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Drug use in pregnancy among Italian women   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This paper reports a study of drug use among non-students in three countries: Mexico, Canada and India. In all three countries core items from a World Health Organization questionnaire were used. The results were generally consistent with the expectation that non-students would show greater use than students. The strongest relationship was found for cannabis (all three countries) and amphetamines (Canada and Mexico). The results indicate the need for special preventive programmes for non-students in both developing and developed countries.  相似文献   

This study investigates the attitudes of a group of 185 London school-children towards a number of legal and illegal drugs, and examines the ways in which they discriminate between these drugs. Heroin and LSD were seen as the most dangerous drugs, and alcohol and cigarettes as the safest. Subjects who had a negative attitude towards drugs in general regarded cannabis, amphetamines, alcohol and tobacco as more dangerous than subjects with a neutral or pro-drug attitude. There was also a sex difference: boys claimed to know more about drugs, were more likely to know a cannabis user and to have been “really drunk” than the girls. The implications of these results for drug and alcohol education programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted at Agra (India) to study the extent and pattern of the non-medical use of dependence producing drugs among the post-graduate students of the local colleges and a number of medical students of other colleges of the state of Uttar Pradesh who were posted for training at the Mental Hospital. The study was confined to the academic year 1975-76 and covered 1,200 students. The present interim report is based on a sample of 564 students covered during 1975 (1st stage). The data on the total sample of 1200 (2nd and the final stage) are still being analysed. The results reveal that 73.88 per cent male, and 25.96 per cent female students had a drug experience at some time or another. Drug use was highest (80.66 per cent) among male medical students. The substances commonly used by males were: alcohol, barbiturates, Mandrax (methaqualone diphenhydramine hydrochloride). Vesparax (hydroxyzine hydrochloride), Equanil (meprobamate). Librium (chlordiazeproxide), pain killers (minor analgesics such as aspirin, and cannabis (bhang, ganja, and charas). The female students mainly used Equanil and pain killers. Among the 23 reasons offered for the use of drugs, the majority of students (50-59 per cent) stated that their main reason for drug use was "to relieve tension and facilitate relaxation". The next motivating factor for indulgence was "for the sake of fun" (30-39 per cent). The student drug users reported a number of effects produced by various substances. The most commonly mentioned effects were: excessive sleepiness, sluggishness, giddiness, inability to concentrate on studies, poor physical co-ordination. They expressed their opinion on various aspects of the drug use problem and favoured stringent measures to curb it.  相似文献   

Monahan G 《Substance use & misuse》2003,38(11-13):1877-1881
Health professionals are among special populations in need of substance use/misuse prevention and treatment services. The behavior of impaired health professionals often have dire consequences to one's social, financial, and psychological life. This presentation will outline the epidemiology of substance use/misuse among health professionals, the consequences of the problem, and treatment issues. The work of Dr. Robert Coombs of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine and other United States and international scholars will be reviewed. Cross-national policies in this field will be highlighted. Unresolved critical issues will be noted and future needed research will be suggested.  相似文献   

This article summarizes data on alcohol and drug use from studies of high school students in 36 countries. Drug use levels varied greatly among countries, but alcohol and cannabis were used most often, followed by amphetamines, ecstasy, and cocaine. In countries having high levels of cannabis use, the use of other drugs was also more common but there were no consistent differences for alcohol. Use of various drugs was correlated except for alcohol use, which was related to cannabis use only when some countries with low alcohol use levels were removed. In general, the studies show that drug use priorities for studies are mainly the same in the countries studied.  相似文献   

A survey of drug use, based on a sample of 2,537 school students in the 15-17 year age group selected from 11 schools in central Asturias (Spain), showed that 697 respondents, or 29.1 per cent, were drug users. Cannabis was the most widely abused drug: 500 respondents, or 20.8 per cent of the total sample, became involved with this drug at some time in their lives. The percentages of the total sample show that the use of cannabis at any time ("ever" use) was followed by use of: tranquillizers (10.3 per cent), amphetamines and amphetamine-like substances (7.9 per cent), inhalants (2.3 per cent), hallucinogens (2.0 per cent), sedatives (1.7 per cent), opiates (1.4 per cent) and cocaine (1.2 per cent). Males were generally more involved with drugs than females were. The average age at first drug use was 15.4 for males and 15.5 for females.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that one's expectations about the effects of using a particular substance (i.e., substance use expectancies) are associated with the quantity and frequency of actual use. An extensive literature supports the importance of expectancies in predicting alcohol use, but less is known about the association between expectancies and use of other substances. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the association between cocaine expectancies and frequency of use in a heterogeneous community sample of drug users. Participants were 157 self-identified primary cocaine users recruited from the community as part of a hepatitis prevention study. Participants completed a structured interview that assessed demographic variables, current and past drug use, and drug expectancies. Results from multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that frequency of cocaine use was positively associated with higher expectation that drug use would increase social and physical pleasure (OR=1.67, p<0.05) and inversely associated with higher expectation that drug use would increase cognitive and physical impairment (OR=0.59, p<0.01). These findings suggest that drug use expectancies are an important correlate of cocaine use behavior in nontreatment-seeking community users.  相似文献   

Drug use behaviors among Asian drug users in San Francisco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to a pervasive bias toward Asian Americans, such as tendency to view Asian Americans as model minorities, drug use behaviors among them are often ignored by health professionals, researchers, and community members, including Asian community members. This study identified patterns of drug use behaviors in relation to cultural factors among Asian drug users in San Francisco, CA. A sample of 92 Asian drug users (35 Chinese, 31 Filipino, 26 Vietnamese) who were not currently enrolled in drug treatment programs were recruited through targeted sampling methods and interviewed using a questionnaire with open-ended questions. The study evaluated responses of the participants and used content analyses. This study clearly revealed that the patterns of drug use among Asian drug users are unique to their ethnicity, gender, immigrant status, and age groups. Also, Asian drug users share cultural constructs related to drug use such as fear of addiction and injecting drugs, and stigma attached to drug users in the community. Therefore, drug abuse prevention programs should address both common factors among Asian drug users, as well as unique factors in specific target groups (e.g., ethnic groups, Asian immigrants, Asian women, refugees, and adolescents).  相似文献   

