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Aim: To assess cognitive function prospectively in women with early breast cancer before, during and after the administration of adjuvant chemotherapy. Methods: Between May 2000 and November 2001, 35 assessable patients were entered into the study. Thirty‐one received oral cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5‐fluorouracil (CMF) and four received epirubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by CMF ((cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5‐fluorouracil)). Testing consisted of the completion of a battery of neuropsychological and psychological inventories and was performed prior to chemotherapy and repeated after 3 (n = 31) and 6 months (n = 30) of chemotherapy and also 6 months after the completion of chemotherapy (n = 27). Results: Prior to chemotherapy a proportion of the patients already exhibited some evidence of impairment of cognitive function. However, on completion of chemotherapy, the neuropsychological scores for short‐term verbal memory and verbal learning were significantly lower than prior to, or 6 months after chemotherapy. In all other domains, cognitive function either remained constant or even appeared to improve. Symptom scales showed that fatigue, nausea and vomiting, constipation and diarrhea were worst half way through the chemotherapy. Quality of life scales indicated that functioning was best after completion of chemotherapy. Conclusion: Patients with early breast cancer may have impaired cognitive function before chemotherapy. Although transient deteriorations in verbal memory and verbal learning were observed on completion of chemotherapy, overall, cognitive function did not decline. It is likely that practice effects influenced our findings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of fatigue and the course of fatigue as a function of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, a sample of 157 patients with breast cancer were interviewed, using the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist and the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, at the first, third and fifth cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy, as well as 4 and 12 weeks after the last cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients were treated with either a doxorubicin-containing schedule, or cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (CMF). RESULTS: The courses of general and physical fatigue are to a large extent similar. After the last cycle of chemotherapy, the CMF group reported a significant increase in fatigue, which was followed by a significant reduction. In the doxorubicin group a significant increase in fatigue was only seen during the first cycles of chemotherapy. The fatigue experienced at the first and the last measurements do not differ significantly. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of fatigue increased significantly after the start of chemotherapy. After chemotherapy treatment the prevalence rate seemed to decline. A different impact of chemotherapy on the course of fatigue was found. In the doxorubicin group a direct increase in fatigue was found. In the CMF group a moderate direct increase occurred, followed by a delayed strong increase. An increase in fatigue was associated with a decrease in daily functioning. At all measurement occasions fatigue was affected by type of operation, such that women with a mastectomy were more fatigued than women that underwent a lumpectomy. Receiving radiotherapy also led to an increase in fatigue. With this knowledge breast cancer patients can be better informed about what they can expect. Further research should include interventions addressing how to reduce or cope with fatigue during as well as after receiving adjuvant chemotherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to determine the course of fatigue referring to cognitive symptoms (scale 'mental fatigue') as well as the motivation to start any activity (scale 'reduced motivation'), as a function of chemotherapy, in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a prospective cohort study a sample of 157 patients with breast cancer was interviewed at the first, third and fifth cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy as well as 4 and 12 weeks after completion of adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients were treated with standard adjuvant chemotherapy, either a doxorubicin containing schedule or CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil). The psychological dimensions of fatigue were measured by the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory. A linear multilevel model was used for analysing the courses. RESULTS: The course of mental fatigue and motivation were not affected by the type of chemotherapy. The course of mental fatigue and motivation varied, but seemed to be stable during the treatment of chemotherapy. After the completion of chemotherapy, a weak improvement was seen. Relatively many patients experienced depressive symptoms during the study. These symptoms were correlated with both dimensions of fatigue. At all measurements mental fatigue was influenced by type of operation where women with a mastectomy were significantly more mentally fatigued than women that had undergone a lumpectomy, but nevertheless they were significantly more motivated to start any activity. Age, marital status, number of treatments and the interval between the operation and the first treatment of chemotherapy also seemed to be important determinants. CONCLUSIONS: An unequivocal pattern of mental fatigue and reduced motivation during as well as after adjuvant chemotherapy was not found. Depressive symptoms were definitely related to these variables. Type of operation had a significant impact on mental fatigue and motivation to start any activity. Health care providers should be aware of the high rate of patients who experience depressive symptoms during and after the treatment of chemotherapy. Further research should include the trajectory preceding adjuvant chemotherapy and a longer study period afterwards. Moreover, the exact influence of the variables 'age', 'marital status', 'number of treatments' and 'the interval between the operation and the first treatment of chemotherapy' on fatigue is unclear and needs further study.  相似文献   

