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Although the majority of pain complaints, in Australia, are among the elderly population, the focus of treatment is not on this age group. In order to achieve effective management of elderly people's chronic pain, their perspective of pain and coping strategies used needs to be understood. This qualitative study explored the preferred strategies of elderly people and the barriers they encountered in trying to manage their pain. Elderly people (n=72) with chronic pain, over 65 years of age and living in the community, were interviewed for the study. Data were collected using six focus group and 12 in-depth interviews and a biographical questionnaire. Preferred coping strategies were those that could be self-administered and included both physical and cognitive elements. Elderly people wished to be active in their treatment, make informed choices and were willing to try new methods. Least-preferred strategies were the conventional treatments of medications, exercise and physiotherapy. Many barriers have to be overcome to achieve relief for their pain such as cost, access to health care, related disorders, attitudes of health professionals, lack of communication and fear of losing independence. Health professionals need to be aware of elderly people's perspective of pain and their preferred strategies and reasons for these choices. Health services must meet their specific needs.  相似文献   

Hospitalized children are often inadequately treated for their pain. Paediatric nurses experience these inadequacies more than other health-care team members. This research was an attempt in the form of a phenomenological study to reveal some major barriers in children pain management as the nurses had perceived. Sixteen nurses were interviewed in the medical, surgical and infectious paediatric wards of a hospital in Iran. Data analysis were based on Colaizzi method that surfaced three main themes in different areas namely: organizational barriers, limitations relating to child's characteristics and barriers relating to the nature of disease and its treatments. The study results have shown organizational limitations added to the lack of authority for administering some medical intervention, inadequate equipment and utilities and unavailability of opioids as the main pain controlling and restricting factors. Additional factors that relate to the child specifications like age, temperament, behaviour, expression and gender affect the assessment and treatment of pain. The results revealed identified barriers in real context. It seems that some guidelines are needed to achieve optimal pain management.  相似文献   



This qualitative study sought to identify perceived barriers to diagnosing and treating patients with chronic pain in the emergency department (ED).

Basic Procedure

Semistructured interviews were conducted with 24 ED physicians from 4 hospitals to elucidate their experiences of managing chronic pain in the ED.

Main Findings

Time limitations and a low triage priority were major barriers to caring for patients with chronic pain. But despite the inherent problems of treating a nonurgent condition in a time-limited setting, physicians were strong proponents for treating chronic pain in the ED.

Principal Conclusion

Acknowledging that pain can neither be verified nor disproved, physicians tend to err on the side of the patient, often providing an allotment of opioid medications. They also believe that the ED is not an optimal setting for treating patients in chronic pain but that it is often the last resort for many of these patients, thus, providing the rationale for serving them to the best of their ability.  相似文献   

While pain is a common problem among the elderly, a group that has grown significantly as a percentage of population in recent decades, few studies have been done to describe their chronic pain coping experiences. The aim of this qualitative study was to enhance understanding of chronic pain coping strategies adopted by elderly residents of long-term care facilities. Eighteen elderly residents were interviewed, with Lincoln and Guba's trustworthiness criteria utilized to evaluate methodological rigor. Colaizzi's phenomenological approach was used to analyze chronic pain coping data. Three themes that emerged in findings included: use of multiple pain relief strategies, use of passive pain endurance and learning to live with chronic pain. The author hopes that results of this study will provide better insight on approaches taken by the elderly to personal pain management and help guide the development of nursing guidelines for chronic pain management. Recommendations highlighted in this study include increasing chronic pain education and continued research in support of developing a Chinese version chronic pain assessment tool for the elderly.  相似文献   

《Disability and rehabilitation》2013,35(22-23):2255-2263
Purpose.?The aim of this pilot study was to explore illness beliefs and coping strategies among adolescent patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), applying a qualitative methodology. Recent studies have explored the illness beliefs and coping strategies of adult patients with CFS/ME as possible contributing factors to the disease aetiology. These studies have mainly used quantitative methods, finding that patients often explain their illness as being due to physical causes, deny psychological causes and make use of passive and avoidant coping strategies.

Method.?Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with nine adolescent patients with CFS/ME, thematic analysis was adapted to the material and the results were interpreted in light of theories of attribution and coping.

Results.?The qualitative method allowed for more complex and nuanced accounts of illness experience. The findings showed that the adolescents differ from what has previously been reported, applying more varied and flexible illness attributions and coping mechanisms than expected.

