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The current risk assessment approach for addressing the safety of very small concentrations of genotoxic impurities (GTIs) in drug substances is the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC). The TTC is based on several conservative assumptions because of the uncertainty associated with deriving an excess cancer risk when no carcinogenicity data are available for the impurity. It is a default approach derived from a distribution of carcinogens and does not take into account the properties of a specific chemical. The purpose of the study was to use in silico tools to predict the cancer potency (TD50) of a compound based on its structure. Structure activity relationship (SAR) models (classification/regression) were developed from the carcinogenicity potency database using MultiCASE and VISDOM. The MultiCASE classification models allowed the prediction of carcinogenic potency class, while the VISDOM regression models predicted a numerical TD50. A step-wise approach is proposed to calculate predicted numerical TD50 values for compounds categorized as not potent. This approach for non-potent compounds can be used to establish safe levels greater than the TTC for GTIs in a drug substance.  相似文献   

The synthesis of pharmaceutical products frequently involves the use of reactive reagents and the formation of intermediates and by-products. Low levels of some of these may be present in the final drug substance and drug product as impurities. Such chemically reactive impurities may have at the same time the potential for unwanted toxicities including genotoxicity and carcinogenicity and hence can have an impact on product risk assessment. This paper outlines a procedure for testing, classification, qualification, toxicological risk assessment, and control of impurities possessing genotoxic potential in pharmaceutical products. Referencing accepted principles of cancer risk assessment, this document proposes a staged threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) approach for the intake of genotoxic impurities over various periods of exposure. This staged TTC is based on knowledge about tumorigenic potency of a wide range of genotoxic carcinogens and can be used for genotoxic compounds, for which cancer data are limited or not available. The delineated acceptable daily intake values of between approximately 1.5 microg/day for approximately lifetime intake and approximately 120 microg/day for < or = 1 month are virtually safe doses. Based on sound scientific reasoning, these virtually safe intake values do not pose an unacceptable risk to either human volunteers or patients at any stage of clinical development and marketing of a pharmaceutical product. The intake levels are estimated to give an excess cancer risk of 1 in 100,000 to 1 in a million over a lifetime, and are extremely conservative given the current lifetime cancer risk in the population of over 1 in 4 (http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html.all.html). The proposals in this document apply to all clinical routes of administration and to compounds at all stages of clinical development. It is important to note that certain types of products, such as those for life-threatening indications for which there are no safer alternatives, allow for special considerations using adaptations of the principles outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

Controlling the quality of medicines is just as important as demonstrating efficacy. The International Conference on Harmonisation has published general guidance on the quality and safety assessment of impurities in pharmaceutical drug substances and drug products. More recently, the European Medicines Evaluation Agency has published a guideline focusing on limits for genotoxic impurities. This is based on a Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) derived from animal carcinogenicity data using multiple worst case assumptions to estimate a daily dose (1.5 microg/day) associated with a lifetime cancer risk of 1 in 100,000, a risk level considered acceptable for genotoxic impurities in human medicines. Based on these assumptions, presentation of the TTC as a single figure infers an unwarranted level of precision and supports the adoption of a more flexible approach by regulatory authorities when evaluating new drug products; a range within fivefold of the TTC limit would seem sensible. Furthermore, the limit is based on 70 years continuous daily exposure, a scenario that is uncommon for most medicines and irrelevant to the preregistration clinical development phase. To address this latter point, a staged TTC has been developed that proposes limits based on shorter durations of treatment, e.g., up to 1 year. Based on recent history, this approach has been acceptable to some authorities but not to others, and it is imperative that steps are taken to reach a common agreement between the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities globally in order that new medicines can continue to be developed and delivered to benefit patients in a safe and timely manner.  相似文献   

The Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) is a level of exposure to a genotoxic impurity that is considered to represent a negligible risk to humans. The TTC was derived from the results of rodent carcinogenicity TD50 values that are a measure of carcinogenic potency. The TTC currently sets a default limit of 1.5 μg/day in food contact substances and pharmaceuticals for all genotoxic impurities without carcinogenicity data. Bercu et al. (2010) used the QSAR predicted TD50 to calculate a risk specific dose (RSD) which is a carcinogenic potency adjusted TTC for genotoxic impurities. This promising approach is currently limited by the software used, a combination of MC4PC (www.multicase.com) and a Lilly Inc. in-house software (VISDOM) that is not available to the public. In this report the TD50 and RSD were predicted using a commercially available software, SciQSAR (formally MDL-QSAR, www.scimatics.com) employing the same TD50 training data set and external validation test set that was used by Bercu et al. (2010). The results demonstrate the general applicability of QSAR predicted TD50 values to determine the RSDs for genotoxic impurities and the improved performance of SciQSAR for predicting TD50 values.  相似文献   

药物杂质的毒理学评价要求及进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 药物原料或制剂中的杂质可能引起临床不良反应。杂质毒理学评价是药物研究的重要内容。ICH关于药物及制剂杂质方面指导原则规定了杂质的报告、鉴定和质控限度,含量超过质控限度的杂质应进行毒理学评价。但指导原则对于研发阶段的药物杂质和遗传毒性杂质的限度未作明确要求。EMEA对于遗传毒性杂质制定了专门的指导原则,引入了毒理学担忧阈值(TTC)的概念对遗传毒性杂质限度进行控制,遗传毒性杂质每日接触量应小于1.5 μg。FDA也推荐采用TTC原则控制遗传毒性和致癌性杂质。本文结合ICH,EMEA及美国FDA等指导原则,对药物杂质毒理学评价的要求及其进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

自“缬沙坦事件”之后,N-亚硝胺类基因毒性杂质引起了业界的广泛关注。本文概述了药物中N-亚硝胺类基因毒性杂质和相关检测方法的研究进展,以及近20年来国内外有关药物中基因毒性杂质监管指南的完善历程。N-亚硝胺类基因毒性杂质作为一类高反应活性的基因毒性杂质,主要来源于药物合成过程中发生的副反应,以及药物在储存或者运输过程中发生的氧化或还原等反应。所有的动物实验表明,N-亚硝胺类具有很强的致癌性。在理论上,所有药物都存在N-亚硝胺类杂质或被N-亚硝胺类杂质污染的风险,由于该类化合物在药物中常以痕量形式存在,在分析检测过程中药物基质干扰大,因此建立便捷、高效的分析方法是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

According to the 2008 US FDA (draft) and 2006 EMEA guidance documents for genotoxic impurities, an impurity that is positive in an in vitro genotoxicity study, in the absence of in vivo genotoxicity or carcinogenicity data, should be treated as genotoxic and typically controlled to 1.5 μg/day for chronic use. For p-nitrophenol (PNP), existing study results (i.e., positive in vitro clastogenicity in mammalian cells, no information on its in vivo genotoxicity, and negative with respect to carcinogenicity in a dermal mouse study with no confirmation of systemic exposure) indicated that it should be considered genotoxic and exposure as a drug impurity limited. Therefore, to more completely characterize the genotoxic potential of PNP (consistent with the guidance documents), in vivo mouse micronucleus and dermal pharmacokinetic bridging studies were conducted. In the micronucleus study, PNP was negative, demonstrating that the reported in vitro clastogenicity is not present in vivo. In the pharmacokinetic study, PNP was well absorbed dermally, validating the negative dermal carcinogenicity assessment. These results indicate that PNP should be considered a non-genotoxic impurity and, as a drug impurity, a threshold limit of 4 mg/day would be set (per ICH Q3C). This threshold limit is higher than the EPA reference dose (listed in the 2006 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories), so if present at such levels, the specification limits for PNP should be determined on a case-by-case basis, based on risk-benefit.  相似文献   

