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目的 报告1例大脑中动脉分支闭塞表现为动脉瘤的病例,以提高对此种疾病的认识.方法 患者,男,57岁.以短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)发病,CTA及DSA显示右侧大脑中动脉起始部闭塞;左侧大脑中动脉相当于分叉部可见囊状突起,双侧大脑中动脉远端血管呈烟雾样改变.予以手术治疗,术中证实此“动脉瘤”为一动脉盲端,未予处理,仅行脑-硬膜-动脉-肌肉血管融合术(EDAMS).结果 术后患者恢复良好,随访至半年时,TIA未发作.结论 当大脑中动脉分叉部存在动脉瘤样改变,远端发生烟雾样现象并伴有缺血症状时,要考虑到动脉闭塞形成残端的可能.  相似文献   

目的 探讨大脑后动脉远端动脉瘤的血管内介入治疗方法及特点.方法 10例动脉瘤,P2段6例(囊状2例、梭形2例、夹层2例)、P2-P3交界处1例(夹层)、P3段3例(夹层).对于囊状动脉瘤采用弹簧圈栓塞并保留载瘤动脉的方法;梭形动脉瘤采用支架重建瘤腔的方法;P2段及P2-P3交界夹层动脉瘤采用弹簧圈栓塞并闭塞载瘤动脉的方法;P3段夹层动脉瘤采用Glubran胶栓塞并闭塞载瘤动脉的方法.结果 随访半年至1年,预后良好.DSA复查9例,未见动脉瘤复发.结论 对于大脑后动脉远端动脉瘤,根据动脉瘤的类型及部位采用不同的血管内介入治疗方法,短期随访可以获得较好的疗效.  相似文献   

Dissection of intracranial arteries is a rare cause of cerebrovascular diseases commonly presenting as an ischemic stroke. We report a patient with middle cerebral artery dissection who developed a large middle cerebral artery dissecting aneurysm mimicking a hemorrhagic stroke.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old girl presented with a 6-week history of gradually increasing, abnormal movements and weakness of the right upper and lower limbs. There were no features of raised intracranial pressure. Computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed the features of a partially thrombosed giant middle cerebral artery aneurysm, located deep in the left lentiform region and compressing the basal ganglia and the mesencephalon. The angiogram confirmed the aneurysm and its origin from the main trunk of the artery with occlusion of all the branches. A direct approach was unsuitable for the treatment of the aneurysm, so an embolization procedure to occlude the neck of the aneurysm was considered. During the waiting period, the patient improved and became asymptomatic. Follow-up MRI showed complete thrombosis of the aneurysm and eventually, reduction in its size and mass effect. The hemiathetosis may have been the result of direct pressure on the basal ganglia by the aneurysm. The spontaneous intra-aneurysmal thrombosis may have been due to the massive size of the aneurysm and its narrow neck.  相似文献   

Background and purposeEndovascular therapy is the first-line therapeutic option for intracranial aneurysms, however the results of the endovascular approach for distal anterior cerebral artery (DACA) aneurysms are not well-known. We assessed the immediate and long-term clinical and angiographic outcomes after endovascular coiling of DACA aneurysms.Materials and methodsWe performed a retrospective analysis of all consecutive DACA aneurysms treated by endovascular coiling. Procedural complications, clinical, and angiographic results were prospectively recorded in an institutional aneurysm database between 1992 and 2013.ResultsSatisfactory initial occlusion was achieved for 85.9% of cases (79/92). There were three cases of intraprocedural rupture of the aneurysmal sac and three treatment failures, all involving small aneurysms (< 4 mm). Rates of procedure-related mortality and morbidity were respectively 1.1% and 0%. Scores of 5 (good recovery) or 4 (moderate disability) on the Glasgow Outcome Scale, indicating favorable outcome, were observed for 79.3% of patients (73/92) at hospital discharge. In follow-up, 13 cases of recanalization were observed, 12 of which were classified as major. Ten of the recanalizations underwent a complementary intervention.ConclusionsThe endovascular management of DACA aneurysms appears to be efficacious and safe, although certain technical difficulties may emerge when aneurysms are small. A higher proportion of major recanalization events may imply a more frequent deployment of complementary interventions in comparison to aneurysms situated elsewhere.  相似文献   

