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The chemopreventive activity of the highly specific nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, vorozole, was examined in the methylnitrosourea (MNU)-induced rat model of mammary carcinogenesis. Various doses of vorozole (0.08-1.25 mg/kg body wt/day) were administered daily (by gavage) to female Sprague-Dawley rats starting at 43 days of age. Seven days later, the rats were given a single i.v. dose of MNU (50 mg/kg body wt). Rats were continually treated with vorozole until the end of the experiment (120 days post-MNU). Vorozole caused a dose dependent inhibition of mammary cancer multiplicity. The highest dose of vorozole (1.25 mg/kg body wt/day) decreased cancer multiplicity by approximately 90%, and simultaneously decreased cancer incidence from 100 to 44%. The next two highest doses of vorozole (0.63 and 0.31 mg/kg body wt/day) inhibited MNU-induced mammary cancer multiplicity by 70-80%. Even the two lowest doses of vorozole (0.16 and 0.08 mg/kg body wt/ day) decreased cancer multiplicity -50%. Serum level determinations were performed on a variety of endpoints at either 4 or 24 h following the last dose of vorozole. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 levels were slightly, but significantly, increased by vorozole treatment. Vorozole induced striking increases in serum testosterone levels at 4 h at all the dose levels employed. Testosterone levels were significantly elevated over controls at 24 h in rats given the lower doses of vorozole (0.08-0.31 mg/kg body wt/day), but were significantly lower than in rats administered the higher doses of vorozole (0.63 or 1.25 mg/kg body wt/ day). This result presumably reflects the limited half- life of vorozole in rats. In a second series of experiments, the effects of limited duration of dosing with vorozole (2.5 mg/kg body wt/day) or intermittent dosing with vorozole were determined. Treatment of rats with vorozole for limited time periods, from 3 days post-MNU administration until 30 or 60 days post-MNU treatment, resulted in significant delays in the time to appearance of palpable cancers. However, these limited treatments did not greatly affect the overall incidence or multiplicity of mammary cancers when compared with the MNU controls at the end of the study (150 days post-MNU). Finally, the effects of intermittent dosing with vorozole (2.5 mg/kg body wt/day) were examined. Rats were administered cycles of vorozole daily for a period of 3 weeks followed by treatment with the vorozole vehicle for the next 3 weeks (total of four cycles). Although this intermittent treatment did inhibit the appearance of new tumors during each of the periods that vorozole was administered, it did not cause regression of palpable cancers.   相似文献   

4-Hydroxyandrostenedione (4-OHA) is a more potent and specific inhibitor of aromatase (estrogen synthetase) than aminoglutethimide (AG). The two inhibitors were compared in rats with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced, hormone-dependent tumors and in normal cyclic rats treated for 4 and 2 weeks, respectively. Ovarian estradiol levels and aromatase activities were not consistently reduced, and tumors regressed in only two of eight rats treated with AG. In animals treated with 4-OHA or 4-OHA:AG, the total tumor volume, estradiol levels, and aromatase activity decreased by greater than 70%. Ovarian weights and plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were also reduced by 4-OHA but increased by AG. Uterine weights were not altered by AG treatment but were increased by 4-OHA. Similar but more consistent results were obtained with these treatments in normal, cyclic rats. In ovariectomized rats, AG had no effect, whereas 4-OHA decreased LH levels and increased uterine weights. The results suggest that, although AG reduces ovarian estrogen secretion by aromatase inhibition, this may lead to an increase in LH secretion. Increased LH may promote ovarian growth and aromatase synthesis, counteracting the inhibitory action of AG to some extent. 4-OHA which inactivates aromatase may also prevent new enzyme synthesis by directly inhibiting gonadotropins. This would result in more effective reduction in ovarian estrogen production by 4-OHA than AG during long-term treatment.  相似文献   

