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Estrogen receptors are expressed in several areas of the brain associated with cognition, including the basal forebrain cholinergic nuclei, and numerous reports have described improvements in memory in response to estrogen supplementation. The relationship between estrogen's effects on the basal cholinergic system and improvements in cognitive function, however, are obscure. We therefore undertook a study to determine the effects of estrogen on several parameters of the cholinergic system in ovariectomized rats and measured the concomitant effects on performance in the Barnes maze, a test of spatial memory. Six weeks of estradiol treatment caused an increase in choline acetyltransferase activity throughout the projection fields of the basal forebrain, including the hippocampal formation (14%), olfactory bulb (30%), and cerebral cortex (35%). Estrogen treatment also caused an increase in cell soma size of cholinergic neurons in the horizontal diagonal limb of the band of Broca and in the basal nucleus of Meynert. There was no change in the number of neurons positive for p75(NTR), nor in the level of p75(NTR) expression per neuron. Barnes maze performance was markedly improved after estradiol treatment, reinforcing the view that estrogen has beneficial cognitive effects, particularly on spatial memory. The beneficial cognitive effect was likely mediated in part by stimulation of the basal forebrain cholinergic system, especially in its neocortical projection, but was not associated with changes in the level of p75(NTR) expression.  相似文献   

The timing of the final mitotic division of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons was studied by injecting [3H]thymidine into timed pregnant rats and processing the brains of their progeny as young adults for immunohistochemistry with a monoclonal antibody to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) followed by autoradiography. ChAT-positive neurons located caudally in the basal forebrain were found to become postmitotic mostly on embryonic (E) days 12 and 13, whereas the peak final mitosis of more rostrally located ChAT-positive neurons occurred increasingly later, with the most rostral ChAT-immunoreactive neurons leaving their final mitotic cycles on E15 and E16. In all basal forebrain regions, cholinergic neurogenesis was complete by E17. These results indicate that the cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain become postmitotic in a caudal-to-rostral gradient over about 5 days. The continuity of the gradient suggests that these cholinergic neurons may derive from the same germinal source.  相似文献   

微管破坏剂秋水仙素注射于SD大鼠侧脑室,拟观察其对基底前脑不同类型神经元数量的影响,寻找抗损伤能力更强的神经元。与正常大鼠相比,1d后Nestin+胆碱能神经元数量下降,3d后Nestin+胆碱能神经元数量开始增加,至14,28d时增加达到峰值。而Nestin-胆碱能神经元、细小清蛋白神经元和胆碱乙酰转移酶神经元在注射秋水仙素后,数量逐渐下降。提示Nestin+胆碱能神经元对秋水仙素神经毒性具有较好的耐受性。  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that galanin is one of the most abundant peptides in the basal forebrain and that it has a significant modulatory influence on cholinergic transmission. The aim of the present study was to use a light electron microscopic correlation technique to determine whether galanin-immunoreactive terminals form synaptic contacts with basal forebrain cholinergic cells of the rat. Sections from fixed-perfused brains were stained at the light and electron microscopic levels for galanin and choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the same section by using a dual-colour immunohistochemical method. The results showed that galanin-immunoreactive axonal terminals are unevenly distributed in the medial septal nucleus, the diagonal band, and the nucleus basalis. Galanin-positive synapses were most prominent on choline acetyltransferase-positive neurons in the lateral parts of the nucleus of the diagonal band and in the posterior half of the nucleus basalis, which is where there was the greatest overlap between the distribution of galanin-immunoreactive terminals and choline acetyltransferase-positive neurons. The origins of these galanin-positive terminals are not known, but the results confirm that the basal forebrain galaninergic system has a synaptic influence on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in the rat. J. Comp. Neurol. 