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结肠癌致肠梗阻的发生率约占结肠癌的 7%~2 9 % ,是结肠癌进展期和晚期的并发症 ,及时选择手术时机 ,正确选择手术方式对患者的预后起到至关重要的作用。我们自 1985年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 8月收治 118例 ,对 5 8例行急症肿瘤切除肠管一期吻合术 ,取得了良好的效果 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料 治疗组 5 8例 ,对照组 60例 ,对两组资料的性别、年龄及合并症进行统计学处理 ,具有可比性 ,见表 1。表 1 临床资料n年龄 (岁 )性别男女并发症吻合口漏伤口感染其它治疗组 5 85 8 45± 5 6 82 92 914 2对照组 6 0 5 7 93± 6 5 72 8… 相似文献
目的:探讨腹腔镜十二指肠空肠吻合术治疗肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征的安全性及可行性,总结其诊断、手术治疗经验及治疗效果。方法:回顾分析8例腹腔镜下十二指肠空肠吻合术治疗肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征患者的临床资料。结果:本组8例均顺利完成腹腔镜十二指肠空肠吻合术,无一例中转开腹或死亡。手术时间60~137 min,平均(98.6±30.2)min;术后住院10~19 d,平均(14.8±2.7)d;术中出血量50~120 ml,平均(85.6±24.1)ml。术后腹痛、腹胀症状消失,其中1例发生吻合口瘘,经保守治疗痊愈。术后随访0.5~3年,无严重并发症发生。结论:腹腔镜下十二指肠空肠吻合术可作为治疗肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征的手术治疗方法,临床疗效较好。 相似文献
目的探讨左半结肠癌肠梗阻术中排便减压一期切除吻合术的安全性和疗效。方法回顾分析2000年1月至2010年3月间对45例左半结肠癌肠梗阻患者行术中排便或/和灌洗一期切除吻合术的临床病理资料,并与同期行Hartmann术的28例左半结肠癌肠梗阻患者的临床疗效进行比较。结果两组患者在年龄、性别、基础疾病、肿瘤部位、分期等方面差异无统计学意义。术中一期切除吻合组与Hartmann术组并发症发生率分别为26.7%和28.6%(P=0.682);手术死亡率分别为2.2%和3.6%(P=0.351),差异均无统计学意义。术中一期切除吻合组总住院时间为(17.1±6.9)d,住院费用为(51087.5±37916.4)元;Hartmann术组首次手术切除和二次关瘘术的总住院时间为(25.7±8.9)d,两次总住院费用为(78624.2±31734.7)元;两组比较,分别为P=0.001和P=0.020,差异有统计学意义。结论严格掌握手术适应证和基本操作,对左半结肠癌肠梗阻术中排便减压一期切除吻合术是可行的、安全的。 相似文献
目的: 总结胆肠Roux-Y吻合术后胆石性肠梗阻的临床诊治经验.方法: 分析连续收治2例胆肠Roux-Y吻合术后不同部位胆石性肠梗阻患者的症状、诊治经过与治疗结果.结果: 本组2例结石梗阻部位不同,症状各异,均曾被误诊.最后分别接受了回肠切开取石手术以及空肠切开取石后进一步取尽胆道结石的手术.术后恢复均良好,无术后并发症.结论: 胆肠Roux-Y吻合术后胆石性肠梗阻可分为2种类型:Ⅰ型结石梗阻于远端空、回肠内;Ⅱ型结石梗阻于排外空肠内.后者为闭襻性肠梗阻,后果更为严重.手术方法的选择则可根据病情而定. 相似文献
结肠癌是消化道常见的恶性肿瘤,包括隆起型、溃疡型、浸润型、胶样型,右半结肠癌以隆起型为多见,以全身症状、贫血、腹部肿块为主要表现;而左半结肠癌则以浸润型为多见,且常可导致肠管的环形狭窄和肠梗阻,以腹胀、腹痛、便秘等为显著症状[1].因此,左半结肠癌晚期引起的急性低位完全性肠梗阻是外科常见的急腹症之一,其并发症发生率及病死率均较高,手术术式选取及术中处理的恰当与否直接关系到患者的预后[2].传统的治疗方案大多采用一期近端肠造瘘解除梗阻,二期再行根治切除术,但这会给患者增加痛苦和经济负担.山东兖矿集团总医院1999年3月-2008年5月收治38例左半结肠癌合并急性肠梗阻患者,术中采用结肠灌洗减压或单纯减压后行一期肠切除吻合术,取得了较好疗效,将手术经验及结果总结报道如下. 相似文献
肠梗阻导管在结直肠癌性肠梗阻治疗中的应用研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的 探讨肠梗阻导管治疗结直肠癌性肠梗阻的临床效果.方法 对我院2005年12月至2008年12月期间收治的32例结直肠癌性肠梗阻患者先行经鼻和经肛两种途径置入肠梗阻导管,通过导管减压、引流等治疗后,再行一期根治切除吻合术.结果 32例患者中19例经鼻及经肛型肠梗阻导管双侧同时性置入成功,另13例仅完成经鼻型肠梗阻导管置入.置管12~36 h后所有患者腹痛、腹胀症状明显缓解;26例于48~96 h后腹痛、腹胀症状完全消失.比较所有患者置管前、后腹围缩小程度,置管24 h后为(81.3±19.6)%,明显小于置管前的100%(t=3.586,P=0.02).32例患者经肠梗阻导管治疗5~7 d后,均成功施行一期根治切除吻合术,术后无腹腔感染、吻合口漏等严重并发症发生.结论 经肠梗阻导管减压、引流等治疗后再行一期根治切除吻合术,是治疗结直肠癌性肠梗阻的有效方法. 相似文献
磁压榨吻合技术极大改善了传统吻合的效率和效果,是磁外科技术的重要组成部分,其安全性和可行性已在动物实验和临床中得到验证,现已广泛用于胃肠、肝胆胰、食管、血管等,形成了磁压榨胃肠吻合、空肠吻合、胆肠吻合、食管吻合、血管吻合等。追踪其在外科手术中用于吻合重建的情况,对于未来的发展具有重要的意义。 相似文献
Shalimov AA Kopchak VM Khomiak IB Todurov IM Buryĭ AN Dronov AI 《Klinichna khirurhiia / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'ia Ukra?ny, Naukove tovarystvo khirurhiv Ukra?ny》2000,(12):5-8
The methods of formation and the surgical instruments for the biliodigestive compression anastomoses (BDA) doing were elaborated in the clinic. For the 1997-2000 years period 137 patients were operated on for the biliary ducts impassibility, in 36 of whom the compression BDA was formated. In 69% patients the rejection was noted on 7-10th day after the operation. The result of treatment was studied in 6 month-4 years term and estimated as good in 32 (94.12%) patients. 相似文献
一期肠切除吻合治疗结直肠癌并发急性肠梗阻37例 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
1.1一般资料 我院1993年10月~2003年10月共收治结直肠癌783例,其中并发急性肠梗阻急诊手术94例,占12%。行一期肠切除吻合37例,男22例,女15例,年龄21~85岁,40岁以上31例,占83.8%,病程12h~1周。 相似文献
