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A.D. Ansselin, T. Fink and D.F. Davey (1997) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 23 , 387–398
Peripheral nerve regeneration through nerve guides seeded with adult Schwann cells
This study tested the usefulness of Schwann cells in the repair of a severed nerve with a biosynthetic bridge or guide. Reinforced collagen nerve guides were used to bridge an 18 mm gap in the sciatic nerve of 21 young adult rats. The animals were divided into three groups and the guides were filled with: (i) more than 0.5 × 106 cultured syngeneic adult Schwann cells (group L, n = 12); (ii) less than 0.5 × 106 Schwann cells (Group S, n = 6); and (iii) phosphate buffered saline (control, n = 3). Schwann cells were pre-labelled with Hoechst dye. Regeneration was assessed functionally and histologically at 1, 2, 3 and 6+ months after surgery. Group L animals showed numerous regenerated axons surrounded by implanted Schwann cells within the first month. The total number of myelinated fibres (12.5 × 103) remained above normal unoperated values (7 × 103) in long-term animals. Regenerated axons were found in Group S in the third month, but no Hoechst labelled cells were found. The number of myelinated fibres (3.9 × 103) remained below normal values in long-term animals. Control guides failed to support axonal regeneration. Functional recovery was evident at week 20 (Group L) and week 30 (Group S) after surgery, with no difference in function between the two groups by the end of the study. Supplementing guides with Schwann cells enhances regeneration of peripheral axons over a distance normally prohibitive. This effect is greatest in the early stages of regeneration (1–3 months) and is dependent on the number of cells implanted.  相似文献   

Netrin-1 and peripheral nerve regeneration in the adult rat   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Axonal guidance during development of the nervous system is thought to be highly regulated through interactions of axons with attractive, repulsive, and trophic cues. Similar mechanisms regulate axonal regeneration after injury. The netrins have been shown to influence the guidance of several classes of developing axons. Although netrins have been implicated as axonal guidance cues in the developing peripheral nervous system, there has been no direct evidence of netrin-1 expression in either developing or adult peripheral nerve. The present study utilized competitive PCR and immunohistochemistry to demonstrate the localization of netrin-1 within adult rat sciatic nerve. The expression of netrin-1 mRNA and protein was compared for normal or regenerated sciatic nerve 2 weeks following either a crush or a transection and repair injury. The PCR data show that netrin-1 mRNA is normally expressed at low levels in peripheral nerve, and similar low levels are found 2 weeks following a crush injury. However, 2 weeks following nerve transection and repair there is approximately a 40-fold increase in netrin-1 mRNA levels. Immunohistochemistry data show that Schwann cells are the major source of netrin-1 protein in peripheral nerve. Our results suggest that netrin-1 mRNA levels are profoundly affected during peripheral nerve injury and regeneration. The localization of netrin-1 to Schwann cells suggests that this protein is strategically situated to influence axon regeneration in adult peripheral nerve.  相似文献   

