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目的:探讨服务娱乐场所高危人群艾滋病干预安全套使用推广有效方法。方法:通过政府支持,多部门配合,多种形式,全民普及艾滋病知识,营造良好的社会环境,反复培训业主、服务小姐深入场所面对面灌输防"艾"和安全套知识,促进服务娱乐场所安全套使用推广。结果:服务场所和暗娼安全套使用率明显提高,艾滋病病毒感染率保持较低水平。结论:服务娱乐场所安全使用推广采取综合干预方法具有良好效果。  相似文献   

目的了解贵州地区农民工群体艾滋病/性病知识、性态度和高危性行为现状,为农民工艾滋病/性病健康教育及对其高危性行为干预提供依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样,对贵阳、安顺和遵义市区的农民工进行艾滋病/性病相关知识、性态度和性行为的现况调查。结果被调查者对艾滋病/性病相关知识知晓率偏低,26.44%的被调查者不能正确回答艾滋病的传播途径,34.81%的农民工赞同婚前性行为,26.33%的被调查者赞同婚外性行为,22.51%的被调查者赞同可拥有多个性伴侣。19.14%的农民工有2个以上性伴侣,其发生性行为时有37.82%的人从未使用安全套。结论被调查农民工对艾滋病/性病有一定程度的认识,但也存在一些误区,其高危性行为问题依然比较严峻。社会各相关部门应将≥40岁、低文化、男性作为控制高危性行为的重点干预人群加以防控。应加强对其进行艾滋病/性病传播途径和预防知识的宣传教育,在此基础上,促使其在高危性行为方面发生转变。  相似文献   

目的:了解某城区男同性恋者的人口学特征(年龄、文化、职业)及其艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为特征,为制定该人群艾滋病预防措施提供依据。方法:采用流行病学现况研究方法,用"滚雪球"的方式在"同志"社区中设调查点,以"同志"民间协会组织志愿者,同伴教育推引等多种方法相结合寻找被调查对象。结果:309例被调查对象中,30岁以下者265例,占85.8%;大专及以上学历者187例,占60.5%;政府公务员、事业单位人员187例(60.5%),学生91例(29.4%);96.8%(299例)的被调查对象愿意或非常愿意获得艾滋病防治知识;201例(65.1%)认为自己是男同性恋者(MSM),76例(24.6%)承认双性恋;最近半年有117例(37.9%)与至少3例及以上男性发生过插入性性行为,61例(19.7%)有2例及以上固定男性伴;最近半年肛交时经常使用安全套(>80%)的有140例(45.3%),偶尔使用或从未使用的有34例(11.0%)。结论:被调查地区男同性恋者表现出低龄、较高文化程度、职业收入稳定,性伴多、高危行为发生频次高、安全套使用率低的特点,绝大多数(96.8%)非常愿意或愿意获得艾滋病防治知识,应引起相关部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

农民工与艾滋病有关的性态度性行为调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解农民工与艾滋病有关的性态度、性行为现状,为开展农民工人群预防和控制高危灶行为及艾滋病的健康教育提供基线资料.方法 采用方便整群抽样的方法对西安市9大建筑工地符合入选标准的936名男性农民工进行与艾滋病有关的性态度、性行为问卷调查.结果 农民工性态度的总分为10.5±4.1;19.8%同意或非常同意婚前性行为,12.7%同意或非常同意婚外性行为,10.1%同意或非常同意多个性伙伴,4.9%同意或非常同意卖淫,6.4%同意或非常同意嫖娼.在已婚农民工中,27.1%有婚外性伙伴,48.9%初次性行为在20~25岁,26.8%有2个及以上性伙伴;69.4%初次性行为时不使用安全套,43.1%不知道如何正确使用安全套,53.9%性生活时自己不愿意使用安全套,51.7%性生活时性伙伴不愿使用安全套,47.0%与配偶性生活时从不使用安全套;20.6%与配偶性生活时不知道使用安全套的目的;婚外性行为时47.0%从不使用安全套,仅16.1%知道使用安全套的目的;性行为前自己及其性伙伴饮酒、吸毒分别占23.0%和9.2%.在未婚农民工中,62.2%有过性行为,44.3%初次性行为年龄<20岁,47.8%有2个及以上性伙伴;89.4%初次性行为时不使用安全套,67.0%不会正确使用安全套,31.1%性生活时自己不愿意使用安全套,25.2%性生活时性伴侣不愿意使用安全套;婚外性行为时43.6%从不使用安全套,16.2%不知道使用安全套的目的;性行为前自己及其性伙伴饮酒及吸毒分别占45.1%和12.6%.结论 农民工人群中有相当数量的人对婚前、婚外及多性伴性行为和卖淫、嫖娼等商业性性行为比较宽容和开放,农民工人群中婚外、婚前及多性伴性行为的发生率较高,发生婚前、婚外及多性伴性行为时避孕套的使用率及正确使用率低,加强农民工有关预防性病、艾滋病的健康教育刻不容缓.  相似文献   

