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OBJECTIVES: To better understand the relationship between suicidal behavior and violence directed toward others among patients with major psychiatric disorders, this study examined how suicide attempts and violent behaviors were associated with various psychosocial problems. METHODS: Participants were inpatients in two psychiatric state hospitals. They included 216 inpatients who had physically assaulted another patient or a staff member and a comparison group of 81 inpatients who had not assaulted anyone. History of suicide attempts and historical information about various risk factors for violence and suicide were obtained through chart review and patient interviews. RESULTS: Patients in the violent group did not differ from those in the nonviolent group in whether they had attempted suicide. Suicide attempts and violence were associated with different historical variables. Suicide attempts were associated with a history of head trauma, harsh parental discipline, and parental psychopathology. Violence against others was associated with having a history of school truancy and foster home placement. CONCLUSIONS: Among inpatients with major psychiatric disorders, violence and suicide attempts were not related to each other and were associated with dissimilar psychosocial risk factors.  相似文献   

我国精神障碍者的入院方式调查   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
目的:了解我国精神障碍者入院的方式及影响入院方式的相关因素。方法:通过问卷调查收集17个城市精神卫生中心精神障碍者入院时的相关资料并进行统计分析。结果:我国精神科约60%的患者以医疗保护的方式入院。患者的年龄、婚姻、文化程度、家庭收入、既往行为、服药依从性、诊断及自知力与入院方式显著相关。结论:目前我国精神障碍者以非自愿入院为主;患者的社会人口学特征及所患疾病的性质和严重程度影响入院方式;患者的入院方式是多种因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: A small number of patient-level variables have replicated associations with the length of stay (LOS) of psychiatric inpatients. Although need for housing has often been identified as a cause of delayed discharge, there has been little research into the associations between LOS and homelessness and residential mobility (moving to a new home), or the magnitude of these associations compared to other exposures. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 4885 acute psychiatric admissions to a mental health NHS Trust serving four South London boroughs. Data were taken from a comprehensive repository of anonymised electronic patient records. Analysis was performed using log-linear regression. RESULTS: Residential mobility was associated with a 99% increase in LOS and homelessness with a 45% increase. Schizophrenia, other psychosis, the longest recent admission, residential mobility, and some items on the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS), especially ADL impairment, were also associated with increased LOS. Informal admission, drug and alcohol or other non-psychotic diagnosis and a high HoNOS self-harm score reduced LOS. Including residential mobility in the regression model produced the same increase in the variance explained as including diagnosis; only legal status was a stronger predictor. CONCLUSIONS: Homelessness and, especially, residential mobility account for a significant part of variation in LOS despite affecting a minority of psychiatric inpatients; for these people, the effect on LOS is marked. Appropriate policy responses may include attempts to avert the loss of housing in association with admission, efforts to increase housing supply and the speed at which it is made available, and reforms of payment systems to encourage this.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify genetic variants predictive of cardiovascular risk factors in a psychiatric population treated with second generation antipsychotics (SGA). 924 patients undergoing treatment for severe mental illness at four US hospitals were genotyped at 1.2 million single nucleotide polymorphisms. Patients were assessed for fasting serum lipid (low density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDLc], high density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDLc], and triglycerides) and obesity phenotypes (body mass index, BMI). Thirteen candidate genes from previous studies of the same phenotypes in non-psychiatric populations were tested for association. We confirmed 8 of the 13 candidate genes at the 95% confidence level. An increased genetic effect size was observed for triglycerides in the psychiatric population compared to that in the cardiovascular population.  相似文献   


Objectives: Hyperprolactinemia is a common adverse event associated with psychotropic medications (mainly antipsychotics) used in the management of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia in psychiatric patients and to evaluate its association with various psychiatric diagnoses and the use of various psychotropic medications.

Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted between July 2012 and June 2014. Patients were recruited from a number of hospitals located in the five regions of Saudi Arabia. Hyperprolactinemia was defined as blood prolactin levels >25?ng/mL in females and >20?ng/mL in males, regardless of the presence of symptoms.

Results: A total of 997 patients (553 males and 444 females) were included in the current analysis. The average blood prolactin level was 32.6?±?44.1?ng/mL, with higher levels among females than males (42.9?±?61.3 versus 24.4?±?18.6, p?<?.001). The prevalence of hyperprolactinemia was 44.3%, with no significant gender difference (41.9% in females versus 46.3% in males, p?=?.164) but with huge variability according to individual antipsychotic and other psychotropic medications. In the multivariate analysis adjusted for demographic and clinical characteristics, hyperprolactinemia was independently and positively associated with using antipsychotic medications (OR?=?2.08, 1.26–3.42, p?=?.004). Additionally, previous hospitalisation, diabetes and hypothyroidism were positively associated, whereas having primary depressive disorders was negatively associated.

