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Neuronal Ca2+ signals can affect excitability and neural circuit formation. Ca2+ signals are modified by Ca2+ flux from intracellular stores as well as the extracellular milieu. However, the contribution of intracellular Ca2+ stores and their release to neuronal processes is poorly understood. Here, we show by neuron-specific siRNA depletion that activity of the recently identified store-operated channel encoded by dOrai and the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ store sensor encoded by dSTIM are necessary for normal flight and associated patterns of rhythmic firing of the flight motoneurons of Drosophila melanogaster. Also, dOrai overexpression in flightless mutants for the Drosophila inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) can partially compensate for their loss of flight. Ca2+ measurements show that Orai gain-of-function contributes to the quanta of Ca2+-release through mutant InsP3Rs and elevates store-operated Ca2+ entry in Drosophila neurons. Our data show that replenishment of intracellular store Ca2+ in neurons is required for Drosophila flight.  相似文献   

Regulation of ion-transport in the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) occurs via its cytoplasmic Ca2+-binding domains, CBD1 and CBD2. Here, we present a mechanism for NCX activation and inactivation based on data obtained using NMR, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). We initially determined the structure of the Ca2+-free form of CBD2-AD and the structure of CBD2-BD that represent the two major splice variant classes in NCX1. Although the apo-form of CBD2-AD displays partially disordered Ca2+-binding sites, those of CBD2-BD are entirely unstructured even in an excess of Ca2+. Striking differences in the electrostatic potential between the Ca2+-bound and -free forms strongly suggest that Ca2+-binding sites in CBD1 and CBD2 form electrostatic switches analogous to C2-domains. SAXS analysis of a construct containing CBD1 and CBD2 reveals a conformational change mediated by Ca2+-binding to CBD1. We propose that the electrostatic switch in CBD1 and the associated conformational change are necessary for exchanger activation. The response of the CBD1 switch to intracellular Ca2+ is influenced by the closely located cassette exons. We further propose that Ca2+-binding to CBD2 induces a second electrostatic switch, required to alleviate Na+-dependent inactivation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange. In contrast to CBD1, the electrostatic switch in CBD2 is isoform- and splice variant-specific and allows for tailored exchange activities.  相似文献   

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a time-efficient way of improving physical performance in healthy subjects and in patients with common chronic diseases, but less so in elite endurance athletes. The mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of HIIT are uncertain. Here, recreationally active human subjects performed highly demanding HIIT consisting of 30-s bouts of all-out cycling with 4-min rest in between bouts (≤3 min total exercise time). Skeletal muscle biopsies taken 24 h after the HIIT exercise showed an extensive fragmentation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release channel, the ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1). The HIIT exercise also caused a prolonged force depression and triggered major changes in the expression of genes related to endurance exercise. Subsequent experiments on elite endurance athletes performing the same HIIT exercise showed no RyR1 fragmentation or prolonged changes in the expression of endurance-related genes. Finally, mechanistic experiments performed on isolated mouse muscles exposed to HIIT-mimicking stimulation showed reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS)-dependent RyR1 fragmentation, calpain activation, increased SR Ca2+ leak at rest, and depressed force production due to impaired SR Ca2+ release upon stimulation. In conclusion, HIIT exercise induces a ROS-dependent RyR1 fragmentation in muscles of recreationally active subjects, and the resulting changes in muscle fiber Ca2+-handling trigger muscular adaptations. However, the same HIIT exercise does not cause RyR1 fragmentation in muscles of elite endurance athletes, which may explain why HIIT is less effective in this group.It is increasingly clear that regular physical exercise plays a key role in the general well-being, disease prevention, and longevity of humans. Impaired muscle function manifesting as muscle weakness and premature fatigue development are major health problems associated with the normal aging process as well as with numerous common diseases (1). Physical exercise has a fundamental role in preventing and/or