383:82–93, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of cholinergic neurons in the mouse forebrain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The development of cholinergic neurons in the mouse forebrain was studied by immunocytochemistry with a monoclonal antibody to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the rate-limiting enzyme for acetylcholine synthesis. Since this antibody stained dividing cells in ventricular germinal zones as well as differentiating neurons, likely routes of migration could be inferred on the basis of the location of immunoreactive (IR) cells at different gestational ages. Germinal zones for cholinergic cells were observed in all ventricular zones of the forebrain with the ventral zones generating the earliest cells by gestational day 13.5 (GD13.5). On GD14, ChAT IR cells were visible in the germinal zones of the eye, olfactory ventricle, anterior horn, and dorsolateral aspect of the lateral ventricle, lateral ganglionic eminence, ventro- and dorsolateral third ventricle, and in the pineal anlage (epiphysis). ChAT IR neurons continued to develop in these and additional germinal zones on GD15, including the medial, dorsal, and dorsomedial walls of the lateral ventricle, and the medial and dorsal ganglionic eminence. On GD16, ChAT IR neurons were located in the prelimbic, pyriform, and parietal cortices and the lamina terminalis, and a cluster of IR cells was observed in the ventricular zone of the caudatopallial angle. On GD17-18, neurons in the anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory tubercle, horizontal and vertical nucleus of the diagonal band, and medial septal nucleus stained more darkly and were multipolar, whereas immature bipolar neurons appeared to continue their migration into the hippocampus and along major fiber tracts, such as the corpus callosum, external capsule, fornix and anterior commissure. This study provides a comprehensive view of the zones of origin, probable routes of migration, and final destination of cholinergic neurons in the mouse forebrain.  相似文献   

Cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain are the focus of considerable interest because they are severely affected in Alzheimer's disease. However, both cholinergic and noncholinergic neurons are intermingled in this region. The goal of the present study was to characterize the morphology and in vivo electrophysiology of noncholinergic basal forebrain neurons. Neurons in the ventral pallidum and substantia innominata were recorded extracellularly, labeled juxtacellularly with biocytin and characterized for the presence of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity. Two types of ventral pallidal cells were observed. Type I ventral pallidal neurons had axons that rarely branched near the cell body and tended to have smaller somata and lower spontaneous firing rates than did type II ventral pallidal neurons, which displayed extensive local axonal arborizations. Subtypes of substantia innominata neurons could not be distinguished based on axonal morphology. These noncholineregic neurons exhibited local axon arborizations along a continuum that varied from no local collaterals to quite extensive arbors. Substantia innominata neurons had lower spontaneous firing rates, more variable interspike intervals, and different spontaneous firing patterns than did type II ventral pallidal neurons and could be antidromically activated from cortex or substantia nigra, indicating that they were projection neurons. Ventral pallidal neurons resemble, both morphologically and electrophysiologically, previously described neurons in the globus pallidus, whereas the substantia innominata neurons bore similarities to isodendritic neurons of the reticular formation. These results demonstrate the heterogeneous nature of noncholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain. J. Comp. Neurol. 394:186–204, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Because of controversy about the role of the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR) ) in the cholinergic basal forebrain (CBF), we investigated this region in p75(NTR) third exon knockout mice that were congenic with 129/Sv controls. They express a shortened intracellular form of p75(NTR) , permitting detection of p75(NTR) -expressing cells. We performed separate counts of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-expressing and p75(NTR) -expressing neurons. In agreement with past reports, the number of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons in knockout mice was greater than in wild-type mice, and this was evident in each of the main anatomical divisions of the CBF. In contrast, the number of p75(NTR) -immunoreactive neurons did not differ between genotypes. The biggest increase in ChAT neurons (27%) was in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB), in which region the number of p75(NTR) -positive neurons was unchanged. Double staining revealed that some neurons in wild-type mice expressed p75(NTR) but not ChAT. In the knockout mice, all p75(NTR) -expressing neurons expressed ChAT. The increase in cholinergic neurons, therefore, was at least partially attributable to a higher proportion of ChAT immunoreactivity within the population of p75(NTR) -expressing neurons. Cholinergic neurons were also larger in knockout mice than in controls. In the hippocampal CA1 region, knockout mice had a greater number of cholinergic fibers. There was a 77% increase in hippocampal ChAT activity in knockout mice and a 38% increase in heterozygotes. The data do not support an apoptotic role but indicate a broad antineurotrophic role of p75(NTR) in the cholinergic basal forebrain.  相似文献   