Fatigue has been recognized as the most frequently reported symptom of cancer and cancer therapy. There is a lack of research on such aspects as the pattern of fatigue which accompanies treatment, its exacerbating and relieving factors, the different mechanisms of fatigue and its relationship with the factors purported to be related to the fatigue experience. It has been suggested that cancer patients may be those best placed to reveal the likely causes of fatigue. As part of a larger study examining the pattern of fatigue in cancer patients who were undergoing a course of chemotherapy treatment, patients’perceptions of fatigue and tiredness and the nature, pattern and causes of fatigue in relation to cancer and its treatment were obtained. In addition to a diary, interviews were conducted at two time points, at the beginning and end of a cycle of chemotherapy, with over 100 cancer patients. Just under 90% of the sample reported fatigue at some point during a cycle of chemotherapy. The majority of the sample did not consider tiredness and fatigue to constitute the same feelings. Subjects attributed their fatigue to a combination of factors but most frequently mentioned treatment, changes in sleep patterns and other symptoms. Implications for practice and research are outlined.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: There is evidence that cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, and menopausal symptoms may occur in women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. Here, we determine their incidence and severity, and interrelationships between them and quality of life. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study, 110 women receiving adjuvant chemotherapy each nominated a female relative, friend, or neighbor (matched by age) as a control; 100 eligible matched pairs were evaluated. Patients and controls completed the following assessments: the High-Sensitivity Cognitive Screen, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) quality of life scale with subscales for fatigue (FACT-F) and endocrine symptoms (FACT-ES). They also performed tests of attention and reaction time. RESULTS: Patients and controls were well matched for age and level of education. There was a higher incidence of moderate or severe cognitive impairment in the patient group (16% v 4%; P =.008). Patients experienced much more fatigue than controls (median FACT-F scores, 31 v 46; P <.0001) and more menopausal symptoms (median FACT-ES scores, 58 v 64; P <.0001). Self-reported quality of life of the patients was poorer than for controls, especially in physical and functional domains (median FACT-G scores, 77 v 93; P <.0001). There was strong correlation between fatigue, menopausal symptoms, and quality of life (P <.0001 for each pair), but none were significantly associated with the presence of cognitive dysfunction. CONCLUSION: Adjuvant chemotherapy causes cognitive dysfunction, fatigue, and menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer. Priority should be given to the study of strategies that might reduce these toxic effects.  相似文献   

Summary Objective. To retrospectively determine the relationship of age to toxicity from adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.Design and Methods We identified 1405 consecutive patients age 65 or older with primary invasive breast cancer who were seen at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center from January 1998 to December 2000. Patients selected from this cohort for analysis were aged 65 or older at diagnosis; received their follow-up care at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; had stage I, II, or III breast cancer; and received adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil), an anthracycline-based regimen (AC [doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide], or AC-T [AC and paclitaxel or docetaxel]). Exclusion criteria included prior chemotherapy or previous breast cancer. Results. One hundred thirty-two patients were included in this study, with a mean age of 70 (range 65–79). Comorbidity measured by the Charlson comorbidity index was low: score 0 (83%), 1 (12%), 2 (5%); with stages: I(18%), IIA (41%), IIB (27%), IIIA (8%), IIIB (6%), T1Nx (1%). Patients receiving an anthracycline-based regimen were more likely to experience grade 3 or 4 toxicity (p=0. 01), require hospitalization (p<0.001), and/or develop febrile neutropenia (p<0.001). Treatment delays due to myelosuppression occurred more frequently in patients receiving CMF (p<0.001). The type of chemotherapy regimen (anthracycline compared to CMF) was a better predictor for toxicity than increased age or comorbidity score. Conclusions. In this cohort of older patients with breast cancer, the risk for toxicity from adjuvant chemotherapy depended more on the type of regimen (anthracycline vs. CMF) than the patient’s chronological age.  相似文献   