Conclusions.?The heterogeneity suggested in the results has implications. We suggest three perspectives should be taken into account, both for further research and in clinical practice: (1) individual differences; (2) a developmental perspective and (3) interactive relational focus.  相似文献   

目的探讨COPD患者肺康复的影响因素及肺康复障碍的应对策略。方法采用目的抽样和理论抽样的方法,于2016年6月—2017年6月对符合纳入、排除标准的9例COPD患者、8名医生和7名护士进行半结构式访谈,应用扎根理论三级编码的方法进行资料分析。结果COPD患者肺康复的影响因素包括个体因素、家庭因素和肺康复环境;其应对策略包括激励、安全保障、肺康复合作和肺康复理念的推广等。结论应对COPD患者肺康复障碍是慢性病管理的挑战之一,肺康复影响因素的识别和肺康复障碍应对策略的提出可为COPD患者肺康复计划的制订和实施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is evidence that chronic pain is not recognised or managed effectively in older people. It is important to examine how older people cope with this because of the impact it can have on their quality of life and mortality. It will also enable nurses to work with older people to support effective coping skills and provide information on other useful coping strategies.ObjectivesTo examine how older people cope with non-malignant chronic pain.DesignThis is a qualitative meta-synthesis using Confidence in the Evidence from Reviews of Qualitative Research developed by Grading of Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation working group to evaluate the strength of the evidence.Data sourcesPubMed and Ovid Medline from 1995 to 2015.Review methodsFollowing a systematic search strategy all papers were assessed in relation to inclusion criteria and quality. Only qualitative studies were included. Themes were extracted from each study and a meta-synthesis conducted before completing an evaluation of confidence in the findings.ResultsSeventeen primary studies were included in the meta-synthesis. Three meta-themes were identified: ‘adjusting to the inevitable’, ‘doing it my way without medication’ and ‘the importance of support in managing the struggle’. There was high confidence in the evidence for ‘doing it my way without medication’ and moderate confidence in the evidence for the other two meta-themes.ConclusionGiven that the participants in the primary studies were generally wary of health professionals and stoic in their response to pain, it is important for nurses to communicate in ways that engage older people and ensure their independence and sense of control remains intact. Identification of current coping strategies will enable the nurse and the older person to work together to assess their effectiveness and to adapt these if more effective coping is required.  相似文献   

Objective: To present the occurrence, characteristics, etiology, interference, and medication of chronic pain among the elderly living independently at home. Design/setting: A total of 460 subjects in three cohorts aged 75, 80 and 85 years respectively received visits by communal home-care department nurses for a cross-sectional survey. Of them, 175 had chronic (duration ≥ 3 months) pain with an average intensity of ≥ 4/10 and/or ≥ moderate interference in daily life. Main outcome measures: Clinical assessment was performed for consenting subjects to define the location, intensity, etiology, type, interference and medications of chronic pain. Results: According to home visits, elderly people with chronic pain rated their health and mobility worse and felt sadder, lonelier and more tired than those without chronic pain. A geriatrician made clinical assessments for 106 patients with chronic pain in 2009–2013. Of them, 66 had three, 35 had two and 5 had one pain condition. The worst pain was musculoskeletal in 88 (83%) of patients. Pain was pure nociceptive in 61 (58%), pure neuropathic in 9 (8%), combined nociceptive and neuropathic pain in 34 (32%), and idiopathic in 2 (2%) patients. On a numerical rating scale from 0 to 10, the mean and maximal intensity of the worst pain was 5.7 and 7.7, respectively, while the mean pain interference was 5.9. Mean pain intensity and maximal pain intensity decreased by age. Duration of pain was longer than 5 years in 51 (48%) patients. Regular pain medication was used by 82 (77%) patients, most commonly paracetamol or NSAIDs. Although pain limited the lives of the elderly with chronic pain, they were as satisfied with their lives as those without chronic pain. Conclusions: Elderly people in our study often suffered from chronic pain, mostly musculoskeletal pain, and the origin of pain was neuropathic in up to 40% of these cases. However, elderly people with chronic pain rarely used the medications specifically for neuropathic pain. Based on increased loneliness, sadness and tiredness, as well as decreased subjective health and mobility, the quality of life was decreased among those with chronic pain compared with those without pain.
  • Key Points
  • It is known that chronic pain is one of the most common reasons for general practice consultations and is more common in women than men.

  • In our study using detailed clinical examinations, up to 40% of patients with chronic pain in cohorts aged 75, 80 and 85 years suffered from neuropathic pain.

  • However, only a few elderly people with chronic pain used medications specifically for chronic pain, which may be due to side effects or non-willingness to experiment with these drugs.

  • Elderly people with chronic pain rated their health and mobility to be worse and felt sadder, lonelier and more tired but were not less satisfied with their lives than those without chronic pain.


