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Stimulation at two ventricular sites during basic rhythm as a means of preventing the induction of ventricular arrhythmias in the postinfarction heart was investigated. Isochronal maps of ventricular epicardial activation from dogs were analyzed 4 days after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Activation patterns were obtained by use of a computerized data acquisition system recording from 62 sites. Effective refractoriness and conduction time during basic paced rhythm (S1) for each site were summed to construct isochronal maps of recovery time. The patterns of recovery time on the heart were eccentrically layered, with a narrow zone of differentially prolonged recovery time along one border of the infarct. The formation of an arc of functional conduction block after premature stimulation (S2) was correlated with regions of differentially prolonged recovery time (59 +/- 30 msec, mean +/- SD) between recording sites spaced 5 to 10 mm apart. The recovery time difference between sites that did not block (17 +/- 14 msec) was significantly shorter. The spatial distribution of recovery time on the heart could be modified by application of stimuli at two sites during the basic rhythm. Reentry was prevented by appropriate placement of the secondary site in the ischemic zone and the temporal sequencing of the paired stimuli. Stimulation at the secondary site "peeled back" refractoriness in the ischemic zone. Prevention of reentry was a result of either: (1) a shift in the arc of conduction block toward the ischemic zone, (2) a reduction in the extent of the continuous arc, (3) early activation of regions distal to the arc, or (4) a combination of the above. In two dogs, the arc of block was abolished entirely after dual stimulation. This report illustrates the criteria for effective prevention of reentry, applied to a well-described verifiable model of reentrant activation.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological mechanism by which a short-long-short stimulated cardiac sequence facilitates the induction of ventricular tachyarrhythmia was investigated in dogs 4 days after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. In these dogs, reentry develops in the surviving electrophysiologically abnormal epicardial layer that overlies the infarct zone when premature stimulation results in a critically long arc of functional conduction block. The activation wavefront circulates around both ends of the arc, coalesces, and conducts slowly distal to the arc before reactivating sites proximal to the arc to initiate a figure-eight reentrant circuit. Epicardial isochronal activation maps and effective refractory periods (ERPs) were determined during three different stimulation protocols: A, a basic train of eight beats at a cycle length of 300 msec followed by a single premature stimulus (S2); B, a basic train of eight beats at a cycle length of 300 msec with abrupt lengthening of the last cycle of the train before S2 to 600 msec; C, a basic train of eight beats at a cycle length of 600 msec followed by S2. Protocol B was found to result in a differential lengthening of ERP at adjacent sites within the border of the epicardial ischemic zone, whereas protocols A and C induced, respectively, comparable shortening and lengthening of ERPs at the same sites. The differential lengthening of ERPs at adjacent sites resulted in an increased dispersion of refractoriness so that a premature stimulus induced functional conduction block between those sites. The development of a longer arc of conduction block and, hence, a longer reentrant pathway as well as slower conduction of the circulating wavefront during protocol B allowed more time for refractoriness to expire proximal to the arc and for the circulating wavefront to reexcite those sites to initiate reentry. The lengthening of ERP, associated with a single long cycle (protocol B), ranged from 44% to 79% of the total increase in ERP after a series of eight long cycles (protocol C). Epicardial sites with longer ERPs located close to the center of the ischemic zone showed more lengthening of refractoriness during protocol B compared with more normal sites near the border of the ischemic zone. This strongly suggests that the increased dispersion of refractoriness during protocol B is caused by the shorter memory of ischemic myocardium to the cumulative effects of preceding cycle lengths.