Objective: Studies in breast cancer patients indicate that chemotherapy may cause subtle cognitive disturbances in some women, but the course is unclear. The current study evaluated the cognitive effects of adjuvant chemotherapy in post‐menopausal breast cancer patients 1 year following completion of treatment. Patients and methods: Breast cancer patients scheduled to receive adjuvant chemotherapy (n=53) completed comprehensive neuropsychological testing before commencing chemotherapy (T1), 1 month after completing chemotherapy (T2), and again 1 year later (T3). A control group of women receiving adjuvant hormonal therapy (n=40) was tested at comparable intervals. A standardized regression‐based approach was used to identify cognitive decline, and incidence of decline was compared across treatment groups. Results: Whereas at T2, chemotherapy patients were more likely to show cognitive decline than hormonal patients, by T3, the frequency of reliable cognitive decline was the same in both groups (11 and 10%, respectively). However, those chemotherapy patients receiving hormonal therapy at T3 were inferior to the chemotherapy patients not receiving hormonal treatment on composite measures of processing speed and verbal memory. Conclusion: These data suggest that there is a subtle negative impact of chemotherapy on cognitive function in breast cancer patients shortly following completion of treatment, but that this resolves within 1 year. However, given that our control group comprises breast cancer patients receiving hormonal therapy, and indications that hormonal therapy may also adversely affect cognition, such conclusions must be considered tentative. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Cyclophosphamide and other alkylating agents suppress ovarian function in pre-menopausal women. However, endocrine details remain unknown regarding the influence of patients' age and obesity on CMF-induced hormonal changes. We studied changes in endocrine profile due to chemotherapy (CMF) in 70 pre-menopausal patients with axillary node positive, stage II and/or III breast carcinoma. Plasma levels of estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), androstenedione (A2), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactin (PRL) were determined on day 1 and 8 of each chemocycle for 12 cycles. After receiving therapy, 23% of the women continued to have regular menstrual cycles (non-amenorrheic group). In the remaining 77%, ovarian function was suppressed, as evidenced by the onset of amenorrhea within 0–11 months (amenorrheic group). The mean time to amenorrhea was 2.83±0.33 months (SE). The time required to develop amenorrhea inversely correlated to the patient's age. Both incidence of amenorrhea and time to amenorrhea remained unaffected by either patients' obesity or the timing of chemotherapy initiation in relation to menstrual cycle phase (progestational, follicular). Plasma hormone levels fluctuated widely in both groups during the first three chemocycles. During chemocycle months 4 to 10, in the amenorrheic group, plasma E1, E2, and P declined to their baseline levels with a concomitant rise in LH levels. At this time, E1, E2, and P levels were significantly lower in amenorrheics, despite menstrual cycle associated fluctuations in the non-amenorrheic group. Estrogens (E1 and E2) gradually declined further following the onset of amenorrhea in subsequent months. Further data analysis suggests that host age or obesity did not influence CMF-induced changes in the plasma endocrine profile.  相似文献   



This study examined the influence of prior treatment on the course of cognitive functioning in breast cancer survivors. Changes in cognitive functioning over time were compared in breast cancer survivors treated with chemotherapy plus radiotherapy, breast cancer survivors treated with radiotherapy only, and women with no history of cancer.


Stage 0‐II breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy plus radiotherapy (CT group; n = 62) or radiotherapy only (RT group; n = 67) completed neuropsychological assessments 6 months after completing treatment and again 36 months later. Women with no history of cancer (NC group; n = 184) were assessed over a similar interval.


A significant group × time effect was found for processing speed (P = .009) that reflected a tendency for the NC group but not the RT and CT groups to improve over time. There was also a significant group effect for executive functioning (P = .006) that reflected the NC group performing better than the CT and RT groups. Additional analyses found the administration of hormonal therapy was not associated with change over time in cognitive performance.


Findings provide limited support for the view that changes in cognitive functioning in cancer survivors are attributable to chemotherapy administration and illustrate the importance of including a radiotherapy comparison group. Future research should seek to examine possible mechanisms that could explain the apparent prolonged impact of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy on cognitive functioning in breast cancer survivors. Cancer 2012;. © 2011 American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neuropsychological examinations have shown an elevated risk for cognitive impairment 2 years after therapy in breast cancer patients randomized to receive adjuvant high-dose cyclophosphamide, thiotepa, carboplatin (CTC) chemotherapy compared with a non-treated control group of stage I breast cancer patients. Patients randomized to receive standard-dose fluorouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide (FEC) chemotherapy showed no elevated risk compared with controls. However, breast cancer patients treated with conventional cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil (CMF) chemotherapy showed a higher risk of cognitive impairment. The present study was designed to obtain a greater insight into these long-term neuropsychological sequelae following chemotherapy and their course in time. PATIENTS AND METHODS: At 4 years post-therapy, 22 of the original 34 CTC patients, 23 of 36 FEC patients, 31 of 39 CMF patients and 27 of 34 control patients were re-examined with neuropsychological tests. RESULTS: Improvement in performance was observed in all chemotherapy groups, whereas in the control group there was a slight deterioration in test results. A differential attrition was observed among the groups, with a relatively high percentage of initially cognitively impaired patients from the CTC group dropping out due to factors related to disease progression. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that cognitive dysfunction following adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients may be transient. Additional studies are needed to investigate the differential attrition of patients with cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

