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Management of brain tumours in children would benefit from improved non‐invasive diagnosis, characterisation and prognostic biomarkers. Metabolite profiles derived from in‐vivo MRS have been shown to provide such information. Studies indicate that using optimum a priori information on metabolite contents in the construction of linear combination (LC) models of MR spectra leads to improved metabolite profile estimation. Glycine (Gly) is usually neglected in such models due to strong overlap with myo‐inositol (mI) and a low concentration in normal brain. However, biological studies indicate that Gly is abundant in high‐grade brain tumours. This study aimed to investigate the quantitation of Gly in paediatric brain tumours using MRS analysed by LCModel?, and its potential as a non‐invasive biomarker of malignancy. Single‐voxel MRS was performed using PRESS (TR 1500 ms, TE 30 ms/135 ms) on a 1.5 T scanner. Forty‐seven cases (18 high grade (HG), 17 low grade (LG), 12 ungraded) were retrospectively selected if both short‐TE and long‐TE MRS (n = 33) or short‐TE MRS and high‐resolution magic‐angle spinning (HRMAS) of matched surgical samples (n = 15) were available. The inclusion of Gly in LCModel? analyses led to significantly reduced fit residues for both short‐TE and long‐TE MRS (p < 0.05). The Gly concentrations estimated from short‐TE MRS were significantly correlated with the long‐TE values (R = 0.91, p < 0.001). The Gly concentration estimated by LCModel? was significantly higher in HG versus LG tumours for both short‐TE (p < 1e‐6) and long‐TE (p = 0.003) MRS. This was consistent with the HRMAS results, which showed a significantly higher normalised Gly concentration in HG tumours (p < 0.05) and a significant correlation with the normalised Gly concentration measured from short‐TE in‐vivo MRS (p < 0.05). This study suggests that glycine can be reliably detected in paediatric brain tumours using in‐vivo MRS on standard clinical scanners and that it is a promising biomarker of tumour aggressiveness. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

(1)H MRS has great potential for the clinical investigation of childhood brain tumours, but the low incidence in, and difficulties of performing trials on, children have hampered progress in this area. Most studies have used a long-TE, thus limiting the metabolite information obtained, and multivariate analysis has been largely unexplored. Thirty-five children with untreated cerebellar tumours (18 medulloblastomas, 12 pilocytic astrocytomas and five ependymomas) were investigated using a single-voxel short-TE PRESS sequence on a 1.5 T scanner. Spectra were analysed using LCModel(TM) to yield metabolite profiles, and key metabolite assignments were verified by comparison with high-resolution magic-angle-spinning NMR of representative tumour biopsy samples. In addition to univariate metabolite comparisons, the use of multivariate classifiers was investigated. Principal component analysis was used for dimension reduction, and linear discriminant analysis was used for variable selection and classification. A bootstrap cross-validation method suitable for estimating the true performance of classifiers in small datasets was used. The discriminant function coefficients were stable and showed that medulloblastomas were characterised by high taurine, phosphocholine and glutamate and low glutamine, astrocytomas were distinguished by low creatine and high N-acetylaspartate, and ependymomas were differentiated by high myo-inositol and glycerophosphocholine. The same metabolite features were seen in NMR spectra of ex vivo samples. Successful classification was achieved for glial-cell (astrocytoma + ependymoma) versus non-glial-cell (medulloblastoma) tumours, with a bootstrap 0.632 + error, e(B.632+), of 5.3%. For astrocytoma vs medulloblastoma and astrocytoma vs medulloblastoma vs ependymoma classification, the e(B.632+) was 6.9% and 7.1%, respectively. The study showed that (1)H MRS detects key differences in the metabolite profiles for the main types of childhood cerebellar tumours and that discriminant analysis of metabolite profiles is a promising tool for classification. The findings warrant confirmation by larger multi-centre studies. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