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Reentry has been shown to be a mechanism of ventricular arrhythmias elicited by programmed premature stimulation in the subacute ischemic period of dogs subjected to myocardial infarction. The spatial distribution of refractoriness in these hearts has been shown to play an important part in the formation of functional arcs of conduction block during programmed ventricular stimulation. Because the adrenergic nervous system influences cardiac arrhythmias and myocardial infarction can directly affect sympathetic innervation in the heart, we investigated the role of the sympathetic nervous system on reentry in the canine heart 4 days after infarction. METHODS AND RESULTS. The influences of adrenergic stimuli on the initiation of reentrant ventricular excitation were studied using a 128-channel computerized recording system in the canine heart 4 days after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Bilateral stimulation of the ansae subclavia preferentially improved conduction of premature beats in the normal zones. This corresponded to an improvement in excitability, as measured by a decrease in stimulus strength at the same premature coupling interval as control. Consequently, the effective refractory period was preferentially shortened at normal sites but not at ischemic sites. Both of these changes contributed to a shift of the arc of functional conduction block toward more normal tissue. As a result, sites proximal to the arc of functional conduction block had more time to recover excitability and thereby were available to be reexcited by the distal activation wave front. Conversely, intravenous infusion of norepinephrine preferentially shortened the effective refractory period of sites in the ischemic zone, thereby indicating that denervation hypersensitivity had occurred at these sites. The spatial dispersion of refractoriness and the arc of functional conduction block were significantly reduced in size. As a consequence, previously inducible reentrant rhythms were no longer inducible. CONCLUSIONS. Sympathetic stimulation can be considered an arrhythmogenic intervention, whereas norepinephrine infusion may be considered antiarrhythmic in this experimental model.  相似文献   

Patterns of activation, functional conduction block, and effective refractory periods during reentrant activation were investigated in a 4-day postinfarction canine model using a 64-channel high-resolution (1 mm) bipolar electrode array. Lower resolution (3-10 mm) isochronal activation maps of the entire epicardial surface were constructed from 126 sites during the initiation and sustenance of reentry and showed reentrant wave fronts that circulated around arcs of functional conduction block. During initiation of reentry by premature stimulation, high-density recordings from these same regions showed that conduction block occurred abruptly, within 1 mm, and without prior decrement of the impulse. Electrograms recorded in proximity to the arc of block were comprised of two deflections: a local activation potential and an electrotonic potential reflecting activation 1 mm away; the reverse order of activation and electrotonus was observed on the opposite side of the arc of block. The occurrence of functional conduction block during premature stimulation in this model was correlated with abrupt increases in effective refractory periods of 10-120 msec (27 +/- 24 msec; mean +/- SD) within 1 mm or less. Neither the abrupt change of refractoriness nor functional conduction block appeared to depend on differences in excitability, the geometrical characteristics of the surviving epicardial layer, or the orientation of the myocardial fibers. During sustained reentrant activation, high-density recordings along the arcs of block showed split electrograms comprised of local activation and electrotonus, which were identical in morphology to those recorded during the initiation of reentry. The interval between the deflections was shorter at the ends of the arc and increased to a maximum value at the center of the arc. The activation potentials corresponded in time with activation of large isochronal regions on either side of the arc of block. There was evidence that at least part of the arc of block during sustained reentry represented thin discrete zones of constant block due to electrotonic influences of impulse penetration from both sides of the arc. Our results strongly suggest that continuous arcs of functional conduction block are a necessary prerequisite for both the initiation and the sustenance of reentrant activation in subacute canine myocardial infarction. Functional conduction block during the initiation of reentry was due to abrupt changes in refractoriness, within a distance of 1 mm or less.  相似文献   

