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BACKGROUND: The 4-item Migraine-ACT questionnaire is an assessment tool for use by primary care physicians to identify patients who require a change in their current acute migraine treatment. It has been shown to be easy to use, and to be reliable and accurate in its assessments. OBJECTIVES: To further analyze the Migraine-ACT study database, providing additional information on the reliability, validity, and potential clinical utility of the questionnaire. METHODS: Reliability was assessed by recording the distribution of Migraine-ACT scores recorded at baseline and 1 week later (test-retest reliability). Analyses of consistency of Migraine-ACT scores were conducted on the total sample of patients and for the separate centers, using Pearson and Spearman correlations. Validity was assessed by comparing the t-discrimination values for clinically relevant questions within domains of the original 27-item questionnaire. Reliability and validity were also assessed by constructing an "alternative" (Form B) Migraine-ACT questionnaire, derived from an analysis of the second-best items in each domain in the original study data. Clinical utility was assessed using Pearson pairwise correlations to compare Migraine-ACT scores with clinically defined criteria as analyzed by the SF-36 Quality of Life questionnaire, the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) questionnaire, and the Migraine Therapy Assessment (MTAQ) questionnaire. RESULTS: The distribution of Migraine-ACT scores between the 2 completions of the questionnaire was consistent for the total sample (test-retest reliability, r= .81) and between the individual countries (r= .61 to .92). In this study, the validity (assessed as t-discrimination) of the Migraine-ACT "impact" and "global assessment of relief" questions were markedly higher than those of other endpoints used in migraine clinical studies. The Form B Migraine-ACT questionnaire was almost as reliable and accurate as the original Form A questionnaire. The distribution of Migraine-ACT scores was: 0 = 12.6%, 1 = 13.7%, 2 = 14.7%, 3 = 20.5%, and 4 = 38.4%. The change in Migraine-ACT score correlated with, and had a linear relationship with changes in SF-36, MIDAS, and MTAQ scores, and indicated that a Migraine-ACT score of 相似文献   

目的编制护理硕士专业学位研究生专业能力自评问卷,并对自评问卷进行信度和效度的检验。方法在《护理硕士专业学位研究生专业能力评价指标体系》基础上,形成护理硕士专业学位研究生专业能力自评问卷,并对全国18所招收护理硕士专业学位院校的317名护理研究生进行测评,对问卷进行信度和效度分析。结果护理硕士专业学位研究生专业能力自评问卷由7个维度,57个条目组成,问卷总体的Cronbach'sα系数为0.961,各维度的Cronbach'sα系数在0.834~0.914之间;问卷与注册护士核心能力量表修订版中内容相近维度的得分呈中度相关;利用探索性因子分析对自评问卷57个条目进行分析,发现各条目在相应共同因子上的载荷在0.356~0.838之间,7个共同因子累计贡献率为58.41%,自评问卷的因子结构与理论构想基本一致。结论护理硕士专业学位研究生专业能力自评问卷具有良好的信度和效度,适用于护理硕士专业学位研究生专业能力的评价。  相似文献   

目的 初步研制适合评估我国产妇产后需求的问卷,并对其进行信效度检验。方法 通过问卷条目编制、三轮的专家函询、预试验,最终形成初版问卷,且在342名顺产产妇中进行信效度评价。结果 问卷共有31个条目、4个维度(生理需求6个条目,心理需求9个条目,环境及设备需求4个条目,服务需求12个条目)。该问卷的Cronbach’sα系数为0.952,分半信度为0.940,各维度的Cronbach’sɑ系数均>0.8,内容效度指数(CVI)=0.943。探索性因子分析结果表明,各条目的因子最大负荷值均>0.4,主成分分析可提取4个公因子,累积方差贡献率为59.123%,各维度与总分间的相关系数为0.719~0.798(P<0.01)。结论 产妇产后需求问卷经初步检验有较好的信、效度,可作为顺产产妇产后需求的调查工具。  相似文献   

Background: Thus far there have been no specific patient-reported outcome instrument in Finnish for health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessment after major lower extremity amputation and successful prosthesis fitting.

Methods: The prosthesis evaluation questionnaire (PEQ) was translated and cross-culturally adapted into Finnish. Participants completed a questionnaire package including the Finnish version of the PEQ and the 15?D HRQoL instrument. Scales (n?=?10) were tested for internal consistency, floor-ceiling effect, and reproducibility for which participants completed the PEQ twice within a 2-week interval. Validity was tested by estimating the correlation between the 15?D index and the scales. The authors included 122 participants who had completed the questionnaire on two separate occasions in the final analysis.