The ability of long acellular nerve grafts to support axonal regeneration was examined using inbred rats. Grafts (40 mm long) of tibial/plantar nerves were used either as live grafts or after freeze-drying to render the grafts acellular. The grafts were sutured to the proximal stump of severed tibial nerves in host animals which were then killed 1-12 weeks later. Axons rapidly regenerated through the living grafts but only extended 10-20 mm into the acellular grafts. This distance was achieved by 6 weeks and thereafter no significant further axonal extension occurred in the acellular grafts. A few naked axons lacking Schwann cell contact were identified in all acellular grafts, but became more numerous near the distal extent of axonal penetration into 6-12 week grafts. These axons contained large numbers of neurofilaments. When the distal 20 mm of 6 week acellular grafts (segments into which axons had not penetrated) were sutured to freshly severed tibial nerves, axons grew readily into the grafted tissue to a maximum distance of 9 mm. It is therefore likely that the limits to axonal regeneration through initially acellular grafts were set by factors intrinsic to the severed nerve. It is suggested that the limited migratory powers of Schwann cells may be one such factor. The concept that basal lamina tubes are not essential for axonal regeneration but may act as low resistance pathways for both axonal elongation and Schwann cell migration is discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a membrane conduit filled with a synthetic matrix BD™ PuraMatrix™ peptide (BD) hydrogel and cultured Schwann cells on regeneration after peripheral nerve injury in adult rats.After sciatic axotomy, a 10 mm gap between the nerve stumps was bridged using ultrafiltration membrane conduits filled with BD hydrogel or BD hydrogel containing Schwann cells. In control experiments, the nerve defect was bridged using either membrane conduits with alginate/fibronectin hydrogel or autologous nerve graft. Axonal regeneration within the conduit was assessed at 3 weeks and regeneration of spinal motoneurons and recovery of muscle weight evaluated at 16 weeks postoperatively.Schwann cells survived in the BD hydrogel both in culture and after transplantation into the nerve defect. Regenerating axons grew significantly longer distances within the conduits filled with BD hydrogel when compared with the alginate/fibronectin hydrogel and alginate/fibronectin with Schwann cells. Addition of Schwann cells to the BD hydrogel considerably increased regeneration distance with axons crossing the injury gap and entering into the distal nerve stump. The conduits with BD hydrogel showed a linear alignment of nerve fibers and Schwann cells.The number of regenerating motoneurons and recovery of the weight of the gastrocnemius muscle was inferior in BD hydrogel and alginate/fibronectin groups compared with nerve grafting. Addition of Schwann cells did not improve regeneration of motoneurons or muscle recovery.The present results suggest that BD hydrogel with Schwann cells could be used within biosynthetic conduits to increase the rate of axonal regeneration across a nerve defect.  相似文献   

The role of Schwann cells (SC) in perineurial regeneration after nerve injury has not yet been resolved. It was hypothesized that SC alone are able to induce at least partial morphological restoration of the destroyed orthotopic perineureum (PN). To test the hypothesis, a permanently denervated segment of the rat sciatic nerve was made acellular by freeze-thawing, except in its most proximal part where non-neuronal cells were left intact. Restoration of the frozen segment by these cells was examined by electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry of the SC marker, S-100 protein, 4 and 8 weeks after injury. The PN regenerated from undifferentiated fibroblast-like cells. In the presence of migrant SC without axons, regenerated cells in the place of the former PN were stacked in several layers and, in accordance with the hypothesis, partially expressed typical features of the perineurial cells (PC): pinocytotic vesicles, short fragments of basal lamina and tight junctions. Migrant SC induced formation of pseudo-minifascicles even in the epineurium. In these, SC organized the adjacent fibroblasts into a multilayered circular sheath, and induced their partial differentiation towards perineurial cells. Further experiments demonstrated that regenerating axons are required for complete morphological differentiation of the regenerated perineurial cells either in the orthotopic PN or in minifascicles.  相似文献   

