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The prefrontal cortex is considered essential for learning to perform cognitive tasks though little is known about how the representation of stimulus properties is altered by learning. To address this issue, we recorded neuronal activity in monkeys before and after training on a task that required visual working memory. After the subjects learned to perform the task, we observed activation of more prefrontal neurons and increased activity during working memory maintenance. The working memory-related increase in firing rate was due mostly to regular-spiking putative pyramidal neurons. Unexpectedly, the selectivity of neurons for stimulus properties and the ability of neurons to discriminate between stimuli decreased as the information about stimulus properties was apparently present in neural firing prior to training and neuronal selectivity degraded after training in the task. The effect was robust and could not be accounted for by differences in sampling sites, selection of neurons, level of performance, or merely the elapse of time. The results indicate that, in contrast to the effects of perceptual learning, mastery of a cognitive task degrades the apparent stimulus selectivity as neurons represent more abstract information related to the task. This effect is countered by the recruitment of more neurons after training.  相似文献   

The primate posterior parietal cortex (PPC) plays an important role in representing and recalling spatial relationships and in the ability to orient visual attention. This is evidenced by the parietal activation observed in brain imaging experiments performed during visuo- spatial tasks, and by the contralateral neglect syndrome that often accompanies parietal lesions. Individual neurons in monkey parietal cortex respond vigorously to the appearance of single, behaviorally relevant stimuli, but little is known about how they respond to more complex visual displays. The current experiments addressed this issue by recording activity from single neurons in area 7a of the PPC in monkeys performing a spatial version of a match-to-sample task. The task required them to locate salient stimuli in multiple-stimulus displays and release a lever after a subsequent stimulus appeared at the same location. Neurons responded preferentially to the appearance of salient stimuli inside their receptive fields. The presence of multiple stimuli did not affect appreciably the spatial tuning of responses in the majority of neurons or the population code for the location of the salient stimulus. Responses to salient stimuli could be distinguished from background stimuli approximately 100 ms after the onset of the cue. These results suggest that area 7a neurons represent the location of the stimulus attracting the animal's attention and can provide the spatial information required for directing attention to a salient stimulus in a complex scene.  相似文献   

The functional organization of prefrontal cortex (PFC) is a central issue in cognitive neuroscience. Previous physiological investigations have often failed to reveal specialization within the PFC. However, these studies have generally not been designed to examine this issue. Methodological issues such as statistical criteria for specificity, the number of neurons sampled, the extent of cortex sampled, and the number, location and nature of the stimuli used are among the variables that need to be considered in evaluating the results of studies on functional localization. In the present study, we have examined neurons in macaque monkeys trained to fixate while viewing visual stimuli, including faces, or to use them as memoranda on a working memory task. Visual responses of over 1500 neurons were recorded throughout a wide expanse of the PFC (areas 12, 9, 46, 8 and 45). Neurons were considered selective for faces if the best response to a face was over twice as strong as that to any of a wide variety of non-face stimuli. Full electrode track reconstructions in three monkeys revealed in each that neurons which met this criterion were concentrated almost exclusively in three distinct subregions within the projection region of the temporal lobe visual areas. We further show that for all neurons, the most visually selective neurons (for faces, objects or color patterns) were also the most concentrated in the temporal lobe recipient PFC. Similar face selectivity, regional specialization, and delay or delay-like activity were observed in monkeys whether trained on memory tasks or not, which suggests that these are naturally occurring properties of prefrontal neurons. These results confirm neuronal and regional specialization for information processing in PFC and elucidate how heretofore unexamined experimental variables have a strong influence on the detection of regional specialization.  相似文献   

