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The author reviews briefly the historical back ground, epidemiology, control program, progress, and problems of schistosomiasis japonica in China. The infection has a long history and wide distribution, but had been neglected before the founding ot' the People's Republic of China. A national program for schistosomiasis control took shape in 1955 when the Directing Board for Schistosomiasis Control of the Central Committee of the CCP was founded. As of 1983, of 348 endemic counties, the infection was eliminated in 56, and virtually eliminated in 191; of more than 11 million cases detected, 1ess than one million remained to be treated; oncomelania snails could hardly be found any more in four-fifths of a total 14 billion mz former snail infected area. Marshlands, lake regions as well as high mountain regions are still problem areas. Great efforts are still needed for complete elimination of schistosomiasis in China.  相似文献   

The chance observation that a given chemical produces a specific desirable pharmacologic reaction which may have therapeutic possibilities may be the first step in any progress in chemotherapy. It is then the duty of the first members of the chemotherapeutic team consisting of chemists, pharmacologists and clinicians, to prepare chemically related agents for comparative pharmacologic study in order to_determine the most promising derivative. The goal is the discovery of a substance quantitativelyless toxic for mammaLs, without significant untoward or side-actions, which may be safely used in effective amounts. The theme of chemotherapy is chemical structure, biologic action, therapeutic effect. Such endeavors require nice coordination, with the object of finding beneficial agents which will not kill man more often than once in 10,000 times, if therapy is controlled by physicians, or more often tnan once in a million times if uncontrolled mass application by laymen is attempted.  相似文献   

生物活性肽的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生物活性肽(bioactive peptides)来源很广,目前已经成为世界范围内研究的热点。大量的研究业已表明,生物活性肽具有多种生物学功能,如激素作用,免疫调节、抗血栓、抗高血压、降胆固醇、抑菌、抗病毒、抗癌作用等,是筛选药物的天然资源宝库。本文综述了生物活性肽的研究进展。  相似文献   

用卫氏并殖吸虫的囊蚴,后尾蚴及成虫分别感染八只温州杂交种白猪,以犬为对照。结果:①囊蚴经口感染30—107天后及后尾蚴经臀部注射感染16天后解剖,均在骨骼肌中找到比后尾蚴略大的童虫,大小相似,部分童虫的排泄囊中见黑色折光颗粒,偶见锥刺。②成虫接种在猪腹壁皮下及腹腔,未见成虫移行至胸腔,而且均萎缩或死亡。③接种在胸腔的成虫经45天后,部分进入肺内成双虫囊;少数成虫恢复产卵。实验结果说明温州杂交种白猪应考虑为卫氏并殖吸虫的转续宿主。  相似文献   

本文观察了卫氏并殖吸虫(P.w)成虫移植到犬、猕猴、山羊、大白鼠、豚鼠、鸡和鸭的胸腔及腹腔后的活动情况及其引起的病变。结果表明:(一)猕猴、山羊、大白鼠不是P.w的终宿主;(二)不支持P.w成虫能从宿主的胸腔移行至颅腔。文中还讨论了病灶中卵黄颗粒的形态特点,提出成虫移植法可作为判断宿主对P.w适应梯度的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

肺吸虫病是由于肺吸虫寄生于人体所致的一种慢性地方性寄生虫病。人食用含有肺吸虫活囊蚴的生或半生的蟹、蝲蛄或饮用被污染的水而感染。临床常以嗜酸细胞增多及异位症状为主要表现。现将我科1979~1986年间收治的32例分析如下。 临床资料 本组男27例(84.4%),女5例(15.6%),男:女为5.4:1。4~6岁5例(15.6%),7~10岁23例(71.8%),11~14岁4例(12.5%),其中最小年龄为4岁,学龄期  相似文献   

Large scale control of malayan filariasis has been achieved in China by carrying out mass surveys and total population treatment mainly with diethylcarbamazine (DiEC) or DEC medicat- ed salt reducing the microfilaria rate to minimum levels. But surveillance and campaigns must be continued for at least 10 years. We have little experience in exterminating the Anophet,es siuen- sis vector. The density of this species of vector is still fairly high here so further investigation and studies should be made in order to find a method of controlling it. This is our major task today.  相似文献   

Great progress has been witnessed in the last decade or so in the control of cancer in China. Not only institutions and organi- zations but also contingents engaged in the anti-cancer campaign increased in number year by year. While only 5 tumor hospitals and 6 research institutes (or labs) existed be- fore the 60s, the number increased t0 16 and 31 respectively in the 1970s. By the late 1980s, with the exception of Tibet, nearly all the provinces, autonomous regions and metro- politan cities have established their own insti- tutions specifically dedicated to cancer treat- ment and prevention. The number of people devoted to cancer work increased tremen- dously from a few in the early years after the founding of new China t0 9 663 in 1985 and to as many as 23 154 in 1987.  相似文献   

Drugs of phant origin have received much attention due to their enormous potential for the prevention and treatment of cancer.Recent progress in the study of anticancer drugs originating from plants and traditional medicines in China is reviewed in this paper,with particular emphasis on taxol,daidzein,acetyl boswellie acid,curcumin and ginsenosid Rh2.  相似文献   

家犬分成(1)卫氏并殖吸虫(P.w.)囊蚴感染组;(2)P.w.成虫感染组。两组分别经78~150天、3O天后,用P.w.囊蚴攻击感染,再分别经17—3O天剖验。结果表明:(1)P.w.囊蚴感染可诱发犬的伴随免疫,而P.w.成虫移植感染未见诱发犬的伴随免疫。(2)第一组的犬用囊蚴攻击感染时,其童虫引起的病变较重。  相似文献   

本文报导了吡喹酮对67例斯氏肺吸虫病的治疗.资料表明,经过14个月的治疗后,间接血凝试验阴转率为82.1%.此药患者服后耐受良好,而且一般不引起严重的副作用.  相似文献   

1974年海南岛发现首例抗氯喹恶性疟,海南建省前1987年疟疾发病率为23.4,恶性疟占34.8%.病例数为5267例,流行区人口50余万。建省后进一步增加投入,加强防治研究:(1)掌握了抗氯喹恶性疟流行病学的新特点,适时调整防治措施;(2)筛选出几种抗疟药联用新方案,用于临床治疗和现场防治;(3)在全省主要疟区推广控制抗氯喹恶性疟的“毛阳模式”。疟疾发病率自1989年起逐年下降,1996年降至历史最低水平为5.30,恶性疟占24.3%,病例数为1026例,比1987年下降80%,流行区人口缩减了一半,防治成效显著。  相似文献   

首次报道异盘并殖吸虫染色体核型由11对染色体组成。1对大型,为中部着丝点染色体(m);4对中等大,为亚端部着丝点染色体(st);6对小型,其中4对为业中部着丝点(sm),2对为中部着丝点染色体(m)。与国内其它三种并殖吸虫染色体核型作比较,某些对(特别是第一对)染色体有非常显著的差异。  相似文献   

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