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The sample size effect on the deformation behavior of metallic glasses (MGs) has recently become research of intense interest. An inverse sample size effect is observed in previous experimental studies; where the yield strength decreases with decreasing sample size, rather than increasing. We propose a theoretical analysis based on the shear banding process to rationalize the inherent size dependence of yield strength, showing an excellent agreement with experimental results. Our model reveals that the anomalous inverse size effect is, in fact, caused by a transition in failure mode; from a rapid shear banding process with a shear band (SB) traversing the entire sample in bulk MGs, to an immature shear banding process with propagated SBs only at the surface in micron-sized MGs. Our results fill the gap in the current understanding of size effects in the strength and failure mechanism of MGs at different length scales.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of tensile characteristics and fracture toughness of the standardly heat-treated low-alloyed steel OCHN3MFA along with three additionally heat-treated grades was experimentally studied. In the temperature range of 〈−196; 22〉 °C, all the additional heat treatments transferred the standard steel from a high- to ultra-high strength levels even with improved tensile ductility characteristics. This could be explained by a reduction of the inclusion content, refinement of the martensitic blocks, ductile retained austenite content, and homogenization of the shape ratio of martensitic laths as revealed by metallographic, X-ray, and EBSD techniques. On the other hand, the values of the fracture toughness of all grades were found to be comparable in the whole temperature range as the cause of a high stress triaxiality in the pre-cracked Charpy V-notch samples. The values of the fracture toughness of the standard steel grade could be predicted well using the fracture model proposed by Pokluda et al. based on the tensile characteristics. Such a prediction failed in the case of additionally heat-treated grades due to the different temperature dependence of the fracture mechanisms occurring in the tensile and fracture-toughness tests. While the tensile samples fractured in a ductile-dimple mode at all temperatures, the fracture-toughness specimens exhibited a transition from the ductile to quasi-brittle fracture mode with decreasing temperature. This transition could be interpreted in terms of a transfer from the model proposed by Rice and Johnson to the model of Tvergaard and Hutchinson.  相似文献   

A series of polymer dispersed liquid crystal devices using glass substrates have been fabricated and investigated focusing on their electrical properties. The devices have been studied in terms of impedance as a function of frequency. An electric equivalent circuit has been proposed, including the influence of the temperature on the elements into it. In addition, a relevant effect of temperature on electrical measurements has been observed.  相似文献   

In the present research, wood flour reinforced polyethylene polymer composites with a coupling agent were prepared by injection molding. The effects of wood flour size, aspect ratios, and mold injection temperature on the composites’ mechanical properties were investigated. For the preparation of the polymer composites, five different formulations were created. The mechanical properties including tensile strength and the modulus, flexural strength and the modulus, and impact energy were measured. To investigate the changes in the properties resulting from different compositions, mechanical static and impact testing was performed. The obtained results indicate that by reducing the flour size, the tensile strength and modulus, flexural strength, and impact energy were reduced. In contrast, the flexural modulus increased. Furthermore, with the increment of injection molding temperature, the tensile strength and the modulus and the impact energy of the specimens were reduced. On the other hand, the flexural strength and the modulus increased. Thus, an optimized amount of injection molding temperature can provide improvements in the mechanical properties of the composite.  相似文献   

In the injection molding field, the flow of plastic material is one of the most important issues, especially regarding the ability of melted plastic to fill the thin walls of products. To improve the melt flow length, a high mold temperature was applied with pre-heating of the cavity surface. In this paper, we present our research on the injection molding process with pre-heating by external gas-assisted mold temperature control. After this, we observed an improvement in the melt flow length into thin-walled products due to the high mold temperature during the filling step. In addition, to develop the heating efficiency, a flow focusing device (FFD) was applied and verified. The simulations and experiments were carried out within an air temperature of 400 °C and heating time of 20 s to investigate a flow focusing device to assist with external gas-assisted mold temperature control (Ex-GMTC), with the application of various FFD types for the temperature distribution of the insert plate. The heating process was applied for a simple insert model with dimensions of 50 mm × 50 mm × 2 mm, in order to verify the influence of the FFD geometry on the heating result. After that, Ex-GMTC with the assistance of FFD was carried out for a mold-reading process, and the FFD influence was estimated by the mold heating result and the improvement of the melt flow length using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). The results show that the air sprue gap (h) significantly affects the temperature of the insert and an air sprue gap of 3 mm gives the best heating rate, with the highest temperature being 321.2 °C. Likewise, the actual results show that the height of the flow focusing device (V) also influences the temperature of the insert plate and that a 5 mm high FFD gives the best results with a maximum temperature of 332.3 °C. Moreover, the heating efficiency when using FFD is always higher than without FFD. After examining the effect of FFD, its application was considered, in order to improve the melt flow length in injection molding, which increased from 38.6 to 170 mm, while the balance of the melt filling was also clearly improved.  相似文献   