Single-neuron recordings from behaving primates have established a link between working memory processes and information-specific neuronal persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex. Using a network model endowed with a columnar architecture and based on the physiological properties of cortical neurons and synapses, we have examined the synaptic mechanisms of selective persistent activity underlying spatial working memory in the prefrontal cortex. Our model reproduces the phenomenology of the oculomotor delayed-response experiment of Funahashi et al. (S. Funahashi, C.J. Bruce and P.S. Goldman-Rakic, Mnemonic coding of visual space in the monkey's dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. J Neurophysiol 61:331-349, 1989). To observe stable spontaneous and persistent activity, we find that recurrent synaptic excitation should be primarily mediated by NMDA receptors, and that overall recurrent synaptic interactions should be dominated by inhibition. Isodirectional tuning of adjacent pyramidal cells and interneurons can be accounted for by a structured pyramid-to-interneuron connectivity. Robust memory storage against random drift of the tuned persistent activity and against distractors (intervening stimuli during the delay period) may be enhanced by neuromodulation of recurrent synapses. Experimentally testable predictions concerning the neural basis of working memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Distinct prefrontal regions are specialized for the controlled processing of semantic information. We have dissociated components of this system used in semantic decision-making across different perceptual conditions. Nineteen subjects were presented with auditory word sequences, on which they made semantic or syllabic decisions, while neural activity was measured using PET. Contrasting the semantic with syllabic tasks, there was activation within left rostral prefrontal cortex (RPFC) when the stimuli were presented as clear speech, reducing when the stimuli were presented in acoustically degraded form. In contrast, activation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was observed with the degraded stimuli, an effect that inversely correlated with accuracy on the task. We have thus demonstrated two prefrontal systems where activity is differentially modulated by the "quality" of information held in working memory. This dissociation is likely to represent an alteration in the type of cognitive operations employed during task performance, where left RPFC is activated during extensive semantic elaboration and right DLPFC is recruited as the monitoring demands, associated with items held in working memory, increase. The function of these separate systems is integrated during the performance of verbal problem-solving tasks although they are differentially sensitive to stimulus degradation.  相似文献   

Everyday visual scenes contain a variety of stimuli that vary in their significance. The companion paper demonstrates that neurons in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) are capable of encoding the spatial locations of the salient stimulus in multiple stimulus scenes. The present experiment sought to address how neuronal responses to stimuli appearing in the receptive field are modulated after attention has been drawn to one of multiple stimuli in a visual scene. We recorded from area 7a of the PPC in monkeys trained to do a spatial version of a match-to-sample task. The results show that neuronal responses are greatly suppressed when stimuli appear at previously attended locations. No reduction in responsiveness is observed for locations where stimuli had previously appeared but did not draw attention. These results support the hypothesis that area 7a has a role in redirecting attention to stimuli appearing at novel, unattended locations.  相似文献   

Inferior Temporal Mechanisms for Invariant Object Recognition   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
The specific size and retinal location of an object are readilyperceived, yet recognition of an object's identity is hardlyaffected by transformations of its size or location, To explorehow such stimulus transformations are treated by known mechanismsfor visual short-term memory in inferior temporal (IT) cortex,IT cells were recorded in monkeys performing a delayed matching-to-sampletask. The stimuli were pictures of complex objects, and themonkeys ignored differences in size and retinal location whenmatching the test items to the sample held in memory. The sensoryinformation communicated by cells was assessed in their responsesto the sample stimuli, and mnemonic information was assessedin their responses to the test stimuli. In the sensory domain,the ordering of relative stimulus preferences for nearly allcells was invariant over changes in size or location; however,some cells nonetheless preferred stimuli of a given size orlocation. In the mnemonic domain, the responses of many cellswere modulated according to whether the test stimulus matchedthe sample held in memory, and these memory effects were invariantover the relative sizes and locations of the stimuli. Thus,IT neuronal populations may mediate not only the recognitionand memory of object identity, which are invariant over sizeand location, but also the perception of the transformationsthemselves.  相似文献   

Many studies have implicated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the acquisition of skill, including procedural sequence learning. However, the specific role it performs in sequence learning has remained uncertain. This type of skill has been intensively studied using the serial reaction time task. We used three versions of this task: a standard task where the position of the stimulus cued the response; a non-standard task where the color of the stimulus was related to the correct response; and a combined task where both the color and position simultaneously cued the response. We refer to each of these tasks based upon the cues available for guiding learning as position, color and combined tasks. The combined task usually shows an enhancement of skill acquisition, a result of being driven by two simultaneous and congruent cues. Prior to the performance of each of these tasks the function of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was disrupted using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. This completely prevented learning within the position task, while sequence learning occurred to a similar extent in both the color and combined tasks. So, following prefrontal stimulation the expected learning enhancement in the combined task was lost, consistent with only a color cue being available to guide sequence learning in the combined task. Neither of these effects was observed following stimulation at the parietal cortex. Hence the critical role played by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in sequence learning is related exclusively to spatial cues. We suggest that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex operates over the short term to retain and manipulate spatial information to allow cortical and subcortical structures to learn a predictable sequence of actions. Such functions may emerge from the broader role the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has in spatial working memory. These results argue against the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex constituting part of the neuronal substrate responsible for general aspects of implicit or explicit sequence learning.  相似文献   