ICH/regional guidances and agency scrutiny provide the regulatory framework for safety assessment and control of impurities in small-molecule drug substances and drug products. We provide a critical assessment of the principal impurity guidances and, in particular, focus on deficiencies in the derivation of the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) as applied to genotoxic impurities and the many toxicological anomalies generated by following the current guidelines on impurities. In terms of pharmacopoeial standards, we aim to highlight the fact that strictly controlling numerous impurities, especially those that are minor structural variants of the active substance, is likely to produce minimal improvements in drug safety. It is believed that, wherever possible, there is a need to simplify and rebalance the current impurity paradigm, moving away from standards derived largely from batch analytical data towards structure-based qualification thresholds and risk assessments using readily available safety data. Such changes should also lead to a minimization of in vivo testing for toxicological qualification purposes. Recent improvements in analytical techniques and performance have enabled the detection of ever smaller amounts of impurities with increased confidence. The temptation to translate this information directly to the regulatory sphere without any kind of safety evaluation should be resisted.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical regulatory agencies are increasingly concerned with trace-level genotoxic impurities in drug substances, requiring manufacturers to deliver innovative approaches for their analysis and control. The need to control most genotoxic impurities in the low ppm level relative to the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), combined with the often reactive and labile nature of genotoxic impurities, poses significant analytical challenges. Therefore, sophisticated analytical methodologies are often developed to test and control genotoxic impurities in drug substances. From a quality-by-design perspective, product quality (genotoxic impurity levels in this case) should be built into the manufacturing process. This necessitates a practical analysis and control strategy derived on the premise of in-depth process understanding. General guidance on how to develop strategies for the analysis and control of genotoxic impurities is currently lacking in the pharmaceutical industry. In this work, we demonstrate practical examples for the analytical control of five genotoxic impurities in the manufacturing process of pazopanib hydrochloride, an anticancer drug currently in Phase III clinical development, which may serve as a model for the other products in development. Through detailed process understanding, we implemented an analysis and control strategy that enables the control of the five genotoxic impurities upstream in the manufacturing process at the starting materials or intermediates rather than at the final API. This allows the control limits to be set at percent levels rather than ppm levels, thereby simplifying the analytical testing and the analytical toolkits to be used in quality control laboratories.  相似文献   

如何对药品中存在致癌风险的亚硝胺类杂质进行控制,已成为企业和监管部门关注的热点。本文对亚硝胺类杂质的常见类型、来源、致癌性作用特点进行梳理,并结合EMA、FDA、ICH及我国相关遗传毒性杂质控制指导原则,对制定符合我国国情的亚硝胺类杂质的监管限度和监管工作提出建议。尽管国外已陆续出台了一系列针对药品中亚硝胺类杂质的含量限定的指南性文件,但众多亚硝胺类杂质的毒性剂量、人体暴露量尚不明确,且药物合成工艺存在差异,我国无法完全照搬欧美等国的监管方法。当前应深入研究亚硝胺类杂质的遗传毒性和致癌性,从而制定符合我国国情的监管限度值和药品中亚硝胺杂质监管策略;此外,本文从解决实际问题的角度出发,讨论如何根据已有指导原则,确定在已知毒理学数据、毒理学数据不足和短期使用药物不同情况下亚硝胺类杂质的监管限度。本文将为药物生产和杂质评价与研究和监管领域相关人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the particular difficulties presented by low levels of food-borne DNA-reactive genotoxic carcinogens, some of which may be difficult to eliminate completely from the diet, and proposes a structured approach for the evaluation of such compounds. While the ALARA approach is widely applicable to all substances in food that are both carcinogenic and genotoxic, it does not take carcinogenic potency into account and, therefore, does not permit prioritisation based on potential risk or concern. In the absence of carcinogenicity dose-response data, an assessment based on comparison with an appropriate threshold of toxicological concern may be possible. When carcinogenicity data from animal bioassays are available, a useful analysis is achieved by the calculation of margins of exposure (MOEs), which can be used to compare animal potency data with human exposure scenarios. Two reference points on the dose-response relationship that can be used for MOE calculation were examined; the T25 value, which is derived from linear extrapolation, and the BMDL10, which is derived from mathematical modelling of the dose-response data. The above approaches were applied to selected food-borne genotoxic carcinogens. The proposed approach is applicable to all substances in food that are DNA-reactive genotoxic carcinogens and enables the formulation of appropriate semi-quantitative advice to risk managers.  相似文献   