We focus on the importance of accurately describing the flow behaviors of metallic materials to be cold formed; we refer to several valuable examples. We review the typical experimental methods by which flow curves are obtained, in addition to several combined experimental-numerical methods. The characteristics of four fundamental flow models including the Ludwik, Voce, Hollomon, and Swift models are explored in detail. We classify all flow models in the literature into three groups, including the Ludwik and Voce families, and blends thereof. We review the experimental and numerical methods used to optimize the flow curves. Representative flow models are compared via tensile testing, with a focus on the necking point and pre- or post-necking strain hardening. Several closed-form function models employed for the non-isothermal analyses of cold metal forming are also examined. The traditional bilinear C-m model and derivatives thereof are used to describe the complicated flow behaviors of metallic materials at cold forming temperatures, particularly in terms of their applications to metal forming simulations and process optimization.  相似文献   

The Curie temperature (Tc) and magnetic entropy change (−ΔSm), and their relationship to the alloy composition of Tb–Co metallic glasses, were studied systematically in this paper. It was found that, in contrast to the situation in amorphous Gd–Co ribbons, the dependence of Tc on Tb content and the maximum −ΔSm vs. Tc -2/3 plots in Tb–Co binary amorphous alloys do not follow a linear relationship, both of which are supposed to be closely related to the non-linear compositional dependence of Tb–Co interaction due to the existence of orbital momentum in Tb.  相似文献   

Accurate laser-flash measurements of thermal diffusivity (D) of diverse bulk solids at moderate temperature (T), with thickness L of ~0.03 to 10 mm, reveal that D(T) = D(T)[1 − exp(−bL)]. When L is several mm, D(T) = FT−G + HT, where F is constant, G is ~1 or 0, and H (for insulators) is ~0.001. The attenuation parameter b = 6.19D−0.477 at 298 K for electrical insulators, elements, and alloys. Dimensional analysis confirms that D → 0 as L → 0, which is consistent with heat diffusion, requiring a medium. Thermal conductivity (κ) behaves similarly, being proportional to D. Attenuation describing heat conduction signifies that light is the diffusing entity in solids. A radiative transfer model with 1 free parameter that represents a simplified absorption coefficient describes the complex form for κ(T) of solids, including its strong peak at cryogenic temperatures. Three parameters describe κ with a secondary peak and/or a high-T increase. The strong length dependence and experimental difficulties in diamond anvil studies have yielded problematic transport properties. Reliable low-pressure data on diverse thick samples reveal a new thermodynamic formula for specific heat (∂ln(cP)/∂P = −linear compressibility), which leads to ∂ln(κ)/∂P = linear compressibility + ∂lnα/∂P, where α is thermal expansivity. These formulae support that heat conduction in solids equals diffusion of light down the thermal gradient, since changing P alters the space occupied by matter, but not by light.  相似文献   