The objectives of this study, carried out in 1995, were to assess both licit and illicit substance use among rural male and female Costa Rican adolescents, and associated health, psychological, and psychosocial problems. A sample of 304 students from rural schools was randomly selected. The mean age for females was 14.7 years (S.D. = 1.71), and for males was 14.4 years (S.D. = 1.62). The data were collected using the Latin-American version of Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI). Results showed a high prevalence of past-year alcohol use for both males and females (56.6% and 47.4%, respectively), and a lower prevalence of past-year tobacco use (44.0% and 7.7%). There results also showed a low level of use of solvent inhalants and benzodiazepines. In terms of illicit drugs, males preferred cocaine and marijuana, while females only reported amphetamine use. An analysis of adolescent functioning showed differences among alcohol users and nonusers in behavior patterns and peer relationships. However, no significant differences were found regarding rebellion, depression, and social isolation. The implications of these results are discussed, along with the importance of enhancing prevention, as well as early detection and intervention.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of nearly 300 university students in Benin City, Nigeria, the present study shows that, although a wide range of various drugs are readily available and known, the substances most frequently used by university students are coffee, cola nuts, alcohol, spirits and cigarettes. Diazepam and diazepoxide are also used with some frequency. Students tend to use stimulants and depressants sequentially, mainly during and after sessional examinations. The stimulants keep them alert while they are studying for an examination, and the depressants help them to rest after an examination is over. Cannabis is well-known and has been tried by many students.  相似文献   

A survey of drug use among Israeli army personnel was conducted as part of a national survey of drug use initiated by the Anti Drug Authority of Israel during 1990. One thousand one hundred and twenty-five male and female soldiers from various units and ranks were selected by the use of randomized cluster sampling. Seventy to eighty-five per cent of the soldiers presented negative attitudes towards the use of illicit drugs and its users. Only 67 (6.1%) soldiers reported the use of some illicit drugs in the last 30 days; half of them started to use drugs before the age of 18. The main reported use was of hashish, marijuana and tranquillizers. The use of opium, heroin, cocaine was rarely reported. The use of cigarettes and alcohol within the last 30 days was much higher and was reported by 44.6% and 69.0% of the soldiers, respectively. Using multiple logistic regression analysis it was shown that illicit drug use in the last 30 days was significantly associated with higher number of individuals per household, less satisfaction with military service, and positive attitudes towards the use of drugs. The results of the present study, along with a comparison with different populations that were surveyed parallel to our research indicate that military service in the Israel Defence Force (IDF) is not associated with significant use of illicit drugs. Our results indicate the need for more attention to alcohol and cigarette use among army personnel.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine if measures of drug use risk, sexual risk, external norms and internalized norms developed for impoverished neighbourhoods of New York are usable in similar neighbourhoods of Buenos Aires and have similar associations with each other in the two cities despite the many cultural, social, economic and political differences between these localities.

Methods: In 2003–2004, 240 current non-injection drug users (IDUs) and 63 current IDUs, aged 21–35 years, were interviewed in poor neighbourhoods of the Southern Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires about their drug use, sexual behaviours, internalized norms and external norms (actual and perceived social pressures from others) using measures developed in New York (Flom, Friedman, Benny, & Curtis, 2001a, Flom, et al., ; Flom, Friedman, Jose, Neaigus, & Curtis, 2001c). Analyses studied associations between a hierarchical scale of drug use risk and the other variables.

Results: The hierarchical risk scale of drug use was associated with sexual risk behaviours; with external norms towards drug injection and sex with drug injectors, and internalized norms about social distance from drug injectors.

Conclusions: The hierarchical drug use risk scale and the measures of external norms had relationships similar to those found in the earlier studies in New York City. This supports the ideas that these measures may have a degree of cross-cultural applicability.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study examines the prevalence of drug and poly-drug use and their associated factors among female sex workers (FSW) in Iran.MethodsWe analyzed data from a bio-behavioral surveillance survey of 1347 FSW across 13 major cities in Iran in 2015. Two outcome measures were defined: i) past-month “any drug use”, a binary variable defined as none or any; and ii) a three-category past-month “poly-drug use” variable defined as none, only one drug, and more than one drug. Correlates of these two study outcomes were assessed using multivariable logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported.ResultsWe found that 24.9% (95% CI: 16.1, 36.4) and 13.5% (95% CI: 8.1, 21.5) of FSW reported past-month any drug use and poly-drug use, respectively. Longer sex work career (AOR 2.44 [95% CI: 1.28, 4.63]), unstable housing (AOR 2.56 [1.17, 5.64]), past-year experience of sexual violence (AOR 1.61 [1.15, 2.27]), and incarceration (AOR 2.02 [1.23, 3.32]) were positively associated with any drug use. Similarly, FSW who were unstably housed (AOR 3.4 [1.06, 10.95]), reported past-year experience of sexual violence (AOR 2.06 [95% CI: 1.24, 3.41]) and incarceration (AOR 2.82 [1.60, 4.97]) were positively associated with past-month poly-drug use.ConclusionDrug use is frequent among Iranian FSW, particularly among those who experienced sexual violence, unstable housing or incarceration. Programs to reduce harms associated with drug and poly-drug use should target FSW as a priority population.  相似文献   

Drug use     

Drug use     

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