Histochemical staining for carbonic anhydrase and cholinesterase (CE) activities was used to analyze sensory and motor axon regeneration, respectively, during neuroma formation in transected and tube-encapsulated peripheral nerves. Median–ulnar and sciatic nerves in the rodent model permitted testing whether a 4 cm greater distance of the motor neuron soma from axotomy site or intrinsic differences between motor and sensory neurons influenced regeneration and neuroma formation 10, 30, and 90 days later. Ventral root radiculotomy confirmed that CE-stained axons were 97% alpha motor axons. Distance significantly delayed axon regeneration. When distance was negligible, sensory axons grew out sooner than motor axons, but motor axons regenerated to a greater quantity. These results indicate regeneration differences between axon subtypes and suggest more extensive branching of motor axons within the neuroma. Thus, both distance from injury site to soma and inherent motor and sensory differences should be considered in peripheral nerve repair strategies. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve 21: 1748–1758, 1998  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody Rat 401 recognizes subsets of cells in the developing central and peripheral nervous systems. Previous studies have shown that in the central nervous system (CNS) Rat 401 immunoreactivity diminishes sharply with cellular differentiation. Here we have examined the time course, cellular localization, and biochemical nature of the Rat 401 antigen in the rat peripheral nerve. In contrast to the CNS, in the periphery Rat 401 immunoreactivity is maintained into adulthood. Rat 401 staining is restricted to Schwann cells in mature peripheral nerve. Myelin-related Schwann cells are intensely immunoreactive, whereas nonmyelin-related Schwann cells are weakly immunoreactive. Unlike many Schwann cell markers, Rat 401 staining is maintained in cultured Schwann cells that lack axon contact. Biochemical analyses show that the antigen recognized by Rat 401 in the peripheral nerve is identical to that in embryonic CNS. The results demonstrate that the capacity for maintained Rat 401 immunoreactivity is restricted to Schwann cells as these cells are stained in adult animals as well as in embryos. In contrast, the same antigens are lost from the CNS at an early stage of development.  相似文献   

The present study aims to investigate the potential of brief electrical stimulation (ES; 3 V, 20 Hz, 20 min) in improving functional recovery in delayed nerve injury repair (DNIR). The sciatic nerve of Sprague Dawley rats was transected, and the repair of nerve injury was delayed for different time durations (2, 4, 12 and 24 weeks). Brief depolarizing ES was applied to the proximal nerve stump when the transected nerve stumps were bridged with a hollow nerve conduit (5 mm in length) after delayed periods. We found that the diameter and number of regenerated axons, the thickness of myelin sheath, as well as the number of Fluoro‐Gold retrograde‐labeled motoneurons and sensory neurons were significantly increased by ES, suggesting that brief ES to proximal nerve stumps is capable of promoting nerve regeneration in DNIR with different delayed durations, with the longest duration of 24 weeks. In addition, the amplitude of compound muscle action potential (gastrocnemius muscle) and nerve conduction velocity were also enhanced, and gastrocnemius muscle atrophy was partially reversed by brief ES, indicating that brief ES to proximal nerve stump was able to improve functional recovery in DNIR. Furthermore, brief ES was capable of increasing brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the spinal cord in DNIR, suggesting that BDNF‐mediated neurotrophin signaling might be one of the contributing factors to the beneficial effect of brief ES on DNIR. In conclusion, the present findings indicate the potential of using brief ES as a useful method to improve functional recovery for delayed repair of peripheral nerve lesions.  相似文献   

During development, gradients of EphA receptors (nasal(low)-temporal(high)) and their ligands ephrin-As (rostral(low)-caudal(high)) are involved in establishing topography between retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and the superior colliculus (SC). EphA5-expressing RGC axons are repulsed by ephrin-A2-expressing SC neurones. In adult rats RGCs maintain graded EphA5 expression but ephrin-A2 expression is down-regulated in the SC to a weak gradient. At 1 month after optic nerve transection, EphA5 expression is reduced in the few remaining RGCs and is no longer graded; by contrast, SC ephrin-A2 is up-regulated to a rostral(low)-caudal(high) gradient. Here we examined expression in adult rat 1 month after bridging the retina and SC with a peripheral nerve graft, a procedure that enhances RGC survival and permits RGC axon regeneration. Double labelling with cell markers revealed preservation of a nasal(low)-temporal(high) EphA5 gradient in RGCs and establishment of a rostral(low)-caudal(high) ephrin-A2 gradient within neurones of the SC. The results suggest a potential for guidance cues to restore the topography of RGC axons in the SC. However, high ephrin-A2 levels were also found in astrocytes surrounding the peripheral nerve graft insertion site. The repulsive ephrin-A2 environment offers at least a partial explanation for the observation that only a limited number of RGC axons can exit the graft to enter target central nervous system tissue.  相似文献   

