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d4T-5'-[p-Sampidine, bromophenyl methoxyalaninyl phosphate] (HI-113), a novel aryl phosphate derivative of stavudine (d4T), exhibits substantially more potent anti-human immunodeficiency virus activity than d4T. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the in vivo pharmacokinetics and metabolism of this promising new anti-HIV agent in mice. Here, we report that HI-113 forms two active metabolites with favorable pharmacokinetics after systemic administration. Plasma HI-113 concentrations were measured by analytical high-performance liquid chromatography and the pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated using the WinNonlin program. After intravenous administration, the elimination half-life (t(1/2)) of HI-113 was 3.6 min with a systemic clearance of 174.5 ml/min/kg. HI-113 was converted to the active metabolites alaninyl-d4T-monophosphate (ala-d4T-MP) and d4T. The T(max) values for ala-d4T-MP and d4T derived from intravenously administered HI-113 were 5.1 and 17.4 min, respectively. The elimination half-life for synthetic ala-d4T-MP was 38.9 min after intravenous administration. Ala-d4T-MP was metabolized to form d4T (T(max) = 5.0 min). The elimination half-life of d4T derived from intravenously administered ala-d4T-MP (32.4 min) was similar to the elimination half-life of intravenously administered d4T (26.6 min). In contrast, the elimination half-life of d4T derived from HI-113 was substantially longer (116.2 min). Similarly, the elimination half-life of ala-d4T-MP derived from HI-113 (138.8 min) was markedly longer than the elimination half-life of ala-d4T-MP given intravenously (38.9 min). Following oral administration of HI-113, the elimination half-lives of ala-d4T-MP (56.1 min) and d4T (102.6 min) were also prolonged.  相似文献   

The zidovudine derivative, WHI-07 (5-bromo-6-methoxy-5,6-dihydro-3'-azidothymidine-5'-(p-bromophenyl) methoxyalaninyl phosphate), is a dual-function spermicidal agent with potent anti-HIV activity. In this study, groups of 20 female B6C3F1 mice were exposed intravaginally to a gel microemulsion containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0% WHI-07, 5 days per week for 13 consecutive weeks. On a molar basis, these concentrations of WHI-07 are 1400- to 5700-times higher than its spermicidal EC(50) and 1.4 x 10(6) to 5.7 x 10(6) times higher than its in vitro anti-HIV IC(50). After 13 weeks of intravaginal treatment, mice were evaluated for toxicity. The endpoints that were used for evaluation included survival, body weight, hematologic and clinical chemistry profiles, absolute and relative organ weights, and histopathology. No effects related to WHI-07 treatments were observed on survival, mean body weight, and mean body-weight gain. Repeated intravaginal exposure of mice to WHI-07 for 13 weeks had no toxicologically significant effect on organ weights, and did not cause any adverse changes in hematology parameters or blood chemistry profiles. Extensive histopathologic examination of tissues showed no lesions of pathologic significance. Thus, intravaginal application of WHI-07, for up to 13 weeks, does not cause systemic toxicity.  相似文献   

The novel cytotoxic nucleoside analog Compound 003 (3'-azidothymidine 5'-[p-methoxyphenyl methoxyalaninyl phosphate], CAS 149560-32-7) prevented bipolar mitotic spindle assembly and caused a G2 arrest in human cancer cells. Compound 003 was very well tolerated by both mice and rats without any toxicity at cumulative dose levels >2 g/kg. Notably, Compound 003 prolonged cancer-free survival in the MMTVneu transgenic mouse model of HER2 positive breast cancer. These results indicate that Compound 003 may be useful in the treatment of cancer patients.  相似文献   