reversing these muscle problems, and training also improves the general health status in numerous diseases (24). On the other side of the spectrum, excessive muscle use can induce prolonged force depressions, which may set the limit on training tolerance and performance of top athletes (5, 6).Recent studies imply a key role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release channel, the ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1), in the reduced muscle strength observed in numerous physiological conditions, such as after strenuous endurance training (6), in situations with prolonged stress (7), and in normal aging (8, 9). Defective RyR1 function is also implied in several pathological states, including generalized inflammatory disorders (10), heart failure (11), and inherited conditions such as malignant hyperthermia (12) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (13). In many of the above conditions, there is a link between the impaired RyR1 function and modifications induced by reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS) (6, 8, 10, 12, 13). Conversely, altered RyR1 function may also be beneficial by increasing the cytosolic free [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]i) at rest, which can stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and thereby increase fatigue resistance (1416). Intriguingly, effective antioxidant treatment hampers beneficial adaptations triggered by endurance training (1719), and this effect might be due to antioxidants preventing ROS-induced modifications of RyR1 (20).A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session typically consists of a series of brief bursts of vigorous physical exercise separated by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. A major asset of HIIT is that beneficial adaptations can be obtained with much shorter exercise duration than with traditional endurance training (2125). HIIT has been shown to effectively stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and increase endurance in untrained and recreationally active healthy subjects (22, 26), whereas positive effects in elite endurance athletes are less clear (21, 27, 28). Moreover, HIIT improves health and physical performance in various pathological conditions, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes (29, 30). Thus, short bouts of vigorous physical exercise trigger intracellular signaling of large enough magnitude and duration to induce extensive beneficial adaptations in skeletal muscle. The initial signaling that triggers these adaptations is not known.In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a single session of HIIT induces ROS-dependent RyR1 modifications. These modifications might cause prolonged force depression due to impaired SR Ca2+ release during contractions. Conversely, they may also initiate beneficial muscular adaptations due to increased SR Ca2+ leak at rest.  相似文献   

Alcohol-related acute pancreatitis can be mediated by a combination of alcohol and fatty acids (fatty acid ethyl esters) and is initiated by a sustained elevation of the Ca2+ concentration inside pancreatic acinar cells ([Ca2+]i), due to excessive release of Ca2+ stored inside the cells followed by Ca2+ entry from the interstitial fluid. The sustained [Ca2+]i elevation activates intracellular digestive proenzymes resulting in necrosis and inflammation. We tested the hypothesis that pharmacological blockade of store-operated or Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels (CRAC) would prevent sustained elevation of [Ca2+]i and therefore protease activation and necrosis. In isolated mouse pancreatic acinar cells, CRAC channels were activated by blocking Ca2+ ATPase pumps in the endoplasmic reticulum with thapsigargin in the absence of external Ca2+. Ca2+ entry then occurred upon admission of Ca2+ to the extracellular solution. The CRAC channel blocker developed by GlaxoSmithKline, GSK-7975A, inhibited store-operated Ca2+ entry in a concentration-dependent manner within the range of 1 to 50 μM (IC50 = 3.4 μM), but had little or no effect on the physiological Ca2+ spiking evoked by acetylcholine or cholecystokinin. Palmitoleic acid ethyl ester (100 μM), an important mediator of alcohol-related pancreatitis, evoked a sustained elevation of [Ca2+]i, which was markedly reduced by CRAC blockade. Importantly, the palmitoleic acid ethyl ester-induced trypsin and protease activity as well as necrosis were almost abolished by blocking CRAC channels. There is currently no specific treatment of pancreatitis, but our data show that pharmacological CRAC blockade is highly effective against toxic [Ca2+]i elevation, necrosis, and trypsin/protease activity and therefore has potential to effectively treat pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Local