Isochronal maps of ventricular activation were analyzed in dogs 1 to 5 days after infarction utilizing a 64 channel multiplexer. Only dogs in which circus movement reentry could not be induced by a single premature stimulus were analyzed. Reentrant rhythms could be successfully induced equally by multiple (double or triple) premature stimuli and by burst pacing. Successive premature stimuli as well as successive beats during burst pacing resulted in progressively longer arcs of functional conduction block or slower circulating wave fronts, or both, that succeeded in reexciting myocardial zones on the proximal side of the arc of block to initiate reentry. However, for manifest reentry to be induced by burst pacing, the paced run had to be terminated after the beat that resulted in a critical degree of conduction delay. Otherwise, reentrant activation could be confined (concealed) by the subsequent paced wave front, which could also arrive earlier to the reentrant circuit zone of slow conduction resulting in block and interruption of reentry. Termination of a paced run after this beat would not result in reentry. If the paced run was extended past this beat, a new sequence of ventricular activation patterns characterized by progressively longer arcs of block or slower conduction, or both, developed again. The number of beats in a paced run that could initiate reentry varied with the cycle length of pacing, as well as in different experiments, and was difficult to standardize. It is therefore concluded that random burst pacing as a technique for induction of reentrant rhythms should probably be abandoned in favor of multiple premature stimulation.  相似文献   

We studied isochronal maps of ventricular activation during ventricular arrhythmias induced by programmed premature stimulation in dogs 3-5 days after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. The entire epicardial surface and selective intramural sites were recorded using a computerized multiplexing technique. The electrophysiologic data were correlated with the anatomic characteristics of the infarction. In nine of 17 dogs (55%), the induced ventricular rhythm was due to reentrant activation in the surviving epicardial layer overlying the infarction. The irregular epicardial layer (up to 4 mm thick) had grossly intact myocardial fibers on microscopic examination but showed abnormal electrophysiologic characteristics. The stimulated premature beat that initiated reentry produced a continuous arc of functional conduction block within the surviving epicardial layer. The activation wave front circulated slowly around both ends of the arc of block, rejoined on the distal side of the arc before breaking through the arc to reactivate an area proximal to the block. This resulted in splitting of the initial single arc of block into two arcs. Reentrant activation continued as two synchronous circuits that traveled clockwise around one arc and counterwise around the other. Reentry spontaneously terminated when the leading edge of both reentrant circuits encountered refractory tissue, resulting in the coalescence of the two arcs of block into one. The present study may increase the understanding of the electrophysiologic mechanism of some ventricular repetitive responses and tachyarrhythmias induced by programmed premature stimulation in the clinical laboratory.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of single-loop reentry in a syncytium without anatomically predetermined pathways have not been shown. Using a "jacket electrode" with 111 bipolar electrodes in a nylon matrix, we mapped in situ the atrial epicardial surface during atrial flutter in dogs with sterile pericarditis. Of 21 episodes of reentrant atrial flutter, only four showed double-loop ("figure-eight") reentry, whereas in 17 episodes a single loop was present. During initiation of single-loop reentry, an arc of functional block extended to the atrioventricular (AV) ring. This forced activation to proceed as a single wave around the free end of the arc, before breaking through the arc close to the AV ring. Activation continued as one loop around an arc close to the AV ring (in eight episodes) or around a combined functional and anatomic obstacle (in nine episodes) when the arc joined an atrial vessel. A zone of slow conduction was consistently bordered by the arc of block and the AV ring or by the anatomic obstacle and the AV ring. Spontaneous termination occurred when conduction failed in this area and the arc rejoined the AV ring. High-density recordings (2 mm) along the arc of block showed double potentials separated by an isoelectric interval, interpreted as local activation and electrotonus due to activation on the opposite side of the arc. Histologically, a diffuse inflammatory reaction involved 50-80% of the atrial wall. A transitional layer of myocardial bundles with preserved cross striation, but separated by edema and inflammatory cells, was enclosed between an epicardial layer of fragmented myocytes and an endocardial layer of grossly intact myocardium. There were no distinctive features at sites of functional conduction block or slowed conduction. In conclusion, single-loop reentry is the common pattern during atrial flutter in this model. Its induction depends on an interaction of the AV ring, a functional arc of block, and a zone of slow conduction. The location of the inferior vena cava predisposes the lower right atrium to this type of reentry.