Eight-week-old male Sprague–Dawley rats were exposed tothe carcinogen methylnitrosourea (MNU) via gastric intubationat doses of either 10 or 20 mg/kg body wt. Rats were treatedonce a week for 4 weeks, then once every 2 weeks for 1 month,for a total of 6 treatments. MNU was found to exert no consistentsignificant immunosuppressive effects in vivo as measured byspleen natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity, interleukin-2(IL-2) production by splenic lymphocytes and prostaglandin E2(PGE2) production by adherent peritoiieal macrophages. In contrast,splenic NK cell cytotoxicity and IL-2 production of MNU-treatedrats were actually elevated at several of the later samplingperiods. PGE2 production was also elevated in MNU-treated ratsin the later sampling periods. Body weights of MNU-treated ratswere markedly decreased as early as 4 weeks following the initialMNU treatment. This suppression persisted throughout the study.The most dramatic change in organ weights was seen in the thymus.Thymus weights of all MNU-treated rats were significantly decreased1 day after treatment and persisted for 4 weeks. By the 60 daysampling period, thymus weights were not significantly differentfrom controls. However, by 120 and 180 days, thymus weightsagain were significantly lowered In those rats receiving MNU.These changes in thymus weights were accompanied histologicallyby initial cortical thinning and progressive loss of corticalthymocytes followed by the appearance of hyperplastic and neoplasticcells. It thus appears that the carcinogenic effect of MNU isnot related to a depression of the Immune surveillance system,at least as measured by NK cell activity.  相似文献   

The effects of 4-hydroxyandrostenedione (4-OHA) and other aromatase inhibitors, 10-propargylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione and imidazo[1,5-alpha]-3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrin-6-yl-(4-benzonitrile), as well as 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors N,N-diethyl-4-methyl-3-oxo-4-aza-5 alpha-androstane-17 beta-carboxyamide and 4-methyl-3-oxo-4-aza-androsta-5-ene-17-ol were investigated in prostatic tissue from six patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy and seven patients with prostatic cancer, and from normal men at autopsy. We attempted to measure aromatase activity in the tissue incubations by quantitating 3H2O released from androstenedione or testosterone labeled at the C-1 position. High performance liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography were used to isolate steroid products. Although the amount of 3H2O released was at least twice that of the heat-inactivated tissue samples, no estrone or estradiol was detected on high performance liquid chromatography. The 3H2O release was significantly inhibited by 4-OHA and N,N-diethyl-4-methyl-3-oxo-4-aza-5 alpha-androstane-17 beta-carboxyamide, but not by the other aromatase inhibitors. 4-OHA also inhibited 5 alpha-reductase in both benign prostatic hypertrophy and cancer tissue, although to a lesser extent than N,N-diethyl-4-methyl-3-oxo-4-aza-5 alpha-androstane-17 beta-carboxyamide. The other aromatase inhibitors were without effect on 5 alpha-reductase. Our results indicate that 3H2O released from [1 beta-3H]androstenedione and [1,2,6,7-3H]androstenedione does not correlate with estrogen formation and may be the result of other metabolic reactions. Although it appears that the prostate lacks aromatase, 4-OHA may be of benefit in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy or prostatic cancer by inhibiting this enzyme in peripheral tissue.  相似文献   



Liarozole fumarate (liarozole – R85246) is a novel compound with characteristics of both aromatase inhibitor (AI) and a retinoic acid metabolism blocking agent (RAMBA). Our objective was to determine the effects of liarozole alone or in combination with tamoxifen on the N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced rat mammary carcinoma model, as well as on the uterus in ovariectomized immature rats.  相似文献   

Summary Using dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors in the rat as model, comparison was made of the effect of treatment for 20 days with the aromatase inhibitor 4-hydroxyandrostenedione (4-OH-A) (7.5 mg, twice daily) or the antiandragen flutamide (5 mg, twice daily) on tumor growth as well as on plasma and tumor content of estrogens, androgens, and their precursors and metabolites. Tumor number and size were markedly decreased following treatment with either drug, the effect of treatment being more important on size than number, and on new tumors which developed during treatment than on tumors already present at start of treatment. Treatment with the aromatase inhibitor 4-OH-A caused a parallel decrease in plasma and tumor levels of pregnenolone (Preg), progesterone (P), and 17-OH P, while there was a marked increase in dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androst-5-ene-3,17-diol (5-diol), androstenedione (4-dione), testosterone (T), androstane-3, 17-diol (3-diol), and androstane-3, 17-diol (3-diol), with no significant change in dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 17-estradiol levels. The marked increase in tissue T content coupled to a decrease in P levels could well contribute to the inhibition of tumor growth induced by 4-OH-A. Flutamide, on the other hand, caused a marked fall in plasma and tissue levels of Preg, 17-OH Preg, P, and 17-OH P, with no significant change in the concentration of the other steroids, thus suggesting a possible role of the fall in tissue P levels in the inhibition of tumor growth. Since both drugs are potent inhibitors of DMBA-induced tumor growth in intact animals, better knowledge of their mechanism of action should add to our understanding of the multiple endocrine factors controlling the growth of these tumors.  相似文献   

