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上饶市精神疾病流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解上饶市精神疾病流行病学情况。方法 采用初级单位含量比例分层、整群、随机的抽样方法 ,以ICD 10、CCMD 3为诊断标准 ,以《复合性国际诊断检查》(CIDI)为筛查和诊断工具 ,以社会功能缺陷筛选量表 (SDSS)、成人智残评定量表、儿童韦氏智力量表 (C WISC)、克来顿修定行为量表(CRBRS)、日常生活能力量表 (ADL)、Hachinski缺血指数量表 (HIS)及我国残疾定义和分级标准为评定工具。结果 各类精神疾病时点患病率为 2 5 2 5‰ ,终生患病率为 31 6 6‰ ,排前三位的为精神分裂症、酒依赖、心境障碍。残疾率为 13 19‰。结论 精神分裂症仍然是防治和研究的重点疾病 ,酒依赖、心境障碍的患病率升高  相似文献   

广东中山市精神疾病流行病学调查   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
目的 了解中山市精神疾病流行病学情况。方法 采用WHO提供,1982年和1993年两次全国精神疾病流行病学调查使用的方法,对中山市城乡3721人行社会人口学调查及15岁以上人口精神疾病患病情况调查。结果 中山市精神疾病(不含神经症和海洛因依赖)时点患病率26.13‰,终生患病率为29.91‰;两者明显高于1993年中国七地区精神疾病流行病学调查结果(相应为11.18‰和13.74‰,P均小于0.01)。神经症(均为现患病例)的时点患病率为29.70‰,海洛因依赖终生患病率为7.56‰。结论 中山市精神分裂症和精神发育迟滞仍居前两位,而酒依赖、情感性精神障碍、脑器质性眠精神障碍及镇静眠药物依赖患病率升高,神经症、海洛因依赖患病率居国内较高水平,应列为防治和研究的重点。  相似文献   

中山市老年精神疾病流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解中山市老年精神疾病流行病学情况。方法:采用1982年和1993年2次全国精神疾病流行学调查使用的方法。结果:中山市老年精神疾病(不含精神症)终生患病率47.62%,显著高于一般人口(≥15岁)。结论:随着人口的老龄化,老年精神疾病应列为防治和研究的重点。  相似文献   

目的 调查无锡地区18岁及以上人群精神障碍患病率和分布情况,为制定无锡地区精神 卫生规划提供科学依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,对无锡地区≥ 18岁的人群进行入 户调查。使用一般健康问卷将调查对象分为患精神疾病高、中、低危险组,以DSM-Ⅳ轴Ⅰ障碍用临床定 式检查量表、美国精神病学会诊断手册第四版和精神发育迟滞/痴呆诊断量表为诊断工具,依次对高危组 中的100%,中危组中的40%,低危组中的10%为调查对象进行定式检查,对各类精神障碍进行诊断。结 果 6 263人完成筛选,1 128例完成诊断。精神疾病时点患病率为12.26%,除器质性精神障碍外,患病 率最高的依次为焦虑障碍(3.45%)、心境障碍(1.89%)和物质使用障碍(1.33%)。结论 无锡地区精神疾病 患病率明显上升,已成为常见病和迫切需要解决的重大公共卫生问题。  相似文献   

目的了解广西壮族自治区≥15岁城市居民各类精神疾病的患病率和分布特征。方法 2007年7~12月采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法随机抽取6个地级市7380名≥15岁的城市居民为调查对象进行入户调查。以复合性国际诊断问卷(CIDI3.0)为筛查工具,以国际疾病及相关健康问题分类第10版(ICD-10)为诊断标准。结果完成调查7028人,调查完成率为95.23%。广西城市居民精神疾病总时点患病率和总终生患病率分别为1.86%和2.31%.按终生患病率高低排列,广西城市居民前三位特定精神疾病是精神分裂症(1.07%)、抑郁障碍(0.54%)和酒依赖(0.19%)。总终生患病率女性(1.72%)低于男性(2.95%),差异有统计学意义(RR=0.56,95%CI:0.41~0.77,P0.01)。抑郁障碍患病率在离婚人群患病率较高(P0.01);不同的年龄段、文化程度、婚姻状况和职业等亚组的精神分裂症患病率差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),25~44岁、初中与小学及以下文化、未婚与离婚、无业等人群的患病率较高;初中文化程度者和离婚人群的酒依赖患病率较高(P0.05)。结论精神分裂症、抑郁障碍和酒依赖是广西城市居民主要精神疾病,应针对其患病高发人群开展防控干预工作。  相似文献   

