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IUDs releasing 20 mcg/day of levonorgestrel (LNg20) were in randomized trial together with the Copper T, model TCu 380Ag, in seven centers involving 2244 women. Two-year (25 months) gross cumulative pregnancy rates were 0.2 +/- 0.2 and 0.9 +/- 0.3 for the levonorgestrel and copper releasing devices, respectively (P greater than 0.05). There were no ectopic pregnancies in more than 1600 woman-years of use of each device. Removal rates for bleeding and/or pain or for medical reasons other than menstrual problems did not differ significantly between devices. Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea prompted 10.7 per hundred (gross rate, 8.4 net rate) women using the LNg 20 IUD to request removal in the two-year period, significantly above the 0.2 per hundred rate among women with the Copper IUD (P less than 0.001). At the end of two years an estimated 59.4 per 100 women were continuing use of the LNg 20 IUD, and 67.5 per 100 (P less than 0.001) with the TCu 380Ag. This difference is almost wholly ascribable to a marked reduction in bleeding episodes and days among women using the LNg 20 device with concomitant removal of device. Hemoglobin rose an average of 0.5 g/dl (P less than 0.001) for this group whereas women using the TCu 380Ag experienced a decline of 0.2 g/dl compared with baseline values (P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

An intrauterine device, releasing approximately 20 micrograms/day of levonorgestrel (LNg 20), used by 1124 women, was studied in a randomized trial of five years duration in comparison with the Copper T, model TCu 380Agm in 1121 women. At five years, the gross cumulative pregnancy rate of 1.1 +/- 0.5 per 100 among users of the LNg 20 devices was not significantly different from the rate of 1.4 +/- 0.4 per 100 experienced by users of the Copper T 380Ag. The steroid-releasing IUD had significantly higher termination rates for expulsion and amenorrhea, a significantly lower termination rate for other menstrual problems and pain, and a lower continuation rate. The five-year continuation rate among women using the TCu 380Ag was 40.6 per 100 as compared with that of 33.0 per 100 among women randomized to the LNg 20 device (P less than .001). Terminations attributed to amenorrhea with the LNg device primarily account for differences in continuation. These two intrauterine devices are the most effective long-term, reversible IUDs yet reported in the literature. No other contraceptive methods have exhibited such low long-term pregnancy rates in randomized comparative trials.  相似文献   

A levonorgestrel-releasing IUD and the Copper T 380Ag IUD were in randomized comparison for seven years in five clinics. In two other clinics the randomized study was truncated at five years, but use of the Copper T continued. No pregnancies occurred to users of either device in years 6 and 7. Cumulative pregnancy rates were 1.1 per 100 at seven years for the steroid-releasing and 1.4 per 100 for the copper-releasing IUDs. Cumulative rates of PID did not differ between devices. Infection rates appeared to be lowest during the sixth and seventh years of the study. Termination attributable to amenorrhea was the principal contributor to differences in cumulative continuation rates between devices. At the five clinics that carried the comparative study to seven years, cumulative continuation rates were 24.9 per 100 for LNg20 IUD users and 29.4 per 100 for TCu 380Ag users. Women who used either method for periods of five to seven years experienced, on average, marked to mild increases in hemoglobin as compared with levels at admission. The Copper T380 family and the LNg20 IUDs represent the most effective reversible contraceptive methods yet studied in long-term randomized trials.  相似文献   

Following use of either the Levonorgestrel 20 mcg/day or the TCu 380 Ag IUD in a randomized comparative study, 110 women stopped contracepting to have planned pregnancies. Pregnancy rates and recovery of fertility have been assessed. Age at acceptance, duration of use, parity and intervals between last pregnancy and IUD insertion or removal were similar for both groups. Life table pregnancy rates at one year were higher than 90 per cent for both device groups; but because some women quickly changed their minds or had been at risk of pregnancy only a short time before the analysis date, only 60.9 percent had actually become pregnant. Median time to planned pregnancy was 3 months for the TCu 380 Ag group and 4 months for the Levonorgestrel 20 group. Neither duration of use nor age at insertion or age at termination affected the pregnancy rates significantly.  相似文献   

