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In order to assess the pathogenesis of myopathological alterations induced by zidovudine, we studied muscle samples from 21 patients infected by human immunodeficiency virus with zidovudine myopathy. Cytochrome c oxidase histoenzymatic reaction was evaluated in slreletal muscle fibres and arterial smooth muscle cells. Other investigations included immunocytochemistry for membrane attack complex and endomysial capillary counts. All patients had partial cytochrome c oxidase deficiency. A perifascicular distribution of cytochrome c oxidasedeficient fibres was found in 14 of 21 patients. Cytochrome c oxidase-deficient fibres were significantly more frequent in perifascicular areas than in the complete muscle sections (28% vs 12%, P<0.001). Cytochrome c oxidase-deficient arteries were found in 11 patients, of whom 10 also had a perifascicular deficiency. Mono-nuclear microvascular inflammation was obsenred in four patients and membrane attack complex deposition in capillary walls in two patients. The capillary counts were not significantly different in the patients and in the controls. These results suggest that, in addition to a direct action of zidovudine on mitochondrial DNA, chronic muscle ischaemia related to zidovudine-induced vascular dysfunction might be implicated at the inception of muscle damage in zidovudine myopathy.  相似文献   

We studied mitochondrial function in inflammatory myopathies, using cytochrome c oxidase (COX) reaction on muscle biopsy samples from 30 patients (15 with dermatomyositis, 12 with polymyositis, and 3 with inclusion body myositis) and 30 age-matched controls. We also performed immunocytochemistry for COX II and COX IV subunits in 7 of these patients who had COX deficiency. COX-deficient fibers were a constant finding in patients or controls older than 65 years and the percentage of COX-deficient fibers correlated with age in both patients and controls. Focal COX deficiency was found in 24 patients (13 of 15 with dermatomyositis, 8 of 12 with polymyositis, and 3 of 3 with inclusion body myositis) and 18 controls. The percentages of COX-deficient fibers were higher in patients with inflammatory myopathies (range: 0–4.7%; mean: 1.2%) than in age-matched controls (range: 0–1.9%; mean: 0.4%) (P < 0.01). In the subgroup of patients under age 65, COX-deficient fibers were more frequent in dermatomyositis than in polymyositis (mean: 0.8% vs 0.2%, P = 0.02). In patients with dermatomyositis, capillary loss correlated positively with COX deficiency (P < 0.02). Immunocytochemistry for COX II and IV showed that 82% of COX-negative fibers were COX II-negative and 26% were COX IV-negative, suggesting that proteins encoded by mitochondrial DNA are predominantly, but not exclusively, involved in COX deficiency. We conclude that mitochondrial dysfunction and COX deficiency can occur in inflammatory myopathies. Such a mitochondrial dysfunction is not solely related to the aging process. We suggest that muscle ischemia contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction in dermatomyositis. Received: 16 October 1995 / Revised, accepted: 10 November 1995  相似文献   

Summary We report on two patients, who had myalgias while receiving long-term zidovudine treatment for an HIV infection, in whom muscle biopsy findings included a partial cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) deficiency, a feature of zidovudine myopathy, and tubular aggregates, a finding hitherto unreported in HIV-infected patients. The CCO deficit was observed in 28% and 24% of muscle fibers, respectively. Tubular aggregates were the prominent histopathological feature in patient 1, and were detected by systematic electron microscopy in patient 2. Inflammation and myonecrosis were not detected. In patient 1, the typical mitochondrial and myofibrillar changes of zidovudine myopathy were present and 12% of fibers showed tubular aggregates. The aggregates were not stained at CCO reaction, and 96% of myofibers enclosing tubular aggregates showed a decreased CCO activity. This suggested more than a chance association between mitochondrial dysfunction and the formation of tubular aggregates. We conclude that tubular aggregates are detected in some patients treated by zidovudine, and that the finding could be related to the long-term administration of the drug.  相似文献   