 The aromatase inhibitor vorozole dose-dependently inhibited the growth of dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary carcinoma in the rat. An oral dose of 5 mg/kg per day brought about growth inhibition and reduction of tumor multiplicity similar to that produced by ovariectomy. Tamoxifen (8 mg/kg per day) also reduced tumor growth, albeit to a lesser extent than did ovariectomy. Concomitant administration of varying doses of tamoxifen with the fully effective dose of vorozole (5 mg/kg per day) tended to be less effective than ovariectomy or vorozole alone. This is likely to be due to the estrogen-agonistic effects of tamoxifen. Combination of tamoxifen with the partially effective dose of vorozole (1 mg/kg per day) gave results comparable with those obtained for either of these compounds used in monotherapy. Combining tamoxifen with a marginally active low dose of vorozole (0.2 mg/kg per day) resulted in a minor additional growth inhibition as compared with that obtained with this dose of vorozole alone. Sequential treatment with tamoxifen (8 mg/kg per day) for 42 days and vorozole (5 mg/kg per day) for 42 days, and vice-versa, was performed with a drug-free interval of 14 days between treatments. Tumors regressing under vorozole therapy relapsed when subsequently treated with tamoxifen. In contrast, vorozole further reduced tumor volumes in rats previously treated with tamoxifen. Furthermore, monotherapy with tamoxifen as well as the two sequential tamoxifen-vorozole treatment schedules were in most cases less effective than vorozole monotherapy in inhibiting both tumor growth and tumor multiplicity. Although extrapolation of these findings in cycling animals to the clinical situation, involving postmenopausal women, is not straightforward, these results warrant further studies in preclinical models. Moreover, clinical trials comparing the most effective aromatase inhibitors with tamoxifen in previously untreated postmenopausal patients with breast cancer may also be warranted. Received: 7 April 1985/Accepted: 4 August 1985  相似文献   

Virgin female rats of SD strain were given ad libitum a nutritionally adequate semipurified diet containing 0.026 ppm molybdenum and deionized water (groups 1-3) or the same diet with 150 ppm tungsten and the drinking water (group 4). Group 1 was used as control. After 15 days, all the animals in groups 2-4 received an intravenous injection of N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) 5 mg/100 g body weight. One week after administration of carcinogen, 10 ppm Mo was added to the drinking water in group 3. After 125 days, the mammary cancer incidence in group 4 (79.2%) was significantly higher than that in group 2 (50.0%) or group 3 (45.5%) (P less than 0.05). After 198 days, the average number of mammary cancer in each animal and mammary cancer incidence in group 3 (1.5 and 50.0%) were obviously lower than those in group 2 (2.0 and 90.5%) or group 4 (2.6 and 95.7%). The first palpable mammary tumor was found in the W-supplemented group only 56 days after the injection of NMU, whereas in the W-unsupplemented and Mo-supplemented groups, the first mammary tumor was observed 71 and 85 days after NMU treatment. Of these 181 mammary tumors, 177 (97.8%) were adenocarcinoma or papillary carcinoma, only 4 (2.2%) fibroadenocarcinoma. The results of this study show, for the first time, the inhibitory effect of Mo on the mammary carcinogenesis and promoting effect of Tungsten, an antagonist of molybdenum, on the tumor growth.  相似文献   

