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Introduction : The modified push-up method is recommended for testing the amplitude of accommodation in young children. In this study, the modified push-up method was compared with the conventional push-up method for measuring the amplitude of accommodation. Methods : Three experiments were carried out in the validity study. The first experiment was set up to compare the measured amplitudes between the modified push-up method and the conventional push-up method. The second and third experiments were carried out to further investigate the possible contribution of the target choice or criterion choice, respectively, to the measured amplitude results. The repeatability study was then performed. Results : The modified push-up method produced lower measures of the amplitude of accommodation than the conventional push-up method. The average difference was 0.40 D monocularly and 1.30 D binocularly. The choices of both target and criterion significantly contributed to the difference. The modified push-up method was a highly repeatable method. Conclusion : We conclude that the modified push-up method is interchangeable with the conventional push-up method for clinical use, but lower amplitude readings by 0.40 D monocularly and 1.3 D binocularly would be expected.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the amplitude of accommodation for junior level school children and to compare it with age‐expected values. A junior level school in Göteborg, Sweden, was randomly chosen and the amplitude of accommodation among 76 children aged 6–10 years was examined using Donders’ push‐up method. The results showed lower amplitude than expected in a large group of children. Results also showed lower amplitude than previously reported for this age group, especially under monocular conditions, which revealed an average dioptric difference from the expected value of ?3.60 dioptres (D) right eye (mean 12.40 D, median 12.00 D, S.D. 3.7 D) and ?3.50 D left eye (mean 12.50 D, median 12.70 D, S.D. 3.8 D) (p < 0.001 for both eyes). Consequently, we conclude that it cannot be assumed that the amplitude of accommodation is in the expected amplitude range for all children of these ages.  相似文献   

目的探讨老视前期近视患者准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)后单眼调节幅度的变化。方法随机选择接受LASIK手术治疗的老视前期近视患者29例(58眼),按平时戴镜情况分为两组:角膜接触镜组(13例26眼)和框架眼镜组(16例32眼),比较术前,术后第10天、第1个月和第3个月的单眼调节幅度(负镜片法),并将第10天的调节幅度下降程度与术前屈光度数作相关分析。结果角膜接触镜组术前,术后第10天、第1个月和第3个月的调节幅度分别为(7.15±1.02)D、(6.14±1.32)D、(6.69±1.43)D和(7.17±1.15)D;框架眼镜组术前、术后第10天、第1个月和第3个月的调节幅度分别为(6.32±1.07)D、(5.49±1.06)D、(5.90±1.33)D和(6.31±1.19)D。术后第10天、第1个月的调节幅度与术前相比,两组均有显著性下降,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);到术后第3个月时已恢复到术前水平,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。术前角膜接触镜组的调节幅度明显高于框架眼镜组(P=0.004).但是术后第10天调节幅度的下降值两组间差异无统计学意义(P=0.464)。术后第10天调节幅度的下降程度与术前屈光度数呈正相关(r=0.52,P〈0.01)。结论老视前期近视患者LASIK术后早期单眼调节幅度的降低是暂时性的。不会引起患者老视的提早出现。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the relation between subjective symptoms at near and ocular accommodation in terms of the amplitude of accommodation and the relative accommodation. A secondary aim was to discuss the diagnosis of accommodative insufficiency. The chosen cohort was examined on two occasions with 1.8 years in between. The first examination included 72 children, 43 boys (mean age 8.1 years, ranging from 5.8 to 9.8) and 29 girls (mean age 8.3 years, ranging from 6.2 to 10.0). The second examination included 59 of these children, 34 boys (mean age 9.9 years, ranging from 7.8 to 11.7) and 25 girls (mean age 10.1 ranging from 8.0 to 11.8). Subjective symptoms at near work (headache, asthenopia, floating text, facility problems) were recorded and the amplitude and the relative accommodation, both positive and negative, were measured. The result from the questionnaire showed that at the first examination more than one‐third of the children (34.7%) reported at least one subjective symptom when doing near work and 42.4% at the second examination. No symptoms were found among children younger than 7.5 years, but for children between 7.5 and 10 years old at the first examination, the prevalence of at least one symptom was 47.2%. At the second examination, symptoms were reported also for the youngest children, i.e. from the age of 8 years. The discrimination ability for the amplitude of accommodation, both monocular and binocular, was significant. In the first examination the difference between the mean for the two groups (i.e. with and without at least one symptom) was around 2.00 D monocular and 3.00 D binocular. Corresponding figures from the second examination was a difference between the mean for the two groups of around 3.50 D monocular and nearly 4.00 D binocular. We suggest that accommodation measurements should be performed more routinely and regularly, maybe as screening, especially in children over 8 years of age.  相似文献   