Intracellular calcium responses of cultured rat Schwann cells to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) were examined using the calcium indicator dye fluo-3. Consistent changes in [Ca2+]i were observed with bath application of 5-HT and the basis of these responses was characterized. Application of 5-HT elicited a transient increase in intracellular calcium in a subpopulation of cultured Schwann cells. In many responding cells, the response recurred at approximately regular intervals following the initial transient. In some cases, these oscillations lasted for hours following removal of 5-HT from the bath. The increase in intracellular calcium evoked by 5-HT still occurred in the absence of extracellular calcium, suggesting that 5-HT induces calcium release from intracellular stores. Consistent with this hypothesis, the response to 5-HT was prevented by depletion of inositol trisphosphate-sensitive intracellular calcium stores with thapsigargin. Bath application of caffeine, known to activate Ca2+ release from ryanodine receptor-mediated stores, did not elicit an increase in [Ca2+]i. These results also suggested that 5-HT acted by stimulating a member of the 5-HT2 receptor family since this family employs inositol trisphosphate as a second messenger. In agreement with this interpretation, it was found that the 5-HT-induced intracellular calcium transients could be reversibly blocked by both ketanserin and spiperone, suggesting that the transients are mediated by 5-HT2A receptors. Additional support for this conclusion was obtained by immunocytochemistry using an anti-idiotypic antibody that recognizes a subset of 5-HT receptors. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A 41-year-old woman experienced a gunshot wound to the forearm with neurotmesis of the ulnar nerve. Surgery 9 months later revealed a neuroma-in-continuity in the midforearm. Intraoperative nerve stimulation failed to elicit direct nerve responses or motor responses from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscles. However, neurotonic discharges in response to mechanical irritation of the neuroma were recorded in the FDI, but not the ADM. Surprisingly, after resecting the ulnar nerve distal to the neuroma, neurotonic discharges were still elicited in the FDI following perturbation of the neuroma. Moreover, neurotonic discharges were elicited during ulnar nerve resection 2 cm proximal to the neuroma. No anastomoses or anomalous branches were noted. The findings suggest that regenerating fibers did not reach the FDI through the distal nerve segment. Rather, we speculate that nerve fibers regenerating at random, or impeded by scar tissue, contacted the proximal nerve portion, at which point growth became polarized in a retrograde direction. Retrograde regeneration may have proceeded to a branch point in the forearm (possibly an undetected anomalous branch or fibrous adhesion), where growth of regenerating fibers extended outward into surrounding damaged tissue planes before redirecting distally to reach the FDI.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury requiring nerve gap reconstruction remains a major problem. In the quest to find an alternative to autogenous nerve graft procedures, attempts have been made to differentiate mesenchymal stem cells into neuronal lineages in vitro and utilize these cellular constructs for nerve regeneration. Unfortunately, this has produced mixed results, with no definitive procedure matching or surpassing traditional nerve grafting procedures. This review presents a different approach to nerve regeneration. The literature was reviewed to evaluate current methods of using adipose‐derived stem cells (ADSCs) for peripheral nerve regeneration in in vivo models of animal peripheral nerve injury. The authors present cited evidence for directing nerve regeneration through paracrine effects of ADSCs rather than through in vitro nerve regeneration. The paracrine effects rely mainly, but not solely, on the elaboration of nerve growth factors and neurotrophic mediators that influence surrounding host cells to orchestrate in vivo nerve regeneration. Although this paradigm has been indirectly referred to in a host of publications, few major efforts for this type of neuromodulatory nerve regeneration have been forthcoming. The ADSCs are initially “primed” in vitro using specialized controlled medium (not for neuronal differentiation but for sustainability) and then incorporated into a hydrogel base matrix designed for this purpose. This core matrix is then introduced into a natural collagen‐based nerve conduit. The prototype design concepts, evidence for paracrine influences, and regulatory hurdles that are avoided using this approach are discussed. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) exhibits many biological activities, such as supply of nutrients, neuroprotection, and the generation and rehabilitation of injured nerves. The neuroprotective and neurotrophic qualities of NGF are generally recognized. NGF may enhance axonal regeneration and myelination of peripheral nerves, as well as cooperatively promote functional recovery of injured nerves and limbs. The clinical efficacy of NGF and its therapeutic potentials are reviewed here. This paper also reviews the latest NGF research developments for repairing injured peripheral nerve, thereby providing scientific evidence for the appropriate clinical application of NGF.  相似文献   

