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A research centre with 30,568 laying hens, kept in enriched cages and in aviaries, had become naturally infested with poultry red mites (PRM) in 32 of its 48 bird units. Therefore, at the age of 52 weeks all hens were treated with fluralaner through the drinking water. After this treatment, PRM were no longer observed. As all birds were of the same age, and since production figures were measured daily in all 48 units, this offered a unique opportunity to examine how PRM had affected performance. Statistical analyses were done to compare the evolution of production data from the pre-treatment to the post-treatment period in units that were visually free of PRM or infested with PRM to different levels. Production standards provided by the breeding organizations were used as a reference. The results demonstrated significant posttreatment increases of laying percentage, egg weight, egg mass, percentage first choice eggs, feed intake and body weight in heavily infested hens of one or both housing systems, as compared to the non-infested controls. These data confirm that PRM infestations can impact the main performance traits related to profitability of laying hen farms as well as the hens' general condition.  相似文献   


Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778) is a major problem for the poultry industry worldwide, as it negatively affects virtually all kinds of rearing systems. Therefore, the control of infestation has become a routine process, and its economic cost is constantly increasing. Until now, most of the control strategies have relied on the use of synthetic chemical drugs, but their efficacy is often questioned by the emergence and diffusion of resistant mite populations. With this in mind, the efficacy of λ-cyhalothrin, amitraz, and phoxim has been verified by testing them against 86 mite populations collected from the same number of poultry farms in Italy from 2008 to 2015. Assays were performed according to the filter paper method using the recommended, half, quarter, double and quadruple doses. The results showed that phoxim and amitraz were the most effective acaricides (median efficacies 80.35% and 80.83%, respectively), but amitraz exhibited a sharp fall in its efficacy during 2011 and 2012, while phoxim maintained its high effectiveness up to 2015, when it dropped. The overall median efficacy of λ-cyhalothrin was 58.33%. The data also highlighted the importance of the use of the right concentration, as an increase in dosage was not always useful against resistant populations, while its reduction also diminished efficacy, simultaneously increasing the risk for the development of resistance.  相似文献   


Dermanyssus gallinae, the poultry red mite, is a global threat to the commercial egg-laying industry. Control of D. gallinae is difficult, with only a limited number of effective pesticides and non-chemical treatments available. Here, we characterize the candidate vaccine antigen D. gallinae cathepsin D-1 (Dg-CatD-1) and demonstrate that purified refolded recombinant Dg-Cat-D1 (rDg-CatD-1) is an active aspartyl proteinase which digests haemoglobin with a pH optimum of pH 4. Soluble protein extracts from D. gallinae also have haemoglobinase activity, with a pH optimum comparable to the recombinant protein, and both proteinase activities were inhibited by the aspartyl proteinase inhibitor Pepstatin A. Enzyme activity and the ubiquitous localization of Dg-CatD-1 protein in sections of adult female mites is consistent with Dg-CatD-1 being a lysosomal proteinase. Using Dg-CatD-1 as a model vaccine antigen, we compared vaccine delivery methods in laying hens via vaccination with: (i) purified rDg-CatD-1 with Montanide? ISA 71 VG adjuvant; (ii) recombinant DNA vaccines for expression of rDg-CatD-1 and (iii) transgenic coccidial parasite Eimeria tenella expressing rDg-CatD-1. In two independent trials, only birds vaccinated with rDg-CatD-1 with Montanide? ISA 71 VG produced a strong and long-lasting serum anti-rDg-Cat-D1 IgY response, which was significantly higher than that in control birds vaccinated with adjuvant only. Furthermore, we showed that egg-laying rates of D. gallinae mites fed on birds vaccinated with rDg-CatD-1 in Montanide? ISA 71 VG was reduced significantly compared with mites fed on unvaccinated birds.