近视患者LASIK术后早期单眼调节幅度的变化观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:观察近视患者准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术后早期单眼调节幅度(amplitude of accommodation,AMP)的变化。方法:用LASIK治疗近视患者53例,根据等效球镜度数分为轻度、中度和高度近视组,所有被测者均进行规范的主觉验光,采用移近法在术前、术后1wk;1mo和3mo测量左眼调节幅度,所得结果输入SPSS11.0统计软件包。结果:LASIK术后1wk和1mo调节幅度明显低于术前AMP(P<0.05),术后3mo不同近视程度患者调节幅度与术前比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:不同近视程度近患者LASIK术后早期单眼调节幅度变化趋势基本相同,即均表现为先下降,后上升,至术后3mo时AMP基本恢复到术前戴镜水平;LASIK手术对近视患者单眼调节幅度无明显不良影响。  相似文献   

青年人近视眼与各调节因素的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的分析眼屈光不正与调节各因素的关系,探讨近视眼与眼调节之间的相关性。方法分别对45名大学生的90眼进行屈光不正、调节幅度、调节灵活度和正相对调节检查,然后将各项结果与屈光不正状况进行相关性统计分析。结果45名大学生受试者调节幅度的平均值为(8.49±1.61)D(6.25~13.70 D)。调节灵活度平均值为(9.64±2.30)周/min。正相对调节平均值为(-2.19±0.84)D。其中调节幅度与眼屈光度有显著相关性(r=-0.885,P≤0.05)。调节灵活度与眼屈光度无相关性。结论眼屈光不正与眼调节幅度有显著关系,眼的调节灵活度与屈光不正无相关关系。  相似文献   

Background  Prior findings suggest correlation between reading problems and accommodative function, but few studies have assessed accommodation in children with poor reading skills. Our aim was to characterize monocular accommodative amplitude, relative accommodation and binocular accommodative facility in a population of healthy, non-dyslexic primary school children with reading difficulties. Methods  We conducted a cross-sectional study on 87 poor readers and 32 control children (all between 8 and 13 years of age) in grades three to six recruited from 11 elementary schools in Madrid, Spain. In each subject with best spectacle correction, negative relative accommodation (NRA) and positive relative accommodation (PRA) were measured using a phoropter, monocular accommodative amplitude (MAA) was determined using the minus lenses method, and binocular accommodative facility (BAF) was measured using the Bernell Acuity Suppression Slide (VO/9) and a ± 2.00 D accommodative demand for a period of 1 minute. Results  Monocular accommodative amplitude was significantly lower (p < 0.001) in the group of poor readers (right eye 9.1 D ± 2.3, left eye 9.0 D ± 2.3) than in the control group (right eye 10.5 D ± 1.7, left eye 10.5 D ± 1.7). Binocular accommodative facility values were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the poor readers (4.9 cpm ± 3.1) than controls (6.3 cpm ± 2.9). Negative and positive relative accommodation values were similar in both groups of children. Conclusions  This study provides data on the accommodative capacity of a population of children with reading difficulties. Our findings suggest a reduced monocular accommodative amplitude and binocular accommodative facility, such that this function should be assessed by an optometric clinician in children whose reading level is below average. Human subjects and informed consent  The authors confirm that this research was performed followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki, and that informed consent was obtained from the subjects after having explained to them in detail the nature of the study. The study protocol was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the School of Optometry.  相似文献   

