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Over the past decade, there has been an exponential increase in the number of catheter ablation procedures performed for atrial fibrillation (AF). While for paroxysmal AF, proximal pulmonary vein isolation is sufficient in the majority of cases, ablation of persistent and longstanding AF requires an extensive surgical-like procedure. This approach is correlated with a high rate of AF termination; however, this is achieved at the cost of at least one atrial tachycardia (AT) during the index procedure or during the patient's follow-up in the vast majority of cases. As these ATs are often multiple, complex, and frequently more symptomatic than AF, they constitute the last and frequently the most difficult step in ablation for patients with persistent AF. This review concentrates on the practical approaches to the treatment of AT in the context of AF ablation and provides an algorithm that aims at facilitating mapping and ablation strategies using conventional electrophysiological tools .  相似文献   

Evaluation of Temporary Atrial Pacing Leads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-five patients were randomized to receive either the Medtronic 6500 or one of two braided multifilament temporary pacing leads in the atrium following open heart surgery. Sensing performance was judged by amplitude, slew rate, and the proportion of patients with an adequate sensing threshold. Pacing performance was assessed with measures of impedance, threshold voltage, current, and energy. The Medtronic 6500 demonstrated superior sensing and lower energy consumption compared to braided multifilament leads. This type of lead may offer advantages when using atrial synchronous temporary pacing systems.  相似文献   

Termination of Tachycardias by Transesophageal Electrical Pacing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To evaluate the therapeutic significance of noninvasive transesophageal pacing for termination of tachycardias the method of rapid atrial or ventricular transesophageal pacing was used in 233 patients with different tachycardiac arrhythmias. We were able to terminate atrial flutter in 136 of 162 patients by transesophageal rapid atrial stimulation (conversion to sinus rhythm in 75 cases, induction of atrial fibrillation in 61 cases). Atrial tachycardias were interrupted in 17 of 23 patients (sinus rhythm in 11 cases, atrial fibrillation in six cases). AV reciprocating/AV nodal supravenrricular reentry tachycardias were terminated in 62 of 63 patients (sinus rhythm in 58 cases, atrial fibrillation in four cases). By transesophageal rapid ventricular pacing ventricular tachycardias could be terminated in ten of 15 patients. The success rate of transesophageal pacing was influenced by the pacing rate, by the type of tachycardiac arrhythmia inclusive by the type of atrial flutter and by the tachycardia's cycle length. Because the success rates are comparable with invasive technique and the procedure is simpler, the noninvasive transesophageal antitachycardiac pacing should be respected as the method of the first choice in patients with supraven-tricular tachycardias.  相似文献   

We performed radiofrequency catheter ablation of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia in six children. In four, the ventricular tachycardia originated in the left ventricle, in two it originated in the right ventricular outflow tract. In 5/6 (83%) the RF procedure was successful; there were no complications.  相似文献   

CHINUSHI, M., et al .: Successful Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Macroreentrant Ventricular Tachycardias in a Patient with Tetralogy of Fallot After Corrective Surgery . Radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation was applied to two macroreentrant ventricular tachycardias (VTs) documented after corrective operation for tetralogy of Fallot. The activation wavefront of VT with a right bundle branch block pattern was found to revolve in a clockwise manner around a presumed myotomy scar in the right ventricle, and VT with a left bundle branch block pattern revolved around the same anatomical obstacle in a counterclockwise manner. In both VTs, the biggest conduction delay was confirmed at the right ventricular outflow tract. RF applications to the slow conduction area terminated each VT within a few seconds but were insufficient to cure the VTs. RF lesions were then applied to the, slow conduction area in a line to intersect the macroreentrant circuit, and both VTs became noninducible.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 63-year-old women with Chagas'disease and recurrent, syncopal VT treated by RF catheter ablation in whom endocardial application of RF energy was guided by nonsurgical epicardial mapping. The procedure was undertaken in the electrophysiology laboratory under deep anesthesia. VT was interrupted after 2.4 seconds of application and rendered noninducible afterwards. Two weeks after the procedure, a distinct morphology VT was induced by programmed ventricular stimulation, and the patient was started on amiodarone, remaining asymptomatic 12 months after the procedure.  相似文献   