A randomized, comparative, multicenter clinical trial of TCu 380Ag and Multiload Cu 375 intrauterine devices (IUDs) was conducted. Safety and acceptability were evaluated through three years following insertion in 884 patients. The two IUDs were similar with respect to all event rates. Thirty-six month life table pregnancy rates were 0.6 per 100 TCu 380Ag users and 1.8 per 100 Multiload Cu 375 users. Continuation rates were 67.4 and 61.4 per 100 users of the respective devices at three years after insertion.  相似文献   

To facilitate manufacture and insertion of the Gyne T 380 IUD, design changes were instituted. Copper collars were seated flush at the ends of the horizontal crossbar of the device. A randomized study of the Gyne T 380 Slimline, the new design, was undertaken in comparison with the standard Gyne T 380. A total of 996 women were enrolled, with 698 Slimline insertions and 298 of the standard Gyne T. No statistically significant difference in ease of insertion or in performance was detected between the models. At one year, the pregnancy rate of each model was below 0.5 per 100 and the continuation rate was 79-80 per 100. Pelvic inflammatory disease or endometritis was found in one percent of subjects in the first year. This is the seventh multicenter randomized study of a collared T IUD with 380 mm2 of copper surface. In all seven, the one-year gross pregnancy rate has been 1.2 per 100 or lower.  相似文献   

The Cu-Safe 300 is one of the latest additions to the array of available IUDs. It was specifically designed to decrease unwanted side-effects (e.g bleeding, pain and expulsion) while providing simplicity of insertion, ease of removal and fair contraceptive protection. For comparison, the TCu380A was chosen. Both types were inserted at random in 600 recipients by a group of independent physicians with a long standing experience in intrauterine contraception. Life table analysis was used for comparison over a period of three years.The Cu-Safe 300 produced a slightly but not statistically significant higher pregnancy rate and more expulsions. Removals for bleeding and pain, however, were significantly less frequent. All inserting physicians agreed that insertion and removal of this new device was remarkably easy.
Resumen El Cu-Safe 300 es una de las adiciones más recientes a la variedad de dispositivos, intrauterinos disponibles. Fue diseñado específicamente para reducir efectos secundarios indeseables (por ejemplo, sangrado, dolor y expulsión), proporcionando al mismo tiempo colocación sencilla, retiro simple y buena protección anticonceptiva. A efectos de comparación se eligió el TCu380A. Los dos tipos fueron colocados al azar en 600 mujeres por un grupo de médicos independientes de larga experiencia en materia de anticonceptivos intrauterinos. Se utilizó el análisis de tablas de vida para efectuar comparaciones en un período de tres años.El Cu-Safe ocasionó una tasa ligeramente mayor, pero no estadísticamente significativa, de embarazos y más expulsiones. Sin embargo, los retiros ocasionados por sangrado y dolor fueron significativamente menos frequentes. Todos los médicos que realizaron las colocaciones convinicron en que la colocación y el retiro de este nuevo dispositivo eran notablemente sencillos.

Resumé Le Cu-Safe 300 est une des, dernières acquisitions dans la panoplie des DIU. Il a été dessiné spécialement afin de diminuer les effects secondaires (hémorragies, crampes et expulsion) tout en offrant une insertion et un retrait facile en plus d'une protection contraceptive efficace. A titre comparatif le TCu380A fut choisi. Les deux types de DIU ont été insérés de facon randomisée auprès de 600 femmes par un groupe de practiciens ayant une longue expérience en contraception intrautérine. Les deux groupes ont été suivis durant trois ans. Le Cu-Safe 300 produit un chiffre de grossesse plus élévé mais, statistiquement non significant en comparison avec le TCu380. Il est expulsé plus fréquemment mais donne lieu à moins de retraits pour hémorragies et crampes. Tous les practiciens concernés étaient d'accord que le nouveau DIU s'insère et se retire avec une aisance remarquable.

