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目的:探讨阴囊内大体积表皮样囊肿的疾病特点,提高对阴囊内大体积表皮样囊肿的临床诊治水平。方法:回顾性分析1例阴囊内大体积表皮样囊肿患者临床资料,男,50岁,发现右侧阴囊内肿物40余年,呈进行性长大。右侧阴囊内可触及直径约为7.0cm大小椭圆形肿物,界清,质硬,触痛阴性。阴囊彩超提示右侧阴囊内有囊性肿物,大小约7.7cm×4.7cm×5.0cm,与睾丸界清。在腰硬联合麻醉下行右侧阴囊内肿物切除术。结果:术后患者预后良好。切除病变组织送病检,证实为阴囊内表皮样囊肿。结论:阴囊内表皮样囊肿是阴囊罕见的良性肿瘤,一般无明显不适,肿物可缓慢生长,目前确诊依赖于术后病检。对于阴囊内表皮样囊肿应尽早手术切除,但易复发,应长期随访。  相似文献   

正阴囊肉膜层多发假性囊肿,术前相关检查示睾丸鞘膜积液,术中见肉膜层多发囊肿,本病易与睾丸鞘膜积液、外伤、阴囊疝相混淆。笔者见肉膜层多发假性囊肿病例1例,临床罕见报道,现报告如下。1临床资料患者,男,11岁。左侧阴囊无痛性肿大5年。患者5年来无明显诱因出现左侧阴囊增大,不伴阴囊坠胀不适,不伴有明显疼痛。半年来阴囊肿大加重伴轻度肿胀感,无其他明显不适。10 d前患者自述跳水后5 h出现左侧阴囊胀痛,阴囊肿大,阴囊颜  相似文献   

目的提高对睾丸表皮样囊肿的认识,探讨保留睾丸的肿瘤剜除术治疗睾丸表皮样囊肿的可行性及安全性。方法回顾性分析5例行保留睾丸术式治疗的睾丸表皮样囊肿患者的临床资料。结果 5例患者术中冷冻切片病理检查诊断为良性肿瘤,均行保留睾丸的肿瘤剜除术,术后病理检查诊断为表皮样囊肿。随访无复发,未出现睾酮分泌减少及性腺功能低下。结论保留睾丸术式治疗睾丸表皮样囊肿是安全可行的,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:分析阴茎头表皮样囊肿的临床特点,提高临床对其诊治水平。方法:回顾性分析1例阴茎头表皮样囊肿患者临床资料:36岁,发现阴茎头肿物6年,进行性增大1个月。检查阴茎头中部可触及一内生性、球形、质硬包块,大小约1.5cm×1.2cm×1.0cm,无触痛,包块与阴茎白膜及尿道界限清楚。尿道外口正常,勃起后阴茎无弯曲,阴茎头肿物无明显增大。彩超提示阴茎头海绵体内实性占位伴细小钙化斑。MRI检查阴茎头内可见结节状异常信号影,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈低信号,考虑为肿瘤性病变。患者于腰硬联合麻醉下行阴茎头肿物切除术。结果:手术顺利,切除组织送病理检查证实为阴茎头表皮样囊肿。结论:阴茎头表皮样囊肿是一种罕见的良性疾病,进展缓慢。手术切除疗效好,无复发,对患者勃起功能无明显影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨膀胱表皮样囊肿临床特点、诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析1例膀胱表皮样囊肿患者的临床资料。男,31岁,体检发现膀胱占位人院,超声提示膀胱3cm×4cm×3cm高回声占位,CT提示膀胱内占位,密度高于液性,但低于软组织,无明显强化。结果:患者行手术治疗,行膀胱部分切除术,术中见肿物位于膀胱壁内,白色,表面有被膜,血运差,完整切除肿物,剖开肿物见内容物为白色、豆渣样。病理回报:膀胱壁肿物被覆移行上皮之黏膜下表皮样囊肿。患者术后1周痊愈出院,随访15个月未见肿物复发转移。结论:膀胱表皮样囊肿临床极为罕见,目前国内外文献尚无此类报道。膀胱表皮样囊肿尽管罕见,也应为膀胱肿瘤的鉴别诊断之  相似文献   

