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Background: The combination of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical cancer tests are globally recommended. Although knowledge regarding cervical cancer and HPV and experience of HPV vaccination are reportedly closely associated, the associations between knowledge and frequency of cervical cancer testing are unclear. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV and experience of HPV vaccination and frequency of cervical cancer testing including cervical cytology and HPV testing. Results: Among 99 women who visited Tsuruha Festa, most of the 77 non-medical workers who received information on cervical cancer and HPV through the Internet were not more likely to have knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV than were 12 medical workers who had gotten information in vocational school or university curriculum. The rates of HPV vaccination, cervical cytology, and HPV testing were 4.0%, 14.1%, and 4.0%, respectively, among participants and did not differ significantly according to participant job and age. Knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV was associated with experience of HPV vaccination and frequency of cervical cytology and was not associated with frequency of HPV testing. Conclusions: We observed insufficient knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV among non-medical workers as well as low HPV vaccination, cervical cytology, and HPV testing rates, and knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV to which frequency of cervical cancer testing were partially related. Therefore, the government should take measures to enhance public awareness about cervical cancer and HPV through social media such as the Internet.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been implicated as a causative of cervical cancer. In the present study, a total of 578 samples from females attending the gynecological outpatient clinic in Henan province, China,were collected and the HPV genotypes were detected by gene chip and flow-through hybridization. Overall, 44.5% (257/578) females were found to be HPV DNA positive, and the high risk HPV (HR-HPV) rate was 35.1% (203/578). The first peak of HR-HPV infection appeared in the >60 year-old group (55.0%), and the second was within the 51-55 year-old group (50.0%) (χ2=19.497, p<0.05). HPV 16 was the most prevalent genotype (9.2%), followed by HPV 52 (7.8%), HPV 6 (6.9%), HPV 11 (5.9%) and HPV 42 (5.0%). The single type HPV infection was 30.4%, with the five majority prevalent genotype HPV 16 (16.5%), HPV 52 (14.3%), HPV 6 (12.6%), HPV42 (8.6%), HPV 31 (5.1%). The multiple-type HPV infections were 14.0%, and HPV 16 was the most prevalent type (29.6%), followed by HPV 52 (24.7%), HPV 6 (22.2%), HPV 11 (22.2%), HPV 42 (17.3%) and HPV 39 (17.3%).  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the HPV genotype distribution and to investigate the underlying secular trend in the relative contribution of HPV types 16-18 in invasive cervical cancer (ICC) over a period of 47 years (1958-2004) in South Korea. Methods: Paraffin embedded ICC samples were obtained from historical archives of two hospitals in Korea. HPV detection and genotyping was performed by SPF10 PCR, DEIA and LiPA25 assays (version 1). Results: Of 874 ICC cases, 742 were considered suitable for HPV DNA testing after histological evaluation. Squamous cell carcinoma was the major histological type (93.0%). HPV was detected in 674 of the 742 specimens (90.8%). The five most common types identified as single types among HPV-positive cases were HPV16 (63.1%), HPV18 (8.5%), HPV33 (4.5%), HPV58 (3.9%) and HPV31 (3.0%). Multiple infections were detected in 5%. HPV16-18 together accounted for 72% of all HPV-positive cervical cancers with no statistically significant differences by time at diagnosis (adjusted model-p>0.05). Conclusion: This present study confirmed the role of HPV infection as the main factor in cervical cancer in Korea. HPV16-18 accounted for more than 70% in cervical cancer and there was no statistically significant secular trend for the past 50 years.  相似文献   

Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the main causes of cervical cancer in womenworldwide. The goal of the present study was to determine the prevalence and distribution of HPV genotypes inwomen from Saudi Arabia. Recently, several HPV detection methods have been developed, each with differentsensitivities and specificities. Methods: In this study, total forty cervical samples were subjected to polymerasechain reaction and hybridization to BioFilmChip microarray assessment. Results: Human papillomavirus(HPV) infections were found in 43% of the specimens. The most prevalent genotypes were HPV 16 (30%) HPV18 (8.0%) followed by type HPV 45, occurring at 5.0%. Conclusion: Our finding showed the HPV infection andprevalence is increasing at alarming rate in women of Saudi Arabia. There was no low risk infection detected inthe tested samples. The BioFilmChip microarray detection system is highly accurate and suitable for detectionof single and multiple infections, allowing rapid detection with less time-consumption and easier performanceas compared with other methods.  相似文献   

Introduction: HPV infection has a prime etiologic role in development and progression of cervical cancer, one ofthe most frequent forms of cancer among women in developing countries. This study was designed to determine themost prevalent HPV genotypes in women with normal and abnormal cervical cytology in Iran. Materials and Methods:Samples from134 patients, including 127 who attended gynecology clinics and 7 with solid cervical tumors wereused. All 127 patients underwent routine Pap tests for cytological evaluation and at the same visit a sample ofcervical epithelial cells was obtained by scraping the cervix osteum. In each case HPV infection was primarily evaluatedby PCR using GP 5/6 primers and then subtyping was performed in proved infected samples with specific primersfor HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 11 and 6. After cytological evaluation, 50 patients with abnormal Pap tests were categorizedas the abnormal group and the remaining 77 patients as the normal group. Results: In the normal group, HPVinfection was established in 10 cases (13% infection rate), while 30 HPV positive cases were discovered in the abnormalgroup (60% infected). The most prevalent genotypes among the infected samples were HPV 16 (76%), HPV18 (12.7%)and HPV11/6 (8.5%). Moreover, all 7 tumor samples were positive for HPV general primers of which, 5 sampleswere infected with HPV 16, two were co-infected with HPV16,18 and HPV16,31 genotypes and one was infected withHPV 18. Conclusions: Infection with HPV 16 was found to be significantly higher in abnormal group in comparisonwith normal group (42% vs. 11.6%, P value <0.005), likewise HPV18 genotypes were proved to be more prevalent inabnormal group (8% vs. 0%, P value <0.05). No significant relation between other HPV genotypes and pathologiccervical changes was obtained. According to our study high rates of infection with HPV genotypes in sexually activeIranian women makes molecular investigation for HPV16 and 18 very essential in clinical approaches to patientswith proven dysplasia in their screening tests and also for those patients with borderline (i.e. ASCUS) or incongruouspathology reports. Larger studies are required to determine the most appropriate vaccine with highest protection inIranian women.  相似文献   

One of the most common cancers in women worldwide is cervical cancer, with death rates highest in lessdeveloped countries, including Thailand. This study was conducted to explore the prevalence of humanpapillomavirus (HPV) and its related cytological abnormalities among women attending cervical screeningclinics in Thailand using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). LBC specimens (ThinPrep®, Hologic, WestSussex, UK) were subjected to PCR of the E1 region to identify the most prevalent HPV types. Information onage and cytology grade was also collected. Among a total of 1,662 women, 29 different HPV types were foundand the overall HPV prevalence was 8.7%. HPV prevalence among the general population amounted to 7.8%.The following HPV types were identified: HPV16 (17.9%), HPV90 (16.6%) and HPV71 (10.3%). The rates ofother types were as follows; HPV66 (6.9%), HPV52 (6.2%), HPV34 (5.5%), HPV31 (5.3%), HPV42 (4.8%) andHPV39 (3.4%). HPV infection peaked in women aged around 20-39 years and thereafter gradually declined. Asexpected, HPV DNA can be found in normal cytology specimens. These results which elucidate HPV distributionin Thailand could be useful for vaccine development and the national cervical cancer prevention program.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of abnormal anal cytology in women presenting with abnormal cervical cytology (intraepithelial lesion or cervical cancer) at the largest tertiary university hospital in Thailand. Methods: A cross-sectional prospective study design was used. Anal cytology was performed on 145 women with abnormal cervical cytology between June 2014-Octoble 2014. If abnormal anal cytology was detected, anoscopy was performed with biopsy in any suspicious area of precancerous change. Results: Prevalence of abnormal anal cytology was 5.5% (8 patients). Of 8 patients, six patients presented with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, one patient with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, and one with atypical squamous cell cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Abnormal anoscopic impression was found in 3 cases, as follow: The first case showed faint acetowhite lesion and anoscopic impression was low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; the second case was reported as human papillomavirus (HPV) change by anoscopic impression; and the third case showed dense acetowhite lesion with multiple punctation and pathologic examination showed anal intraepithelial neoplasm III (AIN3). The last patient underwent wide local excision of AIN3 with split-thickness skin graft reconstruction. Final pathology confirmed AIN3 with free resection margin. Conclusion: Prevalence of abnormal anal cytology was 5.5%  in patients with abnormal cervical cytology. The prevalence might be support anal cytology screening in this group of patients.  相似文献   