The screening of drug candidates to assess their carcinogenic potential has long been a challenge for drug development. While genotoxic compounds can be readily detected with a battery of standard tests, including short-term in vitro and in vivo assays, predicting nongenotoxic carcinogenicity remains a major challenge. The 2-year rodent bioassay has been held as the gold standard for the assessment of carcinogenic risk to humans. However, due primarily to the continuing doubt over their relevance to human risk assessment, there has been an increased demand for more efficient and accurate approaches to predict and understand human relevant risk of carcinogenicity. Novel biomarkers have helped to shed light on our understanding of the factors that lead to and are characteristic of the carcinogenic phenotypes. Tissue biomarkers of carcinogenicity identified to be concordant with drug exposures resulting in tumor outcome may assist the drug development process by resolving ambiguities, shortening timelines and enabling earlier decisions on compounds. This information could vastly improve the efficiency with which nongenotoxic carcinogens are identified and ensure earlier insight into the relevance for humans.  相似文献   

目的 分析阿齐沙坦的合成工艺路线,确定起始原料、中间体、副反应产物等有关物质信息,研究有关物质的致突变性,确定有关物质的限度,为质量标准的建立提供依据。方法 检索相关数据库确定有关物质遗传毒性数据,采用2种定量构效关系软件预测杂质的致突变性,根据ICH M7指导原则,对有关物质进行遗传毒性归类,结合相关指导原则制定有关物质限度。结果 筛选出的18个有关物质中,有11个无遗传毒性,可按非遗传毒性杂质进行控制,有7个化合物致突变性预测结果为阳性,需要按遗传毒性杂质进行控制。结论 为保障用药安全,终产品中总杂质的量不得>0.5%,致突变性预测结果为阳性的有关物质单杂最高限度不得>0.001 875%,其他有关物质单杂最高限度不得>0.1%。  相似文献   

基因毒性杂质具有在极低暴露水平下即能导致严重毒性的特点,对用药的安全性造成严重的威胁。作为一类重要的基因毒性杂质,肼是一种常见的中间体,而且是常见药物的降解产物。对基因毒性杂质进行了概述,并较为详尽地介绍了肼类基因毒性杂质的分析方法,为需要测定此类基因毒性杂质的分析人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Starting materials and intermediates used to synthesize pharmaceuticals are reactive in nature and may be present as impurities in the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) used for preclinical safety studies and clinical trials. Furthermore, starting materials and intermediates may be known or suspected mutagens and/or carcinogens. Therefore, during drug development due diligence need be applied from two perspectives (1) to understand potential mutagenic and carcinogenic risks associated with compounds used for synthesis and (2) to understand the capability of synthetic processes to control genotoxic impurities in the API. Recently, a task force comprised of experts from pharmaceutical industry proposed guidance, with recommendations for classification, testing, qualification and assessing risk of genotoxic impurities. In our experience the proposed structure-based classification, has differentiated 75% of starting materials and intermediates as mutagenic and non-mutagenic with high concordance (92%) when compared with Ames results. Structure-based assessment has been used to identify genotoxic hazards, and prompted evaluation of fate of genotoxic impurities in API. These two assessments (safety and chemistry) culminate in identification of genotoxic impurities known or suspected to exceed acceptable levels in API, thereby triggering actions needed to assure appropriate control and measurement methods are in place. Hypothetical case studies are presented demonstrating this multi-disciplinary approach.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn), a naturally occurring element present in many foodstuffs, is an essential trace element with many biological functions. In industry, inorganic Mn compounds have a range of different applications, although the majority of Mn is used to make alloys and steel. For the general population, the major source of exposure to Mn is dietary, although drinking water may constitute an additional source in some regions. However, in occupationally exposed humans, inhalation of Mn is likely to be an important additional route. In general, Mn and its inorganic compounds are considered to possess low mutagenic or carcinogenic potential compared with some heavy metals. In this review, an up-to-date analysis of the available published studies on the carcinogenic and genotoxic potential of inorganic Mn is provided (organic Mn compounds are not considered). The current literature indicates that Mn may be weakly mutagenic in vitro and possibly clastogenic in vivo, with unknown genotoxic effects in humans; the possible mechanisms underlying these effects are discussed. The experimental evidence on carcinogenicity (quantitative increase in incidence of thyroid tumors in mice but not rats) does not provide any clear evidence, while the available occupational and environmental epidemiological evidence is equivocal as to whether exposure to inorganic Mn is associated with a significant cancer risk. Hence, it is concluded that there is insufficient evidence to indicate that inorganic Mn exposure produces cancer in animals or humans.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn), a naturally occurring element present in many foodstuffs, is an essential trace element with many biological functions. In industry, inorganic Mn compounds have a range of different applications, although the majority of Mn is used to make alloys and steel. For the general population, the major source of exposure to Mn is dietary, although drinking water may constitute an additional source in some regions. However, in occupationally exposed humans, inhalation of Mn is likely to be an important additional route. In general, Mn and its inorganic compounds are considered to possess low mutagenic or carcinogenic potential compared with some heavy metals. In this review, an up-to-date analysis of the available published studies on the carcinogenic and genotoxic potential of inorganic Mn is provided (organic Mn compounds are not considered). The current literature indicates that Mn may be weakly mutagenic in vitro and possibly clastogenic in vivo, with unknown genotoxic effects in humans; the possible mechanisms underlying these effects are discussed. The experimental evidence on carcinogenicity (quantitative increase in incidence of thyroid tumors in mice but not rats) does not provide any clear evidence, while the available occupational and environmental epidemiological evidence is equivocal as to whether exposure to inorganic Mn is associated with a significant cancer risk. Hence, it is concluded that there is insufficient evidence to indicate that inorganic Mn exposure produces cancer in animals or humans.  相似文献   