NMR-visible lipid signals detected in vivo by 1H MRS are associated with tumour aggression and believed to arise from cytoplasmic lipid droplets. High-resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) 1H MRS and Nile Red staining were performed on human brain tumour biopsy specimens to investigate how NMR-visible lipid signals relate to viable cells and levels of necrosis across different grades of glioma. Presaturation spectra were acquired from 24 adult human astrocytoma biopsy samples of grades II (8), III (2) and IV (14) using HRMAS 1H MRS and quantified using LCModel to determine lipid concentrations. Each biopsy sample was then refrozen, cryostat sectioned, and stained with Nile Red, to determine the number of lipid droplets and droplet size distribution, and with Haematoxylin and Eosin, to determine cell density and percentage necrosis. A strong correlation (R=0.92, P<0.0001) was found between the number of Nile Red-stained droplets and the approximately 1.3 ppm lipid proton concentration by 1H MRS. Droplet sizes ranged from 1 to 10 microm in diameter, and the size distribution was constant independent of tumour grade. In the non-necrotic biopsy samples, the number of lipid droplets correlated with cell density, whereas in the necrotic samples, there were greater numbers of droplets that showed a positive correlation with percentage necrosis. The correlation between 1H MRS lipid signals and number of Nile Red-stained droplets, and the presence of lipid droplets in the non-necrotic biopsy specimens provide good evidence that the in vivo NMR-visible lipid signals are cytoplasmic in origin and that formation of lipid droplets precedes necrosis.  相似文献   

MR metabolic profiling of the prostate is promising as an additional diagnostic approach to separate indolent from aggressive prostate cancer. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between the Gleason score and the metabolic biomarker (choline + creatine + spermine)/citrate (CCS/C) measured by ex vivo high‐resolution magic angle spinning MRS (HR‐MAS MRS) and in vivo MRSI, and to evaluate the correlation between in vivo‐ and ex vivo‐measured metabolite ratios from spatially matched prostate regions. Patients (n = 13) underwent in vivo MRSI prior to radical prostatectomy. A prostate tissue slice was snap‐frozen shortly after surgery and the locations of tissue samples (n = 40) collected for ex vivo HR‐MAS were matched to in vivo MRSI voxels (n = 40). In vivo MRSI was performed on a 3T clinical MR system and ex vivo HR‐MAS on a 14.1T magnet. Relative metabolite concentrations were calculated by LCModel fitting of in vivo spectra and by peak integration of ex vivo spectra. Spearman's rank correlations (ρ) between CCS/C from in vivo and ex vivo MR spectra, and with their corresponding Gleason score, were calculated. There was a strong positive correlation between the Gleason score and CCS/C measured both in vivo and ex vivo (ρ = 0.77 and ρ = 0.69, respectively; p < 0.001), and between in vivo and ex vivo metabolite ratios from spatially matched regions (ρ = 0.67, p < 0.001). Our data indicate that MR metabolic profiling is a potentially useful tool for the assessment of cancer aggressiveness. Moreover, the good correlation between in vivo‐ and ex vivo‐measured CCS/C demonstrates that our method is able to bridge MRSI and HR‐MAS molecular analysis. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate determination of the concentration of the metabolites contained in intact human biopsies of 10 glioblastoma multiforme samples was achieved using one-dimensional (1)H high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR combined with ERETIC (electronic reference to in vivo concentrations) measurements. The amount of sample used ranged from 6.8 to 12.9 mg. Metabolite concentrations were measured in each sample using two methods: with DSS (2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate sodium salt) as an internal reference and with ERETIC as an external electronically generated reference. The ERETIC signal was shown to be highly reproducible and did not affect the spectral quality. The concentrations calculated by the ERETIC method in model solutions were shown to be independent of the salt concentration in the range typically found in biological samples (0-250 mM). The ERETIC method proved to be straightforward to use in tissues and much more robust than the internal standard method. The concentrations calculated using the internal DSS concentration were systematically found to be higher than those determined using the ERETIC technique. These results indicate a possible interaction of the DSS molecules with the biopsy sample. Moreover, variations in the sample preparation process, with possible loss of DSS solution, may hamper the quantification process, as happens in one of the ten samples analysed. In this study, the ERETIC method was validated on model solutions and used in brain tumour tissues. Calculated metabolite concentrations obtained with the ERETIC procedure matched the values determined in the same type of tumours by in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro methodologies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of dynamic contrast‐enhanced (DCE) MRI, in vivo 1H MRS and ex vivo high resolution magic angle spinning (HR MAS) MRS of tissue samples as methods to detect early treatment effects of docetaxel in a breast cancer xenograft model (MCF‐7) in mice. MCF‐7 cells were implanted subcutaneously in athymic mice and treated with docetaxel (20, 30, and 40 mg/kg) or saline six weeks later. DCE‐MRI and in vivo 1H MRS were performed on a 7 T MR system three days after treatment. The dynamic images were used as input for a two‐compartment model, yielding the vascular parameters Ktrans and ve. HR MAS MRS, histology, and immunohistochemical staining for proliferation (Ki‐67), apoptosis (M30 cytodeath), and vascular/endothelial cells (CD31) were performed on excised tumor tissue. Both in vivo spectra and HR MAS spectra were used as input for multivariate analysis (principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares regression analysis (PLS)) to compare controls to treated tumors. Tumor growth was suppressed in docetaxel‐treated mice compared to the controls. The anti‐tumor effect led to an increase in Ktrans and ve values in all the treated groups. Furthermore, in vivo MRS and HR MAS MRS revealed a significant decrease in choline metabolite levels for the treated groups, in accordance with reduced proliferative index as seen on Ki‐67 stained sections. In this study DCE‐MRI, in vivo MRS and ex vivo HR MAS MRS have been used to demonstrate that docetaxel treatment of a human breast cancer xenograft model results in changes in the vascular dynamics and metabolic profile of the tumors. This indicates that these MR methods could be used to monitor intra‐tumoral treatment effects. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) (1)H NMR of biopsy tissue provides a biochemical profile that has potential diagnostic and prognostic value, and can aid interpretation of the lower-resolution (1)H-NMR spectra obtained in vivo. However, the biochemical profile obtained may be affected by experimental factors such as a period of ischaemia before snap-freezing of the biopsy tissue for subsequent analysis and the mechanical stress of the spinning procedure of HRMAS itself. We have used normal rat brain cortex as a 'gold standard', either funnel-frozen or deliberately allowed to become ischaemic for set periods of time before snap-freezing, to quantitatively investigate these two effects. In addition, we have compared biochemical changes that occur in normal rat brain during HRMAS (spun continuously at 5 kHz for 4 h at 4 degrees C as could be required for a two-dimensional acquisition) with those that occur in biopsy samples from low-grade and high-grade adult human astrocytomas, during the same HRMAS procedure. Significant changes due to delayed initial sample freezing were noted in metabolites associated with glycolysis (alanine, glucose and lactate), as expected. However, for the funnel-frozen rat tissue at 4 degrees C, there were even more significant changes, which appear to be the result of extended spinning at 5 kHz. In particular, the 18% total creatine increase observed is unlikely to be de novo synthesis of creatine. More likely, the asymptotic exponential increase in creatine suggests an exponential release of an NMR-invisible bound creatine store as a result of tissue damage from mechanical stress of sample spinning. Overall, it appears that tissue ischaemia during biopsy excision and delays in snap-freezing may have less significant effects on metabolite profile than the prolonged spinning times required for two-dimensional HRMAS, and this must be accounted for when results are being interpreted.  相似文献   

High‐resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) MRS is a powerful method for gaining insight into the physiological and pathological processes of cellular metabolism. Given its ability to obtain high‐resolution spectra of non‐liquid biological samples, while preserving tissue architecture for subsequent histopathological analysis, the technique has become invaluable for biochemical and biomedical studies. Using HRMAS MRS, alterations in measured metabolites, metabolic ratios, and metabolomic profiles present the possibility to improve identification and prognostication of various diseases and decipher the metabolomic impact of drug therapies. In this review, we evaluate HRMAS MRS results on human tissue specimens from malignancies and non‐localized diseases reported in the literature since the inception of the technique in 1996. We present the diverse applications of the technique in understanding pathological processes of different anatomical origins, correlations with in vivo imaging, effectiveness of therapies, and progress in the HRMAS methodology.  相似文献   