目的:观察和分析配戴角膜塑形镜后调节幅度、眼轴的改变,探讨配戴角膜塑形镜延缓近视进展的机制。方法:前瞻性研究。收集2018-05/2019-08至我院治疗的7~14岁中低度青少年近视患者215例。行全面眼科检查后,根据检查结果、患者及家长依从性等综合评估,其中113例患者配戴角膜塑形镜,102例患者配戴框架眼镜。配戴期间规律复诊,测量角膜塑形镜组戴镜前,戴镜后1、3、6mo, 1a时的调节幅度及1a后两组眼轴的改变。结果:随访1a后,角膜塑形镜组共100例100眼完成随访,13例13眼失访。框架眼镜组共77例77眼完成随访,25例25眼失访。配戴角膜塑形镜前,患者调节幅度为13.57±2.47D,戴镜后1、3、6mo, 1a后调节幅度均较戴镜前显著提高(均P<0.005),调节幅度在戴镜6mo时达到峰值,戴镜1a(15.44±2.35D)较戴镜6mo(15.74±2.32D)略有下降。配戴角膜塑形镜1a后眼轴增长明显小于框架眼镜组(0.13±0.15 vs 0.50±0.28mm,P<0.001)。结论:中低度青少年近视患者在配戴角膜塑形镜后伴有调节幅度的提高。配戴角膜塑形...  相似文献   

眼调节幅度与近视眼的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 评价不同屈光状态下的眼调节幅度特点 ,分析调节幅度在近视眼的发生发展中的作用 ,进一步明确眼调节幅度与近视眼的因果关系。方法 被测者共 3 5人 ,其中男 17人(4 8 6% ) ,女 18人 (5 1 4% ) ,年龄 19~ 3 5岁 ,平均 2 6 49± 3 3 3岁。所有被测者均进行规范的主觉验光 ,每眼矫正视力均≥ 1 0。移近法测得左眼调节幅度 ,采用SPSS9 0应用软件包对不同分组进行比较分析。结果 ①近视组AMP明显高于正视组 ;②正视组、轻度近视和中度近视组三组之间AMP存在显著差异 ,其中正视组最低 ,其次是轻度近视和中度近视 ;③正视组、迟发性近视组和早发性近视组三组之间AMP存在显著差异 ,其中正视组最低 ,其次是迟发性近视和早发性近视。④对调节幅度和近视屈光度做相关分析后 ,可见AMP随着近视屈光度的不断加深呈现上升趋势 ,直线回归方程为AMP =9 95 2 -0 764 屈光度。⑤将AMP和近视发生与否做Logistic回归分析 ,结果认为AMP可能是近视发生的原因之一。结论 高调节幅度可能是引发近视的原因之一 ,而弱的交感神经和强的副交感神经可能是引发高调节幅度 ,继而引发近视的解剖学因素。  相似文献   

眼调节各因素与眼屈光不正的相关性   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
目的 :评价与眼屈光不正状态可能相关的各项眼调节功能状况 ,探讨眼屈光不正与眼调节之间的相关性。方法 :分别对 4 7名学生 94只眼进行屈光不正、调节幅度、调节灵敏度、调节准确度 (双眼交叉柱镜FCC法 )检查。然后将各项结果与屈光不正状况进行相关性统计分析。结果 :被检者的屈光不正度平均值为 (- 2 .4 6± 2 .2 8)D ,调节幅度均值为(7.90± 2 .95 )D ,调节灵敏度为 (17.2 8± 4 .92 )次 /min ,调节准确度均值为 (0 .5 8± 0 .6 0 )D ,其中调节幅度与眼屈光度有显著相关性 (r=0 .377,P≤ 0 .0 5 ) ;调节准确度与眼屈光度有显著相关性 (r=- 0 .4 71,P≤ 0 .0 5 )。结论 :眼的屈光不正与眼调节幅度和眼调节滞后量有显著相关 ;眼的调节灵敏度与屈光不正无明显关系。提示我们可通过训练调节幅度和准确度来减缓近视加深。  相似文献   