Evidence for the importance of the basal forebrain cholinergic system in the maintenance of cognitive function has stimulated efforts to identify trophic mechanisms that protect this cell population from atrophy and dysfunction associated with aging and disease. Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) has been reported to support cholinergic neuronal survival and has been localized in basal forebrain with the use of immunohistochemical techniques. Although these data indicate that aFGF is present in regions containing cholinergic cell bodies, the actual site of synthesis of this factor has yet to be determined. In the present study, in situ hybridization techniques were used to evaluate the distribution and possible colocalization of mRNAs for aFGF and the cholinergic neuron marker choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in basal forebrain and striatum. In single-labeling preparations, aFGF mRNA-containing neurons were found to be codistributed with ChAT mRNA+ cells throughout all fields of basal forebrain, including the medial septum/diagonal band complex and striatum. By using a double-labeling (colormetric and isotopic) technique, high levels of colocalization (over 85%) of aFGF and ChAT mRNAs were observed in the medial septum, the diagonal bands of Broca, the magnocellular preoptic area, and the nucleus basalis of Meynert. The degree of colocalization was lower in the striatum, with 64% of the cholinergic cells in the caudate and 33% in the ventral striatum and olfactory tubercle labeled by the aFGF cRNA. These data demonstrate substantial regionally specific patterns of colocalization and support the hypothesis that, via an autocrine mechanism, aFGF provides local trophic support for cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain and the striatum. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The supernatant of interferon-gamma (IFNγ) co-cultured with neonatal rat cortical glia can promote the cells in embryonic basal forebrain/septal nuclei to differentiate into cholinergic neurons, but the mechanism is still unclear. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the pathways for IFNγ to promote the differentiation of primarily cultured cholinergic neurons in rat embryonic basal forebrain/septal nuclei through culture in different conditioned medium. DESIGN: A controlled experiment taking cells as the observational target. SETTINGS: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities; Department of Cell Biology, Beijing University Health Science Center. MATERIALS: Sixty-four pregnant Wistar rats for 16 days (250–350 g) and 84 Wistar rats (either male or female, 5–7 g) of 0–1 day after birth were provided by the experimental animal department of Beijing University Health Science Center. Rat IFNγ were provided by Gibco Company; Glial fibrillary acidic protein by Huamei Company. METHODS: The experiments were carried out in the Department of Cell Biology, Beijing University Health Science Center and Daheng Image Company of Chinese Academy of Science from July 1995 to December 2002. ① Interventions: The nerve cells in the basal forebrain/septal nuclei of the pregnant Wistar rats for 16 days were primarily cultured, and then divided into four groups: Blank control group (not any supernatant and medium was added); Control group (added by mixed glial cell or astrocyte conditioned medium); IFNγ group (added by mixed glial cell or astrocyte conditioned medium+IFNγ). Antibody group (added by mixed glial cell or astrocyte conditioned medium+IFNγ+Ab-IFNγ). Mixed glial cell or astrocyte conditioned medium was prepared using cerebral cortex of Wistar rats of 0–1 day after birth. ② Evaluation: The immunohistochemical method was used to perform the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) staining of cholinergic neurons. The ChAT positive cells were counted. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Comparison of ChAT positive cells in rat basal forebrain and septal nuclei in different conditioned medium. RESULTS: ① ChAT positive cells in mixed glial cell conditioned medium: The ChAT positive cells in the IFNγ group and antibody group were significantly more than those in the control group (P < 0.01). ② ChAT positive cells in astrocyte conditioned medium: The ChAT positive cells in the IFNγ group were significantly more than those in the control group, but there was no significant difference between the antibody group and control group (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: IFNγ cannot directly promote the differentiation of cholinergic neurons, but plays a role through activating glial cells (except astrocytes) to produce IFNγ like molecules.