  • Dermanyssus gallinae cathepsin D-1 (Dg-CatD-1) digests haemoglobin

  • Vaccination of hens with rDg-CatD-1 in Montanide? ISA 71 VG results in long-lasting IgY levels

  • Serum anti-rDg-CatD-1 antibodies reduce egg laying in D. gallinae after a single blood meal



The poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778), is a worldwide distributed ectoparasite and considered a major pest affecting the laying hen industry in Europe. Based on available information in other ectoparasites, the mite microbiome might participate in several biological processes and the acquisition, maintenance and transmission of pathogens. However, little is known about the role of PRM as a mechanical carrier or a biological vector in the transmission of pathogenic bacteria. Herein, we used a metaproteomics approach to characterize the alphaproteobacteria in the microbiota of PRM, and variations in its profile with ectoparasite development (nymphs vs. adults) and feeding (unfed vs. fed). The results showed that the bacterial community associated with D. gallinae was mainly composed of environmental and commensal bacteria. Putative symbiotic bacteria of the genera Wolbachia, C. Tokpelaia and Sphingomonas were identified, together with potential pathogenic bacteria of the genera Inquilinus, Neorickettsia and Roseomonas. Significant differences in the composition of alphaproteobacterial microbiota were associated with mite development and feeding, suggesting that bacteria have functional implications in metabolic pathways associated with blood feeding. These results support the use of metaproteomics for the characterization of alphaproteobacteria associated with the D. gallinae microbiota that could provide relevant information for the understanding of mite-host interactions and the development of potential control interventions.

Research highlights
  • Metaproteomics is a valid approach for microbiome characterization in ectoparasites.

  • Alphaproteobacteria putative bacterial symbionts were identified in D. gallinae.

  • Mite development and feeding were related to variations in bacterial community.

  • Potentially pathogenic bacteria were identified in mite microbiota.



Spinosad (SPN) and abamectin (ABM) are used in poultry premises to control external parasites including red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae). This study aimed to determine levels of SPN (spinosyn A?+?spinosyn D) and ABM residues in egg and edible tissues of laying hens following spray application. A total of 36 laying hens were divided into four groups of nine birds each, and they were kept in individual cages. Two different concentrations of SPN (2 and 4?g/l) and ABM (0.025 and 0.033?g/l) were applied in stocked and empty cages, respectively. Eggs were collected individually for 30 days. All hens were sacrificed at day 30 post–treatment, and tissue samples (liver, breast muscle, fat and skin) were collected. The residue levels in eggs and tissues were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography. ABM residues were not detectable in egg samples. SPN residues in eggs and residues of both ABM and SPN in liver, muscle and fat were under the maximum residue limits (MRLs) following low and high concentration applications. However, although the MRLs have not been established for SPN and ABM in skin tissue of chicken, residues in the skin detected at the low and high concentrations were greater than the MRLs for other edible tissues (except fat tissue) indicating that a withdrawal period would be necessary for the skin tissue after ABM and SPN use in laying hens.  相似文献   


Scanning electron microscopy observations of the distal leg region of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer 1778) identified the presence of a compound ambulacrum, the part of the leg that contacts the substratum when the mite walks. The ambulacrum is comprised of a praetarsus (the ambulacrum stalk), a pulvillus and two claws. The pulvillus is a weakly sclerotized structure that can be partly expanded or retracted in the praetarsus. When expanded, the pulvillus shows a cushion-like shape which can, as a result of its soft surface, function as a sucker, thus allowing D. gallinae to adhere to a smooth surface. When traversing an irregular surface, or clinging to a soft surface, the mite retracts the pulvillus and uses only its strongly sclerotized movable claws. These observed morphological adaptations explain the ability of D. gallinae to climb upwards on a slippery surface, resist an air flux, walk on smooth and rigid feathers of its avian hosts, and cling to the bird’s or human's soft skin. This knowledge is important to better understand the attachment mechanism of this species to its host and to the substratum on which it moves, and also to provide insight into the circumstances under which it is able to move.