Preoperative evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with bowel obstruction 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Matsuoka H Takahara T Masaki T Sugiyama M Hachiya J Atomi Y 《American journal of surgery》2002,183(6):614-617
BACKGROUND: Bowel obstruction is a problematic condition because the main clinical issue is to determine whether emergency laparotomy or observation with a long tube is required. The recent development of imaging diagnostic modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is thought to be promising to support therapeutic decisions in patients with bowel obstruction. METHODS: Twenty-seven patients with bowel obstruction who underwent laparotomy were evaluated by plain x-ray film, computed tomography (CT) scan, and MRI preoperatively with regard to the presence or absence of bowel obstruction, and the site and cause of bowel obstruction. Diagnostic accuracies were compared among these radiological modalities. RESULTS: The presence of bowel obstruction was detected in 22 (81.5%) of 27 patients by plain abdominal x-ray film, in 24 (92.3%) of 26 patients by CT scan, and in 25 (92.6%) of 27 patients by MRI. The sites of obstruction were consistent with surgical findings in 25 (92.6%) of 27 patients by MRI, and in 15 (57.7%) of 26 patients by CT scan. The causes of bowel obstruction were accurately diagnosed by MRI in 25 (92.6%) of 27 patients, and in 23 (88.5%) of 26 patients by CT scan. CONCLUSIONS: MRI could identify the presence and the site and cause of bowel obstruction in most of the cases. MRI is assumed to be superior to CT scan in the preoperative diagnosis of bowel obstruction. 相似文献
目的:比较磁吻合技术(MCA)与传统缝合吻合犬门静脉的组织学差异。方法:选择健康中华田园犬18只,雌雄不限,月龄8~12个月,体重13.5~18.9 kg。电脑编号后随机分为MCA组(
n=9,切断门静脉再手工缝合)。比较两组门静脉吻合... 相似文献
陶锐 《中国现代普通外科进展》2013,16(2):118-121
目的:比较胆道梗阻性疾病胆肠吻合应用改良胆肠襻式吻合术式和Roux-en-Y吻合术式的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析72例行胆肠吻合术患者的临床资料,其中行改良胆肠襻式吻合36例(改良组),行胆肠Roux-en-Y吻合术36例(对照组)。比较两组患者吻合手术时间、肠鸣音出现、肛门排气及住院时间,观察胆汁漏发生、总胆红素下降指标、胆肠吻合口狭窄、胆汁反流情况。结果:改良组吻合手术时间较对照组明显缩短(0.9±0.4 h vs 1.4±0.6 h,P<0.05);术后肠鸣音出现时间较对照组早(2.3±4.0h vs 60.2±5.2 h,P<0.05),肛门排气时间较对照组提前(70.2±5.3 h vs 88.1±6.5 h,P<0.05),住院时间较对照组少(10.0±1.9 d vs 12.0±3.0 d,P<0.05)。术后对照组发生1例胆汁漏(5.6%);术后2周总胆红素下降指标>50%比率,改良组优于对照组(91.7%vs 83.3%);胆肠吻合口狭窄情况改良组优于对照组(2.8%vs 5.6%);术后胆汁反流情况改良组优于对照组(2.8%vs 8.3%)。结论:改良胆肠襻式吻合术较传统胆肠Roux-en-Y吻合术,能缩短手术时间、肠道功能恢复快、改善术后肝功能,术后胆汁反流发生率低、手术操作简单方便,尤其适用于基层县级医院,但仍存在捆扎肠襻再通可能,需进一步改进。 相似文献
磁性压榨吻合是通过磁性吻合器之间的相互吸引将欲吻合管道组织压在一起、实现组织连续性重建的方法。通过磁环、磁柱加磁环和整套磁体3个阶段的发展和创新,目前磁性压榨吻合已经在血管和各种消化道吻合中应用,并成功解决了多种复杂胆道梗阻和食管狭窄等的再吻合。尽管国内外学者在磁性压榨吻合的应用研究方面做过不少的探索,但限于目前的研究多属个案报道形式,其操作的标准化程度较差,经验不易复制。我们期待磁性压榨吻合技术引起业内更多学者的关注,开发这项技术研究的基础数据库,搭建一系列磁性吻合研究所需的技术平台,出台一整套磁性压榨吻合的使用规范和效果评价体系,全面推进磁性压榨吻合技术的推广和应用,造福广大患者。 相似文献
《Journal of pediatric surgery》2019,54(10):2166-2171
BackgroundMagnetic compression anastomosis (MCA) is a commonly used anastomosis method. MCA was widely used in tissues repair, gastroenterostomy, choledochoenterostomy, and so on. It is safer and more effective than stapler and manual surgical suturing. However, there are few detailed studies on the biomechanical characteristics and tissue transformation mechanisms of the anastomosis process. In this research, taking intestinal tissue as research object, we need to determine an optimal compressive force range to provide a biomechanical reference for the design of anastomats.MethodsMagnets with different magnetic force groups (2.06, 3.21, 6.27, 13.3 and 19.2 N) were implanted