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Echo-planar imaging (EPI) is vulnerable to geometric distortion and N/2 ghosting. These artifacts can be analyzed with an intuitive k-t space tool, and here we propose a simple method for their correction. In a slightly modified additional EPI acquisition, we sample the k-t space with a shift in k(y) by adding a small area to the phase-encoding (PE) gradient. Physically, the added gradient area creates a relative phase ramp across the object and directly encodes the undistorted original y-coordinate of each voxel into a phase difference between two distorted complex images, in a method called "phase labeling for additional coordinate encoding" (PLACE). The phase information is then used to map the mismapped signals back to their original locations for geometric and intensity correction. Smoothing of expanded complex data matrix effectively reduces noise in the differential phase map and allows subpixel warping. The two acquired images can also be averaged to effectively suppress the N/2 ghost. Efficient correction for both artifacts can be achieved with three acquisitions. These acquisitions can also serve as reference scans to correct for geometric distortion and/or N/2 ghost artifacts on all images in a time series. The technique was successfully demonstrated in phantom and animal studies.  相似文献   

Despite its wide use, echo‐planar imaging (EPI) suffers from geometric distortions due to off‐resonance effects, i.e., strong magnetic field inhomogeneity and susceptibility. This article reports a novel method for correcting the distortions observed in EPI acquired at ultra‐high‐field such as 7 T. Point spread function (PSF) mapping methods have been proposed for correcting the distortions in EPI. The PSF shift map can be derived either along the nondistorted or the distorted coordinates. Along the nondistorted coordinates more information about compressed areas is present but it is prone to PSF‐ghosting artifacts induced by large k‐space shift in PSF encoding direction. In contrast, shift maps along the distorted coordinates contain more information in stretched areas and are more robust against PSF‐ghosting. In ultra‐high‐field MRI, an EPI contains both compressed and stretched regions depending on the B0 field inhomogeneity and local susceptibility. In this study, we present a new geometric distortion correction scheme, which selectively applies the shift map with more information content. We propose a PSF‐ghost elimination method to generate an artifact‐free pixel shift map along nondistorted coordinates. The proposed method can correct the effects of the local magnetic field inhomogeneity induced by the susceptibility effects along with the PSF‐ghost artifact cancellation. We have experimentally demonstrated the advantages of the proposed method in EPI data acquisitions in phantom and human brain using 7‐T MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite rigid‐body realignment to compensate for head motion during an echo‐planar imaging time‐series scan, nonrigid image deformations remain due to changes in the effective shim within the brain as the head moves through the B0 field. The current work presents a combined prospective/retrospective solution to reduce both rigid and nonrigid components of this motion‐related image misalignment. Prospective rigid‐body correction, where the scan‐plane orientation is dynamically updated to track with the subject's head, is performed using an active marker setup. Retrospective distortion correction is then applied to unwarp the remaining nonrigid image deformations caused by motion‐induced field changes. Distortion correction relative to a reference time‐frame does not require any additional field mapping scans or models, but rather uses the phase information from the echo‐planar imaging time‐series itself. This combined method is applied to compensate echo‐planar imaging scans of volunteers performing in‐plane and through‐plane head motions, resulting in increased image stability beyond what either prospective or retrospective rigid‐body correction alone can achieve. The combined method is also assessed in a blood oxygen level dependent functional MRI task, resulting in improved Z‐score statistics. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A method is described for the correction of geometric distortions occurring in echo planar images. The geometric distortions are caused in large part by static magnetic field inho-mogeneities, leading to pixel shifts, particularly in the phase encode direction. By characterizing the field inhomogeneities from a field map, the image can be unwarped so that accurate alignment to conventionally collected images can be made. The algorithm to perform the unwarping is described, and results from echo planar images collected at 1.5 and 4 Tesla are shown.  相似文献   



To develop a practical protocol for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the human optic nerve with echo planar imaging (EPI) geometric distortion correction.

