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Changes in percentage of forest cover can influence nutrient levels in aquatic systems and change abiotic conditions that may influence species. The authors examined how increasing amounts of leaf litter influenced toxicity of the insecticide carbaryl using larval green frogs (Rana clamitans) in outdoor mesocosm ponds. Insecticides can have direct negative effects on individual physiology and behavior and indirect effects on the food web, which can result in trophic cascades. They predicted that direct effects of the insecticide would dominate when nutrients were low (resulting in negative impacts on amphibian development and survival), whereas indirect effects could offset direct effects when nutrients were more abundant through a trophic cascade that leads to more food for tadpoles (resulting in positive effects on amphibian development and survival). The authors found support for this hypothesis: first, total green frog survival was greatest with increased leaf litter input in the presence of carbaryl. Additionally, most green frogs that reached metamorphosis were from ponds with high leaf litter input and carbaryl. Second, the impact of carbaryl on developmental stage and tadpole mass varied depending on the amount of leaf litter present. With high amounts of leaf litter, carbaryl had a positive impact on development and growth; in contrast, with low amounts of leaf litter, carbaryl had negative or no effects on tadpole development and mass. The present study suggests that differences in nutrient levels between ponds exposed to pesticides could play a role in amphibian population dynamics.  相似文献   

Leaf litter is one of the major input sources of organic carbon and nutrients in freshwater ecosystems. Throughout the degradation and leaching of leaf litter in freshwater bodies, "new born" substances are continuously generated and may aggregate to form humic substances (HS). Although the effect of HS on the stress physiology of aquatic macrophytes has been case of several investigations, the effect of these "new born" compounds (leaf litter breakdown products) on the stress physiology of aquatic plants has not been studied yet. Our results show that leaf litter degradation extracts (LLDEs) from oak, beech, and mixed oak and beech leaves have deleterious effects on the physiology of the aquatic bryophyte Vesicularia dubyana, decreasing photosynthetic activity and enhancing oxidative stress response. These findings suggest that leaf litter degradation extracts may be an important environmental factor influencing community structure within freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

The majority of studies on pesticide impacts have evaluated the effects of single exposures. However, multiple exposures to a pesticide may be more prevalent. The objective of our study was to determine how multiple exposures versus single exposure at different times during development affected survival to metamorphosis, tadpole survival, tadpole mass, and tadpole developmental stage of green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles reared at low and high density in outdoor cattle tank ponds. Tadpoles were exposed to carbaryl zero, one, two, or three times at 14-d intervals. We applied single doses of carbaryl at one of three times, specifically during early, mid, or late development. Overall, we found that multiple exposures had a greater impact than single exposures during development. More individuals reached metamorphosis in ponds exposed to multiple doses of carbaryl compared with controls, indicating that the presence of carbaryl stimulated metamorphosis. The presence of carbaryl in the aquatic environment also resulted in more developed tadpoles compared with controls. Tadpoles in control ponds did not reach metamorphosis and were less developed than individuals exposed to carbaryl; this effect indicates that, under ideal conditions, green frogs could overwinter in ponds so that greater size could be attained before metamorphosis in the following spring or summer. Our study demonstrated the importance of including realistic application procedures when evaluating the effects of a pesticide and that multiple exposures to a short-lived pesticide are more likely to affect an amphibian population.  相似文献   

Road deicers have been identified as potential stressors in aquatic habitats throughout the United States, but we know little regarding associated impacts to ecosystem function. A critical component of ecosystem function that has not previously been evaluated with respect to freshwater salinization is the impact on organic matter breakdown. The purpose of this study was to evaluate cumulative effects of road deicers and tadpole grazers on leaf litter breakdown rate (g d(-1) ) and microbial respiration (mg O(2) g leaf(-1) h(-1) ). To test this interaction, in May 2008 the authors added dry leaf litter (Quercus spp.) to forty 600-L pond mesocosms and inoculated each with algae and zooplankton. In a full-factorial design, they manipulated a realistic level of road salt (ambient or elevated at 645?mg?L(-1) Cl(-) ) and tadpole (Hyla versicolor) presence or absence. The elevated chloride treatment reduced microbial respiration by 24% in the presence of tadpoles. The breakdown of leaf litter by tadpoles occurred 9.7% faster under ambient chloride conditions relative to the elevated chloride treatment. Results of the present study suggest that the microbial community is directly impacted by road deicers and heavy tadpole grazing under ambient conditions limits microbial capacity to process detritus. Road salts and tadpoles interact to limit microbial respiration, but to a lesser extent leaf mass loss rate, thereby potentially restricting energy flow from detrital sources in pond ecosystems. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2012; 31: 2306-2310. ? 2012 SETAC.  相似文献   

