changes of the FA compositions in plasma PL were used as a proxy for bioavailability. Twelve healthy young men (mean age 31 y) were randomized to 1680 mg EPA+DHA given either as rTAG, EE or krill oil. FA levels in plasma PL were analyzed pre-dose and 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, 48, and 72 h after capsule ingestion. Additionally, the proportion of free EPA and DHA in the applied supplements was analyzed.


The highest incorporation of EPA+DHA into plasma PL was provoked by krill oil (mean AUC0-72 h: 80.03 ± 34.71%*h), followed by fish oil rTAG (mean AUC0-72 h: 59.78 ± 36.75%*h) and EE (mean AUC0-72 h: 47.53 ± 38.42%*h). Due to high standard deviation values, there were no significant differences for DHA and the sum of EPA+DHA levels between the three treatments. However, a trend (p = 0.057) was observed for the differences in EPA bioavailability. Statistical pair-wise group comparison's revealed a trend (p = 0.086) between rTAG and krill oil. FA analysis of the supplements showed that the krill oil sample contained 22% of the total EPA amount as free EPA and 21% of the total DHA amount as free DHA, while the two fish oil samples did not contain any free FA.


Further studies with a larger sample size carried out over a longer period are needed to substantiate our findings and to determine differences in EPA+DHA bioavailability between three common chemical forms of LC n-3 FA (rTAG, EE and krill oil). The unexpected high content of free EPA and DHA in krill oil, which might have a significant influence on the availability of EPA+DHA from krill oil, should be investigated in more depth and taken into consideration in future trials.

BACKGROUND: Several epidemiologic studies found no effect of egg consumption on the risk of coronary heart disease. It is possible that the adverse effect of eggs on LDL-cholesterol is offset by their favorable effect on HDL cholesterol. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to review the effect of dietary cholesterol on the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. DESIGN: Studies were identified by MEDLINE and Biological Abstracts searches (from 1974 to June 1999) and by reviewing reference lists. In addition, we included data from a more recently published study. Studies were included if they had a crossover or parallel design with a control group, if the experimental diets differed only in the amount of dietary cholesterol or number of eggs and were fed for > or =14 d, and if HDL-cholesterol concentrations were reported. Of the 222 studies identified, 17 studies involving 556 subjects met these criteria. RESULTS: The addition of 100 mg dietary cholesterol/d increased the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol by 0.020 units (95% CI: 0.010, 0.030), total cholesterol concentrations by 0.056 mmol/L (2.2 mg/dL) (95% CI: 0.046, 0.065 mmol/L; 1.8, 2.5 mg/dL), and HDL-cholesterol concentrations by 0.008 mmol/L (0.3 mg/dL) (95% CI: 0.005, 0.010 mmol/L; 0.2, 0.4 mg/dL). CONCLUSIONS: Dietary cholesterol raises the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol and, therefore, adversely affects the cholesterol profile. The advice to limit cholesterol intake by reducing consumption of eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods may therefore still be valid.  相似文献   

The response of plasma lipids to dietary cholesterol and fat varies among individuals. Variations in genes involved in cholesterol metabolism can be important in these interindividual differences. The rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids is cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1). We investigated the effect of the A278-C promoter polymorphism in the CYP7A1 gene on responses of plasma lipids to an increased intake in dietary cholesterol (742 +/- 114 mg/d), cafestol (57 +/- 6 mg/d), saturated fat [change of 8-9 energy percent/d (en%/d)] and trans fat (change of 10-11 en%/d) in 496 normolipidemic subjects. These responses were measured in 26 previously published dietary trials. After adjustment for the apolipoprotein E genotype effect, AA-subjects consuming a cholesterol-rich diet had a smaller increase in plasma HDL cholesterol than CC-subjects (0.00 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.17 +/- 0.04 mmol/L; P < 0.001). Upon intake of cafestol, AA-subjects had a smaller increase in plasma total cholesterol than CC-subjects (0.69 +/- 0.10 vs. 1.01 +/- 0.10 mmol/L; P = 0.028). No effects of the polymorphism were found in the saturated and trans fat interventions. In conclusion, the CYP7A1 polymorphism has a small but significant effect on the increase in plasma HDL cholesterol and plasma total cholesterol after an increased intake of dietary cholesterol and cafestol, respectively.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the role of alpha-lipoic acid (LA) in plasma metabolites, hepatic O2 consumption, and beta-adrenergic response in broilers. In Expt 1, 12-d-old female broiler chicks were divided into three dietary groups and fed on diets with or without LA (5 or 50 mg/kg) until 4 or 6 weeks of age, as a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. The dietary LA had no effect on growth rates (body weight, abdominal fat, breast muscle, and liver). The higher level of LA increased plasma non-esterified fatty acid and decreased plasma triacylglycerol concentrations only at 6 weeks of age. A 42% increase in hepatic respiration was observed in the 4-week-old chickens given 50 mg LA/kg diet. In Expt 2, 3-d-old female broiler chicks were treated with or without dietary LA at 50 mg/kg. At 30 and 31 d old, isoproterenol (2 mg/kg body weight per h) was continuously infused into a wing vein for 2 h, and changes in plasma glucose, triacylglycerol, and non-esterified fatty acid concentrations were analysed. Isoproterenol increased plasma glucose over basal levels maximally at 60 min. Furthermore, the glucose increase in the LA-treated chickens was 35% greater than that of the controls at this time. Plasma non-esterified fatty acid and triacylglycerol concentrations were decreased by the isoproterenol infusion, regardless of LA administration. Therefore, the present study suggests that dietary LA has repartitioning effects on energy metabolism in chickens (although this depends on age-related metabolic state) and is a possible facilitator in the beta-adrenergic response of plasma glucose to a beta-agonist.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Remodeling of lipoprotein particles in the postprandial period is considered to be an important source of atherogenic particles, but acute changes occurring after meals have been little studied. OBJECTIVE: We sought to characterize changes in LDL particle composition occurring after a single meal, with particular reference to potential lipid exchange with particles carrying dietary fatty acids. DESIGN: In a balanced design, 8 healthy subjects ingested isoenergetic meals of different fat content: low-fat, rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). We investigated changes in LDL composition 4 and 6 h after meal ingestion. RESULTS: The LDL triacylglycerol-to-protein ratio closely mirrored the plasma triacylglycerol concentrations after each of the meals, and there was a strong association between these variables in both the fasting and postprandial states (P < 0.001). A postprandial increase in LDL triacylglycerol was associated with a decrease in LDL cholesterol. There were no effects of the ingestion of a single meal on the LDL density profiles for protein or for any of the lipid components. The fatty acid composition of total LDL lipids changed in the postprandial period, with an enrichment in PUFA after the PUFA-rich meal and in SFA after the SFA-rich meal. CONCLUSIONS: The changes observed in LDL composition after single meals are in accord with the proposition that there is neutral lipid exchange in the postprandial period, with triacylglycerol enrichment of LDL particles at the expense of cholesteryl esters. The change in the fatty acid composition of LDL particles implies significant lipid exchange with particles containing dietary fat.  相似文献   

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