目的 了解性病门诊男就诊者的艾滋病知识知晓情况和安全套使用情况,分析其影响因素.方法 采用匿名、自填调查问卷方法进行密闭式调查,问卷内容包括一般情况、性行为取向、安全套使用情况、艾滋病有关性行为状况及艾滋病知识知晓情况等,采用Epidata、SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析.结果 艾滋病知识知晓率,农民组、非农民组、公务员组依次递增,安全套使用率和艾滋病知识知晓率成正比,未婚组和咨询组安全套使用率和艾滋病知识知晓率高于其他组.结论 安全套使用率和艾滋病知识知晓率与文化程度成正比,应加大艾滋病知识的宣传力度,重点是低文化程度层次人群的宣传力度.  相似文献   

目的 了解桂西山区女性性服务者性病/艾滋病(STD/AIDS)感染率及相关认知行为状况,为制订防治策略和健康教育提供参考.方法 在规范化性病门诊或现场采样以一对一匿名的形式对女性性服务者236人进行STD/AIDS相关认知行为调查、妇科常规及STD/AIDS专项筛查.结果 236人中,性病患病率16.95%,女性生殖道感染率27.54%,外阴部传染性软疣感染率1.69%,AIDS患病率0.42%.AIDS基本知识的知晓率为47.88%,55.08%对性病主要症状缺乏认识,安全套使用率为31.36%;出现可疑性病症状时无1人立即就诊,过后选择正规渠道就诊仅占53.85%.51.69%女性性服务者希望接受健康教育咨询服务.结论 桂西山区女性性服务者对STD/AIDS知识了解甚少,STD/AIDS相关危险行为发生率高,出现可疑性病症状后就诊率及规范化诊治率低,性病及女性生殖道感染发生率高.对该人群因地制宜大力开展STD/AIDS一级预防的同时,应强调规范化就医的重要性和必要性,提高目标人群自我防病能力和改变不良性行为的依从性,努力提高STD/AIDS知晓率、治疗率及控制率,从而减缓和阻止艾滋病通过性乱人群向一般人群传播.  相似文献   

目的 了解艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)者及HIV阳性人群现状,以针对性地制订健康教育及干预措施.方法 回顾性分析武汉市2004~2006年50个VCT门诊19334名自愿参加HIV抗体检测者的资料.结果 HIV阳性65人,占0.34%;不同学历、婚姻状况求询者阳性率比较,差异无显著性意义(均P>0.05),男性及不使用安全套者阳性率显著高于女性及使用安全套者(P<0.05,P<0.01),阳性检出者均有高危行为;7748人(40.07%)询问感染HIV后的典型症状,3153人(16.31%)询问做HIV检测的方法及准确性.结论 武汉市经VCT检出H1V阳性率较高,应针对男性、有高危行为及不使用安全套者开展安全性行为、推广使用安全套等教育.  相似文献   

