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Different representations of pleasant and unpleasant odours in the human brain   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Odours are important in emotional processing; yet relatively little is known about the representations of the affective qualities of odours in the human brain. We found that three pleasant and three unpleasant odours activated dissociable parts of the human brain. Pleasant but not unpleasant odours were found to activate a medial region of the rostral orbitofrontal cortex. Further, there was a correlation between the subjective pleasantness ratings of the six odours given during the investigation with activation of a medial region of the rostral orbitofrontal cortex. In contrast, a correlation between the subjective unpleasantness ratings of the six odours was found in regions of the left and more lateral orbitofrontal cortex. Moreover, a double dissociation was found with the intensity ratings of the odours, which were not correlated with the BOLD signal in the orbitofrontal cortex, but were correlated with the signal in medial olfactory cortical areas including the pyriform and anterior entorhinal cortex. Activation was also found in the anterior cingulate cortex, with a middle part of the anterior cingulate activated by both pleasant and unpleasant odours, and a more anterior part of the anterior cingulate cortex showing a correlation with the subjective pleasantness ratings of the odours. Thus the results suggest that there is a hedonic map of the sense of smell in brain regions such as the orbitofrontal cortex, and these results have implications for understanding the psychiatric and related problems that follow damage to these brain areas.  相似文献   

Functional imaging technique using positron emission tomography (PET) has made it possible to localize functional brain regions in the human brain by detecting changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Performing PET studies in the monkey will aid in integrating monkey electrophysiological research with human PET studies. We examined changes in rCBF during olfactory or combined olfactory and gustatory (flavour) stimulation using PET in the alert rhesus monkey. Olfactory or flavour stimulation with acetic acid or apple increased rCBF in the prepyriform area, substantia innominata and amygdala. Besides these areas, flavour stimulation increased rCBF in the anterior insula and frontal operculum, orbitofrontal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus and cerebellum. Apple odour or flavour stimuli increased rCBF in the inferior occipital gyrus in addition to the above areas. These findings suggest that the increases of rCBF in response to neural activities in the primary olfactory and gustatory cortices are detectable by the use of PET. In addition, regions activated by apple stimuli suggest that higher brain function might be detected with PET in the alert monkey.  相似文献   

Perception of flavor is a complex process involving the integration of taste and aroma. Few functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have assessed the crossmodal interactions which result in flavor perception, and all previous studies have used a retro-nasal aroma delivery with a delayed swallow, which delays retro-nasal aroma release, and thus, alters taste and aroma integration. In this paper, we assess crossmodal interactions in flavor processing using an immediate swallow fMRI paradigm in 13 healthy volunteers. We compare unimodal taste (sucrose) and unimodal retro-nasal aroma stimuli, with a congruent taste and aroma combination (flavor), to assess crossmodal flavor interactions using an immediate swallow paradigm. Subtraction and conjunction analysis methods are described, and the use of a control stimulus is addressed. Subtraction analysis was found to reveal areas of anterior insula, frontal operculum, anterior cingulate, and orbitofrontal cortex, whilst the conjunction analysis revealed additional active areas in oral somatosensory areas (SI), rolandic operculum and posterior cingulate, supporting the hypothesis that taste, olfactory, and tactile sensations are integrated to produce a flavor percept.  相似文献   

Statements regarding pleasantness, taste intensity or caloric content on a food label may influence the attention consumers pay to such characteristics during consumption. There is little research on the effects of selective attention on taste perception and associated brain activation in regular drinks. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of selective attention on hedonics, intensity and caloric content on brain responses during tasting drinks. Using functional MRI brain responses of 27 women were measured while they paid attention to the intensity, pleasantness or caloric content of fruit juice, tomato juice and water. Brain activation during tasting largely overlapped between the three selective attention conditions and was found in the rolandic operculum, insula and overlying frontal operculum, striatum, amygdala, thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex and middle orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Brain activation was higher during selective attention to taste intensity compared to calories in the right middle OFC and during selective attention to pleasantness compared to intensity in the right putamen, right ACC and bilateral middle insula. Intensity ratings correlated with brain activation during selective attention to taste intensity in the anterior insula and lateral OFC. Our data suggest that not only the anterior insula but also the middle and lateral OFC are involved in evaluating taste intensity. Furthermore, selective attention to pleasantness engaged regions associated with food reward. Overall, our results indicate that selective attention to food properties can alter the activation of gustatory and reward regions. This may underlie effects of food labels on the consumption experience of consumers.  相似文献   