  • The ambulacrum is the distal part of the leg touching the substratum

  • D. gallinae’s ambulacrum consists of a praetarsus, a pulvillus and two claws

  • The weakly sclerotized pulvillus can be part expanded/retracted in the praetarsus

  • The expanded pulvillus functions as a sucker to adhere to smooth surfaces

  • The claws are used to walk on an irregular surface or cling to a soft surface


This study was carried out on six laying hen farms, three mite-infested and three mite-free at Dakahlia and Damietta governorates in Egypt to demonstrate: (i) prevalence of different species of mites on laying hen farms; (ii) effects of mite infestation on chicken health and production; (iii) efficacy of deltamethrin (DMT) on treatment of mite infestation and (iv) residues of DMT in eggs and meat. The results showed that 12 mite species were detected in the mite-infested farms, this is the first record in Egypt, and that Dermanyssus gallinae was the highest identified species from 295 (40.9%) of 720 samples. There was a significant effect (P?≤?0.05) of mites on the mortality %, feed consumption, egg production % and the tested haematological parameters. DMT had no impact on production performance, while transient respiratory signs post-spraying were recorded. The mites induced severe skin lesions. Egg samples showed the highest residue levels of DMT, followed by muscle and skin at P?≤?0.05. It can be concluded that the mite species, as a first record, had a deleterious impact on the performance of the Egyptian laying hen farm facilities. Moreover, that DMT (Butox® 50 EC, Intervet Co., France) spraying was ineffective by one-time application, every 1 or 2 months in mite-infested laying hen farms, particularly when heavily infested. Furthermore, DMT residues in laying hen eggs and tissue should be considered to avoid the potential risk for humans.  相似文献   

In 2014, a botulism outbreak in a flock of laying hens was investigated in France. In the flock of 5020 hens, clinical signs of botulism occurred at 46 weeks of age. A type C/D botulism outbreak was confirmed using the mouse lethality assay for detection of botulinum toxin in serum and a real-time PCR test to detect Clostridium botulinum in intestinal contents. The disease lasted one week with a mortality rate of 2.6% without recurrence. Botulism in laying hens has rarely been reported. Five monthly visits were made to the farm between December 2014 and May 2015 for a longitudinal study of the persistence of C. botulinum in the poultry house after the outbreak, and to assess egg contamination by C. botulinum. Several samples were collected on each visit: in the house (from the ventilation circuit, the egg circuit, water and feed, droppings) and the surrounding area. Thirty clean and 30 dirty eggs were also swabbed at each visit. In addition, 12 dirty and 12 clean eggs were collected to analyse eggshell and egg content. The samples were analysed using real-time PCR to detect type C/D C. botulinum. The bacterium was still detected in the house more than 5 months after the outbreak, mostly on the walls and in the egg circuit. Regarding egg contamination, the bacteria were detected only on the shell but not in the content of the eggs. Control measures should therefore be implemented throughout the egg production period to avoid dissemination of the bacteria, particularly during egg collection.  相似文献   