外周神经损伤后若不能及时准确的修复,则会导致外周神经功能的永久丧失。目前研究显示施万细胞(SC)参与外周神经损伤后碎片清除、轴突和髓鞘再生以及靶器官再支配过程中,外周神经损伤后SC被迅速激活进入修复过程,经历一系列动态的细胞重塑变化,转化为修复表型,促进神经再生、引导对靶器官再支配,从而恢复神经功能,其中有许多信号通路,转录调节因子等调控这些过程。基于此,该文系统总结了SC在外周神经再生过程中的研究进展,为深入研究外周神经修复提供新的方法和策略。  相似文献   

Injuries to peripheral nerves are common and cause life-changing problems for patients alongside high social and health care costs for society. Current clinical treatment of peripheral nerve injuries predominantly relies on sacrificing a section of nerve from elsewhere in the body to provide a graft at the injury site. Much work has been done to develop a bioengineered nerve graft, precluding sacrifice of a functional nerve. Stem cells are prime candidates as accelerators of regeneration in these nerve grafts. This review examines the potential of adipose-derived stem cells to improve nerve repair assisted by bioengineered nerve grafts.  相似文献   

Motor axonal regeneration is compromised by chronic distal nerve stump denervation, induced by delayed repair or prolonged regeneration distance, suggesting that the pathway for regeneration is progressively impaired with time and/or distance. In the present experiments, we tested the impacts of (i) chronic distal sensory nerve stump denervation on axonal regeneration and (ii) sensory or motor innervation of a nerve graft on the ability of motoneurons to regenerate their axons from the opposite end of the graft. Using the motor and sensory branches of rat femoral nerve and application of neuroanatomical tracers, we evaluated the numbers of regenerated femoral motoneurons and nerve fibers when motoneurons regenerated (i) into freshly cut and 2-month chronically denervated distal sensory nerve stump, (ii) alone into a 4-cm-long distally ligated sensory autograft (MGL) and, (iii) concurrently as sensory (MGS) or motor (MGM) nerves regenerated into the same autograft from the opposite end. We found that all (315 +/- 24: mean +/- SE) the femoral motoneurons regenerated into a freshly cut distal sensory nerve stump as compared to 254 +/- 20 after 2 months of chronic denervation. Under the MGL condition, 151 +/- 5 motoneurons regenerated, which was not significantly different from the MGM group (134 +/- 13) but was significantly reduced to 99 +/- 2 in the MGS group (P < 0.05). The number of regenerated nerve fibers was 1522 +/- 81 in the MGL group, 888 +/- 18 in the MGM group, and 516 +/- 44 in the MGS group, although the high number of nerve fibers in the MGL group was due partly to the elaboration of multiple sprouts. Nerve fiber number and myelination were reduced in the MGS group and increased in the MGM group. These results demonstrate that both chronic denervation and the presence of sensory nerve axons reduced desired motor axonal regeneration into sensory pathways. A common mechanism may involve reduced responsiveness of sensory Schwann cells within the nerve graft or chronically denervated distal nerve stump to regenerating motor axons. The findings confirm that motor regeneration is optimized by avoiding even short-term denervation. They also imply that repairing pure motor nerves (without their cutaneous sensory components) to distal nerve stumps should be considered clinically when motor recovery is the main desired outcome.  相似文献   