目的:评价GyneFix330与TCu220C、TCu380A宫内节育器(IUD)的有效性、副反应和续用情况。方法:电子和手工检索1990年1月~2009年11月中英文发表的相关文献,按循证医学方法对纳入文献进行分析评价。结果:纳入26篇正式发表的随机对照临床试验文献。与TCu220C IUD相比,GyneFix330IUD的12个月和24个月带器妊娠率和脱落率较低;6个月、12个月和24个月的经期延长、经量增多、腰腹痛和不规则出血发生率较低;12个月因症取出率较低,续用率则较高。GyneFix330和TCu380A IUD12个月、24个月、36个月和9年的带器妊娠率均低于2.50/100妇女。两组6个月、12个月、24个月和36个月的月经量增多、白带增多和不规则出血发生率互有优劣。与TCu380A IUD相比,Gyne-Fix330IUD12个月和24个月的因症取出率接近,续用率略高。结论:GyneFix330IUD临床应用效果优于TCu220C IUD,与TCu380A IUD相差不大,仍需长期大样本临床观察予以确证。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study evaluates the willingness of women presenting for emergency contraception (EC) to enroll in a study offering the copper intrauterine device (IUD) or oral levonorgestrel (LNG) and follows up the two groups for 6 months after EC administration to compare use of an effective method of contraception.Study DesignThis prospective observational study offered these two methods to women presenting for EC. The primary outcome was use of an effective method of contraception 6 months after presenting for EC.ResultsThirty-four women (60%) chose oral LNG and 23 (40%) chose the copper IUD. One month after presenting for EC, 21 (96%) of 22 in the IUD group were still using the IUD and all 22 were using an effective method of contraception (efficacy ≥92%). In the LNG group, 13 (52%) of 25 were using an effective method of contraception (p<.001). At 6 months, 9 (69%) of 13 IUD users and 11 (52%) of 21 oral LNG EC users were using an effective method (p=NS).ConclusionWomen presenting for EC were willing to enroll in a study offering the copper IUD or oral LNG.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study evaluates the willingness of women presenting for emergency contraception (EC) to enroll in a study offering the copper intrauterine device (IUD) or oral levonorgestrel (LNG) and follows up the two groups for 6 months after EC administration to compare use of an effective method of contraception.Study DesignThis prospective observational study offered these two methods to women presenting for EC. The primary outcome was use of an effective method of contraception 6 months after presenting for EC.ResultsThirty-four women (60%) chose oral LNG and 23 (40%) chose the copper IUD. One month after presenting for EC, 21 (96%) of 22 in the IUD group were still using the IUD and all 22 were using an effective method of contraception (efficacy ≥92%). In the LNG group, 13 (52%) of 25 were using an effective method of contraception (p<.001). At 6 months, 9 (69%) of 13 IUD users and 11 (52%) of 21 oral LNG EC users were using an effective method (p=NS).ConclusionWomen presenting for EC were willing to enroll in a study offering the copper IUD or oral LNG.  相似文献   