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody raised against the receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF) has been used to map the distribution of NGF receptor-containing profiles within the human basal forebrain of four male and three female elderly patients without neurologic or psychiatric illness. Immunohistochemically processed tissue reveals a continuum of NGF receptor-positive neurons located within the medial septum, vertical and horizontal limb nuclei of the diagonal band, and nucleus basalis. NGF receptor-containing neurons are also found within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the anterior commissure, the internal capsule, and the internal and external medullary laminae of the globus pallidus. Virtually all (greater than 95%) NGF receptor-containing neurons colocalize with the specific cholinergic marker choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) or the nonspecific marker acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Conversely, a few cholinergic perikarya are found which are not NGF receptor positive (and vice versa). These findings demonstrate that human basal forebrain neurons on which NGF receptor immunoreactivity is detected are primarily cholinergic and analogous to the nonhuman primate Ch1-Ch4 subgroups of Mesulam et al. (J. Comp. Neurol., 214:170-197, '83). NGF receptor-containing fiber tracts are observed emanating from the medial septum and vertical limb nucleus of the diagonal band coursing medially within the fornix. Another fascicle originating mainly from the nucleus basalis and travelling within the external capsule enroute to the cortex is observed innervating all cortical layers. Comparison of NGF receptor- and ChAT-containing neurons reveals cholinergic perikarya within the striatal complex, whereas virtually no NGF receptor-containing neurons are found in these structures. An occasional displaced NGF receptor-containing neurons is seen in the ventrolateral portion of the putamen and the white matter underlying the nucleus accumbens. These data are discussed in terms of the relationship of NGF receptor- and ChAT-containing neurons within the basal forebrain and in terms of the possible functional significance of NGF in normal and diseased brain.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that nerve growth factor (NGF) provides critical trophic support for the cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain and that it becomes available to these neurons by retrograde transport from distant forebrain targets. However, neurochemical studies have detected low levels of NGF mRNA within basal forebrain areas of normal and experimental animals, thus suggesting that some NGF synthesis may actually occur within the region of the responsive cholinergic cells. In the present study with in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical techniques, the distribution of cells containing NGF mRNA within basal forebrain was compared with the distribution of cholinergic perikarya. The localization of NGF mRNA was examined by using a 35S-labeled RNA probe complementary to rat preproNGF mRNA and emulsion autoradiography. Hybridization of the NGF cRNA labeled a large number of cells within the anterior olfactory nucleus and the piriform cortex as well as neurons in a continuous zone spanning the lateral aspects of both the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca and the magnocellular preoptic nucleus. In the latter regions, large autoradiographic grain clusters labeled relatively large Nissl-pale nuclei; it did not appear that glial cells were autoradiographically labeled. Comparison of adjacent tissue sections processed for in situ hybridization to NGF mRNA and immunohistochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) demonstrated overlapping fields of cRNA-labeled neurons and ChAT-immunoreactive perikarya in both the horizontal limb of the diagonal band and magnocellular preoptic regions. However, no hybridization of the cRNA probe was observed in other principal cholinergic regions including the medial septum, the vertical limb of the diagonal band, or the nucleus basalis of Meynert. These results provide evidence for the synthesis of NGF mRNA by neurons within select fields of NGF-responsive cholinergic cells and suggest that the generally accepted view of “distant” target-derived neurotrophic support should be reconsidered and broadened.  相似文献   