高危人乳头瘤病毒的持续感染是宫颈癌发生的直接因素.人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)检测从不分型到部分分型及拓展分型,不断发展并在宫颈癌筛查管理的更新完善中发挥重要作用,全球多个指南推荐HPV基因分型用于宫颈癌的初筛及初筛后分流管理.在HPV疫苗用于宫颈癌一级预防的后疫苗时代,全基因分型检...  相似文献   

Cancer of the cervix is the third most common cancer in women worldwide, more than 85% of the casesoccurring in developing countries such as China. In China, since a national cancer registry is already set up butwith geographically limited data generated, the burden of cervical cancer is believed to be underestimated. Highriskhuman papillomavirus (HR-HPV) prevalence among women attending routine cervical cancer screeningprograms has been shown to correlate well with cervical cancer incidence rates based on independently obtainedHPV prevalence data as well as findings for the worldwide cervical cancer burden. Therefore, reviewing dataon HR-HPV prevalence in population-based screening studies and hospital-based case studies will be importantin the context of better understanding the cervical cancer burden and for the evaluation of the potential impactof HPV vaccination in the country. With the advent of prophylactic vaccines, significant progress is likely tobe made in cervical cancer prevention. This article reviews available data on the HPV epidemiology over a12-year time period (2001-2012) in mainland China under different epidemiological aspects: by age group ofstudy population, by ethnicity, by geographic area, as well as time period. The authors also review the potentialacceptability of HPV vaccination among Chinese women.  相似文献   

Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) could affect genesis of both cervical and esophageal cancers. The type-specific distribution of HPV in cervical cytology abnormalities of women has remained unclear in Shantou, an esophageal cancer high-incidence area of China. Data from 22,617 women who were subjected to cervical HPV DNA testing with simultaneous cervical cytological examination during 2009-2013 were therefore here retrospectively evaluated in a hospital-based study. Overall, 16.2% (3,584/22,114)of women with normal cytology were HR-HPV positive, with HPV-52 (4.07%) as the most common type followed by -16 (3.63%), and -58 (2.46%). Prevalence of HR-HPV was 50.3% (253/503) in women with cervical cytological abnormalities, of which in ASC-H 71.4%, ASC-US 39.1%, HSIL 80.3% and LSIL 73.7%. HPV-58 (14.12%) was the most common type for all cervical cytological abnormalities, followed by HPV-16 (13.72%), and -52 (12.72%), while the more common HPV-16 type in ASC-H (42.9%) and HSIL (36.1%), HPV-52 and -58 were the most common types forASC-US (10.3%) and LSIL (25%), respectively. Multiple HPV co-infections were identified in 33.2% (84/253) cytology abnormalities with positive HR-HPV, and the highest prevalence of HPV-58/16 combination in HSIL (28.6%, 6/21) was observed. Our data indicated a relative high prevalence of HPV-58 and -52 in women with cervical cytological abnormalities, which should be considered in the development of next-generation vaccines for Shantou.  相似文献   