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to test the hypothesis that the nature of the neural response to taste varies as a function of the task the subject is asked to perform. Subjects received sweet, sour, salty and tasteless solutions passively and while evaluating stimulus presence, pleasantness and identity. Within the insula and overlying operculum the location of maximal response to taste vs. tasteless varied as a function of task; however, the primary taste cortex (anterior dorsal insula/frontal operculum – AIFO), as well as a more ventral region of anterior insula, responded to taste vs. tasteless irrespective of task. Although the response here did not depend upon task, preferential connectivity between AIFO and the amygdala (bilaterally) was observed when subjects tasted passively compared with when they performed a task. This suggests that information transfer between AIFO and the amygdala is maximal during implicit processing of taste. In contrast, a region of the left lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) responded preferentially to taste and to tasteless when subjects evaluated pleasantness, and was preferentially connected to earlier gustatory relays (caudomedial OFC and AIFO) when a taste was present. This suggests that processing in the lateral OFC organizes the retrieval of gustatory information from earlier relays in the service of computing perceived pleasantness. These findings show that neural encoding of taste varies as a function of task beyond that of the initial cortical representation.  相似文献   

The ventral striatum mediates goal-directed behaviors based, in part, on inputs from the amygdala. However, striatal areas caudal to the ventral striatum also receive inputs from the amygdala. In primates, the amygdala projects to the central ventral putamen, lateral amygdalostriatal area, and caudal ventral putamen, suggesting that these regions are also "limbic-related." The anterior insula, which integrates sensory and amygdaloid inputs, projects to the classic ventral striatum. We used retrograde and anterograde tract tracing techniques to determine the extent to which specific subdivisions of the insula influence the caudal ventral striatum in the primate. The anterior (agranular and rostral dysgranular) insula has significant inputs to caudal ventral striatal regions that receive projections from the amygdala. In contrast, the posterior (granular) insula has sparse projections. Within the agranular insula, the posteromedial agranular (Iapm), lateral agranular (Ial), and posterolateral agranular (Iapl) subdivisions have the strongest inputs. These subdivisions mediate olfactory, gustatory, and visceral information processing (Carmichael and Price JL [1996b] J. Comp. Neurol. 363:642-640). In contrast, the intermediate agranular subdivision (Iai) is relatively devoid of visceral/gustatory inputs and has few inputs. In summary, caudal ventral striatal areas that receive amygdaloid inputs also receive significant innervation by agranular and dysgranular insula subdivisions that are themselves connected with the amygdala. Within this projection, the Ial, Iapm, and Iapl make the strongest contribution, suggesting that highly processed visceral/autonomic information, taste, and olfaction influence behavioral responses mediated by the caudal ventral striatum.  相似文献   

The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) has been characterized as a higher-order, multimodal sensory cortex. Evidence from electrophysiological and behavioral studies in the rat has suggested that OFC plays a role in modulating olfactory guided behavior, and a significant projection to OFC arises from piriform cortex, the traditional primary olfactory cortex. To discern how OFC interacts with primary olfactory structures, the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin was injected into orbitofrontal cortical areas in adult male rats. Labeled fibers were found in the piriform cortex and olfactory bulb on the side ipsilateral to the injection. Notably, the projection to piriform cortex was predominantly from ventrolateral orbital cortex, and was not uniform; rostrally, the projection to the ventral portion of the anterior piriform cortex (APC) was substantial, while the dorsal APC was virtually free of labeled fibers. Labeled fibers were found in both the dorsal and ventral portions in more caudal regions of APC. Most labeled fibers were found in layer III, although a substantial number of fibers were observed in layers Ib and II. Labeled fibers in posterior piriform cortex also were seen after injection into orbitofrontal areas. Taken together with previous reports, these findings suggest that piriform cortex includes multiple subdivisions, which may perform separate, parallel functions in olfactory information processing. Further, these results suggest that the OFC, in addition to its putative role in encoding information about the significance of olfactory stimuli, may play a role in modulating odor response properties of neurons in piriform cortex.  相似文献   

