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孙艳  伍强 《中国病案》2012,13(5):33-34
本文从电子病历的特点、电子病历病案管理系统存在的问题出发,对电子病历病案管理系统的功能需求进行了阐述。提出了电子病历病案管理系统应包括电子病历自动回收、按国际疾病分类标准及手术操作名称进行编码、实时监控病案质量、建立电子病案库、设立病案打印、病案查阅及全面的病案综合查询等功能,从而使电子病历能更好地服务于临床医疗和医院管理。  相似文献   

Security control of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a mechanism used to manage electronic medical records files and protect sensitive medical records document from information leakage. Researches proposed the Role-Based Access Control(RBAC). However, with the increasing scale of medical institutions, the access control behavior is difficult to have a detailed declaration among roles in RBAC. Furthermore, with the stringent specifications such as the U.S. HIPAA and Canada PIPEDA etc., patients are encouraged to have the right in regulating the access control of his EMR. In response to these problems, we propose an EMR digital rights management system, which is a RBAC-based extension to a matrix organization of medical institutions, known as RBAC-Matrix. With the aim of authorizing the EMR among roles in the organization, RBAC-Matrix also allow patients to be involved in defining access rights of his records. RBAC-Matrix authorizes access control declaration among matrix organizations of medical institutions by using XrML file in association with each EMR. It processes XrML rights declaration file-based authorization of behavior in the two-stage design, called master & servant stage, thus makes the associated EMR to be better protected. RBAC-Matrix will also make medical record file and its associated XrML declaration to two different EMRA(EMR Authorization)roles, namely, the medical records Document Creator (DC) and the medical records Document Right Setting (DRS). Access right setting, determined by the DRS, is cosigned by the patient, thus make the declaration of rights and the use of EMR to comply with HIPAA specifications.  相似文献   

We selected HTML, PHP and JavaScript as the programming languages to build “WebBio”, a web-based system for patient data of biological products and used MySQL as database. WebBio is based on the PHP-MySQL suite and is run by Apache server on Linux machine. WebBio provides the functions of data management, searching function and data analysis for 20 kinds of biological products (plasma expanders, human immunoglobulin and hematological products). There are two particular features in WebBio: (1) pharmacists can rapidly find out whose patients used contaminated products for medication safety, and (2) the statistics charts for a specific product can be automatically generated to reduce pharmacist’s work loading. WebBio has successfully turned traditional paper work into web-based data management.  相似文献   

使用集成式软件Gurn开发了一个肾移植信息数据库管理系统。该系统在用户输入正确的指令之后,便能对肾移植病人的有关资料进行编辑、查询和统计学分析等多种处理,并提供了丰富的图形生成和转换、联机提示及自然语言接口等功能,与统计分析模型库及专家系统能有机地组合成集成式肾移植信息管理系统。  相似文献   

王莹  王晶  刘克新  郑琳 《中国病案》2011,12(3):48-49,43
目的利用病案数字化管理系统,采用患者姓名索引内容,建立准确的患者主索引信息数据库。方法利用病案数字化管理系统软件,通过住院数据程序,将无法从医院HIS系统提取的历史住院患者索引信息,对照数字化病案首页及相关的信息进行录入。结果将60余万条历史住院患者姓名索引录入到病案数字化系统中,实现患者索引信息的计算机化管理。结论姓名索引构成的数据库的建立,为患者、医务人员再次住院提供了快捷的姓名索引的查询功能。为病案复印提供了极大的信息支持,优化了病案复印的服务流程,提高了病案的管理和服务质量。  相似文献   

目的 设计一套置管病人管理信息系统,实现治疗间歇期的远程照护和管理.方法 利用MySQL数据库建立管理目标的数据库和数据表,操作界面采用MUI框架和bootstrap框架编写,对置管病人信息管理目标进行系统化管理.结果 管理系统实现护士与病人的实时沟通,使病人能及时应对置管突发情况,护士可以对病人的置管信息、异常照护等...  相似文献   

目的:解决三级医疗救治机构应急救治平台之间电子病历的传递和共享问题。方法:提出基于四层架构的电子病历共享平台设计和加密网络传输设计。结果:实现各级平台业务系统之间电子病历信息安全上传、存储、调阅服务。  相似文献   

郭金菊 《中国病案》2012,(11):22-23
通过计算机网络系统实时对动态病案质量进行审核和质量监控。重点监控电子病案环节质量,剖析病案书写中的问题,提醒医师重视诊断、用药、疗效分析的书写;有助医师明确诊断,减少医疗缺陷。注重监控三级医师对电子病案的检审;监控电子病案模板运行应用,在实践中不断完善无纸化电子病案。严格的权限管理,使医护人员职责清晰、责任心增强、工作效率提高。网络监控方便、快捷;规范了医疗行为;提高了病案书写质量,避免缺陷病案,减少医疗纠纷的发生,保证病案的安全性、真实性、完整性,为探索病案质量管理在网络环境下发展模式,最大限度发挥病案内在价值,提供有利依据。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍了我院的病人生活护理实际情况,基于HIS平台下,完成了病人生活护理软件的开发,实现了病人生活护理收费的现代化管理.  相似文献   

