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Domoic acid (DA) is a rigid analog of the excitatory amino acid glutamate. It is produced by the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia and is a potent neurotoxin in both adult and developing animals. We have used zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model to investigate and characterize the developmental toxicity of DA. Domoic acid was administered by microinjection to fertilized eggs at the 128- to 512-cell stages in concentrations ranging from 0.12 to 17 mg/kg (DA/egg weight). DA reduced hatching success by 40% at 0.4 mg/kg and by more than 50% at doses of 1.2 mg/kg and higher. Fifty percent of embryos treated with 1.2 mg/kg DA showed marked tonic-clonic type convulsions at 2 days post fertilization. Four days post fertilization (dpf), all embryos treated with 4.0 mg/kg DA and higher showed a complete absence of touch response reflexes. Commencing 5 dpf, rapid and constant pectoral fin movements were observed, a response which may be related to the hallmark effect in rodents of stereotypic scratching. These data indicate that zebrafish show symptoms of developmental DA toxicity as well as a similar sensitivity comparable to the effects of DA characterized in laboratory rodents.  相似文献   

Zebrafish embryos were used to investigate the developmental effects of sulfide. Mortality, teratogenic effects, and developmental parameters of early developmental embryos were recorded. The biodistribution of sulfide in developing zebrafish embryos and larvae were measured through fluorescence imaging. The influences of sulfide on the cardiac function and development velocity of zebrafish embryos were dependent on sulfide concentration. Heart rate and development velocity increased with exposure to lower sulfide concentrations, which may be attributed to the cardioprotective properties of H2S. Meanwhile, heart rate and development velocity decreased, whereas pericardial edema, yolk sac edema, and trunk abnormalities occurred with exposure to higher sulfide concentrations. Sulfide accumulated in the blastoderm of early developmental embryos and was then transported to the yolk sac and yolk extension with the embryonic development. Finally, sulfide was transferred from the yolk to the eyes of zebrafish larvae. The details of mechanism of sulfide toxicity require further research.  相似文献   

Gallic and pelargonic acids are biologically derived substances receiving a growing interest as eco‐friendly biocides with potential applications in freshwater system management. However, some data gaps remain to address their chronic ecotoxicity issue, particularly for fish. This work aimed at investigating the sublethal effects of a long‐term waterborne exposure of zebrafish to these compounds. Mature fish were exposed to gallic or pelargonic acid at the concentrations of 0, 0.05, 0.5 and 5 mg/L during one month under semi‐static conditions. Fecundity, hatching rate and median hatching time were regularly evaluated. Circulating sex hormone levels (11 ketotestosterone ?11 KT, 17 βestradiol ‐E2‐), plasma vitellogenin (Vtg), and gonad histology were monitored in males and females after exposure. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total glutathione peroxydase (GPx) and glutathione‐S transferase (GST) activities were assessed as enzymatic biomarkers of exposure in fish liver. Significant increases of GPx activity were reported in females exposed to both type of chemicals regardless the contamination level. Moreover, 5 mg/L gallic acid induced a decrease in 11‐KT levels for males. For fish exposed to pelargonic acid, decreases in circulating hormone levels were reported respectively at 0.05 and 5 mg/L for 11‐KT in males, and at 0.5 mg/L for E2 in females. However, no histological alteration in gonads neither significant variation in reproductive performances were detected following zebrafish exposure to gallic or pelargonic acid. Additional investigations concerning the mode of application and the environmental fate of these substances may warrant their further use in freshwater systems at concentrations compatible with biocidal/allelochemical effects. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 32: 227–240, 2017.  相似文献   