Few data on the long-term efficacy of intrauterine devies (IUD) are available, and this article reports on the final 12-year experience with the TCu220C and TCu380A devices from two randomized, multicenter trials conducted in 24 centers. A total of 3,277 and 1,396 women, respectively, were recruited for use of each device between 1981 and 1986 and followed at 3, 6, and 12 months after insertion and yearly thereafter. At the end of 12 years, a total of 17,098 women-years of experience had been accumulated for the TCu220C and 7,159 women-years for the TCu380A. The cumulative 12-year intrauterine pregnancy rates were 7.0 (standard error [SE] 0.6) per 100 women for the TCu220C and 1.9 (SE 0.5) for the TCu380A (p < 0.001). Pregnancy rates were highest in the first years after insertion; the TCu220C had a consistently higher annual pregnancy rate than did the TCu380A at all intervals since insertion. No pregnancies were reported with the TCu380A after 8 years of use. Total medical removals were approximately 6% in the first year and dropped to approximately 4% per year for each device for up to 12 years of use (cumulative 12 year rates were 37.3 [SE 1.3] and 40.2 [SE 2.1] per 100 women for the TCu220C and TCu380A devices, respectively). The overall continuation rate at all intervals since insertion was higher with the TCu220C device, mainly due to higher removal rates for nonmedical reasons with the TCu380A. The cumulative ectopic pregnancy rates were 0.7 and 0.4 for the TCu220C and TCu380A, respectively. Pregnancy rates were higher in the Chinese compared with the non-Chinese centers for both devices, though the greater efficacy of the TCu380A was apparent in both groups of centers. The total medical and nonmedical removal rates were lower in the Chinese compared with the non-Chinese centers, and did not show any substantial differences between the devices. We conclude that both devices are safe and effective for at least 12 years of use and the low pregnancy rate with the TCu380A is comparable with that reported in the United States among women who had undergone tubal sterilization. The very high efficacy of the TCu380A makes it the IUD of choice, and it can be considered as a potentially reversible, nonsurgical alternative to sterilization for women requiring very long-term pregnancy protection.  相似文献   



We investigated the 1-year pregnancy rates for emergency contraception (EC) users who selected the copper T380 intrauterine device (IUD) or oral levonorgestrel (LNG) for EC.

Study Design

This prospective study followed women for 1 year after choosing either the copper T380 IUD or oral LNG for EC. The study was powered to detect a 6% difference in pregnancy rates within the year after presenting for EC.


Of the 542 women who presented for EC, agreed to participate in the trial and met the inclusion criteria, 215 (40%) chose the copper IUD and 327 (60%) chose oral LNG. In the IUD group, 127 (59%) were nulligravid. IUD insertion failed in 42 women (19%). The 1-year follow-up rate was 443/542 (82%); 64% of IUD users contacted at 1 year still had their IUDs in place. The 1-year cumulative pregnancy rate in women choosing the IUD was 6.5% vs. 12.2% in those choosing oral LNG [hazard ratio (HR) 0.53, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.29–0.97, p=.041]. By type of EC method actually received, corresponding values were 5.2% for copper IUD users vs. 12.3% for oral LNG users (HR 0.42, 95% CI: 0.20–0.85, p=.017). A multivariable logistic regression model controlling for demographic variables demonstrates that women who chose the IUD for EC had fewer pregnancies in the following year than those who chose oral LNG (HR 0.50, 95% CI: 0.26–0.96, p=.037).


One year after presenting for EC, women choosing the copper IUD for EC were half as likely to have a pregnancy compared to those choosing oral LNG.


Compared to EC users who choose oral levonorgestrel, those who select the copper IUD have lower rates of pregnancy in the next year. Greater use of the copper IUD for EC may lower rates of unintended pregnancy in high-risk women.  相似文献   



Intrauterine contraception can provide adolescents with effective, long-term contraception as well as with other health benefits. In adult populations, intrauterine contraception rates highly in patient satisfaction and safety. It is rarely prescribed to adolescents because of limited data.

Study Design

Multicenter, randomized, controlled, participant-blinded pilot study of 14-18-year-old females assigned to the Copper T 380A intrauterine device or the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System. Participants were followed up for 6 months following insertion.


We enrolled 23 participants; 12 received the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System, and 11 received the Copper T 380A. At 6 months, the continuation rates were 75% for the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System users and 45% for the Copper T 380A users (p=.15). Two Copper T 380A users experienced partial expulsion. Heavy bleeding and pelvic pain were the most commonly reported side effects. Participants rated both methods favorably.