(1)H MRS is an attractive choice for non-invasively diagnosing brain tumours. Many studies have been performed to create an objective decision support system, but there is not yet a consensus as to the best techniques of MRS acquisition or data processing to be used for optimum classification. In this study, we investigate whether LCModel analysis of short-TE (30 ms), single-voxel tumour spectra provide a better input for classification than the use of the original spectra. A total of 145 histologically diagnosed brain tumour spectra were acquired [14 astrocytoma grade II (AS2), 15 astrocytoma grade III (AS3), 42 glioblastoma (GBM), 41 metastases (MET) and 33 meningioma (MNG)], and linear discriminant analyses (LDA) were performed on the LCModel analysis of the spectra and the original spectra. The results consistently suggest improvement in classification when the LCModel concentrations are used. LDA of AS2, MNG and high-grade tumours (HG, comprising GBM and MET) correctly classified 94% using the LCModel dataset compared with 93% using the spectral dataset. The inclusion of AS3 reduced the accuracy to 82% and 78% for LCModel analysis and the original spectra, respectively, and further separating HG into GBM and MET gave 70% compared with 60%. Generally MNG spectra have profiles that are visually distinct from those of the other tumour types, but the classification accuracy was typically about 80%, with MNG with substantial lipid/macromolecule signals being classified as HG. Omission of the lipid/macromolecule concentrations in the LCModel dataset provided an improvement in classification of MNG (91% compared with 76%). In conclusion, there appears to be an advantage to performing pattern recognition on the quantitative analysis of tumour spectra rather than using the whole spectra. However, the results suggest that a two-step LDA process may help in classifying the five tumour groups to provide optimum classification of MNG with high lipid/macromolecule contributions which maybe misclassified as HG.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid malignancy in children. The disease possesses a broad range of clinical phenotypes with widely varying prognoses. Numerous studies have sought to identify the associated genetic abnormalities in the tumour, resulting in the identification of useful prognostic markers. In particular, the presence of multiple copies of the MYCN oncogene (referred to as MYCN amplification) has been found to confer a poor prognosis. However, the molecular pathways involved are as yet poorly defined. Metabolite profiles generated by in vitro (1)H MRS provide a means of investigating the downstream metabolic consequences of genetic alterations and can identify potential targets for new agents. Thirteen neuroblastoma cell lines possessing multiple genetic alterations were investigated; seven were MYCN amplified and six MYCN non-amplified. In vitro magic angle spinning (1)H MRS was performed on cell suspensions, and the spectra analysed to obtain metabolite concentration ratios relative to total choline (tCho). A principal component analysis using these concentration ratios showed that MYCN-amplified and non-amplified cell lines form separate classes according to their metabolite profiles. Phosphocholine/tCho and taurine/tCho were found to be significantly raised (p < 0.05) and glycerophosphocholine/tCho significantly reduced (p < 0.05) in the MYCN-amplified compared with the MYCN non-amplified cell lines (two-tailed t test). (1)H MRS of the SH-EP1 cell line and an isogenic cell line transfected with the MYCN oncogene also showed that MYCN oncogene over-expression causes alterations in phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine and taurine concentrations. Molecular pathways of choline and taurine metabolism are potential targets for new agents tailored to MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) one- and two-dimensional 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been used to study intact glioblastoma (GBM) brain tumour tissue. The results were compared with in vitro chemical extract and in vivo spectra. The resolution of 1H one-dimensional, 1H TOCSY and 13C HSQC HR-MAS spectra is comparable to that obtained on perchloric extracts. 13C HSQC HR-MAS spectra have been particularly useful for the identification of 37 different metabolites in intact biopsy tumours, excluding water and DSS components. To our knowledge, this is the most detailed assignment of biochemical compounds obtained in intact human tissue, in particular in brain tumour tissue. Tissue degradation during the recording of the NMR experiment was avoided by keeping the sample at a temperature of 4 degrees C. Detailed metabolical compositions of 10 GBM (six primary, two secondary and two unclassified) were obtained. A good correlation between ex vivo and in vivo MRS has been found.  相似文献   