Ca2+ signaling occurring within nanometers of voltage-gated Ca2+ (Cav) channels is crucial for CNS function, yet the molecular composition of Cav channel nano-environments is largely unresolved. Here, we used a proteomic strategy combining knockout-controlled multiepitope affinity purifications with high-resolution quantitative MS for comprehensive analysis of the molecular nano-environments of the Cav2 channel family in the whole rodent brain. The analysis shows that Cav2 channels, composed of pore-forming α1 and auxiliary β subunits, are embedded into protein networks that may be assembled from a pool of ∼200 proteins with distinct abundance, stability of assembly, and preference for the three Cav2 subtypes. The majority of these proteins have not previously been linked to Cav channels; about two-thirds are dedicated to the control of intracellular Ca2+ concentration, including G protein-coupled receptor-mediated signaling, to activity-dependent cytoskeleton remodeling or Ca2+-dependent effector systems that comprise a high portion of the priming and release machinery of synaptic vesicles. The identified protein networks reflect the cellular processes that can be initiated by Cav2 channel activity and define the molecular framework for organization and operation of local Ca2+ signaling by Cav2 channels in the brain.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ waves, which develop under Ca2+-overloaded conditions of the injured myocardium, are regarded as an important substrate for triggered arrhythmias. However, little is known about whether Ca2+ waves arise or become proarrhythmic in the injured heart in situ. On the hypothesis that injured myocardium manifests frequent Ca2+ waves and produce an oscillatory [Ca2+]i rise leading to triggered activity, we applied cryo-injury to the epicardial surface of fluo 3-AM-loaded perfused rat hearts and analyzed spatiotemporal [Ca2+]i changes at border zones of the injured myocardium using real-time confocal microscopy. In intact regions Ca2+ waves barely emerged, whereas the border zone myocardium exhibited frequent Ca2+ waves, propagating randomly within the individual cells. Two different types of Ca2+ waves were identified: highly frequent waves (159.6+/-86.5 waves/min/cell, n=266) adjacent to the cryo-ablated regions, and less frequent waves (79.0+/-50.1 waves/min/cell, n=160) slightly farther (>2 cells) away from the ablated regions (vicinities). The former Ca2+ waves emerged asynchronously to Ca2+ transients. Contrariwise, the latter depended on ventricular excitation: they vanished instantaneously on Ca2+ transients, but emerged more frequently and propagated more swiftly after cessation of higher-frequency pacing. Immediately after 3-Hz pacing, some cryo-injured hearts exhibited oscillatory [Ca2+]i rises; an instantaneous and synchronous elevation of [Ca2+]i followed by burst occurrence of Ca2+ waves with a gradual decrease in incidence and propagation velocity in a considerable number of cells. These observations indicate that myocardial injury induces Ca2+ waves in the heart, and that their synchronous occurrence could become a substrate for triggered arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Increases in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration regulate diverse cellular activities and are usually evoked by opening of Ca2+ channels in intracellular Ca2+ stores and the plasma membrane (PM). For the many signals that evoke formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), IP3 receptors coordinate the contributions of these two Ca2+ sources by mediating Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Loss of Ca2+ from the ER then activates store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) by causing dimers of STIM1 to cluster and unfurl cytosolic domains that interact with the PM Ca2+ channel, Orai1, causing its pore to open. The relative concentrations of STIM1 and Orai1 are important, but most analyses of their interactions use overexpressed proteins that perturb the stoichiometry. We tagged endogenous STIM1 with EGFP using CRISPR/Cas9. SOCE evoked by loss of ER Ca2+ was unaffected by the tag. Step-photobleaching analysis of cells with empty Ca2+ stores revealed an average of 14.5 STIM1 molecules within each sub-PM punctum. The fluorescence intensity distributions of immunostained Orai1 puncta were minimally affected by store depletion, and similar for Orai1 colocalized with STIM1 puncta or remote from them. We conclude that each native SOCE complex is likely to include only a few STIM1 dimers associated with a single Orai1 channel. Our results, demonstrating that STIM1 does not assemble clusters of interacting Orai channels, suggest mechanisms for digital regulation of SOCE by local depletion of the ER.