Summary Respiratory chain enzymes were studied in isolated mitochondria of two patients with mitochrondrial myopathy. Both patients had been suffering from chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia and abnormal muscular fatigability since late childhood. One of the patients exhibited the complete triad of symptoms characteristic of Kearns-Sayre syndrome. Venous lactate levels at rest and during minimal exercise were increased in both patients. Histochemical examination of muscle revealed ragged red fibres and intermingled fibres negative for cytochrome c oxidase. Biochemical studies showed decreased activities of complex I and complex IV of the respiratory chain in both patients. Reduced minus oxidized spectra of mitochondrial cytochromes revealed a decreased content of cytochrome aa3 in only one patient, but a normal content in the other. A combined deficiency of complexes I and IV in muscle might either be due to a deficiency of a single subunit common to both complexes or to a coincidental deficiency of both complexes expressed either in the same or in different fibres.  相似文献   

Long-term zidovudine (also termed azidothymidine, AZT) treatment of AIDS patients may cause severe myopathy characterized by conspicuous mitochondrial and nuclear changes. The mitochondrial changes are attributed to an inhibitory effect of AZT on the mitochondrial γ-polymerase in a variety of cells. Inhibition of the nuclear α-polymerase is another well-known side effect of AZT, whereas the (nuclear) β-polymerase appears to be rather insensitive. The nuclear changes seen in AIDS patients are usually considered secondary to the human immunodeficiency virus infection. To eliminate the influence of the virus on the nuclei, we studied the effect of AZT on non-infected, organotypic co-cultures of spinal ganglia, spinal cord, and skeletal muscle from fetal rats. We noted significant changes not only in the mitochondria but also in the nuclei of spinal ganglia, spinal cord, and muscle cells, which depended more on the duration of AZT application (1, 3, 5, and 8 days) than on the concentration (0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1000 μM). The alterations of the mitochondria consisted mainly of swelling, loss of cristae and, finally, disappearance. The nuclei showed nucleolar segregation, marginal condensation of heterochromatin, formation of interchromatin and perichromatin granules, nuclear protrusions and pseudoinclusions and, finally, disintegration. The changes were not as pleomorphic as those seen in biopsy specimens from AIDS patients who had received long-term treatment with AZT. However, this difference can easily be attributed to the short duration of drug application in tissue culture compared to the long-term medication in patients. Received: 18 December 1995 / Revised, accepted: 19 February 1996  相似文献   

Eleven patients with AIDS or AIDS-related complex who developed muscle-related symptoms whilst taking zidovudine were investigated. The clinical details of a further ten patients who did not undergo muscle biopsy are also outlined. The clinical features, quantitative muscle strength testing, electromyographic findings, serial creatine kinase levels, muscle biopsy appearance on light microscopy and the effects of zidovudine withdrawal and rechallenge are described. The spectrum of muscle disease encountered included four cases of frank myopathy diagnosed using clinical, electrophysiological and histological criteria, four patients with mild weakness and myalgia in whom muscle biopsies were normal, three patients with myalgia only and a mild increase in the interstitial cell infiltrate shown by biopsy. The patients presenting with myopathy showed no improvement on withdrawal of zidovudine but responded to immuno-suppressive therapy with steroids and, in one case, thalidomide prescribed incidentally. At present, it is not yet possible to clinically define a specific zidovudine-induced myopathy that is distinct from the other effects of HIV infection on muscle structure and function. Our experience suggests that zidovudine may be implicated as a myotoxin in some patients, particularly those with myalgia and mild weakness. In those patients with severe weakness, and with biopsy findings of necrosis and inflammation, the drug effects may be difficult to separate from the primary effects of HIV.  相似文献   

