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目的:设计可多载具搭载的移动式集装箱负压舱,以用于呼吸道传染病患者的隔离与治疗。方法:该负压舱按照标准集装箱尺寸设计,舱体围护结构为2 mm厚镀锌钢板+10 mm厚高性能保温隔热聚氨酯发泡板+2 mm厚镀锌钢板+10 mm厚整体式内墙板。舱内分为办公区(清洁)、通道(半污染)、病室(含洗手间,污染)3个功能区,利用全直流送排风系统形成各功能区负压差,保证舱内空气形成定向流,借助高效微粒空气过滤系统对患者呼出气进行排放前净化处理,并配备便携式生命监测与支持仪器、远程会诊与指导系统、水电支持系统等。结果:该负压舱内空气质量测试显示,各功能区空气洁净度、静压差、尘粒数、沉降菌、物体表面微生物等指标均达到国家相关标准。结论:该负压舱可实现不同运载工具的互换,能够用于呼吸道传染病患者的隔离与应急救治及危重症患者的长途转运。  相似文献   

基于大型复合低压舱的模拟海拔高度系统研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:模拟在各种海拔高度和不同人员参加实验的情况下,确保舱内压力和空气成分比例与对应的自然条件一致。方法:由监测系统采集各种海拔高度的压力、氧分压(p(O2))和二氧化碳分压(p(CO2))数据,送到控制系统中与已知自然条件对应的数据进行比较,输出差模信号以驱动真空系统和新风系统。结果:经测试,舱内模拟高度与实际值相差在±10 m以内,舱内CO2体积分数〈0.5%,氧分压在19.8~5.47 kPa,符合低压舱模拟海拔高度系统的设计要求。结论:该大型复合低压舱作为西北地区部队平战条件下卫勤保障研究的新型实验平台,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

为研究常压状态不同程度的低氧环境下人类的生命体征及生命耐受力,建立动物低氧模型,研制了全自动常压低氧生物医学实验舱。该舱主要由制氮系统、气体管道系统、电子控制系统、舱体和监视系统组成。由电子控制系统实现对低氧舱内所设定的不同氧分压的自动控制。  相似文献   

目的:研究制造外置往复运动式间歇低氧箱,用于建立间歇低氧大鼠动物模型。方法:设立两个动物舱(280mm×200mm×150mm)和一个低氧舱(800mm×800mm×600mm),动物舱中各放入4只SD实验大鼠,低氧舱内持续充入高纯氮以保持舱内低氧环境.伺服电动机驱动低氧舱在两个动物舱之间做往复运动,使两个动物舱交替进出低氧舱.动物舱内实验动物即交替获得低氧环境。设定低氧舱内目标氧体积分数为(10±0.5)%,低氧舱运动周期为180s,其单向运动时间为4S,低氧舱滞留时间868(即实验动物间歇低氧时间为90s),每天运行8h。分别测定动物舱处于低氧舱内外时的大鼠血气值。结果:低氧箱运行安全可靠;动物舱位于低氧舱内时实验大鼠的最低氧分压为(4.766±0.536)kPa(即(35.75±4.02)mmHg),最低氧饱和度为0.69±0.08,达到了中重度阻塞性睡眠呼吸综合征(0SAS)患者诊断标准。结论:自行研制的外置往复运动式间歇低氧箱可用于建立慢性间歇低氧大鼠动物模型。  相似文献   

目的 :研发折叠式负压隔离转运舱,满足新发突发传染病现场应急防控病员转运与处置需求。方法 :基于负压隔离原理,模拟仿真不同工况下舱体受力情况,设计可快速安装的相对密闭舱体;综合集成风机、高效空气过滤器、压差传感器、数据采集与控制元件,设计高效排风过滤模块;采用压差补偿技术,避免在机载颠簸工况下对舱内压差波动,维持稳定的定向气流;通过环境生理学测量方法,分析负压隔离转运舱工作时对受试者生理指标影响。结果:折叠式传染病员负压隔离转运舱对0.3μm生物气溶胶的过滤效率大于99.99%,在2 min内建立不小于15 Pa的负压差,实现舱内压差、电量实时监控,人体工效学试验表明对受试者生理指标无影响。结论:折叠式负压隔离转运舱过滤效率高,负压差建立稳定可靠,舱体作业展收快捷方便,满足传染病员转运需求。  相似文献   