目的了解产妇分娩过程中疼痛的真实感受,探索其对分娩疼痛管理的期望,以期提升产妇的分娩体验。方法 2017年12月—2018年2月,采用描述性质性研究的方式,立意抽样选取复旦大学附属妇产科医院12名经阴道分娩的产妇,进行半结构式访谈,采用内容分析法进行资料分析。结果产妇经历了强烈的分娩疼痛,疼痛主要分布于下腹部、腰部、后背部、会阴部等,疼痛强度范围从中度到重度,以重度为主,疼痛评分多≥7分。但目前产妇对分娩疼痛的应对能力薄弱,助产人员对分娩疼痛的重视程度不足。产妇期望在分娩时能得到助产人员的支持和家属的陪伴,期望在疼痛强烈时应用镇痛技术,在产前获得分娩疼痛知识的教育。结论产妇分娩过程中会经历强烈的分娩疼痛,助产人员需要重视产妇的分娩疼痛,并对分娩疼痛做出有效管理。  相似文献   

Coping has been examined extensively in the pain literature, although coping instruments have been typically validated in clinical populations with little ethnic diversity. This study examined the factor structure of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) and the CSQ-Revised (CSQ-R) in 650 healthy male and female African American (44%) and white (56%) subjects and explored associations of coping to health and pain-related measures. Factor analyses revealed 6 components for each ethnic group, accounting for comparable amounts of variance and resembling previously reported CSQ subscales. Internal consistency for both ethnic groups was acceptable (0.72-0.91). There were significant main effects for ethnicity on 4 of the CSQ-R scales (P < .05). No ethnic differences in pain or health variables emerged, although when split into high-pain versus minimal-pain groups, differences were revealed on catastrophizing. Results indicate that the factor structure of the CSQ-R in healthy adults is similar to clinical populations and is comparable across African American and white subjects. Group differences on CSQ-R scales suggest potentially important ethnic influences on pain coping. These findings support the use of the CSQ-R to assess coping in African Americans and in healthy young adults. Additional clinical research is needed to determine the practical importance of group differences in pain coping. PERSPECTIVE: Coping has been examined extensively in the pain literature, although coping instruments typically have been validated in clinical populations with little ethnic diversity. This study examines the factor structure of the CSQ-Revised in an ethnically diverse population and supports the use of the CSQ-R to assess coping in African Americans and in healthy young adults.  相似文献   

The aim of this review was to systemically explore the current evidence regarding patient-related barriers to cancer pain management to find new areas that might be important for better understanding of patient barriers' phenomenon. The method used in this study was a computerised literature search, carried out in Cochrane Library, Medline (through PubMed), Web of Science and EMBASE databases for the period 1994–2005. Thirty-seven studies, dealing with cognitive, sensory and affective patient-related barriers, as well as studies, describing patients' pain communication and their adherence to analgesic regimen were included and analysed. The dominant part of articles studied cognitive patient-related barriers to cancer pain management, while affective, sensory barriers, as well as pain communication and pain medication adherence were studied in much less extend. However, the findings from different studies regarding relationships between cognitive barriers and pain intensity were not consistent. On the contrary, the quality of pain communication was consistently found to be not satisfactory in some key areas. The associations between more expressed attitudinal as well as sensory barriers and less optimal adherence were also consistent. In conclusions suggestion for the new research areas on patient-related barriers to cancer pain management are made. Firstly, further research is needed to differentiate the role of cognitive, affective and sensory factors with respect to their impact on pain relief, pain communication and medication adherence. Besides that, validated instruments to assess patients' pain communication and adherence to analgesic regimen are lacking.  相似文献   

Little is known about the strategies that older adults use to cope with persistent pain. The purpose of this study was to describe strategies used by older, retirement community-dwelling adults to cope with persistent, noncancer pain, as assessed by the Chronic Pain Coping Inventory (CPCI), to examine the associations of these strategies with disability and depression, and to compare the 65-item and 42-item versions of the CPCI in this population. Two hundred fifty residents of 43 retirement communities in the Pacific Northwest completed baseline measures for a randomized controlled trial of a pain self-management intervention, including the CPCI and measures of demographics, comorbidity, pain-related disability, and depression. The most frequently reported strategies, as assessed by the CPCI, were Task Persistence, Pacing, and Coping Self-Statements. The least frequently used strategies were Asking for Assistance and Relaxation. Regression analyses demonstrated that coping strategies explained 26%, 19%, and 18% additional variance in physical disability, depression, and pain-related interference, respectively, after controlling for age, gender, comorbidity, and pain intensity. Internal consistency for most CPCI-65 and CPCI-42 subscales was adequate. This study clarifies strategies used by older adults to cope with persistent pain and provides preliminary validation of the CPCI in this population. PERSPECTIVE: Findings from this study on pain coping strategies in older adults might suggest potentially useful coping strategies clinicians could explore with individual patients. Investigators can use study findings to design trials of interventions to help older adults cope more effectively with pain.  相似文献   

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