Summary Peripheral nerve and skeletal muscle specimens from 115 autopsied adult AIDS patients were examined for types and incidence of histological abnormalities. Focal perivascular chronic inflammatory infiltrates featuring plasma cells were found in 85% of nerve and muscle specimens. These foci were specifically associated with cytomegalovirus (CMV)-infected capillary or venous endothelial cells in neuromuscular specimens of 31/115 patients, with increasing incidence in patients surviving longer with the diagnosis of AIDS. Neuromuscular CMV was identified histologically in 19% of AIDS patients with an AIDS-defining illness for 3 months or less, with the incidence increasing to 46% of patients who had the diagnosis for 2 years or longer. Vascular damage from CMV endothelial infection may result in regional ischemic and/or inflammatory damage to nerves, producing myelinated fiber loss and axonal degeneration, leading to denervation atrophy of myofibers found in skeletal muscle specimens in a majority of the patients. Myelinated fiber loss within the sural sural nerve was determined by morphometric quantitation for a subset of 50 patients, and correlated with the presence of histologically identifiable neuromuscular CMV, clinical history of zidovudine administration, and chemotherapy for alleviation of Kaposi's sarcoma. CMV infection and zidovudine treatment were both positively correlated with myelinated fiber loss, while Kaposi's sarcoma chemotherapy did not independently increase the incidence of myelinated fiber loss.Supported by NIMH T32 Training Grant MH19200 and UCLA Multi-Center AIDS Cohort Contract N01-Al-72631  相似文献   

A histochemical study of cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) was performed in the muscles from eight patients with full-blown zidovudine myopathy. All patients had ragged-red fibres (total cumulative count: 160) and myofilamentous changes, that predominated in type 1 fibres and included diffuse or punch-out myofibrillar loss (75 affected fibres) and constant cytoplasmic body formation (106 affected fibres). Inflammatory infiltrates were present in four out of eight patients. A partial CCO deficiency (22-47% of fibres; both types 1 and 2 affected) was detected in all cases, and contrasted with the normal or increased succinate dehydrogenase activity observed in most fibres. Among CCO-deficient fibres, 71% were normal on trichrome, but all ragged-red fibres were CCO-negative. Myofilamentous changes were restricted to CCO-deficient fibres. The present study strongly supports the idea that mitochondrial toxicity is the specific mechanism of zidovudine myopathy.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic histochemistry was applied to the study of cytochrome c oxidase activity in each mitochondrion of biopsied muscles from four patients with mitochondrial myopathy [one case of fatal infantile mitochondrial myopathy, one case of myoclonus epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers (MERRF), and two cases of mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS)]. In the patient with fatal infantile mitochondrial myopathy, intercellular heterogeneity of mitochondria was recognized. In the three patients with either MERRF or MELAS, cytochrome c oxidase activity was segmentally changed from positive to negative within single muscle fibers. In the two patients with MELAS, small groups of positive-stained mitochondria were located among negative-stained mitochondria in the negative segment of a few muscle fibers. These findings revealed that there were heterogeneous populations of normal and abnormal mitochondria intracellularly or intercellularly within the muscles of these patients.Supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 63570422 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and Grant 62A-5-08 from the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan  相似文献   

Summary More than half of the intramuscular blood vessels in muscle biopsies from five patients with myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-fibers (MERRF) who had a point mutation in mitochondrial DNA at the tRNALys region were darkly stained with succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) stain, showing the morphologic characteristics of strongly SDH-reactive blood vessels (SSV), but they had no cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) activity. By electron cytochemistry, the mitochondria in the smooth muscle cells of SSV had no CCO activity. On the other hand, SSV in muscle biopsies from patients with mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) had normal CCO activity as shown by light and electron microscopy. The defect in CCO activity in the arteriolar smooth muscle cells and in muscle fibers suggests that CCO deficiency is related to the pathophysiology of MERRF.  相似文献   

