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Posterior pharyngeal carcinoma has an extremely poor prognosis regardless of the method of treatment. The purpose of this study was to assess the local control and survival in patients with carcinoma of the posterior pharyngeal wall treated with definitive radiotherapy and to determine prognostic factors which may be relevant to the current UICC staging classification. Between January 1991 and December 1995, 22 patients with a mean age of 60 years (range 44-82) received definitive radiotherapy, using a homogeneous technique, for carcinoma of the posterior pharyngeal wall. The median follow-up was 42 months (range 25-66). The overall 3-year survival and local control for the whole group was 50% and 73% respectively. Patients with early stage (T1 and T2) disease had a significantly better overall 3-year survival rate of 77% compared to 11% for patients with advanced stage (T3 and T4) disease (p=0.0010). Similarly, patients with early stage disease had a significantly improved 3-year local control rate compared to patients with more advanced stage disease (92% and 44% respectively, p=0.0080). Patients with node positive disease had an inferior survival rate of 29% compared to 60% for those with node negative disease though the difference did not reach statistical significance. In addition only one patient with initial node negative disease had isolated nodal relapse. There was no significant late morbidity. For patients with early stage disease we have obtained local control and survival rates comparable to other groups with a once daily, short fractionation radiotherapy scheme but with reduced morbidity. In late stage disease altered fractionation schemes should be considered in order to achieve better local control and survival. Isolated nodal relapse was not a significant problem in this cohort of patients. Outcome correlates with primary tumour size and this is reflected in the current UICC staging classification.  相似文献   

Introduction: The objective of this paper was to review the results of primary non‐surgical treatment with the aim of larynx preservation for loco‐regionally advanced larynx cancer (LALC). Methods: All patients with LALC presenting between January 2002 and December 2006 who were selected for primary non‐surgical treatment were included in this study. Results: There were 60 patients, 48% with stage III and 52% with stage IV disease. The median follow‐up of living patients was 41 months. Larynx preservation with local disease control was achieved in 83% and 77% of patients at 3 and 5 years, respectively. Failure‐free survival at 3 and 5 years was 66% and 59%, respectively, and overall survival was 67% and 45%, respectively. All patients with larynx preservation had a functional voice. Two patients became feeding tube dependant. Thirty‐nine percent of all deaths were unrelated to LALC. Conclusions: Primary non‐surgical treatment achieves high rates of larynx preservation with a low rate of severe complications but overall survival remains disappointing.  相似文献   



Surgery for locally advanced oral cancer often requires wide resections of multiple subsites of the oral cavity, including the oral tongue, floor of the mouth, and lower gingiva, and it causes chewing and swallowing disorders. The aim of this prospective, observational study was to determine which subsites have a greater impact on chewing and swallowing disorders after surgery.


A prospective, observational study was conducted involving 52 patients who underwent surgery for locally advanced oral cancer with free flap reconstruction. The patients' Functional Oral Intake Scale scores were measured before surgery and 1 and 3 months after surgery. Possible predictors of chewing and swallowing disorders were subjected to univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Age, sex, preoperative body mass index, clinical stage, extent of mandibular bone resection, floor of the mouth resection, total or subtotal glossectomy, laryngeal suspension, bilateral neck dissection, and postoperative radiation therapy were the variables evaluated.


Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that both anterior or extensive mandibular bone resection and postoperative radiation therapy were independently associated with poor oral intake after surgery.


The identified predictors will be helpful for better management of patients identified as being at high risk of chewing and swallowing disorders.  相似文献   

舌癌根治术后游离前臂皮瓣一期舌再造术的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li JS  Chen WL  Pan CB  Huang HZ  Wang JG  Yang ZH 《癌症》2004,23(1):60-62
背景与目的:舌癌根治术造成半舌缺损,严重影响患者的生存质量。术中行一期舌再造术可保证手术创面的Ⅰ期愈合,使患者的吞咽及语言功能早日恢复,然而游离皮瓣再造舌时常发生的血管危象问题一直阻碍着这项手术的广泛开展。本文报告在应用游离前臂皮瓣行一期舌再造术中所做的一些改进方法,旨在提高其成功率。方法:对32例舌鳞癌患者在根治术中应用游离前臂皮瓣行一期舌再造,在皮瓣设计、制备和血管吻合等方面加以改进。结果:术后口腔和颈部创面均一期愈合,无涎瘘、乳糜漏、口底颌下瘘和感染等并发症发生;术后出现血管危象6例,5例抢救成功,1例失败,最终放弃皮瓣,移植成活率为96.9%。再造舌外形大部分良好,语言和吞咽功能恢复良好。结论:改进的游离前臂皮瓣舌再造术再造舌的成功率较高。  相似文献   