This study shows that at 6 months, though not statistically significant, adolescent continuation rates trended towards being greater with the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System compared to the Copper T 380A. These pilot data will be helpful in the design of a larger trial of intrauterine contraception use among adolescents.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo compare rates of unintended pregnancy, method continuation and reasons for removal among women using the 52-mg levonorgestrel (daily release 20 microg) levonorgestrel IUD (LNG-IUD) or the copper T 380 A (TCu380A) intrauterine device.Study designThis was an open-label 7-year randomized controlled trial in 20 centres, 11 of which in China. Data on 1884 women with interval insertion of the LNG-IUD and 1871 of the TCu380A were analysed using life tables with 30-day intervals and Cox proportional hazards models.ResultsThe cumulative 7-year pregnancy rate of the LNG-IUD was 0.5 (standard error 0.2) per 100, significantly lower than 2.5 (0.4) per 100 of the TCu380A, cumulative method discontinuation rates at 7 years were 70.6 (1.2) and 40.8 (1.3) per 100, respectively. Dominant reasons for discontinuing the LNG-IUD were amenorrhea (26.1 [1.3] per 100) and reduced bleeding (12.5 [1.1] per 100), particularly in Chinese women and, for the TCu380A, increased bleeding (9.9 [0.9] per 100), especially among non-Chinese women. Removal rates for pain were similar for the two intrauterine devices (IUDs). Cumulative rates of removal for symptoms compatible with hormonal side effects were 5.7 (0.7) and 0.4 (0.2) per 100 for the LNG-IUD and TCu380A, respectively, and cumulative losses to follow-up at 7 years were 26.0 (1.4) and 36.9 (1.3) per 100, respectively.ConclusionThe LNG-IUD and the TCu380A have very high contraceptive efficacy, with the LNG-IUD significantly higher than the TCu380A. Overall rates of IUD removals were higher among LNG-IUD users than TCu380A users. Removals for amenorrhea appeared culturally associated.ImplicationsThe 52-mg LNG-IUD and the TCu380A have very high contraceptive efficacy through 7 years. As an IUD, the unique side effects of the LNG-IUD are reduced bleeding, amenorrhea and symptoms compatible with hormonal contraceptives.  相似文献   

目的:了解第三代爱母宫内节育器(MYCu IUD)在月经间期放置的临床效果、副作用及对生活质量的影响。方法:对要求放置IUD避孕的育龄妇女,在月经间期随机放置MYCu IUD(MYCu组,368例)与TCu 380AIUD(TCu380A组,369例),放置后1、3、6、12个月随访观察,记录使用情况。结果:置器后12个月MYCu组与TCu 380A组随访率分别为99.45%、100.00%;置器12个月累积续用率分别为每百妇女年94.02、91.87(P0.05);带器妊娠率分别为每百妇女年0.56、0.00(P=0.1703);脱落率分别为每百妇女年0.57、1.95(P=0.0947);无因IUD下移而停用者;因症终止率分别为每百妇女年3.01、6.03(P=0.0849)。置器后1、3、6个月副作用发生率MYCu组明显低于TCu380A组(P0.05)。两组对象相关生活质量均得到改善。结论:放置MYCu IUD较TCu 380AIUD疼痛和出血的副作用少,续用率、避孕效果与TCu 380AIUD相当,是一种临床效果好、副作用发生率较低的新型IUD。  相似文献   



Clinical performance of the frameless copper IUD (GyneFix), designed to reduce side effects related to the frame of conventional IUDs, and TCu380A was compared.

Study Design

Randomized Multicenter randomized comparative trial. Parous women requesting and eligible to use IUD were admitted in 21 centers in eight countries in 1989-1993 and followed-up for up to 8 years.