目的:研制一种满足小型动物低气压实验要求的小型、低成本动物低压舱,以解决高原医学基础研究设备不足的问题。方法:该动物低压舱由舱体、动力系统(无油真空泵及附件)、传感系统(传感器组件)、逻辑判断系统(主控制板)和执行机构(流量调节阀、手动调节阀、电磁阀)等构成。舱体由透明有机玻璃制成,内置气压传感器、氧气浓度传感器等;使用无油真空泵抽真空,通过电磁阀阀门开度控制抽气流量,实现不同速度的气压上升和下降;通过逻辑判断系统自动控制舱内气压的变化。结果:该动物低压舱控制精准、可无人值守长期运行,气压升降高度、气压升降速度、舱内新风量和氧气体积分数等各项指标均达到设计要求。结论:该动物低压舱结构简单、操作简便、成本低廉、可维护性好,可满足常规动物实验需求。  相似文献   

目的 调查渔民发生眼部灼伤的船舱中硫化氢(H2S)的污染情况.方法 共监测56艘渔船舱内H2S浓度,56名渔民接受眼部检查.其中,对21艘既发生渔民眼灼伤又符合监测条件的渔船进行舱内空气采样,以确定H2S灼伤眼部及全身中毒的末期浓度;并对舱内H2S浓度、舱内作业时间与眼灼伤程度之间关系进行分析;将30艘未卸鱼货渔船分为2组,分别应用鼓风、喷洒法和自然敞开法消散H2S,以确定消散H2S的有效方法.选定只有眼部球结膜轻度充血或轻微咳嗽的渔民所在5艘渔船进行单次监测,确定H2S灼伤眼、呼吸道黏膜的阈浓度.结果 56名接受眼部检查的渔民中,有46例(92只眼)发生眼灼伤,其中中度灼伤10例(20只眼)、轻度36例(72只眼),来自21艘船.21艘引起渔民眼灼伤渔船舱内H2S浓度为(99±38)mg/m3.30艘未卸货渔船舱内首次监测H2S浓度为(219±31)mg/m3;鼓喷组H2S浓度为(213±24)mg/m3,自然敞开组H2S浓度为(225±36)mg/m3;消散1.0 h后鼓喷组H2S浓度为(21±3)mg/m3,衰减(192±21)mg/m3,衰减率为90%;自然敞开组H2S浓度为(184±36)mg/m3,衰减(41±8)mg/m3,衰减率为18%;两组衰减浓度比较差异有统计学意义(t=25.627,P<0.05).渔船舱内引起渔民眼灼伤的阈浓度为38 mg/m3.暴露时间120 min,10例眼部中度灼伤渔民所在7艘渔船舱内H2S浓度为(123±9)mg/m3;19例轻度眼灼伤渔民所在7艘渔船舱内H2S浓度为(54±7)mg/m3,两组H2S浓度比较,差异有统计学意义(t=14.236,P<0.05).结论 船舱内H2S浓度高,暴露时间长,可加重渔民眼部灼伤.短时间消散船舱内H2S有效方法为舱底鼓风、舱内喷洒雨雾.  相似文献   

目的:缺氧可引起肺动脉压(PAP)增高,依据这一机理,研制这款低氧动物饲养舱.方法:采用隔离密封的结构和单片机技术,建立起氧浓度达到10%±0.2%的常压动物饲养舱.结果:通过单片机控制饲养舱内的氧浓度,使舱内的动物产生明显的肺动脉高压.  相似文献   

目的 在评价空气消毒效果鉴定试验中,研究气雾室内空气初始微生物浓度的控制方法。方法 以白色葡萄球菌为试验菌,通过可见分光光度计和六级筛孔撞击式空气微生物采样法,对气雾室喷雾染菌浓度进行分析和优化。结果 选用OD600值为0.012~0.051的白色葡萄球菌菌悬液进行染菌,并将采样时间控制在5 s~10 s,气雾室内白色葡萄球菌浓度可达到1.51×105 cfu/m3~3.59×105 cfu/m3,符合空气消毒模拟现场试验标准要求,且气雾室内最终的白色葡萄球菌浓度与菌悬液OD600值成线性关系(r=0.996 8),基于该线性关系,可以更好地实现气雾室白色葡萄球菌浓度的精准控制。结论 该方法将气雾室内空气初始微生物浓度稳定控制在要求范围内,为准确评价空气净化除菌性能试验效果提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目的调查广州市公共场所室内CO、CO2浓度,并探讨公共场所室内CO、CO2浓度标准值统一的可行性.方法在广州市选择各类公共场所的822个监测点,将公共场所按<公共场所卫生标准>室内CO标准值分为第1类(≤5 mg/m3)、第2类(≤10mg/m3)、第3类(未作强制项目),按CO2标准值分为第1类(≤0.07%)、第Ⅱ类(≤0.10%)、第Ⅲ类(≤0.15%),监测室内空气中CO、CO2浓度,并进行分析.结果822个空气样本监测值显示,CO浓度(-x±s)为(2.76±1.41)mg/m3,第95百分位数(P95)为6.2mg/m3;CO2浓度(-x±s)为0.060%±-0.020%,P95为0.099%.CO、CO2监测值呈正偏态分布,即向污染较低的方向聚集;按CO浓度标准分级的3类公共场所空气中CO浓度差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.70,P=0.157);按CO2浓度标准分级的3类场所CO2浓度差异有统计学意义(χ2=35.266,P<0.01);且第Ⅱ类场所CO2的污染比Ⅰ、Ⅲ类严重(P<0.01).结论公共场所室内空气CO、CO2标准值分类的现实意义已减弱,采用合适的统一标准更具有现实可行性.  相似文献   