Background: In a previous study, we demonstrated that children with early onset myopia had greater instability of accommodation than a group of emmetropic children. Since that study was correlational, we were unable to determine the causal relationship between this and myopic progression. To address this, we examined the children two years later. We predicted that if accommodative instability was causing the myopic progression, instability at Visit 1 should predict the refractive error at Visit 2. Additionally, instability at Visit 1 should predict myopic progression. Methods: Thirteen myopic and 16 emmetropic children were included in the analysis. Dynamic measures of accommodation were made using eccentric photorefraction (PowerRefractor) while children viewed targets set at three distances (accommodative demands), namely, 0.25 metres (4.00 D demand), 0.5 metres (2.00 D demand) and 4.00 metres (0.25 D demand). Results: Both refractive error and accommodative instability at Visit 1 were highly correlated with the same measures at Visit 2. Children with myopia showed greater instability of accommodation (0.38 D) than children with emmetropia (0.26 D) at the 4.00 D target on Visit 1 and this instability of accommodation weakly predicted myopic progression. Conclusions: The results presented in the present study suggest that instability of accommodation accompanies myopic progression, although a casual relationship cannot be established.  相似文献   

康龙丹  谢姝  邢骥  王闯  周爽  刘岩 《国际眼科杂志》2011,11(10):1746-1748
目的:分析在校大学生不同屈光状态与调节幅度、立体视的关系。方法:对入选的150名在校大学生行客观验光、综合验光及相关双眼视功能的检查,包括立体视、调节幅度等的测量。按是否有近视分为:(1)正视组(11名),+0.75D≤SE(等效球镜度数)<-0.50D;(2)近视组(139名),SE≥-0.5D。近视组中按近视的度数分为:低度近视组(51名),中度近视组(69名),高度近视组(19名)。按是否有屈光参差分为:非屈光参差组(123名),屈光参差组(27名)。分析研究不同屈光状态学生的调节幅度、立体视的状况以及屈光参差对立体视的影响。结果:近视组的调节幅度较正视组的调节幅度大,差异有统计学意义(t=1.16,P<0.05),近视组间调节幅度值有差异(F=1.474,P<0.05),其中高度近视组与低度近视组、中度近视组之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),近视度数越大,测得的调节幅度值越大(r=0.2698,P<0.05);正视组与近视组之间立体视无显著差异(χ2=0.325,P>0.05),低、中、高度近视组之间立体视无显著差异(χ2=0.16,P>0.05);屈光参差组的立体视功能比非屈光参差组差,差异有统计学意义(Fisher,P<0.05)。结论:近视组较正视组的调节幅度大,近视组中,调节幅度与近视的度数呈正相关性。屈光参差组较非屈光参差组的立体视功能差。  相似文献   

目的:探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laserin situ keratomileusis,LASIK)后近视患者调节性集合与调节比率(accommodative convergence per unit of accommodation,AC/A)变化。方法:Von Graefe法测定患者近距水平隐斜,给予+1.00D近附加后再次测量,结果之差为梯度性AC/A比率,测量患者LASIK手术前、手术后1wk;1,3,6mo的AC/A比率,结果进行统计学分析。结果:术前戴镜AC/A比率为(2.98±0.80)△/D,手术后1wk;1,3,6mo的AC/A比率分别为(2.02±0.57)△/D,(2.43±0.63)△/D,(2.87±0.65)△/D,(2.91±0.68)△/D,手术后1wk;1mo时AC/A比率较手术前显著降低(P<0.01)。手术后3,6mo AC/A比率较手术前无差异。结论:LASIK术后1wk;1mo,AC/A比率较术前降低,术后3mo升至术前水平并稳定。  相似文献   