Conclusions: We report a high prevalence of hyperprolactinemia among a large sample of psychiatric patients in Saudi Arabia, which was linked to the use of antipsychotic medications. Routine measurement of blood prolactin levels for all patients maintained on antipsychotic agents is recommended, regardless of symptoms.  相似文献   

Background The objective of this analysis was to determine the ways in which patients’ legal statuses at hospital admission and discharge are associated with select sociodemographic and clinical variables. This study specifically investigated differences between patients who were voluntary during both admission and discharge, patients who were involuntary on admission but voluntary on discharge (having converted to voluntary status during hospitalization), and patients who were involuntary during both admission and discharge. Method Data were collected from the charts and treating clinicians of 227 consecutively discharged patients from two psychiatric units in a large, urban, county hospital in the southeastern United States. Based on results of bivariate tests, sociodemographic and clinical factors were entered into a polytomous logistic regression model to determine effect estimates (adjusted odds ratios). Results In the bivariate analyses, 15 variables were significantly associated with the trichotomous legal status. In the model, three factors were independently significantly associated with legal status, while controlling for four potential confounders: (1) whether or not the patient was experiencing psychotic symptoms at discharge, (2) whether or not the patient had documented medical problems requiring medication at discharge, and (3) the number of psychiatric medications. Conclusions A generalized lack of treatment engagement and adherence among involuntary patients likely underlies significant differences between the groups in terms of psychotic symptoms, diagnosed medical problems requiring medications, and number of psychiatric medications at discharge. Studying legal status (and the process of legal status conversion from involuntary to voluntary) and its correlates is an important topic for further research.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of stroke treatment depends on the time interval between onset of symptoms and admission to hospital. The purpose of our investigation was to assess, over a 10-year period, the mean delay in admission to hospital in stroke patients to determine factors which might be associated with this delay, to define the putative number of patients available for accrual in clinical trials, and to identify strategies aimed at decreasing the time to admission. We collected data on all stroke patients consecutively admitted to our clinic from 1986 to 1995. The following variables were investigated: age, sex, educational and occupational level, home accommodation, family and personal history of vascular disease or factors known to affect the risk of vascular disease, and type and severity of stroke. The individual and independent contribution of these variables was assessed by univariate and multivariate analysis. The accurate time of stroke onset was established for 760 patients. Of these, 24.7% were admitted within 1 h from the onset of symptoms, 41% within 2 h, 54% within 4 h and 72.5% within 12 h. The mean delay was 21 +/- 2 h (SE) and the median was 3.5 h. Acute onset of neurological deficits, stroke severity and family history of cerebrovascular disease were associated with earlier presentation. According to the current guidelines for thrombolytic therapy, only 16% of the patients could have been included in a clinical trial. This study suggests that despite a relatively short time to hospital admission in most patients and an altered help-seeking behavior over time, many stroke patients did not present early enough to be recruited for clinical trials or to benefit from new treatments. The majority of patients with timely presentation were not eligible for acute treatment, or were subjects with severe stroke for whom caution is advised before initiating thrombolytic therapy. It has been suggested that the patient's indecision to seek medical help is the most important reason for a delayed hospital admission of stroke patients. These results underscore the importance of interventions aimed at reducing the delay in stroke treatment induced by patients who are unaware of the decisive role of the time of treatment induction. The finding that earliest admissions for stroke comprised patients with a previous history of cerebrovascular disease suggests that an education campaign might highlight the importance of an early admission.  相似文献   



The reported prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in chronic pain patients (CCPs) was high, although it varied tremendously since structured diagnostic instruments were seldom used for diagnosis in previous studies. Study in this area after the launching of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) was scarce. This study serves to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in patients attending a chronic pain clinic by using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) Axis I disorders and to identify factors highly associated with psychiatric disorders, particularly depression, which is treatable.


Consecutive patients attending a chronic pain clinic were recruited during a 6-month period. Psychiatric diagnoses were made by using the SCID. Logistic regression was used to identify factors predicting overall psychiatric morbidity and depression.


Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in this 89-patient sample was 62.9%. Current major depressive disorder was present in 31.5% and somatoform disorders in 33.7%. Anxiety disorders and current substance use disorders each constituted 18. “Younger age of onset of pain” (odds ratio [OR]=0.956, P<.05) and “higher pain intensity” (OR=1.544, P<.001) were independently associated with presence of psychiatric disorders. “Higher pain intensity” (OR=13.7, P<.05), “negative pain cognition” (OR=0.967, P<.05) and “problems with social and leisure activities” (OR=38.5, P<.05) were associated with depression.


Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in this Chinese chronic pain clinic sample with reference to the DSM-IV was similar to that reported in previous studies. Specific factors were identified to alert pain physicians to underlying psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

目的了解改良电抽搐治疗(MECT)在住院老年精神病患者中的应用情况及相关影响因素,为对其进行MECT提供参考。方法采用回顾性分析方法,从本院电子病历数据库调取2016年在老年精神科病房住院的患者病历共403例,收集患者的社会人口学及临床资料,研究MECT在老年精神病患者中的使用率,采用单因素及多因素方法探索其相关因素。结果 MECT治疗在住院老年精神病患者中的使用率为25.6%。多因素分析显示,60岁≤年龄65岁(OR=0.433)、不合并心脏病(OR=0.362)、有自杀风险(OR=2.980)、诊断为情感障碍(OR=14.265)和精神分裂症(OR=17.260)的住院老年精神病患者更倾向于合并使用MECT。MECT组患者住院天数更少(OR=0.882),住院费用高于非MECT组(OR=5.157)。结论 MECT在精神专科医院老年患者中使用率较高,但年龄大、有心脏疾病及器质性精神障碍的老年患者应谨慎使用。  相似文献   

Teksten i artikkelen er en bearbeidet versjon av et foredrag holdt på VII International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, University of Copenhagen 3.-8. august 1980.