Umami taste is produced by glutamate acting on a fifth taste system. However, glutamate presented alone as a taste stimulus is not highly pleasant, and does not act synergistically with other tastes (sweet, salt, bitter and sour). We show here that when glutamate is given in combination with a consonant, savory, odour (vegetable), the resulting flavor can be much more pleasant. Moreover, we showed using functional brain imaging with fMRI that the glutamate taste and savory odour combination produced much greater activation of the medial orbitofrontal cortex and pregenual cingulate cortex than the sum of the activations by the taste and olfactory components presented separately. Supralinear effects were much less (and significantly less) evident for sodium chloride and vegetable odour. Further, activations in these brain regions were correlated with the pleasantness and fullness of the flavor, and with the consonance of the taste and olfactory components. Supralinear effects of glutamate taste and savory odour were not found in the insular primary taste cortex. We thus propose that glutamate acts by the nonlinear effects it can produce when combined with a consonant odour in multimodal cortical taste-olfactory convergence regions. We propose the concept that umami can be thought of as a rich and delicious flavor that is produced by a combination of glutamate taste and a consonant savory odour. Glutamate is thus a flavor enhancer because of the way that it can combine supralinearly with consonant odours in cortical areas where the taste and olfactory pathways converge far beyond the receptors.  相似文献   

Although there has been much investigation of brain pathways involved in pain, little is known about the brain mechanisms involved in processing somatosensory stimuli which feel pleasant. Employing fMRI it was shown that pleasant touch to the hand with velvet produced stronger activation of the orbitofrontal cortex than affectively neutral touch of the hand with wood. In contrast, the affectively neutral but more intense touch produced more activation of the primary somatosensory cortex than the pleasant stimulus. This indicates that part of the orbitofrontal cortex is concerned with representing the positively affective aspects of somatosensory stimuli, and in further experiments it was shown that this orbitofrontal area is different from that activated by taste and smell. The finding that three different primary or unlearned types of reinforcer (touch, taste, and smell) are represented in the orbitofrontal cortex helps to provide a firm foundation for understanding the neural basis of emotions, which can be understood in terms of states elicited by stimuli which are rewarding or punishing.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) represents the main neocortical target of primary olfactory cortex. In non-human primates, the olfactory neocortex is situated along the basal surface of the caudal frontal lobes, encompassing agranular and dysgranular OFC medially and agranular insula laterally, where this latter structure wraps onto the posterior orbital surface. Direct afferent inputs arrive from most primary olfactory areas, including piriform cortex, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex, in the absence of an obligatory thalamic relay. While such findings are almost exclusively derived from animal data, recent cytoarchitectonic studies indicate a close anatomical correspondence between non-human primate and human OFC. Given this cross-species conservation of structure, it has generally been presumed that the olfactory projection area in human OFC occupies the same posterior portions of OFC as seen in non-human primates. This review questions this assumption by providing a critical survey of the localization of primate and human olfactory neocortex. Based on a meta-analysis of human functional neuroimaging studies, the region of human OFC showing the greatest olfactory responsivity appears substantially rostral and in a different cytoarchitectural area than the orbital olfactory regions as defined in the monkey. While this anatomical discrepancy may principally arise from methodological differences across species, these results have implications for the interpretation of prior human lesion and neuroimaging studies and suggest constraints upon functional extrapolations from animal data.  相似文献   

