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院前急救病历书写的基本要求及特点   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
院前急救病历书写的基本要求,也应按照《病历书写基本规范(试行)》的规定。“应当客观、真实、准确、及时、完整”。严谨、细致地合法书写,客观、真实地记录院前急救医疗活动。文字描述要精炼,语言要准确。病史,现场情况,体检,诊断和治疗要一致,不能自相矛盾。不要记录没有依据的病史和现场情况。院前急救工作涉及多  相似文献   

目的:探讨设计院前急救开放气道流程的可行性。方法:选择本院急诊科院前急救心跳呼吸骤停病例48例,按接诊先后次序交替分为常规组及流程组各24例,常规组按常规气管内插管开放气道,流程组按自行设计的开放气道流程开放气道;比较二组一次插管气道有效开放成功率、气道有效开放时间。结果:流程组一次插管气道有效开放成功率比常规组高,气道有效开放时间比常规组缩短,二组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:院前急救开放气道流程设计合理,安全简便,取长补短,一次插管气道有效开放成功率高,气道有效开放时间短,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

随着社会经济不断发展,人类疾病也发生了不同的变化。交通事故、中毒、凶杀等突发事件及各种天灾人祸随时均可发生而使我们无法预料。为了适应这一发展,人类医学也从过去简单传统的医学模式逐步发展到了多学科、多专业的现代医学,并逐步走向信息化、全球化。其中,急救医学便是一门新型的临床医学。它的兴起在发达国家也才30多年,在我国虽起步较晚,但其发展迅猛,现就我院“120”急救中心自2001年7月7日成立以来的发展浅谈如下:[第一段]  相似文献   

院前急救是指患者从现场到医院之前的就地抢救、监护、运送到医院的过程,是急救医学的一个重要组成部分[1]。现代管理理论认为,为企业创造价值的不是产品而是流程[2],此理论在院前急救的管理中具有同等重要的意义。因院前急诊多数是意外或突然发生的,往往没有确切的地点,无法预  相似文献   

护理流程在院前急救中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
院前急救是指患者从现场到医院之前的就地抢救、监护、运送到医院的过程,是急救医学的一个重要组成部分。现代管理理论认为,为企业创造价值的不是产品而是流程,此理论在院前急救的管理中具有同等重要的意义。因院前急诊多数是意外或突然发生的,往往没有确切的地点,无法预料时间、人数及危重程度,所以,科学、严谨、规范的护理流程在院前急救工作中就显得尤其重要。我院急救中心于2002年7月1日加入郑州市“120”急救网络以来,经过3年实践与经验的积累,并在工作中不断地总结改进,已形成了一套行之有效的院前急救护理流程,现报道如下。  相似文献   

<正>院前急救是急救医疗服务体系的首要环节,也是最能体现急与救的阶段。其任务为现场紧急救治各种原因导致的疾病,抢救病人生命,恢复生命体征,能快速安全转运病人,为后续治疗赢得时间[1]。在院前工作中,为病人提供规范、优质、高效、低耗、满意、放心的医疗护理服务,可大大增强病人战胜疾病的信心,降低致残率、致死率,避免医疗纠纷的发生,因此规范的护理服务对院前急救有重要的意义。1院前急救护士的培训[2]  相似文献   

院前急救护士的素质要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张芊 《齐鲁护理杂志》2006,12(3):256-257
急救护理是与死神相争、与希望相伴的工作,要求急救护士应具备多方面的素质能力。1高尚的医德护士职业道德是利他精神、无私奉献精神,急救护士要有为护理事业奋斗的献身精神及开拓精神,有高尚的医德和责任心,坚持以患者为中心,真正树立视患者如亲人的良好职业道德,急患者之所急  相似文献   

杨艳东 《中国误诊学杂志》2011,11(24):5895-5896
随着现代医学对创伤、疾病早期发展影响临床预后认识的深入,公众对急诊医疗服务需求的日渐提高,医疗技术的快速进展,都要求在致伤或发病早期快速采取有效的救治措施,控制病情发展,保护器官功能,争取良好的临床预后.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

急性心血管事件院前急救的应急策略及流程探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨急性心血管事件院前急救的应急策略及流程.方法 采用前瞻性研究方法 ,连续登记本院急诊科收治的新发心血管疾病患者183例.按不同就诊模式分为拨打"120"就诊的救护组(94例)和由家人护送来院就诊的自救组(89例).救护组高中以上文化程度者及了解心血管急救知识的比例均较自救组高(50.0%比29.2%,83.0%比60.7%,P均<0.05),救护组院外给予各种应急治疗,自救组院外未进行正规治疗;到院后两组均按绿色通道救治方案及流程处理.1、3个月末对所有患者进行盲法随访.结果 183例患者中心血管事件构成以心肌梗死为主(占61.7%).救护组自救反应时间、第一处置时间、院外救治时间均较自救组短[(32.34±5.6)min比(89.6±8.4)min,(47.3±7.3)min比(149.8±13.5)min,(61.7±8.3)min比(149.8±13.5)min,P均<0.01];而两组院内急救时间比较差异无统计学意义C(29.9±5.3)min比(31.1±4.5)min,P>0.05].救护组1、3个月病死率较自救组低(2.1%比9.0%,4.2%比12.4%,P均<0.05).结论 完善的急救体系及路径能明显缩短患者第一处置时间和院外急救时间,改善患者预后;患者及家属的文化程度及健康知识直接影响就诊模式和预后.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   

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