The persistence and biological impact of the organophosphorus insecticides, Abate®, Reldan®, and Dursban®, were studied following the application of 10 ppb to a series of artificial polyethylene-lined ponds and a single natural pond inoculated with leaf litter. Disappearance of the insecticides from water could be described in terms of two phases: early posttreatment, in which rapid partitioning took place; and, a variable time period, characterized by slowly decreasing residues. Of the three pesticides, Dursban was the most persistent followed by Reldan and Abate in that order.The rapid initial disappearance of the pesticides from water was primarily attributable to adsorption on bottom sediments and polyethylene. Polyethylene appeared to have a greater affinity for the pesticides than did the sediments. However, desorption from the polyethylene contributed to residual concentrations in the water of artificial ponds for prolonged periods.Dursban was most toxic to cladoceran and copepod populations. Cladocerans were more sensitive to the three insecticides than were cyclopod and calanoid copepods or copepod nauplii.Chlorophyll concentrations as a measure of algal biomass were always greater in ponds treated with Abate or Dursban than in untreated ponds, supporting the conclusion that algal blooms result from the elimination of Zooplankton predation.It was concluded that in artificial polyethylene-lined ponds residues persisted for longer times than in natural ponds. The resulting prolonged period in which Zooplankton were absent leads to an increased probability of algal blooms.  相似文献   

Recent ecotoxicology studies have focused on the potential interaction of pesticides and the effects these interactions may have on aquatic ecosystems. We examined the combined effects of two insecticides, endosulfan and chlorpyrifos, that have been previously examined individually on survival, growth, and development of Pacific treefrog (Pseudacris regilla) tadpoles. Historically, both pesticides have been heavily used in the Central Valley of California, been identified in downwind montane areas, and are highly toxic to amphibian larvae. Tadpoles were exposed to chlorpyrifos and endosulfan individually and in combination from Gosner stage 25 through metamorphosis to evaluate the individual effects and the interaction between these insecticides. Chlorpyrifos alone did not affect survival or body size after 30 days, even at concentrations greater than the previously reported LC50. Survival and body size decreased with increasing endosulfan concentrations. The interactive effects of the insecticides depended on concentration and exposure duration. In combination, 137 µg/L chlorpyrifos inhibited the negative effects of endosulfan on growth and survival. The presence of both insecticides in combination facilitated the development of axial malformations. In the presence of endosulfan with either 266 or 394 µg/L chlorpyrifos, malformations occurred in 33 and 87 % of tadpoles, respectively. Our results indicate that organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides with different modes of action can result in varying interactions depending on their concentrations and on the end points being assessed. Further examination of contaminant impacts on natural aquatic systems should continue to focus on the effects of multiple contaminants and their potential for unpredictable, nonadditive interactions.  相似文献   

Imidacloprid is effective against emerald ash borer when applied as a systemic insecticide. Following stem or soil injections to trees in riparian areas, imidacloprid residues could be indirectly introduced to aquatic systems via leaf fall or leaching. Either route of exposure may affect non-target, aquatic decomposer organisms. Leaves from ash trees treated with imidacloprid at two field rates and an intentionally-high concentration were added to aquatic microcosms. Leaves from trees treated at the two field rates contained imidacloprid concentrations of 0.8-1.3 ppm, and did not significantly affect leaf-shredding insect survival, microbial respiration or microbial decomposition rates. Insect feeding rates were significantly inhibited at foliar concentrations of 1.3 ppm but not at 0.8 ppm. Leaves from intentionally high-dose trees contained concentrations of about 80 ppm, and resulted in 89-91% mortality of leaf-shredding insects, but no adverse effects on microbial respiration and decomposition rates. Imidacloprid applied directly to aquatic microcosms to simulate leaching from soils was at least 10 times more toxic to aquatic insects than the foliar concentrations, with high mortality at 0.13 ppm and significant feeding inhibition at 0.012 ppm.  相似文献   