Cholinergic neurons were studied by immunohistochemistry, with an antiserum against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), in the basal forebrain (Ch1 to Ch4) of four patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and four control subjects. ChAT-positive cell bodies were mapped and counted in Ch1 (medial septal nucleus), Ch2 (vertical nucleus of the diagonal band), Ch3 (horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band) and Ch4 (nucleus basalis of Meynert). Compared to controls, the number of cholinergic neurons in AD patients was reduced by 50% on average. The interindividual variations in cholinergic cell loss were high, neuronal loss ranging from moderate (27%) to severe (63%). Despite the small number of brains studied, a significant correlation was found between the cholinergic cell loss and the degree of intellectual impairment. To determine the selectivity of cholinergic neuronal loss in the basal forebrain of AD patients, NPY-immunoreactive neurons were also investigated. The number of NPY-positive cell bodies was the same in controls and AD patients. The results (1) confirm cholinergic neuron degeneration in the basal forebrain in AD and the relative sparing of these neurons in some patients, (2) indicate that degneration of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain contributes to intellectual decline, and (3) show that, in AD, such cholinergic cell loss is selective, since NPY-positive neurons are preserved in the basal forebrain.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have investigated the developmental expression of the transmitter-synthesizing enzymes choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in rat medial septal neurons by using in situ hybridization histochemistry. In addition, we have employed immunostaining for ChAT and the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin, known to be contained in septohippocampal GABAergic neurons. A large number of GAD67 mRNA-expressing neurons were already observed in the septal complex on embryonic day (E) 17, the earliest time point studied. During later developmental stages, there was mainly an increase in the intensity of labeling. Neurons expressing ChAT mRNA were first recognized at E 20, and their number slowly increased during postnatal development of the septal region. The adult pattern of ChAT mRNA-expressing neurons was observed around postnatal day (P) 16. By using a monoclonal ChAT antibody, the first immunoreactive cells were not seen before P 8. Similarly, the first weakly parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons were seen in the septal complex by the end of the 1st postnatal week. These results indicate that in situ hybridization histochemistry may be an adequate method to monitor the different development of transmitter biosynthesis in cholinergic and GABAergic septal neurons. Moreover, the late onset of ChAT mRNA expression would be compatible with a role of target-derived factors for the differentiation of the cholinergic phenotype. © 1996 John Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural morphology and vascular associations of cholinergic neurons in the horizontal limb of the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca (nDBBhl) and amygdala of rat were determined by the immunocytochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine biosynthetic enzyme. Within the nDBBhl peroxidase reaction product was distributed throughout the cytoplasm of selectively labeled neuronal perikarya and dendrites. Labeled perikarya were characterized by an oval cell body (7-10 microns X 17-26 microns in diameter) in which was located a large nucleus and often a prominent nucleolus. Dendrites were by far the most numerous immuno-labeled profiles in the nDBBhl. The labeled dendrites had a cross-sectional diameter of 0.4-4.6 microns and contained numerous mitochondria and microtubules. Approximately 10% of all immunolabeled dendrites received synaptic contacts from unlabeled presynaptic boutons. In contrast to the relatively large number of ChAT-labeled dendrites within the nDBBhl, ChAT-positive axons were less frequently observed and immunolabeled axon terminals were never detected. The labeled axons had an outside diameter of 0.4-1.4 micron and were myelinated. The absence or relative paucity of immunolabeled terminals in the nDBBhl indicates that most if not all of the cholinergic perikarya within this nucleus are efferent projection neurons. The nDBB is known to have widespread projections to many areas of the neocortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. In the present study we examined the amygdala and observed many ChAT-labeled axon boutons. The immunolabeled varicosities contained numerous agranular vesicles and although ChAT-positive terminals were in direct contact with unlabeled neuronal elements within the amygdala, few if any synaptic densities were detected in a single plane of section. With respect to the vasculature, immunolabeled perikarya and dendrites within the nDBBhl and axon terminals in the amygdala were often in direct apposition to blood vessels. In many instances the labeled profile was observed lying directly on the basal lamina of a capillary endothelial cell. In no instance, however, were membrane densities observed. The presence of cholinergic neuronal elements contacting the vessel wall provides morphologic evidence suggesting that the neurogenic control of cerebral vasculature is in part mediated via a cholinergic mechanism.  相似文献   