Electric field-assisted sintering has ubiquitous merits over conventional sintering technology for the fabrication of difficult-to-deform materials. To investigate the effect of sintering pressure and temperature on the densification of Inconel 718 superalloy, a numerical simulation model was established based on the Fleck-Kuhn-McMeeking (FKM) and Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) models, which covers a wide range of porosity. At a sintering pressure below 50 MPa or a sintering temperature below 950 °C, the average porosity of the sintered superalloy is over 0.17 with low densification. Under a pressure above 110 MPa and a temperature above 1250 °C, the sintered superalloy quickly completes densification and enters the plastic yield stage, making it difficult to control the sintering process. When the pressure is above 70 MPa while the temperature exceeds 1150 °C, the average porosity is 0.11, with little fall when the pressure or temperature rises. The experimental results indicated that the relative density of the sintered superalloy under 70 MPa and 1150 °C is 94.46%, and the proportion of the grain size below 10 μm is 73%. In addition, the yield strength of the sintered sample is 512 MPa, the compressive strength comes to 1260 MPa when the strain is over 0.8, and the microhardness is 395 Hv, demonstrating a better mechanical property than the conventional superalloy.  相似文献   

Background: Little is known about the transition from substance abuse to substance dependence. Objectives: This study aims to estimate the cumulative probability of developing dependence and to identify predictors of transition to dependence among individuals with lifetime alcohol, cannabis, or cocaine abuse. Methods: Analyses were done for the subsample of individuals with lifetime alcohol abuse (n = 7802), cannabis abuse (n = 2832), or cocaine abuse (n = 815) of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). Estimated projections of the cumulative probability of transitioning from abuse to dependence were obtained by the standard actuarial method. Discrete-time survival analyses with time-varying covariates were implemented to identify predictors of transition to dependence. Results: Lifetime cumulative probability estimates indicated that 26.6% of individuals with alcohol abuse, 9.4% of individuals with cannabis abuse, and 15.6% of individuals with cocaine abuse transition from abuse to dependence at some point in their lives. Half of the transitions of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine dependence occurred approximately 3.16, 1.83, and 1.42 years after abuse onset, respectively. Several sociodemographic, psychopathological, and substance use-related variables predicted transition from abuse to dependence for all of the substances assessed. Conclusion: The majority of individuals with abuse do not transition to dependence. Lifetime cumulative probability of transition from abuse to dependence was highest for alcohol, followed by cocaine and lastly cannabis. Time from onset of abuse to dependence was shorter for cocaine, followed by cannabis and alcohol. Although some predictors of transition were common across substances, other predictors were specific for certain substances.  相似文献   

Background:Exposure to extreme temperature can affect the performance of blood glucose monitoring systems. The aim was to determine the non-equilibrated performance of these systems at extreme high and low temperatures that can occur in daily life.Methods:The performances of 5 test systems, (1) Abbott FreeStyle Freedom Lite, (2) Roche AccuChek Aviva, (3) Bayer Contour, (4) LifeScan OneTouch Verio, and (5) Sanofi BG Star, were compared after “cooking” (50°C for 1 hour) or “chilling” (−5°C for 1 hour) with room temperature controls (23°C) using whole blood with glucose concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 mg/dl.Results:The equilibration period (time from the end of incubation to when the test system is operational) was between 1 and 8 minutes, and each test system took between 15 and 30 minutes after incubation to obtain stable measurements at room temperature. Incubating the strips at −5°C or 50°C had little effect on the glucose measurement, whereas incubating the meters introduced bias in performance between 0 and 15 minutes but not subsequently, compared to room temperature controls and at all 3 glucose levels.Conclusions:Compensating technologies embedded within blood glucose monitoring systems studied here perform well at extreme temperatures. People with diabetes need to be alerted to this feature to avoid perceptions of malperformance of their devices and the possible inability to get blood glucose readings on short notice (eg, during time of suspected rapid change or before an unplanned meal).  相似文献   

The hydroturbine runner is the core of the whole hydroelectric generating unit, which is employed to transform water energy into mechanical energy. In the process of service, the runner frequently suffers from abrasion due to erosion and cavitation. Defects are usually repaired by welding. To acquire suitable weld cladding repair process parameters, a combination of experimental and numerical simulation was applied to investigate the temperature and weld residual stress distribution in the repair zone under the different welding repair approaches. The results illustrate that the temperature and welding residual stress distribution of the blade and the shroud are out of symmetry, the temperature conduction rate is faster on the blade side, and the high-stress zone is predominantly concentrated in the weld and its adjacent area. When the preheating temperature is up to 150 °C, the peak value of welding residual stress reaches a minimum of 796.29 MPa. The welding sequence can adjust the distribution trend of welding residual stresses. The welding sequence of three-stage welding can effectively reduce the welding residual stresses near the shroud at the water outlet side of the blade. The results of the study will provide theoretical guidance for the welding repair of hydraulic turbine runners.  相似文献   