The burden of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancers worldwide is significant. Although the incidence of cervical cancer is decreasing due to cervical screening programmes, the incidences of oropharyngeal, anal and vulval cancers are increasing. The introduction of HPV vaccination programmes in many countries has had an impact on HPV infection rates but due to the time-lag from initial HPV infection to the development of invasive carcinoma, the impact on the incidence of HPV-related cancer will take more time to become evident. This review explores the common aspects of HPV-related cancers and how they differ from their HPV-negative counterparts, both clinically and molecularly. It also covers the implications this has on future treatment strategies, including the possible role of immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) is an essential cause of cervical cancer. Becauseof substantial geographical variation in the HPV genotype distribution, data regarding HPV type-specificprevalence for a particular country are mandatory for providing baseline information to estimate effectivenessof currently implemented HPV-based cervical cancer prevention. Accordingly, this review was conducted toevaluate the HR-HPV genotype distribution among Thai women with precancerous cervical lesions i.e. cervicalintraepithelial neoplasia grade 2-3 (CIN 2-3), adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), and invasive cervical cancer byreviewing the available literature. The prevalence of HR-HPV infection among Thai women with CIN 2-3 rangedfrom 64.8% to 90.1% and the three most common genotypes were HPV 16 (38.5%), HPV 58 (20.0%), and HPV18 (5.5%). There were high squamous cell carcinoma/CIN 2-3 prevalence ratios in women with CIN 2-3 infectedwith HPV 33 and HPV 58 (1.40 and 1.38, respectively), emphasizing the importance of these subtypes in the riskof progression to invasive cancer among Thai women. Data regarding the prevalence and genotype distributionof HR-HPV in Thai women with AIS remain unavailable. Interesting findings about the distribution of HPVgenotype in cervical cancer among Thai women include: (1) a relatively high prevalence of HPV 52 and HPV58 in invasive squamous cell carcinoma; (2) the prevalence of HPV 18-related adenocarcinoma is almost doublethepreviously reported prevalence, and (3) 75% of neuroendocrine carcinomas are HPV18-positive when takinginto account both single and multiple infections.  相似文献   

High-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is important in cervical cancer screening for triagecolposcopy. The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of HR HPV infection with different cervicalcytological features among women undergoing health examination. A total of 2,897 women were retrospectivelyevaluated between May 2011 to December 2011. DNA was extracted from residual specimens collected duringroutine liquid-based cytology tests at the National Cancer Institute. Overall, HR HPV prevalence was 9.3%including 1.6% of HPV-16 and 0.4% of HPV-18. Of all 270 HPV positive samples, 211 (78.1% were HR-HPVnon 16/18; 47 (17.4%) were HPV-16 and 12 (4.4%) were HPV-18. The prevalence of HPV infection was similarin all age groups, although a higher rate was observed in women age 31-40 years. Among women with normalcytology, HR HPV positive were found in 6.7%. In abnormal cytology, HR HPV were found 46.7% in atypicalsquamous cells (ASC), 54.8% in low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) and 80.0% in high-gradesquamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL). HPV-16 was detected in 8.6%, 6.4% and 12.0% of ASC, LSIL andHSIL, respectively. The results of this study provide baseline information on the HPV type distribution, whichmay be useful for clinicians to decide who should be monitored or treated more aggressively.  相似文献   

Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) subtypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68 have beenimplicated in the development of cervical cancer (CC). These 13 high risk HPV types have been shown to be presentin up to 99.7% of CC samples. In Mexico, this cancer is the leading cause of death from malignancy among women.The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of different HPV genotypes and investigate epidemiological aspectsassociated with HPV infection in women from Cozumel. Material and methods: We performed an epidemiological,prospective and cross sectional study with 1,187 who accepted participation in a campaign of screening for CC, duringthe period 2014 to 2015. Data on epidemiological and socio-economic variables were obtained. Cervical cells werecollected for detection of HPV DNA and typing of HPV-positive samples by Multiplex PCR, using a commercialkit for 16 viral genotypes. Results: The overall prevalence of HPV in women from Cozumel was 15.8 % (188/1,187),either single (13.6%) or multiple (2.19 %). The most common HPV types , in descending order of frequency, were 58(24.5 %), 59 (13.3 %), 39 (12.2 %) and 66 (9.6 %). The most frequent high risk types were HPV-58 and -59 and of lowrisk HPV types the most common was HPV-6. Number of sexual partners (OR=4.78; 95% CI= 2.73-8.37; P=<0.0001)and age of first coitus (OR=0.51; 95% CI=0.32-0.81; P=<0.0011) were significantly associated with HPV infection.Conclusions: Our data indicate that the overall incidence of high risk HPV infection in Cozumel is low as compared toother studies worldwide, with a different profile of subtypes. However, as expected, risky sexual behavior was foundassociated with positive cases of HPV. These results highlight the need for establish strategies to prevent HPV acquisitionand evaluate the impact of a vaccine application in the Cozumel population.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is evidence that identifying subtypes of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) has impacted on various steps of cervical cancer prevention.Thus, it is mandatory to determine the background prevalence and distribution of HPV subtypes for designing and implementing area-specificmanagement. The present study was conducted to evaluate prevalence and distribution of HPV subtypes among women aged 30-70 years living in Lampang, an area with a high incidence of cervical cancer, through use of a mobile screening unit. Of 2,000 women recruited in this study, 108 (5.40%, 95%CI: 4.45-6.48) were found to have HR-HPV infection. Risk was significantly correlated with age and number of partners. Singly or in combination, the most common genotype was HPV 52 (17.6%), followed by HPV 16 (14.81%), HPV 58 (13.89%), HPV 33 (11.11%), HPV 51 (11.11%), and HPV 56 (9.26%). HPV 18 was found in only 5.6% of cases. Together, HPV 16/18 were noted in approximately 20.4% of cases. Eighteen(16.67%) women were positive with multiple subtypes of HR-HPV. Co-infection most frequently involved HPV 16 or HPV 58. These findings have obvious implications for vaccine policy.  相似文献   

宫颈癌高发区新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织中HPV DNA的测定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 研究我国宫颈癌高发区新疆维吾尔自治区维族妇女宫颈癌发病与人类乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)的关系。方法 对75例新疆维吾尔族宫颈癌患者癌组织及20例正常宫颈组织,采用PCR(聚合酶链反应)技术检测HPV-C(总的HPV)、HPV16、HPV18及HPV6/11。结果 HPV-C、HPV16、HPV18及HPV6/11在宫颈癌患者及正常宫颈组织中的检出率分别为86.7%、72.0%、12.0%、0及20.0%、10.0%、0、10.0%。HPV16在HPV阳性患者中所占的比例为83.1%,宫颈癌患者中HPV-C、HPV16检出率明显高于正常对照组,鳞癌HPV16阳性率明显高于腺癌,而腺癌HPV18检出率明显高于鳞癌(P<0.05)。HPV总感染率及HPV16阳性率,在不同临床分期及不同病理分级宫颈癌组织间无显著性差异。结论 HPV感染与我国宫颈癌高发区新疆维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌发病有密切相关,其中HPV16感染在其发病中起主要作用,但HPV感染对宫颈癌的进展影响不大。  相似文献   

