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目的探讨武警战士腰椎间盘突出症的综合治疗方法及康复措施。方法对武警战士腰椎间盘突出症患者206例采取药物、物理治疗、功能锻炼和手术等综合治疗,并对患者实施出院康复指导。结果206例患者治愈164例,显效32例,有效7例,无效3例。结论青年武警战士腰椎间盘突出症治疗需要根据患者的个体情况实施包括健康教育、物理治疗、功能锻炼和手术等综合疗法。  相似文献   

颈腰椎并发的椎间盘病   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
许立新  王全平  刘小平  李靖 《医学争鸣》2001,22(11):1047-1047
0 引言 颈椎病和腰椎病的诊断和治疗比较明确 ,然而二者并存时确定各自在发病中所产生的作用则是一个令人必须注意的问题 .随着影像学技术发展和普及 ,对此病有了进一步认识 [1 ,2 ] ,我院 1995 / 2 0 0 0收治 46例 ,并行手术治疗 .1 临床资料 本组 46 (男 2 5 ,女 2 1)例 ,年龄 42~ 6 8岁 .颈腰段突出均重者 8例 ,颈段重于腰段 2 0例 ,腰段重于颈段 18例 .常规拍颈腰椎正侧位 ,颈椎过屈过伸侧位 X线片 ,均行CT检查 ,颈椎同时行 MRI检查 ,CT测量颈椎管属发育性狭窄 17例 ,属退变性狭窄 2 9例 ,均有不同程度的颈椎间盘突出 ,伴后纵…  相似文献   

摘要:脊柱退行性病变是和平时期国内外空军飞行人员停飞停训和减员的主要病种,已成为国际国内航空航天医学高度关注的课题。研究认为,高载荷(+Gz)作用和失重环境可能是影响飞行员腰椎退变的最主要原因。本文对高载荷作用和失重环境与飞行员腰椎退变的相关研究加以综述,供科研工作者参考。  相似文献   

胶原酶溶解术治疗腰椎间盘突出症已有近 2 0年历史 ,该方法国外开展的较多 ,国内则多以椎间盘抽吸术或盘内注射为主。由于飞行员工作的特殊性而患腰椎间盘突出症的较多 ,但用胶原酶溶解术进行治疗的报道不多。我院自 1998年 8月~ 2 0 0 1年10月 ,采用腰椎盘外注射胶原酶治疗飞行员腰椎间盘突出症患者 3例 ,疗效满意 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料   3例飞行员腰椎间盘突出症患者均为男性 ,年龄 36~ 4 5 (平均 4 1)岁 ;病史为 2个月~ 5个月 ,均有典型的腰椎间盘突出症的临床症状 ,经电子计算机体层扫描摄影 (CT)或磁共振 (MR…  相似文献   

Background: Medical intelligence of disease vectors deals with understanding vector distribution and control.  相似文献   

Background: The prevalence of obesity has increased globally in the last few decades. Anthropometry is an accepted method of measuring obesity. Charts of weight for height and age as well as Anthropometric indices like Body Mass Index (BMI) are commonly used to define normal, overweight and obese individuals. Weight for height charts currently in use in the Army belong to pre-independence era. It is widely believed that these have been obtained from life insurance tables made for British / American civilian population. The World Health Organization (WHO) encourages its member countries to develop their own reference anthropometric indices.  相似文献   

Introduction: The Armed Forces personnel are exposed to various kinds of injuries due to the nature of their duties. Increase in motorized population without taking protective measures and rise in violence has contributed towards maxillofacial injuries. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence, aetiology and management of injuries resulting in fracture of the Zygomatic complex in Armed Forces personnel and their families.  相似文献   

Non-traumatic paraplegia caused by herniation of the cervical intervertebral disc is an uncommon postoperative complication. A patient with claudication and radiculopathy was scheduled for lumbar laminectomy due to spinal stenosis. Postoperatively, numbness below T6 was found in his both legs of the patient. MRI showed a protruded intervertebral disc between C6 and C7. Despite urgent disectomy, the patient's lower extremities remained paralyzed without significant improvement for 3 months. Loss of muscle support during general anesthesia, excessive neck extension during endotracheal intubation and positioning, as well as bucking and agitation are believed as triggering factors for the protrusion of the cervical disc. We suggest that a complete history taking and physical examination be accomplished in patients scheduled for lumbar spine surgery in order to exclude coexisting cervical spine disorders. In addition, skillful endotracheal intubation and careful neck positioning are mandatory for patients receiving surgery in the prone position.  相似文献   

本文描述脊神经的走行及分布,简述颈、腰椎间盘突出症的症状和体征,结合解剖和临床表现阐述脊神经受压的神经定位诊断,为临床定位诊断椎间盘突出症的病变部位提供依据。  相似文献   

发展健全军队公共卫生体系是我军后勤现代化建设的重要组成部分。流行病学在评估军队疾病流行规律、处理突发公共卫生事件、监测预警各类传染病发生等方面发挥着重要的指导作用。我们从基层军队流行病学工作者的视角,总结沈阳军区近年来公共卫生领域的经验做法和自己的体会,供同仁们借鉴和交流。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以四维悬吊牵引调腰曲为主的整脊法治疗颈腰椎间盘病的临床效果。方法:采取俯卧四维悬吊牵引调腰曲为主。配合颈胸椎整脊手法和针刺、内外用药综合疗法,观察各类型颈腰椎间盘病201例的治疗效果。结果:本综合疗法对颈腰椎间盘病的总有效率为97.01%,其中,临床治愈率为89.05%,颈曲恢复优良率为74.13%,腰曲恢复优良率为73.63%。平均16个月随访优良率为90.59%,治疗效果满意。结论:本疗法以调椎曲为主要治疗目标.椎曲恢复和稳定与功能锻练呈正相关。从随访病例中了解到,坚持功能锻练是巩固疗效的可靠措施。  相似文献   