目的探讨肾表皮样囊肿的临床特点、诊断和治疗方法。方法回顾分析1例肾表皮样囊肿伴肾结石患者的临床资料。结果患者行根治性右肾切除,病理报告为右肾表皮样囊肿。患者术后1周痊愈出院,随访10个月未见肿物复发转移。结论肾表皮样囊肿为罕见的肾脏良性肿瘤,临床上报道极少。临床症状缺乏特异性,诊断较困难,需与肾脏肿瘤、囊性肾癌等相鉴别。  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴囊脂肪瘤的疾病特点,提高对阴囊脂肪瘤的临床诊断水平。方法:回顾性分析1例阴囊脂肪瘤患者的临床资料,男,68岁,发现右侧阴囊内肿物一年余,进行性增大,右侧阴囊内可触及直径约3cm大小肿物,界清,质硬,活动度可,无触痛。阴囊彩超示右侧阴囊肿物,性质待定,大小约3.5cm×2.5cm×1.3cm,与睾丸界清。遂行右侧阴囊肿物切除术。结果:切除组织送病检示阴囊脂肪瘤;术后患者顺利康复出院。结论:阴囊脂肪瘤是罕见的阴囊肿瘤,肿物生长缓慢,一般无明显不适,术前容易误诊,确诊需依赖术后病检。对于较大的阴囊脂肪瘤应尽早手术切除,较少复发,但应长期随访。  相似文献   

目的:分析睾丸表皮样囊肿的临床特点,进一步提高对睾丸表皮样囊肿的诊治水平,降低临床误诊率。方法:回顾性分析我院2000年3月~2015年1月收治的24例术后病理诊断为睾丸表皮样囊肿的诊治过程。结果:22例行保留睾丸的肿瘤剜除术,2例行睾丸根治性切除术。术中20例行快速冷冻病理检查,均诊断为睾丸表皮样囊肿。术后随访4个月~14年,无肿瘤的复发及转移。结论:睾丸表皮样囊肿是临床上比较少见的睾丸良性肿瘤,预后较好,易被误诊为睾丸恶性肿瘤。病史、超声及实验室检查有助于术前诊断,术中快速冷冻病理对手术方式的选择有决定性作用。目前治疗主张行保留睾丸的肿瘤剜除术。  相似文献   

阴囊表皮样囊肿临床不多见,双侧阴囊多发表皮样囊肿在皮肤科更是少见,临床需与发生在会阴部位的皮脂腺囊肿、钙沉着症、脂囊瘤等鉴别诊断,传统的外科手术治疗可能会影响外观及生育功能。笔者科室门诊收治1例年轻男性患者,采用Nd:YAG激光治疗取得了良效,提示Nd:YAG激光很可能是该病较好的一个治疗选择。  相似文献   

目的:结合文献探讨腹膜后表皮样囊肿的诊治方法,介绍机器人辅助腹腔镜切除盆腔腹膜后巨大肿瘤的手术经验。方法:为1例青年男性盆腔腹膜后巨大肿瘤患者行机器人辅助腹腔镜手术切除,并结合文献探讨腹膜后表皮样囊肿的诊治方法。结果:患者行机器人辅助腹腔镜下表皮样囊肿切除术,手术完整切除肿瘤,手术时间1.5 h、出血量约8 ml。术后病理诊断为表皮样囊肿。术后1周出院,随访8个月未见囊肿复发及转移。结论:腹膜后表皮样囊肿在临床症状上缺乏特异性,需要与脊索瘤、畸胎瘤等相鉴别;因有感染、恶变的倾向,治疗上应手术切除。机器人辅助腹腔镜手术治疗位于盆腔的腹膜后巨大肿瘤具有良好的适应性。  相似文献   

A 61-year-old male visited our hospital with the chief complaint of a mass in the right scrotum on October 4, 1985. Under the diagnosis of intrascrotal tumor, the mass was resected surgically. It was a subcutaneous tumor, and had no relation to any intrascrotal organ, such as testis, epididymis or spermatic cord. The mass was 7 x 6 x 5 cm. Pathological diagnosis was epidermoid cyst of the scrotum. Epidermoid cyst of the scrotum is a rare disease and only 7 cases have been reported in Japan.  相似文献   

E M Altschuler  C A Jungreis  L N Sekhar  P J Jannetta  P E Sheptak 《Neurosurgery》1990,26(4):606-13; discussion 614
Thirteen patients had operations to remove intracranial epidermoid cysts, and long-term follow-up was obtained. Total or nearly total tumor and capsule removal was accomplished in 7 patients during the initial operation. This group required no additional operations. The other 6 underwent subtotal tumor removal and required multiple operations for symptomatic tumor recurrence. This latter group had a poorer neurological outcome. We conclude that initial total or near-total tumor resection is highly desirable in treating intracranial epidermoid cysts, particularly in physiologically young individuals. Five patients were followed after operations to remove pure cholesterol granulomas of the petroclival bone, and 3 additional patients were followed after operations to remove tumors with combined histopathological features of both an epidermoid cyst and cholesterol granuloma. Four patients with some component of a cholesterol granuloma had concurrent middle ear infections, and 4 did not. Intracranial subtotal excision and drainage of these lesions was the initial operative management in 7 patients, 5 of whom have required multiple operations for symptomatic tumor recurrence. Therefore, we conclude that subtotal excisional procedures for tumors with histopathological features of cholesterol granulomas are not usually successful in establishing long-term cures. Total excision, as recommended for epidermoid cysts, tumors frequently confused with cholesterol granulomas when occupying the petroclival region, may be warranted for these tumors as well. We postulate that when a congenital epidermoid cyst occurs in the petroclival bone, it may incite a local inflammatory reaction, producing lesions which have the histological features of both epidermoid cysts and cholesterol granulomas.  相似文献   