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanism of ventricular vulnerability to electrical stimulation, we simultaneously recorded from 120 transmural electrodes in a 35 X 20 X 5-mm portion of right ventricular infundibulum in seven dogs. Baseline pacing (S1) was performed from outside the mapped region followed by single premature stimulation (S2) of increasing strength at the center of the mapped region. In five of six episodes of ventricular fibrillation and 26 of 30 episodes of repetitive responses, complete reentrant pathways were observed. Earliest activation following S2 was not at the site of S2 stimulation but was at a point between the S1 and S2 sites of stimulation. Activation spread away from the early site toward the opposite side of the mapped region around the sides of an arc of block near the S2 site to form a "figure-of-eight." The activation fronts coalesced to activate the region around the S2 site last and, if the difference in times between activation at the early site and near the S2 site was large, reentered the tissue toward the S1 site. Ventricular refractory periods were determined in four dogs following S1 pacing; the regions with the greatest nonuniformity in the dispersion of refractoriness were not the regions of unidirectional block after S2 stimulation. Thus, 1) ventricular fibrillation and repetitive responses induced electrically with S1 and S2 stimuli at different ventricular sites arise by figure-of-eight reentry, 2) this reentry is caused by the ability of S2 stimulation both to prolong refractoriness near the S2 site and to initiate a propagated response in the region between the S1 and S2 sites, and 3) a nonuniform dispersion of refractoriness is not crucial for the electrical induction of reentry leading to ventricular fibrillation or repetitive responses when S1 and S2 stimuli are given at different locations on the right ventricular outflow tract.  相似文献   

目的观察动作电位时程异质性如何影响致心律失常易损窗,以及了解R-on-T室性早搏的时程特征与单向传导阻滞及折返激动易损窗的关系。方法采用冠状动脉灌注兔左室楔形组织块标本,同步记录内、外膜侧心肌细胞动作电位和跨壁心电图。内、外膜侧动作电位时程(APD)的差值(△APD)反映了心室壁跨壁异质性。对标本施加基础刺激(S1),刺激周长分别为2000,1000,500ms。每10次S1后施加S2。S1S2间期以1ms的步长递增,诱发单相传导阻滞和室性心律失常,并分别测量致单向传导阻滞及折返激动易损窗。结果引起单向传导阻滞的易损窗大于产生折返激动的易损窗,当进一步加大复极离散性时才可能引发折返激动。S1刺激诱发室性心动过速时,其R-on-T早搏的时程明显较单纯引起一次心室激动增宽(70.0±15msvs56.1±11ms,P<0.001)。结论单向传导阻滞及折返激动的易损窗与S1刺激所引起心室复极异质性增大有关。R-on-T室性早搏只有在更大的复极梯度状态下,才可能诱发折返激动和室性心动过速、心室颤动。  相似文献   

Azimilide and Atrial Flutter. Introduction: The effects of a Class III agent, azimilide di-hydrochloride, on atrial flutter circuits were studied in a functional model of single loop reentrant atrial flutter using dogs, 3 to 5 days after production of sterile pericarditis. Methods and Results: A computerized mapping system was used to construct activation maps from 138 to 222 epicardial sites in the right atrium. Doses of 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg IV azimilide dihydrochloride were analyzed in 8 dogs in which sustained atrial flutter lasting more than 30 minutes was induced by burst pacing. Atrial flutter was always due to a single loop circus movement reentry in the lower right atrium. At 3 mg/kg, azimilide dihydrochloride terminated atrial flutter in 2 dogs; however, atrial flutter was reinduced. At 10 mg/kg, atrial flutter was terminated in all 8 dogs but was reinduced in 4 dogs with slower rate. At 30 mg/kg, atrial flutter was terminated in the remaining 4 dogs and could not be reinduced. Atrial flutter cycle length always increased prior to termination. Isochronal activation maps showed that the increase in cycle length was due to additional conduction delays in the slow zone of the reentrant circuit. The site of termination was always located within the slow conduction zone situated in the lower right atrium between the line of functional conduction block and the AV ring. effective refractory periods (ERPs) were measured at selected sites in the slow zone and normal zone at twice diastolic threshold for the 10 mg/kg dose. Azimilide preferentially prolonged ERP in the slow zone (42.4 ± 20.l msec, mean ± SD) compared with (he normal zone (23.3 ± 15.4 msec, P < 0.0001). The increase in cycle length corresponded with the increase in ERP in the slow zone. Conclusions: In a functional model of circus movement atrial flutter, azimilide dihydrochloride terminates and prevents reinduction of atrial flutter by a preferential increase in refractoriness leading to further conduction delay and conduction block in the slow zone of the functional reentrant circuit.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Conventionally, monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia in patients with remote myocardial infarction is believed to originate from the subendocardium. In a previous study, we demonstrated that electrical activation patterns during ventricular tachycardia occasionally suggest a subepicardial rather than subendocardial reentry. METHODS AND RESULTS. This study prospectively evaluated the functional role of the epicardium in postinfarction ventricular tachycardia with complex intraoperative techniques including computerized electrical activation mapping, entrainment, observation of changes in activation pattern during successful epicardial laser photoblation, and histological study. Five of 10 