目的:了解安徽淮北市矿区职工各类精神障碍的患病率。方法:采用精神疾病流调手册推荐的方法和流程,于2009年9月1日至12月31日对淮北市矿区职工进行精神疾病流行病学调查。结果:通过多级分层整群概率比例,随机抽样2830人完成调查,患有精神疾病177例(其中神经症88例),精神疾病患病率为62.54‰;若不含神经症,患病率为31.45‰,与1993年全国7个地区精神疾病流行病学调查结果相比明显升高。结论:淮北矿区职工精神疾病患病率较高,各类精神疾病患病率以神经症和酒依赖居前两位。矿区职工精神卫生防治工作亟待加强。  相似文献   

温州地区精神疾病流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解温州地区精神疾病的流行病学情况。方法 采用初级单位含量分层,整群,随蛩塑垫登玄法及线索调查。以ICD-10,CCMD-3为诊断标准,以精神卫生筛选表,神经症筛选表社会粤能缺陷筛选量表(SDSS)。老年痴呆量表为评定工具。结果 各类精神疾病时点患病率为30.81‰,苎竺璺尊堂垄34.50‰;排前三位的是精神分裂症,酒依赖,心境障碍。结论 精神分裂症仍是防治和研究的重点疾病,酒依赖,心境障碍的患病率升高。  相似文献   

本文对我市精神疾病流行病学调查资料进行了统计分析,该地精神疾病患病率为8.73%,比十年前患病率上升了31%,在各类精神疾病中,精神分裂症居首位,并以文化程度较低,离婚者和中间型家庭患病率较同,精神发育迟滞居第二位。  相似文献   

威海市精神疾病流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解威海市≥15岁人群各类精神疾病的患病率和分布特点。方法:2006年9月至2007年2月随机抽取≥15岁人群共50174人,使用心理卫生筛选表、神经症筛选表、精神现状检查(PSE)140题等工具进行调查,以中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第3版为诊断依据。结果:各类精神障碍的时点患病率为70.34‰,终生患病率为89.51‰。排在前3位的为抑郁症(37.49‰)、神经症(30.06‰)和酒依赖(11.38‰)。农村患病率(93.22‰)高于城市(84.30‰),女性(95.27‰)高于男性(83.82‰)。3种精神疾病均存在较高的未识别率,且农村高于城市。结论:山东威海市精神疾病的患病率以女性和农村较高;抑郁症是威海市患病率最高的精神疾病。  相似文献   

精神疾病患者自杀流行病学调查   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:了解普通人群和精神疾病患者的自杀死亡率,自杀诱因和方式。方法:采用回顾性研究方法,普查1997-1999年上海宝山区疾病预防控制中心人口总数及死亡报告卡,区公安分局的自杀案例和区精神病防治办公室的精神疾病患者死亡报告卡。结果:普通人群年平均自杀死亡率9.43/10万。精神疾病患者为274.45/10万。结论:精神疾病患者是自杀的高危人群,应予重视。  相似文献   

A psychiatric field-survey was conducted in three villages in West Bengal, India in order to correlate the prevalence of mental morbidity with the socio-economic status of the families. The sample was divided into four groups on the basis of religion or caste. Total morbidity had no statistically significant relationship with socio-economic status in any of the four groups. In the total sample it was directly related. Higher classes had significantly higher rates. Psychoses were not correlated with socio-economic status in any of the groups. Neuroses showed a significantly higher rate in the upper strata of two groups; in the other two groups the trend of prevalence was in the same direction. The four groups had significant differences in their rates of total morbidity. In all the groups females had a higher rate of mental morbidity. Psychoses, Neuroses and Depression were commoner in females and Schizophrenia was commoner in males.  相似文献   