In generating the cytosolic Ca2+ signals that regulate cellular activities, cells call upon two sources of Ca2+: the extracellular space, accessed through Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane (PM), and Ca2+ sequestered within intracellular stores, primarily within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In animal cells, the many receptors that stimulate formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) provide coordinated access to both Ca2+ sources (1). IP3 stimulates the opening of IP3 receptors (IP3R), which are large Ca2+-permeable channels expressed mostly within ER membranes. IP3 thereby triggers Ca2+ release from the ER (2, 3). The link to extracellular Ca2+ is provided by store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), which is activated by loss of Ca2+ from the ER. The reduction in ER free-Ca2+ concentration causes Ca2+ to dissociate from the luminal Ca2+-binding sites of stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1), a dimeric protein embedded in ER membranes. This loss of Ca2+ causes STIM1 to unfurl cytosolic domains that interact with the PM Ca2+ channel, Orai1, causing its pore to open and Ca2+ to flow into the cell through the SOCE pathway (Fig. 1A) (4, 5). Available evidence suggests that STIM1 must bind to the C-terminal tail of each of the six subunits of an Orai1 channel for optimal activity, with lesser occupancies reducing activity and modifying channel properties (610). The interactions between STIM1 and Orai1 occur at membrane contact sites (MCS), where the two membranes are organized to provide a gap of about 10–30 nm, across which the two proteins directly interact (1113). Orai channels are unusual in having no structural semblance to other ion channels and in having their opening controlled by direct interactions between proteins in different membranes (Fig. 1A). Competing models suggest that dimeric STIM1 binds either to a pair of C-terminal tails within a single channel (6 STIM1 molecules per hexameric Orai1 channel) (Fig. 1 B, a), or that each dimer interacts with only a single C-terminal tail leaving the remaining STIM1 subunit free to cross-link with a different Orai1 channel (12 STIM1 molecules around a single Orai1 channel) (Fig. 1 B, b) (see references in ref. 14). The latter arrangement has been proposed to allow assembly of close-packed Orai1 clusters (Fig. 1 B, c) and to explain the variable stoichiometry of Orai1 to STIM1 at MCS (14).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.SOCE is unaffected by tagging of endogenous STIM1. (A) SOCE is activated when loss of Ca2+ from the ER, usually mediated by IP3Rs, causes Ca2+ to dissociate from the EF hands of dimeric STIM1. This causes STIM1 to unfurl its cytosolic domain, unmasking the C-terminal polybasic tail (PBT) and CRAC (Ca2+-release-activated channel)-activation domain (CAD) Association of the PBT with PM phosphoinositides causes STIM1 to accumulate at MCS, where the CAD captures the C-terminal tail of Orai1. Binding of STIM1 to each of the six subunits of Orai1 opens the Ca2+ channel, allowing SOCE to occur (9). (B) Orai1 is a hexamer, comprising three pairs of dimers (33). Dimeric STIM1 may activate Orai1 by binding as three dimers (B, a), or as six dimers (B, b) with the residual STIM1 subunit free to interact with another Orai1 channel (B, c) (14). (C) Structure of the edited STIM1-EGFP. (D) TIRF images of STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells treated with STIM1 or nonsilencing (NS) shRNA before emptying of Ca2+ stores. (Scale bar, 10 µm.) (E) Summary results (individual values, mean ± SD, n = 3 independent experiments, each with ∼30 cells analyzed) show whole-cell fluorescence intensities from TIRF images of STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells treated with the indicated shRNA. Results from WT cells are also shown (n = 4). ****P < 0.0001, ANOVA with Bonferroni test, relative to WT cells. (F) In-gel fluorescence of lysates from WT or STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells (protein loadings in μg). The STIM1-EGFP band (arrow) and molecular mass markers (kDa) are shown. Similar results were obtained in four independent analyses. (G) WB for STIM1 and β-actin for WT and STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells. Protein loadings (μg) and molecular mass markers (kDa) are shown. Arrows show positions of native and EGFP-tagged STIM1. (H) Summary results (individual values, mean ± SD, n = 9) show expression of STIM1-EGFP relative to all STIM1 in STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells (red), and total STIM1 expression in WT and edited cells (black). (I) Effects of histamine in Ca2+-free HBS on the peak increase in [Ca2+]c (Δ[Ca2+]c) in populations of WT and STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells. Mean ± SEM from four experiments, each