In the European Union, statutory control of Salmonella is in place in the chicken and turkey sectors, but not in the duck sector. In this study, 14 Salmonella-positive duck farms were sampled before and after cleaning and disinfection, and once the houses had been restocked with a new flock. The cleaning and disinfection programmes used were subdivided into two main categories: ones in which a final formaldehyde disinfection step was included (1) and ones in which it was not included (2). Several types of samples were collected during the study, and faecal samples were those more frequently positive (62% of faecal samples were positive for Salmonella in comparison to 2–23% of samples from all the other sample categories) (P?P?Salmonella-positive samples between before cleaning and disinfection (41.1%) and after cleaning and disinfection (3.1%). After restocking, the number of Salmonella-positive samples increased significantly (P?Salmonella. Farms in which disinfection programme 1 was used were 5.34 times less likely to have samples positive for Salmonella after cleaning and disinfection than farms which implemented programme 2. Formaldehyde acts effectively against Salmonella even in the presence of some residual organic matter. Limited residual contamination on farms after cleaning and disinfection represents a risk of infection for young ducklings, and thorough cleaning and disinfection procedures should be implemented to reduce the carry-over of infection between flocks.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma gallisepticum is the most important pathogenic avian Mycoplasma species and causes chronic respiratory disease in poultry. In addition, the prevalence of Mycoplasma synoviae is of increasing concern in several EU member states. We investigated the prevalence of M. gallisepticum in commercial poultry (5220 layers, 1224 broilers and 1020 meat turkeys), 56 racing pigeons and 890 wild birds (Order Anseriformes, Galliformes, Pelecaniformes, Accipitriformes, Gruiformes, Charadriiformes, Columbiformes, Strigiformes, Falconiformes and Passeriformes). Broilers and wild birds were also evaluated for Mycoplasma synoviae. Dependent on the bird lifespan and the nature of the sample, different diagnostic tests were used including the rapid plate agglutination test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), polymerase chain reaction and real-time polymerase chain reaction. A low prevalence of M. gallisepticum was found in both layers (0.9%; 95% CI: 0.7–1.2%) and broilers (2.7%; 95% CI: 1.9–3.8%) possibly due to reduced vertical transmission by breeder farms, which are under official surveillance. None of the samples from turkeys or racing pigeons tested positive. In wild birds, we found five birds were positive (1.7%; 95% CI: 0.7–3.9%): one wood pigeon, two grey herons, one mallard and one Eurasian magpie. For M. synoviae a high prevalence was found in broilers (12.9%: 95% CI: 11.1–14.9%). Four samples collected by hunters gave a positive result for M. synoviae (4%: 95% CI: 1.6–9.8%): one carrion crow and three wood pigeons. In addition, 12 house sparrows were found to be positive (3%; 95% CI: 1.7–5.2%). Wild birds probably play a limited role as a reservoir but we cannot exclude a possible impact on transmission of Mycoplasmas.  相似文献   

五金塑胶业作业工人肌肉骨骼疾患调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过横断面流行病学调查了解五金塑胶业作业工人肌肉骨骼疾患现况,探讨其主要危险因素。方法选取某五金塑胶厂1032人为调查对象,采用经修改的北欧国家标准调查表进行肌肉骨骼疾患横断面流行病学调查。结果五金塑胶业作业工人肌肉骨骼疾患以腰部、颈部和踝足部疾患为主,年患病率分别为26.2%、17.9%和16.3%。女工肩和膝部疼痛年患病率显著高于男工(P〈0.05)。不同工种腰痛年患病率由高到低依次为工模技工(37.3%)、包装工(36.1%)、操作工(27.3%)、车床工(25.0%)、碰焊工(20.0%)和冲压工(19.6%)。腰部职业性肌肉骨骼疾患(OMSD)年患病率随工龄增长有增加趋势(P〈0.05)。长时间保持经常稍微转身姿势、经常稍微弯腰、经常大幅度弯腰、以不舒服的姿势工作、搬举重物远离身体、搬举重物需要转身、以不舒服的体位搬举重物、经常替同事换班均可增加腰痛的年患病率;选择性Logistic回归分析表明,搬举重物需要转身、长时间保持稍微弯腰姿势、经常替同事换班、休息是否充足被选入模型。结论五金塑胶业作业工人肌肉骨骼疾患以腰痛为主,不良劳动姿势、手工搬举重物以及二者同时存在是导致腰痛的首要危险因素,应积极采取工效学手段进行干预。  相似文献   

湛江市城区7-12岁小学生社交恐惧症流行病学现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解湛江市儿童社交恐惧症(Social anxiety disorder of childhood,SADC)的患病现况。方法:采取随机、分层、整群抽样的调查方法,使用中文修订版儿童社交焦虑量表(SASC)调查湛江市2409名小学生,对量表分大于2倍均数标准差的儿童进行面谈,依照中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第三版(CCMD-3)的标准进行诊断。结果:湛江市儿童社交恐惧症患病率为2·74%。男、女生患病率分别为2·6%和2·9%,差异无显著性(χ2=0·11,P=0·744);各年级患病率在1·76%~4·32%之间,差异无显著性(χ2=5·47,P=0·361)。结论:湛江市儿童社交恐惧症患病率较高,应引起老师、家长及有关部门的重视。  相似文献   