牛燕 《眼视光学杂志》2006,8(6):371-373
目的分析正视和近视儿童用不同测量方法测量的眼调节幅度的差异(amplitude of accommodation,AMP)并初步探讨不同方法测量对眼AMP测量的影响。方法随机选取9岁~13岁的40例受试者,分为正视组(17例)和近视组(23例)。应用移近法、负镜片法和红外电脑验光仪法分别测定受试者的单眼AMP。结果①正视和近视儿童三种方法测量AMP值分别为:(14.13±2.16)D,(9.15±1.99)D,(7.36±1.23)D和(14.39±2.94)D,(9.79±1.65)D,(8.32±0.66)D。②在正视组移近法、负镜片法和红外视力计法测量的AMP值三者之间差异有显著性(P值分别为0.000,0.000,0.003),近视组三种测量方法之间的AMP差异也具有显著性(P值分别为0.002,0.002,0.036)。③正视组和近视组之间仅红外视力计法测量时两者AMP差异有显著性(P=0.006)。结论不同测量方法会影响AMP,使用移近法测量AMP倾向于高估AMP值,使用负镜片法及红外电脑验光测量的方法则倾向于低估AMP值。近视儿童的AMP与正视儿童的有一定的差异性。  相似文献   

Accommodative amplitude (AA; the difference, measured in diopters, between the near and far points of vision) declines steadily with age such that, by midlife, most individuals are unable to focus clearly on near objects and, thus, are said to be presbyopic. Conversely, intrinsic lens fluorescence (LF) increases steadily with age. Previous studies have suggested that AA and LF are negatively correlated, independent of age. Were this to be the case, it might suggest that the biochemical modifications underlying increased tissue fluorescence (for example, glycation of lens proteins) contribute to presbyopia. We used quantitative techniques to re-evaluate the relationship between AA and LF in 161 healthy volunteers aged between 25 and 70. Our data confirmed that AA decreases with age, becoming essentially zero by age 55, and LF increases with age. However, in marked contrast to previous reports, statistical analysis failed to detect any correlation between LF and AA independent of age. Thus, the biochemical processes responsible for increased LF observed in the aged lens are unlikely to contribute directly to presbyopia.  相似文献   

目的 对假性近视和真性近视儿童注视近距与远距视标时的调节功能进行客观检查分析,探讨眼调节功能与近视发生发展的关系。方法 选取2021年4月济南市某小学眼健康筛查中符合纳入标准的105例(105眼)学龄期儿童为研究对象,根据睫状肌麻痹验光结果分为正视眼组(40例)、假性近视组(33例)、真性近视组(32例)。首先所有受试者检测主观调节反应(BCC)与正/负相对调节(PRA/NRA),然后应用近远调节功能检测系统测量受试者在注视近点25 cm处与远点250 cm处时眼客观调节反应(AR)、调节微波动(AM)与调节滞后(AL),最后所有受试者进行睫状肌麻痹验光。结果 3组受试者BCC、NRA差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。3组受试者PRA差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两两比较结果显示,正视眼组与真性近视组、假性近视组与真性近视组受试者PRA比较,差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05),正视眼组与假性近视组受试者PRA差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在近点25 cm处,3组受试者AR值差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。两两比较结果显示,正视眼组受试...  相似文献   

调节滞后与儿童近视关系的研究   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
目的:观察并评价调节滞后与儿童近视关系,探讨儿童近视发病机理。方法:使用分光镜动态检影法测定38名年龄6 ̄14岁在学儿童(平均年龄10.1岁)的张力性调节值与调节滞后值。其中19名为正视,19名为近视。通过注射昏暗照明不置于眼前40厘米的DOG视标(0.2cpd)打开调节环,于持续聚焦于-3D目标5分钟之前及之后立即测定张力性调节值,取前后差值作为调节滞后值。统计分析采用组间样本t检验方法。结果:  相似文献   

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