Prior studies examining the dependence of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs) on nerve growth factor (NGF) for survival have reached differing conclusions depending on the experimental paradigm employed, suggesting the importance of environmental and developmental variables. The present study examined the NGF dependence of BFCNs and modulatory effects of target (cortical) neurons under the controlled conditions of dissociated cell cultures. Initial experiments found BFCNs (identified by using choline acetyltransferase immunocytochemistry) in pure basal forebrain (BF) cultures to be dependent on NGF between the 2nd and 4th week in vitro. During that developmental period, NGF deprivation for 3 days, induced by application of anti-NGF antibody, resulted in degeneration of over 80% of BFCNs, whereas at earlier or later times, BFCNs were largely resistant to NGF deprivation. When BF neurons were plated together with cortical neurons (as dissociated co-cultures), the BFCNs grew neuritic processes (labeled with acetylcholinesterase histochemistry) that appeared to specifically target cortical neurons; electron microscopy revealed that synapses formed between these cells. BFCNs in co-cultures were more resistant to NGF deprivation, were larger, and had much more extensive neuritic growth than BFCNs in pure BF cultures. The resistance of BFCNs to NGF deprivation provided by cortical neurons could be largely reproduced by addition of other trophic factors (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF; neurotrophin 3, NT3; neurotrophin 4/5, NT4/5; or glial-derived neurotrophic factor, GDNF) during NGF deprivation in pure BF cultures. These results suggest that developing BFCNs undergo a critical period requiring trophic influences that may be provided by NGF or other trophic factors, as well as unknown factors derived from cortical neurons. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The basal forebrain (BF) plays a role in behavioral and cortical arousal, attention, learning, and memory. It has been suggested that cholinergic BF neurons co-release glutamate, and some cholinergic BF neurons have been reported to contain vesicular glutamate transporter 3 (VGLUT3). We examined the distribution and projections of BF cholinergic neurons containing VGLUT3, by using dual-label immunofluorescence for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and VGLUT3, in situ hybridization, and retrograde tracing. Neurons immunoreactive (+) or containing mRNAs for both ChAT and VGLUT3 were mainly localized to the ventral pallidum and more caudal BF regions; the co-immunoreactive neurons represented 31% of cholinergic neurons in the ventral pallidum and 5-9% more caudally. Examination of cholinergic axon terminals in known target areas of BF projections indicated that the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus contained numerous terminals co-immunoreactive for ChAT and VGLUT3, whereas sampled areas of the olfactory bulb, neocortex, hippocampus, reticular thalamic nucleus, and interpeduncular nucleus were devoid of double-labeled terminals. The basolateral amygdala is innervated by cholinergic BF neurons lacking low-affinity p75 nerve growth factor receptors; many ChAT+VGLUT3+ BF neurons were immunonegative to this receptor. Twenty-five to 79% of ChAT+VGLUT3+ neurons in different BF regions were retrogradely labeled from the basolateral amygdala, up to 52% (ventral pallidum) of the retrogradely labeled ChAT+ neurons were VGLUT3+, and the largest number of amygdala-projecting ChAT+VGluT3+ neurons was found in the ventral pallidum. These findings indicate that BF cholinergic neurons containing VGLUT3 project to the basolateral amygdala and suggest that these neurons might have the capacity to release both acetylcholine and glutamate.  相似文献   