One of the basic assumptions of analytical dimensioning models of asphalt pavements is failure due to fatigue cracking of the bituminous layers. Furthermore, it is considered that the damaging effects of different traffic loads are linear and cumulative, per Miner’s law. However, the analysis carried out on the effect of temperature, rest periods, and ageing of the bituminous materials questions considering fatigue failure as the only and main assumption for the calculation of the pavement life. Ageing of the pavement asphalt layers results in stiffening and transverse cracking. Consequently, these asphalt layers are no longer of infinite extent in the horizontal direction and their response resembles that of a slab. The application of this last calculation assumption provides pavement sections more in line with those used in Spain in the Catalogue of Structural Sections, which is based on experience gained from the real behavior of those sections. The calculation based on the fatigue laws results in undersized structures. This paper shows the results of a strain sweep test implemented at the UPC Roads Laboratory, which was used to analyse all the aforementioned effects and to propose a calculation procedure for heavy traffic pavements considering transverse cracking of the asphalt layers.  相似文献   

The yield strength, ultimate strength, and elongation/ductility properties of a series of palladium–copper alloys were characterized as a function of the temperature at which each alloy underwent absorption and desorption of hydrogen. The alloys studied ranged in copper content from 5 weight percent copper to 25 wt.% copper. Compared to alloy specimens that had been well-annealed in a vacuum and never exposed to hydrogen, alloys with copper content up to 15 wt.% showed strengthening and loss of ductility due to hydrogen exposure. In these alloys, it was found that the degree of strengthening and loss of ductility was dependent on the hydrogen exposure temperature, though this dependence decreased as the copper content of the alloy increased. For alloys with copper contents greater than 15 wt.%, hydrogen exposure had no discernible effect on the strength and ductility properties compared to the vacuum-annealed alloys, over the entire temperature range studied.  相似文献   

目的:探究体外保存时间和UW液温度对供体猪心组织结构的影响.方法:按照临床上现行的供体心脏标准获取流程获取18头中华小型猪的心脏,分别用21℃、4℃和-4℃的UW液在体外保存供体猪心;每一温度下,分别保存供体猪心3 h、6 h和9 h(每种保存条件下保存2个猪心).然后对体外保存后的猪心进行组织取材,通过苏木素-伊红(...  相似文献   

Aim: Issuance of the WHO Housing and health guidelines has paralleled growing interest in the housing environment. Despite accumulating evidence of an association between outdoor temperature and serum cholesterol, indoor temperature has not been well investigated. This study examined the association between indoor temperature and serum cholesterol. Methods: We collected valid health checkup data of 2004 participants (1333 households), measured the indoor temperature for 2 weeks in winter, and divided participants according to whether they lived in a warm (average bedroom temperature ≥ 18℃), slightly cold (12–18℃) or cold house (<12˚C). The relationship between bedroom temperature and serum cholesterol was analyzed using multivariate logistic regression models, adjusting for demographics, lifestyle habits and the season in which the health checkup was conducted, with a random effect of climate areas in Japan. Results: The sample sizes for warm, slightly cold, and cold houses were 206, 940, and 858, respectively. Compared to those in warm houses, the odds ratio of total cholesterol exceeding 220 mg/dL was 1.83 (95%CI: 1.23–2.71,p=0.003) for participants in slightly cold houses and 1.87 (95%CI: 1.25–2.80,p=0.002) in cold houses. Similarly, the odds ratio of LDL/non-HDL cholesterol exceeding the standard range was 1.49 (p=0.056)/1.67 (p=0.035) for those in slightly cold houses and 1.64 (p=0.020)/1.77 (p=0.021) in cold houses. HDL cholesterol and triglycerides were not significantly associated with bedroom temperature. Conclusion: Besides lifestyle modification, improving indoor thermal environment through strategies such as installing high thermal insulation and appropriate use of heating devices may contribute to better serum cholesterol condition.  相似文献   


Background and objectives

Lowering the dialysate temperature may improve outcomes for patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis. We reviewed the reported benefits and harms of lower temperature dialysis.