目的:调查肿瘤患者化疗前后疲劳状况并探讨其影响因素。方法:应用翻译的FSI量表及自行编制的疾病及一般情况登记表,对121例住院肿瘤患者进行面对面问卷式调查,计算FSI量表各维度得分,采用方差分析方法分析其主要影响因素。结果:肿瘤病人化疗前不同性别、不同肿瘤分期疲劳评分有明显差异(P〈0.05)。化疗后疲劳评分多有不同程度的增加,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。使用不同化疗方案的患者化疗后疲劳评分有显著差异(P〈0.05)。化疗过程中有恶心呕吐症状者化疗后疲劳各维度评分均明显增高(P〈0.05)。结论:肿瘤病人化疗后疲劳评分明显增高。女性、肿瘤分期晚、联合化疗、化疗中有恶心呕吐症状疲劳评分较高,不同的化疗药物所导致的疲劳程度不同。  相似文献   

目的:调查肿瘤患者化疗前后疲劳状况并探讨其影响因素。方法:应用翻译的FSI量表及自行编制的疾病及一般情况登记表,对121例住院肿瘤患者进行面对面问卷式调查,计算FSI量表各维度得分,采用方差分析方法分析其主要影响因素。结果:肿瘤病人化疗前不同性别、不同肿瘤分期疲劳评分有明显差异(P<0.05)。化疗后疲劳评分多有不同程度的增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。使用不同化疗方案的患者化疗后疲劳评分有显著差异(P<0.05)。化疗过程中有恶心呕吐症状者化疗后疲劳各维度评分均明显增高(P<0.05)。结论:肿瘤病人化疗后疲劳评分明显增高。女性、肿瘤分期晚、联合化疗、化疗中有恶心呕吐症状疲劳评分较高,不同的化疗药物所导致的疲劳程度不同。  相似文献   



In this study, the authors examined the influence of prior treatment on the course of fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Patients who received chemotherapy were expected to have greater fatigue than patients who received radiotherapy and noncancer controls 6 months after the completion of treatment, but they were expected to recover to levels similar to those of the other 2 groups 3 years later.


Patients with stage 0 through II breast cancer completed the Fatigue Symptom Inventory (FSI) and the Profile of Mood States Fatigue Scale (POMS‐FAT) 6 months (T1) and 42 months (T2) after completing chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy (the CT group; n = 103) or radiotherapy only (the RT group; n = 102). An age‐matched group of women with no history of cancer (the NC group; n = 193) was assessed over a similar interval.


A significant (P = .041) group × time effect for FSI severity scores revealed that fatigue worsened over time in the CT group but remained stable and lower in the RT and NC groups. There also were significant group effects for FSI days (P < .001) and POMS‐FAT (P = .010) scores, indicating that fatigue was significantly greater across time in the CT group than in the NC group (POMS‐FAT) or the RT and NC groups (FSI days).


Contrary to expectations, fatigue did not diminish over time in patients with breast cancer who received chemotherapy. This finding has important implications for patient education and for fatigue monitoring during follow‐up. The authors concluded that future research should seek to examine possible mechanisms to explain the apparent prolonged impact of chemotherapy on fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Cancer 2012. © 2011 American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment associated with adjuvant therapy in breast cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study was to determine whether cognitive function changes over time in women with breast cancer who received adjuvant therapy as compared to women with breast cancer who received no adjuvant therapy. Three groups of women (n = 46) were studied; groups 1 and 2 consisted of women with stage I or II breast cancer. Group 1 received chemotherapy and group 2 received chemotherapy plus tamoxifen. Group 3 consisted of women with ductal carcinoma in situ who received no chemotherapy or tamoxifen. Cognitive function was evaluated at three timepoints. Time 1 occurred after surgery and before chemotherapy initiation in groups 1 and 2. Time 1 for group 3 occurred post-surgery. Time 2 occurred within 1 week after the conclusion of chemotherapy for groups 1 and 2 and at a comparable time for group 3. Time 3 occurred 1 year after Time 2. Women who received chemotherapy plus tamoxifen exhibited deterioration on measures of visual memory and verbal working memory and reported more memory complaints. Women who received chemotherapy alone also exhibited deteriorations in verbal working memory. Conversely, cognitive function scores improved in women who received no therapy, indicating practice effects. In conclusion, adjuvant chemotherapy in women with breast cancer can be associated with deteriorations in memory and this may persist over time. The addition of tamoxifen may lead to more widespread memory deficits.  相似文献   