Results: Mean scale scores of the 10 scales varied from 52 to 83. Cronbach’s alphas ranged from 0.67 to 0.96. The total score showed no floor-ceiling effect. Reproducibility of the scales was good (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.78–0.87; coefficient of repeatability, 19–36). Significant correlations were observed between the 15?D index and the scales for ambulation, social burden, usefulness, and well-being.

Conclusions: This study provided evidence of the reliability and validity of the Finnish version of the PEQ in assessing the HRQoL among major lower extremity amputated patients who have been fitted with prosthesis.
  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • Measurement of quality of life during rehabilitation can provide important information on patients’ well-being.

  • The prosthesis evaluation questionnaire (PEQ) is a valid instrument for assessing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after major lower extremity amputation.

  • This study provided evidence of the reliability and validity of the Finnish version of the PEQ for assessing HRQoL among patient who have undergone major lower extremity amputation.


We have assessed the validity and reliability of a self-administered headache questionnaire used in the 'Nord-Tr?ndelag Health Survey 1995-97 (HUNT)' in Norway, by blindly comparing questionnaire-based headache diagnoses with those made in a clinical interview of a sample of the participants. Restrictive questionnaire-based diagnostic criteria for migraine, assessed according to modified criteria of the International Headache Society, performed excellently in selecting 'definite' migraine patients (100% positive predictive value). The best agreement concerning migraine diagnoses was achieved by using a liberal set of criteria (kappa 0.59). Similar agreement was found evaluating patient status as headache sufferers, and as sufferers from frequent headaches (>6 days per month) (kappa 0.57 and 0.50, respectively). The kappa values of non-migrainous headache and chronic headache (> 14 days per month) were 0.43 and 0.44, respectively. The results suggest that our self-administered questionnaire may be suitable in identifying a population with 'definite' migraine, and the questionnaire is an acceptable instrument in determining the prevalence in Nord-Tr?ndelag of headache sufferers, migraine, non-migrainous headache, and frequent or chronic headache sufferers.  相似文献   

目的:对助产士核心胜任力量表进行信度和效度的检测。方法:采用文献回顾的方法,重点参考国际助产联盟制定的助产士胜任力标准,通过助产专业的专家,形成助产士核心胜任力量表,并对北京市19家医院的300名助产士进行测评,对量表进行信度和效度分析,最终形成量表。结果:有效量表295份。助产士核心胜任力量表共由6个维度,54项条目组成,其内部一致性Cronbach’sα系数为0.978,各分维度的Cronbach’sα系数为0.921~0.938之间,均在0.9以上,总量表的内容效度比为0.95,结构效度6个因子的累计解释变量为70.927%,均在测量学可接受的范围。结论:该助产士核心胜任力量表具有良好的信度和效度,条目设置适用于我国助产士核心胜任力的评价。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to assess the test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and validity of a Japanese translation of the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) Questionnaire in a sample of Japanese patients with headache. BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated that the English-language version of the MIDAS Questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of migraine-related disability. Any translations of the MIDAS Questionnaire must also be assessed for reliability and validity. METHODS: Study participants were recruited from the patient population attending either the Neurology Department of Kitasato University or an affiliated clinic. Participants were eligible for study entry if they had 6 or more primary headaches per year. For reliability testing, participants completed the MIDAS Questionnaire on 2 occasions, exactly 2 weeks apart. To assess validity, patients were also invited to participate in a 90-day daily diary study. Composite measures from the 90-day diaries were compared to equivalent MIDAS measures (ie, 5 questions on headache-related disability and 1 question each on average pain intensity and headache frequency in the last 3 months) and to the total MIDAS score obtained from a third MIDAS Questionnaire completed at the end of this 90-day period. RESULTS: One hundred one patients between the ages of 21 and 77 years were recruited (81 women and 20 men). Ninety-nine patients (80 women and 19 men) participated in the diary study. At baseline, 46.5% of patients were MIDAS grade I or II (minimal, mild, or infrequent disability), 22.2% were MIDAS grade III (moderate disability), and 31.3% were MIDAS grade IV (severe disability). Test-retest Spearman correlations for the 5 disability questions and the questions on average pain intensity and headache frequency ranged from 0.59 to 0.80 (P<.0001). The test-retest Spearman correlation coefficient for the total MIDAS score was 0.83 (P<.0001). The degree to which individual MIDAS questions correlated with the diary-based measures ranged from 0.36 to 0.88. The correlation between the total MIDAS score and the equivalent diary-based measure was 0.66. In general, the mean and median values for the MIDAS items and total MIDAS score were similar to the means and medians for the diary-based measures. However, the mean MIDAS scores for the number of days on which headache was experienced and the number of missed workdays were significantly different compared to the diary-based estimates for these items (P<.05). In addition, the mean MIDAS score for the number of days of missed housework was significantly higher than the corresponding diary-based estimate (P<.01). CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study show that the Japanese translation of the MIDAS Questionnaire is comparable with the English-language version in terms of reliability and validity.  相似文献   