Materials and Methods

A conventional DTI protocol was modified to acquire images with fat and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) suppression and field inhomogeneity maps of contiguous coronal slices covering the whole brain. The technique was applied to healthy volunteers and multiple sclerosis patients with and without a history of unilateral optic neuritis. DTI measures and optic nerve tractography before and after geometric distortion correction were compared. Diffusion measures from left and right or from affected and unaffected eyes in different subject cohorts were reported.


The image geometry after correction closely resembled reference anatomical images. Optic nerve tractography became feasible after distortion correction. The diffusion measures from the healthy volunteers were in good agreement with the literature. Statistically significant differences were found in the fractional anisotropy and orthogonal eigenvalues between affected and unaffected eyes in optic neuritis patients with poor recovery. The diffusion measures before and after geometric distortion correction were not significantly different. For cohorts without optic neuritis, the difference between diffusion measures from left and right eyes was not statistically significant.


The proposed technique could provide a practical DTI protocol to study the human optic nerve. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2009;30:699–707. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Echo-planar imaging (EPI) can provide rapid imaging by acquiring a complete k-space data set in a single acquisition. However, this approach suffers from distortion effects in geometry and intensity, resulting in poor image quality. The distortions, caused primarily by field inhomogeneities, lead to intensity loss and voxel shifts, the latter of which are particularly severe in the phase-encode direction. Two promising approaches to correct the distortion in EPI are field mapping and point spread function (PSF) mapping. The field mapping method measures the field distortions and translates these into voxel shifts, which can be used to assign image intensities to the correct voxel locations. The PSF approach uses acquisitions with additional phase-encoding gradients applied in the x, y, and/or z directions to map the 1D, 2D, or 3D PSF of each voxel. These PSFs encode the spatial information about the distortion and the overall distribution of intensities from a single voxel. The measured image is the convolution of the undistorted density and the PSF. Measuring the PSF allows the distortion in geometry and intensity to be corrected. This work compares the efficacy of these methods with equal time allowed for field mapping and PSF mapping.  相似文献   

Head motion artifacts are a major problem in functional MRI that limit its use in neuroscience research and clinical settings. Real‐time scan‐plane correction by optical tracking has been shown to correct slice misalignment and nonlinear spin‐history artifacts; however, residual artifacts due to dynamic magnetic field nonuniformity may remain in the data. A recently developed correction technique, Phase Labeling for Additional Coordinate Encoding, can correct for absolute geometric distortion using only the complex image data from two echo planar images with slightly shifted k‐space trajectories. An approach is presented that integrates Phase Labeling for Additional Coordinate Encoding into a real‐time scan‐plane update system by optical tracking, applied to a tissue‐equivalent phantom undergoing complex motion and an functional MRI finger tapping experiment with overt head motion to induce dynamic field nonuniformity. Experiments suggest that such integrated volume‐by‐volume corrections are very effective at artifact suppression, with potential to expand functional MRI applications. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Echo-planar imaging (EPI) is an ultrafast magnetic resonance (MR) imaging technique prone to geometric distortions. Various correction techniques have been developed to remedy these distortions. Here improvements of the point spread function (PSF) mapping approach are presented, which enable reliable and fully automated distortion correction of echo-planar images at high field strengths. The novel method is fully compatible with EPI acquisitions using parallel imaging. The applicability of parallel imaging to further accelerate PSF acquisition is shown. The possibility of collecting PSF data sets with total acceleration factors higher than the number of coil elements is demonstrated. Additionally, a new approach to visualize and interpret distortions in the context of various imaging and reconstruction methods based on the PSF is proposed. The reliable performance of the PSF mapping technique is demonstrated on phantom and volunteer scans at field strengths of up to 4 T.  相似文献   