Breast reconstruction with the TRAM flap: pedicled and free   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is a ubiquitous disease affecting one in seven women. While breast conservation techniques are available for local control of the disease for many patients, not all patients are good candidates for these techniques. Mastectomy, therefore, remains a common method of breast cancer treatment. Methods of reconstruction include implant reconstruction and autogenous reconstruction. The advantages of autogenous reconstruction include the creation of a soft, ptotic breast mound, which tends to match a native contralateral breast both in and out of bra support. Autogenous reconstructions do not tend to change with time and usually do not require periodic revision as seen in implant reconstructions. METHODS: The most common method of autogenous reconstruction is the TRAM flap, either pedicled or free. The TRAM flap employs the redundant excess lower abdominal tissue typically removed during a cosmetic abdominoplasty. This tissue is brought to the mastectomy defect as a pedicled flap, passing subcutaneously from the upper abdomen and into the defect site. The pedicled flap is based upon the superior epigastric vessels. A free TRAM is harvested with the overlying muscle and the attached inferior epigastric vessels. This flap is completely separated from the abdomen and brought to the chest defect where it is anastomosed to either the thoracodorsal or internal mammary vessels. The donor defect within the abdominal wall is repaired with an inlay mesh with both the pedicled and free techniques. RESULTS: Patient selection criteria usually help determine which technique is used. The advantage of the free flap technique is improved blood supply to the skin island. The free flap, therefore, is used in patients at higher risk for partial flap loss with the pedicled technique. Such high-risk patients include smokers, the obese, patients with significant medical comorbidities, and patients with prior abdominal surgery. Patients without these risk factors can be expected to achieve good results with either the pedicled or free flap technique. CONCLUSION: Autogenous breast reconstruction with the TRAM flap achieves long lasting satisfactory results in most patients with the creation of a soft, naturally ptotic breast mound, which typically matches well a contralateral native breast.  相似文献   

A considerable body of literature defines techniques to restore glottic function after partial laryngectomy. The authors of this paper describe a new original technique for glottic and hypopharyngeal reconstruction after vertical hemipharyngolaryngectomy. Using a radial forearm free flap including the tendon of the palmaris longus and a sensitive branch of the radial nerve, they were able to reconstruct the missing vocal cord and a pyriform fossa. This procedure permits an extended resection without the usual phonatory or swallowing inconveniences. There is no contraindication for postoperative radiotherapy. The technique and preliminary functional results are reported.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用大腿游离真皮脂肪瓣进行乳房重建的可行性。 方法2017年1月4日广西医科大学附属肿瘤医院乳腺外科收治了1例27岁罹患乳腺癌的未婚女性。患者已在外院施行乳房肿块活组织检查,经本院病理科会诊后诊断为右乳浸润性微乳头状癌,ER(+,阳性率>90%),PR(+,阳性率>90%),HER-2(-),Ki67(+,阳性率约30%)。术前超声检测患者乳房下极脂肪厚度为3.0 cm,大腿内侧脂肪厚度为4.5 cm。采取右侧乳腺癌保留乳房手术+右侧腋窝淋巴结清扫术+即刻股内侧游离真皮脂肪瓣乳房重建术,术中切取右大腿内侧近根部约5.0 cm×7.0 cm的皮瓣,去表皮化后进行塑形并缝合固定在胸大肌表面。将手术标本送病理检查,术后定期(术后第7天和第10天)行乳腺超声和MRI检查。 结果术后病理确诊为右乳腺浸润性微乳头状癌,前哨淋巴结活组织检查显示有转移癌(1/2),其余Ⅰ~Ⅲ水平腋窝淋巴结均未见转移癌。术后超声检查提示右乳再造皮瓣与原皮下残留脂肪组织回声一致,无液性暗区,未见感染及缺血坏死,皮瓣成活。乳腺MRI显示:术区见脂肪组织填充,血运良好。患者术后第2天下床活动,第5天拔除2根引流管,第10天再造乳房形态良好,双侧基本对称,平卧与站立位均无外形改变或不适,供区皮肤瘢痕隐蔽,患者满意度极高。术后随访至2017年8月31日,患者乳房基本对称,形态良好,未见肿瘤复发、转移。 结论大腿游离真皮脂肪瓣移植可作为保留乳房手术后乳房局部凹陷畸形修复的一种个体化术式。  相似文献   



There are several small case series on use of a laparoscopically harvested omental flap (LHOF) for breast reconstruction. However, the long-term oncological safety and clinical benefits of the LHOF remain uncertain, especially in use of the flap in oncoplastic breast surgery.