A 74-year-old male with the chief complaint of painless enlargement of a mass in the scrotum was diagnosed as having a giant epidermoid cyst on July 8, 1991. He had no past history of injury or pain of the scrotum. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the scrotum demonstrated a well-circumscribed homogeneous mass, and was distinguished from both normal testes. Under the diagnosis of intrascrotal epidermoid cyst, the mass was resected surgically. The mass measured 23 x 15 x 15 cm, and it contained liquids. The pathological diagnosis was epidermoid cyst of the scrotum.  相似文献   

Epidermoid cysts of the testes in Taiwanese men   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Epidermoid cyst is a rare benign tumor of the testes. The records from the last 20 years of Taiwanese patients in whom a testicular tumor was diagnosed were reviewed retrospectively. Patients with a confirmed epidermoid cyst of testis were evaluated for age, clinical assessment and follow-up. Among a total 146 testicular tumors, 28 (19%) patients had a benign tumor including 15 patients (10%; mean age 23 years, range 17-32 years) with an epidermoid cyst diagnosed pathologically. Pre-operative suspicion of the benign nature of the lesions was supported by testicular ultrasonography in 11 patients. Seven patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging after which benign epidermoid cyst was impressed in five patients. A testicular-sparing operation was performed in 12 patients after frozen sections confirmed the diagnosis. Three patients were treated by radical orchiectomy. There was no relapse after a median follow-up of 42 months (range, 2-82 months). Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging of the scrotum may allow the diagnosis of epidermoid cyst of the testes to be made pre-operatively. The absence of relapse in these patients further supports the use of organ sparing surgery in these young men.  相似文献   

A case of epidermoid cyst of the testis is presented. The patient was a 64-year-old man who complained of a painless mass in the left scrotum. Physical examination revealed a hen-egg sized enlargement of the left scrotal contents. The ultrasonographic appearance did not show a hyperechoic partition, which is called echogenic rim, a characteristic of this tumor on the echoic examination, and was homogeneous, almost similar to that of a normal testis. Because malignant testicular tumors could not be excluded preoperatively, excisional biopsy of the left testis was performed first. Histological diagnosis was an epidermoid cyst of the testis. As the left testis was almost completely occupied by the tumor and no normal testicular tissue was recognized, we performed orchiectomy additionally. Epidermoid cyst of the testis is a rare benign tumor that accounts for about 1 percent of all testicular tumors. It clinically resembles malignant testicular tumors, and orchiectomy is often performed for treatment. About 154 cases of testicular epidermoid cyst have been reported in the Japanese literature and are reviewed briefly here.  相似文献   

Epidermoid cysts represent the most common cutaneous cysts. They are usually small and benign; however, sometimes they can grow to giant epidermoid cists, and occasionally malignancies develop. Giant epidermoid cysts at the earlobe have never been described but in other locations. We describe a case of a giant epidermoid cyst at the earlobe, a location where such a large cyst has never been reported before. The mass was completely resected and the wound of the pedunculated base was sutured with four stitches of nylon 5/0. Histopathology confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of an epidermoid cyst. Six months after the resection, the patient did not have any relapse of the epidermoid cyst. The earlobe is a potential location for giant epidermoid cysts. Although the clinical diagnosis could be enough, due to the possibility of malignancy and to ensure appropriate diagnosis, we consider that all cysts should be sent to the anatomic pathology laboratory for histological evaluation.  相似文献   

Epidermoid cysts are tumors familiar to neurosurgeons, but intramedullary epidermoid cysts are rare. The authors report the case of a 6-year-old girl presenting with progressive paraparesis. A midthoracic intramedullary mass was revealed on myelography and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and confirmed as an intramedullary epidermoid cyst at surgery, at which time the cyst was removed. This is the fourth report documenting a purely intramedullary epidermoid cyst occurring in a child. The pathology and etiology, epidemiology, clinical features, radiology (including MR image characteristics), and surgical treatment of such rare intramedullary benign tumors are discussed. Magnetic resonance imaging reduces the delay in diagnosis of spinal cord tumors but should be guided by clinical judgment.  相似文献   

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