Methyl parathion (MEP) applied to three outdoor ponds at a nominal concentration of 100 micrograms liter-1 was toxic to some species of aquatic insects and crustaceans but not to fish. The spectrum of toxicity was similar to predictions based on a literature survey of data obtained from laboratory tests. Various secondary effects occurred that could not be predicted from laboratory toxicity tests. An increase in populations of Diaptomus in treated ponds was probably caused by mortality of predators and competitors. A bloom of filamentous algae which then collapsed, leading to severe depletion of dissolved oxygen and fish deaths, may have been triggered by mortality of herbivorous mayflies and daphnids. The growth of juvenile rainbow trout in treated ponds was significantly less than in untreated ponds. On the other hand their growth in laboratory aquaria was not affected when rainbow trout were exposed to higher concentrations of MEP than occurred in the outdoor ponds. It was concluded that growth of rainbow trout in the ponds was probably affected by mortality among aquatic insects and crustaceans on which they feed.  相似文献   

Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide that is used in trees to control several invasive, wood-boring insect pests in North America. Applications to deciduous trees result in foliar concentrations of imidacloprid that could pose a risk of harm to non-target decomposer invertebrates when autumn-shed leaves fall to forest floors or adjacent water bodies. Selection experiments were conducted in aquatic and terrestrial microcosms to test the hypothesis that non-target, leaf-shredding invertebrates can detect and avoid leaves from imidacloprid-treated trees thereby circumventing effects on leaf litter decomposition. There was no significant preferential feeding on non-contaminated leaves in selection microcosms indicating that the invertebrates could not detect and avoid imidacloprid-containing leaves. Mass loss and area consumed of both imidacloprid-containing and natural leaves in selection microcosms were significantly less than in control microcosms, indicating a sub-lethal feeding inhibition effect from consumption of leaf material at realistic field concentrations of 18-30microg/g fresh weight. Our results indicate that imidacloprid at realistic concentrations in leaves can inhibit leaf litter breakdown through adverse sub-lethal effects on decomposer invertebrates.  相似文献   

Toxicity assessments on nontarget organisms have largely been addressed using short-term, single-species laboratory experiments. Although extremely helpful, these experiments inherently lack many pervasive ecological stressors found in nature. Though a substantial challenge, incorporating these ecological stressors in contaminant studies would shed light on potential synergistic effects. For the world's leading herbicide, glyphosate, we know little about how natural stressors affect the toxicity to nontarget organisms. To explore how the natural stress of competition might interact with a glyphosate-based herbicide, we used outdoor mesocosms containing three tadpole species that were exposed to a factorial combination of three glyphosate concentrations (0, 1, 2, or 3 mg acid equivalent (a.e.)/L of the commercial formulation Roundup Original MAX?) and three tadpole densities (low, medium, or high). We found that increased tadpole density caused declines in tadpole growth, but also made the herbicide significantly more lethal to one species. Whereas the median lethal concentration (LC50) values were similar across all densities for gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor; 1.7-2.3 mg a.e./L) and green frogs (Rana clamitans; 2.2-2.6 mg a.e./L), the LC50 values for bullfrogs (R. catesbeiana) were 2.1 to 2.2 mg a.e./L at low and medium densities, but declined to 1.6 mg a.e./L at high densities. The large decrease in amphibian survival with increased herbicide concentration was associated with increases in periphyton abundance. We also found evidence that temperature stratification lead to herbicide stratification in the water column, confirming the results of a previous study and raising important questions about exposure risk in natural systems.  相似文献   

Interactions of herbicides and natural environmental stressors such as pH and food availability are poorly understood. We tested a chemical formulation of triclopyr (Release) at environmentally relevant test concentrations (0.25 and 0.50 mg L(-1)) in combination with two levels of pH (pH 5.5 and 7.5), and two levels of food availability (high and low). Population level effects of each stressor alone and in combination with the others were investigated using Simocephalus vetulus, a zooplankton species, and Rana pipiens tadpoles (Gosner stage 25), both common to forest ponds and wetlands. Herbicide treatments resulted in significant decreases in survival of both test species as well as reproduction and development time for S. vetulus at levels 5-10x below predicted worst case environmental concentrations (2.6 mg L(-1)). This laboratory study demonstrates a probable risk of toxic effects of Release herbicide which may be significantly increased by low food availability and by low pH at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