Background: To investigate the infection status and predominant genotype distribution of humanpapillomavirus (HPV) infection among Chinese patients with mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC) or cervical cancer(CC) in Hangzhou. Methods: Initially, 217 cases of healthy cervix controls (n=50), acute MPC (n=89), and CC(n=78) were included; samples were collected between January 1, 2010, and January 30, 2013. Cervical specimenswere screened for HPV using a nested polymerase chain reaction assay and DNA sequencing. Results: Overallprevalence of HPV infection was 16.7% in the control group, 51.9% in the MPC group, and 84.4% in the CCgroup. The predominant genotype detected in all 3 groups was the oncogenic variant HPV 16 (55.8%, 17.3%,and 6.3% in the CC, MPC and control specimens, respectively), HPV58 was the second most predominant HPVtype in CC (9.1%), MPC (8.6%), and control group (4.2%). Most or all of the genotypes were oncogenic in thethree groups. Conclusions: Infection with HPV was found to be prevalent among Chinese women with MPC orCC and oncogenic variants were in the majority. Therefore, peoples who suffered MPC with HPV DNA positiveshould be regularly followed-up, for prevention and early treatment of cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Background: In many advanced countries other than Japan, the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer, which is mainly caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, are decreasing probably due to the high rate of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. In Japan, these rates are on the rise owing to the stagnation of vaccination and low screening rate. To improve these situations, active promotion of HPV vaccination and screening is required. As a preliminary stage, we investigated perceptions regarding cervical cancer and HPV vaccines among Japanese men and women and examined the difference in perceptions by sex. Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional questionnaire survey targeting Sojo University students and working adults. University students were targeted before learning about cervical cancer. Working adults were recruited on the basis of information from the Health Promotion of Health and Welfare Department of Kumamoto Prefectural Government in Japan and from companies via student organizations promoting cancer prevention. We surveyed respondents’ knowledge and awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer and performed logistic regression analysis to compare the results between men and women. Result: A total of 557 completed questionnaires (205 men and 352 women) were analyzed. Women had high levels of knowledge and awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer compared with men. However, 70% of women surveyed had never been screened for cervical cancer. Conclusion: A total of 557 completed questionnaires (205 men and 352 women) were analyzed. Women had high levels of knowledge and awareness about HPV vaccination and cervical cancer compared with men. However, among surveyed women, the degree of knowledge and awareness was lower than that among women in other countries with established HPV vaccination programs. Furthermore, 70% of women surveyed had never been screened for cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Background: The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA tumor virus that causes epithelial proliferation. There are more than 100 HPV subtypes, of which 13 subtypes are regarded as high risk subtypes that can cause cancers of epithelial mucosal surfaces. High risk human papilloma viruses (HR-HPV) subtypes 16 and 18 plays a major role in the etiology of cervical cancer worldwide. Therefore, the aim of this study was to screen for the existence of HPV16 and HPV18 among Yemeni women with cervical lesions. Methodology: Formalin fixed paraffin wax processed tissue blocks were retrieved for 200 patients (150 were previously diagnosed with cervical cancer and the remaining 50 were diagnosed with different benign conditions). Results: Of the 200 cervical cancer tissue specimens, HR-HPV 16 was identified in 74/200 (37%) samples and couldn’t be recognized in 126/200(63%) tissue samples. HR-HPV 18 was identified in 32/200 (16%) specimens and couldn’t be recognized in 168/200(84%) tissue specimens. Conclusion: HR-HPV subtypes were prevalent among Yemeni women with cervical cancer, with significant increase of HR-HPV subtype 16 over the HR-HPV subtype 18.  相似文献   

It has been reported that cervical cancers positive for human papillomavirus (HPV) 18 have a poorer prognosis than those with other HPV types. To gain a better understanding of the aggressive character of HPV 18-positive cancers, we examined the difference in genomic organization between HPV 18 and HPV 16 harbored in cervical cancers. We amplified E1 and E2 genes from 9 HPV 18-positive and 31 HPV 16-positive cervical cancers by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). At least one of the two early genes was missing in 3 out of 9 HPV 18-positive cancers, while both PCRs were positive in all 31 HPV 16-positive cancers (P<0.05). We then analyzed the 9 HPV 18-positive cancers by 15 contiguous polymerase chain reactions covering collectively the whole HPV 18 genome. In addition to the three with a deletion of the E1 or E2 gene, one had a deletion in the E5 and L2 genes and one had an insertion in the long control region. The frequent alterations in genomic organization, especially preferential deletion of the E1 or E2 gene, may be related to the more aggressive properties of HPV 18-positive cervical cancers.  相似文献   

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