Design, setting, participants, & measurements

We searched the Cochrane Central Register, OVID MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Pubmed until April 15, 2015. We reviewed the reference lists of relevant reviews, registered trials, and relevant conference proceedings. We included all randomized, controlled trials that evaluated the effect of reduced temperature dialysis versus standard temperature dialysis in adult patients receiving chronic hemodialysis. We followed the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach to assess confidence in the estimates of effect (i.e., the quality of evidence). We conducted meta-analyses using random effects models.


Twenty-six trials were included, consisting of a total of 484 patients. Compared with standard temperature dialysis, reduced temperature dialysis significantly reduced the rate of intradialytic hypotension by 70% (95% confidence interval, 49% to 89%) and significantly increased intradialytic mean arterial pressure by 12 mmHg (95% confidence interval, 8 to 16 mmHg). Symptoms of discomfort occurred 2.95 (95% confidence interval, 0.88 to 9.82) times more often with reduced temperature compared with standard temperature dialysis. The effect on dialysis adequacy was not significantly different, with a Kt/V mean difference of −0.05 (95% confidence interval, −0.09 to 0.01). Small sample sizes, loss to follow-up, and a lack of appropriate blinding in some trials reduced confidence in the estimates of effect. None of the trials reported long-term outcomes.


In patients receiving chronic hemodialysis, reduced temperature dialysis may reduce the rate of intradialytic hypotension and increase intradialytic mean arterial pressure. High–quality, large, multicenter, randomized trials are needed to determine whether reduced temperature dialysis affects patient mortality and major adverse cardiovascular events.  相似文献   

Due to their high elongation at failure and damping capacity, polyurethanes are one of the main types of adhesives used in automotive structures. However, despite the wide range of applications of adhesives, their fracture mechanics behavior is still poorly studied in the literature, especially when both the loading rate and ambient temperature change. Accordingly, the main aim of the current work is to deal with the research gap. In the current research, mode I fracture energy of a ductile polyurethane adhesive with adaptive properties for its industrial application is determined at different test speeds and temperatures. Tests were done at quasi-static, intermediate, and high-speed levels and each at three different temperatures, including low, high, and room temperature. Mode I fracture toughness was determined using DCB tests. Increasing the loading rate from quasi-static to 6000 mm/min was found to significantly increase the maximum strength of the tested DCBs (from 1770 N to about 4180 N). The greatest sensitivity to the loading rate was observed for the DCBs tested at room temperature, where the fracture energy increased by a factor of 3.5 from quasi-static (0.2 mm/min) to a high loading rate (6000 mm/min). The stiffness analysis of the DCB samples showed that the transition from below the Tg to room temperature decreases the bond stiffness by about 60%, while a further temperature increase (from 23 °C to 60 °C) has no significant effect on this parameter. Since polyurethane-bonded joints often experience a wide range of temperatures and loading rates in service, the obtained results can be used to design these joints more securely against such loading/environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Massive composite components manufactured by autoclave curing in large framed molds are extensively used in the aerospace industry. The high temperature performance of the large framed mold is the key to achieving the desired composite part quality. This paper explores and summarizes the important thermal properties of metal and heat transfer fluid materials influencing the heating performance of large framed molds, with the aim of improving the mold temperature distribution. Considering the fluid–thermal–solid interaction inside the autoclave, a reliable computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation model was developed and verified by a temperature monitoring experiment to achieve the prediction of the temperature distribution of the large framed mold. Then, numerical simulations were designed on the basis of the CFD model, and the single-variable method was used to study the effects of the material thermal properties on the temperature performance of large framed molds. Our simulation predicts that when copper is used as the mold material, the temperature difference decreases by 30.63% relative to that for steel, and the heating rate increases by 3.45%. Further, when helium is used as the heat transfer medium, the temperature difference decreases by 68.27% relative to that for air, and the heating rate increases by 32.76%. This paper provides a reference for improvement of large framed mold manufacturing and autoclave process in terms of heating rate and temperature uniformity.  相似文献   

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