目的探讨大脑中动脉M1段动脉瘤特点及显微手术夹闭的技巧和预后。方法总结我科20例不同级别大脑中动脉M1段动脉瘤,在不同时期均采用经翼点入路显微镜下行动脉瘤夹闭。结果动脉瘤均行夹闭,手术后死亡2例,病人发生颞叶大面积脑梗死;出院时格拉斯哥预后评分(GOS)优良10例,中度残4例,重度残3例,植物状态1例。结论大脑中动脉M1段动脉瘤预后差,致残率高,容易发生大面积脑梗死,早期手术及灵活的手术技巧以及术后高灌注和预防脑血管痉挛是改善预后的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的探讨远侧大脑前动脉动脉瘤的临床与影像学特征及其血管内栓塞治疗的安全性与疗效。方法回顾性分析29例远侧大脑前动脉动脉瘤的血管内治疗经验。采用载瘤动脉闭塞3例,支架辅助弹簧圈栓塞2例,单纯瘤内弹簧圈栓塞23例,单纯弹簧圈治疗失败后改行开颅手术1例。结果28例血管内栓塞治疗获得成功。25例采用弹簧圈瘤内填塞病人中,致密栓塞22例(88.0%).大部栓塞2例(8.0%),部分栓塞1例(4.0%)。术后死亡2例(6.9%),重残2例(6.9%),轻残2例(6.9%),余病人恢复良好。采用DSA随访14例,MRA随访5例;显示复发2例(10.5%),其中1例为术后3年发生再出血病例,行再次栓塞治疗。结论血管内栓塞治疗远侧大脑前动脉动脉瘤安全有效,但具有一定的复发率,需长期密切随访。  相似文献   

脉络膜前动脉动脉瘤(AChAA)是一种发生在脉络膜前动脉(AChA)及其与颈内动脉交界处的动脉瘤。AChAA的发生与发展受多种先天及后天因素影响,但其具体病因与流行病学特征缺少可靠的统计学证据。只依靠临床表现和一般检查无法确诊AChAA,需要影像学检查如CT血管造影、磁共振血管成像或数字减影血管造影证据。目前国际上对于有破裂风险的AChAA广泛采用开颅夹闭手术或血管内治疗,但是关于两种方式的治疗效果、并发症发生率以及预后仍存在争议。  相似文献   

颞下入路显微外科治疗大脑后动脉P2段动脉瘤   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 总结1998-2008年以来治疗的10例大脑后动脉第2段(P2段)动脉瘤的手术治疗经验及临床效果.方法 10例患者均行颞下入路,其中2例联合翼点入路.8例行动脉瘤瘤颈夹闭或塑形夹闭并保留载瘤动脉通畅,2例巨大动脉瘤行动脉瘤孤立术.结果 手术治疗的10例患者9例术后恢复良好,1例动脉瘤孤立术后发生大脑后动脉供血区脑组织缺血性梗死,出现暂时性轻偏瘫和同向性偏盲,经高压氧治疗3周后恢复.结论 P2段动脉瘤有形成巨大动脉瘤的倾向.对于有经验的医师,颞下入路是相对简便、快速和安全的手术入人路.  相似文献   

大脑中动脉动脉瘤的显微手术治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的总结显微外科手术处理大脑中动脉动脉瘤的经验。方法1998年1月~2006年1月共手术治疗大脑中动脉动脉瘤36例,男19例,女17例。年龄12~65岁(平均41岁)。36例共计38个大脑中动脉动脉瘤,动脉瘤大小3~60mm,其中3~7mm9个,8~14mm17个,15~24mm7个,≥25mm5个。术前破裂出血30例,其中14例形成脑内血肿;6例因其它疾病或体检时偶然发现。所有病例经DSA检查,部分病人同时行MRA或CTA检查,其中2例病人DSA检查未发现动脉瘤,而CTA则清楚显示动脉瘤。4例病人合并有其它部位动脉瘤,2例为双侧镜影动脉瘤。动脉瘤位于大脑中动脉分叉部30个,分叉部近端7个、远端1个。采用翼点入路,显微镜下打开侧裂,依动脉瘤部位,逆行或顺行沿大脑中动脉主干(支)寻找分离动脉瘤,并夹闭之。结果全部38个动脉瘤均用一个或多个动脉瘤夹夹闭,其中8个大或巨大动脉瘤同时摘除血栓并切除大部瘤体以解除其占位效应。术后恢复良好28例,发生偏瘫失语7例(因局部脑梗塞所致),死亡1例。结论显微手术治疗大脑中动脉动脉瘤可以获得满意疗效,术中应尽量避免损伤大脑中动脉的分支,防止术后发生脑梗塞造成患者神经功能障碍。  相似文献   