Cognitive function in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
PURPOSE: Breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy have complained of difficulties in their ability to remember, think, and concentrate. This study assessed whether there are differences in cognitive function between breast cancer patients treated with standard-dose adjuvant chemotherapy compared with healthy controls. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The High Sensitivity Cognitive Screen and the Profile of Mood States (POMS) were used to assess cognitive function and mood in a group of 107 women. The women consisted of 31 breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy (group A), 40 breast cancer patients who had completed adjuvant chemotherapy a median of 2 years earlier (group B), and 36 healthy controls (group C). RESULTS: Univariate analysis showed statistically significant differences (P =.009) in overall cognitive function scores between groups A and C, with poorer function in patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy. These differences remained significant (P =.046) when controlling for age, education level, and menopausal status. More patients had moderate or severe cognitive impairment in groups A and B than in controls (P 相似文献   

Objective: A number of cross‐sectional studies have reported reduced cognitive function in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy compared with other cancer patients and healthy controls, suggesting that chemotherapy could be associated with cognitive side‐effects. Recently published prospective studies question this hypothesis, but it is still unclear whether cancer patients should regard cognitive problems as a potential risk when receiving chemotherapy. Methods: In the present study we examine whether cancer patients (n=34) receiving chemotherapy differed in cognitive changes during treatment compared with cardiac patients (n=12) and healthy controls (n=12) tested at 3–4 months interval. Results: Our results showed no differences with respect to changes in cognitive performance over time between cancer patients in chemotherapy, cardiac patients, and healthy controls. In addition, the number of individuals showing reliable decline or improvement on cognitive tests did not differ between groups. Conclusion: Taken together, our results do not support a hypothesis of cognitive side‐effects of standard‐dose chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the cognitive effects of adjuvant chemotherapy in post-menopausal breast cancer patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Breast cancer patients scheduled to receive adjuvant chemotherapy (n = 61) completed comprehensive cognitive testing before and after treatment. A control group of women receiving adjuvant hormonal therapy (n = 51) was tested at comparable intervals. RESULTS: Mean scores for both patient groups were within the normal range relative to published norms on all cognitive tests at both time points, and generally inclined or stayed the same from baseline to retest in both groups. However, in an analysis of individual change scores, the chemotherapy patients were 3.3 times more likely than the hormonal patients to show reliable cognitive decline (31 and 12%, respectively). Chemotherapy subjects showing decline were less educated and had higher baseline depression scores than their counterparts who did not decline. Working memory was the cognitive domain most vulnerable to the effects of chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: These data support previous findings of a subtle negative influence of chemotherapy on cognitive function in a subgroup of breast cancer patients. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of study design.  相似文献   

Aim:   Previous studies have shown that adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer (EBC) may increase the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Clinical experience suggests the combination of 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (FEC) may be associated with a higher frequency of VTE than other regimens. This study aims to investigate the use of adjuvant FEC compared with other adjuvant regimens in the development of VTE in patients with EBC.
Methods:   A retrospective audit was conducted examining all eligible patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy for EBC in the Australian Capital Territory from 1 January 2005 to 30 June 2007. Data were collected from patients' notes, including risk factors for VTE, tumor pathology, chemotherapy details and incidence of VTE. Comparisons using χ2 tests and independent samples t -tests were made between patients who received FEC and those who received another regimen. Multivariate logistic regression was used to investigate prognostic factors for the development of VTE.
Results:   A total of 325 patients were included in the study, of whom 176 received FEC and 149 received other adjuvant chemotherapy regimens. The incidence of VTE in patients who received FEC was 47/176 (27%), which was significantly higher than for patients who received other regimens (7/149, 5%, P  < 0.001). FEC was the only significant prognostic factor for the development of VTE (OR 7.9, 95% CI 3.3–19.2, P  < 0.001).
Conclusion:   The use of adjuvant FEC chemotherapy is associated with an increased incidence of VTE in patients with EBC compared with other commonly used chemotherapy regimens.  相似文献   

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