consecutive patients undergoing intraoperative computerized activation mapping had 10 ventricular tachycardia morphologies displaying epicardial diastolic activation These 10 "epicardial" ventricular tachycardias revealed the following global activation patterns: monoregional spread (two), figure-eight activation (five), and circular macroreentry (three). Entrainment of ventricular tachycardia using epicardial stimulation was successfully performed from an area of slow diastolic conduction in four tachycardia morphologies. During entrainment, global activation remained undisturbed with recordings showing a long stimulus to QRS interval, unchanged QRS morphology, and pacing capture of all components of the reentry circuit. Neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser photocoagulation was delivered during ventricular tachycardia to epicardial sites of presumed reentry. Epicardial photoablation terminated five of five figure-eight tachycardias, two of three circular macroreentry tachycardias but not the monoregional tachycardias. Electrophysiological recordings during epicardial laser photocoagulation demonstrated progressive prolongation of ventricular tachycardia cycle length and apparent interruption of the presumed reentrant circuit. Histological evaluation of the reentrant region (three patients) showed a rim of surviving myocardium under the epicardial surface. CONCLUSIONS. This study suggests that 1) chronic postinfarction ventricular tachycardia may result from subepicardial macroreentry, 2) slow conduction within the reentry circuit can be localized by computerized mapping and epicardial entrainment, and 3) ventricular tachycardia interruption by laser photocoagulation results from conduction delay and block within critical elements of the reentrant pathway. Viable subepicardial muscle fibers may constitute the underlying pathology.  相似文献   

Epicardial electrical events were reconstructed using an inverse model for left ventricular (LV) pacing and during ventricular tachycardia (VT) induced during implantation of a biventricular pacemaker and/or internal defibrillator. The electrocardiographic position of the pacing lead, determined from the region of most negative potential 30 ms after the pacing spike, was compared with the radiographic position. Activation characterized by isochronal maps was correlated with the echocardiographic/myocardial scintigraphic data. Reconstructed epicardial isopotential/isochronal maps during VT were used to determine the presence of reentry. In 7 patients during LV pacing, epicardial isopotential maps located the maximum negative potentials anterolaterally (n = 3), posterolaterally (n = 2), and posteriorly (n = 2). Isochronal maps demonstrated activation patterns including regions of delayed activation that, in 5 patients, correlated with areas of akinesia/hypokinesia or fixed defects on echocardiography/myocardial scintigraphy. The mean difference between the radiographically measured right ventricular to LV pacing lead distance and calculated electrocardiographic right ventricular to LV pacing site distance was 1.7 cm. During VT, induced in 5 patients, single-loop reentry was observed in 3 and figure-of-8 reentry in 2. Exit site and regions of fast/slow conduction and conduction block that correlated with anatomic areas of infarction defined by echocardiography/myocardial scintigraphy were demonstrated. In conclusion, epicardial maps reconstructed from the body surface map can identify LV pacing sites and demonstrate reentry during VT. The body surface map could thus identify optimal pacing sites for LV pacing and targets for VT ablation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of tissue anisotropy and dispersion of refractoriness on initiation of reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT). METHODS AND RESULTS. A ring of perfused uniform anisotropic ventricular epicardium in Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts was created by an endocardial freezing technique. High-resolution mapping (248 channels) was used to analyze epicardial activation of the left ventricle. One to three premature beats were induced at a total of 272 points in 17 experiments (16 different points around the ring in each experiment). Reentrant VT could be initiated at 43 of the 272 points tested. The cycle length of VT was stable and ranged from 128 to 198 msec (mean, 161 +/- 19 msec). Correlation between conduction velocity and the angle between the circulating activation wave and epicardial fiber orientation showed that in segments of the ring where conduction was perpendicular to the fiber axis, mean conduction velocity was 25 +/- 5 cm/sec compared with 60 +/- 7 cm/sec when conduction was parallel to the fiber orientation. Analysis of the site of unidirectional conduction block showed that in 41 of 43 cases, block occurred while the impulse was propagating parallel to the fiber orientation. Measurement of the refractory periods at either side of the line of unidirectional block showed that only in 12 of 43 cases did block occur while the impulse was propagating into an area with a longer (more than 10 msec) refractory period. CONCLUSIONS. In uniform anisotropic ventricular myocardium, reentrant VT is initiated because lowering the stimulating efficacy of the depolarization wave by premature beats leads to preferential conduction block parallel to the fiber orientation.  相似文献   