Whereas much is known about the visual shape selectivity of neurons in the inferior temporal cortex (ITC), less is known about the role of visual learning in the development and refinement of ITC shape selectivity. To address this, we trained monkeys to perform a visual categorization task with a parametric set of highly familiar stimuli. During training, the stimuli were always presented at the same orientation. In this experiment, we recorded from ITC neurons while monkeys viewed the trained stimuli in addition to image-plane rotated versions of those stimuli. We found that, concomitant with the monkeys' behavioral performance, neuronal stimulus selectivity was stronger for stimuli presented at the trained orientation than for rotated versions of the same stimuli. We also recorded from ITC neurons while monkeys viewed sets of novel and familiar (but not explicitly trained) randomly chosen complex stimuli. We again found that ITC stimulus selectivity was sharper for familiar than novel stimuli, suggesting that enhanced shape tuning in ITC can arise for both passively experienced and explicitly trained stimuli.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe (MTL) plays a critical role in transforming complex stimuli into permanent memory traces, yet little is known on how the activity of neurons in the human brain mediates this process. Recording from single neurons in the human MTL during visual encoding and retrieval of faces and objects, we found that in the hippocampus faces evoked predominantly suppression of neuronal firing below prestimulus baseline ('inhibitory responses'). These responses were also prevalent in the entorhinal cortex but were absent in the amygdala during the first second of stimulus encoding when all responses to faces were 'excitatory' (neuronal firing increased above the prestimulus baseline). Inhibitory responses were more prevalent during recognition than encoding and were also present during processing of objects, albeit less frequently than during processing of faces. Despite the prevalence in the hippocampus of cells with inhibitory responses and their relative specificity to faces, it was mainly the activity of the cells with excitatory responses that was selective for stimulus features such as gender and emotional expression of faces. These findings suggest that a large population of cells with inhibitory responses is engaged in the hippocampal memory network, but primarily cells with excitatory responses process feature-specific information.  相似文献   

Emerging ideas of brain function emphasize the context-dependency of regional contributions to cognitive operations, where the function of a particular region is constrained by its pattern of functional connectivity. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine how modality of input (auditory or visual) affects prefrontal cortex (PFC) functional connectivity for simple working memory tasks. The hypothesis was that PFC would show contextually dependent changes in functional connectivity in relation to the modality of input despite similar cognitive demands. Participants were presented with auditory or visual bandpass-filtered noise stimuli, and performed 2 simple short-term memory tasks. Brain activation patterns independently mapped onto modality and task demands. Analysis of right ventral PFC functional connectivity, however, suggested these activity patterns interact. One functional connectivity pattern showed task differences independent of stimulus modality and involved ventromedial and dorsolateral prefrontal and occipitoparietal cortices. A second pattern showed task differences that varied with modality, engaging superior temporal and occipital association regions. Importantly, these association regions showed nonzero functional connectivity in all conditions, rather than showing a zero connectivity in one modality and nonzero in the other. These results underscore the interactive nature of brain processing, where modality-specific and process-specific networks interact for normal cognitive operations.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that neuronal responses to virtual self-movement would be enhanced during steering tasks. We recorded the activity of medial superior temporal (MSTd) neurons in monkeys trained to steer a straight-ahead course, using optic flow. We found smaller optic flow responses during active steering than during the passive viewing of the same stimuli. Behavioral analysis showed that the monkeys had learned to steer using local motion cues. Retraining the monkeys to use the global pattern of optic flow reversed the effects of the active-steering task: active steering then evoked larger responses than passive viewing. We then compared the responses of neurons during active steering by local motion and by global patterns: Local motion trials promoted the use of local dot movement near the center of the stimulus by occluding the peripheral visual field midway through the trial. Global pattern trials promoted the use of radial pattern movement by occluding the central visual field midway through the trial. In this study, identical full-field optic-flow stimuli evoked larger responses in global-pattern trials than in local motion trials. We conclude that the selection of specific visual cues reflects strategies for active steering and alters MSTd neuronal responses to optic flow.  相似文献   