姜贺  许乐 《护理管理杂志》2013,13(6):386-388
目的初步编制适用于我国临床护理人员的患者安全文化测评问卷。方法通过查阅文献,结合半结构访谈形成问卷初稿,然后经专家咨询及预调查进行修改,对580名护理人员施测,检验问卷的信效度。结果临床护理人员的患者安全文化测评问卷由医院管理支持、护士长参与、护士执行力、团队合作、开放性沟通、持续改进、惩罚性感受和不良事件报告8个维度构成,共36个条目。其内容效度比为0.974,因子分析提取8个公因子的累及贡献率达61.39%。总问卷Cronbachgd系数为0.875,各维度Cronbaeh's α系数为0.658~0.890。结论临床护理人员的患者安全文化测评问卷具有较好的信效度,可用于评价临床护理人员的患者安全文化。  相似文献   

目的:形成手术体位舒适性量表并对其信度、效度进行检验。方法:研究分两阶段进行,第一阶段根据手术患者的特殊性对Kolcaba舒适状况量表进行修改调整,请专家进行评定,经过两轮专家函询,初步形成量表并检验它的效度。第二阶段进行两轮问卷调查,检测量表的信度。第一轮问卷调查便利选取30名研究对象,第二轮便利选取120名研究对象进行调查。结果:条目水平的内容效度指数(I-CVI)值为0.8-1.0,量表水平的平均内容效度指数(S-CVI/Ave)值为0.96。因子分析提取出5个公因子,累计解释变异量为60.40%。整个量表的Cronbach’sα系数为0.86,四个维度的Cronbach’sα系数为0.76-0.88。结论:该量表具有较好的信度、效度和可行性,值得推广使用。在以后的研究中应扩大研究对象的范围,进一步证实该量表的适用性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To develop a German language questionnaire for screening for migraine, tension-type headache, and trigeminal autonomic cephalgias. OBJECTIVE: Aim of the study was to develop a German language self-administered headache questionnaire for screening for migraine (MIG), tension-type headache (TTH), and trigeminal-autonomic cephalgias (TAC). METHODS: Questionnaire-based diagnoses were blindly compared with those of headache experts. RESULTS: Overall 278 headache patients (MIG = 97, TTH = 60, TAC = 98, MIG plus TTH = 23) as well as 42 patients with low back pain without headache and 47 healthy subjects were studied. The Cohen's kappa for 7 headache syndromes including all combination diagnoses was 0.64 (95% CI 0.58-0.70). Sensitivity and specificity for migraine were 0.73 and 0.96, for TTH 0.85 and 0.98, for TAC 0.63 and 0.99, and for MIG plus TTH 0.62 and 0.97, respectively. Ignoring all combination diagnoses, the kappa-coefficient for the monodiagnoses MIG, TTH, and TAC (193 out of 278 patients) was 0.93 (CI 0.83-1.0). The retest-reliability (4 weeks later) was 0.95. CONCLUSION: We present the first questionnaire in German language including 3 most common primary headaches for use in epidemiological research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic migraine is the most common type of chronic daily headache seen in headache tertiary care centers. Most patients with chronic migraine report their ability to function and feeling of well-being as severely impaired. OBJECTIVE: To measure the headache-related disability of patients with chronic migraine using the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) Questionnaire, comparing it with that obtained in a control group of patients with episodic migraine. METHODS: The clinical records of 703 patients with chronic daily headache treated in a headache specialty clinic were reviewed to identify 182 with chronic migraine who were evaluated using the MIDAS at their initial visit. Our control group consisted of 86 patients with episodic migraine. RESULTS: Of the 182 patients with chronic migraine, 127 (69.8%) were overusing acute-care medication. Patients were predominantly women (72.5%), with a mean age of 38.3 years. The group with episodic migraine consisted of 59 women (68.6%), with a mean age of 36.1 years. No statistically significant demographic differences were observed between the two groups. The group with chronic migraine had more total headache days over 3 months (66.7 versus 15.5, P<.001), missed more days of work or school (5.3 versus 2.3, P =.0007), had more reduced effectiveness days at work or school (11.9 versus 4.6, P =.0001), missed more days of housework (16.5 versus 3.3, P<.0001), and missed more days of family, social, or leisure activities (7.0 versus 5.5, P =.03). The group with chronic migraine was more likely to be in MIDAS grade IV (64.3% versus 43.2%, P =.001), reflecting the great likelihood of severe disability in this group. The average total MIDAS score was 34.9 in the group with chronic migraine versus 19.3 in the group with episodic migraine (P<.001). CONCLUSION: In subspecialty centers, patients with chronic migraine demonstrate remarkable impairment of their daily activities and are severely burdened by their headache syndrome, reflected by their high MIDAS scores. The chronicity and pervasiveness of migraine thus is associated with increased functional impairment as well as increase in headache frequency.  相似文献   