2',3'-Di-O-nitro-[8-3H]-adenosine-5'-(N-ethyl-carboxamide) (20 micrograms/kg) was denitrated completely within 1-3 hr in perorally and intravenously dosed dogs. Extremely rapid disappearance of the unchanged drug in serum was parallelled by the instantaneous appearance of mononitrates with 3'-mononitrate levels exceeding those of 2'-mononitrate three-fold. The mononitrates were eliminated with a half-life of 30-70 min, giving rise to the completely denitrated product, adenosine-5'-(N-ethyl-carboxamide) (NECA). The latter product was not further metabolized and was eliminated with a half-life of about 4 hr. Urinary excretion averaged 50% of the administered dose within 4 days and was represented essentially by the completely denitrated drug. Volatile 3H-label of the drug was found in serum and urine during in vivo experiments. Oral bioavailability of the drug was about 90%. In vitro studies indicated that thiols are involved in denitration and reactions are catalysed by glutathione S-transferases, which were partially purified from dog liver. Nitrate ester cleavage was more easily accomplished at the 2'-position than at the 3'-position of the drug and resulted in the liberation of inorganic nitrite. Comparison of in vitro denitration rates gave the following ranking order; 2',3'-di-O-nitro-NECA greater than isosorbide-2,5-dinitrate greater than 2'-nitro-NECA greater than 3'-nitro-NECA greater than isosorbide-2-mononitrate, while nitrate ester cleavage of isosorbide-5-mononitrate was not detectable.  相似文献   

The zidovudine derivative, 5-bromo-6-methoxy-5,6-dihydro-3'-azidothymidine-5'-(p-bromophenyl) methoxy alaninyl phosphate (WHI-07), is a dual-function spermicidal and anti-HIV agent with contraceptive and microbicidal activity. In previous two subchronic toxicity studies, intravaginal application of 0.5-2.0% WHI-07, for up to 13 weeks, was shown to cause no local, systemic or reproductive toxicity. To evaluate the toxicity and carcinogenic potential of long-term exposure to WHl-07, groups of 50 female B(6)C(3)F(1) mice were given no treatment or exposed intravaginally to a gel-microemulsion formulation with and without 2.0% WHI-07, 5 days per week for 2 years. The dose of WHI-07 was equivalent to 5700 times its spermicidal EC(50) and 5.7x10(6) times its anti-HIV IC(50). The endpoints that were evaluated included survival, body weight, hematologic and clinical chemistry profiles, absolute and relative organ weights, and histopathology. No significant differences in mean body weight gain and survival were found among the groups of untreated control, placebo control, and 2% WHI-07-treated mice at the end of the 2-year study. The hematological and clinical chemistry profiles did not reveal any toxicologically significant changes that could be attributed to WHI-07 treatment. No clinically significant changes in absolute and relative organ weights were noted in the WHI-07 group. A variety of neoplastic and nonneoplastic lesions which were considered incidental, related to aging, or procedural, were observed in both the untreated and intravaginally treated groups. The proportion of animals with malignant tumors, the total number of malignant tumors, as well as the types of malignant tumors in the three groups was similar. The cumulative incidence of microscopic lesions in various organs showed that malignant lymphoma was the major cause of death in aging female B(6)C(3)F(1) mice, the incidence of which was unaffected by intravaginal treatment. We conclude that long-term intravaginal administration of WHI-07 is not associated with systemic toxicity or increased carcinogenicity in mice. WHI-07 has clinical potential as an active ingredient of a safe vaginal/rectal microbicide.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic features and metabolism of the novel cytotoxic nucleoside analog Compound 003 (3'-azidothymidine 5'-[p-methoxyphenyl methoxyalaninyl phosphate], CAS 149560-32-7) were studied in both human cancer cells and mice. In mice, Compound 003 was rapidly converted into ala-AZT-MP (CAS 209214-06-2) and zidovudine (azidothymidine, AZT, CAS 30516-87-1). Maximum ala-AZT-MP concentrations were reached almost immediately (tmax < 5 min), while 50.4 min and 143.5 min were required to reach maximum AZT concentrations after intravenous and oral administration, respectively. The results indicate that paraoxon-sensitive carboxylesterases play an important role in the conversion of Compound 003 to ala-AZT-MP. This study provides the basis for future preclinical as well as clinical pharmacodynamic studies of Compound 003.  相似文献   