Uniform success for ablation of focal athaJ tachycardias has been difficult to achieve using standard catheter mapping and ablation techniques. In addition, our understanding of the complex relationship between atrial anatomy, electrophysiology. and surface ECG P wave morphology remains primitive. The magnetic electroanatomical mapping and display system (CARTO) offers an on-line display of electrical activation and/or signal amplitude related to the anatomical location of the recorded sites in the mapped chamber. A window of electrical interest is established based on signals timed from an electrical reference that usually represents a fixed electrogram recording from the coronary sinus or the atrial appendage. This window of electrical interest is established to include atrial activation prior to the onset of the P wave activity associated with the site of origin of a focal atrial tachycardia. Anatomical and electrical landmarks are defined with limited fluoroscopic imaging support and more detailed global chamber and more focal atrial mapping can be performed with minimal fluoroscopic guidance. A three-dimensional color map representing atrial activation or voltage amplitude at the magnetically defined anatomical sites is displayed with on-line data acquisition. This display can be manipulated to facilitate viewing from any angle. Altering the zoom control, triangle fill threshold, clipping plane, or color range can all enhance the display of a more focal area of interest. We documented the feasibility of using this single mapping catheter technique for localizing and ablating focal atrial tachycardias. In a consecutive series of 8 patients with 9 focal atrial tachycardias, the use of the single catheter CARTO mapping system was associated with ablation success in all but one patient who had a left atrial tachycardia localized to the medial aspect of the orifice of the left atrial appendage. Only low power energy deHvery was used in this patient because of the unavaHahiHty of temperature monitoring in the early version of the Navistar catheter, the location of the arrhythmia, and the history of arrhythmia control with flecainide. No attempt was made to Umit fluoroscopy time in our study population. Nevertheless, despite data acquisition from 120–320 anatomically distinct sites during global and more detaHed focal atrial mapping, total fluoroscopy exposure was typically < 30 minutes and was as little as 12 minutes. The detailed display capabilities of the CARTO system appear to offer the potential of enhancing our understanding of atrial anatomy, atrial activation, and their relationship to surface ECC P wave morphology during focal atrial tachycardias.  相似文献   

Catheter Ablation of Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ZARDINI, M., etal .: Catheter Ablation of Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia . Idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT) characterized by right bundle branch block, left axis morphology, response to verapamil and inducibility from the atrium in patients without structural heart disease may represent a distinct clinical entity. We report our experience with catheter ablation of this uncommon arrhythmia using radiofrequency energy (RF) and/or direct current (DC) shocks. Six men and 2 women, aged 16–50 years (mean ± SD, 32 ± 13), had recurrent VT for 16 ± 16 years with a mean frequency of 4 ± 3 episodes/ year. Three patients had syncope during VT. None had identifiable structural heart disease. Catheter ablation was guided by earliest endocardial activation, presence of a high frequency presystolic potential and/or pacemapping of the left ventricle. The left ventricle was accessed via a retrograde aortic approach in 6 patients, a transeptal approach in 1 patient, and a combined approach in the remaining patient. All patients had inducible right bundle branch block morphology, left axis VT with a mean cycle length (CL) of 361 ± 61 ms. A presystolic potential preceding ventricular activation and the His potential during VT was identified in 4 patients. All ablation sites were identified in a relatively uniform location, in the inferoapical left ventricle. Noninducibility of VT was obtained with RF in 3 patients and with DC in 5 patients. In 1 patient, DC delivery after unsuccessful RF prevented further inducibility. Similarly, RF was successful in 1 patient in whom an initial DC attempt was ineffective. Mean total procedure time was 282 ± 51 minutes and mean total fluoroscopy time was 40 ± 15 minutes. There were no complications. One patient treated with DC shock had recurrence of VT during treadmill test the day after ablation and refused repeat ablation. During a mean follow-up of 17 ± 13 months, no VT recurrences or other cardiovascular events occurred. In conclusion, catheter ablation in the inferoapical left ventricle is an effective treatment for this type of ILVT. RF energy can be safely complemented by low energy DC shocks when the former is ineffective.  相似文献   