One of the major problems in health care system integration is the formidable cost of mediating between myriad vendors and policy makers for updating existing heterogeneous systems to support a great variety of standards or interfaces. To provide cost-effective healthcare system integration solution, this paper presents a Graphical User Interface state model (GUISM) for automatically exchanging information with existing healthcare software through their GUIs with no modifications needed to them. This can save the huge cost of upgrading, testing and redeploying the existing systems. By using the GUISM model, distributed agents are deployed to the client computers interacting with the local electronic medical system (EMR) for communicating with other EMR systems. The whole system is called virtual EMR system and each client in this system can request needed patient healthcare information without knowing the actual location of the data.  相似文献   

药品检验计算机管理系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了药品检验计算机管理系统在数据库结构模块化、品种编码方式、数据处理等方面的应用。该系统设计合理,使用方便,易于修改和扩展,可用于药品检验数据的计算、检验报告的打印、检品数据的贮存、查询和修改等,适合于药厂质量检验部门使用。  相似文献   

基于电子病历大数据并结合信息检索与深度学习方法,设计一种辅助诊断问答系统。介绍系统的总体框架及电子病历数据库、价值网络、策略网络的设计,给出系统工作流程。该系统能帮助患者自查病情,也能为医生制定诊疗方案提供参考。  相似文献   

随着数字化医院的建设和电子病历的广泛使用,电子病历安全性的研究和发展变得越来越重要和迫切,而对电子病历系统用户进行权限的分类是保障电子病历安全性的重要手段.介绍了LDAP(轻量目录访问协议)、目录信息树和RBAC(基于角色的访问控制)的技术理论,在此基础上重点介绍了基于LDAP的用户管理结构研究和基于RBAC的分类权限系统设计开发方法.通过这两者的结合,实现对于电子病历系统的权限控制.  相似文献   

To permit linkage of computerized patient data obtained from different sources, a universal and efficient method of patient identification is necessary. A coding system of 16 characters with a high degree of discrimination is proposed. The first five characters code the individual's family name, the next four his given name; the next six digits are his date of birth expressed in day, month and year; and the last character codes his sex. This system, using readily available patient information, is simple to manipulate and generates codes that are also medically informative. When this method of identification was tested on a list of 18,000 persons, no identical codes were found.  相似文献   

对电子病历系统全程质控管理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子病历系统给医院的医疗管理和医生的病历书写带来了便捷,但也带来了病历质量控制方面的难题.从"事先"、"环节"、"事后"三个方面对电子病历系统质控管理的方法和对策,是病历全程质控管理的有效保障.  相似文献   

针对当前医院信息系统(HIS)存在的问题,设计并开发基于B/S结构的患者信息管理系统。介绍系统开发工具,详细阐述系统分析与设计,在此基础上对实现方法进行说明。实际应用表明该系统可以充分发挥对患者信息的管理功能,加快数据录入,降低患者就诊风险和成本。  相似文献   

Modern clinical research often involves multi-center studies, large and heterogeneous data flux, and intensive demands of collaboration, security and quality assurance. In the absence of commercial or academic management systems, we designed an open-source system to meet these requirements. Based on the Apache-PHP-MySQL platform on a Linux server, the system allows multiple users to access the database from any location on the internet using a web browser, and requires no specialized computer skills. Multi-level security system is implemented to safeguard the protected health information and allow partial or full access to the data by individual or class privilege. The system stores and manipulates various types of data including images, scanned documents, laboratory data and clinical ratings. Built-in functionality allows for various search, quality control, analytic data operations, visit scheduling and visit reminders. This approach offers a solution to a growing need for management of large multi-center clinical studies.  相似文献   

在中文状态下用数据处理软件对临床化学实验室进行管理,能自动上由分析仪输出的实验数据;填写和审核检验报告单,以多种方式查询结果,随时进行工作量的统计和生成检验收费及简便的数据备份和恢复,实践表明,本系统刘全,使用方便,使管理方法更加先进,且提高工作效率,为临床化学实验带来全新的工作面貌,有推广利用价值。  相似文献   

病案室如何做好电子病案管理   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
赖仲琼 《中国病案》2006,7(1):26-27
本文阐述了该院病案室做好电子病案管理的七个方面:(1)转变观念,主动适应;(2)探索有效管理办法以缩短实施电子病案的磨合期;(3)做好电子病案的指控工作;(4)完善电子病案的归档管理;(5)实施电子病案的分级保密管理;(6)做好电子病案的调用和交换管理;(7)积极推进建立基于数字签名认证中心(CA)的数字签名。  相似文献   

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