Two thousand twenty-seven women were randomized to the frameless IUD and 2036 to TCu380A; 43 insertions of the frameless IUD failed and none for TCu380A. First-year expulsion rate of the frameless IUD was 5.3 (95% CI: 4.4-6.4) per 100 and 2.5 (95% CI: 1.9-3.3) for the TCu380A; second- through eighth-year expulsion rates were not different. First-year pregnancy rates for the frameless IUD and TCu380A were 1.3 (95% CI: 0.9-2.0) and 0.5 (95% CI: 0.3-0.9), respectively; second- through eighth-year cumulative pregnancy rates were 1.2 (95% CI: 0.7-1.9) and 2.5 (95% CI: 1.8-3.4), respectively. The 8-year cumulative rates of ectopic pregnancy and IUD removal for pain were lower for the frameless IUD than for TCu380A. Removals for other reasons were not different.


The frameless IUD had more insertion failures, expulsions and pregnancies in the first year than TCu380A, but fewer pregnancies from the second through the eighth year, and by 8 years had fewer ectopic pregnancies and removals for pain.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe study was conducted to evaluate bleeding profile and safety of continuous oral contraceptive (OC) containing levonorgestrel (LNG) 90 mcg/ethinyl estradiol (EE) 20 mcg.Study DesignHealthy women who participated at seven Canadian sites in 1-year open-label study of LNG 90 mcg/EE 20 mcg daily were eligible for this second-year extension study. Primary end points included bleeding profile and adverse events.ResultsSeventy-nine women enrolled without interrupting pill taking; 62 (78.5%) completed. Adverse events were comparable to cyclic OC regimens, except unscheduled vaginal bleeding. Amenorrhea and absence of bleeding increased to about 80% and 90%, respectively, by Pill Pack 18. Mean (median) number of bleeding days for the last two 90-day intervals was 1.1 (0) and 0.7 (0) days, respectively.ConclusionsContinuous LNG 90 mcg/EE 20 mcg had a safety profile similar to low-dose cyclic OCs. Short-term safety profile remained excellent, with increasing rates of amenorrhea and decreasing incidence of unscheduled bleeding and/or spotting.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis article presents an overview of four studies that evaluated a continuous oral contraceptive (OC) containing levonorgestrel (90 mcg) and ethinyl estradiol (20 mcg; LNG/EE) for managing premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).Study DesignThree randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials and one open-label, single-treatment substudy examined mean changes from baseline in the Daily Record of Severity of Problems (DRSP) or Penn Daily Symptom Rating (DSR).ResultsImprovements from baseline in mean DRSP and DSR scores were observed, but results were not consistent among the studies. Mean percent improvement of premenstrual symptoms ranged from 30% to 59% in controlled trials and 56% to 81% in an open-label substudy. A large placebo effect was also observed in the placebo-controlled studies. Continuous LNG/EE yielded a favorable safety profile.ConclusionsThese data, although not consistent, indicate that continuous LNG/EE may reduce the symptoms of PMDD and PMS, providing an option for women who are appropriate candidates for a continuous OC as a contraceptive, the approved indication for this medication.  相似文献   



The study was conducted to evaluate bleeding profile and safety of continuous oral contraceptive (OC) containing levonorgestrel (LNG) 90 mcg/ethinyl estradiol (EE) 20 mcg.

Study Design

Healthy women who participated at seven Canadian sites in 1-year open-label study of LNG 90 mcg/EE 20 mcg daily were eligible for this second-year extension study. Primary end points included bleeding profile and adverse events.


Seventy-nine women enrolled without interrupting pill taking; 62 (78.5%) completed. Adverse events were comparable to cyclic OC regimens, except unscheduled vaginal bleeding. Amenorrhea and absence of bleeding increased to about 80% and 90%, respectively, by Pill Pack 18. Mean (median) number of bleeding days for the last two 90-day intervals was 1.1 (0) and 0.7 (0) days, respectively.


Continuous LNG 90 mcg/EE 20 mcg had a safety profile similar to low-dose cyclic OCs. Short-term safety profile remained excellent, with increasing rates of amenorrhea and decreasing incidence of unscheduled bleeding and/or spotting.  相似文献   

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