High‐resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) MRS allows for direct measurements of non‐liquid tissue and cell specimens to present valuable insights into the cellular metabolisms of physiological and pathological processes. HRMAS produces high‐resolution spectra comparable to those obtained from solutions of specimen extracts but without complex metabolite extraction processes, and preserves the tissue cellular structure in a form suitable for pathological examinations following spectroscopic analysis. The technique has been applied in a wide variety of biomedical and biochemical studies and become one of the major platforms of metabolomic studies. By quantifying single metabolites, metabolite ratios, or metabolic profiles in their entirety, HRMAS presents promising possibilities for diagnosis and prediction of clinical outcomes for various diseases, as well as deciphering of metabolic changes resulting from drug therapies or xenobiotic interactions. In this review, we evaluate HRMAS MRS results on animal models and cell lines reported in the literature, and present the diverse applications of the method for the understanding of pathological processes and the effectiveness of therapies, development of disease animal models, and new progress in HRMAS methodology.  相似文献   

The impact of high‐resolution magic angle spinning (HR‐MAS) spectroscopy on the histopathologic and mRNA integrity of human prostate tissues was evaluated. Forty prostate tissues were harvested at transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided biopsy (n = 20) or radical prostatectomy surgery (n = 20), snap‐frozen on dry ice, and stored at ?80°C until use. Twenty‐one samples (n = 11 biopsy, n = 10 surgical) underwent HR‐MAS spectroscopy prior to histopathologic and cDNA microarray analysis, while 19 control samples (n = 9 biopsy, n = 10 surgical) underwent only histopathologic and microarray analysis. Frozen tissues were sectioned at 14‐µm intervals and placed on individual histopathology slides. Every 8th slide was stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and used to target areas of predominantly epithelial tissue on the remaining slides for mRNA integrity and cDNA microarray analysis. Histopathologic integrity was graded from 1 (best) to 5 (worst) by two ‘blinded’ pathologists. Histopathologic integrity scores were not significantly different for post‐surgical tissues (HR‐MAS vs controls); however, one pathologist's scores were significantly lower for biopsy tissues following HR‐MAS while the other pathologist's scores were not. mRNA integrity assays were performed using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and the electrophoretic traces were scored with an RNA integrity number (RIN) from 1 (degraded) to 10 (intact). RIN scores were not significantly different for surgical tissues, but were significantly lower for biopsy tissues following HR‐MAS spectroscopy. The isolated mRNA then underwent two rounds of amplification, conversion to cDNA, coupling to Cy3 and Cy5 dyes, microarray hybridization, imaging, and analysis. Significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) identified no significantly over‐ or under‐expressed genes, including 14 housekeeping genes, between HR‐MAS and control samples of surgical and biopsy tissues (5% false discovery rate). This study demonstrates that histopathologic and genetic microarray analysis can be successfully performed on prostate surgical and biopsy tissues following HR‐MAS analysis; however, biopsy tissues are more fragile than surgical tissues. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High Resolution – Magic Angle Spinning (HR‐MAS) spectroscopy provides rich biochemical profiles that require accurate quantification to permit biomarker identification and to understand the underlying pathological mechanisms. Meanwhile, quantification of HR‐MAS data from prostate tissue samples is challenging due to significant overlap between the resonant peaks, the presence of short metabolites such as citrate or polyamines (T2 from 25 to 100 msec) and macromolecules, and variations in chemical shifts and s within a metabolite's spin systems. Since existing methods do not address these challenges completely, a new quantification method was developed and optimized for HR‐MAS data acquired with an ultra short TE and over 30,000 data points. The proposed method, named HR‐QUEST (High Resolution – QUEST), iteratively employs the QUEST time‐domain semi‐parametric strategy with a new model function that incorporates prior knowledge from whole and subdivided metabolite signals. With these features, HR‐QUEST is able to independently fit the chemical shifts and s of a metabolite's spin systems, a necessity for HR‐MAS data. By using the iterative fitting approach, it is able to account for significant contributions from macromolecules and to handle shorter T2 metabolites, such as citrate and polyamines. After subdividing the necessary metabolite basis signals, the root mean square (RMS) of the residual was reduced by 52% for measured HR‐MAS data from prostate tissue. Monte Carlo studies on simulated spectra with varied macromolecular contributions showed that the iterative fitting approach (6 iterations) coupled with inclusion of long T2 macromolecule components in the basis set improve the quality of the fit, as assessed by the reduction of the RMS of the residual and of the RMS error of the metabolite signal estimate, by 27% and 71% respectively. With this optimized configuration, HR‐QUEST was applied to measured HR‐MAS prostate data and reliably quantified 16 metabolites and reference signals with estimated Cramér Rao Bounds ≤5%. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the metabolic changes in the transition from pre-invasive to invasive cervical cancer using high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) MRS. Biopsy specimens were obtained from women with histologically normal cervix (n = 5), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN; mild, n = 5; moderate/severe, n = 40), and invasive cancer (n = 23). (1)H HR-MAS MRS data were acquired using a Bruker Avance 11.74 T spectrometer (Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence; TR = 4.8 s; TE = 135 ms; 512 scans; 41 min acquisition). (31)P HR-MAS spectra were obtained from the normal subjects and cancer patients only (as acetic acid applied before tissue sampling in patients with CIN impaired spectral quality) using a (1)H-decoupled pulse-acquire sequence (TR = 2.82 s; 2048 scans; 96 min acquisition). Peak assignments were based on values reported in the literature. Peak areas were measured using the AMARES algorithm. Estimated metabolite concentrations were compared between patient diagnostic categories and tissue histology using independent samples t tests. Comparisons based on patient category at diagnosis showed significantly higher estimated concentrations of choline (P = 0.0001) and phosphocholine (P = 0.002) in tissue from patients with cancer than from patients with high-grade dyskaryosis, but no differences between non-cancer groups. Division by histology of the sample also showed increases in choline (P = 0.002) and phosphocholine (P = 0.002) in cancer compared with high-grade CIN tissue. Phosphoethanolamine was increased in cancer compared with normal tissue (P = 0.0001). Estimated concentrations of alanine (P = 0.01) and creatine (P = 0.008) were significantly reduced in normal tissue from cancer patients compared with normal tissue from non-cancer patients. The estimated concentration of choline was significantly increased in CIN tissue from cancer patients compared with CIN tissue from non-cancer patients (P = 0.0001). Estimated concentrations of choline-containing metabolites increased from pre-invasive to invasive cervical cancer. Concurrent metabolite depletion occurs in normal tissue adjacent to cancer tissue.  相似文献   

Independent component analysis (ICA) can automatically extract individual metabolite, macromolecular and lipid (MMLip) components from a series of in vivo MR spectra. The traditional feature extraction (FE)-based ICA approach is limited, in that a large sample size is required and a combination of metabolite and MMLip components can appear in the same independent component. The alternative ICA approach, based on blind source separation (BSS), is weak when dealing with overlapping peaks. Combining the advantages of both BSS and FE methods may lead to better results. Thus, we propose an ICA approach involving a hybrid of the BSS and FE techniques for the automated decomposition of a series of MR spectra. Experiments were performed on synthesised and patient in vivo childhood brain tumour MR spectra datasets. The hybrid ICA method showed an improvement in the decomposition ability compared with BSS-ICA or FE-ICA, with an increased correlation between the independent components and simulated metabolite and MMLip signals. Furthermore, we were able to automatically extract metabolites from the patient MR spectra dataset that were not in commonly used basis sets (e.g. guanidinoacetate).  相似文献   

Metabolic pathway mapping using 13C NMR spectroscopy has been used extensively to study interactions between neurons and glia in the brain. Established extraction procedures of brain tissue are time consuming and may result in degradation of labile substances. We examined the potential of mapping 13C‐enriched compounds in intact brain tissue using high‐resolution magic angle spinning (HR‐MAS) NMR spectroscopy. Sprague–Dawley rats received an intraperitoneal injection of [1,6‐13C]glucose, and 15 min later the animals were subjected to microwave fixation of the brain. Quantification of concentration and 13C labelling of metabolites in intact rat thalamus were carried out based on exogenous ethylene glycol concentrations measured from 1H NMR spectra using an ERETIC (Electronic REference To access In vivo Concentrations) signal. The results from intact tissue were compared with those from perchloric acid‐extracted brain tissue. Amounts of 13C labelling at different positions (C2, C3 and C4) in glutamate, glutamine, γ‐aminobutyric acid and aspartate measured in either intact tissue or perchloric acid extracts were not significantly different. Proton NMR spectra were used for quantification of six different amino acids plus lactate, inositol, N‐acetylaspartate, creatine and phosphocreatine. Again, results were very similar when comparing the methods. To our knowledge, this is the first time quantitative 13C NMR spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on intact brain tissue ex vivo using the HR‐MAS technique. The results show that HR‐MAS 13C NMR spectroscopy in combination with 1H NMR spectroscopy and the ERETIC method is useful for metabolic studies of intact brain tissue ex vivo. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