The in vivo toxicity and pharmacokinetics of stampidine (CAS 217178-62-6), an aryl phosphate derivative of stavudine (CAS 3056-17-5) under development as a new anti-human immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV) agent, were studied in mice and rats. Stampide was very well tolerated by both mice and rats without any toxicity at cumulative dose levels > 1 g/kg. Therapeutic micromolar plasma concentrations of stampidine and its active metabolites ala-STV-MP (CAS 180076-92-0) and STV were rapidly achieved and maintained several hours after i.p. administration of the nontoxic 25-50 mg/kg bolus doses of stampidine. The remarkable in vivo safety of stampidine warrants the further development of this promising new antiviral agent for possible clinical use in HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

The regulatory G-proteins of adenylyl cyclase (AC), G(i) and G(s), are not only activated by GTP and the stable GTP analogs, guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTPgammaS) and guanosine 5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate (GppNHp), but also by hypoxanthine, xanthine, uracil and cytidine nucleotides. The latter nucleotides were previously used to analyze distinct active G-protein states. Surprisingly, recent studies have shown that inosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate and uridine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate can also inhibit AC directly. Therefore, we systematically compared the interactions of nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (NTPs), nucleoside 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphates (NTPgammaSs) and nucleoside 5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphates (NppNHps) with G(i), G(s) and AC. NTPgammaSs exhibited up to 26,000-fold higher affinity for G-proteins than NTPs and NppNHps. NTPgammaSs were up to 150-fold more potent direct AC inhibitors than NTPs and NppNHps. G-proteins exhibited striking preference for guanine nucleotides compared to other purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, whereas base-selectivity of various ACs, particularly the purified catalytic subunits C1.C2, was rather poor. GTP, GTPgammaS and GppNHp exhibited much higher selectivity for G-proteins relative to AC than all other purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. We have energetically characterized the interactions of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides with AC in silico, constructing pharmacophore models that correlate well with experimental affinities and have elucidated specific amino acid residues with greatest influence on nucleotide binding. Collectively, both G-proteins and ACs bind purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, with G-proteins showing much higher base-selectivity than AC. Thus, direct inhibitory effects of nucleotides on AC should be understood and considered when probing distinct active G-protein states with non-guanine nucleotides.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine, 2'-deoxy-2',2'-difluorocytidine, is a broad spectrum oncolytic compound with antitumor activity in solid tumor models. The pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and disposition of gemcitabine was examined in mice, rats, and dogs. All three species metabolize gemcitabine by deamination to the uracil metabolite. However, deamination in the mouse and dog was more extensive than in the rat. The mouse deaminated gemcitabine rapidly with the plasma concentration maximum of the uracil metabolite of gemcitabine being attained at 15 min postdosing compared with approximately 3 and 6 hr in the dog and rat, respectively. The rapid deamination in the mouse was also reflected in the plasma half-life of the parent compound. The mouse exhibited the shortest plasma half-life, approximately 0.28 hr, contrasted with 2.14 and 1.38 hr half-lives in rat and dog, respectively. Plasma AUC for the uracil metabolite of gemcitabine was 73%, 10.5%, and 315% of that for gemcitabine in the mouse, rat, and dog, respectively. Tissue concentrations of gemcitabine-derived radioactivity in the rat and mouse indicated that gemcitabine was rapidly distributed throughout the body. Half-lives of radioactivity in tissues of both the rat and mouse were relatively short, with the longest tissue half-lives of 5.7 and 3.0 hr, respectively. Plasma protein binding is negligible in all three species. The major route of elimination is via the urine in all three species with 76-86% of the dose excreted in the first 24 hr. The predominant radiolabeled component isolated from urine was gemcitabine in the rat and its uracil metabolite in the mouse and dog.  相似文献   

Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TRCP), a flame retardant, produces a dose-, sex-, and species-dependent lesion in the hippocampal region of the brain following subchronic oral administration. This lesion is more common and more severe in female F344 rats than in male F344 rats, and is not observed in B6C3F1 mice. The present investigation of the metabolism of TRCP was designed to detect sex and species variations that might account for differences in toxicity. Elimination of TRCP-derived radioactivity was more rapid in mice, which excreted greater than 70% of an oral dose of 175 mg/kg in urine in 8 hr vs. approximately 40% for male or female rats. However, the metabolic profile of TRCP-derived radioactivity in urine was similar for both species. The major metabolite in female rat urine was identified as bis(2-chloroethyl) carboxymethyl phosphate. This metabolite co-chromatographed with the major metabolite found in both male rat and mouse urine. Two additional metabolites identified in female rat urine were bis(2-chloroethyl) hydrogen phosphate and the glucuronide of bis(2-chloroethyl) 2-hydroxyethyl phosphate. These metabolites also cochromatographed with metabolites found in male rat and mouse urine. TRCP metabolism in rats was not induced or inhibited by nine daily 175 mg/kg doses. Toxicity, as evidenced by seizures, was potentiated in male rats pretreated with inhibitors of aldehyde dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Intestinal introluminal pressure was measured in vivo in anesthetized guinea pigs, dogs, cats ad monkeys. In guinea pigs, but not in the other species, the intestinal stimulatory effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine was antagonized by morphine. The 5-HT-blocking action of morphine in intestine seems to be unique to the guinea pig.  相似文献   

This study describes the pharmacokinetic parameters of gemopatrilat, a potent vasopeptidase inhibitor, in humans and the comparative biotransformation of the compound in rats, dogs, and humans after administration of a single oral dose of [14C]gemopatrilat. Gemopatrilat was rapidly absorbed in humans with an oral bioavailability of 49%. Within 5 h after dose, the mean concentrations of gemopatrilat were less than 1% of the mean Cmax values. The total area under the first-moment time curve extrapolated to infinity [AUC(INF)] value for gemopatrilat was only 2% of the AUC(INF) of radioactivity in plasma. Gemopatrilat showed a large apparent steady-state volume of distribution (2500 liters) and a prolonged terminal-phase decline in plasma concentration. These results are consistent with the idea that the free sulfhydryl group of gemopatrilat forms reversible disulfide linkages with plasma and tissue proteins and is thus eliminated from the body at a very slow rate. Approximately half of the drug-related radioactivity in 1-h plasma samples from rat, dog, and human was reduced chemically with dithiothreitol to gemopatrilat, suggesting that disulfide linkage occurred in all species. In addition, metabolites formed through S-methylation and amide hydrolysis were also detected in rat, dog, and human plasma. No gemopatrilat was detected in urine and fecal samples from all three species, indicating that the compound is extensively metabolized in vivo. The major metabolites identified in human urine and feces were also present in rat and dog. These data suggest that the metabolism of gemopatrilat in all three species were qualitatively very similar.  相似文献   

5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-(p-azidophenyl phosphate) (1), a potential photoaffinity labeling reagent for thymidylate synthetase from a methotrexate-resistant strain of Lactobacillus casei, has been synthesized and characterized. UV254 irradiation of mixtures of thymidylate synthetase with 1, containing 14C-labeled phenyl and 3H-labeled pyrimidine rings, in the presence of excess 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, the cofactor for the reaction, produced two complexes, separable from the native enzyme by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in which only the 3H-containing moiety was bound to the protein. When mixtures of enzyme and 1 were irradiated in the absence of cofactor, complexes separable from the native enzyme were not observed. However, the 14C-containing component of 1 was now bound to the protein in the absence of the 3H-containing portion. The results are discussed in terms of the topography of the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

The metabolism of injected [14C]-histamine was studied in heart-lung-liver preparations and heart-lung preparations from cats. When the liver was included in the circulation the injected histamine was rapidly eliminated from the blood, some of its metabolites appearing in the blood within 2 min after the injection. More than 70% of the injected histamine was metabolized to 1-methylimidazol-4-ylacetic acid. In the heart-lung preparations [14C]-histamine disappeared much more slowly from the blood and the major metabolite was 4-(2-aminoethyl)-1-methylimidazole (methylhistamine). Less than 4% of the injected 14C was recovered in the form of imidazol-4(or 5)-ylacetic acid. In none of the experiments was there any measurable formation of acetylhistamine.  相似文献   