Diffusion-weighted single-shot EPI (sshEPI) is one of the most important tools for the diagnostic assessment of stroke patients, but it suffers from well known artifacts. Therefore, sshEPI was combined with SENSitivity Encoding (SENSE) to further increase EPI's potential for stroke imaging. Eight healthy volunteers and a consecutive series of patients (N = 8) with suspected stroke were examined with diffusion-weighted SENSE-sshEPI using different reduction factors (1.0 < or = R < or = 3.0). Additionally, a high-resolution diffusion-weighted SENSE-sshEPI scan was included. All examinations were diagnostic and of better quality than conventional sshEPI. No ghostings or aliasing artifacts were discernible, and EPI-related image distortions were markedly diminished. Chemical shift artifacts and eddy current-induced image warping were still present, although to a markedly smaller extent. Measured direction-dependent diffusion-coefficients and isotropic diffusion values were comparable to previous findings but showed less fluctuation. We have demonstrated the technical feasibility and clinical applicability of diffusion-weighted SENSE-sshEPI in patients with subacute stroke. Because of the faster k-space traversal, this novel technique is able to reduce typical EPI artifacts and increase spatial resolution while simultaneously remaining insensitive to bulk motion.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a method that automatically corrects ghosting artifacts due to echo-misalignment in interleaved gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI) in arbitrary oblique or double-oblique scan planes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An automatic ghosting correction technique was developed based on an alternating EPI acquisition and the phased-array ghost elimination (PAGE) reconstruction method. The direction of k-space traversal is alternated at every temporal frame, enabling lower temporal-resolution ghost-free coil sensitivity maps to be dynamically estimated. The proposed method was compared with conventional one-dimensional (1D) phase correction in axial, oblique, and double-oblique scan planes in phantom and cardiac in vivo studies. The proposed method was also used in conjunction with two-fold acceleration. RESULTS: The proposed method with nonaccelerated acquisition provided excellent suppression of ghosting artifacts in all scan planes, and was substantially more effective than conventional 1D phase correction in oblique and double-oblique scan planes. The feasibility of real-time reconstruction using the proposed technique was demonstrated in a scan protocol with 3.1-mm spatial and 60-msec temporal resolution. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique with nonaccelerated acquisition provides excellent ghost suppression in arbitrary scan orientations without a calibration scan, and can be useful for real-time interactive imaging, in which scan planes are frequently changed with arbitrary oblique orientations.  相似文献   

Inhomogeneities of the main magnetic field cause geometric distortion in echo‐planar imaging, a method central to functional MRI. A number of correction methods have been proposed, most of which are based on the acquisition of a fieldmap providing the local offsets to the main magnetic field. Here, accelerated multiecho echo‐planar imaging is used, with echo times short enough to enable the construction of a fieldmap of comparable quality from the data themselves. This way, each volume in a time series can be unwarped using a fieldmap obtained from that volume, avoiding volume‐to‐volume field‐motion interactions that invalidate reference data in conventional approaches that use a single, static, fieldmap. The combination of accelerated acquisition with dynamic distortion correction yields volumes with very low distortion at repetition times similar to conventional echo‐planar imaging. The method is applied to data acquired at 3 and 7 T and is shown to effectively correct image geometry. Furthermore, it is shown that dynamic distortion correction yields better temporal signal stability than correction using a static fieldmap in the presence of subject motion. Magn Reson Med 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) near metallic implants remains an unmet need because of severe artifacts, which mainly stem from large metal‐induced field inhomogeneities. This work addresses MRI near metallic implants with an innovative imaging technique called “Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction” (SEMAC). The SEMAC technique corrects metal artifacts via robust encoding of each excited slice against metal‐induced field inhomogeneities. The robust slice encoding is achieved by extending a view‐angle‐tilting (VAT) spin‐echo sequence with additional z‐phase encoding. Although the VAT compensation gradient suppresses most in‐plane distortions, the z‐phase encoding fully resolves distorted excitation profiles that cause through‐plane distortions. By positioning all spins in a region‐of‐interest to their actual spatial locations, the through‐plane distortions can be corrected by summing up the resolved spins in each voxel. The SEMAC technique does not require additional hardware and can be deployed to the large installed base of whole‐body MRI systems. The efficacy of the SEMAC technique in eliminating metal‐induced distortions with feasible scan times is validated in phantom and in vivo spine and knee studies. Magn Reson Med 62:66–76, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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