Previous neuroimaging studies of the cortical representation of gustatory and olfactory stimuli have often delivered tastants to the mouth in very small quantities or stimulated olfaction orthonasally. In studies of retro-nasal olfaction, swallowing was generally delayed to reduce head motion artefacts. The present fMRI study aims to improve upon such methodological limitations to allow investigation of the cortical representation of flavour (taste and aroma combination) as it typically occurs during the consumption of liquid foods. For this purpose we used (1) a novel, automated, sprayed stimulus delivery system and a larger volume of liquid sample (containing sweet tastants and banana/pear aroma volatiles) to achieve more extensive stimulation of the oral cavity taste receptors, (2) a pseudo-natural delivery paradigm that included prompt swallowing after each sample delivery to obtain physiological retro-nasal olfactory stimulation, (3) fMRI acquisition with wide brain coverage and double-echo EPI to improve sensitivity. We validated our paradigm for the delivery of volatiles using atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry. This showed that the main retro-nasal delivery of volatiles in the paradigm occurs immediately after the swallow. Several brain areas were found to be activated, including the insula, frontal operculum, rolandic operculum/parietal lobe, piriform, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, ventro-medial thalamus, hippocampus and medial orbitofrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging of human olfaction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Olfaction is our basic sense phylogenetically and embryologically. Little is known, however, about how the human brain encodes the quality of odors, odor-associated memories, and emotions. Olfactory information is projected from the olfactory bulb to the primary olfactory cortex, which is composed of the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfactory tubercle, the piriform cortex, the amygdala, the periamygdaloid region, and the entorhinal cortex. From there, the primary olfactory cortex projects to secondary olfactory regions including the hippocampus, ventral striatum and pallidum, hypothalamus, thalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, agranular insular cortex, and cingulate gyrus. Functional MR studies using olfactory stimuli as paradigms show activation of many of these areas and can advance our understanding of odor perception in humans.  相似文献   

The perception of flavor occurs when objects, such as food and drink, are placed in the mouth. Although the sensation that ensues depends upon inputs from multiple sensory modalities, due to a combination of oral referral and common sensory qualities (e.g., odors and tastes can both be sweet), it is experienced as a unitary flavor perception. In this paper, it is proposed that neural processing within the somatomotor mouth area of the Rolandic operculum mediates oral referral and causes the neural binding of multimodal inputs to create a flavor percept. It is further proposed that unimodal taste and unimodal smell neurons alter the selectivity of bimodal taste/smell cells only if the binding mechanism in the somatomotor mouth area is active. The encoded flavor object is thus represented by a bounded pattern of response that includes the sculpted bimodal cells as well as the unimodal responses distributed across the insula, operculum, anterior cingulate cortex, and orbitofrontal cortex. Once an odor is encoded in this way, the odor acquires the ability to reactivate this encoded percept, whether experienced orthonasally or retronasally. Finally, it is proposed that one manifestation of this process is the existence of category-specific processing in olfaction.  相似文献   

The insular cortex of macaques has a wide spectrum of anatomical connections whose distribution is related to its heterogeneous cytoarchitecture. Although there is evidence of a similar cytoarchitectural arrangement in humans, the anatomical connectivity of the insula in the human brain has not yet been investigated in vivo. In the present work, we used in vivo probabilistic white-matter tractography and Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) to study the variation of connectivity patterns across insular territories in humans. In each subject and hemisphere, we recovered a rostrocaudal trajectory of connectivity variation ranging from the anterior dorsal and ventral insula to the dorsal caudal part of the long insular gyri. LE suggested that regional transitions among tractography patterns in the insula occur more gradually than in other brain regions. In particular, the change in tractography patterns was more gradual in the insula than in the medial premotor region, where a sharp transition between different tractography patterns was found. The recovered trajectory of connectivity variation in the insula suggests a relation between connectivity and cytoarchitecture in humans resembling that previously found in macaques: tractography seeds from the anterior insula were mainly found in limbic and paralimbic regions and in anterior parts of the inferior frontal gyrus, while seeds from caudal insular territories mostly reached parietal and posterior temporal cortices. Regions in the putative dysgranular insula displayed more heterogeneous connectivity patterns, with regional differences related to the proximity with either putative granular or agranular regions.  相似文献   