End-to-side neurorrhaphy is an option in the treatment of the long segment defects of a nerve.It involves suturing the distal stump of the disconnected nerve(recipient nerve) to the side of the intimate adjacent nerve(donor nerve).However,the motor-sensory specificity after end-to-side neurorrhaphy remains unclear.This study sought to evaluate whether cutaneous sensory nerve regeneration induces motor nerves after end-to-side neurorrhaphy.Thirty rats were randomized into three groups:(1) end-to-side neurorrhaphy using the ulnar nerve(mixed sensory and motor) as the donor nerve and the cutaneous antebrachii medialis nerve as the recipient nerve;(2) the sham group:ulnar nerve and cutaneous antebrachii medialis nerve were just exposed;and(3) the transected nerve group:cutaneous antebrachii medialis nerve was transected and the stumps were turned over and tied.At 5 months,acetylcholinesterase staining results showed that 34% ± 16% of the myelinated axons were stained in the end-to-side group,and none of the myelinated axons were stained in either the sham or transected nerve groups.Retrograde fluorescent tracing of spinal motor neurons and dorsal root ganglion showed the proportion of motor neurons from the cutaneous antebrachii medialis nerve of the end-to-side group was 21% ± 5%.In contrast,no motor neurons from the cutaneous antebrachii medialis nerve of the sham group and transected nerve group were found in the spinal cord segment.These results confirmed that motor neuron regeneration occurred after cutaneous nerve end-to-side neurorrhaphy.  相似文献   

Schwann cell, the major glial cell in the peripheral nervous system, plays an essential role in peripheral nerve regeneration. However, the regulation of Schwann cell behavior following nerve injury is insufficiently explored. According to the development of high-throughput techniques, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been recognized. Accumulating evidence shows that lncRNAs take part in diverse biological processes and diseases. Here, by microarray analysis, we identified an upregulated lncRNA profile following sciatic nerve injury and focused on BC088259 for further investigation. Silencing or overexpression of BC088259 could affect Schwann cell migration. Mechanistically, BC088259 might exert this regulatory role by directly binding with Vimentin. Collectively, our study not only revealed a set of upregulated lncRNAs following nerve injury but also identified a new functional lncRNA, BC088259, which was important for Schwann cell migration, providing a therapeutic avenue toward peripheral nerve injury.  相似文献   

The degree of nerve regeneration after peripheral nerve injury can be altered by the microenvironment at the site of injury. Stem cells and vascularity are postulated to be a part of a complex pathway that enhances peripheral nerve regeneration; however, their interaction remains unexplored. This review aims to summarize current knowledge on this interaction, including various mechanisms through which trophic factors are promoted by stem cells and angiogenesis. Angiogenesis after nerve injury is stimulated by hypoxia, mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor, resulting in the growth of preexisting vessels into new areas. Modulation of distinct signaling pathways in stem cells can promote angiogenesis by the secretion of various angiogenic factors. Simultaneously, the importance of stem cells in peripheral nerve regeneration relies on their ability to promote myelin formation and their capacity to be influenced by the microenvironment to differentiate into Schwann-like cells. Stem cells can be acquired through various sources that correlate to their differentiation potential, including embryonic stem cells, neural stem cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. Each source of stem cells serves its particular differentiation potential and properties associated with the promotion of revascularization and nerve regeneration. Exosomes are a subtype of extracellular vesicles released from cell types and play an important role in cell-to-cell communication. Exosomes hold promise for future transplantation applications, as these vesicles contain fewer membrane-bound proteins, resulting in lower immunogenicity. This review presents pre-clinical and clinical studies that focus on selecting the ideal type of stem cell and optimizing stem cell delivery methods for potential translation to clinical practice. Future studies integrating stem cell-based therapies with the promotion of angiogenesis may elucidate the synergistic pathways and ultimately enhance nerve regeneration.  相似文献   

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