中国七个地区精神疾病流行病学调查   总被引:160,自引:6,他引:160  
目的了解90年代各类精神障碍患病率及与1982年比较的变动情况。方法由1982年调查协作组中的7个单位,于1993年在7个原抽样地区进行流行病学调查,方法与1982年基本相同。结果各类精神障碍(不含神经症)时点患病率11.18‰,终生患病率13.47‰;与1982年比较,均有所上升。结论精神分裂症和精神发育迟滞患病率仍居前两位,而酒依赖、情感性精神障碍、阿尔茨海默病和脑血管病所致精神障碍患病率升高,均应列为防治和研究的重点  相似文献   

A high disease burden of mental disorders has been noted worldwide, including Japan. It is important to monitor mental disorder prevalence trends and the use of mental health services over time using epidemiological data and to plan appropriate policies and measures that consider mental health in each country. This review outlines the prevalence trends of common mental disorders (CMD) and the use of mental health services in Japan from the 2000s to the 2010s and compares them with those in other countries. This review clarifies that the prevalence of CMD in Japan has been relatively stable in the past decade. The 12‐month prevalence of mental health service use has increased about 1.2 times to 1.6 times in the past 10–15 years. Thus, it is very likely that the rise in mental health service use contributes to increased patient numbers. Regarding cross‐national comparison, the prevalence rate of CMD in Japan is much lower compared to rates in the USA and Europe. The 12‐month prevalence of mental health service use was also lower in Japan compared to prevalence rates in other high‐income countries. Mental health epidemiology has clarified that the prevalence of CMD worldwide has remained unchanged, even though mental health service use has increased in high‐income countries. Thus, the gap in treatment quality and prevention should be addressed in the future.  相似文献   

Gender- and violence-related prevalence of mental disorders in prisoners   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objectives To clarify the prevalence of mental diseases including personality disorders in a sample of German prisoners regarding delinquency and gender specificity. Method Crime history, present state and lifetime mental disorders, as well as personality disorders, were assessed amongst 415 inmates and compared regarding gender and type of delinquency. Results Female offenders more often committed homicide while male offenders more frequently committed assault and robbery. Men had a higher prevalence of alcohol abuse and dissocial PD while women more often showed depression, anxiety disorders and Borderline PD. Violent offences were related to a higher prevalence of alcohol abuse and dissocial PD, as well as higher comorbidities of mental disorders. Conclusion Results emphasize the complexity of the needs and requirements of imprisoned offenders. Our findings reveal an urgent need for psychiatric–psychotherapeutic services to provide suitable care to inmates in order to contribute to a more favorable legal prognosis.  相似文献   

Background  While in the last 5 years several studies have been conducted in Italy on the prevalence of mental disorders in adults, to date no epidemiological study has been targeted on mental disorders in adolescents. Method  A two-phase study was conducted on 3,418 participants using the child behavior checklist/6–18 (CBCL) and the development and well-being assessment (DAWBA), a structured interview with verbatim reports reviewed by clinicians. Results  The prevalence of CBCL caseness and DSM-IV disorders was 9.8% (CI 8.8–10.8%) and 8.2% (CI 4.2–12.3%), respectively. DSM-IV Emotional disorders were more frequently observed (6.5% CI 2.2–10.8%) than externalizing disorders (1.2% CI 0.2–2.3%). In girls, prevalence estimates increased significantly with age; furthermore, living with a single parent, low level of maternal education, and low family income were associated with a higher likelihood of suffering from emotional or behavioral problems. Conclusions  Approximately one in ten adolescents has psychological problems. Teachers and clinicians should focus on boys and girls living with a single parent and/or in disadvantaged socioeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

This is the first epidemiological survey of mental disorders among children in a Malaysian village. The WHO Research Questionnaire for Children (RQC) was used for initial screening followed by a semistructured interview, the Follow-up Interview for Children (FIC) at its second stage. Diagnosis was obtained by using Rutter's multi-axial classification. The prevalence rates obtained for the diagnostic categories were described in 3 age groups, in accordance with the age of attending school in Malaysia. Of 507 children screened aged 1–15, 6.1% were classified as having a mental disorder.  相似文献   

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