Study design

A retrospective chart review was performed for 200 patients who underwent oncoplastic breast surgery using a LHOF at our institution from April 2002 to March 2016. Laparoscopy-associated complications, local recurrence, and cosmetic outcomes were evaluated.


Most of the patients underwent partial breast reconstruction immediately after breast-conserving surgery (BCS). The success rate of laparoscopic harvesting of the omental flap was 99.5%. The rate of complications was 12.0% and laparoscopy-associated complications occurred in four cases (2.0%). The rate of a positive margin was 6.5%. Two cases (1.0%) had local recurrence during a median follow-up period of 90 months. In 24 patients (12.0%), the volume of the flap was insufficient. When applied to total reconstruction, volume insufficiency occurred in 32.6% of patients. Cosmetic outcomes were mostly satisfactory. Approximately 80% of patients were rated as good or excellent by evaluation using a 4-point scale and Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment cosmetic results (BCCT.core) software. Donor-site scars were negligible, as in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.


The LHOF has minimal donor-site morbidity and deformity, and oncological safety is promising. There is a limit to the adaptable volume, but the LHOF is an attractive option in partial breast reconstruction after BCS.

AIM: To evaluate the functional outcomes of patients who underwent total or nearly total glossectomy for advanced tongue or base of tongue cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used the radial forearm free flap (RFFF), anterior lateral thigh flap (ALTF) or fibular osteocutaneous flap (FOCF) to reconstruct the oral defect after radical resection in 39 patients undergoing total or nearly total glossectomy with laryngeal preservation. RESULTS: Good functional outcomes, measured by independent feeding, speech and swallowing were achieved in 35, 36 and 35 patients, respectively. The cumulative 4-year survival rates were 63.8% for tongue cancer and 42.9% for base of tongue cancer. CONCLUSION: Reconstruction with free flaps is a feasible method to restore the functional outcomes in speech and deglutition among patients who undergo total or nearly total glossectomy with laryngeal preservation.  相似文献   

Tumor resection causes damage in the head and neck which creates problems in swallowing,chewing,articulation,and vision,all of which seriously affect patients' quality of life.In this work,we evaluated the application of a free medial tibial flap in reconstruction of head and neck defects after tumor resection.We discussed the anatomy,surgical technique,and the advantages and disadvantages of the flap.We found several benefits for the flap,such as,it is especially effective for the defects that require thin-layer epithelium to cover or the separated soft tissue defect;a two-team approach can be used because the donor site is far away from the head and neck;and the flap is easy to integrate because of the subcutaneous fat layer of the free medial tibial flap is thin and the flap is soft.Thus,the medial tibial flap could replace the forearm flap for certain applications.  相似文献   

AIMS: The vastus lateralis muscle is an accessory extensor for the knee suitable as a free myocutaneous flap in reconstructive head and neck surgery. We report the use of this muscle as a flap. METHODS: We have used the free myocutaneous vastus lateralis flap for reconstruction following ablative head and neck tumour surgery in six patients. The clinical outcome, time of surgery for flap preparation and anatomosis, follow-up and functional outcome were analysed. RESULTS: Five of our patients showed a very satisfactory functional and cosmetic outcome. Post-operatively, there was no prolonged immobilisation and no limitation of movement to the hip and knee. No unfavourable side-effects at the donor side were noted. CONCLUSIONS: We find this flap a very useful addition to our free myocutaneous flap armamentarium. It has a specific suitability for replacing large defects.  相似文献   

BackgroundAdvanced oral tongue carcinoma can present with extension beyond the oral cavity. Operative defects after resection may involve multiple anatomical sites and significantly impact speech and swallowing. Dependence on long-term enteral feeding is not uncommon for these patients. The anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap is one of the most reliable and flexible flaps used in the reconstruction of total and subtotal tongue defects. The double-paddle flap modification may be a more suitable option for complex oral tongue defects after advanced tumor ablation.MethodsCase series of 31 patients with oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma that were classified as stage IV. The age of patients ranged from 32 to 63 years. We designed the double-paddle ALT flaps to reconstruct the two-site surgical defects (tongue defect and pharynx or neck skin defect). Postoperative viability of the flap was checked by clinical observation. The last examination was performed at 3-months after the completion of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy. The functional capacity of our patients was evaluated by three physicians (Head and Neck Surgeon, Radiation Oncologist, and Physiatrist) using a Speech Intelligibility Score and the Functional Oral Intake Scale.ResultsA total of 31 patients with surgical defects after total or subtotal tongue resection for cancer underwent double-paddle ALT flaps for reconstruction from March 2018 to December 2019. The dimension of flaps from 8 × 12 cm to 10 × 18 cm were divided into double-paddle from 8 × 5 cm to 10 × 10 cm. There was one case of pedicle thrombosis, one case of postoperative bleeding, three cases of neck infection, and six cases of salivary fistula. Our patients were seen in follow up from 6 to 36 months, with median follow-up of 23.5 months. The survival rate of ALT flap was 100%. All of our patients achieved an oral diet by 9 months after surgery. The mean score speech intelligibility was 2.74 ± 0.68 (4-point ordinal scale). The 2-year disease-free survival rate was 61.3%.ConclusionsThe double-paddle ALT flap is a reliable flap suitable for oral defects involving multiple subsites after ablative procedures. The majority of patients demonstrated acceptable functional rehabilitation.Clinical question/ level of evidenceTherapeutic, IV.  相似文献   