Comparison was made of abiotic conditions, amphibian reproductive outputs, and the survival of embryonic and larval amphibians in wastewater effluent-irrigated and natural temporary ponds in an area in Centre County, Pennsylvania that has been spray-irrigated with secondarily treated, chlorinated wastewater effluent from The Pennsylvania State University for approximately 14 years. Three species of temporary pond-breeding amphibians were studied: wood frogs (Rana sylvatica LeConte), Jefferson salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum Green), and spotted salamanders (A. maculatum Gravenhorst). Comparisons of physico-chemical parameters in 10 wastewater-irrigated and 10 natural temporary ponds over 19 weeks in 1997 indicated that wastewater -irrigated ponds had significantly higher median conductance, pH, ?Na, ?K, ?Ca, ?Mg, and ?N-NO(3) and lower ?dissolved oxygen. Many of the wastewater-irrigated ponds supported large mats of duckweed (Lemna spp.) that completely blanketed the pond's surface by mid-May. There were significantly fewer egg masses of all three species in wastewater-irrigated ponds than in natural ponds in both 1997 and 1998. In situ egg hatching success and larval survival (over a 6-day period) of all species was lower in wastewater-irrigated ponds than in natural ponds. Cumulatively, these studies suggest that wastewater effluent irrigation may impact amphibian populations by reducing the survival of amphibian eggs and larvae.  相似文献   

Organolead compounds are generally more toxic than inorganic lead compounds and if stable in water could be harmful to aquatic and higher species. The effect of a number of natural catalysts on the breakdown of lead alkyls in aqueous media was studied to evaluate the possible environmental impact of these materials. It was found that sunlight and various anions and cations promote the breakdown of organoleads in aqueous media.  相似文献   

The ability of mosquito larvae to tolerate toxic compounds (temephos, Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, toxic vegetable leaf litter) was examined on a laboratory larval strain of Aedes aegypti L. Bioassays and detoxifying enzyme activity measurements were performed to compare tolerance/resistance capacities. The possibility of a functional plasticity of detoxifying equipment was investigated through experimental determination of the inductive effect of each xenobiotic within a given generation. In the same way, the selective effect of a toxic leaf litter was also investigated along successive generations. Results revealed that differential cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, esterase, and glutathione S-transferase activity levels correlated with the bioassay results. Both induction and selection increased larval tolerance to the xenobiotics used and increased the levels of larval detoxifying enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Atmospherically deposited pesticides from the intensively cultivated Central Valley of California, USA, have been implicated as a cause for population declines of several amphibian species, with the strongest evidence for the frogs Rana muscosa and Rana sierrae at high elevation in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Previous studies on these species have relied on correlations between frog population status and either a metric for amount of upwind pesticide use or limited measurements of pesticide concentrations in the field. The present study tested the hypothesis that pesticide concentrations are negatively correlated with frog population status (i.e., fraction of suitable water bodies occupied within 2 km of a site) by measuring pesticide concentrations in multiple media twice at 28 sites at high elevation in the southern Sierra Nevada. Media represented were air, sediment, and Pseudacris sierra tadpoles. Total cholinesterase (ChE), which has been used as an indicator for organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide exposure, was also measured in P. sierra tadpoles. Results do not support the pesticide-site occupancy hypothesis. Among 46 pesticide compounds analyzed, nine were detected with ≥ 30% frequency, representing both historically and currently used pesticides. In stepwise regressions with a chemical metric and linear distance from the Central Valley as predictor variables, no negative association was found between frog population status and the concentration of any pesticide or tadpole ChE activity level. By contrast, frog population status showed a strong positive relationship with linear distance from the Valley, a pattern that is consistent with a general west-to-east spread across central California of the amphibian disease chytridiomycosis observed by other researchers.  相似文献   

The organochlorine insecticide endosulfan is extensively used in Australia and can often contaminate aquatic environments. However, its effects on Australian frog species are unknown. We exposed tadpoles of the Australian treefrog Litoria freycineti to endosulfan for 96 hours. Tadpoles exposed to 0.03 or 1.3 g/L endosulfan grew more slowly than control tadpoles. Furthermore, feeding was inhibited in L. freycineti when the animals were observed halfway through their exposure to a concentration of 1.3 g/L endosulfan for 96 h. This concentration (which periodically occurs in natural water bodies and rivers) also caused 17% tadpole mortality, and the survivors were more vulnerable to invertebrate (odonate) predation when tested 15 days after transfer to clean water. The presence of a sympatric species of tadpole, Litoria peronii, did not affect survivorship of L. freycineti, but reduced growth rates. Thus, short-term exposure to endosulfan in natural water bodies may influence tadpole viability either immediately or over an extended period.  相似文献   