前交通动脉瘤是颅内动脉瘤中最常见的类型,一旦破裂,往往症状剧烈,预后不良。近年来,随着影像三维重建技术的发展和计算流体力学的兴起,前交通动脉瘤起始、发展、破裂过程中相关形态学特征及异常血流动力学变化逐渐被揭示。研究表明,前交通动脉瘤的最大径、纵横比、大小比等特征有助于预测破裂风险,大脑前动脉一侧A1段发育不良以及A1段、A2段夹角与前交通动脉瘤的发生发展有关,血流动力学改变在动脉瘤形成和破裂中起重要作用。该文对前交通动脉瘤形态学特征和异常血流动力学变化之间的联系进行综述,探讨两者之间相互作用的内在机制,为前交通动脉瘤的早期防治提供依据以及新的思路。国际神经病学神经外科学杂志, 2023, 50(2): 91-96]  相似文献   

Traumatic intracranial aneurysms (TICAs) are rare and are associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. TICAs usually result from head injuries caused by traffic accidents, industrial accidents, or gunshots. We report a traumatic aneurysm of the callosomarginal artery-cortical artery junction arising from a penetrating injury by scissors. A 51-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital after suffering a penetrating injury caused by scissors. Computed tomography (CT) and CT-angiography demonstrated a right orbital roof fracture, subarachnoid hemorrhage, frontal lobe hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, and a traumatic aneurysm of the right callosomarginal artery-cortical artery junction. We trapped the traumatic aneurysm and repositioned a galeal flap. Postoperative CT showed a small infarction in the left frontal lobe. Follow-up angiography two months later showed no residual aneurysm. We suggest that an aggressive surgical intervention be performed whenever TICA is diagnosed.  相似文献   



It is presumed that increased blood flow through the single azygos anterior cerebral artery (Az) may contribute to the formation of an Az aneurysm. The aim of this study was to assess the blood flow velocities in the arteries of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) complex in patients with the Az aneurysm.

Patients and methods

A series of three patients (2 men, aged: 65, 52 and 41) with an aneurysm (unruptured in two cases) of the distal Az was examined. Blood flow velocities in the Az and the A1 segment of the ACA were measured by means of a transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCS) and the Az to A1 segment (Az/A1) velocity ratio was calculated. The control group consisted of 22 healthy subjects (mean age: 44 years).


There was a trend toward decreased (p = 0.06) mean blood flow velocity in the Az compared to the A2 segment of the ACA of the control group. Blood velocity in the A1 segment did not differ between the study and control groups. Pulsatility and resistance indices in the Az were similar to those in the A2 segment of the control group. There were no differences between the Az/A1 ratio in the study group and the A2/A1 velocity ratio in the control group.


Our results suggest that Az aneurysms are not associated with increased blood flow velocity in the Az. Possibly, a hemodynamic stress related to the Az bifurcation geometry, together with a bent course of this artery around the genu of the corpus callosum, predispose to aneurysm formation.  相似文献   

True posterior communicating artery aneurysm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two rare cases of true posterior communicating artery aneurysm are reported. One case was a saccular aneurysm, which was successfully clipped. The other was a case of fusiform trapped aneurysm, and hemiparesis and oculomotor palsy appeared transiently after surgery. In general, this type of aneurysm is included in the category of internal carotid-posterior communicating aneurysm, although some special considerations are necessary in surgical treatment.  相似文献   