孙群英  钟斌 《医学信息》2008,(11):25-26
目的了解南充市6~12岁儿童睡眠时间及睡眠障碍发生率。方法2007年3~6月在南充市随机抽取两所小学901名6~12岁健康儿童,由专人负责对其家长进行儿童睡眠状况问卷调查。结果学龄儿童的全天睡眠时间为(9.60±1.25)h。睡眠障碍总发生率为21.3%。结论南充市学龄儿童睡眠时间普遍不足,睡眠障碍发生率较高。  相似文献   

Background:  Specific immunotherapy (SIT) is the only aetiological treatment used in allergic rhinitis (AR). A telephone survey of patients and physicians in France was carried out to understand better the real and perceived advantages and inconveniences of this therapeutic approach.
Methods:  A cohort of 453 individuals with AR was selected using the Score For Allergic Rhinitis questionnaire. The survey evaluated the level of understanding of allergic rhinitis and its management, including both pharmacotherapy and SIT. A parallel survey was conducted with 400 general practitioners, allergists and nonallergist specialists.
Results:  Approximately 50% of patients had heard about SIT as a therapeutic option. Of these, 56% had a positive view of SIT and 14% a negative image. A majority of patients and physicians with a positive opinion associated SIT with improved well-being and quality of life, while those with a negative opinion considered it to be a long and inconvenient treatment, with uncertain results. Over 50% of patients who had been offered SIT had accepted it and approximately 60% of these were satisfied with it. The future availability of SIT as sublingual tablets was perceived positively by both patients and physicians.
Conclusions:  Many patients with AR are unaware of their pathology and few seek help from health professionals. When patients take medication, they are generally satisfied with their treatment, even if it is only symptomatic. Patients and physicians see the notion of definitive recovery as the main benefit of SIT, whereas the main disadvantage is the duration of treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spider mites such as the citrus red mite and the two-spotted spider mite have been demonstrated to be important allergens for fruit cultivating farmers. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of environmental exposure to spider mites in the sensitization and the clinical manifestations of asthma and rhinitis in children and adolescents living in urban and rural areas. METHODS: A total of 16,624 subjects (aged 7 to 18 years) living in urban (metropolitan and non-metropolitan) and rural areas (apple orchards and citrus orchards) in Korea were evaluated by questionnaire and skin prick test for 11 common aeroallergens, including citrus red mite (CRM) and two-spotted spider mite (TSM). RESULTS: The positive skin response rates to TSM were 4.2% of 1,563 metropolitan subjects, 3.8% of 5,568 non-metropolitan subjects and 6.5% of 1,464 subjects living nearby apple farms, and that to CRM 15.6% of 8,029 living nearby citrus farms. The prevalence of current wheeze and rhinitis as reported on a questionnaire was higher among those with a history of visiting fruit farms once or more per year than among those without it (10% vs. 7.1%, 32.8% vs. 26.7%, for wheezing and rhinitis, respectively). Among those with wheezing or rhinitis, the positive skin responses to TSM or CRM were also higher among those with a history of visiting fruit farms than among those without one (11.2% vs. 6.6%, 13.0% vs. 6.6%, respectively), although the positive skin responses to house dust mites were similar in the both groups. CONCLUSION: Spider mites are common sensitizing allergens in children and adolescents exposed to them, and environmental exposure to these mites may represent an important risk factor in the sensitization and the clinical manifestations of asthma and rhinitis in children and adolescents living in rural and urban areas.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent investigations have demonstrated that the citrus red mite (Panonychus citri, CRM) is the most important allergen in citrus fruit farmers with asthma and rhinitis and a common sensitizing allergen in children living near citrus orchards. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensitization rate to CRM and the association between sensitization to CRM and atopic diseases, such as athma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis, in adolescents living in rural areas with citrus orchards. METHODS: A total of 2005 adolescents (aged from 16 to 18 years) living in rural areas with citrus orchards were enrolled. Subjects were evaluated by a questionnaire and a skin prick test with 11 common aeroallergens including CRM. RESULTS: The prevalences of current wheeze, rhinoconjuntivitis, and eczema on the questionnaire were 13.0%, 13.6%, and 8.8%, respectively. On skin prick tests, the most common sensitizing allergen was CRM [20.6%], followed by Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (18.5%), D. farinae (14.6%) and cockroach (9.8%). The prevalence of current eczema was significantly associated with the sensitization to CRM (OR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.3-2.9), although the prevalence of current wheeze and rhinoconjunctivitis was not associated with it. Among adolescents living near citrus orchards, however, the prevalences of current wheeze and rhinoconjuncitivitis were significantly higher in those with sensitization to only CRM than in those without sensitization to any allergens (20.3% vs. 14.1% and 20.3% vs. 15.0%, P < 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSION: CRM is the most common sensitizing allergen in adolescents living in rural areas with citrus orchards, and sensitization to CRM was significantly associated with the prevalence of atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many studies have reported the prevalence of sensitization using skin prick tests. However, comparisons between studies and between regions are difficult because the number and the type of allergens tested vary widely. Using the European Community Health Respiratory Survey I data, the geographical variation of sensitization to environmental allergen as measured by skin tests was established. METHODS: Adults aged 20-44 years, living in 35 centres in 15 developed countries, underwent skin tests for allergy to nine common aeroallergens: Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, timothy grass, cat, Cladosporium herbarium, Alternaria alternata, birch, Olea europea, common ragweed and Parietaria judaica. The age-sex standardized prevalence of sensitization was determined and centres with high (95% confidence interval above and excluding study median) and low prevalence (95% confidence interval below and excluding study median) of sensitization to each allergen and to any of the nine allergens were identified. RESULTS: There was substantial geographical variation in the prevalence of sensitization to each of the nine allergens tested and in the prevalence of sensitization to any allergen (lowest 17.1%, median 36.8% and highest 54.8%). Sensitization to D. pteronyssinus, grass pollen and cat were usually the most prevalent (median between centre 21.7%, 16.9% and 8.8%, respectively). Timothy grass sensitization was higher than that for any other pollen species. CONCLUSIONS: As expected, geographical variations of sensitization to environmental allergen were observed across centres. These findings were compatible for those observed with serum-specific IgE. Skin tests can be used to assess the geographical distribution of allergens in a multicentric epidemiological survey.  相似文献   