目的 探讨中文版构音障碍影响程度量表(DIP)评定帕金森病患者构音障碍社会心理学影响的信度和效度。方法 2021年5月至2022年3月选择中山大学附属第一医院康复医学科帕金森病患者43例,并招募年龄匹配的健康对照43例。将DIP量表进行翻译和调适,并对两组进行评估。计算内部一致性和评分者内信度,每一条目与其所在分量表的相关性,DIP与嗓音障碍指数(VHI)、健康调查简表(SF-36)评分的相关性;比较帕金森病患者和对照组DIP评分。结果 中文版DIP Cronbach α系数为0.732~0.942;在量表第四部分评分者内信度最高(r=0.670, P <0.001)。前四部分相关系数总体为0.315~0.871 (除第三部分第1、6、11题和第四部分第11题外),均有相关性(P <0.05)。DIP总分与VHI总分呈高度负相关(r=-0.821, P <0.01),与SF-36总分中度正相关(r=0.684, P <0.01);两组DIP第一至四部分和总分均有非常显著性差异(P <0.01)。结论 中文版DIP在帕金森病患者检验中具有良好的信度和效度,可...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Norwegian WHOQOL-OLD six-facet, 24-item module designed for assessing generic quality of life cross-culturally among the elderly. Using quota-stratified sampling defined on the basis of sex, age and geographical representation, 401 respondents were drawn from Statistics Norway and completed postal surveys. An additional 89 elderly completed personal interviews. Correlation and multivariate analyses partly confirmed the relevance of individual items and facets in both groups. All items correlated significantly higher with their original facets, although almost half of these items correlated with other facets in both groups. Multiple regression analysis of the module and two overall questions (dependent variables) showed that three facets made significant contributions to overall health, with Social Participation (B = 0.09) contributing most strongly in the postal-group. In the interview-group, only Social Participation (B = 0.20) was found to make a significant contribution, and this was in relation to overall health satisfaction. When the WHOQOL-BREF total score was considered as the dependent variable, different facets contributed significantly in both groups. Exploratory factor analysis of the WHOQOL-OLD in the combined group of both postal and interview samples, resulted in a five-factor solution (eigenvalues >1) explaining 65% of the cumulative variance in five of the six originally operationalized facets. The most conceptually clear facets were Death and Dying and Sensory Abilities. Further, confirmatory factor analyses in the combined group demonstrated a model with good fit, but with high covariance between the factors. Acceptable internal consistency was shown except for the Past, Present and Future Activities in both groups. Since construct validity was only partially confirmed, exploration of the scale's conceptual validity needs further testing in Norwegian and international samples.  相似文献   

本研究采用美国制造的电子角度测量仪对8名健康志愿者腕关节的屈、伸、尺外展和桡外展等功能位置多次重复检测 ,以评定该仪器的信度与效度。结果显示组内和组间信度检验指标AverageMeasurIntraclassCorrelation及95 %C.I.Lower与upper均处于0.900与1.000之间 ,提示该电子角度测量仪有很好的信度与效度 ,能准确测量ROM ,对查找关节活动的障碍因素,明确障碍程度 ,制订康复方案和判定治疗训练效果均有可靠的帮助  相似文献   

[目的]制定组织管理对职业伤害影响调查表,并进行信效度分析。[方法]严格遵循英文量表翻译原则翻译SCQ,通过参考SCQ并结合国情、文献回顾、临床观察、专家咨询及预调查法制定组织管理对职业伤害影响调查表初稿,先后对86名和82名医护人员进行两次小样本预调查,通过探索性因素分析及信效度检验,编制成调查表三稿,并对1 233名医护人员进行了大样本调查以验证调查表的结构效度。[结果]调查表包括人力资源配置、工作环境、安全设施配备、组织文化、安全行为、组织关怀6个维度,共32个条目。调查表Cronbach’sα系数为0.931,各维度的Cron-bach’sα系数为0.705~0.901;内容效度统计分析显示各条目与总分之间的相关性均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);因子分析提取6个因子的累积贡献率为62.027%。[结论]组织管理对职业伤害影响调查表具有较好的信效度,可以用于测量医院组织管理水平。  相似文献   