with six determinations. (J) Effects of CPA in Ca2+-free HBS on the peak increase in [Ca2+]c (Δ[Ca2+]c) in populations of WT and STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells. Mean ± SEM from four experiments, each with six determinations. (K) Populations of cells were treated (5 min) with CPA in Ca2+-free HBS to evoke graded depletion of ER Ca2+ stores before addition of extracellular Ca2+ (final free [Ca2+] ∼10 mM). Results (mean ± SEM, n = 6, each with six determinations) show the amplitude of the SOCE in WT and STIM1-EGFP HeLa cells. See also SI Appendix, Figs. S1 and S2.Opening of most ion channels is regulated by changes in membrane potential or by binding of soluble stimuli, where the relationship between stimulus intensity and response is readily amenable to experimental analysis. The unusual behavior of SOCE, where direct interactions between proteins embedded in different membranes control channel opening (Fig. 1A), makes it more difficult to define stimulus–response relationships and highlights the need to understand the amounts of STIM1 and Orai1 within the MCS where the interactions occur. When STIM1 or Orai1 are overexpressed their behaviors are perturbed, yet most analyses of their interactions have involved overexpression of the proteins. These difficulties motivated the present study, which was designed to determine the number of native STIM1 molecules associated with each SOCE signaling complex.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined histamine-induced calcium signaling in cultured human valvular myofibroblasts (hVMFs), which are the most prominent interstitial cells in cardiac valves mediating valvular contraction, extracellular matrix secretion, and wound repair. Despite the functional importance of VMFs in cardiac valves, the cellular-signaling pathways, especially those mediated by Ca(2+), are still poorly understood. Using fluorescence imaging microscopy, we measured intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) levels in fura-2-loaded hVMFs. Activation of H(1) receptors released Ca(2+) from one compartment of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of hVMFs, but did not induce Ca(2+) entry. This histamine-induced Ca(2+) release was oscillatory and dependent on Ca(2+) re-uptake into the ER by sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA). Application of the reversible SERCA blocker, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), after depletion of the histamine-sensitive Ca(2+) store revealed the presence of a second, smaller histamine-insensitive Ca(2+) store in the ER. The Ca(2+) content ratio of the histamine-sensitive and histamine-insensitive Ca(2+) stores in the ER was found to be approximately 1.15:1. Another effect of CPA in hVMFs was the activation of store-operated Ca(2+) channels, as demonstrated by maintained [Ca(2+)](i) elevation as well as accelerated Mn(2+) entry. In conclusion, this study establishes for the first time an agonist-induced Ca(2+)-signaling pathway in hVMFs.  相似文献   

Different forms of ventricular arrhythmias have been linked to mutations in the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR)2, but the molecular basis for this phenotypic heterogeneity is unknown. We have recently demonstrated that an enhanced sensitivity to luminal Ca(2+) and an increased propensity for spontaneous Ca(2+) release or store-overload-induced Ca(2+) release (SOICR) are common defects of RyR2 mutations associated with catecholaminergic polymorphic or bidirectional ventricular tachycardia. Here, we investigated the properties of a unique RyR2 mutation associated with catecholaminergic idiopathic ventricular fibrillation, A4860G. Single-channel analyses revealed that, unlike all other disease-linked RyR2 mutations characterized previously, the A4860G mutation diminished the response of RyR2 to activation by luminal Ca(2+), but had little effect on the sensitivity of the channel to activation by cytosolic Ca(2+). This specific impact of the A4860G mutation indicates that the luminal Ca(2+) activation of RyR2 is distinct from its cytosolic Ca(2+) activation. Stable, inducible HEK293 cells expressing the A4860G mutant showed caffeine-induced Ca(2+) release but exhibited no SOICR. Importantly, HL-1 cardiac cells transfected with the A4860G mutant displayed attenuated SOICR activity compared with cells transfected with RyR2 WT. These observations provide the first evidence that a loss of luminal Ca(2+) activation and SOICR activity can cause ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. These findings also indicate that although suppressing enhanced SOICR is a promising antiarrhythmic strategy, its oversuppression can also lead to arrhythmias.  相似文献   