We studied the protective effect of bee honey and Nigella grains as nutraceuticals on the oxidative stress and carcinogenesis induced by methylnitrosourea (MNU) in Sprague Dawely rats. Four groups of animals were used and fed ad-libitum. The first group was a control (n=8), the second (n=8), the third (n=15) and the fourth groups (n=12) were injected MNU (single i.v. dose 50 mg/kg body weight). After one week the third and fourth groups were given orally 0.2 g ground Nigella grains and 0.2 g Nigella with 5 g honey/rat/day, respectively. After six months all animals were sacrificed except two from the second group (MNU-injected rats) that died one-week before the end of the experiment. We observed that MNU injected in the second group produced a variety of oxidative stresses ranging from severe inflammatory reaction in lung and skin to colon adenocarcinoma in four out of six animals. There was an associated elevation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) in sera obtained from animals of this group compared to the control one. Nigella sativa grains given orally protected against MNU-induced oxidative stress and carcinogenesis by 80% (12/15) and combated this effect by lowering MDA and NO. Whereas honey from bees and Nigella sativa together protected 100% (12/12) against MNU-induced oxidative stress, carcinogenesis and abolished the NO and MDA elevations shown in sera of animals who did not receive these nutrients. These results showed that supplementation of diet with honey and Nigella sativa has a protective effect against MNU-induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of antiestrogens, tamoxifen and ICI 182,780, and aromatase inhibitors, arimidex (anastrozole ZD1033) and letrozole (CGS 20,267), on the growth of tumors were studied in nude mice. In this model, estrogen dependent MCF-7 human breast cancer cells stably transfected with the aromatase gene were inoculated in four sites per mouse. Sufficient estrogen is produced from aromatization of androstenedione supplement (0.1 mg/mouse/day) by the cells to stimulate their proliferation, tumor formation, and maintain the uterus similar to that of the intact mouse. Once the tumors reached a measurable size, the mice were injected with antiestrogen or inhibitor for 35–56 days. Tumor volumes were measured weekly. At autopsy, the tumors were removed, cleaned, and weighed. Statistical data was determined from tumor weights. Both antiestrogens were effective in reducing tumor growth in these mice. Tamoxifen appears to be more effective than ICI 182,780, although the former stimulated the uterine weight whereas the pure antiestrogen did not. However, both aromatase inhibitors were more effective than the antiestrogens. Tumor regression was observed with letrozole. Thus, after-treatment tumor weights were less than those of a group of mice at the start of treatment. The aromatase inhibitors also reduced the weight of the uterus, suggesting that these compounds, as well as the pure antiestrogen, may not cause endometrial proliferation, unlike tamoxifen. These aromatase inhibitors may not only benefit patients who have relapsed from tamoxifen, but may be more effective in patients as first line agents for suppressing the effects of estrogen.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the potential cancer chemopreventive effects of novel synthetic derivatives of isoflavones. Initially these agents were tested in a mouse mammary organ culture (MMOC) model. Phenoxodiol (2H-1-benzopyran-7-O1,3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)), the most effective in this assay, was selected for further testing in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The agent was tested at 0 (basal diet), 50 and 75 mg/kg diet. Mammary carcinomas in these three groups were induced by dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) injected 1 week after the animals started eating the experimental diets. Phenoxodiol significantly reduced tumour incidence rate at both doses (P相似文献   

Atrazine, one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world, has been reported to have endocrine disrupting effects in vivo. In the present experiment, influence of dietary atrazine on the late promotion/progression stage of mammary carcinogenesis in ovariectomized female Sprague-Dawley rats was examined after a single intragastric administration of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). When the incidence of palpable mammary tumors reached about 50%, the animals were subjected to ovariectomy and divided into tumor bearing [DMBA-Tumor(+)] and non-tumor bearing [DMBA-Tumor(-)] groups, with subgroups of each fed a soybean-free diet containing 0, 5, 50, or 500 p.p.m. atrazine for 34 weeks. At the completion of the study, the tumor volume in the 50 and 500 p.p.m. treatment Tumor(+) subgroups was greater than in the 0 p.p.m. control case. In the DMBA-Tumor(-) group, higher incidences and volumes of the mammary tumors, with or without statistical significance (P <0.05), were observed in the 50 and 500 p.p.m. subgroups. Atrazine treatment tended to increase proportion of estrogen receptor alpha-positive tumors and stimulated cell proliferation in the DMBA-Tumor(+) group, but with no clear effects on serum hormone levels. The present study indicates that atrazine has a potential for enhancing the growth of mammary tumors, partly through increasing cell proliferation in the promotion/progression stage in female rats under ovarian hormone-free conditions.  相似文献   