Environmental concentrations and biological effects of certain metals and organic compounds found in wood preservatives were examined. The study focused on leachates from private residential docks in South Carolina tidal creeks. Copper, chromium, arsenic, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in composite samples of surficial sediments and naturally occurring oyster populations (Crassostrea virginica) from creeks with high densities of docks, and from nearby reference creeks with no docks. In some cases, metal concentrations in sediments and oysters were higher immediately adjacent to dock pilings than they were elsewhere in the same creek. Sediments from most sites had concentrations of metals and total PAHs which were below levels reported to cause biological effects, however. Solid-phase Microtox® bioassays using whole sediments and rotifer bioassays using sediment pore water showed no significant differences in acute toxicity between creeks with and without docks. Oysters growing directly on dock pilings had significantly higher concentrations of copper than oysters growing at least 10 m away; however, there was no significant difference in the physiological condition of these oysters. Four-day field bioassays measuring percent survival of mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus), mud snails (Ilyanassa obsoleta), juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), and juvenile white shrimp (Penaeus setiferus) showed no significant differences between sites near to and distant from newly constructed docks. Hatchery-reared oysters showed no significant differences between dock and reference sites in percent survival, growth, or bioaccumulation of metals after six weeks of exposure. The results suggest that, in estuarine environments with a moderate tidal range (1.5–2.0 m), wood preservative leachates from dock pilings have no acutely toxic effects on four common estuarine species, nor do they affect the short-term survival or growth of juvenile oysters.  相似文献   

The effects of the compounds associated with outboard motor subsurface exhausts on water quality and aquatic biota are reviewed. The problems affiliated with water quality may include the formation of undesirable tastes and odors and the appearance of oily substances. It has been demonstrated that outboard motor exhaust water can exhibit a toxic effect in sufficiently high concentrations to fathead minnows and bluegills, taints the flesh of various fish, and may affect the reproduction of fish.A discussion of the current research related to the effects of outboard motors on the aquatic environment is presented. Recommendations are given for future research to broaden the understanding of the interaction of outboard motors with the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Synthetic pyrethroids readily partition from the aqueous to the solid phase in aquatic systems. Previous work has focused on pyrethroid partitioning to sediment matrices. Within many aquatic systems, however, other carbon-containing materials are present and can be critically important to certain invertebrate species and ecosystem functioning. For example, some invertebrates readily process leaf material, and these processes may represent an additional route of contaminant exposure. To our knowledge, estimates for partitioning of pyrethroids to these nondissolved organic matter matrices and associated toxicity have not been examined. The objectives of the present study were to examine variation in organic carbon (OC)-based partition coefficient (K(OC)) among three size fractions of particulate organic matter from sugar maple (Acer saccharum) leaf litter and sediments for the pyrethroid insecticide bifenthrin and to examine variation in toxicity to Hyalella azteca among bifenthrin-bound organic matter matrices and sediment. Log K(OC) of [(14)C]bifenthrin was greatest within sediment (6.63+/-0.23; mean +/- standard deviation throughout) and lowest in coarse particulate leaf material (4.86+/-0.03). The H. azteca median lethal concentration was 0.07, 0.11, and 0.15 microg/g OC for leaf material, sediment, and a 50% mix of leaf and sediment, respectively. Nonoverlapping 95% confidence intervals occurred between the leaf treatment and the leaf-sediment treatment. This pattern was supported in an additional experiment, and at 0.22 microg/g OC, H. azteca survival was greater in the leaf-sediment mixture than in sediment or in leaf material alone (F=29.5, p<0.0001). In systems that contain sediment and leaf material, both greater partitioning of bifenthrin to the sediment fraction and preferential use of leaf substrates may drive H. azteca survival.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that eutrophication ponds modulate some aspects of the health responses and survival of anuran tadpoles, we conducted field experiments using Scinax nasicus as sentinel organism to evaluate the quality of two ponds filled with agricultural runoff in a dominant agricultural landscape of Mid-Western Entre Ríos Province (Argentina). The survival, growth and development rates, erythrocytes nuclei aberrations, parasite infection, and brain cholinesterase activity were monitored after seven days of exposure. Water samples from the ponds were also analyzed for physico-chemical variables and levels of pesticide residues. Residues of organochlorine pesticides and nutrients were higher in the agricultural ponds with respect to those from the control pond. We suggest that the interactions among washed-off nutrients and pesticides from agriculture and environmental factors account for deleterious effects on S. nasicus survival, growth and development rate, thereby compromising their health status. These effects can lead, in turn, to an increase in tadpole vulnerability to opportunistic parasites, erythrocytes nuclei aberrations or hemolysis.  相似文献   

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