Senna occidentalis is a toxic leguminous plant found in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world and causes poisoning mainly in confined animals. The seeds are the most toxic part of the plant and may be present in animal rations. The main toxic component of the S. occidentalis seed is a dianthrone, an anthraquinone-derived compound that affects mitochondrial function. This study evaluated the effects on egg production of low-level contamination of the S. occidentalis in the laying hens’ diet. Forty-eight one-day-old pullets were randomly allocated into two treatment groups: control, birds that received no experimental treatment; and external and internal tegument (ET/IT), birds that received a diet containing 0.2% of ET/IT of S. occidentalis seeds throughout their life cycle (42 weeks). The birds were monitored for clinical signs of poisoning, and the production and quality of eggs were recorded. Necropsies were conducted at the end of the experimental period. None of the layers showed any clinical signs of poisoning, decreases in feed intake or alterations of the body weight gain. A marked reduction in egg production and, consequently, a lower feed efficiency in ET/IT group were measured. Ovaries were the most affected organ in birds from the ET/IT group, and yolk leaking and dysplasia of the inner layer of the vitelline membrane were observed. S. occidentalis was shown to be toxic for laying hens. Considering these results, it is feasible to assume that the constant presence of low concentrations of S. occidentalis seeds in rations represents a threat to the poultry industry.  相似文献   

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