A simple finite-element model of ventricular conduction processes that explicitly incorporates spatial dispersion of refractoriness was developed. This model revealed that spatial dispersion of refractoriness is a sufficient condition to produce self-sustained reentry even in the absence of unidirectional block, inhomogeneity in local conduction velocities, or the presence of ectopic pacemakers. The model displayed a wide variety of rhythm disturbances qualitatively similar to clinically familiar cardiac dysrhythmias. Electrical stability of the model was determined as a function of the model parameters including ventricular stimulation rate, conduction velocity, and mean refractory period as well as standard deviation of refractory periods. We conclude that spatial dispersion of refractoriness is a sufficient condition to initiate reentrant dysrhythmias but that other physiologic variables such as ventricular rate and conduction velocity strongly influence the dysrhythmogenic effect of spatial dispersion of refractoriness.  相似文献   

Reentrant ventricular arrhythmias arise in variable epicardium overlying the “transmural” infarction zone in the dog 3 to 9 days after left anterior descending coronary artery ligation. Effects of pacing (90 to 360 beats/minute) from the epicardium in the normal zone and ischemic zone were studied in 18 dogs using standard ECG leads and epicardial recordings. Pacing in the normal zone at any stimulus strength showed no changes in QRS morphology at these heart rates. During pacing at ischemic zone sites, QRS morphology changed with heart rate in association with conduction delays in the ischemic zone. This effect could be reversed by increasing the stimulus strength. Refractoriness in the ischemic zone was tested by programmed pacing. Abnormally short (≤ 130 msec.) and long (≥ 330 msec.) refractoriness coexisted within the ischemic zone. This marked dispersion of refractoriness was related to the occurrence of reentrant ventricular arrhythmia. In 10 dogs a 3 × 4 cm. section of ventricular epicardium was removed which included normal and ischemic zones. Action potentials were recorded during superfusion with Tyrode's solution at 37°C. Rate-dependent reentrant ventricular arrhythmias were initiated in 90% of the tissue studied. At a constant stimulus strength, action potentials recorded close to the stimulation site showed progressively shorter (< 100 msec.), diminutive responses as the heart rate was increased. Intermittent failure of excitation was noted at higher rates. Rate-sensitive changes in conduction, refractoriness, and excitation are determinants of reentrant ventricular arrhythmia originating in the ischemic zone epicardium.  相似文献   

This study describes factors that contribute to spontaneous termination of reentry lasting one to 10 cycles after induction by a single premature stimulus. Reentry was studied in vitro in rings of canine atrial tissue from around the tricuspid valve orifice. Activation was recorded from a circular array of 10 extracellular bipolar electrodes equally spaced around the ring. In some experiments, transmembrane or monophasic action potential recordings were made near critical sites. Termination of reentry within one cycle after induction was recorded 110 times in 11 of 35 experiments. Important factors contributing to termination were 1) an obligatory reversal of the activation sequence that resulted in a long coupling interval in the critical region beyond the site of unidirectional block after the premature stimulus and 2) much longer refractory periods limited to this critical region, which facilitated unidirectional block but contributed to termination when this region was first activated with a short coupling interval at the end of the first reentrant cycle. Termination of nonsustained reentry lasting longer than one cycle resulted from oscillations of conduction and refractoriness initiated by the abrupt shortening of cycle length after initiation of reentry. Oscillations of conduction resulted from interval-dependent conduction of reentrant impulses that encountered partially refractory tissue. For reentry to become sustained, the oscillations after induction of reentry must dampen. Thus, damped cycle length oscillations after induction may identify clinical tachycardias caused by reentry with a partially excitable gap.  相似文献   