Ca2+ efflux by Ca2+ cation antiporter (CaCA) proteins is important for maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis across the cell membrane. Recently, the monomeric structure of the prokaryotic Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) antiporter NCX_Mj protein from Methanococcus jannaschii shows an outward-facing conformation suggesting a hypothesis of alternating substrate access for Ca2+ efflux. To demonstrate conformational changes essential for the CaCA mechanism, we present the crystal structure of the Ca2+/H+ antiporter protein YfkE from Bacillus subtilis at 3.1-Å resolution. YfkE forms a homotrimer, confirmed by disulfide crosslinking. The protonated state of YfkE exhibits an inward-facing conformation with a large hydrophilic cavity opening to the cytoplasm in each protomer and ending in the middle of the membrane at the Ca2+-binding site. A hydrophobic “seal” closes its periplasmic exit. Four conserved α-repeat helices assemble in an X-like conformation to form a Ca2+/H+ exchange pathway. In the Ca2+-binding site, two essential glutamate residues exhibit different conformations compared with their counterparts in NCX_Mj, whereas several amino acid substitutions occlude the Na+-binding sites. The structural differences between the inward-facing YfkE and the outward-facing NCX_Mj suggest that the conformational transition is triggered by the rotation of the kink angles of transmembrane helices 2 and 7 and is mediated by large conformational changes in their adjacent transmembrane helices 1 and 6. Our structural and mutational analyses not only establish structural bases for mechanisms of Ca2+/H+ exchange and its pH regulation but also shed light on the evolutionary adaptation to different energy modes in the CaCA protein family.  相似文献   

Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) Ca2+ transporters pump cytosolic Ca2+ into the endoplasmic reticulum, maintaining a Ca2+ gradient that controls vital cell functions ranging from proliferation to death. To meet the physiological demand of the cell, SERCA activity is regulated by adjusting the affinity for Ca2+ ions. Of all SERCA isoforms, the housekeeping SERCA2b isoform displays the highest Ca2+ affinity because of a unique C-terminal extension (2b-tail). Here, an extensive structure–function analysis of SERCA2b mutants and SERCA1a2b chimera revealed how the 2b-tail controls Ca2+ affinity. Its transmembrane (TM) segment (TM11) and luminal extension functionally cooperate and interact with TM7/TM10 and luminal loops of SERCA2b, respectively. This stabilizes the Ca2+-bound E1 conformation and alters Ca2+-transport kinetics, which provides the rationale for the higher apparent Ca2+ affinity. Based on our NMR structure of TM11 and guided by mutagenesis results, a structural model was developed for SERCA2b that supports the proposed 2b-tail mechanism and is reminiscent of the interaction between the α- and β-subunits of Na+,K+-ATPase. The 2b-tail interaction site may represent a novel target to increase the Ca2+ affinity of malfunctioning SERCA2a in the failing heart to improve contractility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptor (InsP3R) and the ryanodine receptor (RyR) are the principal Ca2+-release channels in cells and are believed to serve distinct roles in cytosolic Ca2+ (Ca(i)2+) signaling. This study investigated whether these receptors instead can release Ca2+ in a coordinated fashion. METHODS: Apical and basolateral Ca(i)2+ signals were monitored in rat pancreatic acinar cells by time-lapse confocal microscopy. Caged forms of second messengers were microinjected into individual cells and then photoreleased in a controlled fashion by either UV or 2-photon flash photolysis. RESULTS: InsP3 increased Ca(i)2+ primarily in the apical region of pancreatic acinar cells, whereas the RyR agonist cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) increased Ca(i)2+ primarily in the basolateral region. Apical-to-basal Ca(i)2+ waves were induced by acetylcholine and initiation of these waves was blocked by the InsP3R inhibitor heparin, whereas propagation into the basolateral region was inhibited by the cADPR inhibitor 8-amino-cADPR. To examine integration of apical and basolateral Ca(i)2+ signals, Ca2+ was selectively released either apically or basolaterally using 2-photon flash photolysis. Ca(i)2+ increases were transient and localized in unstimulated cells. More complex Ca(i)2+ signaling patterns, including polarized Ca(i)2+ waves, were observed when Ca2+ was photoreleased in cells stimulated with subthreshold concentrations of acetylcholine. CONCLUSIONS: Polarized Ca(i)2+ waves are induced in acinar cells by serial activation of apical InsP3Rs and then basolateral RyRs, and subcellular release of Ca2+ coordinates the actions of these 2 types of Ca2+ channels. This subcellular integration of Ca2+-release channels shows a new level of complexity in the formation of Ca(i)2+ waves.