To assess the estrogenic effects of ethinylestradiol on zebrafish, zebrafish at different developmental stages (embryos, juveniles, and adults) were exposed to the synthetic hormone ethinylestradiol (EE2) in concentrations of 1, 10, and 100 ng/L for up to 33 days. Survival, hatching, length, weight, growth, condition, hepatosomatic index, gonadosomatic index, and vitellogenin (VTG) production were examined. Exposure of zebrafish juveniles and embryos to 100 ng EE2/L for up to 33 days had significant effects on survival, growth, and hatching. Two VTG fragments with molecular weights of approximately 140 and 170 kDa were detected with protein electrophoresis and Western blotting in the blood of exposed males and exposed and unexposed females, as well as in whole-body homogenates of exposed and unexposed juveniles. Significantly higher VTG concentrations (compared to controls) were measured in adults exposed to 10 and 100 ng EE2/L for 14 days, but not in fish exposed to 1 ng EE2/L. This study demonstrated that (1) zebrafish juveniles, larvae, and embryos are sensitive to the toxic effects of the endocrine disrupter EE2; (2) the effects on VTG production in adults are detected after exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of EE2; (3) unexposed juvenile zebrafish produce measurable concentrations of VTG.  相似文献   

Antibiotics have been widely used in human and veterinary medicine to treat or prevent diseases. Residues of antibiotics have been found in aquatic environments, but their effects on fish have been not properly investigated. This work aimed to assess the sub-lethal effects of oxytetracycline and amoxicillin on zebrafish development and biomarkers. Embryos and adults were exposed during 96 h to amoxicillin and oxytetracycline following OECD guidelines. Tissues of adults and pools of embryos were used for catalase, glutathione-S-transferases and lactate dehydrogenase determinations. Amoxicillin caused premature hatching (48h-EC50 = 132.4 mg/l) whereas oxytetracycline cause delayed hatching of embryos (72h-EC50 = 127.6 mg/l). Moreover, both antibiotics inhibited catalase and induced glutathione-S-transferases in zebrafish adults. However, only oxytetracycline induced lactate dehydrogenase. Short-term effects of antibiotics were observed at high doses (mg/l) indicating that physiological impairment in fish populations is unlike to occur. However, effects of chronic exposures to low doses of ABs must be investigated.  相似文献   

Drug‐induced cardiotoxicity is a leading factor for drug withdrawals, and limits drug efficacy and clinical use. Therefore, new alternative animal models and methods for drug safety evaluation have been given great attention. Anthracyclines (ANTs) are widely prescribed anticancer agents that have a cumulative dose relationship with cardiotoxicity. We performed experiments to study the toxicity of ANTs in early developing zebrafish embryos, especially their effects on the heart. LC50 values for daunorubicin, pirarubicin, doxorubicin (DOX), epirubicin and DOX‐liposome at 72 h post‐fertilization were 122.7 μM, 111.9 μM, 31.2 μM, 108.3 μM and 55.8 μM, respectively. At the same time, zebrafish embryos were exposed to ANTs in three exposure stages and induced incomplete looping of the heart tube, pericardia edema and bradycardia in a dose‐dependent manner, eventually leading to death. DOX caused the greatest heart defects in the treatment stages and its liposome reduced the effects on the heart, while daunorubicin produced the least toxicity. Genes and proteins related to heart development were also identified to be sensitive to ANT exposure and downregulated by ANTs. It revealed ANTs could disturb the heart formation and development. ANTs induced cardiotoxicity in zebrafish has similar effects in mammalian models, indicating that zebrafish may have a potential value for assessment of drug‐induced developmental cardiotoxicity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although much attention has focused on environmental contamination by heavy metals, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls, potential deleterious effects of naturally occurring organic compounds have received much less consideration. Saponins, which are glycosides found in many plants, are important, environmentally ubiquitous organic compounds. Saponins have both beneficial and deleterious effects in adults, but little is known about how saponins effect early vertebrate embryonic development. The authors tested the toxicity of quillaja saponin using a zebrafish embryo assay. Quillaja saponin, extracted from bark of the tree, Quillaja saponaria, is a common foaming agent used in foods and beverages. At 6 h post fertilization, zebrafish embryos were exposed to five concentrations (0 [negative control], 1, 5, 10 or 20 micro g) of quillaja saponin per milliliter of medium. Zebrafish embryos exposed to 2% ethanol were positive controls (100% embryonic death). Embryos were assessed at 30, 54, and 72 h post fertilization for changes in embryonic development, mortality, time of hatching, and morphological deformities. Embryos exposed to 1 and 5 micro g saponin were healthy, showed no obvious deformities, but exhibited shrinkage of the chorion. Hatching time for zebrafish embryos exposed to 1 and 5 micro g/ml saponin decreased by 18 h compared to unexposed embryos. Zebrafish embryos treated with 5 micro g/ml saponin responded less to touch than embryos treated with 1 micro g/ml saponin or controls. Zebrafish embryos exposed to more than 5 micro g/ml saponin exhibited 100% embryonic mortality. These results indicate that exposure to 5 micro g/ml or less of quillaja saponin acts as a growth promoter, whereas concentrations of 10 micro g/ml or greater are lethal.  相似文献   