A number of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) have been shown to exert enhanced carcinogenic and mutagenic potential when given simultaneously with sodium nitrite (NaNO(2)). In the present experiment, effects of combined treatment with NaNO(2) and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), one of the most prevalent carcinogenic HCAs in the human environment, were assessed with regard to mammary tumor induction in female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Animals at 6 weeks of age were given intragastric doses of 100mg/kg body weight of PhIP twice a week for 4 weeks, during which period 0 or 0.2% NaNO(2) was administered in the drinking water. Control rats received 0.2% NaNO(2) alone for the 4 weeks or non-supplemented water during the entire 48 week experimental period, without carcinogen treatment. The first tumor in the PhIP+NaNO(2) group appeared significantly later than with PhIP alone, and during the experimental period, the incidence, multiplicity and volume of mammary tumors in this group tended towards decreased, although values did not significantly differ at the terminal sacrifice. These results indicate that NaNO(2) does not enhance PhIP-induced rat mammary carcinogenesis, rather possessing some potential for inhibition.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of aromatase, the cytochrome P-450 enzyme complex responsible for the biosynthesis of estrogens, may be useful therapeutic agents for the treatment of estrogen-dependent disease states such as breast and endometrial cancer. 7 alpha-Substitution of androstenedione results in inhibitors of enhanced affinity for aromatase, with 7 alpha-(4'-amino)phenylthio-4-androstene-3,17-dione (7 alpha-APTA) exhibiting an apparent Ki of 18 nM and being among the most potent competitive inhibitors produced. The effects of this potent competitive 7 alpha-substituted C19 aromatase inhibitor on reduction of the number and size of the 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced mammary tumors in rats was investigated. Tumor-bearing rats receiving 25 or 50 mg 7 alpha-APTA/kg/day demonstrated reductions in tumor volumes during the first week. Tumor volumes continued to decrease during the studies, resulting in tumor volume reductions of approximately 40 and 80%, respectively. Tumors in rats of the control group receiving only vehicle steadily increased in size during the studies. The tumor reductions in a 50-mg/kg/day-treated group were reversed by coadministration of 7 alpha-APTA at 50 mg/kg/day and estradiol at 0.3 microgram/kg/day for the last 3 weeks, indicating that the tumors were still responsive to estrogen. Plasma levels of estradiol were lower in the animals treated with 7 alpha-APTA at the end of the treatments. Thus, 7 alpha-APTA is effective in reducing tumor volumes in the estrogen-dependent 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced mammary carcinoma rat model. These results encourage further development of these steroids as potential medicinal agents for the treatment of estrogen-dependent disease states such as breast and endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

The dietary effects of conjugated docosahexaenoic acid (CDHA) were examined in an N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced rat mammary carcinogenesis model. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were administered 50 mg/kg MNU intraperitoneally at 49 days of age. A powdered AIN-76A diet containing 0, 0.2 or 1.0% CDHA was fed to the rats from 21 to 49 days of age (before MNU; pre-initiation phase) or from 49 days to 40 weeks of age (after MNU; post-initiation phase). Rats were sacrificed when their largest mammary tumor was > or =1 cm in size or when they reached 40 weeks of age. All histologically detected mammary carcinomas were evaluated. In rats that received CDHA after MNU, development of mammary carcinoma > or =1 cm was inhibited, and there was a significant decrease in the final mammary cancer incidence and multiplicity, compared with rats that did not receive CDHA. Consumption of the 0.2% CDHA diet after MNU significantly prolonged latency. Suppression of mammary cancer yield by consumption of a CDHA diet after MNU administration was not dose-dependent. In rats that received CDHA before MNU, suppression of mammary cancer was not observed. These results indicate that CDHA administration in the post-initiation period suppressed mammary carcinogenesis, whereas CDHA administration in the pre-initiation period was ineffective.  相似文献   



While current breast cancer chemoprevention strategies using selective estrogen response modulators and aromatase inhibitors are quite successful, their effects are limited to hormonally responsive breast cancer. Hormonally nonresponsive breast cancer (including estrogen receptor-negative cancer) is associated with poor prognosis for patients, and few chemoprevention agents exist for this type of cancer. The cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib (Celebrex®) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and as such is a potential candidate for the prevention of hormonally nonresponsive breast cancer.


The chemopreventive effects of celecoxib were evaluated in the neu-induced retroviral rat mammary carcinogenesis model, to assess the efficacy of celecoxib on hormonally responsive and hormonally nonresponsive mammary carcinomas.