In order to test the effect of hypothermia on mitochondrial function damage following cerebral ischaemia/reperfusion, Mongolian gerbils were submitted to 30 min bilateral carotid occlusion and 2 h of reperfusion at 37°C or 30°C. After normothermic (37°C) ischaemia/reperfusion, significant decreases in mitochondrial state 3 (+ADP) oxygen consumption (−42.2%), complex II–III activity in synaptosomes (−31.7%) and complex IV were measured, in both free mitochondria and synaptosomes (−30.3% and −27.8% respectively). However, following hypothermic (30°C) reperfusion, both respiration rates and all enzyme activities remained at levels not significantly different from those in the sham operated controls.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that mitochondrial dysfunction occurs in the central nervous system as well as in the peripheral tissues from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. We have recently shown that mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity is significantly reduced in brain and platelets from AD patients compared to controls. In the present study we investigated whether impaired COX activity could have functional consequences on energy metabolism. Blood lactate concentration was monitored at rest and during incremental exercise in 22 AD patients in whom COX activity in platelets was decreased compared to controls (35.7 +/- 11.4 vs 48.4 +/- 1.4 nmol/min/mg, P < 0.01). In both resting and exercising conditions, blood lactate was significantly higher in AD patients than in controls. Although the magnitude of exercise-related lactate accumulation was not different between the two groups, an anticipated anaerobic lactate threshold during the incremental forearm exercise was found in AD patients (50% of maximal voluntary contraction MVC compared to 60% in controls). COX activity was inversely related to lactate at a significant level for resting condition (r = -0.65) and borderline for anaerobic threshold exercise level. These results support the hypothesis of a systemic impairment of the mitochondrial function in AD and indicate that decreased COX activity could have functional consequences on metabolism.  相似文献   

The physiological significance of cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) deficiency in rimmed vacuole myopathy (RVM) is not fully understood. Frequencies of CCO negative muscle fibers (CCO(?)F) were compared with two cases of in-clusion body myositis (IBM) and another two cases with RVM without inflammatory changes (i.e. oculopharyngeal distal myopathy (OPDM) and distal myopathy with rimmed vacuole formation (DMRV)). The frequencies of CCO(?)F were 6.9% in the case of definite IBM with 10 years of disease duration, 0.3% in possible IBM of 1 year duration, 1.3% in OPDM of 11 years duration, and 0.1% in DMRV of 2 years duration. The frequencies of CCO(?)F were generally higher in RVM than in controls. However, the incidence of CCO(?)F increased with time in patients with IBM compared with patients with RVM without inflammation. The present findings may provide important information on the myopathological distinction of IBM and RVM without inflammation.  相似文献   

We studied the accumulation of cytochrome c oxidase (COX)-negative skeletal muscle fibres in six patients with a myopathy due to a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) defect. Each patient was biopsied on two or more occasions over a period of 3-15 years. Progressive proximal weakness was associated with an increase in the proportion of COX-negative fibres. These fibres were arranged randomly, indicating that each fibre became COX negative independently of the status of neighbouring fibres. The clinical progression of mtDNA myopathy is therefore a consequence of a biochemical defect that develops independently within individual muscle fibres. It is likely that this is due to the clonal expansion of mutant mtDNA.  相似文献   

Two siblings with cytochrome c oxidase deficiency are described. One of them died of subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy which was proven by autopsy. The other was also suspected of having Leigh encephalomyelopathy by the findings on brain CT scans. The former, a younger brother, was in good health until the age of 10 months when progressive dysphagia, muscular hypotonia and abnormal eye movements became apparent. Six months later he suddenly died due to respiratory insufficiency. The latter, an elder brother, started to show nystagmus, abnormal eye movements and ataxia at the age of 5 years. A deficiency of cytochrome c oxidase in the younger brother was demonstrated in autopsied liver and brain, while such a deficiency in the elder brother was shown in biopsied peripheral muscle tissue and in cultured skin fibroblasts. Both patients showed a marked heat lability of cytochrome c oxidase. These results suggest that the biochemical defect observed in the siblings is due to a genetic defect. This seems to be the first case of a generalized defect in cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

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