Two types of pacing leads with different insulation material, polyurethane, and polyethylene, were followed for 44 months with respect to their electrophysiological characteristics and complications. In 48 patients, 32 polyurethane leads (Lifeline 493-03) and 16 polyethylene leads (EMT 588 D) were implanted and connected in all cases to the same type of programmable ventricular inhibited (VVI) pulse generator (Programalith, Pacesetter). There was a significant fall during the follow-up in lead impedance with the polyurethane leads (495 +/- 62 to 444 +/- 58 ohms, P less than 0.01), whereas the corresponding measurements for the polyethylene leads were essentially unchanged (360 +/- 58 to 378 +/- 71 ohm, ns). The energy of the stimulation threshold tended to increase in the polyurethane group, whereas an opposite tendency was observed in the polyethylene group. Pacing and/or lead failures were not observed in any case. The observed fall in impedance with the polyurethane leads was seemingly of no clinical significance.  相似文献   

Limitations of pharmacological therapy for VT have led to great interest in alternative nonpharmacological therapies. The appeal of a curative therapy for VT initially led to the search for operative techniques to identify and destroy the underlying substrate, and more recently, has resulted in the development of catheter techniques to achieve the same goal in the electrophysiology laboratory. Investigations into the pathophysiology of VT have resulted in the recognition that this arrhythmia reflects a mechanistically and anatomically heterogeneous set of disorders. Recent growth in our understanding of these distinctions has both led to, and resulted from, simultaneous advances in catheter ablation techniques. The clinical electrophysiology laboratory has served as a testing ground for theories derived from in vitro and animal experiments while also providing its own set of human experimental data regarding the pathophysiology and treatment of VT. As a result of this process, several distinct forms of VT that are amenable to catheter ablation have been characterized. This article will summarize current knowledge of the pathophysiology of various VT subtypes and of techniques for catheter mapping and ablation.  相似文献   

Management of Patients After Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The management of patients after catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia is not well defined. In this article we summarize recently published results and report our own experience. Factors influencing the clinical outcome of these patients and methods to identify patients with an increased risk of recurrence of ventricular tachycardia are discussed. Furthermore, a review is given on current concomitant therapeutic tools including antiarrhythmic drugs and the implantation of an automatic cardioverter defibrillator.  相似文献   

Pacemaker generator reprogramming does not always present an adequate solution to the problem of pacemaker-mediated tachycardia. A case is described where direct current shock catheter ablation of ventriculoatrial conduction prevented pacemaker-mediated tachycardia and allowed optimal dual chamber pacemaker programming.  相似文献   

Predictors of successful elimination of sinoatrial tachycardia (SAT) using radiofrequency current (RFC) were investigated in this report. Within 1991–1996 fourteen patients with SA T were subjected to electrophysiological study and radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA). Ten patients had sinoatrial reentrant tachycardia (SART). and four patients had chronic non-paroxysmal sinoatrial tachycardia (CNPSAT). The RFC (15–30 W, duration 10–30 sec) were applied during tachycardia in case of CNPSAT, and during sinus rhythm (SR) in case of SART. In 3 patients with SART RFC were delivered during tachycardia due to failing of RFC application, delivered during SR. During successful RFC attempts were noted: I). In case of SART-transient development (3–6 sec) of SART (if RFC was delivered during SR), and acceleration of tachycardia rate with following termination of tachycardia (if application ofRFC was performed during tachycardia) 2). In case of CNPSAT-transient development (4–7 sec) of low right atrial (3 patients) or junctional (I patient) rhythm with rapid conversion to SR. All 14 /jatients have been free of tachycardia and have normal sinus node function during follow-up of 8–60 months. We conclude that predictors of successful elimination of SAT are: 1). In case of SART-acceleration of tachycardia rate before termination during RFC application (delivered during tachycardia), and transient development of SART during RFC application (delivered during SR): 2). In case of CNPSAT-transient development of low right atrial or junction rhythm (during application of RFC) with rapid conversion to SR.  相似文献   

Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia is a procedure of last resort in critically ill patients. The Percutaneous Cardiac Mapping and Ablation Registry was able to collect data on 88 patients undergoing ablation of ventricular tachycardia foci. The mean following interval for the group was 10 ± 8 months. Results were divided into three categories: Group I patients remained asymptomatic and were on no antiarrhythmic medications (33%); Group II remained asymptomatic and took antiarrhythmic agents (38%): Group III patients were considered unsuccessful and consisted of 29 percent of the total. More than one-third of patients received two shocks; the remainder received from one to five shocks. Overall mortality included four procedure-related deaths and total follow-up mortality was 25 percent. Catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia should he undertaken only in highly specialized centers with an expert and experienced electrophysiologist with immediate surgical back-up available.  相似文献   

Treatment of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias has undergone substantial change and development over the past decade. Pharmacological approaches to management of supraventricular arrhythmias have been supplanted by nonpharmacological techniques. These nonpharmacological techniques are the subject of the present review. The first part of this review will concentrate on the nonpharmacological techniques available for the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia, excluding Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, whereas Part 2 will concentrate on the surgical and the ablative procedures for management of tachycardias associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Pacing techniques for termination of supraventricular tachycardias are beyond the scope of this article and will not be included in the discussion.  相似文献   

经导管射频消融治疗阵发性室上性心动过速78例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨经导管射频消融治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的临床疗效.方法:78例阵发性室上性心动过速患者均行心内电生理检查和经导管射频消融治疗.结果:消融成功率为97.4%(76/78),复发率为3.8%(3/78),并发症发生率为2.56%(2/78).结论:经导管射频消融是治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

While radiofrequency catheter ablation has proved highly effective in the treafment of various supravenfricular tQchyarrhythmias, resulls in the trentment of ventricular tachycardia invite improvement. Knowledge of lesion growth in vivo might improve understanding of this discrepancy. So far only information from in vitro and in vivo studies using a small 2 mm tip eiectrode is available. Growlh of ventricular radiofrequency lesions created with a 4 mm ahlalion electrode was studied in 11 closed-chest dogs. Endocardia] ablations were performed at 31 left and 35 right ventricuiar sites at a power setting of 25 Watts and 5, 10, 20, 30 or 60 seconds pulse duration. Macroscopic and histopathologic lesion examination were performed after one week survival. Mean lesion volume increased from 52 mm3 after 5 seconds pulse duration to a maximum 388 mm3 and approximately 7 mm depth after 30 seconds. Lesions were prolate spheroid in form, with a sparing of subendocardial myocardium and maximum lesion diameter at some millimeters depth. Results indicate that catheter positioning at no more tlian 7 mm from the target is required for successful ablation. Due to lesion geometry, subendocardial targets demand even more exact catheter positioning, while subepicardial substrates may not be ammenable to ablation if ventricular wall thickness exceeds 7 mm at the ablation site. Repeated pulses at adjacent sites may be required for ablation of extended arrhytbmogenic areas. Volume at 5 seconds was only approximately 15% of mature lesions. Therefore, the use of a short'test pulse after careful mapping may be useful to pinpoint the most appropriate site for ablation in discrete pathways.  相似文献   

Between May 1990 and March 1995, 5 of 29 young patients (ages 4.2–25 years; median 14.1 years) undergoing RF ablation for atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) presented with spontaneous accelerated junctional rhythm (AJR) (CL = 500–750 ms), compared to 0 of 58 age matched controls undergoing RF ablation for a concealed AV accessory pathway (P = 0.004). In 3 of the 5 patients with AVNRT and AJR, junctional beats served as a trigger for reentry. During attempted slow pathway modification in the five patients with AVNRT and AJR, AVNRT continued to be inducible until the AJR was entirely eliminated or dramatically slowed. These 5 patients are tachycardia-free in followup (median 15 months; range 6–31 months) with only 1 of the 5 patients continuing to experience episodic AJR at rates slower than observed preablation. Episodic spontaneous AJR is statistically associated with AVNRT in young patients and can serve as a trigger for reentry. Successful modification of slow pathway conduction may be predicted by the elimination of AJR or its modulation to slower rates, suggesting that the rhythm is secondary to enhanced automaticity arising near or within the slow pathway.  相似文献   

A Point-of-View. Venfricular tachycardia can be cuntwUed by radiofrequency or chemical ablation of the site of origin of the arrhythmia. However, these techniques are far from being accepted as routine treatment for this problem. This article describes the theoretical and practical background of catheter ablation of ventricuiar tachycardia occurring late after myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

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