Adjuvant chemotherapy, established in the treatment of osteogenic sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma, currently remains controversial in adult soft-tissue sarcoma. Because the survival of the control arms in randomized studies is significantly better than historical controls, only randomized studies with nontreatment control arms will be analyzed here. None of the 11 reported adjuvant studies showed a significant survival advantage for chemotherapy overall. Although subset analyses are less reliable, the National Cancer Institute reported a significant prolonged survival and disease-free survival for the subset of chemotherapy-treated extremity primaries. The M.D. Anderson and Italian studies observed a significant disease-free survival advantage; however, survival was not significantly different in the former and survival statistics were not provided in the latter study. In the subset of central body lesions none of the studies revealed a significant survival advantage for chemotherapy. Adjuvant chemotherapy should be considered investigational for adult soft-tissue sarcomas.  相似文献   

Pharyngoesophageal stenosis (PES) is a common and serious complication of head and neck cancer treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, tracheoesophageal puncture placement, and total laryngectomy surgery. Dilation-resistant stenosis requires surgical reconstruction, often with a radial forearm free flap (RFFF). With the present technique, the authors refine their previous bipaddled free flap design used to reconstruct a persistent tracheoesophageal fistulae (TEF) in combination with PES. Accordingly, we present a novel bipaddled triangular RFFF design ideally suited to address the shape of the defect in the posterior tracheal wall that results when the TEF is opened and the esophageal and tracheal components are restored.  相似文献   

IntroductionMandibular reconstruction always pose a challenge to the reconstructive surgeon. With the use of Computer aided designing and computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) it is now possible to reconstruct mandibular defects to near normal configuration with good function and aesthetic outcomes.Aims/objectivesTo compare the efficacy of CAD-CAM technique vs conventional technique in mandibular reconstruction with free fibula flap.Materials and methods40 consecutive patients that required mandibular reconstruction using free fibula flap were included in the study. All patients were treated using CAD-CAM technique and then compared retrospectively with 40 patients treated with conventional technique. Comparison was done between total intraoperative time, aesthetic outcome and post-operative occlusion.ResultsTotal intraoperative time in the CAD-CAM group was significantly reduced (562 min) as compared to the conventional group (662 min). Patients in the CAD-CAM group also obtained a better Aesthetic score (3.6/5) when compared to the conventional group (2.5/5). Postoperative malocclusion was noted in 1 patient in the CAD-CAM group as opposed to 6 patients in the conventional group.ConclusionUse of CAD-CAM technology in mandibular reconstruction with free fibula flap offers reduced surgical time with precise and accurate reconstruction that produces better functional and aesthetic outcomes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the current study,the authors analyzed the results of definitive radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the pharyngeal wall. METHODS: Between 1964 and 2000, 148 patients were treated with definitive radiotherapy. All patients had a 2-year minimum follow-up. RESULTS: The following 5-year rates of local and ultimate local control were obtained: T1 disease, 93% and 93%; T2 disease, 82% and 87%; T3 disease, 59% and 61%; and T4 disease, 50% and 50%, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that twice-daily fractionation (P = 0.0009), American Joint Committee on Cancer Stage I-II disease (P = 0.0051), and oropharyngeal primary site (P = 0.0193) were associated with improved locoregional control. The following 5-year absolute and cause-specific survival rates were obtained: Stage I, 56% and 89%; Stage II, 52% and 88%; Stage III, 24% and 44%; Stage IV, 22% and 34%; and overall, 30% and 49%, respectively. Eight patients (5%) died of complications. CONCLUSIONS: Locoregional control and survival were found to be related to site, extent of disease, and fractionation schedule. Although outcomes have improved in recent years, the morbidity of treatment was significant in the current study and a substantial proportion of patients died secondary to the malignancy.  相似文献   

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