An experimental method for event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging that allows for the presentation of several chemosensory stimuli in the oral cavity during the same run, the collection of psychophysical measures (intensity or pleasantness) during the presentation of the stimuli, and the analysis of the data in an event-related fashion are described. The automatic pumps used to present taste stimuli allowed for multiple tastes to be delivered in small amounts under computer control. Psychophysical ratings of pleasantness or intensity were collected after each presentation of a taste stimulus and water, with the general labeled magnitude scale, using a joystick that controlled the movement of an arrow on the visual display. Performing these cognitive tasks required that the participant remained focused, and aided in the interpretation of the data collected. The perceived pleasantness differed across stimuli for all conditions; however, pleasantness ratings for the same stimulus displayed consistency, over the duration of the run and before each scan on separate days. Activation in response to sucrose and caffeine while the participant rated pleasantness was found in the insula, frontal operculum, rolandic operculum and orbitofrontal cortex which is consistent with previous taste fMRI studies.  相似文献   

Some of the principles of the representation of affective touch in the brain are described. Positively affective touch and temperature are represented in parts of the orbitofrontal and pregenual cingulate cortex. The orbitofrontal cortex is implicated in some of the affective aspects of touch that may be mediated through C fibre touch afferents, in that it is activated more by light touch to the forearm (a source of C-tactile (CT) afferents) than by light touch to the glabrous skin of the hand. Oral somatosensory afferents implicated in sensing the texture of food including fat in the mouth also activate the orbitofrontal and pregenual cingulate cortex, as well as the insular taste cortex. Top-down cognitive modulation of the representation of affective touch produced by word labels is found in parietal cortex area 7, the insula and ventral striatum. The cognitive labels also influence activations to the sight of touch and also the correlations with pleasantness in the pregenual cingulate/orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum.  相似文献   

