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The present research aims at studying the psychiatric nursing bibliographical production in Brazil, from 1932 to 1993. Therefore, the authors searched national journals, annals of the Brazilian Nursing Congresses, Annals of the National Seminars on Nursing Research and Catalogues of the Brazilian Nursing Association--Center of Nursing Studies and Research. In addition, the authors selected publications of the following events: III Meeting of Researchs on Mental Health, II Meeting of Specialists on Psychiatric Nursing, Nursing Undergraduation Golden Jubilee and National Meeting of University Hospitals. After the conclusion of this study, discussions were based on the central themes of the texts as well as on historical development of Psychiatric Nursing in Brazil.  相似文献   

This report belongs to the research line "The professional practice and identity building of the Brazilian Nurse", developed by a group registered at the CNPq and Research Center of History of Brazilian Nursing (Nuphebras) of the School of Nursing Anna Nery, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The objectives of this study are: correlate the institutional changes of Nursing in the Brazilian society of that time to the accentuated political and economical transition of the country; analyze the effects of those institutional changes in the nurse's labor market and in the characteristics of nursing practice; discuss the new articulation forms of nursing with other social practices inside the area of health. National public health nursing, in order to accompany the enlargement of the bureaucratic State, expanded and modified. At the same time, in a context of a protectionist policy to the worker, an incentive policy to the opening of new, public and private hospitals, was developed, although Nursing services of those institutions were not organized according to the patterns that characterized the modern Nursing. Thus, the practice of Nursing in the 30's is characterized as the beginning of the transition of a model of urban public health to a model of hospital assistance.  相似文献   

The present study is the result of an essay written for the discipline Research Laboratory of Nursing History. It refers to the interest and struggle of the Brazilian Association of Nursing (ABEN), in the 1940s, in Rio de Janeiro, to make professionals of this area aware of the need of the inclusion of nursing in the psychiatric field in Rio de Janeiro. Our objective is to present the difficulties of this insertion, although the beginnings and the regulation of the nursing profession in Brazil started in a school of nursing, in the Psychiatric Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. In order to present the difficulties for this inclusion, we analyzed the documents that prescribed the regulation of the nursing profession, in the psychiatric area of the hospital mentioned above. Results indicate that standards established by Anna Nery Nursing School were broken, since psychiatric assistance was denied by this school until 1949, while the Nursing School Alfredo Pinto provided this kind of care since 1890. It is important to point out the strategic and historical role of ABEn as the coordinator and motivator of discussions regarding the course of the nursing profession.  相似文献   

It is a bibliographical study in which the scientific production of Nursing regarding Women in Old Age was surveyed. The study was based on the Catalog of Dissertations and Theses from the CD-ROM of the Center for Studies and Research on Nursing (CEPEn) of the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn), from 1979 to 1999. It was aimed at getting to know the deviations and/or approximations in the knowledge of Nursing by way of the object of study of the Ph.D. thesis 'Health practice and knowledge of old women in the gender perspective'. It was found out that old women have been investigated in few studies. In addition, the objects of these investigations have strongly deviated from gender issues, demonstrating the sexless aspect of old age and the denial of women's social roles.  相似文献   

Through the concept of memory by Walter Benjamin, the authors of the present study identify relevant facts of the Brazilian Association of Nursing (ABEn) that affected the development of nursing in Brazil. The investigation points out the participation of ABEn in the regulation of the nursing field, creation of Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Brazilian Journal of Nursing), promotion of the Congressos Brasileiros de Enfermagem (Brazilian Congresses of Nursing) and its importance on the political struggle for better health conditions in Brazil.  相似文献   

This is a qualitative study, using an exploratory approach, which has as its main aim to analyze and counterpoint central issues and personalities of the Brazilian Nursing Conferences and the editorials of the Brazilian Nursing Journal, from 1977 to 1987. It was analyzed 09 annuals and 24 editorials. The results show that the contents were aligned with the policy of the central ABEn. The leadership of Ana Nery School and USP Nursing School is evident in this period. Male nurses had no expressive participation in the nursing conferences, except those who were members of the PARTICIPACAO movement. We found only one editorial written by a male nurse. We observed changes in the central ABEn policy after 1984 provoked by the PARTICIPACAO movement and, influencing the change of subjects at the conferences, and the editorials of the REBEn.  相似文献   

This is a contribution for the history of nursing from Sergipe and, as a consequence, for the Brazilian Nursing. It aims at rescuing the Brazilian Nursing Association, Sergipe's Section history and to document the accomplishment of this entity into the scientific, cultural and political scenery. A qualitative research, whose data were collected by means of oral and official history registered on books, journals, and other documents. Data were submitted to content analysis. That history is presented by some characters from this plot, indicating that present may be an answer from the past because it contains the writing of the history founded by its actor's will. It was concluded that rethinking Brazilian Nursing Association, Sergipe's Section history is rethinking our own capability of interaction with the category.  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the adaptation of the Pedagogical Political Project of the Nursing Graduate Program at Alagoas Federal University (PPP/Enf/UFAL) to new Brazilian curriculum guidelines, evidencing convergence points and some points that need to be approached, taking into account that the present project was established prior to the existence of the current curricular guidelines. Our analysis shows that the main difficulties presented by the newly implemented curriculum lie in the ones inherent to the process of changing conceptions on the educational process in Nursing and in the work conditions imposed by the current situation of the Brazilian Public University System. It calls for a review on strategies and contents related to the basis of research and expansion in Nursing Sciences, as well as the search for alternatives to integration with domain areas from Humanistic and Health Sciences.  相似文献   