农民工艾滋病知识、态度、行为及其相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解农民工艾滋病知识、态度及行为现状,并分析其关系,为实施针对性干预提供参考。方法随机整群抽取西安市9大建筑工地936名农民工进行艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查。结果936名农民工有85.0%听说过艾滋病,知识来源排前三的为电影电视(35.6%)、报纸杂志(27.4%)及广播(16.9%);80.0%愿意接受艾滋病教育;艾滋病知识得分26.8±5.7,态度得分55.3±11.2;2.7%~6.0%有卖血、吸毒等与艾滋病相关的高危行为。农民工艾滋病知识与态度呈显著正相关(P0.01),艾滋病知识、态度与行为之间无明显相关性(均P0.05)。结论农民工艾滋病相关知识缺乏,大部分对艾滋病持害怕、歧视态度;存在一定比率的高危行为,有接受健康教育的意愿。针对性的强化和普及教育,可望提高农民工的艾滋病知识,从而改变错误态度和高危行为。  相似文献   

目的:了解艾滋病(AIDS)感染者中男男性行为(MSM)人群高危性行为相关因素和心理状况。方法对112例艾滋病感染者中男男性行为者进行面对面问卷调查,并采集每位调查对象静脉血检测梅毒特异性和非特异性抗体。结果112例调查对象中,梅毒感染所占比例达35.7%(40/112),其中现症梅毒感染占13.4%(15/112);安全套使用方面,在知道自己感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)前,安全套“每次都用”所占总比例均低于30.0%;不用安全套原因中,“没有准备安全套”、“对方不愿意使用”和“使用安全套影响双方的亲密感和信任感”所占比例较高,分别为35.7%(40/112)、28.6%(32/112)和25.9%(29/112);最初知道自己感染HIV后表示“能接受,已经有心理准备”的比例最高,占62.5%(70/112),“绝望,感觉世界末日到了”的占34.8%(39/112),“愤怒,决定报复”的占3.6%(4/112);感受方面感觉有“压力”、“孤独情绪”和“社会歧视”的分别占75.9%(85/112)、58.9%(66/112)和40.2%(45/112);今后愿意找“感染者”为性伴的比例最高,占61.6%(69/112);愿意主动告知“值得信赖的人”和“固定同性性伴”自身已感染HIV的占较高比例,分别为67.9%(76/112)和29.5%(33/112);有66.1%(74/112)受访者表示愿意动员固定同性性伴检测抗-HIV,39.3%(44/112)受访者愿意动员偶遇同性性伴。结论本次回顾性调查发现感染者中梅毒感染率较高,而安全套每次使用率较低,且部分调查对象虽能够理性接受自己感染HIV的事实,但有愤怒、决定报复等负面情绪的感染者也占一定比例。故在今后的工作中,针对感染者和未感染者应分别在心理干预和行为干预方面下功夫,从而有效地遏制艾滋病等经性传播疾病的二代传播。  相似文献   

高危人群性传播疾病/艾滋病的KABP调查   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的 :调查南京地区高危人群性传播疾病 /艾滋病 (STD/AIDS)方面的知识、态度、行为和观念 (KABP) ,为制定相关政策和资源分配提供依据。 方法 :对 72 0例某收容教育所学员以问卷形式进行调查。 结果 :调查对象对STD/AIDS相关知识认识不全面 ;性交易时预防性病的措施不正确 ,安全套使用率低 ;患性病时常到个体诊所进行不正规治疗。 结论 :高危人群对STD/AIDS的认识和预防措施有待提高 ,求医方式需加以正确的引导 ,建立相应的社会支持系统是性健康教育的关键所在。  相似文献   

杭州健康女性定量骨超声测定原发性骨质疏松   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 评价杭州健康女性骨超声速度(SOS)值随增龄减少和骨质疏松患病率,建立杭州地区女性骨超声速度值参考数据库。方法 定量超声法测定1208例杭州地区健康女性桡骨远端(RAD),第3指骨近节(PLX),第V跖骨(MTR)和胫骨中段(TIB)的超声速度值。结果 RAD、PLX、MTR和TIBSOS峰值(Peak of SOS)均出现在40-45岁,TJB的SOS峰值出现在35—40岁,此后随年龄增长而下降。绝经后妇女在绝经后早期和晚期各有1个SOS快速减少期,前见于桡骨近端,平均年减少率为2.4%,后见于胫骨中段,平均年减少率为1.8%。各部位骨SOS累积减少率随年龄增长而增加,到85岁4部位累积减少为13%-18%。60岁以后骨质疏松性症(OP)检出率为45%-70%,OP检出率以桡骨远端最高,60-70岁平均为67%,第3指骨近端次之约50%,胫骨中段最低为36%;75岁以后分别为70%,65%和45%。结论 全身各部位骨超声速度值到达峰值的年龄不同,峰值也各有差异。绝经后妇女骨超声速度值随年龄增加减少较快,应予激素和补钙治疗,桡骨远端为本地区SOS检测和OP检出的敏感部位。  相似文献   