目的测评中文版家庭坚韧性量表的信度和效度。方法取得原作者对量表的翻译和使用的授权,组成翻译小组对量表进行翻译,选取30名入院患儿的父母进行预调查,对语言表述调适,采用中文版家庭坚韧性量表对330名住院患儿父母进行调查,评价其内部一致性、重测信度、内容效度、结构效度。结果中文版家庭坚韧性量表的Cronbach'sα系数为0.803,折半信度系数为0.738,各条目内容效度和量表总体内容效度指数均为1,结构效度3个公因子的累积贡献率为61.25%。结论中文版家庭坚韧性量表的信度和效度高,有可操作性,可作为家庭坚韧性的测量工具。  相似文献   

[目的]评定中文版造瘘自我护理能力评价表的信度和效度。[方法]引进Susanne等发展的造瘘病人自我护理能力评价表,由研究者使用造瘘自我护理能力评价表对造瘘病人70例进行评价,并分析量表的信效度。[结果]中文版造瘘自我护理能力评价表所有条目的内容效度指数(CVI)为0.80~1.00,平均0.92,评定者信度为0.92,具有良好的区分度。[结论]中文版造瘘自我护理能力评价表具有良好的信度和效度,本量表的引进,将有利于医护人员对造口病人的自我护理技能进行持续动态监测,并为新的干预效果提供评价工具。  相似文献   

Aims. To explore and explain the different concepts of reliability and validity as they are related to measurement instruments in social science and health care. Background. There are different concepts contained in the terms reliability and validity and these are often explained poorly and there is often confusion between them. Design. To develop some clarity about reliability and validity a conceptual framework was built based on the existing literature. Results. The concepts of reliability, validity and utility are explored and explained. Conclusions. Reliability contains the concepts of internal consistency and stability and equivalence. Validity contains the concepts of content, face, criterion, concurrent, predictive, construct, convergent (and divergent), factorial and discriminant. In addition, for clinical practice and research, it is essential to establish the utility of a measurement instrument. Relevance to clinical practice. To use measurement instruments appropriately in clinical practice, the extent to which they are reliable, valid and usable must be established.  相似文献   

[目的]制定组织管理对职业伤害影响调查表,并进行信效度分析.[方法]严格遵循英文量表翻译原则翻译SCQ,通过参考SCQ并结合国情、文献回顾、临床观察、专家咨询及预调查法制定组织管理对职业伤害影响调查表初稿,先后对86名和82名医护人员进行两次小样本预调查,通过探索性因素分析及信效度检验,编制成调查表三稿,并对1233名医护人员进行了大样本调查以验证调查表的结构效度.[结果]调查表包括人力资源配置、工作环境、安全设施配备、组织文化、安全行为、组织关怀6个维度,共32个条目.调查表Cronbach'sα系数为0.931,各维度的Cronbach's α系数为0.705~0.901;内容效度统计分析显示各条目与总分之间的相关性均有统计学意义(P<0.05);因子分析提取6个因子的累积贡献率为62.027%.[结论]组织管理对职业伤害影响调查表具有较好的信效度,可以用于测量医院组织管理水平.  相似文献   

目的:研究颅脑损伤(TBI)国际功能、残疾和健康分类(ICF)评定量表的信度与效度。方法:TBI患者100例,均采用TBI的ICF评定量表、Fugl-Meyer肢体运动功能评定表和改良Barthel指数(MBI)进行评定。效度研究采用结构效度和效标效度的方法,信度研究采用评定员问信度和内部一致性的分析方法。评定员间的信度检验用Kendall'sW值相关;内容一致性检验用Cronbach'sAlpha值分析;效标效度用Pearson相关,判断3个量表间的相关性。结果:ICF评定量表4个维度中,活动与参与方面Cronbach’SAlpha系数为0.927,身体功能方面Cronbach’SAlpha系数为0.739,Kendall'sW值为0.700(均P〈O.05)。ICF评定量表身体功能方面与Fugl—Meyer肢体运动功能评定表间的Pearson系数为0.754,呈现负相关性(P〈0.05);ICF评定量表活动与参与方面与MBI评定表间Pearson系数为0.785,呈现负相关性(P-〈0.05)。结论:TBI的ICF评定量表具有一定的可靠性和有效性,能更好地反映肢体运动功能和日常生活活动能力。  相似文献   

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