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator selectively targeted to the trans-Golgi lumen, we here demonstrate that its Ca2+ homeostatic mechanisms are distinct from those of the other Golgi subcompartments: (i) Ca2+ uptake depends exclusively on the activity of the secretory pathway Ca2+ ATPase1 (SPCA1), whereas the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) is excluded; (ii) IP3 generated by receptor stimulation causes Ca2+ uptake rather than release; (iii) Ca2+ release can be triggered by activation of ryanodine receptors in cells endowed with robust expression of the latter channels (e.g., in neonatal cardiac myocyte). Finally, we show that, knocking down the SPCA1, and thus altering the trans-Golgi Ca2+ content, specific functions associated with this subcompartment, such as sorting of proteins to the plasma membrane through the secretory pathway, and the structure of the entire Golgi apparatus are dramatically altered.  相似文献   

Advanced age in rats is accompanied by reduced expression of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ pump (SERCA-2). The amplitudes of intracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+(i)) transients and contractions in ventricular myocytes isolated from old (23-24-months) rats (OR), however, are similar to those of young (4-6-months) rat myocytes (YR). OR myocytes also manifest slowed inactivation of L-type Ca2+ current (I(CaL)) and marked prolongation of action potential (AP) duration. To determine whether and how age-associated AP prolongation preserves the Ca2+(i) transient amplitude in OR myocytes, we employed an AP-clamp technique with simultaneous measurements of I(CaL) (with Na+ current, K+ currents and Ca2+ influx via sarcolemmal Na+-Ca2+ exchanger blocked) and Ca2+(i) transients in OR rat ventricular myocytes dialyzed with the fluorescent Ca2+ probe, indo-1. Myocytes were stimulated with AP-shaped voltage clamp waveforms approximating the configuration of prolonged, i.e. the native, AP of OR cells (AP-L), or with short AP waveforms (AP-S), typical of YR myocytes. Changes in SR Ca2+ load were assessed by rapid, complete SR Ca2+ depletions with caffeine. As expected, during stimulation with AP-S vs AP-L, peak I(CaL) increased, by 21+/-4%, while the I(CaL) integral decreased, by 19+/-3% (P<0.01 for each). Compared to AP-L, stimulation of OR myocytes with AP-S reduced the amplitudes of the Ca2+(i) transient by 31+/-6%, its maximal rate of rise (+dCa2+(i)/dt(max); a sensitive index of SR Ca2+ release flux) by 37+/-4%, and decreased the SR Ca2+ load by 29+/-4% (P<0.01 for each). Intriguingly, AP-S also reduced the maximal rate of the Ca2+(i) transient relaxation and prolonged its time to 50% decline, by 35+/-5% and 33+/-7%, respectively (P<0.01 for each). During stimulation with AP-S, the gain of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR), indexed by +dCa2+(i)/dt(max)/I(CaL), was reduced by 46+/-4% vs AP-L (P<0.01). We conclude that the effects of an application of a shorter AP to OR myocytes to reduce +dCa2+(i)/dt(max) and the Ca2+ transient amplitude are attributable to a reduction in SR Ca2+ load, presumably due to a reduced I(CaL) integral and likely also to an increased Ca2+ extrusion via sarcolemmal Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. The decrease in the Ca2+(i) transient relaxation rate in OR cells stimulated with shorter APs may reflect a reduction of Ca2+/calmodulin-kinase II-regulated modulation of Ca2+ uptake via SERCA-2, consequent to a reduced local Ca2+ release in the vicinity of SERCA-2, also attributable to reduced SR Ca2+ load. Thus, the reduction of CICR gain during stimulation with AP-S is the net result of both a diminished SR Ca2+ release and an increased peak I(CaL). These results suggest that ventricular myocytes of old rats utilize AP prolongation to preserve an optimal SR Ca2+ loading, CICR gain and relaxation of Ca2+(i) transients.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase type 1γ (PIPKIγ) is a key enzyme in the generation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P(2)] and is expressed at high levels in the nervous system. Homozygous knockout mice lacking this enzyme die postnatally within 24 h, whereas PIPKIγ(+/-) siblings breed normally and have no reported phenotype. Here we show that adult PIPKIγ(+/-) mice have dramatically elevated hearing thresholds for high-frequency sounds. During the first postnatal week we observed a reduction of ATP-dependent Ca(2+) signaling activity in cochlear nonsensory cells. Because Ca(2+) signaling under these conditions depends on inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate generation from phospholipase C (PLC)-dependent hydrolysis of PI(4,5)P(2), we conclude that (i) PIPKIγ is primarily responsible for the synthesis of the receptor-regulated PLC-sensitive PI(4,5)P(2) pool in the cell syncytia that supports auditory hair cells; (ii) spatially graded impairment of this signaling pathway in cochlear nonsensory cells causes a selective alteration in the acquisition of hearing in PIPKIγ(+/-) mice. This mouse model also suggests that PIPKIγ may determine the level of gap junction contribution to cochlear development.