In this study, the impact of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) on reproduction in zebrafish (Danio rerio) was evaluated using vitellogenin (Vtg) induction, mortality rate, growth, sex ratio, gonad histology, fecundity, and sperm parameters as endpoints. Two days post-hatch (2dph) zebrafish were exposed to solvent control or EE2 at 0.4, 2, and 10ng/l for 3 months. At 21dph, Vtg mRNA expression was detected only in fish exposed to 10ng/l EE2. At 90dph, increased mortality rate and sex ratio (female:male) were observed in fish exposed to 2 and 10ng/l EE2. A dose-dependent increase in gonads with underdeveloped gametes was observed in fish exposed to EE2. At 180dph, malformation of the sperm duct and reduced number of spermatozoa were found in fish exposed to 2ng/l and 10ng/l EE2. Reduced fecundity and 12hpf egg viability were found in EE2-exposed males and females. The number of fish with no expressible milt was elevated dose dependently in EE2-exposed males, although no difference in sperm density was found. After a 3-month recovery period, growth and sex ratio were partially recovered. Our findings suggest that EE2 can adversely affect the fecundity, sex differentiation, gametes development, and other reproductive functions of both male and female zebrafish, and some of the toxic effects persist.  相似文献   

The zebrafish has been a popular subject of embryology and genetic research for the past three decades. Recently, however, the interest in its neurobiology and behavior has also increased. Nevertheless, compared to other model organisms, e.g., rodents, zebrafish behavior is understudied and very few behavioral paradigms exist for mutation or drug screening purposes. Alcoholism is one of the biggest and costliest diseases whose mechanisms are not well understood. Model organisms such as the zebrafish may be utilized in this line of research. Previously, we investigated the effects of acute ethanol exposure on adult zebrafish using four behavioral paradigms and employing manual quantification methods. Here, we study the effects of chronic ethanol exposure and analyze how it modifies the effects of acute ethanol treatment. We employ a videotracking-based automated quantification method in a predator model paradigm and show that this method is capable of detecting an avoidance reaction that is ameliorated by higher doses of ethanol, a potential anxiolytic effect. Importantly, we also demonstrate that chronic, two week long, exposure to ethanol results in significant adaptation to this substance in adult zebrafish. Overall, our results suggest that zebrafish will be an appropriate subject for high throughput screening applications aimed at the analysis of the mechanisms and pharmacology of acute and chronic ethanol induced changes in the vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen, or paracetamol is an over‐the‐counter analgesic generally used by all groups of people, including pregnant women. The present investigation aims to elucidate the effects of acetaminophen on the development of zebrafish Danio rerio in which embryogenesis is ex utero. Developing eggs (n = 30) were exposed to different doses (0, 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 µg L?1) of the drug in triplicate and observations were made hourly until gastrulation and once in 24 h thereafter for seven consecutive days. Acetaminophen induced anomalies at different levels of development in a dose‐dependent manner, causing impairment in (1) the early development, (2) hatching, (3) organogenesis (by altering the rate of apoptosis), (4) larval growth and morphometry, (5) tail and tail‐fin formation, (6) pigmentation and (7) larval behavior and survival. The results of the present study clearly reveal that acetaminophen interfered with the normal embryonic development, growth, behavior and survival of D. rerio larvae. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent environmental pollutants that affect embryonic development. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of embryonic exposure to PCBs on early retinal development in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Zebrafish embryos were immediately exposed to different concentrations (0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg) of PCBs per liter of medium at 28.5 °C. Embryos were assessed at 30, 48, 72 and 96 h post‐fertilization (hpf) for changes in embryonic survival rate, development, larval retinal morphology and ultrastructure of the retina. The results show that PCB exposure decreased the survival rate of embryos in a time‐ and dose‐dependent manner. Embryos exposed to the higher concentrations of PCBs (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg l?1) displayed obvious gross morphological deformities. At 72 hpf, the retinal layer development of zebrafish was delayed at higher PCB concentrations (1.0 mg l?1). At 96 hpf, irregularity of photoreceptor cells arrangement and thickening of photoreceptor and ganglionic layers were observed in PCB‐treated larvae at concentrations of 0.25–1 mg l?1. Ultrastructural examination showed signs of growth inhibition of the photoreceptor outer segment at 0.25–1 mg l?1 PCB exposure at 72 hpf, as well as the appearance of massive vacuoles and holes inside the outer segments in the PCB exposure group at 96 hpf. These results suggest that embryonic exposure to moderate and high levels of PCBs induced developmental deficits in zebrafish retinas, particularly in photoreceptor cells. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The herbicide acetochlor is widely used and detected in the environment and biota, and has been suspected to disrupt the thyroid endocrine system, but underlying mechanisms have not yet been clarified. In the present study, zebrafish larvae (7 days post‐fertilization) were exposed to a series concentration of acetochlor (0, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 and 300 µg l?1) within a 14‐day window until 21 days post‐fertilization. Thyroid hormones and mRNA expression profiles of genes involved in the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid (HPT) axis were analyzed. Exposure to the positive control, 3,5,3′‐triiodothyronine (T3), altered the mRNA expression, suggesting that the HPT axis in the critical window of zebrafish responded to chemical exposure and could be used to evaluate the effects of chemicals on the thyroid endocrine system. The mRNA expressions of genes involved in thyroid hormone synthesis (tshβ, slc5a5 and tpo) were upregulated significantly with acetochlor treatment, which might be responsible for the increased thyroxine concentrations. The downregulation of genes related to thyroid hormone metabolism (dio1 and ugt1ab) and transport (ttr) in zebrafish larvae exposed to acetochlor might further explain the increased thyroxine levels and decreased T3 levels. The mRNA expression of the thyroid hormone receptor (trα) was also upregulated upon acetochlor exposure. Results suggested that acetochlor altered mRNA expression of the HPT axis‐related genes and changed the whole body thyroid hormone levels in zebrafish larvae. It demonstrated that acetochlor could cause endocrine disruption of the thyroid system by simulating the biological activity of T3. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Celastrol is a terpenoid purified from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F. As a natural product with pharmacological activities, this compound is a promising candidate for drug development. To provide more information about its toxicity for clinical trials, toxicity assessment of celastrol was conducted with zebrafish model in vivo. 1hour post-fertilization (hpf) embryos were treated with various concentrations of celastrol for 120h. Developmental phenotypes were observed and survival rates were recorded. The results showed that the hatching rates of embryos treated with 1.0μM or higher celastrol were significantly lower. Embryos exposed to 1.0μM celastrol had no blood flow in trunk vessels at 48hpf with a median effect concentration (EC(50)) of 0.94μM. At 72hpf serious edema in pericardial sac was observed in the surviving larvae (hatched from embryos treated with 1.5μM celastrol). Bent tails or hook-like tails were seen as 0.5μM celastrol and the EC(50) for tail malformation was 0.66 μM at 72hpf. The lethal effect of celastrol on zebrafish embryos was dose-dependent and the LC(50) values of celastrol on 1hpf embryos were approximately 1.40μM. These results indicate that celastrol affects the normal development of zebrafish embryo in μM concentrations.