目的 探讨凋亡相关因子Bax、Bcl-2、细胞色素C和caspase-3在缺氧缺水缺食条件下大鼠心肌细胞损伤中变化及其意义.方法将80只Wistar大鼠置于常压低氧舱(10%氧浓度)并禁食水,于实验1、3、5、7d,采用原位末端标记、免疫组织化学和原位杂交技术等方法,检测缺氧缺水缺食后心脏凋亡指数变化及凋亡相关因子Bax、Bcl-2、细胞色素C和caspase-3在其中的作用.结果 10%缺氧复合缺水缺食后1d和7d大鼠心肌细胞凋亡指数(62.63±14.97)、(20.19±3.26)增加;Bax、细胞色素C和caspase-3蛋白在单纯缺氧和缺氧缺水缺食后均可见1~7d表达增加,缺水缺食后在3~7d表达增加.Bcl-2在单纯缺氧和缺水缺食后1~7 d表达减少,缺氧缺水缺食后1~3d表达减少;Caspase-3 mRNA在单纯缺氧组和缺氧缺水缺食后1 d(4.19±1.42)、(3.87±0.86)和7 d(10.43±2.79)、(12.12 +2.27)表达增加,缺水缺食后1 d(3.85±0.88)表达增加.结论10%缺氧复合缺水缺食可引起心肌细胞凋亡,与Bax表达增加、Bcl-2表达减少有关;可能进一步通过线粒体途径,释放细胞色素C,激活caspase-3,引发心肌细胞凋亡.  相似文献   

目的 研究模拟掩埋条件下,失血复合缺氧缺水缺食大鼠心脏功能和结构的改变及其损伤特点,为深埋人员的及时救治及生命探测技术的研究提供依据.方法 二级 Wistar 大鼠160只;随机分为正常对照组、单纯失血组、缺氧缺水缺食组(三缺组)、失血复合缺氧缺水缺食组(失血并三缺组).其中失血模型为剪尾法制备,失血量30%;缺氧组为...  相似文献   

阐述了呼吸道水蒸气压对常压低氧方法所模拟的海拔高度的影响,分析了在同样环境的氧分压条件下,由于呼吸道水蒸气压的影响,常压低氧模拟的海拔和高原海拔之间的差异,发现二者的差异量和高原海拔值是正相关的。为了真实地模拟高原低氧环境.常压低氧环境氧分压要低于相应的高原环境值。  相似文献   

Hypoxia was studied in 12 men during 63-h exposures to 17 and 13% O2, with the subjects serving as their own controls by repeating the measurements in 21% O2. All test atmospheres were contaminated with 0.9% CO2 to simulate the condition of living aboard submarines. The mean SaO2's were 97-98% in all conditions of 21% O2, 96% in 17% O2 (n.s.), and 92% in 13% O2 (P less than 0.05). The blood concentrations of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate were elevated in 13 and 17% O2 (P less than 0.05). Seventeen percent O2 did not cause significant symptoms of environmental stress; however, 13% O2 caused symptoms of acute mountain sickness in 5 of 12 men. In the last 7 h of exposure to 17% O2, reduction of the barometric pressure to 576 Torr reduced the ambient PO2 to 98 Torr (similar to the PO2 of 13% O2 at normobaric pressure). This induced symptoms of acute mountain sickness in 3 of 11 men. All symptomatology and physiologic changes were reversed during recovery in 21% O2. Monitoring devices indicated the presence of volatile organic contaminants at a mean concentration of 6.1 ppm in the chamber atmosphere. Combustion tests in the occupied chamber showed that flame propagation was retarded by lowering the O2 concentration from 21 to 13-17%. We conclude that men can live comfortably in a normobaric, flame-retardant atmosphere consisting of 17% O2-0.9% CO2-6.1 ppm volatile organic compounds-balance N2.  相似文献   

The author relates the principles of the design of the equipment for intermittent normobaric hypoxia. Provides the classification of diagrams, notes advantages and short-comings of the hypoxicators of both groups (forming gas hypoxic mixtures from compressed gases and atmospheric air). Delineates areas where they can be used efficiently.  相似文献   