Forfatteren søker å beskrive og evaluere en gruppeterapi over 2 og et halvt år rned 10 utpregede langtidspasienter, med gjennomsnittlig opphold i psykiatriske institusjoner (før gruppestart) på 11 og et halvt år.

Hovedproblemene før gruppen startet var: 1. Hvorfor har disse pasientene vært så lenge i psykiatrisk sykehus? 2. Er det mulig, etter alle disse årene, at pasientene kan jobbe med å komme ut av sykehuset og klare å få et meningsfullt liv utenfor?

Artikkelen beskjeftiger seg med kronifikasjonsproblemer og hvordan man prøver å takle disse i en gruppe. Artikkelen beskriver pasientene, gruppeprosessen, tera-peutens frustrasjon og vansker, spesielt i starten, og diskuterer mulig påvirkning av gruppearbeidet for pasientenes senere tilvmelse. Forfatteren har etterundersøkt pasientene etter 10 år, og fått informasjon om deres situasjon da og deres egne meninger om gruppen.

Marit Borchgrevink, ass. overlzge Dikemark sykehus avd 3, for tiden perm. og NAVF stipendiat, er beskjeftiget med en starre undersøkelse av psykiatriske langtidspasienter og etterundersøkelse av disse 10 år etter utskrivning fra avd 3, Dikemark sykehus.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The goal of the work described here was to determine the prevalence of driving and associated variables among patients followed at a level 4 epilepsy center. METHOD: A survey was mailed out to patients seen at the University of Florida/Jacksonville Comprehensive Epilepsy Program. RESULTS: The study population comprised 308 respondents. Nearly 20% of patients with poorly controlled seizures continued to drive. Although several demographic and clinical variables were associated with driving, on univariate analysis, using multiple logistic regression, being employed, not receiving disability benefits, having less frequent seizures, and taking fewer antiepileptic drugs were the variables independently associated with driving. A subset analysis of patients with poorly controlled seizures indicated that being employed was still an independent factor associated with driving, along with higher annual household income and absence of convulsions and waking seizures. CONCLUSION: A significant number of patients with poorly controlled seizures drive. Being employed is a major reason these patients continue to drive.  相似文献   

Risky behaviours in adolescents, apart from substance use, and their associate factors, have not been thoroughly investigated in Nigeria. Hence, there is a need to study the prevalence of risky behaviours and their relationship with gender and other potential risk factors. Data comprising socio-demographic, risky behaviours, personality traits, religious orientation and substance use were obtained from 300 randomly selected secondary school students. Two risk groups (low and high) based on the number of risky behaviours were determined. Male was a risk factor for theft (OR = 2.1; 95%CI = 1.17–3.95), bullying (OR = 2.76; 95%CI = 1.37–5.56) and fighting (OR = 2.14; 95%CI = 1.35–3.40). Fifty-two (17.3%) of the students were of high-risk behaviour group. Furthermore, private school (β = 1.05; P = 0.010), poor perceived relationship with teachers (β = 1.21; P = 0.002), polygamy (β = 1.20; P = 0.002) and lifetime cigarette use (β = 1.07; P = 0.027) were predictors of high-risk behaviour group. Substantial proportion of adolescents in Nigeria exhibit risky behaviours of which gender and other factors play a significant role.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo determine the frequency, nature, and risk factors associated with physical injuries in patients with epilepsy.MethodsIn this retrospective cohort study, patients 18 years of age and older with active epilepsy for at least 1 year were included. A questionnaire (including age, gender, education, type of epilepsy, seizure frequency, having aura, drug compliance, polypharmacy, comorbidity, type and place of injury) was completed from patients and healthy individuals. Statistical analyses were performed using multiple logistic regression and Chi-square tests.Results264 patients with epilepsy and 289 healthy participants were studied. Among patients, 8.7% reported severe injuries and 44.3% had mild injuries. Most patients reported soft tissue injuries, followed by dental injury, burn, and head injury. Severe injuries were 2.9 times more frequent among patients having generalized tonic–clonic seizures (GTCS) compared to healthy control; this was not statistically significant (P = 0.07). No patient reported having severe injuries due to SPS, myoclonic or absence seizures. Mild injuries were 10.3 times more frequent among those with GTCS compared to healthy control (P = 0.001). The relative risk for having injury in patients compared to control group was 3.42 (95% confidence interval: 2.50–4.69). Injury was significantly related to having GTCSs, illiteracy, having fall with seizures, comorbidity and having uncontrolled seizures.ConclusionPhysical injuries are common in patients with epilepsy; however most of these injuries are mild. Severe injuries rarely occur in patients with seizures other than GTCS.  相似文献   

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