The orbitofrontal cortex of the monkey can be subdivided into a caudal agranular sector, a transitional dysgranular sector, and an anterior granular sector. The neural input into these sectors was investigated with the help of large horseradish peroxidase injections that covered the different sectors of orbitofrontal cortex. The distribution of retrograde labeling showed that the majority of the cortical projections to orbitofrontal cortex arises from a restricted set of telencephalic sources, which include prefrontal cortex, lateral, and inferomedial temporal cortex, the temporal pole, cingulate gyrus, insula, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and claustrum. The posterior portion of the orbitofrontal cortex receives additional input from the piriform cortex and the anterolateral portion from gustatory, somatosensory, and premotor areas. Thalamic projections to the orbitofrontal cortex arise from midline and intralaminar nuclei, from the anteromedial nucleus, the medial dorsal nucleus, and the pulvinar nucleus. Orbitofrontal cortex also receives projections from the hypothalamus, nucleus basalis, ventral tegmental area, the raphe nuclei, the nucleus locus coeruleus, and scattered neurons of the pontomesencephalic tegmentum. The non-isocortical (agranular-dysgranular) sectors of orbitofrontal cortex receive more intense projections from the non-isocortical sectors of paralimbic areas, the hippocampus, amygdala, and midline thalamic nuclei, whereas the isocortical (granular) sector receives more intense projections from the dorsolateral prefrontal area, the granular insula, granular temporopolar cortex, posterolateral temporal cortex, and from the medial dorsal and pulvinar thalamic nuclei. Retrograde labeling within cingulate, entorhinal, and hippocampal cortices was most pronounced when the injection site extended medially into the dysgranular paraolfactory cortex of the gyrus rectus, an area that can be conceptualized as an orbitofrontal extension of the cingulate complex. These observations demonstrate that the orbitofrontal cortex has cytoarchitectonically organized projections and that it provides a convergence zone for afferents from heteromodal association and limbic areas. The diverse connections of orbitofrontal cortex are in keeping with the participation of this region in visceral, gustatory, and olfactory functions and with its importance in memory, motivation, and epileptogenesis.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of breaches of taste identity expectation for survival, its neural correlate is unknown. We used fMRI in 16 women to examine brain response to expected and unexpected receipt of sweet taste and tasteless/odorless solutions. During expected trials (70%), subjects heard "sweet" or "tasteless" and received the liquid indicated by the cue. During unexpected trials (30%), subjects heard sweet but received tasteless or they heard tasteless but received sweet. After delivery, subjects indicated stimulus identity by pressing a button. Reaction time was faster and more accurate after valid cuing, indicating that the cues altered expectancy as intended. Tasting unexpected versus expected stimuli resulted in greater deactivation in fusiform gyri, possibly reflecting greater suppression of visual object regions when orienting to, and identifying, an unexpected taste. Significantly greater activation to unexpected versus expected stimuli occurred in areas related to taste (thalamus, anterior insula), reward [ventral striatum (VS), orbitofrontal cortex], and attention [anterior cingulate cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, intraparietal sulcus (IPS)]. We also observed an interaction between stimulus and expectation in the anterior insula (primary taste cortex). Here response was greater for unexpected versus expected sweet compared with unexpected versus expected tasteless, indicating that this region is preferentially sensitive to breaches of taste expectation. Connectivity analyses confirmed that expectation enhanced network interactions, with IPS and VS influencing insular responses. We conclude that unexpected oral stimulation results in suppression of visual cortex and upregulation of sensory, attention, and reward regions to support orientation, identification, and learning about salient stimuli.  相似文献   

Representing the affective value of a reward on a continuous scale may occur separately from making a binary, for example yes vs no, decision about whether to choose the reward. To investigate whether these are separable processes, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure activations produced by pleasant warm, unpleasant cold, and affectively complex combinations of these stimuli applied to the hand. On some trials the affective value was rated on a continuous scale, and on different trials a yes-no decision was made about whether the stimulus should be repeated in future. Decision-making contrasted with just rating the affective stimuli revealed activations in the medial prefrontal cortex area 10, implicating this area in binary decision-making. Activations related to the pleasantness ratings and which were not influenced when a binary decision was made were found in the pregenual cingulate and parts of the orbitofrontal cortex, implicating these regions in the continuous representation of affective value. When a decision was yes vs. no, effects were found in the dorsal cingulate cortex, agranular (anterior) insula and ventral tegmental area, implicating these areas in initiating actions to obtain goals.  相似文献   

Complementary neurophysiological recordings in macaques and functional neuroimaging in humans show that the primary taste cortex in the rostral insula and adjoining frontal operculum provides separate and combined representations of the taste, temperature, and texture (including viscosity and fat texture) of food in the mouth independently of hunger and thus of reward value and pleasantness. One synapse on, in the orbitofrontal cortex, these sensory inputs are for some neurons combined by learning with olfactory and visual inputs, and these neurons encode food reward in that they only respond to food when hungry and in that activations here correlate with subjective pleasantness and with individual differences in and cognitive modulation of the hedonic value of food. Information theory analysis shows a robust representation of taste in the orbitofrontal cortex, with an average mutual information of 0.45 bits for each neuron about which of six tastants (glucose, NaCl, HCl, quinine-HCl, monosodium glutamate, and water) was present, averaged across 135 gustatory neurons. The information increased with the number of neurons in the ensemble, but less than linearly, reflecting some redundancy. There was less information per neuron about which of six odors was present from orbitofrontal olfactory neurons, but the code was robust in that the information increased linearly with the number of neurons, reflecting independent information encoded by different neurons. Although some neurons were sharply tuned to individual tastants, the average encoding was quite distributed.  相似文献   

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