目的比较飞行人员年度体检和改装体检颈腰椎病症特点,为规范飞行人员颈腰椎病症的诊治和医学鉴定提供依据。方法12809名飞行人员年度体检时,对有颈腰椎病史者行查体和颈腰椎X线检查;978名飞行员改装体检时,全部行颈腰椎x线和L4、L5螺旋cT检查;统计两组颈椎病症、腰椎弓峡部裂和其他腰椎病症的检出率。结果1)飞行人员年度体检颈腰椎病总检出率为3.7%(477/12809),低于改装体检影像学普查颈腰椎病症28.3%(277/978)的总检出率(χ2=1063.53,P〈0.01)。2)飞行人员年度体检腰椎弓峡部裂检出率为0.2%(29/12809),低于改装体检腰椎弓峡部裂6.9%(67/978)的检出率(χ2=576.63,P〈0.01);飞行人员年度体检颈椎病和其他腰椎病检出率分别为2.3%(297/12809)和1.2%(151/12089),均低于改装体检颈椎病症5.2%(51/978)和其他腰椎病症16.3%(159/978)的影像学检出率(χ2=30.97vsχ2=939.95,P〈0.01)。3)飞行人员年度体检因颈腰椎病造成暂时飞行不合格比率为0.3%(34/12809),低于2.4%(23/978)的改装体检不合格比率(χ2=91.06,P〈0.01),但与0.2%(2/978)的改装体检暂时飞行不合格比率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.001,P〉0.05)。结论飞行人员颈腰椎影像学检查的异常征象率高,但有许多并不构成疾病诊断。年度体检时依据病史、查体和选择性x线检查可满足需求;但改装体检时,应全部行颈腰椎x线及L4、L5螺旋CT检查,才能满足诊断和医学鉴定需求。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经皮椎间盘切吸术联合臭氧(O3)治疗颈、腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效.方法 对62例颈椎间盘突出症患者选择前路在C臂机透视下,仰卧位,经前方入路引入直径4.0 mm工作套管;而对64例腰椎间盘突出症患者选择后路在C臂机透视下,俯卧位,经侧后方入路引入直径5.6 mm工作套管,均行髓核切除,后于盘内各注入5~10ml、浓度为60μg/ml的臭氧.结果 126例患者穿刺及技术操作均成功,随访3个月以上,显效66例,有效48例,无效12例,总有效率90%以上.结论 切吸联合臭氧治疗颈腰椎间盘突出症,是一种具有创伤小、操作安全、手术时间短、疗效快等优点的治疗方法之一.  相似文献   

部队医院开展优质护理服务示范工程的实践与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为贯彻落实2010年全国护理工作会议精神,积极响应卫生部在全国卫生系统开展"优质护理服务示范工程"活动,夯实我院基础护理,改善护理服务,全面提高医院临床护理工作水平,我院作为一所武警部队医院,承担着部队伤病员的医疗保障,通过"优质护理服务示范工程"活动,努力为部队伤病员提供安全、优质、满意的护理服务.1 筹备工作1.1 成立示范科室,明确工作目标军人病区作为我院的1个独立科室,专门承担部队伤病员的治疗和康复任务,现已开展床位21张,医护人员9名.我院"优质护理服务示范工程"活动领导组首批将军人病区选为"优质护理服务"示范科室,旨在提高为兵服务质量,保障部队伤病员,用心呵护部队患者,实施无陪护理.  相似文献   



Nearly 1.5 billion adolescent girls are entering into child bearing age groups without effective knowledge regarding family planning practices which are essential to maintain their reproductive health. Timely and effective knowledge regarding family planning norms and practices among the young women during their initial married days are vital. Therefore the study was carried out with the aim to find out the factors associated with use of contraceptive among Armed Forces Personnel.


A cross sectional survey was carried out among Armed Forces personnel living in a Military station with pre-validated and pre-tested questionnaire. Data was collected from 221 eligible couples. Univariate and logistic regression were done to find out the variables determining family planning.


Out of 221 couples, 65.2% (144) of couples were practicing some or the other methods of family planning while 34.8% (77) didn’t practice any methods. Age, age at marriage, sex of first child, type of family, empowerment and parity of women were significantly associated with contraceptive acceptance in univariate model. However in logistic regression analysis age at marriage, empowerment and parity were significant predictors of family planning. Major reason for not adopting any contraception was want of another child (20, 26%), girl child (18, 23%), male child (18, 23%) and worry about side effects (11, 14.3%).


The study highlights the gap in preferences and practices of contraceptive and emphasized the need to highlight safety of contraceptive during Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaign.  相似文献   

Background: Army Order for Alcohol Dependence Syndrome gives a structured and strict approach towards disposal of such cases in Indian Armed Forces. Four years have passed since the implementation of the above order. This study was conducted to assess the outcome after implementation of the said order.  相似文献   

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