into each dog to form intestinal tissue side-to-side anastomoses. Five dogs were euthanized on each of postoperative day 1, day 3, and day 7. Anastomoses were then harvested and compared with respect to postoperative complications, histology and tear-resistance load capacity (TRLC).ResultsThe TRLC of anastomotic tissue formed by magnets with different magnetic forces differed markedly, but with the tissue growth, the TRLC differences between groups were decreased. Histology of anastomotic tissue showed that, in the initial stage, the anastomoses compressed by 2.06-N magnets did not form effectively, while the leakage appeared in the anastomoses compressed by 19.2-N magnets, in the rest groups, with magnetic force increasing, severity of ischemia and necrosis of compressed tissue increased and healing speed of anastomotic tissue improved. In the late stage, the influence of magnetic force for anastomotic tissue was gradually diminished.ConclusionsThe magnetic force applied on the magnetic compression anastomats affects the necrosis speed of compressed tissue and the healing speed of anastomotic tissue. The optimal compressive force range for intestinal compression anastomosis is 6.27 N to 13.3 N, and the actual optimal compression pressure is 79.8 kPa - 169 kPa.Level of EvidenceMagnetic compression anastomosis (MCA) is a commonly used anastomosis method. MCA was widely used in tissues repair, gastroenterostomy, choledochoenterostomy, and so on. It is safer and more effective than stapler and manual surgical suturing. However, there are few detailed studies on the biomechanical characteristics and tissue transformation mechanisms of the anastomosis process. In this research, taking intestinal tissue as research object, we need to determine an optimal compressive force range to provide a biomechanical reference for the design of anastomats. 相似文献
目的:探讨磁吻合技术在腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术(laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomy,LPD)中应用的可行性和安全性。方法:回顾分析2018年5月至2019年9月于西安交通大学第一附属医院肝胆外科接受LPD+磁吻合消化道重建的7例患者资料,其中男性6例,女性1例,患者中位年龄63(56~8... 相似文献
R Rosati C Rebuffat U Fumagalli M Montorsi P Zannini S Bona E Ronchetti B Cesana P G Settembrini G C Roviaro 《International surgery》1992,77(4):293-296
Colonic anastomoses made both by a new Compression Anastomotic Device (CAD) and by a traditional stapler (Autosuture CDEEA) were evaluated in impaired anastomotic healing induced by systemic cortisone in the dog. Twenty dogs were given daily i.m. hydrocortisone (25 mg/kg) starting one month before surgery and then until sacrifice. Eight untreated dogs served as controls. Surgery consisted of colonic transection and anastomosis done with CAD-25 in half the cases and with CDEEA-25 in the remaining half. The dogs were sacrificed six and 13 days after surgery. Macroscopic assessment, bursting pressure test, and histology were performed on the anastomosis. One dog died from peritonitis due to anastomotic dehiscence. No other clinical complications were observed. Although the number of observations was too small to attain statistical significance, CAD anastomoses appeared better than stapled ones as regards peri-anastomotic adhesions, anastomotic index, and histology. This preliminary study suggests that compression is as reliable as the stapler in the construction of colon anastomosis even in such situations of delayed anastomotic healing. Further experience is required to substantiate this conclusion. 相似文献