Dietary celecoxib at 1,200 mg/kg diet was highly efficacious in the prevention of hormonally responsive mammary carcinomas in intact rats, decreasing tumor multiplicity by 56% (P < 0.0001) and by 74% (P = 0.0002) in two independent experiments. No significant effect was found, however, on hormonally nonresponsive mammary carcinomas of ovariectomized rats. Treatment with a combination diet, consisting of tamoxifen at 2 mg/kg diet and celecoxib at 1,200 mg/kg diet, reduced tumor multiplicity by 72% (P = 0.0002) in intact rats. This reduction was not statistically different from that observed with celecoxib alone. Furthermore, long-term treatment with celecoxib was not associated with reductions in tumor volume in either intact rats or ovariectomized rats. In contrast, tamoxifen treatment and the combination regimen caused significant reductions in tumor volumes in intact rats (P = 0.01 and P = 0.004, respectively). Consistent with these data, decreases in proliferation and increases in apoptosis were detected in tamoxifen-treated and combination diet-treated tumors. No such modulations were observed in celecoxib-treated tumors.


The chemopreventive effects of celecoxib appear to be limited to modulations in multiplicity of hormonally responsive mammary carcinomas. The fact that no synergistic or additive effects were observed in combination diet-treated rats raises the question of whether celecoxib is suitable for the prevention of hormonally nonresponsive breast cancer or for use in combination therapy with selective estrogen response modulators or aromatase inhibitors.  相似文献   

We have shown previously (S. Thun-Battersby et al., Cancer Res., 59: 3627-3633, 1999) that power-line frequency (50-Hz) magnetic fields (MFs) at micro T-flux densities enhance mammary gland tumor development and growth in the 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) model of breast cancer in female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. We also demonstrated that MF exposure results in an enhanced proliferative activity of the mammary epithelium of SD rats (M. Fedrowitz et al., Cancer Res., 62: 1356-1363, 2002), which is a likely explanation for the cocarcinogenic or tumor-promoting effects of MF exposure in the DMBA model. However, in contrast with our data, in a similar study conducted by Battelle in the United States, no evidence for a cocarcinogenic or tumor-promoting effect of MF exposure was found in the DMBA model in SD rats (L. E. Anderson et al., Carcinogenesis, 20: 1615-1620, 1999). Probably the most important difference between our and the Battelle studies was the use of different substrains of SD rats; the United States rats were much more susceptible to DMBA than the rats used in our studies. This prompted us to compare different substrains of SD outbred rats in our laboratory in respect to MF effects on cell proliferation in the mammary gland, susceptibility to DMBA-induced mammary cancer, and MF effects on mammary tumor development and growth in the DMBA model. The SD substrain (termed "SD1") used in all of our previous studies was considered MF-sensitive and used for comparison with another substrain ("SD2") obtained from the same breeder. In contrast with SD1 rats, no enhanced cell proliferation was determined after MF exposure in SD2 rats. MF exposure significantly increased mammary tumor development and growth in SD1 but not SD2 rats. These data indicate that the genetic background plays a pivotal role in effects of MF exposure. Different strains or substrains of rats may serve to evaluate the genetic factors underlying sensitivity to cocarcinogenic or tumor-promoting effects of MF exposure.  相似文献   

The relationship between mammary carcinoma growth, ovariectomy-induced regression and estrogen receptor status were determined in Sprague-Dawley rats with 5-day estrous cycles after injection of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (NMU) on metestrus (ME), diestrus-1 (DE-1), proestrus (PE) or estrus (E). Rats exposed to NMU on PE had a shorter tumor latency than those injected on ME and E, as well as more carcinomas per rat than those exposed on ME and DE-1. Mammary carcinomas grew faster in rats injected on ME (doubling time, 6.4 days) and DE-1 (6.9 days) compared with PE (15.2 days) and E (16.3 days). Tumor regression was also significantly faster in rats injected on ME (time to 50% vol., 5.5 days) and DE-1 (5.3 days) compared with PE (8.2 days) and E (8.5 days) following bilateral-ovariectomy during log phase growth. Significantly, total nuclear estrogen receptor (ERN) content was increased in carcinomas from rats injected on PE compared with DE-1 (70.8 +/- 11.3 vs. 32.9 +/- 7.3 fm/mg DNA) (P less than 0.05) and DE-1 and ME combined (P less than 0.01). These observations generalize the concept that estrous cycle stage at the time of NMU injection alters subsequent mammary carcinoma biology, and represents the first experimental evidence that slower growing and responding estrogen receptor positive rat mammary carcinomas may be associated with an increase in circulating estrogen prior to carcinogen exposure.  相似文献   

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