Generation of arrhythmias in myocardial ischemia and infarction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years an enhanced interest among researchers combined with the availability of new technologies has increased our knowledge of the mechanisms that generate arrhythmias in patients with ischemic heart disease. Convincing evidence has been obtained to support the occurrence of reentry in ischemic myocardium. This has been especially apparent in canine studies in the surviving layers overlying infarctions several days after coronary occlusion. In this planar model, the reentry circuit forms a figure-8 configuration around an arc of functional block due to refractoriness; the center of the arc is the site of unidirectional block and reentry. The reentry circuit is sustained by wavefronts of activation encircling segments in which the tissue on either side is alternately receptive and refractory, a variant of the leading circle model of reentry. The relatively prolonged refractoriness in ischemic tissue is due to time-dependent refractoriness, i.e., postrepolarization refractoriness, which is most prominent in more severely depolarized cells. Slow conduction is related in part to primary depression of the fast channels. There is a great variation in refractory periods in ischemic tissue because of variation in action potential duration and in the duration of time-dependent refractoriness. The depolarized resting potentials of cells in acute ischemia are due in part to extracellular accumulation of potassium and intracellular accumulation of calcium. In the latter stages of ischemia it is likely that abnormalities of ion distribution across the sarcolemma play a role. It has also been demonstrated that ischemic Purkinje fibers show abnormal automaticity, i.e., enhanced phase 4 depolarization at depolarized diastolic potentials, and afterdepolarizations with triggered firing.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The changes in activation sequences in and around the epicardial reentrant circuit were analyzed during rapid pacing against ventricular tachycardia by using a canine infarction model. In 13 episodes of sustained ventricular tachycardia induced by a premature stimulation technique in eight dogs, reentry circuits were located in the superficial subepicardial myocardium in eight. Pacing stimuli were clearly demonstrated to enter the reentrant circuit in two directions: one wavefront collided with the orthodromic reentrant wavefront and the other entered prematurely into the reentrant circuit to reset the tachycardia (resetting phenomenon). With a faster pacing rate, stimuli failed to reset the tachycardia due to slower entry into the circuit despite the fact that most epicardial recording sites were activated by pacing wavefronts (concealed perpetuation). Termination of tachycardia was achieved by a local conduction block in the center of the reentrant circuit. A pacing impulse which encountered the local block was also shown to reinitiate the tachycardia using a different reentrant pathway. These different phenomena could be observed in consecutive pacing beats. These epicardial mapping data provided a direct electrophysiological basis for the mechanisms of reentrant ventricular tachycardia and the mode of its termination.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: High-resolution epicardial mapping was used in an experimental model to analyze reentrant activation during ventricular fibrillation. METHODS: In 30 isolated Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts, recordings were made of ventricular fibrillation activity using an epicardial multiple electrode. In the activation maps with reentrant activation patterns, determinations were made of the number of consecutive rotations, the maximum length of the central core, the area encompassed by the core and two electrodes surrounding it, and the cycle defined by reentrant activation. RESULTS: Most of the activation maps analyzed showed complex patterns with two or more wave fronts that either collided or remained separated by functional block lines (514 maps, 86%). In 112 maps (19%) activation patterns compatible with epicardial breakthrough of the depolarization process were observed. Reentrant activity was recorded in 42 maps (7%) - the maximum number of consecutive rotations being 3 (mean = 1.3 +/- 0.5). The maximum length of the central core ranged from 3 to 7 mm (mean = 5 +/- 1 mm), while the area encompassed by the central core plus two electrodes surrounding it ranged from 35 to 55 mm2 (mean = 45 +/- 6 mm2). The reentrant cycle length (mean = 47 +/- 8 ms) showed a linear relation to the maximum length of the central core reentry (cycle = 4.52 x length + 24.6; r = 0.7; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: a) Epicardial mapping allowed the identification of reentrant activation patterns during ventricular fibrillation in the experimental model used; b) the reentrant activity detected is infrequent and unstable, and c) a linear relation exists between the duration of the cycles defined by reentrant activity and the maximum length of central core reentry.  相似文献   

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