We trained monkeys to compare the frequencies of two mechanical vibrations applied sequentially to the tip of a finger and to report which of the two stimuli had the higher frequency. This task requires remembering the first frequency during the delay period between the two stimuli. Recordings were made from neurons in the inferior convexity of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) while the monkeys performed the task. We report neurons that fire persistently during the delay period, with a firing rate that is a monotonic function of the frequency of the first stimulus. Separately from, and in addition to, their correlation with the first stimulus, the delay period firing rates of these neurons were correlated with the behavior of the monkey, in a manner consistent with their interpretation as the neural substrate of working memory during the task. Most neurons had firing rates that varied systematically with time during the delay period. We suggest that this time-dependent activity may encode time itself and may be an intrinsic part of active memory maintenance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Working memory (WM) is known to activate the prefrontal cortex. In the present study we hypothesized that when additional contingencies are added to the instruction of a WM task, this would increase the WM load and result in the activation of additional prefrontal areas. With positron emission tomography we measured regional cerebral blood flow in nine subjects performing a control task and two delayed matching to sample tasks, in which the subjects were matching colours and patterns to a reference picture. The second of the two delayed matching tasks had a more complex instruction than the first, with additional contingencies of how to alternate between the matching of colours and patterns. This task thus required the subjects not only to remember a stimulus to match but also to perform this matching according to a specified plan. Both delayed matching tasks activated cortical fields in the middle frontal gyrus, the frontal operculum, upper cingulate gyrus, inferior parietal cortex and cortex lining the intraparietal sulcus, all in the left hemisphere. When alternated delayed matching was compared to simple delayed matching, increases were located in the right superior and middle frontal gyrus and the right anterior inferior parietal cortex. The increased demand during alternated matching thus resulted in bilateral activation of both dorsolateral prefrontal and inferior parietal cortex. The area in the inferior parietal cortex has previously been coactivated with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in several WM tasks, irrespective of the sensory modality of the stimuli, and during tasks involving planning.   相似文献   

A parametric working memory network stores the information of an analog stimulus in the form of persistent neural activity that is monotonically tuned to the stimulus. The family of persistent firing patterns with a continuous range of firing rates must all be realizable under exactly the same external conditions (during the delay when the transient stimulus is withdrawn). How this can be accomplished by neural mechanisms remains an unresolved question. Here we present a recurrent cortical network model of irregularly spiking neurons that was designed to simulate a somatosensory working memory experiment with behaving monkeys. Our model reproduces the observed positively and negatively monotonic persistent activity, and heterogeneous tuning curves of memory activity. We show that fine-tuning mathematically corresponds to a precise alignment of cusps in the bifurcation diagram of the network. Moreover, we show that the fine-tuned network can integrate stimulus inputs over several seconds. Assuming that such time integration occurs in neural populations downstream from a tonically persistent neural population, our model is able to account for the slow ramping-up and ramping-down behaviors of neurons observed in prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Local cortical networks in the prefrontal cortex and visual cortex are capable of spontaneously generating sustained activity for periods of seconds or longer. This sustained activity is generated through recurrent excitation between pyramidal cells that is controlled by feedback inhibition and can have both a rapid onset and a rapid offset. The period of activity is associated with a marked increase in neuronal responsiveness to the intracellular injection of current pulses, especially those of smaller amplitude. Independently mimicking the depolarization, increase in membrane conductance and increase in noise associated with sustained activity revealed that the depolarization is largely responsible for the increase in neuronal responsiveness, although an increase in membrane noise also facilitates responses to small inputs. These results indicate that the persistent activity associated with the performance of working memory tasks may be generated largely through recurrent networks. They also suggest that feedback pathways, such as those involved in selective attention, may exert a powerful influence on neuronal responsiveness through synaptic bombardment.  相似文献   

To understand functional roles of the thalamic mediodorsal nucleus (MD) in sensory-to-motor information transformation during spatial working memory performance and compare with those of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), we calculated population vectors using a population of MD activities recorded during 2 tasks. In the oculomotor delayed-response (ODR) task, monkeys needed to make a memory-guided saccade to the cue location, whereas in the rotatory oculomotor delayed-response (R-ODR) task, they needed to make a memory-guided saccade 90 degrees clockwise from the cue direction. The directions of population vectors calculated from populations of cue- and response-period activities were similar to the cue and saccade target directions, respectively, which confirmed that population vectors represent information regarding the directions of the visual cue and the saccade target. We then calculated population vectors of delay-period activity using a sliding 250-ms time window. In the ODR task, population vectors were directed toward the cue direction throughout the delay. However, in the R-ODR task, they gradually rotated from the cue direction to the saccade target direction. Based on a comparison with the results obtained from DLPFC neurons, the rotation of population vectors started earlier in the MD than in the DLPFC, suggesting that the motor information regarding forthcoming saccade is provided from the MD.  相似文献   