We investigated the sensitizing effect of the 2-nitroimidazole analogue doranidazole, a new hypoxic radiosensitizer, on radiation-induced apoptosis in L5178Y cells. Apoptosis was assessed by checking DNA ladder formation, the presence of sub-G1 peaks in flow cytometry, and chromatin condensation. A radiosensitizing effect of doranidazole was also confirmed by a soft-agar colony assay of surviving cells. In the assay of DNA ladder formation, DNA fragmentation was observed following irradiation under an aerobic or hypoxic condition with or without doranidazole. The proportions of the cells at the sub-G1 peak in a flow cytometric measurement was not very different among the irradiations at 5 Gy under the aerobic condition, 15 Gy under hypoxia, and 10 Gy with 1 mM doranidazole under hypoxia. The fraction of cells with chromatin condensation was found to be significantly increased with doranidazole up to 3 mM when applied under hypoxic irradiation, but did not increase even at 10 mM. The sensitizer enhancement ratio was estimated to be about 1.7 with a concentration of 1 mM. This enhancement ratio was not different from that observed by assaying cell survivals. On the other hand, doranidazole showed no radiosensitizing effect under aerobic conditions with 1 mM. In conclusion, the radiation-induced apoptosis of L5178Y cells was enhanced by doranidazole under hypoxia.  相似文献   

CO2 arc welding in a confined space was simulated in a laboratory by manipulating a welding robot which worked in a small chamber to experimentally evaluate the welder's exposure to welding fumes, ozone and carbon monoxide (CO). The effects of the welding arc on the air temperature rise and oxygen (O2) concentration in the chamber were also investigated. The measuring points for these items were located in the presumed breathing zone of a welder in a confined space. The time averaged concentrations of welding fumes, ozone and CO during the arcing time were 83.55 mg/m3, 0.203 ppm and 0.006%, respectively, at a welding current of 120A-200A. These results suggest serious exposure of a welder who operates in a confined space. Air temperature in the chamber rose remarkably due to the arc heat and the increase in the welding current. No clear decrease in the O2 concentration in the chamber was recognized during this welding operation. A model of air duct ventilation was constructed in the small chamber to investigate the strategy of effective ventilation for hazardous welding contaminants in a confined space. With this model we examined ventilation efficiency with a flow rate of 1.08-1.80 m3/min (ventilation rate for 0.40-0.67 air exchanges per minute) in the chamber, and proved that the exposure level was not drastically reduced during arcing time by this air duct ventilation, but the residual contaminants were rapidly exhausted after the welding operation.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of acute inhalation of tobacco smoke upon the intrinsic properties of cardiac muscle, rats were exposed to cigarette smoke from 2R1 Kentucky reference cigarettes in special smoking chambers for periods of 10Min/hr for 5 hr. Animals were sacrificed, and the mechanical properties of isolated left ventricular papillary and columnar carneae preparations were studied. Mean COHb concentration of animals exposed to tobacco smoke was 13.2 ± 0.9 vol%. No significant difference was found in rats exposed to tobacco smoke when compared to shams in (1) cardiac chamber weight or chamber wet-to-dry weight ratios, (2) cardiac muscle performance in oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit solution (95% O2, 5% CO2), (3) muscle performance during 60 min of hypoxia (95% N2, 5% CO2) followed by 30 min of reoxygenation, (4) muscle performance during graded hypoxia with and without glycolytic blockade (iodoacetic acid 10?4m), or (5) sensitivity of myocardial performance to isoproterenol. Thus, after acute exposure to tobacco smoke, no effects on the intrinsic mechanical properties of rat cardiac muscle were demonstrable.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of six days of tri-sodium phosphate (SP) supplementation on the cardiorespiratory system and gross efficiency (GE) during exercise under hypoxia in cyclists. Twenty trained male cyclists received SP (50 mg·kg−1 of fat-free mass/day) or placebo for six days in a randomized, cross-over study, with a three-week washout period between supplementation phases. Before and after each supplementation phase, the subjects performed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion under normobaric hypoxia (FiO2 = 16%, ~2500 m). It was observed that short-term SP supplementation led to a decrease in heart rate, an increase in stroke volume, and an improvement in oxygen pulse (VO2/HR) during low and moderate-intensity exercise under hypoxia. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the serum inorganic phosphate level by 8.7% (p < 0.05). No significant changes were observed in serum calcium levels. GE at a given workload did not change significantly after SP supplementation. These results indicated that SP promotes improvements in the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system during exercise in a hypoxic environment. Thus, SP supplementation may be beneficial for endurance exercise in hypoxia.  相似文献   

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