1. In rat liver cells micromolar concentrations of adenosine 5'-[beta-thio]diphosphate (ADP beta S), activate glycogen phosphorylase by an adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP)- independent mechanism. 2. As with adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), ADP beta S also inhibits the rise in cyclic AMP after glucagon. 3. Cytosolic Ca2+ measured in single cells is rapidly increased with a pattern similar for ADP beta S and for ATP. 4. At variance with ATP, ADP beta S hardly increases inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) levels. 5. Phorbol myristic acetate, which inhibits only slightly the glycogenolytic effect of ATP, almost completely abolishes this effect of ADP beta S. 6. With adenosine 5'-[beta-[35S]thio]diphosphate (ADP beta[35S]) as radioligand, we detected specific purinoceptors on rat liver plasma membranes. Binding consists of a major binding component with KD = 0.7 microM and Bmax = 51 pmol mg-1 of protein, probably mediating the activation of glycogen phosphorylase, and a minor high affinity, low capacity binding component with no obvious function. 7. It is concluded that the differences in biological effects between ATP and ADP beta S may involve different receptors and/or different transduction mechanisms and that ADP beta[35S] can be used to detect the specific binding sites for ADP beta S.  相似文献   

In support of a program to develop a treatment for depression, four labeled forms of a delta opioid agonist were prepared. The [2H4] labeled form was prepared using a relatively straightforward conversion of [2H4]bromoethanol to [2H4]N‐methyl‐2‐hydroxyethylamine. The key step in the synthesis of the [2H6] labeled form involved the Pd‐catalyzed exchange in D2O of 8‐quinolin‐8‐ol to give [2H6] 8‐quinolin‐8‐ol. The C‐14 labeled form was synthesized in one step using [14C]carbonylation, and the C‐11 labeled form was prepared in two steps from 11CH3I. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ginger has received extensive attention because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activities. However, the metabolic fate of its major components is still unclear. In the present study, the metabolism of [6]-shogaol, one of the major active components in ginger, was examined for the first time in mice and in cancer cells. Thirteen metabolites were detected and identified, seven of which were purified from fecal samples collected from [6]-shogaol-treated mice. Their structures were elucidated as 1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-4-decen-3-ol (M6), 5-methoxy-1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-decan-3-one (M7), 3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl-decan-3-one (M8), 1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-decan-3-ol (M9), 5-methylthio-1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-decan-3-one (M10), 1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-decan-3-one (M11), and 5-methylthio-1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-decan-3-ol (M12) on the basis of detailed analysis of their (1)H, (13)C, and two-dimensional NMR data. The rest of the metabolites were identified as 5-cysteinyl-M6 (M1), 5-cysteinyl-[6]-shogaol (M2), 5-cysteinylglycinyl-M6 (M3), 5-N-acetylcysteinyl-M6 (M4), 5-N-acetylcysteinyl-[6]-shogaol (M5), and 5-glutathiol-[6]-shogaol (M13) by analysis of the MS(n) (n = 1-3) spectra and comparison to authentic standards. Among the metabolites, M1 through M5, M10, M12, and M13 were identified as the thiol conjugates of [6]-shogaol and its metabolite M6. M9 and M11 were identified as the major metabolites in four different cancer cell lines (HCT-116, HT-29, H-1299, and CL-13), and M13 was detected as a major metabolite in HCT-116 human colon cancer cells. We further showed that M9 and M11 are bioactive compounds that can inhibit cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis in human cancer cells. Our results suggest that 1) [6]-shogaol is extensively metabolized in these two models, 2) its metabolites are bioactive compounds, and 3) the mercapturic acid pathway is one of the major biotransformation pathways of [6]-shogaol.  相似文献   

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