Population vectors were used to examine information represented by a population of prefrontal activity and its temporal change during spatial working memory processes while monkeys performed ODR and R-ODR tasks. In the ODR task, monkeys made a saccade to the cue location after the delay, whereas in the R-ODR task, they made a saccade 90 degrees clockwise from the cue location. We first constructed population vectors using cue- and response-period activity. The directions of population vectors were similar to the cue directions and the saccade target directions, respectively, indicating that population vectors correctly represented information regarding directions of visual cues and saccade targets. We then calculated population vectors during a 250 ms time-window from the cue presentation to the end of the response period. In the ODR task, all population vectors were directed toward the cue direction. However, in the R-ODR task, the population vector gradually rotated during the delay period from the cue direction to the saccade direction. These results indicate that spatial information represented by a population of prefrontal activity can be shown as the direction of the population vector and that its temporal change during spatial working memory tasks can be depicted as the temporal change of the vector's direction.  相似文献   

To investigate the cortical basis of color and form concepts, we examined event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) responses to matched words related to abstract color and form information. Silent word reading elicited activity in left temporal and frontal cortex, where category-specific activity differences were also observed. Whereas color words preferentially activated anterior parahippocampal gyrus, form words evoked category-specific activity in fusiform and middle temporal gyrus as well as premotor and dorsolateral prefrontal areas in inferior and middle frontal gyri. These results demonstrate that word meanings and concepts are not processed by a unique cortical area, but by different sets of areas, each of which may contribute differentially to conceptual semantic processing. We hypothesize that the anterior parahippocampal activation to color words indexes computation of the visual feature conjunctions and disjunctions necessary for classifying visual stimuli under a color concept. The predominant premotor and prefrontal activation to form words suggests action-related information processing and may reflect the involvement of neuronal elements responding in an either-or fashion to mirror neurons related to adumbrating shapes.  相似文献   

Monkeys and humans have similar capacities to discriminate between the frequencies of mechanical sinusoids delivered to the glabrous skin of their hands. Combined psychophysical-electrophysiological experiments in monkeys discriminating in the range of flutter provided evidence that this capacity depends upon differences in the cycle lengths in the sets of periodically entrained activity, evoked by the stimuli discriminated, in neurons of areas 3b and 1 of the (sensory) hemisphere opposite the stimulated hand. Identical experiments have now been made, in similarly trained and discriminating monkeys, in the motor cortex (area 4) of the hemisphere opposite the arm projecting selectively to one of two targets, to indicate discrimination (five hemispheres, 1137 neurons studied). We observed a selective signal of the upcoming correct discrimination in about 25% of the neurons of area 4 active in the task. The neuronal discharge occurs selectively for stimuli either lower or higher in frequency than that of the base stimulus, and commonly begins within 200-300 msec after onset of the comparison stimulus. These neuronal discharges are aperiodic, with no sign of the stimulus frequencies. EMG recording during performance of the discrimination showed that the muscles of the arm opposite the side of recording were silent during the period of stimulus presentations. Recordings during trials in which the animal made errors showed most commonly that the output of the discrimination operation was itself in error, followed by an appropriate arm projection to the wrong target. We interpret the selective response during the comparison stimulus to be a postdiscrimination signal projected transcallosally from the sensory hemisphere to the motor area of the hemisphere controlling the responding arm. We obtained no evidence that the discrimination operation is localized to any particular area, and we surmise it to occur in the dynamic activity within the distributed system linking the sensory cortex of one hemisphere and the motor cortex of the other. One-third of the neurons of the motor cortex responded to indentation of the skin of the ipsilateral hand, at trial onset. These responses varied from those closely linked to that sensory stimulus to those linked to the upcoming movement of the contralateral hand. These onset responses did not occur when similar sequences of mechanical stimuli were delivered to alert but idling monkeys.  相似文献   

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