The authors propose to use more often echocardiography (EchoCG) in examination of elderly (over 60 years) of age patients with cholecystitis that permits to increase surgical activity to 92.4%. Left ventricular ejection fraction is the most informative. When this fraction is lower than 45% surgery must be recommended on vital indications only. EchoCG was used in 155 patients with cholecystitis, 131 of them were operated. 2 (1.52%) patients died due to acute cardio-vascular insufficiency and pulmonary artery thromboembolism.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

目的 评价脊髓胶质细胞在小鼠骨癌痛形成中的作用.方法 健康雄性C3H/He小鼠40只,周龄8~10周,体重18~22 g,随机分为4组(n=10):假手术组(S组)、骨癌痛组(B组)、PBS组(P组)和米诺环素组(M组).S组跟骨骨髓腔内注射PBS 10 μl;余3组跟骨骨髓腔内注射含2×105个骨纤维肉瘤细胞的PBS 10 μl制备骨癌痛模型,于造模前即刻开始PBS组鞘内注射PBS 5μl,M组鞘内注射米诺环素(用PBS溶解为0.2 mmol/L)5μl,1次/d,连续11 d.于造模前1 d、造模后即刻、3、5、7、9、11 d时测定机械痛阈;于造模后3、7、9、11 d机械痛阈测定结束后测定冷痛阈.痛阈测定结束后处死小鼠,取脊髓组织,测定神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和CD11b的表达水平.结果 与S组比较,B组和P组造模后3-11 d时、M组造模后3、5 d时机械痛阈升高,B组、P组和M组造模后7~11 d时冷痛阈升高,脊髓CD11b和GFAP表达上调(P<0.05).与B组比较,M组造模后3-11 d时机械痛阈降低,造模后7-11 d时冷痛阈降低,脊髓CD11b和GFAP表达下调(P<0.05).结论 脊髓胶质细胞(星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞)的激活参与了小鼠骨癌痛的形成.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the role of gliocyte in the spinal cord in the development of bone cancer pain (BCP) in mice. Methods Forty male C3H/He mice aged 8-10 weeks weighing 18-22 g were randomly divided into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (group S) , group II BCP, group Ⅲ PBS and group IV minocyline (group M) . In group BCP, PBS and M, bone cancer pain was produced by injection of NCTC2472 fibrosarcoma cell suspension (2 x 105 cells) 10 μl into medullary cavity of calcaneus bone, while in group S, PBS solution 10 μl was injected instead of cancer cell suspension. In group PBS and M, PBS 5 μl and minocyline 5 μl (dissolved to 0.2 mmol/L in PBS)_were given IT immediately before cancer cell inoculation once a day for 11 consecutive days respectively. Mechanical pain threshold was measured at 1 d before cancer cell inoculation, and at 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. Cold pain threshold was measured at 3, 7, 9 and 11d after cancer cell inoculation. The animals were killed after measurement of pain threshold and L4-6, segment of spinal cord was removed for determination of GFAP and CD11b expression by Western blot. Results Compared with group S, mechanical pain threshold was significantly increased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation in group BCP and PBS, and at 3 and S d after cancer cell inoculation in group M, and cold pain threshold was significantly increased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was up-regulated in group BCP, PBS and M ( P < 0.05) . Compared with group BCP, mechanical pain threshold was significantly decreased at 3-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, cold pain threshold was significantly decreased at 7-11 d after cancer cell inoculation, and expression of CD11b and GFAP was down-regulated in group M ( P <0.05) . ConclusionThe activiton of gliocyte in the spinal cord is involved in the development of bone cancer pian in mice.  相似文献   

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