The cancer TTC (Threshold of Toxicological Concern) concept is currently employed as an aid to risk assessment of potentially mutagenic impurities (PMIs) in food, cosmetics and other sectors. Within the pharmaceutical industry the use of one default cancer TTC limit of 1.5 μg/day for PMIs is being increasingly questioned. Its derivation, originally in the context of foodstuffs, can be broken down into five key elements: dataset composition; determination of carcinogenicity/mutagenicity status and carcinogenic potency (based on TD50s) of compounds in the dataset; linear extrapolation of carcinogenic potencies; evaluation of the more potent compounds in each structural category, and presence of representative structural alerts amongst the more potent compounds. A detailed evaluation reveals that the derivation process is distorted by the use of the lowest statistically significant TD50s (which can produce a false-carcinogen phenomenon) and by employing linear extrapolation for non-mutagenic carcinogens. By correcting for these two factors, it is concluded that only around 50% of conventional structural-alert categories were adequately addressed and that limits higher than the default value appear to be justified in many cases. Using similar criteria for PMIs in pharmaceuticals, four distinct potency categories of conventional structural alerts can be distinguished, ranging from alerts with questionable validity to those with high potency, which are considered to provide a range of flexible and pragmatic limits for such impurities.  相似文献   

基因毒性杂质的限度确定是药物安全研究的重要内容.有潜在基因毒性的杂质根据其结构特征和毒理学数据可分为5类:已知有致突变性及致癌性的杂质、有致突变性但致癌性未知的杂质、含有与药物活性成分结构无关的警示结构但无致突变性数据的杂质、含与药物活性成分相关警示结构的杂质以及致癌风险高的特殊杂质.本文以毒理学评价的方法,分类对基因...  相似文献   

目的:药品中可能有多个来源的元素杂质,由于元素杂质不能给病人提供任何治疗益处,因而药品生产中元素杂质含量应被控制在可接受的限度内。国际人用药物注册技术协调会议(ICH)Q3D元素杂质指南是新药制剂元素杂质控制的质量指南,旨在为新药制剂和其赋形剂中元素杂质的定性和定量控制提供全球性方针。本文介绍Q3D元素杂质指南,对相关要点进行解读。方法:详细描述元素杂质指南的主要内容,侧重于对元素风险评估及设定制剂中各组分元素杂质的限度进行具体分析。根据《美国药典》39和《欧洲药典》9.0中相关金属元素杂质的通则,汇总这些指导性文件与ICH Q3D的不同之处。结果与结论:Q3D主要包括潜在元素杂质的安全性评价、类别、元素杂质的风险评估和控制、日允许暴露量(Permitted Daily Exposure,简称PDE)与浓度限度之间的转换。元素杂质的风险评估应考虑潜在元素杂质的来源和药物服用方式,将特定元素杂质水平与PDE进行比较,评价该元素在药品中存在的可能性。经风险评估需要进行控制的元素杂质,可以根据药物服用剂量和PDE用3种方法设定元素浓度限度,这有利于帮助药品生产企业通过风险评估来决定对哪些元素进行额外控制,从而有效保障药品质量。  相似文献   

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