目的 探讨合并脑室出血前交通动脉瘤的临床特点及手术时机.方法 回顾性分析11例脑室出血的前交通动脉瘤病例的临床资料.结果 所有病人中有8例第二次出血后经额叶或纵裂透明隔或终板破入脑室,二次出血为1~3d后,10例行动脉瘤夹闭术,5例预后良好,3例较差,2例死亡.结论 前交通动脉瘤在发生蛛网膜下腔出血可再次出血,通过额叶或纵裂透明隔或终板破入脑室,提示早期处理动脉瘤的必要性.  相似文献   

颅内动脉瘤破裂出血后假性动脉瘤形成的实验和临床研究   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:21  
目的探讨颅内动脉瘤破裂出血后在其破口周围可以形成假性动脉瘤,对其应早期诊断尽快治疗,防止再出血,提高治愈率,降低死残率。方法通过用兔建立的假性动脉瘤与真性动脉瘤合并假性动脉瘤的动物模型,探讨假性动脉瘤形成的机理,并结合临床在治疗颅内动脉瘤破裂出血早期、DSA造影影像分析及GDC血管内栓塞动脉瘤时所见的情况进行分析。结果用创伤与显微外科相结合的方法,可以成功建立假性动脉瘤,其形成过程分为动脉瘤破裂出血期、假性动脉瘤形成前期、假性动脉瘤形成期及假性动脉瘤增大破裂出血期四个阶段。颅内动脉瘤破裂出血早期行DSA血管造影时可见其影像形态不规则呈哑铃状、双腔与瘤囊顶鼓出小泡等表现,血管内栓塞治疗可见(1)GDC只能进入靠近载瘤动脉的瘤腔,并将其栓塞,完全不进入远离载瘤动脉的瘤腔,栓塞后透视下见未充填GDC的瘤腔内有造影剂滞留,栓塞后造影见动脉瘤完全闭塞,随访造影见动脉瘤完全消失;(2)GDC完全填塞靠近载瘤动脉的瘤腔,部分填塞远离载瘤动脉的瘤腔,栓塞后造影见动脉瘤完全消失,随访造影动脉瘤消失;(3)GDC将靠近与远离载瘤动脉的两个瘤腔完全填塞,栓塞后造影见动脉瘤完全闭塞,随访造影见动脉瘤消失。结论颅内动脉瘤破裂出血后,在其破口周围可以形成假性动脉瘤,对伴有假性动脉瘤的颅内  相似文献   

目的 探讨大脑中动脉(MCA)镜像动脉瘤的临床特征、影像学改变及显微外科手术治疗的疗效.方法 回顾分析显微外科手术治疗的9例18个MCA镜像动脉瘤患者的临床资料.采取早期与择期、一期与分期相结合的方法处理MCA镜像动脉瘤,原则是先处理破裂动脉瘤,再处理未破裂动脉瘤.结果 动脉瘤直接夹闭17个,未处理1个.依据GOS判断:优良6例,轻残2例,重残1例.结论 将MCA镜像动脉瘤分为Ⅰ型(完全对称型)和Ⅱ型(不完全对称型)有助于判断出血的责任动脉瘤.显微外科手术治疗MCA镜像动脉瘤效果显著.
Objective To study the clinical characteristics, neuroradiological manifestations of mirror - image aneurysm of middle cerebral artery (MCA) and effects of microsurgical management.Method The clinical data of 9 cases with 18 mirror - image aneurysms of MCA which underwent microsurgical operation were analysed retrospectively. The mirror - image aneurysms of MCA were treated through the method of combining early - stage with select - stage operation and one - stage with two - stage operation. The operating principle was the ruptured aneurysm performed treated first and the unruptureed aneurysm performed treated second. Results Seventeen aneurysms were clipped directly and one aneurysm did not treat. Surgical outcome were good in 6 cases, light disability in 2 cases and severe disability in 1 case. Conclusions It can help to determine the responsibility aneurysm of ruptured aneurysms if the mirror - image aneurysm of MCA had been divided into Ⅰ model ( perfectly symmetry model ) and Ⅱ model ( in perfectly symmetry model). The surgical outcome were predominance if the mirror -image aneurysm of MCA performed microsurgical operation.  相似文献   

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