This is a Social History study which aims at recuperating the professional trajectory of Glete de Alcantara in the Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem/REBEn (Brazilian Journal of Nursing), initially called Anais de Enfermagem. It is based on the concept of memory of Maurice Halbwach, and on the concept of generation of Daniel Pécaut. The study contextualizes the professional development of Glete de Alcantara in the history of the Brazilian nursing, highlighting the creation of the Nursing School of the University of S?o Paulo (EERP/USP) in Ribeir?o Preto. The sources for the study were documents obtained in the Centro de Memória da Escola de Enfermagem (Memory Center of the School of Nursing) of Ribeir?o Preto and in ABEN (Brazilian Association of Nursing) in Brasília. Data obtained in this association were mainly collected from its record books the journals.  相似文献   

This is a historical study that analyses the formation process of the professional habitus of Rachel Haddock Lobo through the reconstruction of her biography. It also analyses her contribution as 1st editor in chief of Revista Annaes de Enfermagem (Brazilian Journal of Nursing), in 1932, which is currently called Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. The preferential primary sources of this study included written documents and the oral testimony of one of Rachel Haddock Lobo's family members. Both sources were obtained from Centro de Documenta??o da Escola de Enfermagem Ana Nery (Documentation Center of Ana Neri School of Nursing). Data were analyzed through the concepts of habitus and social configuration by Norbert Elias. The analysis showed that Rachel Haddock Lobo gave expressive contribution to the creation process of the journal referred, which, on its turn, had an strategic importance on the formation of the identity of the Brazilian nursing professionals at that time.  相似文献   

This study aimed to: survey the number of nursing theses and dissertations produced between 1975 and 2001 with a social representation approach (RS); characterize the products with regard to the institution of origin, country region, study subjects and representation objects; to group in to theme categories and research lines in nursing. The data were collected from the Center of Studies and Research in Nursing at the Brazilian Nursing Association. The result evidenced 131 studies with RS support, originated in 1990, with higher production in the year 2000, mainly in the South East (83.1%). It registered 145 subjects; the most common objects are "disease", "health-disease process", "nurses' professional practice" and "care delivery". In the thematic categorization, the care area joins the greatest quantity of studies. In short, nursing has been seeking to appropriate itself of this theoretical-methodological framework as the basis and guide for part of its knowledge production.  相似文献   

This study concerns the comprehension of the converging points in Brazilian Nursing Congresses as well as of their contribution to the production of nursing knowledge. The investigation method used was that of historical research with a documental analysis of the Proceedings of Brazilian Nursing Congresses from 1977 to 1987. The main converging points appearing in the lecturers' speeches refer to: higher and secondary education; nursing care; healthcare policies; the image of nurses and its transformation over the years.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to outline the trajectory of the Brazilian Association of Nursing(ABEn) in the federal state of Paraiba, from its foundation until the present days. Based on bibliographic review and on the analysis of meeting minute the investigation reports the historical antecedents and the foundation and development of the Nursing School of Paraíba and ABEn. It also points out the organizational structures and events, which were important landmarks in the history of this nursing association.  相似文献   

This article is a reflection about the form of Brazilian nursing professional organization, highlighting the limits of the current model and the challenges for the future. It is based on the authors' analysis of an important social movement of Brazilian Nursing, the "Participation Movement" that took place from 1980 to 1990. This Movement has promoted a reflection about nursing work and organization and about nursing participation in the country's re-democratization, as well as defending the right to health. This article summarizes some gains obtained by the movement, especially in the Brazilian Nursing Association-ABEn, and limits in the discussion about the professional organization. It highlights the need to establish agreements and to include in the "Nursing Political-Professional Project" the importance of building a unifying organization originating from ABEn.  相似文献   

This article describes the consolidation of psychiatric nursing knowledge, which was historically built and rescued in this work through the life of Professor Maria Aparecida Minzoni. The present investigation aims at understanding the construction of reflection and intervention in the Brazilian psychiatric nursing regarding teaching, research and assistance, as well as establishing a dialog between those and the work of the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEN).  相似文献   

This study has as its objective the discussion of the nursing professionals' responsibility regarding their participation in professional associations, such as the Brazilian Association of Nursing (ABEn), the Regional Board of Nursing and the Nursing Union. The investigation was carried out with nurses from a private and a public educational institution and also from a private institution of assistance. As a result, it was verified that the participation of nurses in the organizations mentioned above is still scarce, but there is already some awareness of the need for integrating them.  相似文献   

This study presents the story of the Brazilian Association of Nursing in Bahia federal state. It parallels the trajectory of this association to the history of the National Brazilian Association of Nursing, pointing out the most important events in its fifty-three years of work. It is clear that the history of the Brazilian Association of Trained Nurses (ABED)/ABEn-Bahia begins with the foundation of the Nursing School of the Federal University of Bahia. Teachers at this university, who were nurses in their home states, and had participated in other associations previously, were motivated to create a new branch of ABEn in Bahia. The branch of ABEn in the city of Feira de Santana-Bahia, had a similar trajectory, since it was also founded after the creation of the State University of Feira de Santana. The branch of ABEn in Bahia is considered a democratic association, which is attentive to the claims of the nursing professionals, the health of the Brazilian population and also to the strengthening of the organization.  相似文献   

In this study, the members of the Brazilian Association of Nursing (ABEn) in Ceará federal state present aspects of the history of this association along its fifty years of work. The information, facts and pictures collected for this study were obtained from documents available in the branch, as well as from semi-structure interviews applied to former presidents of the association. The objective of the interviews was to understand the peculiarities of the experience of these administrators during their participation in the association.  相似文献   

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