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is one of the main threats to the poultry industry worldwide. Very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV) is a fatal virus strain that causes heavy mortality in young chicken flocks. Ca2+ is one of the most universal and versatile signalling molecules and is involved in almost every aspect of cellular processes. Clinical examination showed that one of the characteristics of vvIBDV-infected chickens was severe metabolic disorders, and the chemical examination showed that their serum Ca2+ level decreased significantly. However, there are limited studies on how vvIBDV infection modulates the cellular Ca2+ level and the effect of Ca2+ level changes on vvIBDV replication. In our study, we found Ca2+ levels in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of vvIBDV-infected B cells were higher than that of mock-infected cells, and the expression level of stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1), an ER Ca2+ sensor, was significantly upregulated due to vvIBDV infection. The knock-down expression of STIM1 led to decreased Ca2+ level in the ER and suppressed vvIBDV replication, while the over-expressed STIM1 led to ER Ca2+ upregulation and promoted vvIBDV replication. We also showed that the inhibition of Ca2+-release-activated-Ca2+ (CRAC) channels could reduce vvIBDV infection by blocking Ca2+ from entering the ER. This study suggests a new mechanism that STIM1 promotes the replication of vvIBDV by mobilizing Ca2+ in the ER.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase transports two Ca(2+) per ATP hydrolyzed from the cytoplasm to the lumen against a large concentration gradient. During transport, the pump alters the affinity and accessibility for Ca(2+) by rearrangements of transmembrane helices. In this study, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations were performed for wild-type Ca(2+)-ATPase in the Ca(2+)-bound form and the Gln mutants of Glu771 and Glu908. Both of them contribute only one carboxyl oxygen to site I Ca(2+), but only Glu771Gln completely looses the Ca(2+)-binding ability. The simulations show that: (i) For Glu771Gln, but not Glu908Gln, coordination of Ca(2+) was critically disrupted. (ii) Coordination broke at site II first, although Glu771 and Glu908 only contribute to site I. (iii) A water molecule bound to site I Ca(2+) and hydrogen bonded to Glu771 in wild-type, drastically changed the coordination of Ca(2+) in the mutant. (iv) Water molecules flooded the binding sites from the lumenal side. (v) The side chain conformation of Ile775, located at the head of a hydrophobic cluster near the lumenal surface, appears critical for keeping out bulk water. Thus the simulations highlight the importance of the water molecule bound to site I Ca(2+) and point to a strong relationship between Ca(2+)-coordination and shielding of bulk water, providing insights into the mechanism of gating of ion pathways in cation pumps.  相似文献   

Summary The function of several key sarcolemmal proteins is modulated through phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of serine/threonine residues. While the involvement of sarcolemma-associated protein kinases in the phosphorylation of these proteins has been established, the nature of the protein phosphatases controlling these proteins has not been investigated. Rat heart sarcolemma contains two protein phosphatase isozymes, protein phosphatase 1 and 2A, which are distinguished on the basis of their susceptibility of inhibitor 2. Both isozymes elute from a Bio Gel A-0.5 column in association with the highest molecular weight protein fraction. However, some protein phosphatase 1 activity elutes with a smaller molecular weight fraction of about 37000, suggesting that the native enzyme exists as a catalytic subunit in complex with an anchor protein. Inhibition of the protein phosphatases using standard inhibitors leads to a stimulation in both the rate and extent of32P incorporation into isolated sarcolemma. Also affected by inhibition of protein phosphatase activity is the rate of ATP-dependent calcium uptake, which is stimulated following exposure to either inhibitor 2, a classical protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor, and microcystin, a protein phosphatase 1 and 2A inhibitor. The data suggest that the protein phosphatases regulate the dephosphorylation of sarcolemmal proteins Through this mechanism they serve as important modulators of the sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump.  相似文献   

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