Direct, complex effects of estrogens on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Although controversial, estrogens remain one of the few agents purported to influence the incidence of Alzheimer's disease and one of their postulated mechanisms of action is their effects on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. However, it is unclear whether the responses of cholinergic neurons to estrogens are direct or mediated via the retrograde influences of neurotrophins, known to be induced by estrogens in the hippocampus and neocortex. In the present study, we explore the issue of the primary site of action of estrogens by studying the regulation of expression of genes that characterize mature cholinergic neurons, i.e., choline acetyltransferase, trkA, and p75(NTR) in the medial septum and the nucleus basalis complex. In parallel, we study the hippocampal expression of NGF, BDNF, and NT-3, i.e., neurotrophins with known trophic roles on cholinergic neurons. Gene expression is studied by RT-PCR in ovariectomized female rats with and without estrogen supplementation within the physiological estradiol range and in rats with complete fimbria-fornix transactions treated with estrogen or vehicle. To clarify mechanisms of estrogen transduction in cholinergic neurons, we study the effects of estrogen treatment on fimbria-fornix-lesioned mice with genetic ablations of ER subtypes alpha and beta. The results of the present study suggest that, while estrogens do regulate BDNF expression in the hippocampus and neocortex, they also exert stimulatory non-trophic effects on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, primarily on ChAT expression. Cholinergic neurons retain their ability to respond to estrogens after their complete separation from the hippocampus. The elimination of ERalpha alters significantly the phenotypic responsiveness of cholinergic neurons to estrogens, whereas elimination of ERbeta appears to have no effect. Our findings support the idea that estrogens directly enhance cholinergic neuron function and that ERalpha plays a significant role in transducing these regulatory effects.  相似文献   

During normal development of the nervous system, the target fields influence the survival and differentiation of projection neurons, but the factors regulating this interaction remain obscure. In the present study, we have raised the question whether the target region is essential for the postnatal development and maintenance of two different types of central projection neurons, cholinergic and GABAergic septohippocampal cells. In early postnatal rats (P5, P10), the hippocampus was eliminated by unilateral intrahippocampal injections of the excitotoxin N-methyl-D-aspartate. After a long survival time (at P70), we have immunostained serial sections of the septal region with antibodies against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine-synthesizing enzyme, or the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PARV) which is known to be contained in GABAergic septohippocampal neurons. In the medial septum ipsilateral to the lesioned side, about 60% of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons and 62% of PARV-immunoreactive neurons were found in adulthood even after complete elimination of the hippocampus. Some immunoreactive cells appeared heavily shrunken, but electron microscopic analysis revealed ultrastructural characteristics typical for medial septal neurons obtained from controls. Our results indicate that target elimination during development affected both types of projection cells, although only the cholinergic cells are known to be responsive to target-derived factors. J. Comp. Neurol. 379:467–481, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a potential treatment for cholinergic dysfunction associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). In rats, NGF activates gene expression of the acetylcholine synthetic enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and prevents age- and lesion-induced degeneration of basal forebrain (BF) cholinergic neurons. Cholinergic neurons in the BF coexpress galanin (GAL), a neuropeptide that has been shown to impair performance on memory tasks possibly through the inhibition of cholinergic memory pathways. NGF up-regulates both ChAT and GAL gene expression in cultured pheochromocytoma cells; however, the effect of chronic in vivo NGF administration on GAL gene expression within the BF has not been studied. We used in situ hybridization and quantitative autoradiography to assess GAL and ChAT gene expression within the BF of adult male rats following chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of NGF or cytochrome c. We now report that, in addition to stimulating ChAT gene expression, NGF strongly up-regulated the GAL gene in the rat cholinergic BF. NGF had no effect on GAL gene expression in other noncholinergic forebrain regions. NGF induction of GAL gene expression in the BF was specific, because gene expression for another neuropeptide, neurotensin, present within noncholinergic BF neurons was unchanged. Our data provide the first evidence that in vivo NGF administration up-regulates GAL gene expression in the cholinergic BF. These results suggest that the concurrent induction of GAL in the BF could limit the ameliorating actions of NGF on cholinergic dysfunction. J. Comp. Neurol. 379;563–570, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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