2‐Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) is produced in gliomas with mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) 1 and 2. The 1H resonances of the J‐coupled spins of 2HG are extensively overlapped with signals from other metabolites. Here, we report a comparative study at 3 T of the utility of the point‐resolved spectroscopy sequence with a standard short TE (35 ms) and a long TE (97 ms), which had been theoretically designed for the detection of the 2HG 2.25‐ppm resonance. The performance of the methods is evaluated using data from phantoms, seven healthy volunteers and 22 subjects with IDH‐mutated gliomas. The results indicate that TE = 97 ms provides higher detectability of 2HG than TE = 35 ms, and that this improved capability is gained when data are analyzed with basis spectra that include the effects of the volume localizing radiofrequency and gradient pulses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Kim SY  Lee H  Kim HJ  Bang E  Lee SH  Lee DW  Woo DC  Choi CB  Hong KS  Lee C  Choe BY 《NMR in biomedicine》2011,24(10):1235-1242
Subanesthetic doses of ketamine, a noncompetitive N‐methyl‐D ‐aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, impair prefrontal cortex (PFC) function in the rat and produce symptoms in humans similar to those observed in patients with schizophrenia. In the present study, in vivo 1H‐MRS and ex vivo 1H high‐resolution magic angle spinning (HR‐MAS) spectroscopy was used to examine the brain metabolism of rats treated with subanesthetic doses of ketamine (30 mg/kg) for 6 days. A single voxel localization sequence (PRESS, TR/TE = 4000/20 ms and NEX = 512) was used to acquire the spectra in a 30‐µl voxel positioned in the cerebral cortex (including mainly PFC) of the rats (ketamine group: n = 12; saline group: n = 12) anesthetized with isoflurane. After the in vivo 1H‐MRS acquisition, the animals were sacrificed and the cerebral cortex tissues were extracted (ketamine group: n = 7; saline group: n = 7) for ex vivo 1H HR‐MAS spectroscopy (CPMG sequence, 2.0‐s presaturation delay, 2.0‐s acquisition time, 128 transients and 4‐ms inter‐pulse delay) using a 500‐MHz NMR spectrometer. All proton metabolites were quantified using the LCModel. For the in vivo spectra, there was a significant increase in glutamate concentration in the cerebral cortex of the ketamine group compared with the controls (p < 0.05). For the ex vivo HR‐MAS spectra, there was a significant increase in the glutamate/total creatine ratio, and a decrease in the glutamine/total creatine and glutamine/glutamate ratios in the cerebral cortex tissue of the ketamine group compared with the controls. The results of the present study demonstrated that administration of subanesthetic doses of ketamine in the rat may exert at least part of their effect in the cerebral cortex by activation of glutamatergic neurotransmission. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentrations of choline-containing metabolites (CCM) have been implicated in both cell proliferation and death processes. In this study, high-resolution magic-angle-spinning (HRMAS) 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to study metabolite changes in the CCM chemical shift region in rat glioma ex vivo during apoptosis induced by thymidine kinase-ganciclovir gene therapy. Cell density and apoptotic activity in the tumours were quantified by histological methods. HRMAS 1H NMR was able to resolve peaks from choline (Cho), glycerophosphocholine (GPC), phosphocholine (PC), taurine (Tau) and myo-inositol (myo-Ins), all of which contribute to the in vivo 1H NMR peak centred at 3.23 ppm. The early phase of apoptosis (treatment day 4), with a approximately 2.8-fold increase in the number of apoptotic nuclei (at constant cell density of 1.8 +/- 0.1 x 10(5) cells/mm3) was associated with increases in resonance intensity from GPC and PC, while Cho and Tau remained unchanged. Later stage apoptosis, accompanied by synchronous cell death (cell density declined to 0.7 +/- 0.02 x 10(5) cells/mm3), resulted in a significant decline in Tau relative to untreated tumours, while the contents of CCMs and myo-Ins detectable by 1H HRMAS were unchanged. These observations demonstrate that, while the in vivo 1H NMR peak at 3.23 ppm is indicative of cellular processes involved in apoptosis, the biochemical changes monitored by this resonance involve a number of different and chemically distinct metabolites.  相似文献   

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