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize gene expression responses to hypoxia in gonads of mature zebrafish (Danio rerio), and to start characterizing modes of action by which hypoxia could potentially alter reproduction. Adult male and female zebrafish were maintained under normoxia (7mgO(2)/L), moderate hypoxia (3mgO(2)/L), and severe hypoxia (1mgO(2)/L) for 4 and 14 days and changes in gene expression in gonadal tissues (n=5 per sex per treatment) were evaluated using a commercial 21,000 gene zebrafish oligonucleotide microarray. Differentially expressed genes were determined using ANOVA (p<0.05), and enriched gene ontology (GO) categories (p<0.01) identified using GeneSpring GX software. Short-term (4d) exposure to hypoxia affected expression of genes associated with the initial adaptive responses such as: metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, nucleotide metabolism, haemoglobin synthesis, reactive oxygen species metabolism, and locomotion. Prolonged (14d) hypoxia affected a suite of genes belonging to different GO categories: lipid metabolism, reproduction (e.g., steroid hormone synthesis), and immune responses. Results of the present study demonstrate that reproduction likely would be affected by hypoxia via multiple modes of action. These include previously hypothesized mechanisms such as modulation of expression of steroidogenic genes, and downregulation of serotonergic pathway. In addition, we propose that there are multiple other points of disruption of reproductive system function linked, for example, to reorganization of lipid transport and other mechanisms involved in responding to hypoxia (e.g., hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase alterations, downregulation of contractile elements, etc.).  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria ("blue-green algae") are recognized producers of a diverse array of toxic secondary metabolites. Of these, the lipopolysaccharides (LPS), produced by all cyanobacteria, remain to be well investigated. In the current study, we specifically employed the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo to investigate the effects of LPS from geographically diverse strains of the widespread cyanobacterial genus, Microcystis, on several detoxifying enzymes/pathways, including glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPx)/glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT), and compared observed effects to those of heterotrophic bacterial (i.e., E. coli) LPS. In agreement with previous studies, cyanobacterial LPS significantly reduced GST in embryos exposed to LPS in all treatments. In contrast, GPx moderately increased in embryos exposed to LPS, with no effect on reciprocal GR activity. Interestingly, total glutathione levels were elevated in embryos exposed to Microcystis LPS, but the relative levels of reduced and oxidized glutathione (i.e., GSH/GSSG) were, likewise, elevated suggesting that oxidative stress is not involved in the observed effects as typical of heterotrophic bacterial LPS in mammalian systems. In further support of this, no effect was observed with respect to CAT or SOD activity. These findings demonstrate that Microcystis LPS affects glutathione-based detoxification pathways in the zebrafish embryo, and more generally, that this model is well suited for investigating the apparent toxicophore of cyanobacterial LPS, including possible differences in structure-activity relationships between heterotrophic and cyanobacterial LPS, and teleost fish versus mammalian systems.  相似文献   

This research work investigated the bioconcentration of tebuconazole [(±)-α-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-α-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol] fungicide in zebrafish (Danio rerio) under laboratory conditions and a first-order kinetic pesticide dissipation in the water. The concentrations of tebuconazole fitted to an equivalent nonlinear kinetic type model which allowed the calculation of the following parameters: bioconcentration factor (38.80 L kg(-1) ), time to reach maximum fish concentration (6 days), maximum concentration in fish (0.0075 μg mg(-1) ), half-life in fish (24 days) and time needed for the fish to eliminate 95% of the maximum concentration (105 days). These calculations permitted the establishment of theoretical reference limit values for human consumption of fish and the establishment of safe limits for the water pesticide concentration. The data would also be useful in safe strategies associated with fishery activities that are conducted in aquatic regions close to crops using tebuconazole. The information will contribute to enlarge the tebuconazole toxicokinetics database of aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

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